HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-11-10, Page 6- - _"
IlbAnweelt "Aqua* ewe; Wereeire Urns Will " Tao Farago et it latersae
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CHAPTER. XIV. "She ia a true Oarlawood," ho said,
If'elits enjoyment ot wealth. luxury, more Mau once. "She is beautiful
*Very earthly delight and camfort. and pure aa were all the womma uf
004 -glee bappiricsa, brume Waldron our race."
09eht Kt have been perfectly happy, So the yeare paseod away! to Isaaay
Atter the melding of her letter the Waldron. ono of the meet admired and
Wafted tor some time tor a reply Paul celebrated tyomen of her day.
, lights. She ha been hke a than in -
woad be sore to wiato; there would ; toxicated with wine. Now the intoxi-
be) Perlin" a paesionate appeal to her ' CHAPTER 2iV
to return -a passionate ory for love There was one season fn Louden eatLon wtis subsiding -her weber senses
and pity. She must aniswer that as when people were all talking vf a were beginning to retura; and witb
well as she could; the die was cast now ••new mere" who imd made late entry tbern came a yearning, longing desire
-DO prayer, no appeal would be of mile Lino public lite. Ho WaS a Mratiale tor her husband -for the love and
use. She could nut alter tier decieion„ of Ravonsetale, tete) had been recently kindness of other days. She had been
But tor the expected letter elle retureed as M P tor Taverton. At like one In a delirium -now the de-
vvatobed and waited in vain. She firet Tories, and them Liberate had Urinal Wall wearing off, and the real -
would have liked to bear from ber bute tried to ignore Wei, but he was becom- ity frightened her. She bed been so
band. She had left Um deliberately- ing a power uniting the people. He dazed, ito bewildered, with the pros -
atm had preferred Lumley and grendeer could be ignored uo longer. Lie teed etiet -held Out to her that she had
to his love and 'Ole pretty bumble made scano of the meet brilliant never °weight ot tun wrenif•
home he had gieen her; still oho long- 'apeeches ever delivered lu the f101.136 r 'Pe:04p) ' years had eteadied her,
ed to kaow what he thought of ber of Commend. 'Lad given to bee better sense, clearer
conduct - what he suffered -1 he was "lf Le would but become one of us," judgment, better thoughts, nobler
very unhappy. Unknown to herself, said tne great Tory leader, with a ti deas. One thing was quite certain
she was longing still for hie love -for agh . -all that aim had overlooked when she
wake of the kind words that bad been slf we c,ould but get him over on made her fatal eholce c;ame clearly be-
es needful to her as the air she breath- aur aide " said the Liberal etilef. {fete ber now -the wrong she had done
ed. Fiero all was magnificence and „But 8.1%. Dale had taken a line of to her husband, the enormity of the
d 1 it Ile sin abe had comenitted.
"I wee se sorely tempted," she cried
to herself -"I forgot all the wrong."
See tried heed to drown all these
*teethe bar with gentle worths. and treatment o e po • thoitetlitie She went out more than
comfort until the vale had ceased. judiced and bigoted, but his wonder-, evertried to forget.. to drown her
Site missed him more than words can ful eloquence, he passionate word», sorrow In gayeties. It was not pos-
ala:d4 tab'elwaY(rreeirir trWeligt*tirerretaft10014; OFFIBEES AT LADYSMITH
tboy were tee ;gaged, he Was so itouitle
Ite Sett ;IOW. Re her eye* Wiggler -0e ceue
%cede airni I vy aoinve troerbea giarecr leturoow414...04443 look. oeonte OF TEE BEST FIGHTERS IN
THE 4111-T1Sli
1 So SlowlS, Vitt &wady. retrentitetee bee
gen ite WOlk. She bad beett le eager leteick. or tiro lorieua eiaticer* eleurge
(0 A' riciltS, SP eager to litleew ter great or nea pewee sew eseeeeet ea gee
beauty se eager fer itterairetien-esire !keeNg Renee... esedosen raseners vir
bed Magee with etch inteneity Of eeeepiney omens. Lexie 40
Newhall fee the plearierteli Of life, for ea 1e Free,.
its ` gayetierteethe had" beeia
eagar as a child; sad now all thet oho alajor-Goaeral Sir A.robibald Hun -
had longed ter had been hers, For ter, who Pitied Sir George W-luto u,t
Le° Lena Yen" *be 44 been ellirms- Durban, to act aa his chief of staff, is
ed beere ape' ig the worid's de -
UV/ so well known to the public tier-
ternally and in dam flesh as he is by
name and reputation, says a London
Hunter came too late to .Eugland to
bo more than splashed by the wave of
oeivean..rteKnietoutur hero-eurehip that :swept.
hewer after Omdermen. Hec-
tor Ilea cdoaald. again, foreet ailed
Hunter, and was more seen of Wen, a
[mire familiar figure about London
thee the quiet, self-contained, unob-
trusive young soldier, who bed beep
Kitehenees right. hand through-
out the Soudan campaign, and before
it. in those slow years of patient pre-
test -noon Wi).4313 the Egyptian army,
hitherto deemed au uncertain quan-
tity, was built up and stiffened into un
ear -riff vely combatant force.
Egypt, especially Upper Egypt, may
be eaid the have made Hunter, but he
has assuredly doae rauela for Egypt;
fel England, too, in helping forward
the reconquest of the Soudan, and the
ieviudioation of the British name. The
recent military history of Egypt is
written large, and fills almoat the
whole space of Hunter's record. Ho
w (3.• W lt 41 C)44143loy in the Nile expedi-
tion, and as a youngster did ytieman's
service, especially againet some of tbe
outlying dervish chide, one of the
meet truculent of whom he
sad carried off in a gunboat in the
very teeth of the tribesmen.
The work to which he next applied
his most strenuous effort was the per-
fect iag of the Egyptian urtnyeand it
was bis lot to load it when( no more
then a regimental captain in the Royal
Lancashire, but a brigadier -general in
the field, in the early notions that test-
ed the newly -organized force-Ginniss,
A rguin, ad Teeki, when Nejumi's
°old invasion was countered and
u yokel, down. Hunter's latest services
ere familiar as household words; Yeill'e
of great WA ULDS.58 0.5 Governor of the
Red sea littoral, of the Nile frontier
at Wady Haifa ; thou Dongola, Abu
Heated, the Atbara, Kharteum; he
helped to write all the brilliant bat-
tle names now inscribed on the Egyp-
tian flag. Suah gallantry gained him
a, rich but well-deserved reward, that
stately splendor. 11 her head ached Ms own an
every remedy and every luxury was the i-oor man's friend -dome of
were offered her; bur there Was 00 epeeches were one long burning
Paul to lay her head on his breast, to tirade agamst the rich and their
tell. and tor the fiest few days she
lOOked: so pale and changed that Lord
Carlawood began to fear he had made
a mistake. He did all he could to
rouse her; he gave a grand dinner
party to whitab the elite of the count ry 50111 with gold. Snrew men. who
were invited; he ordered a maguilicent toad tin apeechee, sant there must be
costume from Paris for ber. and she a secret attached te We life; he coald
was delighted. In the novelty and not hate OW ariateeraoy so match un -
excitement oho forgot. Ler nub row, aud lona be had suffered through one of
from that hour the world took poeses- them.
sten of her. lee no one °vete faintly gueseed
Lord Carktwood kept Lama leo he hated the. eriatooracy, because
ly every 4tromise he had made her Ile an old arestocret had tempted his fair
busied himself firat in getting togetle )(rung wire to 'novo eim.
er every proof of her identity, and he He had become hoe ot elm leading
succeeded. Then he formally declared [nen of the day -a power tied a voice
Lionel to be bis hole be made les elle in the land. Len! Carlswood, who
bequeathing to letuay, his beloved was a great admirer ot talent,
tiered him, aithough he deplored his
pri tutiplea.
eHe haa not only talent, that man,"
he said, referring to him -"he has
pOrlitiVO genius. I admire hitn even
for his honest hatred ; but I wieb that
hei talents were all enlieted on our
aide -I wish he were one of 118."
People talked a great deal of him;
11 wee said that, althougla he was 80
fierce a democrat, even royalty ati-
miree him, and that princes had
praised his eloqueace. Still, lie would
not enter what was oalled fashionable
the pork with Ma or Henehley, a great
lie was wall/ one dait through
trland et Ms, an they ea w the ear-
l-M{0e of the ladies who were going to
the drawing -room.
rgln) rea.ler, afervent admirer of
tair ivoinerli @tapped to look at them,
tied, in spite of his unwillingness, Mr.
Dale was forced to the same. Sud-
denly his face grew pale, and the
breed): came in thick, hot gasps from
his lire, His hand clasped the Arm
et' his companion.
"Who Is that ?" he asked in a fierce,
hoarse whisper.
Major Henehley looked.
''That is the beautiful Mrs. Wel-
dren, the grand -daughter of Lord
Cierlewood. She ia a magnaficent
woman. I do not think she had her
equal in London -nay, in all Eng-
"Mra. Waldron l'' repeated Mr. Dale
in a low yoke.
"Do not put the question that no
ano falls to ask, •Who le her husband?'
•'1 cannot tell you; she made some
loW marriage, I believe."
parried with I hein a certain force of sible. By isight and by day memory
conc,ct ion lie waa rich himself- was Imre to torture her
mastel of a flee estate—but he was She grew thin and pale. People re-
tie firistocrat lie thanked Heaven marked to oath other and to Lord
that he had terught to bug no maa's Carlawood how ohanged she Was, and
be grew anxious about her
"We will ,leave London earlier Gann
usual this year," he said. "You mute
go to the seaside, Ismay. You are not
looking so well, my dear abild. What
ells you?"
She could have told himi that It was
an awakened consoience, a troubled
heart, an uaeasy mind, a longing de-
sire to two her h,uebasid again, a long-
ing wisb if poesible to undo her sin.
"Was it a NMI"
The question came suddenly to her
mind one day, and startled her ter-
ribly. A sin? Sbe had alwaym been
frightened. at ein-it was not a pleas-
ant word. Was this a sin -to have
left tbe husband to whom she had
plighted her troth, for no better rea-
son than the desire of. being rich?
Not all the sea breezes that ever
swept the waves would bring health
to the un.happy wife who had been so
weak of easily
tonic yel
t he
grandehtld, a fortune which e es
have been divided between
three of his children, and which eould
have made each or them rice. Then
be looked round for seine lady who
would reside at Bralyn for a mitt and
teach limey the lessons he most v, ish-
ed her to learn. Ile found I be very
lady he deeired—Lady NIell011, a dis-
tant relative of his own elle gladly
consented to educate t he lie tutiful
girl ito as to fit her for her poet eon. t
-She will never accomplished,"
said Lord Carlswood, "it eetilit he Utie-
JOSS to attempt to tonsil her French,
German, and mum(); but e1111 her great
beauty, WO may dispense w ith atfcCon-
()Debi-mute. Teach he r to take her
place gracefully I tl 1 tp, mistress ut my
house - teach her all the little detaila
of etiquette that every lady ought to
know, and I shall be, quite satisfied."
The result was perfect success. The
little deficiencies of manner were soon
toned clown. the musical voice took ti
mote delicate arid Battery tone; the act.
tions and movements, always graceful
became more graceful still in their
highbred elegance,
She was so quick in learning to adapt
herself to ber sphere that Lord
Carlswood wondered at her marvelous
progress. When she had been with
Lady Merton fur three motthe one
might have t bought bee whole life
had been spent at Bralyn.
Then when the London tseason open-
ed Lord Carlswood took her to Lon-
don. to Bralyn House. , She made her
debut in the great world, and was re-
ceived there with open arms. Lord
Carlswood's prophesy was realized; her
marvelous beauty and grace created a
perfect furore. More than ever he
regretted her unfortunate marriage;
but for that there was no rank she
miglat not have attained. The only
thing that recent:Mod in the least
to it was tbe faot of the child's exits,
There opened then to Ismay Wal-
dron a most brilliant life; nothing that
she had ever dreamed of equalled this
tuaagnificent reality. There was one
drawback. She bad one diepute with
Lard Carlaweed; he was very desirous
that she should' relinquish the name' of
Vealdreti, and that she would not con -
tient to- do. She looked at him with
Bashing eyes, her beautiful face crim-
son avith.artger.
"'have broken my husband's heart,"
shetaid; "I •heve deserted him; I have
spoiled all hie life; but I will not give
up his name. I was . proud enough
the day I bore it first; I will not give
it uta.'
He dew that it was useless to urge
the paint, so he eeased disthassing it.
Loamy had more epirit and determina-
tion than he had given her credit for,
She was known as "Mrs, Waldron."
• Lord Carlawoodle beautiful grand-
daughter. People at first used to
ask -where wail her husband - who
was het and thli answer was:
"She married very much beneath her
and is separated from him."
After a time they ceased to ask, and
the beautiful Mrs. Waldron beeame
queen of the fashionable world. How
admired she weal Men spoke of her
with wonder - of her marvelous love-
liness and grace, her bright smile, her
quick, ready wit, her radiant face.
Ismay Waldron enjoyed her life. She
gave herself up heart and soul to the
spirit of gayety; no party, no ball, no
soirete;was complete witheut her; she
was indefatigable in the pursuit of
pleasure, Lord Carlawood smiled na
he watched her.
"I was not inietaken in my estimate
of her oharaciter," he thought, "She
has forgotten her hushand."
He beettnie warmly attached to her,
chiefly because her great beauty and
popularity, flattered his pride. He lav-
ed her, tott because she so closely
resehabled her mother, the Marine
• he remembered as a child. and had
loved so dearly. He took great pride
and interest in the little Leo-hle heir
who was to be, the Lord Carlawood of'
the fnture.
There •were times when lanmy Wal-
dron looking around her, Maid to her-
"I did well; if the time end choice
Were to -come again, I should do the
mime. It would have been creel to
waste such life as mine in a wood -
keeper's cottnge; it would have been
eruel to deprive emy beautiful Leo of
thia grand heritege.'
So year atter .yeatr (passed, and with
time her beauty developed into mag-
nificent tvonianhoted; she 'grew more
falitrionttble, More pOpiular. The
heautifel Mrs. Waldrott Wets perhaps
More universally admired tban any
°tiler lady in'London. The world Mee
eel het. and she loved it.
There Watt times when she hardly
reedited that ehe the admired and
nattered beauty, tie ueett of the sea -
hen the ninet Tornan in , Wed te him Awing, those ten years.
''Dilea a low marriage mea D that
ehe married a poor man?" asked Mr.
"I suppose so. I do not know. I
have heard, In oommon with the rest
of the world, that she married be-
neath her, and Is separated from her
"'Because he is low -I can under -
eland that I am what la called a self-
made man, major. If a highbred lady
looked kindly on ate and an alliance
were, formed, should you thi.nk she
had contracted a low marriage?"
"Berets° of you?" cried the major,
"Certainly not. Why, you are one of
tthe most rising men of the day I"
"I' is difficult to discover what
low marriage is," said Mr. Pale; but
uhe strange pallor did. not die from
his face.
'He was unlike himself for the whole
of Lbe day after he had Been lerd.
Carlswood's gratidehild.
There were many who remarked at
the drawingroem that the beautiful
Mrs. Waldron looked unlike herself;
ehe was not so brilliant, not se Neil-
anl ; there was more of thought en her
brow, of cure in her eyes;. tier smile
was not so bright. her repartee not
so ready.
It was the truth, The pleasures of
the world were beginning to pall upon
'sunny. Perhaps she had exhausted
them too quickly. She had 'drained
the oup of pleasure to its very dregs;
there waa nothing left for her to wish
for -nothing to desire.
Iler life for ten long years bad been
ono series of brilliant triumphs; the
.world bed worshipped her; end during
that time she had lived without love,
without tenderness, engrossed in vans
ity, pleasure and love of luxury. She
Was in the very pride of her magni-
ficent womanhood now, eitil She wan
beginnin-g to feel tired of frivolity -to
wish for something better.
She was at a ball one evening, and
some one presented her with a beau-
tiful rose. She took it carelessly, and
held it in her handa while she sat down
to rest. The perfume stole slowly
upon her senses; it brought back to her
the time when she had sat with Mr,
yord in the pretty shady giirden; idea
remembered her own pession of won-
der and emotion as she listened to hia
story, Then her hueband's bum rose
before her as she had seen it last-)
handsotne, haggard, with misery. yet
full of love and tenderneas. She re,
membered how he, had elasped her in
his arms and kiased her lips - home
he had said to hem
"Yoa wilt find nothing in tbe world
like my leer)."
She started, for a warm tear had
fallen upon her hand.
"What am I doingt" she thought,'
"I have hardly thought of him for
years. Can it be possible tbat I ate
wee,ping for Nutt"
She flung the rose away, but she
could not diamits those bountiug mem,
Mies from her !meet...Paul's love,
Paul's tentlerribas. retire devotion,
his ineeasant veetehful mire. HoW
•pretni he had been tit herl HOW madly
he lacid worshipped heir!
For the tint time -4o etigrotated had
she been in her new life ---i
she begen to wonder whet had hap+
freil, so
pain of her
To be Continued.
No medicine, no
had power to quiet
awakened ronscienee
• 0,
oP horeeMen T neKkett'll Write are I the gielte tor action; atled ehoWii ante
11"3" *913144' ,10.-SC14611 "Oh* 444' fitewi f)f 1133:410,1 cpuAtit1011. ayerfeettozt
lt0114 ke0WWeffea be is hi stitedy. of equipment, asoiltOt dieciplitie, wed, in
etethedieel faltiner, not ikkjIrt- brief, an elRee0940 effieitmoy Opt -0.*-
briniazcy. Pertt*P4. hilt well-
trained, and etniTelY 4'4014 -Worth,.
?IWO, Sir Ilenry Heselinmott; a wow.
meat figure in the rieing gesaeratioa of
aoldiere; ane Who hel heini riflemen.
Guerdellisee, aideedeseietflP8 $teff COle
lege groduate, end Seen *et/Ye Widen
in Burnet and the Soudie, ell iu fif-
teen short year's. Lieutenant-Celt:Met
J 5. Ewan., another, a Camegon High-
lander, who has fougat and atudied,
and served 143 many postai Metior Fair'
beam% artillerynune, who wan long
iu charge of the Turkish -Greek section
The Ille to Whack Women Are Heir Cause
Much Suffering—The experience ol It
Lady Who lbw Found a speedy curt.
Mee Isaie T. Comeau, who resides
at SO 1-2 Attego etreet, St. Ruch. Que-
bee, la a teaohee Frenth, Engiiele
and music. FOP many yeara Mrs.
Comeau has euffered greatly from in-
ternal troublea, peculiar to her sex,
and also from continuous weakneea
the nesult of headaches, neuralgia and
nervous prootration. tier trouble be-
came so bad that ehe was forced to
give up teaching, and go to an hos-
pital, but the treatment there did not
mittlenially benefit , her ana ultimately
she left the hospital etell a greet suf-
ferer. Meantime her husband having
heart( of the great value of Dr. Wil -
tiaras' Pink Pills for Pale People,
eurehesed a few boxee and prevailed
epon his wife to try them. When in-
terviewed ao to the merits of the
pills Mee Corneae gave her story to
the reporter ebout se follows:-
" My trouble came on after the
birth el my child, and Up to the time
begen uee Dr. Williams' Pink
telle 1 could find nothing to oure me.
I ireffered much agony, was very
weae, hail frequent Bever., headaches,
tend little or no appetite. It wa6 not
long [Jean I began the use of thetpille
the I fulled they were helping me
very tomb and after taking them- for
R 00111„frIO of months I Wa Et as well as
ever I had been. My appetite im-
proved, the pains left me aad I
gained considerably In flesh and am
egain able tol attend to the leasons
of my pupils, apad superintend say
household work. Since using the pills
I:GA."1f I have recommended them to
others end. have heard nothing but
praise in their favor wherever used."
diecovery of modern times has
proved steel, a boon to women as Dr.
Williams' Pink Piers for Pale People.
Melee directly otr the blood end ner-
ve:6, invigorating the body, regulat-
Mg the functiona they restore health
and strength to exhausted women,
rand make them feel that lite is again
worth. living,
Sold by all dealers in medicine or
sent post paid it 590 a box or pis
boxes for $250, by addressing the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Breekville,
Ont. Refuse all substitutes.
•'' Loiidontietertilie i.vite-bi'llt& Wolarent "Ile tricik my deolaion very Onietly.'
In the tilde of her itrandeur ohn look- ehe said; "he never even tried tri
' ', ROI* lAat-athat visit Wherein
' . ed hack With a elek, faint shiladhdoprhownas perenade me ta alter it."
., -
. ' lite» the dieoontented wife ot tt peer . would haVe been' no one knew better
Bort :Useless all each perawitsiorth
,, „ •
. : BO , had reached the clitnitX. Life
: Tihtd hothOlOttioto tO gi*e her. Weeith,
• 14*.nr,t, XiffitTnifieenbe plethora un-
i.briiiihtded, - adatiltritiOrip411 Were 'lath.
Th* WOrld the bed. °nee looked upou
• -"hith. oudi lotestcrek uow 10 Si,b5,1, r§14e koect,v- uotlalli.g.. :, .,.,...2„ti the ait,
et.; ilk* 116 . *Eta Iti ':b1S. •,.•',.°,,IC, . " Paul, Eittili. -Will— a, .1'' "D", 4. --1. ---)a iril'i.
i', boioty:, Abe took t cgreateitt ;V:Fxr tr; hattOted) MOVta!tijlitte,V_ 't_rCrt.,_ ni=e elle
eeTeeelp -.• It, tibee Waile 'titter • Webr.Y vi• Offitifilltkl. '116_ . , 1.7 "Y. _ , .1..,T4, ., :71", ,,,,,7,1
r itIOat it, • _,._, _I, bad tiMce, tei feritotqaittrtorkL.,, l'itre,'e"iii;
' ,•: zee easeayettion eif Men Plethte° e.tr" he ettithlitato r ',,Tie7.i.,.,: 67078 hio
'-'-) • - ' .biot, It . did liti tuorc She witti! ohould svith, aio al Ton t,
Itsitt ant Worlellyreho IWO Tkilea At:, nree, , .. ..,,,,b,,.,, itha 0004 4.00'
' gahiro •Thistter INSTalitP45 'thill'ii!;„, ,:let by ,404.., 4.11 t‘Ti:Ritisiti*, noilikev,
bolt Oivill iiiill,5010 Obit.,-voT,s,v3' Is the Biagerinfitio Itit ,,071,104 jar ,paiaaea
emit iff thihtlflid) 440, I° E7Ati ' a h at trinimi . 4111 rt 'thtkg .iiegre Mame
400, iszt4 *aver forget.: tilltillT%-, Waft)hist'*It 4'etittli;:i'ittoolt :mooing..
than herself; but it liegent to htrike her
as strange thet he should have made
no effort to Kee her se tet itidueet her 1.0
rettUrn to WM. OB the tenePettt oT
pride and of love and dehpair
through' which be laid. Isitowl
parted hiOatlitioth 'Abe h..af No when 44 1,102it 11460641orit Aff
sktrim ktat_„;04.44; wars I Ide t . Nok
hate R harecre Agid tal w
trim' dIbmiti:k."114dat: Iterbook14,144,1i"."realos,44.- bi,toeitrlio14:1-thei! ,iktilichtirle6441,67#0, tteaffe- et4t.ROveirli:, obbitl:RI01,17.1_066Stlitintre6.1.714iintirikat.
- free IA tie` ete°°°41, - Mier teetee": rieleet: criv, to' b.-, 110414,4' titimPlit6 ,a0.111 ,r 0104. t
Oarloirooil **vow ttia 1*, :4. . ,1,44-17$701
olitruter, as ,he *640444 ttlitS4' *if genii e 'eke S'i,"t a
,t 13.141W , [my* 10 ,la'
Pla 441 or 1'01%11.11m.
Inn ter„
ellethe eeebeasAleiit *ad admiratteta
even the Gerualle Headeitertere Stet/
and call therefeoul a forWeibtlt unNit
Cordial complitnent. True. Wie a small;
ermy compared with what the great
military revere eould put into the, tie ,d.
But AtiLo dooi not aiwaya coeut. it
mbewe in Held aotiou the efeleieuee
vehieb a Hereon expert in the Soudan
ounpaigo pronotutemi "eimply increde
ibee" Tree, else, it has tr.) be sum-
moned trout di-et/int pert.. Hut then,
too, all the at/teetered cameo+ annul
eaaidy wite^their eeettngents. It is not
an army trout Groat Britain and tre-
laud alone, but from thatGreater Bri-
at our Intelligence Departnaent, was Lein winch iucluded the nonunion of
oa tae Boundary Comnaisaton for the Cereadit and the United Meter. of Aus-
aettlemetat of dm Torco-Geeple freptier ,„aa.
and afterwards aur very able Commie -
Blanes in Crete; Major liamMersley,
/SUS: Wal.er, hia4or Dirkbeck, fdaeor So the.world tie made to realize that
the Betieh leruptre its still a military
Ha ging, Captain Gegartyeetheir IMMO 1
wee 1 force on head us wee ae awe end on sea
le legion, all good Meal and true,
have given ample earnest at their cap- " well db lend- There has beet+ Some
ofi promotiOn 1.0 major -general at the
age of forty -it very rare acelevemene
for a British cancer.
Lai person Hunter is a man of about
the middle height, with a slight, well-
built figuee, lithe and aotive, quick in
hie movements; but in manner he is
vex y quiet and self -contained -be has
inherited caution and oireurnspeotion
with his Soot tisp Mood; he talks little,
and his homely, pleasant fnue is More
watchful then expansive. It is the
watchfulness of the man on wirea, with
tense, strung nervets, ready to act like
a string loosed at the moment requir-
ed; anly his sharp, rather smell and
restless black eyea betray tbe inner
eager spirit; they are full uf the fire
ot resolution, and prove bim ready to
act promptly and vigorously in answer
to any sudden pall. He should be in-
valuable in the role of
Mounted Poileceinie.
Instances of the sell -devotion of ani-
mals in the Se,ryloe of their mestere
are not uncommon, but they genenal-
ly have to do with some sudden, in-
stinctive deed of cow -ego. Paesive
faithfulness unto death, timong beasts
aie amoog mon, is the rarest form of
30f -sacrifice. The story or the horse
of a certain pollee sergeant in the
North-west Illustrates the courage of
animals in its noblest form,
Sergeant Parker, a member of the
Oanadian mounted pollee, waited a day
or two after the departure of hie men,
In order to receive some government
deapatehea, ot which he was to be the
bearer. It wita)winter .on the prairie,
end every trail was hidden beneath
lite snow, but as soon es he aeoured
the papers, he method on alone, hop-
ing to rejoin hie amapany by it forced
march. By nightfall he had heat all
clans() of direction, and wnen he re-
mained. his journey next day, he felt
that) hist' search Willi heatless.
Still the deeeutehea Weeks important.
and, tee hind 'been' truettl With therm'
far tio days lie wrindered about, starv-
ing and froat-bitten. Theti
blindntas mime upon hitt& arid be ittY
dovrix to die.
faithful horse did not ;desert biro,
*out taw& aatentintil Ith
ter's feet. For a day and a nigbt it
atood there, and ota the morning of the
iteCond day of it* watch a omit -carrier
saw the motionleitie newt. He ripl.
proanhed and diacriiiered Sergeant
It was nearly it fortnight before the
resealed sergeant, regained tionittioda-
nese:. Elba first wee after bit
The •„smettiiittrid otistht Was
brooght into tlre tetit,,wbare its Meri-
ted% lay, and at ottee Ineteitt te) litek hie
"3'8'1616r hini° W4* ded. nmsian. 066 of the enTelettte ed the
aeity, end will not be found wantmg
in the coming hours of trial.
Lest, but not least, due justice must
be accorded to elle adnunietrative staff
in the great and all-important depart-
ment of supply. Colonel Wolfe Mur-
ray, who tor the preseut and until
further developments will command
vain talk et Europe's opportunity,
while British heads are hue); in South
Africa, for makieg anti-Britieh ad-
vaaces etsewhere in do world. In the
tiret eteace, it is not to be betteved that
any eower or powers have euch a pur-
pose or deaite, and in the second plaett,
its to be believed thee. despite her
business in Soeth Africa, Great eire
the line of oommunicatiou in Natal, as
tain is just. as free as ever to deal with
Sis Forester Walker wUl Cape Col- any other foe. The bandit with which
any, that "lifeeline" between the sea she has imen expected to grepple with
and tbe furtheat advance ea which the
very exiatence of the areay depends;
the commissariat and transport °Hi-
t:era headed by Colonel Bichardaon, a
stemig man, but somewhat abrupt. in _the friend of Dewey at Manda-are
too nuer, which tends Father to friction, sufficient for her purpose there. Al. the
but with long expertence of war, es -
rest remain on duty as before around
-pee/ally in Soutti Africa ; Colonel
bee ouatati, in. the narrow seas, in the
IBridge, more tactful, bat not less ener-
Rtsstaa or Freuela or (rename) aggres-
Mon are not tied nor busy. tier fleet is
not: engaged in the Tranevaal. Just a
few ships under the gallant Chicheeter
a post analogous to that of manag-
ing -director of some great -going con-
There are many good and capable
officers besides Hunter on the spot.
First, Colonel Lau Humil Lon, who ranks
immtnliately after him on the general
staff, and will take his place with
White when Buller on his advent
claims Hunter. It is in the fitness of
things ethat Hamilton should be per-
mitted to try conolusions once more
with the Boers. His earliest rencontre
with them was as a youngster, a sub-
altern in the Gordons, in the wretched
reveree on Ilifejuba hill, when be got
the painful wound which has left its
permanent mark on the crippled lin-
gera of his right hand.
Since Gat unpleasant episode, lan
Hamilton, like Symons, has been
labouring steadfastly to remove the
old, reproach that tbe Boers shot bet-
terthan the British, and among many
inhumes' and changes of staff service,
that in whioh he was most usefully
employed wati as bead of musketry in-
struotion in India. Since then he has
been transferred to the control of the
shooting of the entire arnay, and, air
ciorarnandant at ,Hythe, his present
post, from which he is only lene to
South Africa, he has helped quite
lately to restore fuller confidence in
the discredited Mark IV. ammunition.
Herhillon's very extensive trials of the
bullet at Hythe, after its supposed
failure at Pirbright, ended in a reas-
suring report. It may be remembered
that Colonel Ian Hamilton was debar-
red; from much active participation in
the Tirah campaign through being dis-
abled, early by
A markee and highly satisfactory
feature in the army of to -day is the
nearly inexhaustible supply of good
mon on hand when any serious work is
afoot. Tbis has no doubt been foster-
ed by tbe judicious encouragement
reven to those who are eager to get
on. Tke Staff College is practically
open to all who will qualify in its
schools; special service and active em-
ployment falls within the reach of
most officers at some time or other,
eo constant and widespread are the
military needs of, our ever -extending
Enormoue trains are taken at t hie
War Office) nowadays to arrive at a
correct estimate of individual value,
to plaice it on etioord, and draw upon
na required. We mny point to many
of the Federations media recently in
proof of this painstaking recogaition
oft the fittest. I have already dealt
with Buller's immediate lieutenanta,
the divisional and brigade generale,
but there are some of the general staff
noVe nominated who deserve more
then * pestling word. Attar Colonel
Wyhne, the D.A.G., already spoken of,
there COUSIN Colonel Miles, who leaves
the Staff College„ where he is emu-
totradaut, beCome A.A.G., One of the
Most intelligently active and highly-
edlletited of modern officers; Colonel
Ralf* Alton, Who is to be A.A.G., of
the ard Divition, being on the Head-
quarters Staff, a mate Who was in
lieselmatutland, with Warren aid Walk-
er, of statill frame, but ot the moat
eager, forward spirit, who speaks With
.riof incisiveness, 'And acts like .
getio, whoei services in Mashonaland,
tits arrangements for transport and
the supply of meterial, have saved the
State many thousands of pounds; fin-
ally. Colonel E. D. War& so lung and
favorably kuown in connection with
the Military Tournament, one of the
most popular officers' in the service,
but who has higher claims than his
entailing courtesy and akiltul manage-
ment of a great show to tee gratitude
ef his fellow -countrymen. He has
seen. much of grim -visaged war and
largely helped in the successful con-
duce of several campaigns.
A st.libill1.11AMM1111i
Colonel lititin*aring, A.A.O.. of tbe 1st
whe was In Egypt, Eurnatii
and in the Inetarith eltenpaign, and
More espetially at Crete, reeistitly
Nitattiand of the Royal Welsh, avhen
be Avon golden opinions; and Cialonel
Brood Hiontittni, of the 2nd
Can Do More Work on the Farm
Than His Twenty -Four Year
Old Son.
For Three or Four Year* at Otte Thew He
Thie Too Weak to Work at All—D18-
abled Wilk Kidney DIseane—
lhodd'e kidney PIlla Glare
Ulm ills Prenent
Ingersoll, Nov. 0. -We 'buys, a Marl in
tthicr district who is a remarkable ex-
a,mple of the itdage, "Health and
strength go as a pair " He is a mid -
Mediterranean, and wherever there ts
an interest to guard or a menace to
objeck4 Id isnot in vainglorious boast-
ing nor in swaggering Jingoism, but in
ehe Dalin confulence ot well prepared
und well tested etrength, that the Bri-
tish Empire delude on review to -day,
eelad.yi at every point, on laud and sea,
to keep alike her inertial drumbeat
sounding and leer peaceful commerce
moving awl. her vast realm intact all
around the crimsoned eircle of the
ceywn Te.4.
Speaks fOrtswiteelpf-ackaet nuast convincing arguruent in its WO.
• • -35. Vs 5° Wee
'The Crises' is, II MI' 8. Done on the
C .rn van Route Sheringls
The newspaper published in Tomsk,
celled the Siberian Latest Newa, gives
some very curioue deteils about the
Rusaian tea caravane, that transport
thouaande of tons of tea from China
and distribute it in various parts of
Siberia and Burgett. During the first
ttventy days of January hue 19,000
sleigher laden with tea passsed through
the city of Tomak. The ordinary size
of these tett carevane is from fifty
to seventy sleighs, though sometimes
from 200 to NO are included in one
ca,ravan. The average toad is five bales,
dle-aged axian :n perfect health, and each meighing front teventy 40 1.20
glories in Me strength. Yet some
yeers ago be tiered ,to ba as weak and troun cis.
Five sledgeis are fastened together,
drawn by oue horse, and one man at-
tends to the detaehment. To the rear
West Oxford. Ho Is'a farmer by; oe- eledge of each group are tied a bun-
cupation and well known throughout die of hay and a measure of oate so
tiro district. For yeers Mr. Bailey thee the horses may feed during the
was a victim of Kidney Uisease which march. This facilitates progress, for
sapped hils strength. He was not a the ceravan does not ueed to halt for
belsever in potent inedicinee, bet he
tried a the dosturs in Ingersoll with -
oat avail. Then he took three boxes
of Dodd's Kidney Pills a,nd became a
whole, wend ,man once more. To so
great an extent did 'he gain in
etrength that in spite td his yeare
ccnild overmatch his grown-up son, a
blg st rappi ng naa.n of twenty-four.
Mr. Bailey says: "For years I ihave
been troubled wit -h Kidney Disease, be-
ing so bad at t tines teat 1 weed do
nothing. I had tried all the doctors
in this town but they, would ha.ve put
me in my grave I took three boxes of
Dodd's•Keiney Pills end anal now able
to do more work than my twenty -fear
year old son "
helplese as a kitten.
Mr W. H. Bailey lives on lot five
on the town lee between Derhamand
0.1,411.610141.1.1•6011* tett, Trariavinal, brothevini•laW and A.
Mt/4,11),M SUM ../Y:, tif, the ill -toted Colley; but -who
**ova the ktrijahe disaiitost• boliut too
'hut most ivitifudetbil 'ettitoOototrel , . too.1.406111 hoi wet 01, tut
Ot6grix0h 10 410 w6r14 i$ th*ki4V/kb day. Ifter them, Celenel Istwit5Or ToT
who Ien rev It •Ir .11re 1.10 'I — totarrrin t I ve
Ed 1101..1111 1 :1 n Ne.:1 *Work P. per —The
11r111. -Is Empire 0411 Ilevle • .
The New York Tribute° prints the
following on its editorial page under
the caption, "An Empire on Re-
view": -
The troubles in South Africa are a
second time placing the British Empire
on, review eefore the world. Tbe first
time W43 just after theJameson raid.
Great Britain was then at the height
of her "splendid isolation." There was
some unpleasant, not to say menacing,
talk upon the Continent. The spectre
of hostile intervention began to take
form. It was necessary for the insular
athanasius to make a demonstration,
against not the Transvaal, but tbe
world. Tto word was given. And in
the twinkling of an eye, from every
wave mlade hollow of all the Seven
Seas there seemed to start a British
battleship, with decks full cleeeed for
action. Never, perbeps, was a more
startling exhibition made of a great
nation's readiness for whatever emer-
gency might appear. Never was there
quicker recognition of such readiness
by the potential threateners. As that
amazing reserve fleet ateamed into
view the posaible meddlers va.nished.
As ."Oom Paul," put it in his racy
specoh, "The Old Lady jest sbeezed;
and then where were they r. For an-
swer, hese is what the Nene (Freie
Press% ot Vienna, says: -"There can
bet no quetstion of the intervention of
any European power. No one will rob
Hie British lion of his prey."
note rein eittl4tale rAbeetwe Piteneenurtitettotelyo exesthoofIlisei kttitteleriwitigot,ifwitIoOttoticiev:ivoliptittb4
la claimed tO ObOw at leritt eti,005,t90! ttiginetr, titit 101, foil, otive, *trams:
111.40* 6d uttitt', tOubd bit itecoutit
,Matintit *OrtatitP Vtattheit walk le Mil toluettbetta ae °lie Of this
, • •
• • • • • 046.b tilttot wtotk,,in UY.t.4.ana
tierott.14 tit*. OtiPttire:iat
.0eet.ett., ttivitty
Ut0oef, Mehtt tioty
-Wititt•8$uiOas beeititoe ibet Oittlett vol11.
teieitOt the. utOteutelitri ',Ott liege body
' „
the purpose of Letting the horses. As
:the horse, in front, laowever, doee not
have anything to eat before him his
place in the caravan muet be chang-
ed emotionally to give him an oppor-
tunity to eat his lunch.
The caravans travel night and day.
The only halts during the twenty-four
hours are in the villages where the
weary horses are exchanged for fresh
animals. The drivers sleep on the
sledges, while travelling, in spite of
the severe cold.
assures • youthful complexion. Bend 28 ciente for trial
bottle, or post oard tor cinnabar on sidn and complexion.
Address W. J. Ilactuuear. 4,89 Queen St. W., Toronto.
To -day, this second review is of a
different character. It is not the navy,
but the army. Now, the British army
has been ranch despised upon the Con-
tinent since the memory of Waterloo
began to gado. lta hideous mismanage-
ment blithe Crimea discredited its sys-
tem as much as Balakiava honored
its individual valor ; and since then it
tos had to deal. with none but petty
tribes or with remote enemies. Upon
the fields of Earope It bos been un-
known. and W.aterloo bete been teelham
ed by Duppel, Sadowa nnd Sedan. With
no coneoription. ciutmattibered more
than ten ti) otte by rivals, and Matter-
ed to the font °omen of the earth, it
has oome tO be regarded as negiigibla
If enot an outright minus guarttitY ;
bat nOw that estimate reciontid.
With fiebmptilift, a amoothriess,
and KA thee thtt 'Muke the Continental
ratitediair *nib their eyes, it British &my',
itt toobIlitiet1 mkt mut hen way *mud
Jack-Be/member, darling, t hat t his
deem ,ad is, a, secret.
right, dear: rest assured
that will keep it.
The Vital Element of the Blood is Iron
Too little iron means weakness, lack of spirits, pallid cheeks, shortness of breath,
sleeplessness nervousness, want of appetite, eitding in general breakdown.
Or. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills
contain iron in a soluble form, se that it easily a d naturally assiiniltes with the
gaetric juices of the stomach, and the result is hat you feel yourself getting
will Immediately on taking those pH
We have on byte thousands of testimonials froi ll known people who have been
cured by these piI6, and will on application mail a book containing a few of
them te any address free.
MI druggists, or SAM. WILLIAMS dr CO., TORONTO, ON1.
Sent by mail on receipt of cash.
A Pleasant Surprise
For those, who have thoughts that' Cat-
arrh is incurable, tine to whom the
constant use of snuffs arid ointments
has been almost unbearable, is to learn
of Catarreezone, the new medicated
air treatment for Catarrh, Bronchitis
and Asthma, Catarrhozone is a guaran-
teed cure for these diseases and
never fails to mere them. It
cures by inhalation of medi-
cated air and always reaches the right
spot. This is no eheory, but the re-
sult of actual experience, and thou-
sands of testimonials back up all
we say for our medicine. Price 51.00
at all druggists, of direct by mail on
receipt of price. Send 10e, in stampe
for sample outfit to N. C. Poison ei
Co., Box 518, Kingstoie Ont.
Rice water in laundeting will stif-
fen dresses. Boil a pound of rice in
a gallon of water and rinse the dress
before drying. Do not. dry thin gowns
in (be sun. Roll in a cloth and iron
when partly dry.
Sooner u, later, but not the w -y
All People Die .;h0...,,,,T.,v,,,,%, Zinoe'aellIcTneVias"arey bans gladneas Into your heart
'' instead of sorrow You will tw aneurism' how you can improve
your appearance on tho street' by getting a paakage of ROUE DYES soil DYEING YO1JU EAST YEAR'S
DRESS Janitor. OR SUIT OF CLOTHES, at such a trifling emit It dont not matter of what oratorio, they
.50 ...lis ,.. Rene Dr. wdl aye ••3, g.ta,d,, yoa require, ou taM11.. silk, wool or mixed good's, with equally
good results, as tlaey WO POS1 rivoix Union Dyne, and will olot run or streak, if used aomrding to directIone
oil each pa/alewife. Be sure ond sat fur tieing DYEs and accept no others. Do not bo put off with something,.
'lust sa good,' but insist on getting HOME DYES. For sale by your druggist, or write alma to us and wo wi
mail you, tree of poitage, 10o. package, or 3 for 25 oonts.
Gernaau army officers are ordered
by imperbil deeree to wear reddisk-
dogskiu gloves during the manoeuvers.
Take Laxative Broulti Quinine Tablets. Ali
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
Mc. le W. Greven signature ts es Saab box.
A sinecure le a poettion In which
one man pate you for the purpose of
drawing the salary while another man
doea the work.
" Pharaoh 10o Of Payne, of Granby, Que.
• Cigar Manufacturer.
The amateur photographer -cares
but a snap for any pretty girl he sees.
La T000ana, 10o. taitosucrat
More oases of consuanption appear
among needle makers and filemakers
than any other class of laborers.
Was me more out of her bearings
than people are who use any other
dye than Dame Dyes, as they are
pronounced by personkwho have used
them, to be the cleanest and most
satisfactory dy.es ever -produced. Any
person oan use Home Dyes without
soiling their hunds, with the best re -
suite, by being a little careful and
following the direction on each pack-
age. A trial package is all tbat let re-
quiree to convince you that the above
are solid facts. To be bad at all drug-
br Mailed direet, free of post-
age, 100. a package, or for 25 cents.
Get ft package and he ()anytime&
Inv lgorutee and Strengthens
Australia ia the one place in the
world where the towns are more beau-
tiful than the country.
awed by mother, for their children teething. It soothee
the child, softens the gums, allay* paln, cures wind
wile, and /a the beat remedy for diarrhcea. 25o. • bot.
Hs Sold by all druggists throughout tbe world. Be
sage and adt tor " dirs. Whmkaw's Soothing Syrup.
A truly great statesman la a politic-
ian who is able to persuade the prople
that the thing he wants is the thing
they want.
Mtn*. PAIIIII8 A Hales-
Barristers,o to., removed i.,:>.,,
to Weslet_Bldge.„ Hiciii "%
mond St. W.. Tortesto.
.• grass ; adjoining Maindaester, best village HU
County ; house, orob,r,l, newer -failing water. Will t
bush farm In exchauge. E. N. LEWIS, Goderich,
• .
RAROAIN -Seventy acres, less lf desired ; all Mari'
31ESeall le thamt, is
Cacurrh o
and bladder. Slog 411 a box. Write for particular*,
Indian Catarrh Cur* Co., 148 St. Jameasti, 310.4.•
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will bo pleased to
learn that there le at least one dreaded disease
Gant science has been able to cure in ell its
anima and ihat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a cons-
titutional disease, reqnlres a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tak. n inter
natty. acting directly upon. the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby dee,
treeing the foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strength by building up the
oonstitution and assisting nature in doing its
work. 'Cho proprietois have so much faith In
Its curative powers, that they offer ono Hun-
dred Dollars for any case that ir fails to oure,
Send far list of testimonials.
Address. P..1. CHEN Icy &co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggling, 75e.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Whenever a man is positive he sees
things and afterwards discovers that
he only thought he saw them, it is
time to turn over a new leaf.
Six undertakers In Hartford, Conn.,
were. recently !summated at midnight,
by telephone, to a house wherein no
one wee dead. The duped undertak-
egnehriawne:e jomkeand anough to coffin the
The Toronto office of the Mutual Re-
ieerve Fund Life Aasociation during the
peat week hats paid to the benefieiaries
of deceaped polloy-holdere over 'forty
thotatsand (telltale. Among the eheeks
we notice, One of ten thousend dotterel
tot the testate ot the late Senator' Sat.
feed 61 HaMilton. Thetes large atriounts
Were paid at attest to the ineured much
below that of coMpeting companies,
end conaiderable time before dee. Ac-
tive agentaswanted in till unrepresent-
ed district& to sell our new kind tak-
ittg polidien." Addetes W. 3. Muttc1i
Manager 'Mutual Reserve Pund
leiatiote Freehold Loan Building, Toe
nto, Ontetedo; J. P. W. Patterison,
anager tor Quebto, St. lanueu St..
Montreal; Alfred Manley, Mritiager
MaritiMe Province% Halifax, and AIL
McNichol, Winnipeg. for Manitoba and
N, W. 'T.
The " Balmoral," Free Boa tai,r,'3,-
Hotel Carslakep
(LT.& Station, Montreal. Geo. Catmints& Co., Prop's.
AVENUE HOUSE—r:gglaZgormrin
per day.
ST. JAMES' HOTEL..Oppoelte TTR. Depot'
two bloat. from 0. P
Railway. Firssolass Commercial Muse. Modern ha
proremente—Ratem moderate.
CATARACTS (absorbed without Pe
°Alai Asthma, at'el
cured by safe, sure and potent ro
harmless. Partite/lam and terms
DR. GRANT. 33 Seneca St.,
..4* 'Mutely
tondo': New -York.
and other PRODUCE, to en best, results consign to
The Rawson Gemini sion Co., Limited,
Oer.Weet-Inarkst St Colborne St., Taranto,
Married people outlive the unmar-
ried, the temperate and industrious
live longer than the glutenous and
idle, and the residents of civilized na-
tiona live longer than those of un-
civilized countries.
W. P. V. 997
Carbon* Dlehrifooteinte. Soaps, Met
merit, Tooth Powders, oto.. have been
awarded 100 medals and diplomas tor superior
excellence. Their regular use prevent intent.
ons diseases. Ask your deater to obtain s
supply. Lista mentil free on application.
- F. C. CALVERT & CO.,
To send tot eat
complete ;SHEET
aro equipped to
toddy every MUSIC
WilkillYt Royce
eke, Rosaries, Cris
Boodles., floapuhtre,
a and Chun% Ornamente,
Eduuational Works. Melt ordure receive prompt &Men,
tion. 0. & J. @MIES A 00.. Montreal.
Solid Gold -52.55
Best Gold Fill 1.50
5 yreGoldrill 1.00
Beat Glassee.. „100
WegoEtifiliois pintect astisfacalon.
OS Tense Street, Toronto.
H AR R IS 1"'"' "c"-""'•
Wholesale only. Long Distance Telopboae1720.
P.0111MON SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bed gig
LI Hugs, Rats aud Mice. Sold by all
Druggists, or 881 Queen W. Toronto.
J. L.JONE.S ENG.C9 .-:-..„-----
Dyeing 1 Cleaning 1
For the very beat send your work I.. the
Look for agent in your town, or mud direct.
Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
WSW'S.— We to travel, salary or com mission ; expert.
anicatint_taeCieliat1". !sit/ MEE altos. oq,Atantrimil.
Viiiiiauteetaitscinia 1 anti ii-e-te
qtaltilltIdint gosoirrea, anooluith co.. anew:rat
cturbigoseete twee lax Coes th ft P. Mo.
Comma a 00., Agents, Meanest.
Till SWIMS iiktlillatelt-Seetane oletreeet
non 'tot no.G.ioniii.o. bead SOL
itailititle Had Otialetraddi Veda at Vet -toes,
rAa *Ey* *_17,!!* TOtista•
ed. ha PER DVir stinz ItitLfelitA
Isrimiww seree, arristeroa or 18dy, to tepteeent
Eabl0 *Oa i PotIta Tenuaretet; Yet etar and
ettettliet etpeeleententleennter
M. A. okicitic.
Cereal Coffee Realth Drink. Pure,Wholoanree, Nourish.
log. Boll,. or 2111P, for 25c [Wail, is ennui to 40e carets
eiW. Nor Sale 14 ail Grocers, or eend 10c for 4-1b. package
to' the R010 0 MFO. 00 , 154 queen E., Toronto.
Agents wonted In every localitY.
Oheapost antl Beat Coveriag in the World.
Mica PIPE BO% R Covering
Steam and Hot and Cold Water Pipes, Cold Storage
Ploon K Mellen Hollers, et,
For particularr apply to
Toronto, Montreal, and London, Kna.
ROSE'S " Hair Crowe r " positively and per-
manently cures Baldness, Hair Falling
Out, Dandruff, eta., 0101 made., the hair ,
gleeay and beam Md. Testimonials from leading ToroZ
M gentleonm. Price 91.00 per bottle
235 Ronosnallea Ave., Toronto.
Mlohlgan Land for Sale.
1,1 loam, Ogemsw and Cravrford Counties. 'Miaow.
Wt. On Michigan Central, Detroit Meotinso and
Loon Lake Railroads, at Orions ranging from el to $5
oar acre. Theee Lamle are Close to Enterprieing New
Towns, Churches, SohoOle, eta., and will be sold on moil
wasonable tams. Apply w
IL H. PlEROE, Agent, Wen Bey Olty, Mloh.
Or J.W. CURTIS. Whittemore, hilob.
Portland, Me.. to Liverpool, calling at Halifax
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,
Dominion, Cambroman.
Rate' of ramp First Cabln350 upwards ; Second
Cebin, 835: Steerage, CM 50 and (23 50.
For further information apply to local agent., or
DAV ID TORRANCE & CO , General Agents,
17 BS Sacrament St. Montreal.
OciludrusOencis Evetylliursilif
IL». As.meettexinT.EA.e W Fott.eArHeIroff,Mloh.
rot tan hifOrmatlfrowlard ressesten ot sleeping ref
EL 0, Townsmen G.P. AT.A., Lone, Ma
esjimiiistitre AW. tialtOliatr,are,,D.010Pn.A.41,01L1.1,TAEdaten;rit,,00holetto,111.
The Canadian
lielne' Safety 0
JOHN .1. MAIN. Most toil t,su:
Espltadeo t413
Mak Ohms Tubs. kw*
tirlt1 "161414tinkli
Pea hateralittVa tatu.00taL
, •
' luso.***