HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-10-27, Page 8ST RY OF THE WEDDING RING.
Het =Rum, AL CLAY.
geese Await Ilfaismaa Mee Witt ROW: "Tbs Meese et a Bonk'
PilifePrUit io-Gentitated of manner and of moveraettle She
4.1f the eptthe her lipit greW white. t went to eini at Once.
Tiliiii all* Wall OUTS Lii) ciente bare, she i "Will yoa love mo a little for zny
ThPleittad tet herself. She wanted only i mother's sake 1" aim said. quietly.
(ME EliMPlee Ca the great world, aud 1 He kisse-d the white brow , he look -
thee she WOuld come back. , od at the violet eye* vvith their golden
"Yea think, if Mr. Waldron lirmesv . light, he laid his hand on the abining
Whet iseirdearlsve00d bas proposed, he ' =risco of waving hair.
woehillhOt e011iselat foreyoa to pay even 1 thrill learn,' Ito amid, ''to love you
thili visit, maid Mr. Ford.
"I am quite sure of it ; he would
Prefetent My going."
"Wiser &eked the lawyer, briefly.
"lie would bo afraid that I never
eh011id Coate back," she replied.
"Hut On do intend t.o return -you
best fOr yOur own sake, and o
la tete your song You look se young,
• am not tweuty yet.' she replied,
with a smile; and the smile made her
tio beautiful that the old man looked
at her to wonder. Ho took the boy in
had no dea of accepting Lord Carts- his arins.
"Not in the least." she said, "I told
you 1 wOuld never break my bueband's
Bilt it struck him there was no long-
er the same fire and animation in her
"You will aim° this evening," olio
said, "and tell my husbaad all."
• • • • •
"Paul," said berna.y, as they sat to-
gether watching the sunset, "do you
see that stranger al the garden gatel
He if, coining tO tell you the strangest
stOry yoe ever heard in all your
• • • . • •
Paul Waldron heard Mr. Ford iu
atuplfied silence, in bewlIdered dismay,
as he listened, a passionate cry of de-
spair came from Ms lips, and the law-
yerai heart was touched with pit y,
When the story was finished. Paul for-
got the stranger's preeence; he turn-
ed to his wife With love and tendernees
"SO, My darling," he said, "my beau-
tiful 'love, you are a great lady after
"I am your wife, Paul," she rejoin-
ed, her lovely face softening et the
sight Ot Ids groat emotion.
4,And the' lord hue Invited you -you
and our boy -to visit him -you
me I"
"Perhape he wants to see me first,"
she returned. "it may be that he e, I
ask to see you next."
"You without fuel" be repc-a ted. "012
ray darling, do not think 1 feel it be-
muse he is rioh and great I that
would make no difference to me. 1
value no rank -I value yeu, my darl-
ing. If he should take you from tue 1'
"He cannot 1" she whomered. ''Who
ca.n take me from you Am I not
your wife -your own wife!"
His great love, his passlonai e de-
spair, touched her ; she felt lei she
would rather die than leave Min Paul
forgot that they were not 1110110 ; he
knelt at her feet, claimed her hands
in his own, aud covered thom with
lasso% with passionate tears.
"My darling, how ahould 1 lien it I
lost you 1 You are the life of my life.
Yon are the light, the warmth, the
centre of my soul -my heart lives in
you. I love you so, sweet, that if you
were to be taken from me 1 should
go mad. I am frightened when 1
thinlc-of how I love you -frightened at
myself. May Heaven keep from harm
any one who would come between us I
You are fair and fragile, 1 am strong
with a man'e strength, but if you bade
me, I would lay myeelf at your feet -1
would give you my life!"
"And I love you, Paul," she whis-
He turned to Mr. Ford.
"You see, sir, she loves me -loves
me, unworthy ail I am. This great
\ man cannot -will not, take her from
me I You see for yourself she loves
"I see," was the grave response. To
himself, Mr. Ford said, "May Heaven
have mercy on any man who trusts his
happiness to a woMatt's keeping!"
"You will not go lot long, Ismay f"
Paul mid.
She wile so touched by ble great
paseion, his marvelous love, that ehe
"1 will not go at all, unless you aro
quite willing, Paul."
-1:10 taus sowed bin* of the Ca rlswood
face.' he snot, musingly.
lemay proved, to her grendfuther's
delight, that abo, too, had some of the
old Carlswood spirit and pride, Al-
though the novelty, the magniticence,
tee luxury, must have struce her with
wonder, the lead nothing. He ead
dreaded vulgar cries of admirat1011,
outbursts of wunder-he need nut have
been afraid. When homy saw any-
thing she did not. understand she asked
what a was. lie was delighted with
her ; there was no trace anything
vulgar about her. lie had half ex-
pected that she would speak in broad,
provincial fasbiun. but her accent was
as gooi as his owu.
She ropiest:aid the startled cry that
thee to um tips ton the was taken
by the housekeeper to the superb suite
of rowne prepared fur her. There was
a day and night nursery fitted up with
every coulter i and Luxury for the boy,
and there v. as a neat, ensiling maid 10
attend hon. there wae a suit of four
rooms arranged tor Isniay herself,
magnificent and luxurious aie though
they had been for a queen -boudoir
web rose bilk hangings, rare pictures,
lee/runt flowers, exquisite statuury,
and furniture of the most modern and
beautiful clesig-n; a sleeping room all
white a ad gold; a dreaming -room fit-
ted up wee every luxury, that any
tad) toted desire, and a small library
ii here the could read, write, or study
at will.
-Arc these Intended for me?" she
asked, an she looked round, aud then
she stopped abruptly, with an innate
conviction tbat the servants at Bralyn
moat not see how unaccustomed. she
was to suoh splendor.
Her surprise was increesed when a
pleasant -looking maid came smiling
and bowing, and told. her that Lord
Cariewood said she was Lo wait upon
Moe Waldron.
lay; she ime Wore Vestal Thele iiteeeere latelet Leeeneeraffeeseeepale
ege„ase her wafter Steeelete if Ing liff A 11THERT.
ttop. i have kineWla wenn* eieri woman
of our own Mee, tOO W 0 ,
latighed ail wealth to stearel, 1:11he
would have given their line fee their
hive - women of noble Alter% Wile
woad have lrampled 111xlire ateler
foot. But Isinise et a Hgeter nee
turo. Her meeker pettsieet he I/VW%
She will tatty with Me, 'Meuse t eon
administer to her vanity. ane her hue.
band cannot."
"It somas to me very murder."
eald Mr. Ford, remeMberime ate while,
baggrad fame of the yettlift bus.bene„
"and I, my lord, should not like to
change places witb you, if you sin in
tern fashloo."
el will take all tbe risk," was. tbe,
quiet reply
Then the old lord began to tempt his
grandobild. He talked to her of the
great world. ot its erilliant pleasures,
its imitator., its honors; he told her
how such beauty as hers would elem.
mand universal homage -that in Lon-
don, even amidst the noblest ladles,
she woad be a queen, He tempted
her with the most ready jewels, with
the most magnificent dresses; he lav-
ished every altuatry aeon her. He
Instated that she should learn to ride,
and parchased a beautiful Arab for her
She bed the use of a luxurious oar-
riage; she had servants to wait upon
He tempted her through her love for
her soa. He would take tbe child in
his arms and praise his noble face and
frank. engaging manner.
"It is pitiful to think of Llooel
brought Up in a cottage, with no
higher hope than to be a respectable
gamekeeper; nature meant him for a
nobleman, Lionel, Lord Carlswood,
would perhaps be tee greatest man of
his ruoe."
He tempted her through her love of
the beautiful. He surrounded her
with everything that was most grace-
ful and ohoice - he cultivated her
taste - he spoke highly of her appre-
He tempted her through the Innate
refinement that had always distine
guisbed her, he tninistered to it in
every way. He spoke always with the
greatest contempt of poverty, of all
approach to vulgarity; he spoke with
most condescending pity of t hbse
whose position in life was inferior to
his own.
He tempted her too. by the wonder-
ful reverence in which he beld his
owe; he told her stories of the Carle -
weeks dead and gone - of the het oes,
the statesmen, the warriors, the noble
and beautiful women -the heroines of
raee - women whose names were
famed in song and story, and then,
stopping abruptly he would say, with
atriinge. pathetic earnestness.
To be Continued.
etre Mary of IStioalell eirerelare oast
Ike Map Illitt Wheat Kreger noel
tits nacre nave to neat.
Tbe Bight Hon. Joetiph Chambarlein
wadi born at Grove 11111 terrace, Calne
berwell, almicot within Wend of Bow
Belle, on July 8, 1830. Ho came of au
anthatry of which he was proud tO
boatel. us his Radical nags. tweet a
descent of which I am as proud ay any
baron may be of the title which he
owee to the smile of a king," he es -
claimed in a fadema epeeists at Den-
bigb, "for I eu.n claim deocent from
ono of the two tboutiand ejected minis-
ters, who, in the time of the Stuarts.
left home and work and profit rather
than accept the State -Inside creed
which it was sought to force upon
Teen, when the wardrobe doors were
opened, she aaw wondrous treasurer'
of satin, silk, velvet lace, dresses that
had been sent from Paris, cashtnere
shawls, inantlee of finest velvet. There
was also provided everything neces-
sary in the way of gloves, fans, Milo
parse -nothing had been forgotten.
lemey's face grew pale with wonder
as she gazed.
"Sean 1 help you, madam, to dress
for dinner f" asked the smiling maid,
and elsmay. with some little trepida-
tion consented.
'the maid had selected a demi-toll-
elte-a dress of rich blue velvet trim-
med with white lace. She arranged
the waving masses of light brown hair
eit an to show its silky abundance; she
placed a ivhite °ameba in it, and then
see opened a jewel case that lay on
the toilet table. It contained a suite
of pearls, a beautiful necklace, a
bracelet, and earrings.
Ismay looked at herself when the
toilet was complete, with a sense of
wonder and fear. Was that lovely,
radiant, magnificently -dressed woman
really Paul Waldron's wife? 'rho
white, graceful nook and exquisitely -
moulded shoulders were tair as the
eoft gleaming pearls, the rounded
arms were perfect in shape, as were
the little white bandit, with their pink -
tipped tingers, the slender figure, the
featuree of the glorious young face.
She smiled to herself.
"I wish Paul could see me now," she
Hut he was too generous, too noble, thought ; and then the reminded her -
to amept the sacrifice from her. self, "1 must not forget to write to
"You shall go, me darling, and take et
the boy with tam. I eon trust you-
th. thank Heaven, I catt ttust you I
You will come back to me, ph will
know Iten that all the world can nev-
er gletti you the value of my love."
"eletattaw that now," she whispered,
end4feAtette Content.
afterward to Mr. Ford:
-"ea. Watekvall we kept our secret, and
satetneitliitig ot Lord Carlswood's eon -
dialysis; if he had 'known them he
wietild never have tet me go."
Foed aighed again as he
saidette 'hieneelf
-4V.Ven help the mein wbo trusts
his -Whistle to a weiman's keeping!"
Of the parttng of Paul and lemay
Waldron Mr. Ford could never endure
to think. He was a strong, cool,
shrewd, calculating man, but when he
recalled' that scone he was filled with
pain. The grief of the husband's
honest, manly heart, the silent an-
guish on the htuedsome face, the de-
spairing love with which he clung to
wife and child -all came vividly before
him. More than onto the lawyer hat
been torapted to tell iher not to go to
Bralyn-more than once limey was
tempted to clasp her arms eound
Paul's neck and ptaMise never to leave
him. He Rale nothing, 'but he looked
like a Man on'whom salaam:xi of death
had been pleased.
Ile exhausted his reassume% in order
that hie wife raight be nicely dressed.
He had bought a dressed soft, lustrous
silk, and they both thought in their
stmplicity that elegance could go no
"This great lord will see that I have
token care of you," said the young
husband, half sadly, half fondly.
The morning of departare came, and
his white face was pitiful -to fiee.
"et is only for a vlait," aaid Ismay,
and he clasped her in his arras.
"Loney, darling, you will not let
them turd yotar heart from me -you
will not learn to love wealth and lux -
ore so 0early that you oan never love
me againr
She soothed WA as women. know how
to soothe the fears of those who love
fdri Verdi win; watched the scene,
thought he baa Wirer beheld a great-
er isentrast. Vat hUshand was pale
and haggard, felli Or -a great passion,
agralt ltritif-the wite was beautiful,
bright. end radiant. her Invelinoes en-
haneed by her testeital dress, her
teteitte brighter treat the consoloutmess
01 110ielty. The little child looked
freebie One tO the other With wondering
"HO* earl ahe Iterni him f" thaught
Idle reed to himaelf, ''She hae a
`Ate -Milted` nattete then 1 thOught."
Eite thread laitey When Paul Wieldron
berd 'hitt Wifiell) his Orme and tried
to eay etifearial.
'Too Must teljOy yourself as muoh
;1111..$11 tad, Iatuay DO not sadden
ettitatiel1 Mb here all
alenti. htterpy. in thinking
of tett 'ened, Oh. IrlY My date-.
Line be e fled, "he, tits to me Hee
Illeebebete ate W310141 WOrli3;.elitti glee ettu
nit ite) "gteelelle ele
then hi *Oohed her until she
Vittiosa (Jut 41 hitt *ht. Ills love
ter het .Vent eat greet that if In that
hatte fettetteen AB thee
'lin taint te entree he Would halm died.
• tied Wail latteprlited to find how
eheh -fifaidreeri. retire/0d 4ibast
ItigrItta RhC Womt 14ttotii
petite* itisheiti, .this
MVO Witt* OW dried. SW **yea
the 411416rd hereon *MI the
eilltatleitt atottoa t. taalty
She went down to the drawing -room
where Lord Carlswood and fear. Ford
awaited her. they both looked up in
wonder as the beautiful girl entered
the coolie 'rhe old lord paid her many
courtly compliments, and the fair face
flushed with triumph.
She went through the ordeal of
dinner with great calmness and self-
eintrol. She was half dismayed al
the splendor of the dining -room -
the silver, the rare wines, the
flowers, the luxury teat seemed
to abound everywhere half startled
her. But she was careful, not to dis-
Neese her grandfather -she watched
went he did, and imitated WM.
"Three months ander the careful
tuition of some accomplished and hig.b-
bred woman," Lhought Lord Carts -
wood, "will make her presentable any-
After dinner, while he paused In his
conversation, Rho looked tip nt him Bud -
"1 must not forget to write to Paul,
my husband," she Raid; "he Will be
waiting so anxiously for a letter from
Lord Cariswood waved his band wiee
a courtly gesture.
''W ill yeu oblige nae, Mrs. Waldron,
while you honor nee with your society,
by refraining from all mention of that
person's name?"
Her face flushed with anger -some
proud retort sprang lo her lips; but
prudence won the day - she made no
Alter that Lord Carlswood was kin-
der to her tban ever, 14o took her
round the picture gallery, he talked to
her, be allowed her to see how greatly
he admired her.
Without oetentetion, without boast-
ing, he gave her some faint idea cf
the glories of the house bf Carla -
A Veturan's Trials.
haowu to the Beene eat aMele
rert defiltlee he, the ThelfliebneeMA,
bitteee gelategget WIAO Nita, ChairiPO•
bad ell the etille ftertefiedo ittetbiejeleiMe
mended the viler end rOad Matra/10M
to the village, Haring the petiOd
the soldiere were them the Poem tier. Delee a rosy in the erplipas` Mow lo
rounded the Pittee attd Matte Many tit- ream- tilow a eery Wraiths Mita In
trissitnt. ortgaal -*voiptora so EMT MD
iitcoenieler a Trip enema ilse Morilite
"Truth is stranger theta Octitea" lean
adage Oft Suoted and frequently veri-
fied in everyeday exiatetture. It le
atrangly emphasised in the life story
of Mr. Williston Michael Gallwey of
Cintra, Portugah a gentleman Of
wealth and distinction, whose earlier
life, spent in Canada, wee marked by
hardship and misfortupe. The atory
Mr. Ohamberlaizes father conducted
a shot, butaaess in the city, which had
been carried on under the same name
and on the samp spot for over a hun-
dred years. His mother was the daugh-
ter of a prevent:in merob,ant, and
Joseph was her first-born, the eldest
of a family of nine. Camberwell was she
ece.ne of the boy's early school days,
which were spout under the guidance
of a Miss Pace, who lived, at lie Cam-
berwell grove, where she made a com-
fortable livelihood by teaching a few
children the three R's. Joseph Cham-
berlain left Camberwell when he was
nine, after he had been at the school
in the grove just one year. His par-
e,nts crossed over to Islington, where
the, boy went to another private school
in Canoubury square, kept by the Rev.
Arthur Johnson, whose widow, the
Co'onial Secretary recently visited. On
leaving Mr. Johneon young Chamber-
lain was sent to the London University
School, which has the name of John
Morley wad the Speaker on its roll.
He was at this school until he reached
'sixteen, when hie educ.ation masa. Mr.
Chamberlain was only eighteen when
he began, as we should eay if he had
beeu a poor boy, to"earn his own liv-
ing." He entered his father's shoe
business, in which he worked, for two
years, and so remarkable was his grasp
of buelnese that he was entrusted with
the isole care of his father's interest in
a Birmingham firm of sorewneakers.
The business was not prospering
when the yotmg man from London took
a up oa behulf of his father. It had
been going the wrong way for several
years. Mr. Chamberlain turned it
round, and made the screw traae a
royal road to fort une-for Nettleford
and Chamberlain. 'Though he devoted
111• Digestion Sec .iin• Impaired mad MA
use Was Looked r a. slew Ira. -
Dr. it Minnie' Pink PIM Re olored
II heti Other Illeillelties Tailed.
From the Telegrapb, SN'elland, Ont.
'Among. the residents of Port Itobin-
soa there are few better known than
Dir.Samuel RAI:bards, who has resided
thet vicinity for some twenty-seven
years. Mr. Ritdlards came to Canada
from Illinois, and its one of the veterans
of the Amerioan civil war, having been
a member of the 7th Illinois regiment.
Mr. Richards is also one of the vast
army who bear willing and cheerful
le/Alimony to value of Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. To
a reporter who recently interviewed
lean he said: "1 very gladly testify to
the great merit ref Dr. Williams Pink
Pills. few years ago I fell a victim
toone of tee worst forms of kidney
trouble. I wa.s tortured with terrible
pains across ehe back. I could
neither ail up or Ile down with any
degree of ease. I consu.ltedi a doc-
tor, and he gave me medicine which
I took team time to time, but instead
of helpiag I was growing worse.
My digestion become impaired and 1
suffered from additional pains in the
stomach. I would feel cold along the
Spine and in the region of the kidneys;
steatite wheel n.pparently float before
eyee, and 1 eaittld hove frequent
headaches. 1 then began' using a me-
dicine advertised to cure kidney trou,
ble, but to no avail ; it left me poor-
er in pocket, while I grew worse in
health. I fell awayl in Heath Mail my
nelghbore scaroelY 'knew me. In nay
day I have Undeegoine many hardishimi
and a, great deal df pain. having been'
Soonest thef Amerioan war ; but int all
this 1 rawer experieneed the dread
that 1 now have when I recall this
sickness; uot even the hour when I
wax captured end' dremered within t
miles of Libby prison. My sufferings
were intensified by the eloulach troto
ble. I reek! not eat and was bent
anima double from pain, in fact I
deemed infrself a w rack. One day R. A.
Abbey, general merchant, advised me
to toy Dr. Williame' Pink Pills and
roe he highly recoeuirtended there I pur-
chased three boxes, and before they
-were used I could feel improvement.
kept on taking them until I used
ewelee boxes tied am now se welt and
strong! that I con do two daeff work
in one and weigh, t26 pounds. My
cure evaa a surprise to everyorie
he celnuaunity, as n11 thought my came
hope' ess. I feel leo grulified, that I
oonsideir this testimony compensates
only p.orly for what this medicine hag
done for me, and I bolieve 'I would
have been &ad if I had not taken
Dr..Williams' Pink Pills.
The experience or years Uns proved
that there 19 nbtolutety no disease due
to a vitated) condition of the b'ood or
shuttered nerves. thal Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills will nol poctroptly cure, and
those who are suffering from Ruch
treublea wield evoid much hisery and
nave money br peemptly resorting to
this treatment. Get the genuine Pink
Pille every time and do net le. per-
suaded to take an imitation or some
other remedy from n deuter. who for
the, sake ief the extra profit to himself,
may say is "just as good." 1)r. Wil-
liams' .Pink Pete cure when other
need' nesi fall.
He showed her ancient armor that
had bees worn by the heroes and war-
riors of his race) he showed her the
pictured facers of men, Whose voice had
ruled the land; he showed her the
portraits ot Ladies whose names bad
ueen proverbial for beauty! mad grace.
homey listened without comment.
In her own mind she was comparing
the magnitleenee of everything around
her With the poverty of her own lit-
tle woodland Wane. Could she ever
return and live contentedly there
agreed Lord Carlawood watched her in
silenoe; he took heart from the exprea.
sion of her face; ha kept her purposely
engaged in oonveraation.
"Let her forget, 10 write to him dur-
ing thin first night Of her absence."
he said to himself. "and 1 ahall 000 -
alder it a point gained. It will teach
him what to expect, for.I begin to hope
and to believe she will not leave me.'
it was not laratty stood in her
room at midnight that she said to
-Whet shall I dot 1 have forgotten
to write to Paull
tempts to rout Brletlish. Vveri
night the Bum!! forts were manned,
rhile in the duy mounted b3fatatrY Pe -
rolled tee dietriot.
"We were practically under fire au
"but we
the dote," totaled Mr. Sauter.
were net strong enough to attack tbe
eneaay. The occupancy of the place for
tie long a period soon al:tooted aar pro..
elisions. and at one time our best fare
wa8 biecuite add tedrk- Stdndertdu was recalled lately by a letter from
oan be aeon on imy map of she repub-
ao." Mr. Galiwey to a gentle:unto in Tor -
auto who had befriended him', and in
During the time they wore at Stan- which the writer proposes u trip
dertou urai nien were killed and eigh-
teen wounded. Mr. Soutex tells of
sevcsral ingot:tame devices practiced by
the suldiere to alarm the Boera. in one
ease they made neteinge and pointed
them white, and iti gave the Idea to
the Boers that the Brititta were .
Them again, an old waggon wheel
was brought into servoitt. Between the
spokes, rifles were fixed, and ea the
wheel moved around the Boers in Um
distance ouucluded that artillery was
a part of the defence. of Standertun.
While tee British did, not desire to
make an attack themselves, they were
anxibus for the /10131'13 to do so, but
A fete days passed, and limey Wag
deoft begat to bet at hornet at Bralyn.
She beisaine acetistotned to its *len-
dors, to its magnificent*, to the new
and beautiful lite that. opened to her.
She kinked back With wonder en the
tithe that hiitt het lite hi
the humble nottage How hid she
hernia the tplieto felleineled, the
Abeenee Of efeeythiete She new
d IMMO •
rd Cieliettked- Wee riatelVadrOt
treettaiettt a bor. Ho nothirig
moot its toilt lite 04;414u,:iitoitireila,j4i*e4 but he.
eetVatiire rittelPielawor Up a
', 00 itite itirie46 d'rettierelf 11144100, Ore
' settee. eat Ibi Mita a, ' vish Ola that :, el*
Brilin. in eiefett itatl lair lelight 0 tvitlii.to4ktirtiovi' 01.4\i, twit:
the eight Of that IiialhAfkeOt 1:60,066 46066 /mooed With She, libel eelitelde
Wee leitheleeDed.
Lira Ceithettlied *bike* lootAto .00' lt. .641 With bit Avow mot* axo. Ion IA
4461140," *so* tow 'lira Oh auttaf lint*V/O,feitattAtiatLthe_t%Litse
t at #41§. la Airi inert!,
Itititihefti 11644C4eteilatraittrateite" "NtrMeetireitil idieteig npti, iss :my'
ow titit 4•41,,,,,r, 4 ,htitoifrid 11oryi : of, )44` 4till., ,04, "t *le:,
ill iiiiVelliiiied*
atom ,bot attrInt the
t‘osiphit 41a6 lonett ottatritliitg
00 NO And ag tO affelfiseted
ualate 101-4Oiturb her., The MOW.
hatlh ° tabittitnpt 0 all lAtaitate. a I Rath
rwa Rea of Advice -*moll With
nen and Nei tee cheap* .
Tobacco certainly awe) to watery
some physiologic meet in certain con-
ditions of the system. for peon:Ina who
are unable to smoke at certain times
oan do so with; pleasure and benefit
at some other period In their lives, as
wail tips case with Huxley, Certainly
no habit 1a so common or so generally
hermleas, says a writer int the philik-
doiphivk moateat darunal, Comparative-
ly few one tobecoo in such excess se
to manor bad offsets, ,no doubt fewer
than auffer from thei overuse.ot coffee
aad tee. and infinitely fewer MAO
thotte who softer from overeetitsg. No
one will question the harmfulness of
the Use et tobatth ia the yung br in
Mosessive araountls, partiottlarly with
PeoPle. M ne tithe 1e the ef-
eta et the weed' More Nettattrit aild
seething than deer dititetie lb the
it here bile forget A hard
dere Week; la an aid to .dlgestlon,
and naked one reef at Pelee With this
efefidl then, 111. the Mielitleni Of 'Wee
oWh quartet% 11 walla offend Ott Mine
deer. and the otte or Oen) eigetra
pipet tan work no greet ilittiineal in*
, TWO Kt* 1*.aotoo *Wald be tonow.
ot: It boo to to ttWoy totatont6 Smoke
Wit* Mao*** rued dO hht Welke eon
StitO110 101610141014pstit,,QN. '
the latter, as was the thee throughout
the war, dared not make a stand, but In M.arch, 1875, a Collingwood Town -
resorted to running warfare. ship farmer offered to adopt one of the
'the Boom were well mounted and boys at the George street home The
proved to be good thole, and Mr. Sou- offer was accepted, and the farmeett
ter witnessed a Beer ouvalryman shoot .
it deer ou the run at a distance of 800 ell'CUCe was William Michael LiallweJ.
yards. Cunning and cruel, the Boers a bright,
do not place much value on human life, ' HANDSO.ME LIITLE FELLOW,
especially if they have any old scores then eight years of age, who had been
to meet. As an inatance, Mr. Soutar ,
referred to a pituderouti attack that Placed in the home by. Rev. Mr. Cart -
was made on two companies of h a regi- wright of Ancatiter. The lad, who had
ment at tironkurspruit, before war1 always displayed tbe greatest fondness
had been declared. Bundrede were( for horses, was delightect at the pros -
slain in a midnight attack on the
pact of living on a farm, and once set -
around the world at bis expend°. foe
day Mr. Gallwey enjoye pos-
seasion of vast estates end great
wealte; yea,re ago he was an inmate
of the Orphans' Home ou George St.,
in Toronto, and later worked as a farm
hand in Collingwood Township. For-
tunately for leneself, persons who did
not dream taut he was an heir to mil-
lsous. or was anyLhing but what he up -
peered, to be, friendless end deserted.
became interested in him, and through
their devotion he attained his owu.
The chitin of eiroumatunces loading up
to this happy result were nothing less
than remarkable.
himself to business with such real that
1n twenty years he had made his tor -
tune, yet he did not allow commerce
to swa dow ttia interest in the public
atfairs of Birmingham. He had become
familiar with many aepartments of
local life.
At the Chiireh of the Messiah he was
a teacher in the Sunday school with
four of his brothers, he taught for a
time in the night school, and took part
in the "penny reading" entertain-
ments. He was president, too, of the
Mutual Improvement Society in con-
nection with his Sunday school, and
was altogether an active worker in
many local causes of a religious and
sosial character. Years before, he
had begun his political career in a
lozal debating society at Edgbaaton,
where he mon became a somewhat
loominant figure. The story of his
career as a tow.n councillor is practi-
cally the modern eiatory of Birming-
ham. in six years -practically in
throe -he raised Birmingham from the
-position of a baelly-governed third-
rate town to the position of one of the
first towns in the kingdom.
camp. Capt. Elliott, paymaster of the
Rangers, had been taken prisoner, and
manner. The Beers took him to a river
and ordered him to swim across against
a strong current Co the other shore,
Whea he reached mid -stream, in UR in-
stant a Boer raised his rifle and idiot,
Tbe murderer was put on trial and
a jury of eleven Dutchmen and eine
Engle:A:man acquitted him, the Eng-
lithe:eau standing aline for conviction.
According to Mr, Soutar the Eng-
lish will have great difficulty in driv-
ing the Boers from Laing's Nek, once
they get possession. Laintee Nek is
a narrow pass bet weep Majuba 11 and
0 range of mountaios, and it was here
weere several bloody engagements
took place in 1881. The Boers, under
oover on the mountaias, had things
their own way, andi the British force
under General Collins attempted to
make a rusa attack on the enemy, but
were slot down like rabbits. Beyond
the pass, in the Transvaal, the country
is flat and int ermeted by man/
streams. The two principal seasons are
the dry and wet, arid in the former , EIRIGelr AND INTELLIGENT,
the graas ia ao parched that fires are a
frequent. nd a great favoitte wtth all who
Mr. Souter declared crap/la fleetly knew Mtn. Nen leng after his adop-
that all the present trouble in the lion by tee Hunts, ly i tlae year
1878, Mr C. %V. fittratine.an' 'flew a pri-
Transvaal would have keen averted had ' . _ .
vats _banker qt claripeaurg, commenc-
the Gladstone Government not declared
peaoe in 1881, "It was a badly advised ed business as a chemist at that place.
policy," he declares, "and the declare- Mr. Hartman was Mrs. untes broths -
tion of peace came just at tee time 4.=4.' !isentitornely t ullevriesitheed mhiet
a long time, were prepared with re- or o tahnedrG-9°1 mnisaeqw
when the British. after holding out for g attwey, and like everyone else
Yiv°ho had come in contact with the lad,
inforeements that were coming to grew to be fond of him. Mrs. Hunt
sweep the country. Great Britain will
need a big force to conquer the Boers died in 1879, after a short iilnese. Be-
. fore death she asked her brother to
and the delay in sending reinforce-
ments is certain to be injurious. Jou-I make an earnest effort to find Gall-
wey a parents, if living, or his rola-
bort is a.
CLEVER COMMANDER, lives. She said he had once or twice
told her that he could remember liv-
and the Boers, s.hould not be under- Mg in a beautiful home with his par -
estimated." ents, who seemed to have everything
Mr. Soutar conaiders that the Bri- that money could buy. Mr. Hartman
tish, having had previous experience promised to carry out big sister's
with the Bow.s. should not find it so wiallea, and after her death took Wil -
difficult to cope with their peculiar liam to his own hoope.
methods on the field, but still it must enquiries were set on foot first in To-
be remembered that the Transvaal ronto, then in Ancestor, New York,
•forces have' had opportunity to drill Philadelphia, Cuba and Lisbon, Pertu-
themselves In British methods ale°, gal, and slowly
'lee Birmingham of hie pawn council
days had a population of 180,000, and
a rateable value of less than one-third
what it is to -day. There were, toquote
from ane of Mr. Cleamberlaih's own
speeches, no praise, np free libraFiee,
no baths, no art gallery QC Urt 9211-
seum, no Midland Institute, po Maspn
College, no Corporation street, The
streets were badly paved, imperfectly
lighted, and only partially drained.
footwalks were worse thain the
streets. You had to proceed either in
several inches of mud, or in favored
localities sou might go upon cobble-
stones on which it. was a penance to
walk. The gas and water belonged
to private monopolies. Gas was about
es per 1,000 oubie feet ; water was sup-
plied on three days a week. On oth-
er days carts went round supplying
water -at lOs Lee 1.,000 gallons. The
death, rate was thirty in the thous -
tied. There were whole streets from
which fever was eever absent. Thous-
ands of eourts erPe not paved or
draioed, and were covered with pools
of stagnant filth.
It was thus Mr. Centaberlain found
Birmingham; he left if as we all know
it to -day, one of the best-goveraed
towns in Lhe world. In the three years
in which he was Mayor, Mr. Chamber-
lain achieved four great reeerms. The
town bought up the gas seorks, re-
presenting a capital of 0,200,000, and
yielding the people 00,000 a year. The
town purohneed the water -works, now
worth over 0,003,090, and reduced the
water rates by £25,000 a year. A drain-
ing union with surrounding towns was
established, and a model sewage farm
laid out at a cost of £400,000, which
It costa E1,000 a week to work. And
the council bought up the slums in
the centre of the town, built Copora-
tion street on the site, and let it out
in leases of seventy-five steers. The im-
provement cost nearly B20000,000, but
when the leases expire in fifty yaers
Birmingham will be the richest
borough in the world. It la a record
of which any man might be proud.
Bot 814 what bto you mottlaato
toot itifte tO thieetels the 1411)0Ort Of
fOr tato this*. tItta tbo tom
Iliato Ito hitta Mr 00 fait Wee,
• r"--
Coln ic
speaks for itself. il. trial is the most convisning argument in ite Won,
• . .25• 3044% so liF 60.0.
Triad Package*. . . .
William at the battle of the Boyne. The I wouldn't if I could get 4-....*-..-milevral. r
of King Jame:3U. in his attempt to LU50 1
Would youil"Euufre°033eTr.debeaded
deercendents of e faMily ee that name,
ajlfastidileiencse'in°41;elat.thT8home °t400t. kV°twateeldulle
regeht the Enelieb crown, and several
of the faintly Ought against King
remit ot that COnteitt meant to them,
as auusy other Male faculties, eiterm-
ination or exile. They chose the latter
and mode their way to the coutluent.
One of them settled in Lisbon, Portu-
gal, and laid there the foundation of
itihaewtomirteuhaettelnoGwatiewneeosy.ed by Mr Wil-
tied in his new home thls partiality
developed to a degree remarkable in
one tio young. Between stihool terms he
proved of great astestance to eis
adopted parent, and at ten years of
age could handle borate as well as a
man who had spent his whole life on
the fertile He ales displayed a great
desire to master the details of agri-
cultural machinery. This trait of him
nature cost him dearly, his left arai be-
ing so badly crushed while he was at-
tempting to oil a horae-power thresh-
er that it had to be amputated. Dr.
Hthrit of Clarktiburg, since deceased,
performed the operation, and after the
arm was healed the lad returned to
the Geprge street home. He was
then eleven years old.
Mrs. Dr. Hunt, who had been very
kind to the little fellow during his ill-
ness, persuaded her husband to give
him a home with them. This was done,
and William was well treated, being
' sent to scheme and lacked nothing of
the essentials necessary fer the wel-
fare of a heelth.y, viewing boy. He
O'KEEFE'S LanrilliAI,T• •
Invigorates end etreoettsiee_
Mon, WOWS. Tames qielioestreate
Sometimes a girl reruses a
haste tend repents at leisure.
There a more Catarrh in thts section 01 the
couutry tlfan all other dingaseit tAlt tflitethe
and until the last few years wail sera t
Incurable For armee mato, years octor pro.
pounced it a local disteise. and pros bed tocal
remeelteeand by co.-440We billing to rare with
local treatment. pronounced lt [pourable. BPI -
once has preueti ClittAITh tO be ceihttite,HOPSI
Obverts. and therefore requires constitational
treatment. HairsCretarrhenreemenufactared
by F. J. Cheney & oy., Toledo. Ohl% Li the unlit
conetteitional cure on the market. leis taken
Internally in doseefrom to drops to a teaspoon.
fat It sots ctly on the 41001 and UNI.00118
terraces of the oyotent. They offer one bond -
roe do lam for aoy care it ils to oure. eand
tor circulate and tostimoniala.
Address, le. J. CHEN E Y a CO.. Toledo, 0
Etsld by Druggist*. 7ao.
Hall's Family Pills WO the best.
AU Erroll. ou• luspreasinu Thut There le
tole et Cl.
A. popular impreseion prevails to the
effect that there ia a. large aniou.at
of solid gold plate for table use, or
for table ornament, in exiatence. This
is altogether erroneous. The term "gold
plate " almost invariably means silver
gilt plate, and nearly all the m-
etaled gold aervices aro of this silver
gilt metal.
In Great ,Britain there are not more
than a dozen pieces of solid geld plate
all told. Two of these belong to the
Duke of Pdarlborough. They consist
of a pair of ice pees, weighinig iso
lase than 365 ounces, and were pre-
sented ley Queen Anne, to the first
Duke of Marlborough, the victor ut
Blenheim. The Queen has two great
salvers uf solid geld at Windom Castle,
and there is likewise in the royal plate -
room a third and small ealver of
pure gold, made during the reign of
King William IV., from the presenta-
tions rings of the sergeants -at -law.
Exeter College, Oxford, haat a solid
gold cup and cover of seventeenth
century work, preseuted by Bishop Hall
to the college. The corporation of the
ancient city of York has a cup of
baluater stem, which was presented to
it in 1672, and which ia of solid gold.
Mr. J. W. Walrond, a couain of the
baronet of thee name, has a similar
cup of about the same date, white
Lord Derb,y has in his possession a
chocolate cup and cover of pure gold,
which were found in the lake cif hie
country seat et Knowsley aboet one
hundred years ago, on the occasion of
its being drained. These, we believe,
curial:auto the only pieces of mond, gold
Plato in Great Britain, and it is as-
serted by experts that they are quite
as rare on the continent.
'The uncertainty of sure things al-
ways clauses a lot of worry.
City ot' Toronto Showing Marked
Decrease in Deaths krom
Bright's Disease.
Noi Duly Itplultits aye Rut 411 It !dopy
DI -4410N Derrensing.-Itoilit's Wiley
Pills the Catnip Of heci
Borland r ed.
Toronto, Oct. 23. -There has been a
marked falling off in the number of
deatha due to Bright's Disease in the
eity of Toronto of recent years. This
decrease is ascribed solely to Dodd's
Kidney Pills, the m,arvellons medicine
which has performed so many, wonder-
ful cures throughout the country,
Formerly, within recent years,
Bright's Disease claimed a constant
sacrifice of unfortunate victims, and
wherever. it struck, death was sure to
foltow. tNow Bright's Disease itself is
comparatively rare, apd deaths there-
from almost unknown in this city.
Dodd's Kidney Pills have come into
universal household use and disorders
in the kidneys are rectified early, so
Bright's Disease is seldom allowed to
Where Kidney Disease has been ne-
glected, however, owing to ignorance,
prejudice or ()tirelessness, and Bright's
Disease has ensued, Dodd's Kidney
Pills are in the end called into requisi-
tion ninety-nine times out of a hun-
dred. Dootors themeelvea preseribe
Dold's Kidney Pills in their own boxes
or in bulk, so Bright's Disease with the
aid of Dodd's Kidney Pills is held com-
pletely at bay in Toronto.
Mr. Fred Borland. 677 Markham
Street. writes: "I, have been a sufferer
from Bright's Disease and impure
blood. I could not get anything to
help rao until I had talten two boxes
or your Doddeo Kidney Pills.
I am now cured of this disease
which I am told has always been eon-
sidered inourable. Pu.blish this letter.
It may help °them."
A Throne i Malt Who Saw Service M Ilh en
Urramege In ihe Transvaal
leciatee Mune of a eolittotos Experleuce..
ThOeough rtoquaintaece with the
Trrinevaal - even with any portien of
South &trine - le possessed by eery
few In Canada, though tinny at pre-
sent, during this exciting period,
yearn for the /slightest information
that will eistorey to them maybe only
a dim Meat of the oountry.
• A sarvivor of the Boer war of 18111
is a perfect eneeeloptedia, not only in
Supplying faces about the country R-
eale bet in telliog of the peetilirir tee..
tios and traita of the men. soot a PST.
aon la Mr. It Seater, of Testae. ne
waft a Mislead th'e Connaught
Ranger*, Olth Itegiratint In the tiret
war the t flattiertittl. and hi familiar
with the pliteett that tot. now being
hunted for in the map Mid pronounced
la litetral viticyk Ile took an tietite
pail in the *bolo eellieetisett. was
atAtiont4 at Shindetteit fee three
Width's. At that pitute disteehritent
a One hilhdred Men 1fotti the efegle
orgo 4$ 4 GAIIMMN.
to tbo 14tCoa, *blgit two a erciall tplage
on the Vtitti tisr. Aml semehiltali
+se C
*The " bicycle foot" is a complaint
In which the ligaments are gradually
stretched by the shock and strain of
frequent downward motion until they
cease to support the arch of the in-
step. The bones, thus deprived of their
gravel support. press upon the
nervea, capping intenee pain, mid in-
flemmetIoe Of 'the mutudee frequentli
follows. The erenble ie often caused b
wearing aboes with too thin wiles, an
therefore women are more frequent
sufferers thaw men. The treatmerit for
" bicycle feet" ia rest and aa artifi-
cial steel arch constructed to fit the
instep This is worn Inside a thick.
soled bodt nail the strained tendons
reigein their normal strength.
The Pall River eotton raffia are hint -
log et combination with a exploit of
masa In
a youthful complexion. Send 25 oento for nisi
or post card for chattier on skin and outuplosteu.
Oyu W. J. URQVIIABT, ON Queen St W., Toronto.
The kissing -bug has come( and gone,
but the humbug is ever with us,
The hidden hand In politics is the
hand that fools the world.
The " Balmoral," Free Sue. tabialt,;:
Hotel Carsialte, rurleia:dPsty4In'p..8%s"
T.R._StatIon,..litcontreal. Geo. (Mese° Co.". ProlittP.
AVENUE HOUSE-erfaig.n„vlito
per day.
ST. JAMES' HOTEL--grtrocir
Railway. Firet-claas Commercial House. bgderia.
eruct -menu Rates moderate.
All men are not born equal; only
twins are born that way.
carter% COLD OWN he Cures in a Jiffy. P
Col meek & Cu., Agents, Montreal.
• Some Great Bargains. Apply to JAMES
Mob. .41'FAVART, Drawer 16, Kincardine P.O., Out.
THE Dell MOINES INCUBATOR -Best and cheapest
0. housed, ohs agent fur the Dominion. fiend et,
stamp or catalogue. 379 Rt. Paid Street, Montreal,
It le ass gnay to Love
Your neighbor as yourself when your
neighbor is a pretiy girl. It is jest,
as easy to mire yourself of Catarrh,
Brombiti.s dr Asthma, it you use Ca-
tarrhozone, the new medicated air
treatment for all disesases of the
nasal and respiratory passages caused
by germ life. Catarrbozone cures by I
inhalation without danger or risk to
the sufferer. It goea wherever air can
go and never Odle to reach the affect-
ed parts. This is why it excels treat-
ments requiring the use of sprays,
douches, powders, ointments, etc.,
which cannot reach the seat of the
disease and are therefore useless. For
sale at all druggists, or direct by mail,
prime $1.00. Send 10c, in stamps to
C, Poison & Co.; Box 518 Kingston_
Ont., for sample outfit.
of the lad's paeentage and childhood
came to light. It. appeared that his
father, the favorite son of a Portu-
guese family, whose forefathers came
!row Ireland, had married a Protest-
ant lady against the wishes of his peo-
ple, whose religion was Homan Catho-
lic. Fle was given a portion of the
family property and immedietely went
to New York, entering business von-
tiare in that city, which was not suc-
cessful arid by which he lest el:Insider-
elite money. Fellowing this expert -
ewe he went te Teri:into, arid taught
O 1888108 in a sch(101, there, residing in
tbemeantizne, with his wife, and two
children, the boy William. and a girl,
on Church street. Mrs. Gallwey's
health failing, a return to New York
was made, where, however, she died.
The childrein in the meantime had been
left with a Mrs. McKay of Ancestor,
who, not hearing from the parents for
a long time, consulted Rev. Mr. Cart-
wright, with the reoult that the boy
wae placed in the Home and the girl
adopted by people near Guelph. On
reaching womanhood Miss Gallwey
married a well-known Guelph business
man. Subsequently it was ascertain-
ed that after his wife's death Mr. Gall-
wey went to Cuba and accepted a posi-
tion with an owner of -a large sugar
plantation. He seems .to have met
with considerable euccess in this work,
but when apparently on the high road
to fortune was
by one of the laborers on the plan-
Having gone so far, the efforts of
those engaged in making the search
seemed tobe baffled. Several apparent-
ly correct stories were traced to their
source without result. Teen Mrs. Mc-
Kay recalled the name of a Philadel-
phia lawyer whom Mr. Gallwey had
mentioned to her as being a friend of
his family. Mr. Hartman was notified
of this and wrote the lawyer, who re-
plied, stating that Mr. Gallwey had
come from Liabon, Portugal, and had
a wealthy unele there. To this gen-
tleman Mr. Hartman wrote, giving as
eletirly as possible the facts of the
case, and enclosing a certificate of Der.
Gallwey'a death, which had been for-
warded from Cuba. In return, the
uncle. after a few further inquiries,
sent to Mr. Barthian a (she& for fifty
pounds with the request that the lad
be properly educated end cared for,
end the menisci that mciee money
would be forthcoming at regular
This pavertise was kept and
the request wee complied with. The
uncle died in 1880, leaving the boy heir
to estates in Chitra, Lisbon, and else -
Where in Portugal,
VALUED AT 111,000,000;
large portbail of the Ielend of Tone-
reff, ens qf the Denery be-
sides several leillians eardi ana
betide, old Wilily Plate, diaMendfi, etc,.
William Michael name into pOiteetelien
Of the estates at otos. He has ',flatted
Americo end Canada heveral times
since then and hits alwase kept in con.
Stant communicatiou with those vibe
befriended lalm in his early dela. In
114K, he was married to a Chicaga lady.
This Gall*eys. as stated, are the
£404,07 074
stiot, leititio
At/4044 #4:4 *241.7 440
New importations Hue,
Sausage CasInge-Engueb Rbeepund Alll
erican Hog Casings- reliable g001111 at eght pries.
PARK, BLACK WELL ft GO., Toronto,
LAwMills. Mille & Halos
to Wesley Rich.
mond tit. W.. Toronto.
X or Os 611 throat, stomach
permanently eurea
Catarrh of nose,
s nd bladder. No & box. Write for partleulam, The'
Indian Catarrh Vero Co , 146 Rt. Jumes-st., Montrear.
Dr. Arpott, Berlin who will eons In
117 those
above holed
to be eared else-
where, write to
ou hoop OUTOV011
Wholesale only. Long Distance TeltiphimelT2e
The 0awsoq Commission 0o., Limited,
eor. West -Market & Oolborne et., Taranto,
C un get you best prices fur your APPle, ROW, EV"
Poultry, and other produce, if you lp it 10 theta.
reflACY41 (without knife), Tirane -Mel Asthma, arid
Over -fatness, are all eortel by safe, sure and pleas -
not remedies. Abso titely no injurious edema. Ad-
dress, DR. 11.45r, 83 Seneca iit , New York.
Wan ted - - 7.74.°41%;
per month ; steady work ; must Jr handy with toois
over al is nrs and utile to give S. security. Personal
intervIew nceesscry. Apply in writing, glying full par
Dyeing ! Cleaning
For the very best send year work to the
Look for agent in your town, or send direct.
Mont real , Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
Cereal Coffee Ith Pure,Wholesome, Nourish -
15o 111., or 21 for 25e. Ro K Is equal to 40o coffee.
For Sale by all Grocers or Pend Ilk for 6-11K peck ago
When a woman is In love she's a self- to the Ware MFG. PO.;154 Queen R., Toronto.
appointed detective. Agents wanted M every Meanly
used to mothers for their children teething. It soothe'
tbs. child, softens the gams, 'Maya pain, *urea wind 1
Odle, and ts the best remedy for diarrhota. 25o. bot.
M. Sold by all druggists throughout the wori,i. Be
slur sad sok for " Mee Winslow's liksablas Syrup.
Some people are equally ae dis-
agreeable as the trete.
Take Iterative Firomo Quleine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money 11 It fails to cure.
enc. W. Grovies sViature la on each box.
The stereopticon man Is always
changing his views.
LU BY'S MT ir.17.
Sold by all druggists, soc. aelazothtile4e.".
ei dog is never a hypocrite; when he
wags hia tail he always means it.
" Pharaoh 10o." PZ1,11,°;(0.r.a=1.°
Some meal seek foreign shores for a
rest and some to avoid arrest.
La Toscana, 10o. faitigial 411*
It properly managed one good oppor-
tunity will last for a lifetime.
W. P. C. 995
Carbone Ceisinfecitonte, Gomm, Oint-
ment, Tooth Powders, eta., have been
awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior
excellence. Their regular use prevent infeete
ens dineases. Ask your dealer to obtain a
supply. Lints Mailed tree on application.
To ;end for our
complete SHEET
are equipped to
supply iiiety MUSIC
Whaley, Royce
ft Co.,
taa Tones EL,
Solid Gold. ,..$2.85
Best Gold Fill 1.60
8 yrs Gold Pill 1.00
Best Gnomes.. 100
Vrairossatitee puleet satisfaction.
03 Vonefontmet. Toronta-
OWEN SEM iittiliostehets
u sues.lusomya 1104 ot
Disnonsi.ortu W.Toroino.
V“init Piiot o 1.461:avtm;
t, 1411 DII MOEMNe IORON107-'
CitthOlietharir roittin 11/44=1.
liallsices. Otters*, Viz a tch ortiairta.
V..'""4°"1. tourkfractlf.."=.
tie fort° bats
bask teases ealasa sea
woo taw week
Office and Bank Fixtures, Modern
Store Fronts. Mirrors and Flate
Glans. For low prices write
Michigan Land for Sale.
8 010 aetige 0 ci !TAO° r,lititflt
fek 'C'Jentral, De. reit k Meek num and
Loon Lake Railroads, at prices tonging f rom 0.2 to en
eiss, Lana. are Close to Euterpriaing Now
'owns, Churches, Schools, etc., and will be sold on oat
reasonable terms. Apply to
• mar.151vt,e&iftflT,%7hegeftn°Trnsiigi!'"'
Wu Miele
Dominion Line il=8=18.
Montreal etid Quebec to Liverpool.
Large and fast Steamers Vancouver,'
Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman.
Rates of passage First Cabin, 3.60 upwards Boone
Cabin, 835; Steerage, $22.50 and $29 AO.
For further Information apply to local agents, or
DAV I G TORRANCE & CO., General Agents,
17 St. Sacrament St. Montreal.
BOYS AND 01B1-51,
• 0 044.0.6Ool.oebasloo Go 001.. Mk MINM
• I Nent :2 rie nar,"-"noli
rz ameNT.:-....111.r2Zi
1 ........., WOOS. araeme. wa.
p s s
California Excursions In
Pert.ionally conducted Emily Ihrsiloy
• Nor full Information and resift/Alen nf sleeping ear
bertha address
H. 0. Townestro, MP. a T.A., St. Louts, Mo.
MIX Anagram% T.P.A..? W. Fort-et,Dorrolt, Filch
BtASISLL WITAON. D P. A., III Adainect., Waage, III.
JAS, it. ANIIrer, Metrieger.
ORR e. NAIR, Suet. and trees.
Thetanadlan g
Heine Safety
Esplanade, TorOnto
opp.shoboutn• it.,
High Alaili Wont Tube Steam
enders, kr An Prossuron,
Duties and had.
SeNib Mk btsclittimye .CtitAlt)(1011.
o TereMeltemereetetetelee UMW. 4
lit Itikifterigaltetnleitel.
QU' RAIribittergireireelitrgia.
tAlt e1 Terrier.. Meet lietterniatiee bet ellowerklekei