HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-11-17, Page 4FORWOR"
tiles .eictot lows *MS ItOrielielit
*ea tire rosials- attVeled, i'Otti tow
hunting lainers, lh tbrIrdwtrsitt
Inmates avow ila trent snit !divan',
• ilut wailer:Snot esbansted the honer.
Witr even Jet, fer lian*Of the POP.
'at latteAs width dicts antranlent,
rreintard of, to bar rea4 ;only in
Movetnagonized COMIterratire, Of Oa Wide
invef root Jo t,ttsp pircuoil exy rettlie_r
It i MW wdl deistical Out the OrPhae. zes, brettiren. We Scow
idedledisselVet.he• :sitar tia la ho itishorrEd. 'sdrii, bring to,
t6t!Mitt'l °MIL tvarg
treheni0z1y hot, hew- ror wiUi til.o in the work.. Th .4eY,
St b owed. out, Circe tiro 4isit;re, .1 treat, la Hot fardistanotYroru libretto
tat ilieCiinitdo,n orpsuo- *ton nations will spoil aghast -at kear4 ,
- -When tbeY look lidek ,Wititg
• xtqltRipxxtre- 4.-Veryttireg lode on those rube iaeges often
illnwO kat cnantgoot nuJ iiithiciodshetl, wulistOcet the Mauler
cothoeuitut lit the Toorter veil -dont one weld forth 4lie hure rind .
• - •l • ' - light of Christionjty,..m43111, a fletorio JO Of dewier"
The,011ri4totetinge Were
Urge, het they worn rot interesting.
Feontiritte4 whet, thepreorer hod to
iste*Ituat OM 'growing time and, the
*IMO "faurstiOn, but tbhv
'entre 0140%0010 tv.40thee thine%
titliletellerf offered hy Str Wilfrid
-an1 Mr., .Tertit to the popular Move.
ffl fatehr oI theVertilleg corps to
Aftitet(.loreilet been forgotten, eveu
thentiktherestallinialiart been in part
OltereeMe.";,'AedtheneePlie of Ontario
eitotAitip. tittxto ut6*x0iossore of the Tna-
oOeraticinein thet provirer.
The#Oltealtoly welting for it chance
totwitilit the olaiihinem. after their own
fasellion.; '
• tittirea CONRanvaTive emu,
flic:Clertles Tupper has been holding
.0*.etiti,11frat in7tbe eastern townships.
and VftIltQIi1 Ontrarlo, includitig one in
the citytie addressed six meetings,
Wail. Within as many days. Mr Pore
W,tallitce, and Mr. fltgei'-
an *Ln
8001t11) 011110xt of those gather-
alige, Which were Loth large and en.
therriestut. Hon. Mr. McIntosh has re-
signed ,the peistrion •of sheriff to be.
,vgznc .theoppotetidn candidate in Sher-
i-4,99*e and opposition cenditates have
already been nominated in . several
Other tonstitnencies. Professot Wel-
dint kregain In the 'fleld Is tlfe
,Vetwervative candidate ut Albert.
Ian. Mr. Diekey, formerly ininieter Of
justice, ban accepted nomination in
Cumbeilond. The Conservatives of
(Zee** and Sunbury stre leviting
Porder in contest that, riding +Aetna
Mr, Blair. Ginatio tionatituelieleg.
suck as Linenin, -nowt reprerielited by
liberals, and namIngithelr candidates,'
and peeparntions for the tronertO elect.
kin are 'totting on so that if the. govern.
anent should teal to file"eatipIry In
uy the op *turd will not be n0 -
prepared. Sir. Charles' Tapper has
now gone on a western tone, and pro-
poses on. his a:deem tortectimpany
.illuder 00 .Ins. next .New Brunswick
campaign. .
A PAJTMPTdC spumotsr, ,.
Rev. ditilli Tnintinli PrenclieU on
thiS,Sbilth &friotteTroxible.
,The following sermon delivered fit
litigeepkes'ehtireb, Poderieb, an Sue
cloy morning,' Nov. Ot is, by the meter,
.at Mark Ttieeintl I, is 00111010d. hem
. .
e request ofmeny whoheard lb.
Tketler, was 4 larizil tortOregat iott. Ines,
itot,,a,nci the hem ty. nod fervent. inine.
..tterlii'lithicli'thei 8iingS%04il :Save the
Almiert,' AtLtibe .conitluition of the dor-
iron showed that both pristor and' pea-
' 07tVelvunited tit, thiiir.joYalty, to the
. , gvatikeldldetherlatici
Tinct.-ffit Jeer`, iv. X-"Froni tylionre eater
-'wew awl ethttess pleurae sea '
At VW 44 inetient 118 tlie.present,
• ether" witeturiBritith.'eutiject is fixing
Ins Options, not, to say fearful, ittten-
"" , '00-.1401`,o01titie. for British
empretinte Ttli gal) a:filen, it is lin-
aid -Wet it ltd)'. de with even Are
• lerbitaNt, Of petricalten should estaire
• lottIliPiltialfi in the common reeling,
0, earoa this l - I p
ie new teeem:to hav
POfilileii$thill.. kenMeg. fget
roviellV4 ga. it in it higher and
tptle4hlie ligt.
It is eminently it
Merakandreltgrous euliject. As units
iit1:300,..:-.Otteitt. Empire rat piesent ,en-
.. , ,holds'
o 0, „0. , v poiduct, • olio "'lint she
the equitable' and Jolt
Ingo, Taunter tit her sub -
t,4„ would :be utivrerthy iier.coni
,,tintiorthy.hetroottd, weie ere
nu)4,a. N4otistfiaopvith lir promerous
oe.ty 404 Peitrefiti era, tit the tionbled
history of mankind;
.And xe.t„ notwkowtooahot all tbiat.
hive been used, a natioitipoynweit'fo;,
Its existence and wet fere ,tca smogs ter
tvia,r in which ear* irliettlef satin ths
awful trial with intrinelide .terolotio».
aiid wisdom,
ul rectitude. -&n4 With -Unfeigned rt.:
gret, On 00 Otlifi'.0004itletilk
ever.; does WerneriMmt, with naPinnitt
tilgeity. No nation bets's.rightitien,
peal to arms inbab4lt Of IVIls..rVillt'•
3.1glatir, tare MOtatritetikelitleOlti-StffltelettC
to establiali arialrnalltelretelOt4tiellr
Tee great 1,40kieltiohootts4 orat,0 t
tnino of it tonntrit Ineditikting war
is reetittade, .10 that tiolemari,riment.
when it dee:litres way,
ear ;relit litithe.Vairo. lit'glitri tor 4,T
nothig nant itc" peon*, Ingot, _oho
tieseen,d40.1 .LresPetteibilltYl.„14104 'It
should neseeen the 004_ ann'sather
us nil that. the iMpallingorlice of die,
strafing lonuan tieing); tlattY,
ide. he /Pitted.Atalfit/ 40.4 due ie -
gad to these' thingei At 4 *sr being
forced, upon it, It meet Brent eernittend
lIsell itt the 1004. Of lAttleiti 4041 ream
Imatetyt„ go -forth in the eircirrth of fdle
And here, ettrifi" ine tit direct your
ttttelitiOtt 'xor OWAY101001t8 10 the'
.1)0t4g. waged to South
Afre loorie,enreie, with unbiased
iiilnd.noil cairn judgment weignleg
therondect of Of eat'firttalo, esu for a
tnetrient charge nee witla not haying
used. end Vignrenely used, ' every
rigitteelle OlVti•Ohi ,l11. her power to bring
Ithent an onnOtable and amicable
tlettleenefrObetWeen the Transvaatand
It is littediy too touch to BAY
that •thratigh her bring and patient ep-
defence okaltrieirate Wrong (even to the
invasion or her' Aerie tory) In the Inter-
ests of peace, ehe Das been "rebuked Of
het-heighbote, and held in derision by
the tratilen.1 round about her." It has
been .alleged that 13iitaI,. hat sought
to eet're, Or , creak a people, of inferior
progress to-ttectielf. iv 0 repel the
Sue is neither the spirit
aloe ttie chnieeter of our nation. If
,theta Anyone word which a Briton may
justly ituany to Int country, the'word
ikOttirrlde. Lilt use ask in what coun-
try do we see this 80 early and so con-
tattnt.ly mett1e:044d f Prom the smallest
bey One public schools to the stern
getmret on the, battle field, tt i thts
which pinhaps MOTO than
aurethee thatueterlsea the eonduct of
one countrIttoen,
• We remarked just now that there
ore,conditions which may render war
justifiable and necessary. Now, few,
I think, who have enrefully studied the
causes which have led to it in the pros,
mit lostrance, will be prepared to assert •
that Britain lute sought war from any
but woetity niotives. or that she has
been hese enough to engage in it loan,
sordid or selfish emirs. Against *lob it
view her leading statesmen -nay, the •
varit bulk of the British people -strong-
ly • Moline. Were the preseut wae •
merely the ex pt ession of one pOlitical
party, or even of is powettul minOrltv
of the people. then, indeed, night the
comae now being purtmed With re-
spect to the Transvaal, be fairly clues.
'tinned. But when the forentott men
of • all parties --when tbe hate Prime
Minister, speaking, we may well be-
lieve, for his party, declares lila belief
in the justice of • the pretient war -we
are confirmed in- eur opinion' of tiro
rectitude and justice of Brit.iin'e con-
duct, and that 14 was the ultimate and
nnly possible method of repelling itaw.
lost ttnibitiort and of defending in-
vaded territory, liberty and essential
rights. In such 11 ease we most not,.
we rhtre not, intleed,,shrink irate • wilt.
thougheven in it we are under the
painful neeessity of 'shedding much
'tumuli blood.
We alionid not forget that there is
stern. as well as- mild Aide, tO Chris.
lability. The i.eligion ot Chtist does
not tonsiet tuvrely In the erepression
of soft sentiments, itrequires that we
shmtld lie -.ready,evenno much cost;
no much pion to ouraelves and to
others, to uphold those prffituplert, the
carryill ft:1010f which,' re uently 'pro.
uuverAeIolthluex.. .diren in telt pretteixt sti ttg, bisI stife
ferino, vs Shall •douhtless heseen
after, In eomplete hitrinonV"Witli the
phut.* IP ;Mph% War
*18 Ntatinetetlis -the Motherland elates,'
ILIIiI deservesour proyete, oue,eiretfol.
anialees, the -Sacrifice - of means mid
even ist" ilk itself, tee It represents' the
very Ira inetplea'we have beeri Coheider.
frig. At represents to us one prineiple
firocast, width can never he trio dearly
to veranhenu istif(,•the Meat dreadful' ,Orinelple wirtiell.tve *Mild be
'vrar,..,i'tindetilyina,,etremnstanete, is seer-. bought, or steenuoutile niointelegak.-ar
44 r !,„..t.salgoonly yalue oil • en tiettee the ,trairil-teoddett
*zoo „oil; yet,. It „Wm )100 the •801%. MAI 0 Nett WoUld becorne los
Wooer* 00.4lf.:',ISY.eryt,itenerotion Intolerable burden. That principle is
to tbntwhirh'41**.eittliko•i4410:fulte :.#rot,!mited in the pregnant, sentence,
hari - had Ita conflrets. a4int tyy 'Till), and Relitiflotte
reentry UM lis istriaidteCittliegeittint Iliglits for All I° 'Thiti sentence -Wt. -61d
d°0ot 044.06,.„,0 ,,*04(1.11M!firt`ii, ftr have no -place tever in
Worfuliki '4iittre • lottatkr desire 1 rlittion sit t
t, legla
ation. At.the very,
tit!.-.4OPtirg.t't!luno 1410'brtt!lititt: It. ..',.1Aerattee7 -#::thilthalooart eZvo
660* 41k"Rg °ItVkif 4540 '0V. W h 41Alle negro;
lilond .ee,eong, rot-nd.'W.Oettillet 0A11""I'''' they sullsolY`.-4,' fehin Olt
hOt•tagni 'hinuted unti tat Wafee, colt 01,4 , no, i•jori„.0,0i.er lanvegoyeeri
1"l'iiiiinn)*64t1°°41'4,1A-01.141-16•,fri L. attionolocivatiiiit4e,"Irtunilo
1.)e,Sitt .,11001. tt. 0,1)644-, h 'f
15 yemt(ti the - have been riilnhig
tioniorft. Repair, 1r)1080)81,0010t:
*5. nIotilelIr',(N'4%.'ili,444t4tied'OtWttt il'PfPtC‘* ..,101nrit714047-4170
1143/4.0,,itte( lieitlitt '76( `AI°4•1'1061'"If' ' St" *if?'*6' AVIttabla Hitt:00a r
• *too-A*1i -61ood vtoi.itfattp.„116t* 41t• Ott Itti. tat t1,0
11*,' .1 &if re d.
skiost.oeere,„sestigeof , 0,h,tithao Whit* the Piefeetien, root ,g 4 ,
..iotaitos.,iit.streyear",Vondleit;lie .Seeree tleejet„,.,011-1, len. itt:1,12i§iy,z4TioZ
tho okketlaeldS beater .10 h"," .alliinl',0Zirratgltfagkiii;r4d4hPATIV
d,::nriteltett'intOtiulligt41'1664`°* iStNg4 lat'eltited ta4tettOtti4
".41144'471Ottilititlalt,r ttU4%- reit* lc?rtliter '.ienki 10 l'enao 1.0 *$ IAN
.teusb citify tempor..
,tretieree justswintitseo
(bitRaithill'ariiiy..4iiiituriillY 'astonishes
!b0s041004Ve are
in tinht,tatt ititimattromionh
„..the.beavyitiek of life, and the
dtt#p pins ,itichAatet severe loss
'on.'inttnIt 1111
is what we chtim for ours,, Not a last yees Jac
$ from
That le *kr: essin11etiii4 -,
lat tete 00,00•00,0eritrecnneref,,
Metit, , '
To .1reterlIP/4 the *Weida IS
the b(aa-
tive inne. eatifilve. fairetioel ht"
kaltitti 'Pre* itt ett WO** 10 55178 alit 110
:fttisfstlety ea Dr. Nuevo 0014;* Medwel
Ditretwerft. jtstrisitrkketie the inOweek.,
atencites the wee! amnia* the siervciA,
i1rit4 'meth*** thit aactk,iu- st sem whet
palm of thelattlY.
4gObOtsctitronlyscrom6iirlismaiwOr nOrmi
,ltk ape** *opt w•fte_ stetariesweien was
cupeulaaver, 714.61g;10800,11080.1010.1001.
C0q...?".4 Pk* PM. Alt 118,10 V0W, Pere Were
eein *,901.Alreterbreeit 1$4.eoegant vt a
ratat, elvliestriatsx toutsevpletetiknifelanas4
lie awe s* I !titterer* et 4 an -4_0W -
*ea* **Os* omelet ill but gat* berlitA
xuesiroc eueterr phee'sod et odd aa
xitrewogetoferw-ad nniMt
1100. ER 0,8 MC 13188 'Alma Xacetene
Juster eut patyfOrll0101t t ue, Tao too** 10
ogee **me widely .4v1fortfse4 patent 'rattle
gilTel Illtilrtill Ttrecrirlird40132 rr'rtfels
PA two, ,sisefrzig seism tresicam rilayr.
, 0 write puma. sea tile-"rhisset
PelletV Oudjin t *mow oute ;was feeling
setter than I had Onions berete.__It Mu 4110b,.
fully sAly Pr. ligreVa mt4kittee GM 104 Mere
;mu toatisuy I 1iadM40,404402! -
De tierces overturn Stew medical 40104
wtitisttes, illustrated, is sent free far st 000 -
cent stsmpstout of cutlet* earl realliel.. WA
.1:rt edition. er_stottrimpt far editioe pew*
Ar. R. v. mice. sugolo.41. Y. '
as the imperfection of our nature and
state win admit.
Such, 1 submit, iethe present ains of
Great Britain, end it is our duty to
co-operate with her. Surely, brethren,
thie is a ' OWN nay a crisis, when we.
should AU. eh it -e to bring nlearlY and
strongly to our meads, our duty to the
Motherland. The chtims of country
have been felt and obeyed even in the
rudest ages of enciety. The Mettler,
rand has elating, She ha Commended
to our affection and service by the very
Ile that connects Canada with her. We;
eaCtIOt forget that owing to her protec-
tion inn commerce traverses the broad
ocean In safety; that she stands in
precisely the same relation, to our
fair Dominion that the pelleeman
who guards our private interests
ready at anv moment to protect Owlet.
vesicle of 010 100101 right:. Recogniz.
lug this, is Canadian contin-
gent has promptly formed itself. and
with a patrfotisr0 free: I am sure, fr001
every Mitten e of injustice towards the
foe, to at thle .monient on ocean's
wave, spending to the support of the
Britlatt cause, resolved to partake
Whatever sufferings may he befoie 11,
prepared to die ni defence of Britain'a
rights and Britain's queen, thus com-
bining with other portions of the Em.
pire to present to the World at large an
°Wort lesson snob its it has never be-
fore witnessed. all inspired. with the
one (teeth:neat. "Nemo Inc Inman° le -
*malt," thereby proclaiming to an
t4tonished world that in no mere senti
mental sense Are we 11 great and United
mow. All Winona* to them, all
hour* to our Canadian contingent 1
.God fothid, that like the Greeks and
the flontans Of old, we should carry
fire Lind Slaughter into other countries,
merely for tbe sake Of building up a
felon and fleeting glory at home. But
whilst ;baking warning by their suc.
ceases, lei Ws catch a portion of their
fervour and devotion, and learn to live,
not, for ourselves merely, but for that
enuntry whose houimr turd tnterest
God hasentrusted to all who lvie
hex banner, As one has said, sured
of the jteitice and righteousness 'f orir
cause, at the sone tune let it. not be
torgotten thot unite. in Individual and
national attune there Is one smote of
strength. One who rnaketh the storms
to'cease o that the waves thereof are
are still." Thus -faithful to ourself**,
to oar country ond to our 'God, and
using army aightecius meanai for re-
storing 001W0 andlestablishing freedoni,
we mity .contidently leave the testae to
the wise, and holy providence of Aim
who cannot err, evbe, we are •as-
sured, will Moot and rewardevery
constitutions effort for Rio own.glory
and the good of Mithkind. 11 Xfod, nay,
brethren, he for tw, it matters not Iran
the nation's Of Smolt° be againat
mero politer ought- not _hi intlinidate
can oveithmw lent it mciruent.
Let mar pm,yer he. for Me Preeetne
tied support -that thte dat* apd
nionacieg day Me will'. renteed..
h " the merev alwwn • to it
!others that He will crown.
With -success our Patton'sefforte,
In defenect or,our„, rather let us say Eis
poisesqlonst4hat Ile will breathe en
n a theft- shield lit,attle--:'
[Inabanistbetitege into one soldiers
AO -elietrid'they fall thotielinds.
that for Christe mike me Will Conch,
safe to grant them eternal ,fseae.0 In
that land wherostrife 19 unkneren Mid
Where *,`Ond,tiltrill tiripti SWAY alltiailba
from thete ol$0.-.004 there shall hobo
Mere lierttlt".1reitiree ecittont., nor try -
!ng, neither shall there be any. mo(e.
Paito,1 Volt:
.Dreaded Disease ,111
ila!no•'$ Celery cimipoup(1
Eaves Premp' t Relief and
COrei3 Permanently.
_Vitae in "
iter,ott iota hel. Vast
jority 01 cases otok, *so
*444 tittlk kat
eaffererato the grater
11 can boatel:trend fetter
$.#4,04.tootio otooptitoor bo out 01
• erney.,htiedred When tieleet
Vinl4.4tatild-bh,Ottenlidiett .th4tilientIe
andet • •
01 so nsny et diseases.
itritertir theta it
Slat 11 tem
sou1 and (he ti • •
4. elegant 4triscrIttive "foie, be
Quito xAttimit iron /fork, egg
**404 -nit* Plain* an tit Ositegt Witiout gam •
X,0011eAt bier* paint for hugest, -
it '14 Or 15 -tor $1•00.. ariaist
Mpiete with tha nowest st), les in
just to 1004 whch will be sold at
C0/601.11e* Olgn
xtra bargains in Black Dress Good
xtra bargainsin Colored Dress Goods ,
xtra bargains in Ladies' Underwear
xtra bargains" in Ladles' „Jacket
xtra bargains inChildren's Coats'
LINE OF ... . . ,...,...,
• D00iargOord. 4
Meld otter•forin hainweek.)
LOCAL thyre.-41r. 'Skinner,: Or. th
Johnston Bliclricw1 Co., ,Tomitto. and
Cook, of Reused, were in thetrilloge
estimating the cost Of 'erectinft' en
electrical plant, here. Vile- are very
Much. In need of such thette dark, And
rainy nights.. -Rev. 1. tittief Urepthe,
spoke in the interest.. of the Mier
Caneditflibler Society ha the .3:trent/el.,
teal church on Tuesday evening. Idle
audience was rather enroll OWIttgr.
the had state of the roade...brr.j1 elIx
Wild intends opetuog11 cOnfeetiOnitey'
along with his hakerY. Thle iabet
what is wanted - oppealtion:
Jacob Widon has pulehmied the pro'
perty owned hy Mr. F. Denn,hiteing
decided to leave his farm: and Wove'to
town. -Mr. Fred Shittier hes-return
ed after visiting it few days in !offal°.
-Get your Wheel overlitudedepd Ste
/mailed hy the new moehleizIng pro-
cess at the Cycle coon*, before'nelet
senson.-Mr. and Miss Oeurk4 Of South
River, have returnerthithie after 'visit-
ing friendsln ond around town. -The
Y. P. A. held theirregirlar meeting
'last Thursday. Sublet*, "Why 1 love
Jesus.' by Albert Shettler.-Mr.
Henry Wilbert shipped * caw load Of
hogs last week. -it has been decided to
hold the annuli, Christmas festiral..ht
conoeetion with the Evangelical
Sunday School here. We hope each
individual will do all they can to
Mate it interesting and succettatul.--
Hallowe'en passed over very quietly in
the village. -Rev. Sauer netteched
Missionary sermons both reerrung and
evening on Sundae 00 VW *IS taill"
ed tor missionary ;nurses by collec-
You are the interested one. and it is
for you to say, where you wilthave
your physieian's prescriptions Oiled.
Won:taken special claim for thethael-
nese which must ..,1volirot•
death of the lady's grand father. Mr.
R. Kerr.
All OLP' Swerhirlt Gritore-On
day evening, Nov. dth. Beery freer.
our well known resident.' crossed the
river of death, after a abort illnessin
tifith veer. The deceased genus -
men wai born In the county ofeu",,
Ireland, and when * Wring m he
and his now deceased wife:end owl, tiOre
endgratett tO New' York, U2 S., .and
after two yeere inev,en. ;to the eininty
Of Carlton and settled In thotrawnshili
of Mohlbormigh, Caned*. He lived
there for Some iterate; when he moved
to the Co. of Oxford. and after living
there for some years, no with hie Wilt
of Iwo sons moved tn,the county ot.
Huron And settled in the township of
Wawanosh. where he atilt fitted
till death claimed hlm In religion be
was a constant nieenber of the Englikh
Church, always found there when able
to attend.. He was also it_true Orange.
man, having Joined the °emme order
in Ireland when .% young Man! and re.
attained true to his allele till his deittb.•
In pelitics he was a statriabh Conserva-
tive. He- eaves behind' him his one
son. Samuel, witn whom he Jived' till
death. and 'his step son Mr. John
Slack. The funeral took 'place from
his late residence on 'Wednesday after-
noon to Dungannon cemetery, attend-
ed by nearly one hundred vehicles.
The Pa.,11het._ wera were George Atair.
Wm. memniglit. Geo. Currey. rt.
Dodd, S. Morland and D. Mcihvain.
Dom. -Mrs, J. 0. Abell, of Seaforth,
attended the funeral of Miss Powell on
last..--Mr. Will •Folland, of
New York, is visiting his sister, Mrs, .
Monroe, town. --Mies *Aflame is vire.
Ding in Centraba.-geitO Olunbelot
the farmers in the vicinity are placing
furnaces • lit their dwellings.-.-Eranh
Taylor visited Hensall,friends Sunday.
Orortflitir.;-It. is our Sad. duty to
chronicle the death of Etta: Florence
Motion. Correct and scientific dis. May, only daughter ef Mr. und Mra.
our tra e. -
rienShl% is the ock on which ‘16 bmld AlPrnutillt-uvrvelitierTeneintiweturi7.1077417.
In need of popular CanTilailecsdk W.tralige',Witithh,%."11,0
triee us a call when you arey of last
therla, and was on a fair 'way riteov.
• • Whet ;Preparations. cry when paralysis set An, and brought
11 Foote alivoye sahib:M.00p. •
yowate. Week, tiered*, rheumatic h,._et rtuni4life. t.4°18.a.a917iratiai-Slr'titoi,"iao.
.noniuk Like thottsande of *the vre "4" .1r°'tft/Inllitt none,
oratligefifiC., tree Paineerielery Cont. r
straards,,*aaammatai it as the tat friends wdl deeplf ,mourn her demise,.
The pimento and 'brothers bf aeceaked
JssEa lAtItiscH Drtiggist. have the heoympotov or too
. Godeneht,Ont emnetniter, cOnitoonity in thelr 'bereave.
Btrit.hrget.-The weekinertintronetert
, gumtree Weirdo for ?Ai W.ek.) titY.rem0001171:g1t1:::lortvit400 ;101at4the ef:tat:
sone prodece' bitildienor-potsr Bawd".
ditioreotanew whodstiem.,4, Ear.
ten, -has just nethie etaeleou
his property' on t3arlitigtreati -ostoel
Rosa t tut* resideteeen Andrew street
Is completed aol 1, ft lIne etiucture.1 4.
butlders and Mtn tol*Itkvel name*
additiOate tbelr planlng. Mitikae *1-00'
"have Itotyporosocoo,4)4,1140iiiiiarig,
pettildittonnt a heaittlint lreritlifuto-
poatifilog at.l‘feitilityweiMittinaVaillet01 •
loPAlteduitt. tottawitio.ottilfikir,.46VoilixiDoettyttleirdin,
g the
C.Viitet4iiincleei'Lltit' 040604 rOOT
ttint ittrilItritini,`46nitneeditV
peopl&e .nvhtlea of this Aitt'!:e,
s 154(1
in ibe iltel1bYkStittri,• Chum witere
Wolf .iiiiitok.103(31,..0004,„*.Miml
the kit week
the,'"reddlog bells agam been
ringiniri this time the news is that one
of .nitt bachelors. 10e, Itteuetra
Vhlnney, toldintelfa life partner)
in tneperson of Miss Eliza Watson. of
lifinnhaps, formerre of our neigh r.
hoodi, tWe congratulate lide, and,
v9inhirsir theui mob hap.
pineatt 10, thelionew sphere of life, And,
may alt their troublee be little musk
We advlati, abet* :of our bachelor
telende to fellow Spite.
Dore...Quite anumber ot our yet*
uremia Went over tUther libelee? r.
Harett lidtarritir PeiPlYe 04111 'f/ti
11 wefeo: flight and .0Ort
fled gilaJd John
who low lokot in lite titre -ttnr, bttill Mole
in thie'heightuntoodlet 'Aftrtik has
justlinishedthiafeasonViebrit Anttiti
1001 of 10, lad.kolikq on TotiO4,iisbt
(hiK Week. Thqitgla neje Welt up, in
yea* he ran 'take** Mats vinh most
:40* $440K. tbt'othertAt
1chlIn *leo thtoihod2or.yoomin. llevo!,
;thilottiutp. ,fltmtityt- o? 45
*, • •
14,10takstit-lttlt goopttititt :to
:drndell4aterialaCin Nevtr
Proatioe Perfect Work. ,
'Titir chains made -by the rieetifite-
tneere . Of crudely worsted :tate4age
dyes anddyea 8.004POsea oieortnrese
mhted, with it small attortrritote.0 erinfl
matter that these 'dyes will Miler cot-
ton and wool goode with the ,samedye.
Seen* claim is tairie arid derentlee.
...:Animatarid Vegetable dines, ouch aa
*Ool,..aint. cotton, meet -eaelt havea
special coloring agent. Iti,..Order to
Meet this drilictiltV
Ot Diane:Ma:Oyes hairti."..tirelAred
dell -dyes for or:,woOl".goo#8,0,04 ellteeitu
dyes for all eettirii:and.enttrinittin Wool
or • mitred unitteemis. :Aar:It of these
Dianiond Dyeti gives hitnilionne and ar-
tistic. colors .imitable flpthe various
seasons: - • •
Diamond Dyes are tJio oflty dyes in
the world that (ully men demands
of home dyeing They :Voter all kinds
.ot rrosteriais and give culerSend shades
equal to those produredliv Enropeon
professional elvers, and to the majority
of cases theDlitmeind Dyes are faster
and more lasting. Chemical experts
who .have made repeated tests are rif
opinion that one .pti,ekagri. of Diamond
Dyes will equal InetrIoring power three
f any othui• Mike •
Avoid imitation package dyes and
seen grease •rnisturest they ruin good
materials and are. dangerous to handle,
The Whitely farm,'MI the'Apra%
read„. Tuekersmith, between Ott
andulintrup was sold by pantie auction
to tte. VOreter, of Helmer/011e, for
$4,100. I The 'farm. contains 100 itireley
and hae on it astride house andIlin
otithuilitiogs. • 6' ' ,
The nu of, Ebberr UsOartney,on;
the. Mil) Road, east or Bruceileld,',Ree
been rented to 'John Oink., for three
veer*at an annual rental of $225.',
Ihnivn.: who' hes oceistiled.: the firer fOr
itoute thee. reitictreiatO Ilialibert. Where
he bakplipthased,* Win.
Agitation Mita.-iriarlii Of bittatatr.
Diable Medicine .houtheettito very:10mA
tol'orngesige, *tut row-
41011001th* iter;Ophilint,and
tnn. .taitti. heel.' been
'retreat "tin, the "AllitSgriteMetite
*bleb • the standard theille...bediet
bave beehelrevatted. 'Ow Moitt ol
tit. Smote nreneretione-4nrainaiis te,
littlatrittlios ne,'Wttlett' tent* ataistdir
the '...tour lit*Arif tonort:toAttne..
rat end. .144E0nr''!'Ninitilati
en Obtainable
In its goon os strenEt, infral.
'lone tato I
itig'.etlituntat.',-tO ienititt
111117 of thti--1704.04 *hie.
'Od,ftiCireprofrentettt- tom:Ibe
alfOlik •
ono 01 thil440.0lik thOteughlyiyfocosisit
Alnktidtel deer ;Offteread.,rto,1001,...,Pabilitc,
fri fa. One Of ,thit,steto..,..;06100. and
the MIIIHOSA:‘.0.00014',101VICIfeti*'
irelette IfiartbrOltr.&:.41data;:dt,TOren,
OlIkAISII4144,10a ,Of
thrilr',.tittrat _ _.'whICtItitegreat
+sire 'ate, to'i,lts',IIIP,010604')104
Vander& eltdelliMitei• ..00:th*-artfario-,•
which' ther,Offlit "taitiat',*b111004.
:Attittooigtootoot ttoto,o-ttitt
Emigli.ot.:45440144.,, e
aT. Be*inett ritt:fri.ecidia4... cm* 'Will iltriii**0
:tqvt# ‘.
.• •
:uflto ilie iit prouiotVo,i. a hiltiNt4'
itnatleinS..S. No 1,West Wawanoshs 115
Proltualit, th-38K, trigtir opeolal
talit,ittt*40616, tierretni -to . ' Otitiigehien ol• :that *
ttnes Togy10,1 neittliherhiattatterithirettintwaa
Ad4101Heitti.* 1010.4 IJertl.Kfrk5- higil lathe Netkodiat Ohne* Pia 'Stint)
Daisy llyan. Oladyeti.cntiotak ft day morning. -On &Marty eitettingthe
Ryan. Ada • Aivbolli promoted 10441VOitttatitt* br 1. 0. 1'4 .068:04 tietitiott
tst.alitOtk Oetirgn Ittettilniettirea mattlied to the Mithecilat
Moetey Eiait • j'asitdd..,'Euttti en nimemorittlett ' erto.: .
Pearl liAtchitt4 00.0 Rontoat vow,:
woAvottitittt'ti.totio• 001%0 00410054.attit.
-111th* Ettrytoi 'Oft
. 044 ,MC)11Witio.Lolo°--------------t
Otto the' •reitiket lottigeft..of
elefeete, IMO 4111110,:' ablietkrittion ,
ont.ealittiflaaidltida; ottl
tiitheie.--Teaehere, T.
Id *1 Mr Geo
for the at, 00,
ut No -Our blg* intyreit*
too. Mu* or
how, vie*
or (Muth
urntd5 tis (his Ater. Me in
sli and tame 110 Reessit
By plow* their orders for Sugar, Spices, Preset ving and Pickling
Jan and all kind e of Fruit with us. We understand your wants, and
can fill any sized order at once.
Le U Give You a Sample Tea.
yoo are particular in your choiee of this beverage.
Batter and Eggs --always good and fresh.
Iffotal Belford Block.
,That Touches the Spot •
The Square, Goaerloh
Weak & Impure Blood
Liver & Kidney Diseases
Female Complaints, ,
Asit.Pruggret, or write direct to S. X MarLEOD, Goderich. Ont.
fliefttMlffMialf441 _
Itetddrece oted tohrxiiatery-Newirate street, the Old sort, la roar or /rues Chinch"
000, tam otoornoteeniee oassissomoisooesseekoosel000tittoirie
' Convasai.nfettiag. IMO; Crayons; Pastels,
.PaPer;Aoadoiny boards, hotore Varnishes,
• ••••••- " '
Oils, Mat Boards, Mounting Boards
Palettes, Palette Knives, Color Bolo • .-
China Slabs, Slants aoldbirs, tigiistoi# •
rotoloin and Moves Panels, Oil Sketching Paper,
Trick% "Intl Transfer Papers, Art Studies, ; -
Art Bank Doke, Pratnee. 'Mouldings,
' Mirror Plates, Gold Leaf, Silver, and
Metal Leaf, Bronzes, tdi odors,
Gold Frames "'Re -gilded equal to new
Mats made: to order, any size or shape.
wentytotir years exporiefice in United States
Canada-swimiap•i, •
t!venitttliteift‘roet; toitthe ToWtt,
*t tiniss; $str, so installed', even by
oitilett first clot' heating Men, OS to mitt. it
,tooliblo. to get the hest results.
• WannAir
enerator, (paved
propsr)y and iotitiiigdotty :ottitiad.
toltl*kbotto moot.
EtegtotENt tdONOMIOALOW/A61.1
of Witt :i0143O-egitaif No* J000trIt 1s4 to
the. *Moo ANittio$:$ 1806. l8,000. *arta
tidet,10141, too.- AB preatfaxi
toelint‘,1Zsei.tgat. It for yoit,reelf .before soo
4tOrptiatistorpltorlook, to
5f5 511 DtitkId sot g-thrtethotooguiri
'hiat tett Oaks bottor Moot 6
• • .