HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-10-20, Page 4•
IAi— trirr. 00 6"
40**M111101 f4s. * la Ws wed e wet whit to siesti
Aori It'ressow tit Vero roserwv otuorts
' - - r;zraz. . .... W. exerpt upon
.00,021.111111*. Olt delreterne. tiorOvidetwe
we have, halos. Iwo, mid we ray thlet
--40:-:.---,-.::::7,--=-%." Ur. Tato es not In Iwo trust.* Amt
iliosesguir. Tut** Al. tha ;low Wilma wills Woe AO iota_ ___..iilte :
is now whorl we lirsvait *mit ait
* the ova neou.,10 .
Mt* st on 01,4 44 aA:9A it lieley 1*Were ctilt.th
ireerie Wooed. itdowpoil hiro of ale power VareYlts'
wiMt!flitteres Trio WOO tANth0S0
tab° tb* "0 44 tli* WA with lireet *dont has been her Iriz.
roe ese treated to whst homy 1!) traitor*, If tilsdetona,:betr
*I leelaidomt.)00, Islay tors4. subjugated the Idoere there *onto inV
Iv ',1111104019eAcibei. to•liay 4titto tit tt the "1-4 tunll" lo **in 41v10110 "I"
, Nwileassial miss is aniploybut hliter 40011":/ab7,11;ttrr t16.gutuilter'rsitd.kitti"Itilthey'
' Initallitly 'newts fkItalti. Th q Ignitors' to thelfinpire.!‘"lietwirtnonly one witY
*rloraborites have/ova,' it. .1406ssigy 'to fleet wil,1,1i treason JO thatiotodo,
I. ter. * ittinit equleiro* loi AO ittiS! '",rtilltlat: 3.0:7 /Oft a$I,t,sliniro .ile liemh
Wit to the **tint Y -of theft each, pot, totriio":13‘' rgig,10041rerytrlyrastrillitP.Itr:
wan and Iftuesians Se redetthd io *be, Tarte... 1%00,-0 Atuif be tritose Jo '
of those countrioe, IrolepeAsiours.' irriPt. ifts itiettilitl of Oa tabirtets b.'
ot s000kumi la mbar *pot 474.010, dt'earl440 bar assumed IN, authority 44;
*sad xfse 444000 In Ikoth .4filett is .4litItliarttr31411;7441tages1.41114 1411,04
~of* 40. IWO: " Atteady air , , ri-'0110Agoetithatruouneed tbowne
*Oa* .Cireet Atiteut Ala the .1)41111cY 1.4 agt UOVerniPar. alllt ilVt
Itytd vows Ast the. 0.tbObt, ot s.„,1,41i , riga, ,,,,,,,,„0,41$ WallaVegit'Oetiyallb
--Oltd0Yikl 104 .kreasonieb110 to Vb.
14—ic re% OM Mete asnigpssort
410-11fore lox so mask= wilsoot st
14.-S beassil formed Any 0114160 • ,
01.--Au4 yoot dlw net rimier -
I do nos kap* whoa pot err ifirertrit
-And le it looeturs you tiara
now *kat I se. ttrivithe att. yea *col
owe ovation I A.--1 rot certainly
lo give ea *pink* or arouses
hie I new miletittise
W. -At -SOY tete you avow* of ehr
. that* earls true of Cows ion eel-
' Into which dilforfroor thy other* width
are attached. they now eatirety *law*
out from .thor other beliote winch ern
tattleleerl. tartoethAtr* three au* inerlos ot
two *Or vu thew moth*
411.1.!`::!iiiinte1:714f.stFif:tittritzid$0. tioT
Owen **erv two lands of PAW fu 410--
thorn Quit trio. ?
Wilt.. TLeona Pot tini-lhouthnt,:.-‘.
vould not tell AS 1449 r 44'
„ • .
4--sWitethei there, WM* tlilS or
brew p
A. these intliotorl
know theta. -Were.
Ion. Imo* the requirtrAinte 4,
Lh w to ttie vroikttivirEptipat' A.
•..-4Yrnireted•flert tweirlitda 01.01. , .
pit , • ! '
,44;:!,;VIThY' did TOO UtO Aber -if-Yea; - r-
didn't..kup* the,regaireintatte
Attpttiee atter- ,t,,eayit :it IL thought it
wo014,100. Act,ter, th- *We nuother vies
Of ' • •
the • otther• ;thicker P A.
eipeei Laloweer Yritts
SA- errietly tero sort
. Insovant who
Africa. IfifbettetonnitttlitUntleol tribe7, L:010, *Pire!.,, N,OW,.f...he: 41 ca fn$4 141 _!,....1*44.._,.
leal lailat la ausesrjAht, • •fatirsist .flittion:; rittpuld ie tont ger. Tarte preournor ou
..„, _ t..,.411 .,,,,,,n4iO4,. speak toe titgilstopto of Canadain , this
00'0P047 , - . - ,-.. ,- , tuatte.r. ThS'etteratices of Turteilr**".... 74` she Witt-
' Illire isetielthe prdetaCC4 1:014e0 411 tur. sortally4 arOorldtte account, hist:Toowo . 2_ v.. * litidtgO, ., ,
.1.114710tlaktittlitiriiiii-A 0040
- *nab *frit*. racer, ',civilized and; rev-: is assuming -to sneak for the Vevairloin
witedurcrewoOsen tf****Y00** •
Mrs*la If eotintlea: In Booth, Af.' Otani/MA! rian tinliniiinan nntelit tit*
otttie doctors and-whollean$0* '
root, :rot ;to criotio04,d440t0„. tbo, viuoou. :strolley !announced bx 111r, Tette? De
• . L., -:theY Pt Oposs that canadrons eluitild thittrittane.
, .
At, toaenoenbisi . non In tbe analog Pr ,g_o to itto -front as hi ed .S011iaP : thr- *Nor' ornl-beiterreidistW1 ,r10..•:
Orsat. BrirAin. • ''• .. ' 'VntIn416111/ 14)1/11)ve 45 ti"t'wirw/4""" 40tigetttle‘WillbellfOinr.7414
' • 'itrinwdominated by a man Who. 4* au -
face of the:breakera Sigirtire • .' ' - Id Id vitt); Italie.. 4 lthlitaA la the , tolattctee
thxt Alla *hitt bl. iteart:liott fOl'• • tbvio iyftti England ? no 00741070roYe• : ortaylretget•evert Altirit*iitel
the ithiR ASO! it'. 0 0 ' '0" uessible enemy of aegis,* s rarAurr.
or ' ' ' li I • Alitteetteuey, woo s s. s. , , .
• It- lir odirtsuportauttlird te oy ow 001,1,10t, !wing domitottituby.,4 144 . 70 4011: %Ill.:OMbcst
013,0414140,Ot Ilttittte# 'biell•
(j,c• W4Q- 41"‘Ir'fqqr 41°041 ./Y - GI . tuii.ti Who would duplicate Schrehter
0' :ntlerole*Li : it A0034g '1
* 41•P4At • i tit • c . elan alters $ , AA long•iiit lvtleAuli **dr bee* 0414' M(1. 4Y;I'llte
Pleefte3 t'i' 'h*`*14; '00111*°' 13/:.444t 444)41,O resitiltlit'iLst In the 44iblortt i ert -.41:94:. OP %1/A'•%,"*°14elt the "e,
world, f,0 010...00000:04.10,4 110144.TAr Utt 4 4. hum soli the odium athichlottto: Ulm. , .. ., .. . 104;j7403137.7'107 -4,4i.,
tho'llionfleg iii iraellig _Kiln TAY' iii(10- Als iihargealtle to t he tIoveroniehtitint' OWvezy
- LottlietleethAbrielm rl'entW' to the people win -Leah* biin withpre. ,nersinio-eblinftent to,'
otortaiit **man, .• . '.-• ',.': .• • .: '
villelal authoritY• Where lit only 'one
method by which 1040111.44,1litit etone. -•-•-- • - - - ..• ,..-.. -. . • • -• . . , -Y-:..i .
4, , . .
for the injury Its prriersittlheling .aArt, ',your head no :t0 tuft general prays cs.
doubtful Polle$ bee tilrett4Y, indietsatin invesnept tn'thtirreat 1401k Ottht fgt.
Imperial interests, ';.T1trt•Airtitlinaf tbir :40,ileir4iVe0 IA Pati Thiteall i* ..t:Se.
niischlef must bp :004tlertel. .i'gritto on '1,140 "T'lliM ROOK .04/,01 -, land
must be dismisSett SIVA the'Vehlitatc' •;teri'iltrile.',... ' • ' , ., ' • ,,• ,,
.0‘m pet. espedlitty 01- At: thutt When. it,, thet, Pt rieya itl ..reare'llror0 were
!mob a noon hos 40 littiOattilinY ,Orittah' (4,4:40.0 Itttao:TilteO, yon have '
loyalty to the tAtrInire- lc Leveryttratstt.. outi:ot.*.ykFla mil ei.uptanallOrsplgrs,
subject's first„Stuta*. If .. the 00v0t04'•,efilr.op: different, 'binrite Ok. '011T01,404
client will nO
kolot me. Ttitto„,'tlitt.. Otttr dies* , le tlitio oottept, t, A.,.,-.Thei I
will devolvantioli 'tette 10,013.*O:.•100OPti!. ';,vritiOliT ' ... .• ' • .L.,..;
13r I taln Ilii"..itlfeetthlfoortliteek,,,.1/tteeik'GI .,..,4 rutaittitt0Oit Yea to tOil•illt.:Blii•
ter eats in,. latier 1•11,1tentit,t4'101r-ildatIPi.:., ecu that .10 irvantl Tall pule vote
e wi I Mentio
sone new lines which we now have
in stock and which we are offering
Ladles, Jackets. new styles
Ladies' - Wrappers newest styles ,and
well made. , "
Ladies' Winter Blouse Waists, itt
dies'...,_iursAn_different makes,
Black . treponne and Blistei..: cinth.$:in
Fancy and plain Cloth Dress Goods.
Ladies' Underwear • in all styles And
4 prices,
ite' et the• War.. Evert 0
DilUih VOrrltOtTlic.-44.04du section of
• Osh racestataking .ad vantage of
lirottentitirciation '•todisplay, ha.
brittedto (treat MU:Mt lit
Otriflinettitt/inetrOp044 Otte own
'10001httle: :41!' •teettehl -Or, the *pulled
Anefe.n. Order tic•fithotottols on'Thota-
' it VeeelittIon of spice
tOntitteres_..0401 of lustred to
Bit itt 04047 44, inn Oamullons.
"ything•-,etse.- 10 the Pre-
Wri:'.1t '914144 10titty ot the
Doti flIOfl'Or'' y404410 the Mother
O�untrv 1.' The Cab
,iitt't4.,,Yibether or not
t 404ettk onntingent to
wishes .no
-ttiogootito:ritti.I0014.ittit he has ap•
-en,titetit,lt! Va$.440'for as to allow
• ,4anlistlitnelitolele"ttt be despatched tv
.0.300t4:Aft1004•0#1d014 Great Britain
• • :Ottl 411,0X pensus con-
: Itetiettililth4101,01.Perlition. We wish
10 litite4litittilltfli, Terte's action in this
),•••pitittet,-,tp,itite. Whether he Is for or
.4010.11.'Viit*. 144*.hether hp is a friend
;•tieatt;'00aUty-tif the limply% to come to
:At Ithhhtt0404,vythttherit is safe to trust
Ant0hA;titiiieltfthe Councils of Bone.
•„;:ritetpt:014 ti.ithehiA) that be pr ofessos
noioystv .torGreat Britain. Franc's,
iti.-410kO0O,Ottlts. Ito hos told oe 804
.1400414,_4tAti) cannot he Prelude
Oa saute time, ikoIit-efitrI,
”•Frerloh. Then
have Mr., declaration, 00
1,00) pm tuetnium, 4114
*Mit topther, of the Canrplf
Go v loor ...Ave believe we are
• 'SO . *tot, og. Atts.Tartes otnohd tnek-,
WOO' 'OW .he, instate that no.,:Catt..
Milesti; Odin -gent ehall be snot, tOeutti
'ItiS:#41314fOrtiatnent hoe 101.4.',0,0O!
Oti4410. otty event he oi..:OlipOS-01.-
040payin_g one dollaKrit the:
' onnected with titernotnyti '
tth Irci•ittIt'sists that "cart
%Itart in the Saittti.41 1 118
oli"•;Itinq go as $.tviel;
IIC 9111.110- RIS. loVel CliiOtag Oit;
Great. ark t CASS'
Imbed° A0100
MT Id. What Rite
atom!, syt p
now Who are it
her enemies. 0,1
tvell as a 00904
: he It that 01.1 "'Jetts t
lretnnt timeint �f the
ot 11. 19 nottoltki
'that ts not trOf4.ACt
Tarte ts until • _e
In Oanadallitiet&
tare aratI*000, In;
ruler, .•otit.OoveiOftlOit
des of Lbnt of the Eut
ton orAtit•-• ,wou
Inc atittaisi
1111: 10
4tikt. ttlItt.;10xito
_ Ittetv4e
4 le
No, It vigitt bulk ntorelh
Qh,s4./o71 titulerettp4, ynit It Tvonlil
maim' *limo/ter -!-it 4t.
hulk 'upend it watet biabeits Ise than
dm other chtss, " , ,
me- tok,a.g trelgut not tuttkP•
A..41 oar speakuar of, e710 "Von 41
.0111, prohabil 'you- bass- nut,
'Mord •
444 is n oat/es-14n I> • A.
4,#"? - "
'the" ttytt utiS were of air
.tetebti th44411440 4,4 .tottt-toeutie
otit 04,4 Witter olulis of ittiitot-, one Oat<
oppoei,ed to Pe betters .
•-4,-,-Vtliii4$14 thew to put Ott abetter
L.clatur Of paper? •
q, -Novi de, were you instructook byl
the rettirtilng- offirer tie to the svoltrbe
the. ieW tliPle"tiallata '
• Our 25c Vest cannot be beaten.
Ow Grey Flannels are the best rnon-eY
can „buy.
In Men's Gpqtisfellk
W4 have the v4ty latestl, styles in Suits,
price.sapt4e1 line oTkr°fIlasi,je Trousers,
Whipcord dd dVests. Overcoats t.
Boys' Clothing in all sizes,
'New Neckwear, Gloves,- ,mttterts, LInd4tive
• „MAW) Asper, ,per. reant"..tvalght.:. , all L OS:q... -.
were theek,'017.1000...,On P. A. -AMMO 4 . . ,. A ,,,4„, A 1:',..,i,' 4,..,,e t.14,41.,t.,,atid CAtis' ',last. .11.41.4
0)004 2% Ow Piatial9, • . . . • ri. • tit4is• At! AV. W 41 A 4 to.s.•
patiPt:'.doYuPbtlifi"OPtfiltii4'Iti>4 F.' ''''''"'"X,i5' .A8, ' ,4,:"`: . : Eyerythirtf;yntxt, r 44, pi re it>' i -,•::i fall' ' and .: W- -in.tef
. ..41,414ottoarkittiteto•oifitittot•ootnota.„ ,'• ti:1 ,g pties,'t -tat Will. suit yott,...'s ,• .
„„,, beatutott4ohe 0. ,0000 00 Iwo:: 'On''' 'OA: 04? front: rote 0. tweaotift41"' 4.
eakpaper if • A,-:-4. egad WA!' OW! L., ''',' •""Lt' ••• .- ! .. . . .: . . •
-,i- Are you not an egoert P: -,a,.! 4, ' ,
nod Pniver4',''''whr" 'llest.:4140110at the' oao 04.10 duo u,t: , , , . an expert. Oft Other. .; ' .L , , ' = '"‘
eta ies .i.V. 14.100,,,jel0004 of het", Preet4e.: 401,,, (0 .1. 4.,„oro otit '0; bol 04.:114 tria l'IttO a iitadiehl in tntg.t.:,: nut !Int ..,
British Ififfilin.nne. tho:OPI/Odffirity Of ,ts,,,,,To one pad t Ar.i.„"r00,, „; • - • Q.---1.0 Teirider .toplseep 'size.;'whitt .4 . „ a
stanclint:Witr-s-itgIttittg.-nteritOnnOre ' ' -4wst Is correct ts it i •A.,..-Yrits, Woliki TOn .00PPM40.0. bp, ttie:NCelghtof '
the ssor 4:Not,b,hot , colontsta4anathr..; ' Q.. --Did you Bee tut, •volpguatzt g the paper.,ur litireiy(in o,tiy .1400 - 4,. 44 . lIcila'abloot tell. ,,c1 Stsua, "
life°rgittiirtyniline4•,?1:7s6ratijelli, ti'414.1"irihkitistktr, 'et•14:04:'° h#7mv.'. Ititi AkIttlakiln4PCI°7*.oeit.iwuretqlriticti' '7'1721;0-6r ;111PnePi;Li4leli147110i,tvil-;11Tti4g1lOtt''lle`01'''i), *TAI"AT""AVA12114 - 4 - 44 - 4 — -: 4 :4 i ; t =4, ' !4- .4. 4s 4: '4 4 - ' 4 - .4, • Y 4 4 ' .. , 24:4 ' : 4 '4774-'-7ltWilAsrl4
Aciatoti 4.044:00 :(14044Vntitio, ,lxick.', w,..4 .. have soon omit bort, stiss:1, , I 1
at thek Miry litotettut •:,04 IOW lealOtte ,
mrteetWline#10fIll.01001440 ef TrOhintt, tom hare. but Will: yOtt oo .youebath 4.1.-liol •14ilteO110,14441 L. L,, -"---,,.''.? i ::' ' :-'-'• ', :- •• ' : ' ' ' : :
a t herid.404: , . repols,.,410,r,assi tart Pe '' sweat the;t thesit.tiuys pot op.* Solitasy., 1-Atul yotiroreteeiin(ttitstriOtIottii - - • •,, • ,•:-••:' ,••• f • .-•-,• ,,,',-""'-
ItIolarc,-.;*lii eii iireti,:,niniseir Ft0110h, pal wIti anal, ewe wa w t.wo • frit .1. rho tekliKitlig:Orsteetteelp)yeight
01110.4,44rVothmattli,i'ilAtio.y14.8;nnindevLug jtt.'itleninthil-1,404,frti-,.. 10.1424 fit 40;76.7: 9, 1. stunt •inSeitr,. that I an thinitrieSef : liki+s!Otri(',0104.•,' L ', ..,, • " . '. terrogrillitolt
q&sei'Pti ivettk, 40 0icra'Andlltirito,d. . ,,,,,,,
' ' 7,,:.170,...,!;:cie,;1., II. ' ''. ''• ,,,,',. ,.'''„.. 7„. .:.., a,
rte. ' ':".t1401ii .4.40.0:L. WittertuOto ”
ilk *NO ,in 1p0 sitiA0. iir he weft ott Q -I thought irot, ntoj tbo oath! ttViit 44010110-regavit-taC, iir ,itii,,CY, ,A,. ' 710,11*** -;e4*,''. : . 4.-.:;,--,-•,-,•;•=, , , . . , ,,, .,,, . .,, . , ;
reason you have kr Making such thde" -""4114Vet'b*"Or "104"":441:'LL"L.*'," ''''': ' ' '
.".111erwortVoi, ab 0 Oliriiii.:
.r.toto iittAriteCe. Oettee ail tits
, iviuob k numb -se that is in SO fer ea ytto704, 4,1..qcte.-s-r tEuropitAintwitihroutotIktioxstr...%.4-thoft
To- A 7-14-*.. 900 t.0T0'.-0F.,:.
',41titrtiol• .00-1P.:,,t0i0 t‘'' y$ Orr to t.trlese ,other -member trourthoppoi in tivIderme mid.
ohowo you? . 4.0-sirlOtti the cutout' hi °auto toto tho.omou. • • • , ., , 11:6:1,4'-
' 400:00N*0:1,60Y0400 ' s'kntwked the printing otliee and Irorn.ruy Inc •-(1,---Aviro itt senile Ph -4‘,..-4-0,0... --itt ,ii, 'ti' ow
,...q...-,.,iiiit 11,:t003:-PittiesntAtp,i,Y,,,t0„e c,,t,"'„' structitine. - . .. • •• ; tutning.offigetv,..;. , ' .,.....„.• ..-. i''. : .. _.1,• II et 11,' - • : .. ',- •-
'4ozi:tiii;otis:01110' 1 01 1147,10:00...,4k4,4,dow..oui,,to.rn,. agge,y.„01u.thhaowtrotortlitt te0401dIridettotrioanatett: No-tYllett yop . ep,etitc : pt tile 10114: .r272..,;.
that le it, . ppoitet!*1.gUIllotInn P.'.IsT-7:;, :
'.4'Brielt' .
-*Tee, I havo seen the* itett!' : ' Inis• -: .! - L :- .. -,. P. :."--: ' ' - :: 'er':r.Li
... . (4, -And two separate lands of bats •Q --And after the'leillote"-WeCeBittle -;•'' ...-:'
. . .
orpn lots P
s ; ' - .„ k. ,°rett nto P.oh, L00.4:--, 444-.' 0• 4f0f1, 0,.4;.....01. 1.4
(rAou owla ;the ontyIitantuottthe killIttte lA•-Yee
inidtwh eh you:raaby* haring this,done -404I004YOneonlo(io
In t e,partientor
.L ...
ease P A. -I certain!
ly recollect what ,ititc0 heretit little
While OM ... ,
Q. --New I AM ‘Ottur to ehotyiiiin
therm ballots agititit. Ocoee are Colborne,
No. ' I* Wok, -Mr. .:400111tettddYs'(we
will take these two alitleforisiltostieek:
at them. Theloritre t*OdiVisibus le00
'Colborne No. 1. I. ask ;you: trIltratt;44.
It as carefirily*atut eittically,..itettrielo,
Venenehdinnitertitt4 look tit tt tta it it,
were li atidOtie tjalltittift- Of UbStititr•-•'
* boos 0. tyl*,,,.....„..,
er ''irrse7 ritibrigli* iron bow ettil Other netsi4e ',INA work, *col Pelillr-
It pesacep op, expeBent ittpri elegitit Vrellet7tille. "Kielohig lett {
the• 4444 ite.
',' gelteD14"ai svtifictbxoelle*""ki,treailtda;kutiftgl?/Voe?„1"11113 417: ,
A the ireee rout* ,ar,.5 foe sm. BMW
, , •;:),
r ,
Igq007433i 31100Y
x ra, bargains in Black Dress Goods
xtra bargains in Colored Dress Goods
E• xtra bargains in Ladles' Underwear
▪ Extra bargains in Ladies' Jackets
ra bargains in Children's Coats
• A 1.414E
e rithincitiV 0, .h
wiltThey d-Asi,:trSA 14110 Itto
wtto wuuld stab. then
• ill. ettrergetler."..:Itt-lt
hitytt"'•tteda,frfrei :MO .
oyaktudiottrOvaltly..Ailith ,
404, loTenaeldertnei,1110'0004
.e. ,itttiatiotliogotota,oto
rndch *s beloopotirit to.00;11411kOiA., he
Wernthe fate -Of 'tht goy.
,toett, alto diffinillt
develotting inLo
uMot egaitudeL., tur JO' Ott
1000 00 tool 404414
the Empire. oil., willow tilo
. T040430100 in tork:
Veils U44!)14blin*t4thM
t'vidoll we %vial; 'to thou Oat he0A ines,
rut :,;13;374,04;c4i1Niltelt=itstir' 111 Glieds- are legit in„Quality and low- Prioa
away au you ,tomied.mo„ -
• Lot i.-2.'doubli•intrild breeoh.loitaitnr.,ahot Gulls, 12 &co. Antler end Boti-atOya .goact.ana• ;fresh. ,-
Tweed Coa
1.:.oribips.401? $1.50'E
n the 26th and .27th we will
have extra Bargains in
oneekee er
ve oney
By litooing ord_cic Sttgar, Spices, Preserving .and Pickling
Tara nit4 '11 hinds Of Fruit With Us. We understand your *auto, end
Orin eatil OiZed order at 9noc.,
Let US Give Vail a Sant* Tea
tt you are partiettlefin-yoitr choice of this beverage.
, Q. --I St0013441 Yon 2 As -T 9n0t-• yOu
- snot this foteol -yfavau.uy mut Let. 2-1 doubk'barrel, „breeolt-loadlog'ShOt 'en% Igi O.. with top .. , ' • , •,-,,,,•-• 1, •Ei .
,......—..4......., _ - ,-.. - ,
NtrATIOn OE TP/111 EVI- .
' r"Li *Pt noi- sPe41,00inOliit'it ? A. 4 4' , ,.. , . . . , ,
-fde IlSengArtind the T.411`w and was
the otilXidg was dunes by u elork P A, Lot - Oh 4-
. 1000 . 3
, r.learaid• Montt. • Sure, Godshali
Q''''464 the r'eWS"4*tat*aY"tla 8 2 bore' hroeCh-lOadleg Shot Gane, 11'11)1650ln 'etreC1 °•
7*tit ft)' o Mau net eo VxPert. bitTrele 12 tie.. (Xtra .
xtrutit,itit His own Business.
" msostaialwat TAO Sun or ow. ono Now; wok at these., lit there titi*titl
. ; etteed. ' - .... ' ' ' .. L ''tait4s-41'01Oliert tones,' Wartlatit 0:400.0;;'OA,',4,40d. 1. .., ' :-2.1- ,
, ct„„gtud your ktme Oes., . " . - ' • otitis 110.41tta la'guage*tt 4 A geell-
. Itsr, ,.00tglii 4 4 .Z..70, . 4:4, . 4,.. . ' : •4 ,
44 , . ,, ,_. .,
!AO, 0:46VMP10 1. 7 4001% titie swipe of ballota•that I hold PinnehP ',LA.,,, Itt thPIttn.(1-of,*In1,1°irtl. 1000 Tr PA :Rival'. .,- ..! , .• , .
41Mr.0A, ','''44)t.. IttoneTsti•t4hY0170X.141411:1: letrol; Yt11007YIntilertdYiltrehireherdhintre: 0Frearetett:oftl:: 411.14-''lkE7'11011144:414141.#15'. O.'04's'itioff' e'ok'liatte0; I: A- 'joie (1000tiEl at. gaikaali'lli0a 810..1" -UM PV4illti: • -
7t'l. •'‘.iiii'ltitt Itt.tittd personal' t0 the .b8hir.,..41O4:voti.,.:11t.1,.:111.'1:2) A.-1 can't.
ce:nritoe6e:04:::.'''tla 110'401:,„:4,-,4,-0. , , .• - ':. 7 ' • ' 4 . . '''',,, " " , ; ,, ' 0, '
46 11 4.'tiii4j$,04**IsAtrigt0t4; ' '4 s' • .• • ' - .
• •. .A14 . . At. • or -rocas cheek *i every pure ase.
rutiow, ouuttusoobt A....yea; usual, two.esparajolitedloP.LNowlooleat them..
'T:Itir:11:" Vit'O'ei-t*,%.,4 ..itti ' ' ' lc - f ' ' ' h: register' 'tti h''
otitt-oftirettoitnitotti $ .it,. -NO.
thing t ' Didn't You flagon when tupsti,,; Ittri?pa, hieM.,60,,Aitiot.v.,, tifir tr',141414,1441its,
*1,-„You:ilitttiot P A. -No.
40."04,0„ixia pereopolly to the ballOW Werepredunett to . yaw :task =,..s...lrii*: L,,,,, , 4 .=,
ool. 400,0g (1111)41111Into oda t A.,‘,..X0, tlitl are leregOlarly plated, ht '010 pad tit0'.01..,V;0010d'ett..14n**04:0ti-ntger, il, L
lint'inklerettnitt Wile 311 "it the time. When ate. notoottiotitiod woo to vow!, tan yeat*,-.,. • '',"... - 4:: - . 'LL• . ..;- ' -L -
04"1",:ltistta 00 &Wit* at ,all to nrevitu chd./o0 untie.° That l.liet %vel'0 ..ilveitirtc ''.'"•.W .•'4Nli'k will von book . at tliwiti. (the
ItOlf 04ftfillt nifhintrationabut I wgkItis14.r1 ritrolsrlqtwIneetet,t1.4talteed-PeatAPtoi,AirojAnn\l.01.L...,":41,0"hyeshea,oilligosp,"0' Oot,o'fit i8,4t,!4,3;31110°g3. ,
'•,-X70-00r. A'6114-14fq4148" 11:1"4";t4 . •ithotok ' - • •- - '-- - " t ;4.i••••4.440'..fli•O* y,-ttnit-i-gootti he. :
t''•*-. did '‘'S*V7'•-•P'Pf441%/7' ile-P"Itiett :4.SN'ottt., 4: MoOttlittiddi**WillY,04. ‘...L.L.tr.ne-:!*,. -CPLi'L' 4"--:-TniO.On'f*t
W's;t4i4:411fittitlalt:nattllorIrto the.. L
VOA • :IMO tinn do t. , , _ tight and •• itee- it .yon do L rink irtooN ,,i:46 ,„. ,...."-a:., L.,(4,„,,,e.. .., . ., , .. ,
idesac look a that; hold 4r:until:in:I. •,.•ln...44.!?..trz.:4,._. E3..10,iilli: ii -i4'_ otott't .4 bo. • tatit, , . , ' % •'''.;' ., -
ttl'a'il 'AA thOntiAltotti IOW Pride? 'efftP* qfiogetlie° on tnetn int the Apt, :8,,,,,d0.,...'"btl,vvOvitigifikletio, 4. tinietittivV. ,eci-.'.7tA.-"•°-‘.eYtt°.11- ' vaL!;61..14°I.:L317re ,°, rdei ,'•!:,.:,
. i Oh Plestibally anputtatima, hOW Septet; of mark% Ot -06;f3t-et,.; '':•lotri4liat!;litti'gltietAin'AW•itiV.•0.alithit, No. 0 v
-iti7:i 'bigt . thtit. *144 tp d° and s"... 18*,4:t.:Lve;kni,rel'• °t4P,o...1e:04.11:letilite'btr°0,1.101::'.4140::: 74:4iitit'Ei.':.±1F113::3t'4::011014,,,,E-611;or::;:°;,:;,..4,....•,2,4'.*17.d1,..,':::°41:,..t1)•"!X.1:E.11::,N11:10:t': Al4:414872,;:.:,i4itinC1114:41:6.1t:*.e.::::‘hlw:A2-Ell:':.'
a'rlit.i,t :iry'' _'1)1;:,:t1,70tiiiii.‘,1, ;:li:Ingt, exoi
111:0(itic....!,li .7;ii-'4eur:0)c,..,.,,,,,-A-:.‘01,,,,,t,:,„..::2,,..74::.4.tr,:i•,i,,,,i‘.;10,,,?1,),-4,iii.,15:,,Pifiqe:,,t! ,t!...,1944!,..,-,,,11;41:il:trieecf. 11.,6,0174.71.(46;i1:.($. 4,7,9u, 'I:" '''''"*4.4::
4 4,
, oiilutiittot4t,$7; 'It', .AtiiimAf.A, '4 - • ' 'A ...4 I no it" ug ., . -..,.. A
.., , . . ,., . . ... , . . . . .
40 II lit "0
lumss ao tt, • otootim Should be ors that end. 2 .' „-: Ind I ettilloyaW0PeitC460!prOfesa A:s.0.140. - " - L - . . . •-,•:.
Q„,,v.04 otw theta.* A? A.,yei',., -tatItes. that ono Is reyetra $ 4,,,•16.2441174401:12t01.-:kit_tiltt: rt,lea0 '1,0,A, !,-;24,0;,,,i, yil-_,0:400; ix
' 4 ' lth tliese:!, t1034,,,A0001.#,- t
. '1.44neY lik.1 'OrtillialiiiI tkVev th°11*`, thus% Don't 'Litett tietf::titt#:. .0.1-04,•:r.k. ',,,iirte;:iiqitiltt teLtott-:, ,:Y.77,:.•. , - •,,,,,vb tya..; N ty ,,,,2
4."`'' 'ti.' ' -1 fUSt44 in Prenono' iliessi, ./.9wIlr rettr P.Otte°*"litt:t hot of 'introit di. 4 : 6,.:, .ketil.4'71flilitlo:' , ,,.'4.....6701,tit,.:uvr,uo•oo,w:,!•,,b fu 0,1%4,, , 1,
We, erLL.L.,„ , - 1 : tomoust thaw count l': ii'd do-. '
t‘tit is *4)ir.tittli•140' eahle loom *not t.Live y A.-1 e. ,,,, ,,,, , ,,,at 4 ,
thet4Z1144*4#Ore . HN9ST:
A,itt.4111rtit C7', .1;14t,itttl„V4vnilkn-,$,L,.0t; 'beig; (1. i1 a!::.i.:V4...!:•:,•:'1'•4.--1,' tr:r.:11•9 tii,IVI),,.T.i7414,,..,,,,Iiiitt sr •.t- '4.-•ict:. 4' -,,tzz4::ta.::uzif;1,.::izotf,:..:t:t:jij!;xtt,.," 13, ,i,tuq, ,t6.f.,i:ii:rti:',:':-0.
-Ilocitte.ve Md.' ,
1.41n° nt: kk'A 61174°' 4k4e.l'ae:':41'4'.1;;t'i'‘Iisilri'. ay7:76,4•;• ii,,.4"".,,..iii. 1*. :::47'6.::,:.,:irts''6. 1'76' 70.,:::::07"en.11, ":1,1'...1.':'..::::::::*60„.4'..::,:,..,„ ..„...,,„., ..it,.„
ttioo •;;44,-,Itas, ,
....01,4„.,6,!itogitst toettettet----0---,.--4' t holes .....te. ,- ---, • ' ---- . - 0 pia . ‘s,". ',let LoW.L ...ssrs-L:',--,e-1. -- - 4., • , • ut:in.• It, a litsteke..0..Lone or W!., ,L, . 1st. ... .!•4 4.44.100,4* givare %tel.
stk s•.:: ",',"- '' '. ' CAM, ttiel, triii,,,.._:''P, A eta '. iv iiillien0; :' 't'tlitnir: Ann"- n 10-11 eff'' *P tt-1 -, '1:";-Whee6:1:lbeb:t:il t. 1:24:44:'°110 . - '
totttinteto ot tho hallow by, the% • k
' - 111,0 ofid it, tins ease P: A.-.- O..
.; 04Old tun : tiett them make theft .
Q. -.-And Vint tin not lino* wheat
L -B
.„, _Ott didttutP A. -.-No,
4.-4" . 7'' ' ° .4"4*;:itk4t' ' il; t* -6 sets
1 ° ' 'Ilt.441Algi' ..:111:;66::Itklitliii.'N'iitei:. 14:14t44:4' eitili-n' naik: ' 11'. : •"44•:be4 1.°'.15: :4.0:071.,,°, 4PPr:. !dr,..,....:::, • .,:•.•,;.2:4611•I4P3,..;9'..7' .
4 A. -Yes. A. -Yea. 'S
heti' 05*tnYlnoit'''', - • . fa - A r title tnIght -- •.- •,- ' - . •'• ,-- • • '-'•;•.' • ' 4' Znanielitig" et01-gtIPAIring' 6 , !
'° ''
til*Vt"t:ii. l'• ' 144tolii:ttitot : - •". -:fA-ThO'nliglitilak"LT..?A,...yss, . ;:llellahle,:.:new*Aati40:04•_ hind , ,r ...::
bo,weettoth • Axi,j--., 4,ikti#1ottow ,iiiik:!thaqt0 in 0**Off:". 0°.(11'° ler yids it theloWeld*rteg'inl".0". ' • ', 't, .
'efite.BoutiOchtitin Ohs ctilli f.: A.
"-ellt,Verni uSilitliy done. ;-..
'4,10tWet, thy question. 'Do y
Amy -Whether ht title' Instance or r
Ithomoory ;estimation op Ilicti ,
• -
yr": .;
en '40
errs =omelet:OS-
tilen OS 401 :
114 ett
',iii'l,:40A0001i 4.Ats•
- .
it. T�uches the Spott.
Vie &Kidney Disease
en'ole Complaints, atc.
04 4o: " IgabLEOD, Ooderich, Ont.
Stand, in root ot Knot chareb,
eat. ft Impure Blood
Olra 0
0.00, or NV419 al'V
Mee sai le re (anima, ths
41; P
esiwitoost owe • woos*
lilitilitialsornesistonwspente*******11000 •
tors. .Betislles-
p,,,,,,inkInka;Oktiy014.; „.. '
• olio, :mot:- 'Boards; Um:lilting Weirdo\
Palettee,. -Palette Xciecti, color Boo,' .
and •Eitineere Gitito
, ?ordain and Canvas ,EattelS, Sketehing
HOSs Treeing.' and, "::Transter!. .RePeret . Art iiituttfoo, .
Art Ilatut 'Itedite
for the Leaf,a
•Mirror 0 'oar* and
'Whit Zoo!, 000)&6, Coors.
Q. -0A114,
Otto 2 .. Tear, -
Q. -And tht*toue? Ves" yon 1.0
• sktt*.No:f-thette:', W00 -Pt; •!--- ;41t;.'114c? Brazing,'srfiroint. -pretop“tlY'. -6 id
YeS, r ilkOt ti!,11 e •6 , ' 0 ,
6t, 6641,
„ .
' :1t
t he.
'Yee* -It' 1'1'1.'0" 41 t'Itat ;0%4'4 :e*•
t'''")1611'Lls 4415".t'41ilit O'r" .4• •""/":4"'. 'Gold ittiat'in'.'alTide's...o'n'tg'diled'red'atieyclt:Isg)1.21e°::0'fireswh'a'pe..
vptyrt'),,iftd. ttt
Jou, ;One- pad 4, 'tt"..e u.4.60isot.01,
•;!-:-Theit.' lyeadoretor 1.00, . 00, 0,46311 en you 03f, 11,, — , .- 4. , ,44
Et:tio7cte:1041(9 tEe klaYtt)e'P8?' N ST014, 55 S
'Twent ...1006:tridta:years experience in United States - an
-*ft:W.V.:ter, tile."' 4°4:4°41. 4t.'`,4'. . e not here.1. , tiodiff *°ti'llifet4*4441' '''S'ttlAm.''''Y'aa 4* la: it.
• '°Q-tiett:;''''11 itas°Peell:a"084 e016014?Ort"iteli14410•4%itWett°;illti'71.-1•t
,.„,:trs,..tittyktttliettoottitt ott,th,, •--,...t „„. _ ,
otV that. *04 of.•000t0; ' • " ' atIVO ttO e that 4b there ', were.. two tokule , 3t,, V146‘0007 P0111 g. nth.?
O'er Attattt!!' *Ott, elect. liViVre to !,: ,, ,
SW '''iii!riti:,"0.titV*il}ktitil$,040- 'Ottli. . 0%, iitt.,,Ott *Oar oath .400% *0'',0' of papers? '44,1.,!."1.0'4,10.1)0040,ft q.;00' ' 0fr. 0.0f4' ' Irog 0c w,t-tt I ninteretood
Al 1*.tenrobt LYett ithow P' 4 ..:, la4hute . it, liketV. theitk011'O' 011 , itlgt) bo .'",!" 0,!,-,,• ,'''.v4.!!hk
.7 *tit Of ' ttetilo t viva' ' an the other t , ,4••,),. Ititito Virinting ,ot'•the ballots # iti..-4,1stoie -sit, wo ion look= at tots!
:tit iloipoot, 1.0,0i-oido ti A..•:*.they '61itiiillY• '''.took iiko, stetliti: ..40.'4CettothilY iltd.., .., „ • • . 1,' itt:.tyrimt Po in; your office, to It imi.
t av Ate-,-.Itustailli-isrptkt,htt toetitt. , ,, ' . ...,.., ,: 4.4:04 the drat kind:thet Was ista -“I*1:42LOotherne, 1,25. =sp., A, .,,At7 111.1.10 nI inpooto
k ,huteett ono *ow:know , • • 44",....,4,11d. '4441;s *14;4 io(thiug• it chili , vote' light paper and 'YOU dick nOt!tb ink, , ses..'',.! ' . ' . L.' ,L ....; • , , - - .- .-
0 1 tilit A,444ern:l*trot to offnEnS'AO:14 *OA Weil trtt4e6.4re the ' it latot iotavy entutfat t As. -16 iiVOO14 4 '.- -4,,, _ON filt19.47..Ati*,40Ost:416fi ahotte
: , ' . • . 44.4 11000004; -0t Ott* P4d 1,114V 1,1i4tOtift4;. flOt41044, the.:.11O0440011, Pt4p4ti*A t0 4 ,-.$-""r.dotittf*,15nOw- L •
itavei. been deatritik
• , :
OO' iniktOtliCtt ntilit07400,'O'lll*.tiii Vat 'tiiia At tiittitL:' . ". , - ,.., , ; ' L!..,4 nett yonrsittentimi; U0`,ths)4:74itit.,4
, .4 4,404000 t A ithiit4 '.,. 4,014,i00uttite the. reeeoo 1- A.--; 100", 10001V144.114.41100 that. ;Writing' 0 h,,„ tus t. 0 uot 00/14t / aoy 0,0 t 40
f . , w oat , 0 to
*het Whit titiltitietrt the pith tutd .ii]ti•414.$$*otoithe iUuet. iU•Ustt4r*,!;•,11!: 4!di”..,,,it I; ',`-'4 it-!..,'-'-• ' ' --,1"i'.',t-AINIT81.40N.,-',
' Cilivtorh P.
my 'etitti ' limit ittle Ai iiiietuftu•ta ot
huilotit,, iiii-AVIen• • tell ti,Iillitri • 2(1,-4Wit'tet't Ottit, oor. iott tUititotoi r
titarettithingottear, toist*te '
hits entiosiiroted to :p0S.Vhoitutitt • ve ohoyelti ' , . • • • • 4,4 tonna:tell:yen, - ''' ' ' • L.• ' '
Aossl ton betel that. . rid: that . itt,,lulti, orindintiAllat ,.._,.• Plit......11aVe Yon any belief ebbtit ft."-
' 4044,10th WOutst • to* ' :the : * ' 'to 100thr Owed ? A4404.4stee,4, WPI 4100 A-Wtar PA your oath ,*O0
*6014'4,114 rittPt 4.4404.-Olts, 4/ A. WO :the,. :first ' thousand don't'? :. At.i;,4 •tvilt !wear, It oiheoiuts!
were turi t ,ii;;S4,,t1tatek to -40w. It. '
rbii: 01111b1/1014114(14 '' r th ,,'IlrittvIleark you 4...0 -Absolutely. slt pgitt,,, NO*Seles
.Q.w.But yoif ;Wit..oliiiieti
A " *0710thirtg ' you LW* Will trrve yon 'Anne -from NO, ;' 8
1,itS4 We' 0We' to '! A......-1, 0 know.. *EPA ',..ahottr, :A..--• :Clinton, $4Vtirst 40* them?; A." -;--
t Inferstotoie. 30s* Won% let lash Tit. la401114 bailOretls' . ' tenant telt, ,Ott anything ,tdiOttb. t,4,e1
.4 ,,$00e toit*uovit
tl.,*P'4, :an, tft,11?1.1*1:11.1:"°'"inft.1eYr. , ,
riee h
*OS ;4040, '
,they *re- n .
.. ng and be 4104S
t` tlt In si* ::: 'Tif, *trtt -it°. t,t?1,V41:tlitril•
• uityt. ,
, „
'Oeaite .•
t u $00'
A t' h
00040V6Ilti'6# 4$4$0414 401:1* -6444010t WA,
1)048111.1101thei**(141:4,4tbr-0001401 g*"
SO tiotroo,,000erltd.tr tor SW,0,00`fired
apPles telneCers for WIthie Oto htotheftiitt4ititt ,
srle4elaltStieitt,:•4luirrirgietttorhialt'ege#te et -IMperter 11
'isu points OssoofiL4and it will ;Vs! US tinted,
YPitit4g. 04i0.40 40rohaisFlif,t0 MoOtOlti
eyt4 •
b11da�tilt It Pk Ws befit *
gobe Setrety or oar
trend * et
...toliettet.to no* -tiOitt tOOlighti, Watt iottiting threirgh het the WS' tnitt of otte °Moo
looking at Ahern,. thith theirs hold* "you 41,0* t414.41.,ht teo4Sie. idea...halt 0,4410#000,00.414 '
. . ..
ytit to Ai* iroarest,
s. 1irntota
s 'I
mAtintitottirer oI Art Novelties,
East Street, next the Town ea.
et time., been is installed, oien by. so.
call.dtitetotial hotting hileh la 0 Make it urr.
poubIe te'get the best results.
e itebe
Generat�r, Pat'cl
Wbsn 01,0.4 tua uttothoti
gt3atulIe.d to be the- tort
ittiOtE$414. t
• f -4,-
tho •
tailed its
'uoitti• Ink
tr •
•• .