HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-11-10, Page 5LTTENTF.N Storage i itl•ri Y044t Bieict?le Yob. Wit wK►11, iwep- tmeaod A lit t'ead .: folF tit• It rr ,><p.(('er�.et ilt[Ain1' WIZ'X+ TAY YOU! P 1eAaewiUter Vs4W slack art 4nd Bicycle ,Livery, • l ON' lea, .41.secterforBtTT1.RICK V HOMPAT3'glitt eRln'r,toe,k ,Ilklipeplo•ton.i e-lfc•creeieeellilcrl revise$,;14**yeliw. ii k4►htattekcewbItNki. ll•piya all -wool RayersIbie C rpst, $8 fuellsp 'ads, na>ibing tout :4 purest wool ttegd;llethgirles• tafIoloro *#43tsed41.alwortaanpt Pt thebeic•844 de, 44 4. sadcolaragrtoSou.n d sulisnb1qforainiup tnWa 4ittio I rooratzb mes,eco„aoikrkst fuionWrit itsdites per , e 10dat,•4,t;.*•,,1t•1, a m ****..*4* 800 square ysrde Rttglaah lQ.Ilclptb. Ali art4tha Np, 40 *yards, , s1k sitrshek/fr hek49 well-seeeooed cloth, suitable for k1 Leben a ballet hattbt44it#d•sr s .. tit+ w atoll +!tris' of new patterns, epochal value t per nave y . 25 reissISIOMPPe Damask and Manila Curtains, In a range at new ooior*,, With. Unity !Atkal dada add 'heavy-= fringe, top unci bottom, 40 'Molise midst Is/ isso tong, special per pair, ............... $3075, $39501.$51000, Lionel' trio Waggoner . Extension Ladder, • ar.d it is the -Nest Udder colli tar nppIs pickjtlg: ptlri`-osr;e. It is light., easily edletteii, alld err the settle Item strong. Quly j.Ve left, gill and: set them. 1 Rico. )have a number of Step -Ladders anct Baskets, Suitable for Apple Pinking. Cooper's Clout Nails Are the proper thing 904 ysrds ENGLISH RRUSt3E.[.t3 CARPET and RNOLI$R TAPF,STR7l kegs left. E1 DSSELS GARP T3 -s snow seeds, showing most 111174o -late designs and t>aloringe, ight • suitable for, iiny room, specie at titch tic, 780. WA illOo yard. ! 'lC £l ° x� r.. . INsPICCTION =N-yI' j D. 7gtsi norm (JAW. 71 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1130,0. The Toro . Couneil. At the regular weettug last Friday evening all the member's were present except Councillor Naftel, and Street Inspector Reid stgain acted aa clock. oFEL01iR'e REPORTS. The Treasure a statement for Oc- tober was rear follows : Balance from September.. • $ 275 83 ttEeE rrs- Resident taxes • $;,.i91 38 Dion resident taxes.. 204 35 Electric light rates.. 412 13 Water rates. 227 80 Maitland -Cemetery62 00 A'c. interest on De- bentures 838 36 Debentures sold- . 25006 00 Bills -payable, re- newals 40091 00 00 Market, Bonuses on Deben- tures 1301 00 Int. on Mortgages154 00 T URSEVIENTB--- Sal ' es 189 55 Pi•in qd advt'ir61 85 Insur noes' , 75 00 Fire depart ent2 15 Maitland Cs eters24 04 Public Work 282 805 Charity Special grant. Band. 75 00 Granolithic Welke.. 205 13 Bills payable 24000 00 Bank interest - 70 71 W aterworksUitp. ac. 265 14 Waterworks rnaint151 2i' Electric Light •• 98 20 Elec. light, Capital220 00 Public School 509 93 O. C. and O. Exp385 Debenture bonus Ex. 28 00 Separate School100 00 Miscellaneoue,. 17 52 Deposited to Special acct., interest 154 00 32001 02 52873 85 28532 73 to ase to apple pecking, and 1 hero only if few The ading Hulse in the West . t . Clothing and en's i'urnishII1 Co to Headquarters for your Clothes ae.*e.e._e.4 e Fine O. OMs. You are 'butte -bar 'ata $u bltyteg l'ou't ... `_ And don"t ton the risk of losing yov.r sight looking for auythiug better Rao you eats.getfolia lira. It I" ed'a vat per►aenlar flow you dreei Iwo your ocd1r with war of qtr competitor., but it you results fronds of Merit with the dieth title ebltrtldtertetie 0f SSA IVA Quality you will dive ea. a trie1 aatd let tui eoeeyinos yeel .. that its ere lo a potitio>a to plea.o yes and meati a Rood custoluer of you. Prices are fixed that ill tea: Afford—elbati you went for what yon want to pay. The heat here is not deer. Every garment we sell is an advertisement for us and it is easy for you to make yourself au object of envy. i FORMS IS kw*. Y have a vier, new stook, veli &seorted sea it fiery 'lose priests. 1 ally here to eaaoe.d. Lia order to do tinct I, **ilia* I Most keep ilio latest and best Qoods snit belt .'+ileo paetomsr right day goods purobased front tree. AO d t't tarn pant wtiatsetory, 1 will refund caoatty or Mak*.1* vii ti'ht aoelThhiis week 1 woe1d line to toll your. attention to +vett W. ACHESON & SON boot'. 1 coat, 1 hat, and half a dozen 1 Miller's Compound Iron Pills restore mitts and creepers, also that a Yale the color to pale cheeks'and bloodless leek he put on the engine room and the lips. firemen supplied with keve, and that new sills be put on the front door of the engine room. rhe report was adopted. Councillor Humber offered a notice of motion to amend bylaw No. 0 of 1898, so that the town shall pay 40 per cent. of granolithic walks and the property owners 00 percent. Councillor Holmes called attention to the wholesale poisouiog of dogs in town, and urged that an analysis be made, to a . main whether it was real• ly poison ?(t was the cause. This view was supported by Councillors Humber and Knox, and then Council- lor Holmes offered a motion empower- ing the mayor to have an analysis made by some competent person. The motion was adopted. The passage of the bylaw confirming the purchase of Wm. Campbell's lot 790, as a gravel lot, owing to its having been damaged by removal of gravel by town therefrom, was a ant deferred Balance $8341 12 A tong topport from Mr. Thomas Weatherald, U. E., gave the result of his measurements and observations over the ground tributary to the water course in dispute with Goderich town ship. The whole matter was referred W Special committee with the inten- tion of having a joint conference with the council of Goderich township. • A long written opinion from the trwn Solicitor, on the matter of Dr. M. Nicholson's claim against the town, was read. The substance of it was that the town was not liable, but that the person who placed the coal on the sidewalk was. The opinion was re- ferred to Special comu.ittee. _Obert Clark asked pet mission to move a portion of Mrs. Hawley's building at the harbor, and place it alongside Mueney's ice house on the street near the south pier. Referred to Pnolic Works committee to investi- gate and report. A letter from the Goderich Tennis Club asked the use of the Town Hall on Friday evening, 10th inst., to hold a social. His Worship said Mr. Darrow had told hiro they wanted the -hall for a dance, and he reminded the Council that a resolution was now on the books forbidding the use of the hall Por dancing patties; but, he ridded, some of you know whether there is any difference between a social and a dance. Some chaffing was indulged in over this point, and then on motion of ,Holmes and Martin the request of the Tennis Club was granted. A letter from John S. Platt asked to have the water rate included iti the rental of $24 a year charged him by the town for the use of the old drill shed. Referred to Water and Light committee. THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS SS•• ALEX. MSD. ALLAN. PRIUHAM, The Tailor. 1 Colborne. Council met in the township hall on October 80, all the members present. The minutes of last meeting were. read and signed. The following accoante were ordered to be paid, viz : Ww. Ask•vith. road work, $10; Signal.prmt- ing, $3.64; STAB, printing. '13.70; Wm. Straughan, graveling read, 25c; John Sande, graveling road $27.12: Robert McMillian. road worst, $3:75; Jacob Muzier, road work on 12 con., $20; Hamilton McMannns, posting road, 12th coo., $43.10; Thomas Doherty. re- pairing culvett on A. B, $2; John Barker, grading 8th con., $10.60; James Kennedy. burying sheep, 50e; Edward Jenkins, inspecting. $1.25; Charles Long, inspecting, $1.50; Alex. McLeod, file culvert, $3.85: Alex. McLeod, re- pairing old cemetery fence, 81.25; Jas. Linklater, tile for Leebur•n church, $5; Mr. Knight, rebuilding culvert, $1; on gg motion of Richard Jewell and Capt. to allow the chairman of Public Wot ks Yonng, Rohett Kerr was paid $1.50 committee to inspect the lot and re -1 for snowing Maitland bridge; Mr. port thereon. and the Council then ed- Milligan, gravel, $8.70. The council journed. I then adjourned to meet as per statute. IT IS FOR YOU TO SAY. You ate the interested one, and it is for you to say where you will have your physician's prescriptions filled. We make a special claim for this busi- ness which must command roar at- tention. Correct and scientific dis- pensing is the is ek on which we build our trade. Kindly give ns a -call when yon are in need of popular Toilet Preparations, Prices always satisfactory. If you are weak, nervous. rheumatic or dyspeptic. use Paine's Celery Com- pound. Like thousands of others, we strongly recommend it as the best medicine. JAMES WILSON, Druggist. Goderich, Ont. New Postofflce Rules. The following are among the new rules hung up in the postoftice at Cul- bertson, Neb.: They are not inapplic- able to points nearer home: Call for your mail about Len times a day; mail is received twice. it you do not get a letter he sure and tell the postmaster to write you one. Always get your head and body clear into the delivery window when asking fool questions. If you are in a hurry to get your mail before it is distributed let the mail clerk know and he will go through the mail and hunt yours out for you. When you huv a stamp let the post- master wait about half an hour for his pay while you write and address your letter. 'then be careful to forget to pay. Kick a hole in the floor if you want something at the general delivery window while the postmaster is writ- ing a money order at the other window. He will leave his first customer and rush to see what you want -nit. Anyhow, whatever else you do he sure to get around just as the mail has closed to mail a letter "that must go." were referred to Finance committee : W. A. Johnson Electric Co., one 300 light transformer, $108; J. S. Platt. wood for charity and Town Hall from uly, '98 to Jan. 80, 41� $45;; STHE AR,o Porter, stationery, $. printing and adyt., $83.87; Bar•t`t& Riddell, stationery. $5.45; Signal, p ing and advt., $67.12; R. W. McKenzie, hardware. $13.78; D. K. Strachan, re- pairs and work. $99.55: Steven's Mfg. Co.; $15.60; W. A. McClymoot, repairs, $7.05; Lee & Shephard, electric tight supplies ntile39.40; N. D. , Wm. e, googogy l', hardware, $14. coal, $075.20. REPORTS OF COMMrrrEES. The Water and Light committee re- ported having received five tenders for belting, and recommended the accept- $gance h�oif that of Sadler & Howarth. at 28.inch. foot rept t inch adopted. for The Public Works committee recom- mended ecom- e�blThat contracts be ltor graveling thequarHam- ilton and West streets. the committee to have power therefor, (2) that a drain be path] on Heaps street, from Mr. Grierson's property to the main drain on Raglan street. (3) The committee bad Instructed the collector to get set- tlements with Mr. Gundry, Mr. Hain link. Mr. Colborne, Mr. Btssett and 11th Platt, for rents past due on town properties rented by them. The report Was udop(.d. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box, F. W. MCDONAGR, Clerk. Starlike Harass Quin the belt preservative or nett leather and the best renovator of old ens and Ip trotect w Used black* Eureka Farness Oil ea YeardJouecca diageytop,,sar dthey Will cot only look lienar but wear Wawa eoleeve hetelaeatns-aU Wee (Win halt pude to aye gallon&, Yat• 1r lt?UULelLee., J. Brophey &Son, +-GLOVES-4 Don't go &twead another week with year bands in your poskete. bat tomeaad see whet we hove and Ret our vicar, Qat UNDERWEAR i& *oinit tape. You ought to IMPS SOON of II. • if you want w RAT• we carry the Christy. 11 le the beet, no doubt about that f$ATlrl AIQSR• to head this week, call and we thea W. C. PRI DI1Atl'•t, THE PEOPLE'S MENS' FURNISHER. .04ikiiegiONS4i( HATS 1',HATS I • HATS THE LEADING UNDERTAKERS, - EMBALMERS AND FURNITURE DEALERS. S Wakefield Sc Barrington WHAT WOULD YOU GIVE To be cured of catarrh ? If you or your friends have this disease, you know how disagreeable it is. Its symptoms are inflamed eyes, throb- bing temples, ringing noise° in the ears. headaches caprtctous appetite, and constant discharge of MUCOUS. Fortunately its cure is not it question of what you will give. but what you will take. If you will take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great consti- tutional remedy, which thoroughly burifies, enriches and vitalizes the lood, you may expect to he complete- ly and Permanently cured. The good hlood which Hood's Sarsaparilla makes, reaching the delicate passages of the mucous membrane, sooths and rehuilde the tissues and ultimately cures all symptoms of catarrh. Godercin Township. • Goon YIELDS. - Charles Cook, a careful farrier residing on the Bayfield Road, bad no less than fourteen barrels of select packed apples from one Bald- win tree. The tree was a pretty large one, 3 feet 8 inches by 50 feet. and when the culls and fallen fruit are con- sidered, the yield would he hard to heat. Mr. Cook had three acres of mrigolds, which yielded seventy-three 30 -bushel loads. Who can beat this record ? Miller's Worm Powders are a won- derful medicine fur ailments of child- ren. The Finance committee recommend- ed payment of the following accounts : • Thee. $3 the Signal, $8.30, and Uttttet Pereha Co., $3.74. They report, n ed nt;.referencer to the Elevator Co.'s (ICcottnt. there has been nothing pard bo far. and they have instructed the Clerk to write the manager of the Co. d re- gqnesf;tgttghhis t mediate attention f tine -platter. The Mayor, by way of explanation. ' 'bald he hint sIoken to Mr. Garrow re- •,trilingl.he'ele -+titer acc0un and that terifiepirtil had told him the whole distil(' srauld be closed UP hree ikeeker I ttie etotoriiy ho was in q. Bilin~ pt4itiO11. act'{ng !ter the •Wirt! Anti the' Blevtllt�oal for r Co . and was ttefiitt'todis of the bonds; money rather heed' '"down rerencly, but thejS bad dirt expeetaatfnn of disposing :, eo f •bood* satisfactorily in a cnnple Of *reek% and another' Week would per - tut thC e-uttbe nisttet to he cloyed np. The fief ort. wit* MOO& TThe i iri eoititittttee reported, recnm- NNtdiditiljttit44'pirehtten df5pairs rubber Morris. W. Dohei ty, of Clinton, has Nought what is known as the Broadfort farm, on the 5th con. of Tuckersnlith, H. IL S., for somewhere about $5,000. The farm contains 90 acres, and was bought for the timber that is on it, Useful at all Tinies.-In winter or In stormier Parrnelee's Vegetable Pills will cope with and overcome any irreg- ularities of the digestive tit glans which change of diet, change ot residence or variation of temperature may bring about. They should be always kept at hand, and once theit beneficial action becomes known, no one will he without them. There is nothing nark seating in their structure, and the most delicate can use them confidently. WESTWARD BOUND.- Simon For- syth, 6th line, was so much taken with the appearance of things in the West that he has taken np and bought 1.000 ,teres in the Riding Mountain section, Assinahola, and will move there next spring. Unless he sells his farm bete one of the sons will stay and take charge of it. Jno. McCutcheon, of the 6th, has also invested in farms in the same locality and will try farming there next year. The land is saki to be good. within easy reach of railway. coal, etc..and is rapidly settling up with a good class of people. It is in this locality that the Hyslop families from Grey township reside. They have done well. Jas. Petah talks of moving towards the setting sun. H all these folks get away they should call their settlement Morrievillr. Thos.'Mason has turned over to D. A. Forrester, near Clinton, some one hundred bead ot two year old steers, all stockers. Some of them will weigh twelve and thirteen hundred pounds. • Ate''"., .41,2c+ . . 1.- m,1 '::s; -".•••:.9 ". • Till Tibout soaps 1 LI a 4, Pure Imported White Castile. Pure Imported Mottled Castile. P- lenty of both in stock and selling 41 freely every day -by the pound. r In Medicated Soaps for skin affections ,t we have 04 C- DRA•Deawn, CUTICURA, BAKER'S 4 II DANDRUFF, PACKER'. TAR, ENGLISH CARBOLIC, SULPHUR, WOODBURY'S 4K 11 F- ACIAL, WITCH tfALSa,WEKTE ROSE, �1 CUCUMBER, BURTON'S TAR and GLv- , ccaINa, etc., etc. �11�1111 S. E. HICK, CHEMIST, CENTRAL DRUG STORE, !; COHIrtIOS• V?! RpHONE No,S790.I •i .p- Always the BEST at Hick's. Millt'r's Worm Powders cure tits in children. 04ildEgilEifiefeifeas Some weather prophets, who have made a close ,study of the seasons in times Met, predict an onen fall, owing to the prevalence of dandelions and the croaking of the frogs at this sea- son of the year. Excellence in Leaf, Care in Manufacture, Are the cause or the growing popularity of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminatur does not require the help of any pnr- gative medicine to complete the cure. Give it a trial and be convinced. During the past year C. J Wallis. of Clinton, has paid to farmers about $100,000 for live hogs. -- -- A dose of Miller's Worm Powders occasionally will keep the children healt hy. Those who %von prize money at the Clinton Fall Show will receive only seventy per cent of their winnings, and this was to have been paid last Monday. "Adversity flattereth no man," hut the pains of dyspepsia turn his atten- tion to Hood's Sarsaparilla and in its use he finds a cure. i was pale and weakly for years, Mil- ler's Compound iron PHIS brought 1 about a change. a85ssssssss Ask fo see.• Tho "CANADIAN' Brand Wool Carpet -examine each c>y s strand of yarn for yonrself- nothing but pore Fleece Wool guaranteed. Beware of Imi- tations. Boo that our trade mark "The Sheep" la on the ticket on each roll, with sample of yarn at- tanhcd-noneporfoot without It Royal Carpet Co. J. H. PEDDER. Soiling Agent at Ooderlch. Tuckett's Black Chewing Tobacco. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. ,c suceeestellySafe, used month. M over 10At1e,Ldtes.Bate,eIIirotilal. Ladles ask your druggist tor Cee&•s Celle. Rssl Cs* ��/ Takenooiiliher,asalnRMixt No iisanti i Imitation. are dangerous H box; Na a, 10 degrees pstronger,t8 per bore o. st�ampsss Thi !think -O.t mpsay and Ont. responsible Druggisand ts in ovoirecommended mendedln all No. 1 and No. 2 sold in Goderich , JAffiRs W ILENIN. druegt" WE RAVE A VERY LARGE STOCK OF �• Fine Felt !f ats---new Fall styles. MoUern Nu flous6hoLsJ FIIPIIIi►AP6 at prices that will meet the size of all purses. Bedroom Suites $9 op. Sideboards from $7 up. Rockers from $1.75 up. Dining Room Chairs, high back, natural wood, from $4 the half dozen, up. Our Goode aro all good and the prime tight. In Undertaking and Embalming we are leaders. The hest Goods, moderate prices, and courteous attention are the principles we work on. J• BROPHEY & SON. LEADING UNDERTAKERS. West St., -Galeria. "EXPERIENCE 1S THE BEST TEACHER." We nnist be willing to learn from the experience ot other people. Every testimonial in favor of Hood's Sarsa- parilla is the voice of experience to vou, and it is your duty, 0 your blood is impure and your health failing, to take this medicine. You have every reason to expect that it will do for you what it has done for others. It is the best medicine motley can buy. Hood's Pills are non -irritating, mild, effective. John Gentles, the Kincardine horse king, within the last four weeks has chapped seven carloads of horses. These were all heavy lumber horses and were shipped to Michpicoten and the Soo. They cost hint from $75 to $124 each. Mr. Gent! is says horses are scarce, and that the price will likely wo up. He thinks that people are making a mistake in not raising heavier horses. Three Books of Poetry Worth Reading. A Well -Shaped Foot DESERVES WELL -SHAPED FOOT W EA R. We should like to show you some foot- wear of that sort -to prove that style seed mot interfere with comfort, nor comfort with style -and that we give the moat of style, comfort, Land durability for your money. Sea our fashionable Slippers and Boots. All of newest design, perfect make and guaranteed to tit and wear. Wm. Sharfflan;Jr. Corner of Square and East St. The Pickling Season ' Brings to mini the fact that housekeepers require nod other necessaries. Wd have them at Gloss Gut Prices - This is headquarters for FRUITS, GENERAL GROCERIES, Lao. Courteous treatment au3 prompt free delivery to all parte of the town. Miller's Compound Iron Pil Is, only 25 cents for 50 doses. Snippet's of apples W the British market are losing heativy this year. Last week Wm. Ryan, of Dublin, re- ceived returns for 140 barrele, sent to Liverpool, and the receipts very little more than cover the cost of the empty barrels. Other shippers have also been heavy losers, the Caine. being the high prices paid for the fruit, and the immense quantity shipped, which completely glutted the European mar- Tket. One ot the largest buyers in Huron a couple of weeks ago lost. 55,000. which indicates that farmers are this year sure winners. Songs of the Settlement and other Poems by Thomas 0 Hagan, cloth 75o The Mao with the Hoe and other Poems by Edwin Markham, cloth $1.00 Tho Habitant and other French Canadian Poems by Wm. Henry Diummond $1.00 THE ABOVE PRICES ARE STRICTLY CASH. Just received direct from the manufacturers in black, brown ani neutral, at $11.75, $2.00, $2.25, and $2.50. • A. P. M°LEAN, MY HATTER, FURNISHER, AND CLOTHIER. THE CORNER CASH GROCERY. � w7rJ01:1" CDC). Corner Montreal street and Square. GODERICH St6If1L RI6S Holloway's Corn Cure is the med- icine to remove all k(pds of corns and warts. and only cosi' he small sunt of twenty-five cents. At a rneeting of the Clinton Odd - fellows. a grant of $25 was made to- wards founding an OddfellowA Homo at some central polos in the Province. ft was also decided to raise $50 for the same purpose among the individual members of the lodge. Millet's Otto Powders Cure. The niuch-talk d -of Ayr electric road, according to the Ayr Newts, will soon be commenced. The cost, In eludingequipment, $2.0000, which amount it Is statedsome $100,000 will Ise contributed hy municipalities through which the line will pas.. The proposed route is from Port Dover, through Simcoe, Writer- ford, aterford, Brantford, Paris, Ayr, Roseville, Blair and Berlin. it will at Galt make conmxtion with the electric road running from that place to He.peler. Biliousness rtnrden* Life. --The hit ions man is never a companionable man because his ailment renders hint morose and gloomy. The compbuntis not so dangerous as it, is disagreeable. Yet no one need gruffer from it who can procure regulating te theliverVegetablePills. and obviating the effects of bile In the stent Leh they restore men to cheerfulness and full 'rigor of action, 'We have also been appointed Sole Agents for that L. E. Waterman Fountain Pen, without doubt the best Fountain Pen in the world. Price $2.50. We are also agents for "The Langhlin Fountain Pen," nngnestionably the the best Cheap Fountain ren. Solid gold point. Price $1/15. The larger sire $1.50. PORTER'S( BOOK -STORE, TelephOttl 1ta100. Court Heves Square, (iodettlab Gra DI3RIOFl.. FIJLL LINES OF SEASONABLE Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS! Notably, Navy and Blaok ail -wool Serge., Broad Cloths, Crspoue. and Black Double Warp Lnsares-from 1 Se to 45c• Full lines ot Hosiery and Gloves. A large stook ot iat"f1S; the bot that ready money eon buy. FOR TW() WEEKS ONLY. Mrs. Pott's Sad irons 75c each " Iron Handles ;6c each Cinder Sifters with Handle. 15c each 011 Cloth Binding 26c set Electro Silicon, Sliver Polish 16c pkge Family Meat Choppers $1.16 each Weather Strip ... Sc foot Odorless Stovepipe Enamel 10c each Sunlight Stove POi(211. 8c each Soft 011 Soap 20c box ALSO A LAROE ASSORTMENT OF Will not be undersold in any of the above goods -quality being equal. Bar Will bo pleased to show Goode whether you purchase or not. A. M U N RO. Draper. —While buying a Range why not get the BEST— ,N,H HIPPY T,HOUCJiT Table Cutlery, Carvers, &c. +'Ask for Cash Register Check with every purchase. N. G. ROUGVIE GODRICS R-- SOUVENIR They are HANDSOME, ECONOMICAL and PERFECT BAKERS. See our Radiant Home and Souvenir Heaters. • . . A Guarantee with every' Stove. LEE & SHEPHARD. A Bad Leak. A leak in anything is bad, but in a water pipe it's a serious mat- ter. Send for us to mend the little leak. Have us do your Plumbing and you will be in- sured against Teaks. We do Steam, Acetylene (las and Water Fitting anywhere. CATTLE BROS., rilr West Side of Square, OODERICH. rhe Oldest, The Newest, The Leading. Business Training Institution of America. relnraten young Men And Women for money making and room! altir-enahlp. Has had over ae.oes ,indent. In attendance since It won e,.tnbllrhed in 1810 end furnished mete situation. to grndnnt . than all other Inatltntlon, of the kind In Michigan oomllned. Superior modern methods ; large corpe of experienced men tenrher•., end ,.crnplee no a 'gent bo dfeg. erected espnatallyy for to iso. Handsome Illeatraid catnlogae fres Cores.pende"oo Ineltcvi. WILLIAM F. JEWELL, Pies. PLATT R. SPENCER, tfee7►. BUSINESS UNIVERSITY BUILOINC, 11 iii Wileox nye., BETRBIT, MIgN• Shrewd Merchants value Circulation, and that's the rear )n they talk to the masses through THE STAB.. Stock nearly complete again. New goods received daily. A lot of Fine Bath and Carriage Sponges just• to band. The newest and latest Perfumes. Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders. Robber Goods, Syringes, Atomizers, Hot Water and Ino Bags, oto,, eto. F. JORDAN, Corner Colborne St, and Squ re We have for Sale Cheap, ii Shingle riill. 1 15 horse power Threshing Engine, in good order. 3 Horse Powers. CALL AND BEE THEM, THEY ARE BARGAINS Tho Nnudhrsou BIGiGIk Co., LINK 6gCieri(h