HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-10-27, Page 7rov'fnc a of Ont have a c rru)atkm:n rio Y] w; i.[ iEV Y iaa.rMONT# nfctPr PUla, twio;4i k ,s04.3.,r• of Steele every -mouth Zitttratser, Itagraviegs mud Vashtans • TH,g 'FADE• • fif►E- k(ttplR Jvarttal soil 7ltast ns C,tiidc $i„�o a yTl S• , (an;da's greatest dollar deity atad, Itidepetelget newepape , ends+ =a.oa :F year. heave your re tittu�ttlt;sus • • it. ,M SOM' ". Bicycle end Music klouse k lard Bicycle Livery,. It WIABT err The Atilr. Tsuitruonno EAU. It FRIDAY. OCTOBER 27. mu. 'The To*. Colton. !1 Short and Uneventful Session or Only Ono Hour. 'The semi-monthly meeting of the (council was held last Friday eventing— nil the members present except Coun- cillor Humber. In the absence of clerk Mitchell, who was laid up with a sore eye, Street Inspector Reid perforwed his duties. The Bank of Montreal statement for Month ending Sept. 80 showed is bal- ance Lo credit ot town at that date, ,$100.58, with nothing under discount. In answer to a. question. Mayor Thompson said the Etevetoi Cb. had paid no interest to his knowledge, and he understood they did not intend to pay +auy ; he thought this account had dragged along too far, and the Council should take some Action. Oa motion of (councillors Holmes and Martin the account with the Mentor Co. as well as the que.tion o inteneat was referred to the Finance of to consider and report, following accounts were referred to t Finance Committee : Gutta Petcha Co.: $58.74_; Signal, $8.30; Thos. Swarts. liver .00. The same committee recommended payment of the foil swing accounts •.John Butler. $8.77; M. Polley, ;:2 ,;;Miss Spence, 50.00; 1 Ruts.. 114; 'sSignal,Cf.75; Municip felAinfrid. $8.40:" -11'. A. ll anent. 513; Stevens Mfg. Co.. $7.50; F. B Holmes, $15.50; Cattle Bros.. 180.75; W. A. Johnston & Co.. $c9.67; McColl Bros„ $14.88; Queen City i,,Uil Co., $25.48. The con.initteo also re- .. purt.ed col lector's1eport as satisfactory 5—Adopt:d the Water Aid Light Committee re- ported as follows: 1. That the committee he empowered t to purchase two 100 -light transformers, and one helt each tor new engine and now dvmamo. 2. Tlitiy--had received tenders for coal and Accepted that of F. B. Holmes for 600 tons ot Hocking Valley at $2.22, and 209 tons Reynoltlsvtlle at $2.50, dm - livered at the coal sheds. 3. They had received the following tenders for building foundations for engine and shafting: Jamieson Reid, $277; Edward Sharman. $205, lied re commend that former bid he accept- ed.—Adopted. On motion of Councillors and Naftel the application Young for remission of taxes ferred to Court of Revision. The clerk then read the following i motion by Councillor Martin, of which is he had given 'notice: That sec. 29 of IBylaw No. 8 of 1875 he rescuided rand. t`, Pthe following substituted therefor :— * That slaughter houses shall be allowed be erected within the corporation - tc s oviding they can he connect, ith the town water ,and sewer aye-, .s, to be subject to the directon of e Council as to location and to be a built to the satisfaction and comply' with the regulations ot the local Boards of Health. Councillor Martin said in support. of the motion that some such change was advisable ; as far as slaughter houses had been kept, heretofore there cer- tainly was not that safety for the pub- ' lie that should be, and with proper reg- -4,7 mations as the motioh proposed it would he better both for the nutchers . and the public. ' The mayor opposed that it was a set-- 4� 44 tons gneation and would give no end of trouble, for other places besides the one n in question would want to be up. Councillor Knox supported the mo- tion on sanitary grounds ; it was im- possible to keep meat in proper state under present conditions. Dclleciter lou NOW:later Setasbi *t'r5,c b'oyorsutsyrl ti.x;iart �rtlsitstrotr acaa i.ettcr4e V4*leo a13C to Vie. ..11.1011-6105$ 1461( RY II Dry onOs Ac8,4 getter *G1lie 4tit 1,?il f .kb(i$t. Clegeut Fabrics tbst t1i5 old world h 56Mw4d prances, Two price ewes• jttdt oponvit ilk Stook, which vontain tl►o' west satiefeaug cojirtctign eve ha>te.pver imported: . Black Blister Crens, 61a6k ranGIJDrom Skirt L611(105, Poplins, flair Cords, Covers,. Ladies' Cloths at prices per yard, ooc, 75C, $1, $1.25, $I.5o and $2, imam >1h41 . Waggoner Extension Ladder, and it, is file nest adjgstedt *ud at tias teeth *ISO leave a HU� er hold t'or spple picking fall Ilts: It isligltt, sadly' time strong, f?nly live left.. OIIl and eco than. her of Step -Ladders and Baskets, Suitable for Apple Plokiog. Cooper's Clout Nails "The Tw The Leading 'House in the Miert for Pine Or& Clothing and Men's Furnishing + 's > 1 '� hie week we iosire to °Al sj eitMl Ia�fatlti4•o %altar o ° to eadquarters • Hale. tvo handle file • .400m-411141sty . because it its the hest, tLiore are lets of Other $6041 Hata bat it is, schnittigl by [bolts ilR Ilk jp oitton to edge that lite Christy is old the top et the tostr. oft can rely on it for its durability send tetaittilaq rich appearance. Don't bay • hat that took* old is at two wino you can get *being from as strossonsioit prices, Are the proper thing to use in apple packing, and I have only a t. `NT CARPET 5 pisses 88 inch extra heavy Union Carpet, sew kegs left. SPECIAL ritt, gofi) good colorings, original value 4Oc, at 16 pe yard, special ,(r j V W. ACHESON -& SON.. ALEX. MOD. ALLAN. - — _ - n — -- - ri • Holmes of Mrs. was re- q JI{illi U��ta fit kiln_ { �w�.- a5at ,�.:Irat n j>NiiM t nC F14/w •` ��'�'*�ijv» ,,.% mo .�x .�.nn��''-� -acs rrl -a � �. t., ��ZT t',5<�;.' ' ... +•i., +,s,,;�•tM„Ayr.,pc'Ar--4v.-•xt,F .iar; e, im. � ".. ..„.v . - ; ., mar ST, PETER'S CHURCH, GODbRICH, The accompanying picture of the above-named church will be readily recognized by the people of Goderich. The building, constructed of stone throughout, is the most substantial church edifice in Goderich, and its erec- tion to replace the old frame building which had seen the storms and sunshine of half a century, is most credit- able to Rev. Fr. West and his people, between whom the happiest relations exist. The beautiful stained glass windows are real. works of art, equal to those seen in the largest city churches. The interior is abundantly lighted with incandescent lamps, and the manner in which those on the arch over the altar illuminate the chance 1 is exceedingly beautiful and impressive. Rev. Fr. West,,to whose zeal and faithfulness the handsome church is a monument, has the personal es- teem and Christian love of all denominations in Goaerich, none of whom begrudge him the succe<s which has attended his untiring efforts. The mayor still opposed allowing such places where it would reduce the value of property one half. But for the petition before, there would have been a slaughter house that would have injured his property. The motion was however carried. The mayor here spoke of complaints about the town water and said some- thing must be done to improve it. He favored Laking an expression of the people as to the cost and extent of im- provements at the tame ot taking the, vote of glass works. Holmes favored getting all informa• • tion -and preparing a bylaw at time of Municipal elections ; there was no use taking a yote now. Martin said the committee had no power, to provide expense of making froper enquiry ; he tavored extension or 1000 or 2000 feet, but the Council should provide funds tor making en• quiry. Cantelou said the committee and the diver were only waiting settled weath- • er to start at cleaning out the present pipe. Holmes, in order to check irregular the 'w follows That �� debate; moved as folk s . question of improving our waterworks system be referred to the Special Com• mittee, and if they find that the eve - tern should he unproved they recom- mend some way to Council. The Council then adjourned. F, r Miller's Worm Powders are the hest laxati ve medicine for children ; as nice • res sea lir, Their Third AnnivAnniversaryRev. Father McMenaniin prefaced ersary his sermon with giving two retasons THE CONGREGATION OF ST. PETER'S. GODERICH, MARK ?H . HAPPY EVENT. The third anniversary ot the dedica- tion and opening of the new St. Pet er's church was held Inst Sunday according to announcement. From the towers floated the British and the Papal flags, and the interior was festooned with red and v'hite bunting along the sides of the auditorium, and yellow and white 00 each side of the chancel. The illumination of the altar ivith colored electric lights, in addi- tion to the usual candles, produced a. very beautiful effect. ltey. Father West, the untiring and devoted pastor conducted the morning set vices, consisting of early Mass at 8 o'clock and High Massat 10.30, deliver. ing an appropriate address of instruc- tion to his people at the latter service. AT THE EVENING SERVICE Rev. Father ,Wort, before introduc- ing the preacher, expressed his pleas- ure at seeing so large a gathering, not alone of h,s own flock, but with so many non-Catholics, and he assured lite hearers that the latter would id ways find a cordial welcome at St. Peter's. Always the 93EST al Hick's ! seatatelt snoese 41 WHAT AUGHT.— PLfINT . FOODS 2 I have haaiRecl tHttit for yearel sad k Have one triad now tt stock (Imppoort�ed k from t3outh Metall i arch ib'botlf rag Arid CHRAP. fl one.vaand Box ?or 15G. Have also got """"'I”"lir► it SIMMERS' AMMONIATFE it Ole them Nott, Wei:stttte why this opportunity was especially pleasing to him; flrat, the privilege of doing n favor for his old and es- teemed friend, the rector. for whom he held Wittily driven the fourteen miles from West Wawanosh in the rain and mud of the day; told second, he rejoic- ed to it was no hear that thing enew for the members of other chnrches to join with those of St. Peter's, an avid• ence. to hint, of that true spirit of Christian charity which he believed had ialaveys characterized this good old town of Goderich. For htrtself, he wag always glad to 'meet Protestants. In elaborating his subject, "The Two Standards," he spoke of the material and the spiritual nature of man—the former was satisfied with this world, but the latter God 'And created in his own image. "Let us," said God the Father, -Make man in our 'own Im- age." The two standards, or two camps, were depicted as follows: - That, of Lucifer in the oily of Baby- lon, typical of eonfueii n, with his Ieg- inns of fallen nngels, all animated by hatred to man been .lie he bore the di- vine stamp or int age; and that of Christ, in Jer usalen , the city Of saints, who was filled wit love towards roan because of the di me image, The Ore and smoke proceeding from the throne of Lucifer, the preacher typified as illustrating the agencies by which the devil sought to injure and capture man. We sometimes blamed our par- ents and others for our sins and sought to evade or excuse our personal respon- sibility. This was wrong. let us all learn the prayer of the poor publican, "Goa be merciful to mi,, a sinner." Among the agents or messengers of Lucifer are teachers of false religions, internperance, cursiug or blasphemy and impurity of thought and speech. In earnest and forcible language the preacher warned his hearers against the triple evils of intemperance, pro- fanity and impurity. which, he said, generally weft together. The preacher linen described the camp and standard of Christ, as paint- ed in the Scriptures.. He went among the people to do them good, and be is ever thus employed on his errands of love ann mercy. Be to here now. You will find him with the poor. for they feel most their need of him. The rich ratan may trust in his wealth and in his own success, hut Christ is with the poor who call upon hint. But when Christ, opened the gates of heaven be did not close the gates of hell. they are open now, and Lucifer's legions are seeking to drag men into them by the many tempt.al ions to sin and rejection of God Rev. Father McM^namin closed an earnest and eloquent gospel sermon by urging his hearers to love and serve God, to choose the Kanner and camp of Christ and fight manfully and loy- ally under his leaden :hip. The choir, with the assistance of members of the Clinton choir, render- ed the musical serVieea most Accept- ably. Altogether, not withstanding the very uncomfortable w-eather, which"no doubt prevented ever, a much larger attendance.. the third anniversary was pleasingly successful. for your Clothes -•••0010 ' pnci don't rue the risk of losing your ;fight looking for anything better than, yo can Ret frou Mar. .11 You Are pot pal baster how yea dress leave your order ''Ost-h auy of our competitors, but it yo* mph* g of merit with the distinctive chareeteristie of 1it7le end • Quality you will give lies trial and let ue orinYiirtoS yon ttiat we ere in a position to please you ea reek* a stood customer of you. Ptioes are fixed tkat 0.1:1 Mil *'ford --whet you want for what you want to pay.The lawn 1Jiere is not dear.. Every garment we sell is all edvertioeiuent for ns and it is easy for you to make youreelf aatn.gbject of envy. See our splendid display of • 6IOVt dRf T1II FQ 't"lUS WFEa. •••• • p. s.-8orr7 1 could not enp theAul u&*r dS *52*t+ Ike spec 1 No anderwesr bat Mve ertlt►ta0 mix. a wlliiwvs• ▪ another big day Windily, Nov. lth. PR' .a The Tailor. it THG EO! �M ''S HER. Brophey & Son, ,HATS ! HATS! HATSi t, THE LEADING UNDIERTAKERS, 1µl EMBALMERS AND FURNITURE DEMOS ,Wakefield & Barrington ,ane It Hats ---new Fall styles. WE HAVE A VERY LARGE STOCK OF ' 1 a�i1St � in Motl6r� New t1ollS81U1U fur�►m� - at prides that will meet the size of .all purses. Bedroom Suite a $9 up. Sideboards from $7 up. Rockers f 'our $1.75 up. Dinin., Room Chairs, high bink, nate rat wood, f one $4 the half Zoltan. , epi Our Goods are all go, td and Abe vices tight. Free and easy expectoration immed- iately relieves and trees the throat and lungs from viscid phlegm, and a medicine that promotes this is the best medicine to use tor coughs. collie. in- flamation of the lungs and all affec- tions of the throaat and chest. This is precisely what Sickle's Anti -Consump- tive Syrup is a specific for. and wher- ever used it has given unbounded sat- isfaction. children like it beeause it is pleasant, adults like it because it re- lieves and cures the disease. That tired feeling will disappear; your appetite will improve; your diges• tion will he perfect.. if you will take Miller's Compound Iron Pills. s. E. HICK CHEMIST. I rg•Ci�S7hi7ttY�nxlt. tErAtt'lle Mks !r. Brussels bas laid down 80,044 feet of granolithic walk this season, exclusive of private walks. The contractors wereain 10 cents per foot,wit ich amounts to 88,004. This was a big summer's wor k. The Exeter Times gays: --On the oc- casion of the fire Monday, Principal Bovd, of the Exeter Public Scbonl, ex- ernolitSed the importance of thorough training in the tire drill. So well are the pupil's practiced that from the time he grave the alarm, every scholar was nut of the school in 90 seconds. Mr. Boyd ennsidvs this an tniportant branch of teaching. and the fire on Mouday afforded a practical lesson. Throe Books of Poetry Worth Reading. Songs of the Settlement and ether Poems by Thomas 0 Hagan, cloth 75o Poems byE dwio Markham cloth 1.00 with the Hoe and other P e The Man r $ The Habitant and other French Canadian Poems by Wm. Henry Drummond $1.00 TH1 ABOVE PRICES ARE STRICTLY CASH. We have allq_b en appointed Bole Agents for the L. E. Waterman received rest from the manufacturers black„brown � id neo rgtL at $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, and $2.5o. A. P. M°LEAN, Fin Undertaking and Embalming my 'HATTER, FURNISHER, AND CLOTHIER. c-onRRIo8- we are leaders. The hest Goode, model at* ?paces, and courteous Attention are, the principles .wo wont on. J. BROPHEY & SON. LEADING i `•JNDERTAKERSW Weel, St., Godoriob. THE PROPO.ED GLASS W OK -CS. Mr. Heaton ReDUes to "Flint GlasS." if the hydra-headed gentleman who writes so ably as " Pla'ce Glass" to the Signal, and as "Flint Glass" to Tete STAR had the courage to sign his own name at the foot of his communica- tions his letters would carry much meas weight. I am sorry t on that he did not call upon the Committee, Mr. James Clark, Mr. Hays, myself, or others who have gone into the question pretty thoroughly. ;as he would have been able to place the matter more in telligently before t hes people, for these are very few point.* raised in this last contribution which have not already been answered. Ton feu the tenth 1 am a little tired of writi ng letters. hut I tans told that because he calls upon me to answer difTerent points in his fetter in fairness to the public I ought to ie Iv. Nobody can say the bylaw has been rushed. the matter has been before the people for four months and the voting has been delayed to the latest poaaitile date. Any further delay would throw the whole thing over. Tho company lute to he organized in Belgium in time to apply for a special act of 1rcor•pora tion In the Ontario Home. and the site miss[ he preeur•ed and the duty arrang- ed before the contract can be let for building in the spring. It's a question whether we have not delayed too long lie it is. How clan we tisk the Govern- ment to nave s definite promise about dotif of bounty until we know that a glass eon -many has been formed and we want a here ? I stated at the last public n eeting that 1 had seen a letter Fountain. Pen, without doubt the best Fountain Pen in the world. Price $2.50. We aro also agents for "The lAnghlin Fountain Pen," nognestionabty the the best Cheap Fountain Pen. Solid gold point. Price $1.25, The larger sire $1.50. • PORTER'S BOOK STORE Telephone Mo: 100. Court Howe Square, °oderieh 1 r DETRO/T A Wei 1 -Shaped Toot DE: i RUES WELL-t3I1IAPED FUO We should . a'o show • 'n li aeednot wear of that sort- .ttoonve that s/j stet style interfere with con t(orl,aaor oomfor6 w —and that we give &leanest of style, co . ' and durability for Itououa ney, t8ee our io. tSHppers fashand Bns oo tt. Ali of nese st derbis(ga , pprtrfcot make end [guaranteed to 111 and wear, Wm. SharinanJr. Corner of Square and East St. ? /S/NESS a The Oldost, The Newest. The :.eadtng, Bustnerto Training institution of Amentia . Educates young ;den hod W,, nu for money making and naeful elttxonslup. Has had ever 32.0l0 tudeut. In nttondnnee .Ince it .+w° e..tabllxhed In 1850 and furnlahed more situations to groan:de- than n11 otter institutions eta the kind In Michigan combined. superior modern method+: Large ,ors of experienced nen teerher., and occupies an elegnot bullolaN, erected enpeclauyy aur ate' u•.o. Handsome illnstrnted catuingue fico, ('erre aondcnce Invited. WILLIAM F. JEWELL, Pres. PLATT R. SPENCER, `Ieo'Y• BUSINESS UNIVERSITY BUIL'OINC, 11 19 Wilcox Ave„ DETROIT. MICH. The Pickling Beason Brings t) mind the fact that housekeepers require es and other necoiaaries. Ws have them at Glose Gut Prices. This it headgnatera fir 1'R1'ITS, (iF,NERAL GROCERIES, ho. Qourteous trea'ment ar,I prompt tree delme;y to all parts of the town. rI'III,: CORN lilt CASH (;ItOCERQY. CI Corner Montreal street and Square. GOD ER10II of the member for Chatham that the Minister had been seen and w,ts favor able to giving a reasonable duly for n new industry. Who said Mr. Lenuoy was wealthy P He distinctly told nie he was not. The report upon him obtain- ed through the hank can be seen by anybody who cares to call at the town clerk's office. I may say it is distinctly favorable. It is not cunt mitry, nor di my opinion quite proper. to publish such reports In the public press. Per- .noually, I do not see that the town's positior, would he bettered mittcrinlly if the sten did put up $5,I0) or $10.000 a9 "Flint Glass" suvgcst a. It. would he dMielllt to find fifty wvnr kitten who would he willing to do more t heart give up goad positions, break up their homes, sell their furniture in Belgium to buy again (ut here, and pay o:ean and railway fares for Iheni.elr,n and their families out to nn ::::known country. 1) The raw material need in making lass is nand,nalt and lime sIony. There is no que9t.ion about I he last 1 wo tieing at. hand. The committee calculated the rest of ntanofarltire upon the basis that the nand would te' imported. Mr. Lenpnv state 1 that in his opinion possibly fifty per cent ,,t the (Ines) glass an nd would hits,' In he imported, tea at \, tilacehurg. i •inderslnrid 1hii1 this1 a n wit a n• opinion eerie and Ila 1h n th p n alysia obttinrd by Mr. ICitkpatrl:k. It might he advisable fur the conned to obtain another analynin. The imports• t,nn of the sand wont.' make very little difference in the total taint of the mnnti fact tired glens. The risk of rnmpelltion will 1•e runt by the imposition of a tint y. hot i hose just r.ceived a letter from Mr. inoy stating that they would [refer ,t Mount y upon ghees expo, ted to the Mitt .d Stw(ea. 1 am eorrespnnding now with the Grand Trunk R.9tlway to aminee for special freight rate. The merit° of the whole et hero.' in my opinion lie in the advant..tges of ro- operation. A company formed alien { theae linen can meet Any competition of capitalists in Canada. If a capl- i (AI came herr today will: n hundred 1hononnd dollar*: end ask- ed for it lie it of (Ill v 1 housaud, I would etrcn:musly oppose the town lending a cent. becaune he woolrl have to pity union wages, which ria we have seen are vet high, and the town would have to look for the profits after the wages ore pail. in this case the 1 ,wn is to be repaid by the workmen out of their wages a very different pro• posit ion. I have HI con aiderahle personal aacri- lir,• tiled to investigate this scheme ; and to place t he a-gurnents in favor of it honestly and squally before the people n9 well no i possibly ran. And 1 jhope that ,a hivorahle vote will be cast upon the bylaw. It to a great chant•. to 'build up this town. it tutiat he remem• I tiered chat this i9 only the first step. There is the bounty question to be ar- ranged and a special act has to he plass• ed by the Ino-ni House. Cooperation is something new in Canada. 1 don't pretend to he an expert on the subject sol 1 don't want. the town t, lose a rent any more than anybody else. As 1 have gone sn fttr in the m'and o dnuhl will hr htarn.d, hoiveverats,• unjusnt ly, if the thing did not tarn out a sec- ceaa, I propose t.n submit the whole thing to Professor Mayor, o' Toronto l niver•9ity, who is ra recovnlzed anther ity upon thear qneado•ns /111(1 if f hie re- port, to 1lnfravnrable 1 ohnll oppose the passing of the hill in the House. 1f It 19 fav,rn) 1' the doubters may r'r•9t. 9a119fiet1 1 wi91, 11,31 1hi9•lrp:mold be taken now. ('nfn,tum.trly that. is not possi- ble, n9 it i9 neee999.rw• to submit. the whole :,.cwti1viion ,,f the company, as finally approved. in Belgium. and the ion piny cann., hp or•gnnhrd until ,he bylaw is passers, Ypurn truly, iSnNAaT H RATON. 40. .lobe 11111, one of thenldeet and most. highly re.pertr,l reaulenta of Grey. has .old his farm on the loth eoneesarnn, Mr Armstrong. of Wawanngh, fon 57.511, rhe farm rontains 1011 amen, and in a (Inc place. JV1l�JVR,O.�s S ecislrtiee • fr' Y and Staple Dry Goods, White Nainsook, Swiss and India Malt t1p n�qq Swiss Spots and Lappet Muslin., Full range of ,white and nolo #,2brGideriae, white and colored Ducks. One Scotch .r. ergo ranee a, Piques, ctiepilplod and velllnbrocaded cars* uuMn� TT AHand ver, Wh to Lawns, end;Pe os ofd • 1,111 o e� Aline Cashmere Hosiery. Small wares as ,and;Psrsaolt. sada a t*, N ,(tf�i Casual, full lines. ('>•,NSP,EC`,1'ION KFN{L .Y SOLICITED. A. 'M U N RO. Draper. . —While bmgy,ing ,a Hauge why not get the BEST— ,t1_1.71 EST— '�.1 PP\ TJ1O1DJIT J . OR--_ 8-613VEJ\IIR, �,I DONOMwl('e1�L,aad PERFECT BAKERS. They are HANDSO11 '�, t')d SQ, gnIr tl{'leaters• See our Radiant Hoi. i•$, t@e W.i , �v,sSy .Sit. we. A ILK ,�C SHEPH•ARD. ABaL l • `a..tbtlt 4e A leak iu an)thing is ba. ' the a water lip° it's a serum. ter. Send for us to wino little leak. llave us do you, Plumbrog and you will be ia• snred against leaks. We do Stearn, Acetylene Gas and Water Fitiing anywhere. CATTLE BROS., West Side of Square, (iODERICH, m let again. Newgoods received Stook nearly eo e 1 P g daily, A ka. of Fine Rath and Carriage Sponges just to hand. 'The newest and latest Perfume,. Patent Medicines, florae and Cattle Spines, and Condition Powders. Rubber Goods, Syringes, Atomizers, Hot Water and Ice Bags, etc., ete. F. JORDAN, Corner Colborne St. and Square We have for Sale Cheap, 1 Shingle trai11. r 15 horse rower Threshing Engine, in good •order. 3 Horse Powers. fns. Y,7ALI. AND SEE THEM. THEY ARE 13A110AINEI tIonaorson BIGUGIo Go., Mitod, Oodhrifih to b rlfetuaa,r n.1.fu1