HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-10-06, Page 27 hAY tate es.4 Mir 01104 f.1 boo MONS oft is ewe thorn The etimes the Best ThIng tit b0 . to.Run Retreat ti eke 14, Victory—Days of Victory for the Church— Theswum' ..ovz IN:14e4 Is Short—Some Christi** 11714:4,,,,,o,_ 0104 Do ot Mhotm, COCO Alek Attack Mounto- !xt,tv zotzi old; r' to itotiog.. • , or okay V** eel e A doive,to, fr"ti; *40,004. non tem..... hero ceetottPl:frillier heek; troOl'tle* j°1"14 4111,e4.°NrifittISH41414'464tour t.0171414;e0 1 :;,Tek644,nigni..04m1:17,0144044.4044rOalli olsitiothe ahooktl‘eeeoolcie ongtoir41*:04,10.00tikewitvtw.titteatth" r. atrttutkoalig,tvoli:trolli Una al the leste Of kormile. !..4440.044 witietkelPettner • ft*. Oa Oahe* led SOO' *PO* tko, oft/brie& haelleffered,W .79tt - 40 ara 447:*-.4Pobnit 140« ' i to -4r4 Three thenelytd inbilblierlike Qt %k. 0 VoiMOrfa ehrittlev. in . i I idieum4....144 Two week* rigo autliebbetir nirsinirier.1410 4w/liend on Neetweeert reoPmarthriet j* wet MO,* tit sprirsitx wetting. 04, 181.04 147 family eronted nin.- We were too loud.. At wet _ k that* eonSes. Do net ' ,411444„,,,i A!'" tie. "*" of 44.e/ Int' In TWENTY4HVIIIUDDION0 004 44 i. Urutagtir of thltlt ••-•,,,i °Pm 0,704* sind the het* in- nt Christians em the earth. A.11Att_tions: 11;4 et 0 e,4110, egaTeei 14 sig j it terrOgititem, and the blenched olseeks, to-det idndliOil In 4 Wags or vore,n.sa. ,t,10,-1„04 lk 40:41,4,000#00 „,,,,, x r,g.,0041414 IrjAtt cs thrilling dame it Prill back, /et ettfrepolom. Ant ' 40H, ity,of the, "on'ot, di whon ho WM.. They* le the old eity. shorter by. o4 etleyan hymn wilt Were trite: MO bobight. ot,, +/co 0* 0,-tantootho theld any 8 other. oity in OM egos. " :Ths leg 01 'Tddeb idiell h.*4° tha 1,4p:44144 tlitioil°t4he'*"#87174184944$* 44/1124:at _.,„..„, Il4 • wttio two/ WW1 4.4* ete, turigive us the victory,.igain X.___ *A Si mon *dot to taloa 4.1 eiofee HOW 404 Itt. ill tho nu,OStiost. On a pot tnomio o mom /wank litui OW 4._06864,_ lah. in a straghlt9rvard tion of victorioua retreat lit that mg!ll 4.ight. tber had been diw of our Joel's*, the Jesest of. the 4 4 teekt-tilt ilnitsratirC•4009d When ;the .e,lik4.1440-'nioilii Will do;tett as well. ,t Ulla 40 Pettereid' Style tu_n tte. '140 try t9 tickle foCtOrrAit Oa; With 44 ieltde, YOUI van MO tOAOkrlsib. ..it YOU KEW *Medi hit; WMthey ue going to boo Ifirat falling book from *fl 1 zmt)kh 449, PO *V *end •i'Or4, It by imatiuysktie, . •,(ietuaral .Tosint,, a Mee IregtelletolestAiWItillgfZeZiel, So 4 ;i,14,4!:lt,;• . 4""tr" 14 te*,°i119* Ira diriallni. la Ms eroty. - ths oue ley!, from tin** to sti-Zlittl* apeacileao'hut eoggi'Aig tikiiiin bY • **kin tke battle -worn 44,4nineuder /did not eosin to ati • . hine,troorels joisiti,,, ,„por_ ,ins, vertegH, r0441,rget ten egninia,./. *It 1044 tgrasett; the other divielon he treat. failinf; obonk•IA. Draa Vi4F4/41 ' ' •4tf= e411 . 40 it* snstandt in an al;a4a114 an 41il Pribtlifeth to Jeruseleisr, heels*** eft ,Pf tekikki ingtgOthedeurthThe lintott**00'otatts. the Weet aide Of the Olt/ et Al. No usalms to Golgotha. hiteit,..4184 • ,t,Orehtle, 40'linterns, ne sound of heovy tits to the maneOlettM in. rue back. ''.';',.PP,11,$ 18 4•08fRa. • . bettatiOny but thlrt y thousand ow down over the, ,poesi ic,,t t 0 _bort.** t#9po people in. 04100144. 'thY Wntriors loosing in Silence, emelt.' .,.‘entli Be welhaLPtt - it , t'90,4e4. to kketm when they AVO 44 ' , log 441* iino woigoori no eliciting of i wipubstatwratheal !:errelltrVof i ..*A . . 442' 134Y4-41;114 t9W aro ‘"*"1° . ' *WM* agelnatilhielda, lest the widish.. soda the, okik*,,itod *44 ,,,_„ifiltrAnit1 rloctlif:Pro:ttrrtio44-74;trtz1414 - " 44. 44 abkoortoi it and the .trate_' tha nahittaarnd', :,91,,,egrLf •#tee-'1?ey 4P t X o Omit. ho re striii-s "itiool tirto is II tollUre. It a roystering td the et04.4 --1771,atlf*84006741,4404 'tLc atop he ' ' the iiiisto and tentitt Mid* in the birselitial" army forgets heeven to 44rtlf ' 04*-40;-:.Mitimitelielt• ,''•-••• 4:4 ' • °111". liritek a tro, Pe - . , • , ,WhiekWerti dirdirotrilY lang I o OOLOW Allanielt all along the line the word la the dlatenol, It iey.nn' *WOW, glety to 1,,Aach word, ordhwith. hil.n&$ttio 009r, 'NM .4)gitiai takes the ether division the perditlom, -,.,.. ' 000.--440t6 itett....441. ot ,kettie -Pointe toWiod. theity' di tbe reeerdo,,er,..,earttlito44..314 ii 1 • 9 '' '1 0/34, With Which he; is to march, and 1 nothing:i4glan*Plai ' , ' WA s fro lee•ISore‘ne°i„ , le D"edeele Pc"*II•nn'e Pots it On the north side of the oh, of Mg kile.i'il$00.4014-'1.0 .,Y/40440 .#5111' ii -lig i driiiiiierflognr4"eth4ar evear-th"nit- 'Vg44110.thliDgt _ 411... SO the.D.IPandlt tin night in re, intilltit,41;his,':.artOctIA7 ft,::,O14.t.' '"thgl' 41 ittOned tie. hosizon4litytneilti.•• " olategfalf:AfIdealoo, eon aPettion alid ' - ' aetnieltering in the valley. 1 There he hi, - -, -.' . . r - • - " lb Wee an Munn es to s47; ' . • 4Ailltf,,. Arfltrtattel;#04•1400lOw to- if is. thinking over the fortunes of the. to tba,..awfar sattarkot;AO,Ists§1i .are, not -8 --. fhe 9,42. Take it Crake it now, B.oiI '' - r. ..ozdar Om nekside. , is Mbra, the, ensign dot. With 'something of the ' W070830 he, 4.'4;4014ed •With,.thiii re. 40w8 6.4Abia the wdetAtt.' 0140 : up teenage of Wellington tbp night be. tr#44Oatstr,14- fore ,Waterloo, There he /tends 1 "1,t4 110J' *4 bout -as, 0, •oi of Al." kWith kinewa. 4 we know., night and eaya to ' *0 40 .„ bat tit'AliM who tbat a groat deal of ehrietioit etteok in the :41x..tokaogp I" amount* to nothing. simply heviinee hitniself. • "Yonder is the division le, liers ' : and*4 stripped..X.ste,-,L115.11350/f kwaoc g..1.,(et takenfortrdird:oir: el;0113141 ambuell on the weat aide of 'Al. , : ''.... noir'w7nt to wliloh point we itotlat to take, when , la the division in arobnoav b on the otit 3 ithitin• 04,40ohutti,u t loon was ostp. We ougbd VGmake Op our =too what .., aid* 01 Al. Eters is the divieloo!T ti.d:•.64o4ailla* an '001 4"rted for 2:elarwgil ttivtedittrittnitnaa41:t4t ' . b". "44 /337 e°0°°1°1 cwmuland. -AV l'00'100,,V.*10,i0,cliii,tiat. ,gin: ' 0 .fell heck our body, mind, soul, duo, eternity . 'the nOtth :40i:ki et Al. There is the, old. 14t,U80.„, ' '..40Ittt laatari• 'dawn lawar• eitii eininbulog In its tn To.motiati ".,',40 Of- Mau. At below vit. on- ina.n"ed:pienalvtas":,-,SIntdaalige-tetiolog14:,7errid irtiLliektoriS. . , nid • .14 aiready..begins to tip the i 0; ',0j.*10 ;,.40,04. Jo ilint' about of Um eaYind Pretty thinga * to We • ssill be the.bitttle. Look.1 The nitittti'•1 :*Otilit•414'•'4* . 'ari'l:'Silitrtiortic,.'::thilendbdttotbruXtur°1e. ' The Imilitory cdfieere of Ai Wok 06.11O2at MA ..13444tii '0; t e Lord God rti. point out spear towerki the flowers i' . the morning' very early, -amt.:* i 441' CIO.' not the 'Powers of or We wept * rephstation for saying they-Ao not ems the dlvlsiona::' iir otco're itioirtite, so goon. Do you :gist? geiutilkaTiorwvottuoirt:,ntrt: 140 they behold the other di** oar * d OW atte* lis the tomb Of 044,-; bear the .beet rend- luirePwnetatvolonintforoii,hnistsoplacvalitknowoawtdiedgo44. ',OSLO all the. Uteets 400' 't it 1:1: hdd, *odd that stone hurled '::Ines.a.ffl, the hill I Who is tide 04130. andt the cry "To airini0A• . . . past; or we want to get a rePfitation •out irmuidi aim hsok i Tht, roe great liberality; no we swing our Ilid OWord, whethert.' poisP684rita 401 tahromihnotoonin, mitaastyroikur catcall t?an pr newly welded. :oak'''. . • t'OaShixa. til iitallt in thle open sunlight ! make onk or it whiatevat 70n Oases; 'sr*the inhabitants..' . 'MK COMB OUT. , while there is the old world. proud re- -through the *** , ,‘ Via* Mitt% for the city. 'hellions and armed- ogalnet'all. right& , I. aild theik,!;. .4 . -- WI Okpeor of the Roman guard mimeos; and inettpd .01 our running: that Way. Olnuoh Militant any- further -away fromt its pursuit We . .'. be ' gunk work w1b J,, nd •gtrinipal" . ft. 0 One aide and ()hutch ought to- turn around. plant our foot •, I rah* down on the oth- in the.atrength of the eternal God. Eft ' Al co a powers of darkness, tire Oki erceit, and point it in the direo. between these retake 01 dna o the worlde conquest, rill the ,redeensed'ot mirth, raitrohlogi up Ire* one aid. and theglorified of liestren 4 mareldng down from the .otheir side ;kit teat battlement of sin iti compel, Ion "to awing dial the, Inman:ma ot Im. i •uilseirel.. 0, Chetah of God, . TetliE 4..101 ANXIDONQUER. t, 't •6 0. 11. 0104141101411i1 Veadro notb- • ' left Of therausave dud enough 10 tiltustrate the direful Overthrow of haPssLend Asholiwti derail vietory. 0* maimed be theoreivne. fu hind inis the soldstresi At. idle feet lbe all the huirsan hearts.; and here, Lord, *one o*.i9tton„ detke wet thin ties offe Wig* bob taktto the 4 ht lima* Or ba7. re* whistle away. rseimbly .1mtk 40444 Wog lite Wig front hie ,WItketle 4 lame. If yon levet Ans. Pte. linte kilizelin. lit :And that She** the *sat host 5*1 14606;4,1**Osto,"Apt4004wort'ha $'744040,:t4044'. **twee" tett nbutma those with •211Mb 70A4 dOsPerbenit 1Wiltebear; 1 MA nOt Write Mar hitsbag. 'tkeet 11414;1frl a 4/4454066k *," tris="04*...$, 41„0„'irThe: b"rtilltuiar. "tr,, w„,*1'441441* itestok stitalt Ja$ tbO O'itarmdarirait T43,s tifff wia. Ors* to Heetraw for the • Deldiet wawa* mem eis goat. 484. the king of ,Amsdela WA*. ikktOt ite;r0414.'a .44skalUlt4 TVA elithOrm, ierre ses44. end ,trit. lao Orin 444 40.!*rta lgste0444 leTtiater 14 11,-Tiocouvo $446.voso tretio. _1°14 4:4": giad , Chrome.- 4.4'044,141440 kigker ,fir */00. Zirree regarded' Woolf IneagOod Tole *Mem* day,. • Ike tioor,.• ,Thio adtabootaiiit would • o# toott roonotch. And gteat noup• totiorlatotto eiror. • ;el -"Waft Olt Ate tot titot trenre'hiaht taaa. wal ta`,-•0664 4011,bt ; .14 itEtthititooktiliitit,:tzOt sittOttit IP* iithr give 8**ItlY'r /Yr'' 14. •raoxilluttaisaorit.t* 04044,et table • ia* eineoPer 01 UP)* a**x. tio 'Of the 01 0040 pofrio00. aagiwpo tinhad t "04i43"4.4a04°144*" NR • .'s tea en tit; or. hut* ot court Lytith,St #.400.5bolit tigtAti 1404 tO ttO, oteugihter oistiLtalloott, ereetiAtittl,,ousk _J" -At Vala. , Ot 4,061110t 441001 bi,histiowaVh* OAP • •"nnO ti$16 - • - • • 2044 Pt the 011;410 'rink; Whioh. Xereinde 70444... bltrithk,ri (41$ tkt •09itthearted, tir "0" *100 *trail*, _Ike istuseo One ot obau ot •tho OlouttIor ,tiod wbtoh You, "otootioloo toad io otoria tba. intY04 04000 ot 000z.., lo t, 1 a t.„ ,( 4. signet ito4 but which 'YarelY to 'Otter* and other.. The.-kinfest aide• ra0VOn"14i-CtO 'f -t "-a"--1191 be toot -with to reel Ade. TO the find tO 111401 14- VW* - The APO, swami before, :the 'Pniaen rent • ti4 lort,rot oofc 40404- Plettno, Wed win tiletiorered to the *et where the orowde. gathered; for tko *dr; ,tp , reigned,' in; ble 01,1*tOit beg With, rerieus; kite ot $41#10titattoo ,04itottOF **to *487' rtzeii••=e74,14040& t14° ielQ1144 v0441' 131114 I*14104 ti44' hi4istOopo ot too** powox* tjo kiott. 'ot4,4io1491,41,:,?4•43`rlete• Web* "OA Oho*, and was appiretAtii, tertalned, 00704, And 4,04roioocuaooporistitoo. ,totouko., T1*4., vat ill'isFot 44 Pit' Oetax,* bag "-wt:th the tyPlax4:40409Thi. 60x6166. kiptr ra,44431"eitCpyilltmgtit wts,aoth 44:44:104/4r .d.4.441!"0,645rWa44°4141441**.00irni:lid... 04041 order 01 0$ this -.40*t Wee given, we Alva 00020'0.kont et"-te*t t4ov wotob , ratty 4400914, that <041944.4. scionob; 1011C, DO 'the 4e4tOtt:044114 it Wit* the TittieWhridentiy. beloved; The tlqww 404 4044 no, vrinconk cou,v.,, 0410010Weraeli %Tee utter Wry inopeonoc hint Ision .40 *LA Vo% ar6 to0 444041tag4:' tkat ;Lir Ivi,:xwatziutti4,04tug. lowfoi *, 10,0„,,, ger tolict.„0„,,ot-, and obain. moot was uttpoptdot, fud,t,hat root' rriprilti44i40490144tol444400. 11.4 #4000/40t• 0402 rodp: .0004044 010 ook04.4-,0040f90, 010, 4,0 ,,ikoir it, by these 99,4tatet4104d regpegt went office;ovOr4t • tratel .024 whaitorers but ihs itateruent 004, Mhop., nte$17,, ' got. noTeWst were to 044 th* VOtt-,444 .481tow*o‘ 04 Vol 'r4M,r-_kor'de0rk4tg,ttgr zett7,;n:to certain dignitiee WWI oartieil With ,Ph4t'400404' be vy1411104,11M "4445 Won them marks ot tumor, ,740.40e0t, oortakw tiorritte, iodood. Aro- "thob An alder cougn gathg;",whoor, 'llee$1* 'ad." and rahleart XI° Gall had brought ,up Os g •40kutoter. above rot Yitcol tlae ora, *spin; watch , . W.lky tratVittiikruit thoiCtlIkkiatric • caPOMPlet be 11.470,74mitVt4iiit '4411.06,44144. Mord.vI,v * Appeoetzr, mskdessre: Moors; 4 'Ps' WaOE'fae:saIen'osAl:n7a:-414'.07::rat:..,-,-"""Lr414:P: etuteeteut that the'rui 'ot row eon would not permit' hi trifof.fer Itgicius 0 a 0,0i:et.' " 4. Mimi theYepeke detif_Untokins. iteseindiug kina ot tikudiesitotito of the otonMend tbstY flit hunt*, to Obby. He hearkened Ind unto•tkern, pia not (Menge hia conduct. Thy tad 134*A4A.' to MI wamther litardecare. rawer( would stand. That in, taltuated by jea10044 t,heY "inferrer molten/M.14 *be tipsy. -0440,7 0oterninglia UP reoentlyv adopted .; 4 lesref , het, - Ahor.;. ougtily 'Oucceeeint 30,0414 Of postal intrrn io,NileerefrO,,ii,s4:404091:4'141.4.10fredHot,:ro.4..' aitiOtlo,erpu.•;5bIls the etrennou4Offorte 01 the citisiam of New Zialand,"tnAft4M tOt itualedge of 1.0,0 'Oneedeeful transportation,- : ot tneessies., by the :Pigeon route. the'1;04-1 Mulows to see ;',..vhet , or or, • .h 'ernMentzfitaIly sledded to make luso. „came would be tolerated. L • Oman, tigatiolsa and report upon the' ;Wake. "aMma not ti, bave noticed' MO 004i4. to*H4-1k hf "t1,4 ' ' ' ' ' ' 4Wrespeot till these fellow.elteeti told L_IL'e'''''•"0 ,`,''' '",,,''',.'VerOuP073,0" 88 a 'Over* bier. ;Be had told them that he was a .t864; '' )400•MAtiOn ' 67 • estahliehing' e Jew. Whioti may even then, have "pigeon" peat between Auckland ' and Great Barrier laland.: A now word nee- isaaafy in the philatelie &meaty' hoe been . coined by, the...advocates :of . the new eyettan yelept ."pigeongraturl and the giegneihas 'been adopted by the New Zealand Government.. s . ; • Great Darrier ltdand ie a. portion of the' Groat Barrier reet-oppoisite Mat-, thektrei would Intro.'s:4 :at ace, 'Put., le/ed' "d eithated thirty miles therik him to ,nmthe, but ntordoom .110 in, fr. ofer lac:magas have been sent •to Suited ixtini. so a 3 -Cyr. and *Men wag. Sea Ube' Auckland fon loin* 'care determined that tl* Jena eliOilzad Pea.,:.Past by 'private individuals with -so the tensity. Hs 0040449 .400"" 04A. much success that the attention of "the. Lb. delta -that • there were t !Mt - the . whole' kineearo . st Ahasuerus,, 'government,. was attracted to Its [dins ;Thal:eles. titoteai::aret.1144:res, but..41..ihNit•00,1Ittig6t4:04L.: ptipirliiattililotn34breiningtalr. sertellauplati:!eolikorintit t'' . •,b read histoty .100w Ilioirtho: trorol000:! 17 for the Purrs:me of testing ' the aught to deatroy. Oil" the. Mega, and"eYstion before establishing 'a . riveter how oven in the Oppletiatt. ore:. the postal delivery between the two point* „r I hails -heard its, maid:- "Zook out for a PM:nob CathelisiSainight tO ,,destrhy all 'men "o d • • . ' . ' treason the Seetiodi The trtnnot41,5,9 Maar who letssienly, one idea,. he 18 1*"- the Protestants on Vaint Barthel°. --II ikel ' lit .i.' 'th° wicked.- :le- -1)11'' •, IV; you. 'Tut telilLatible." 1' 047, 19* 01gb for that SOWS Day, and .oritr .tilideratand L.liew - Me litat d Jollity, lay in obtaining tbi" a 4n eelt4-4*. 4 irni" eXe..-113 14°.` •4:it.fratii 4 Christ. whieit, has cake Meer *tea iTTiMiggil ;!giVitt. iir'„grug? :AI 4 that , &tannin ti f will schema tog thil; ' . ' • -eion of the biride need. This washers.; ',bitter pensions vould fortoniate Maks 'complete control end Ultimate posseio dilrinit the OPenin4.400 Unforttnatn.....,.....,....551411g• I believe God woild strike me 1. fzhe. firet month; - that lei ' "the t ,Ovek..,0064 accomplielied-by-themgovA. Iva 4--c,t0is:' WOnldr know - *bet - itic-to '-'701Nui:34: 1 datad IP tad* the. 8ratr'• in -6160th '1.1181110Mie-tiriit montlx-ot' ealtra merannuo,Iarmorosionijoshua 1 ..'ndeoftetir, sake. rel.02,"igoiovuttifi4ttreato iinvriMeoeybefob 64141 itti4 40TAITieli' lenittilad!Ott't 'Iiliiiii4d eiroW°t*betbnr°61tIt s4Ck°1/4Y"Ilael: Iziernmdeelligot itifteti"BOinnV°tlit3IpteithEstagtilltetill'hae , e of ci000n 7' Ind vtien ot 404inia.iii alitittegelide, titer expeot, 11,4 '40g. two armies from. the till el' Of ASTI. They .. coat ',Par. , 4 • *41 oboteoti. FOliowina •thitt • • the Poet.- -. :6-14;.81:_the'et4alb_Or fhp lbaires.._ 0. Oestiog to • you at eta (dose- of ;411,0`,A1144041hAtIftwOrbirlo. "jolt it:i,':1'10nreeaetde 11,140toci: * 01611600°Dal sioadilatikt° !F'..ilfiegtOOtirrh9tirailt, a lir , .-: 'SOY 'Work, i :Tits* Would- sotto :to44 eteell• , ok. 02 0 '00 0.04.0,444 .49Pilent dere:eat Ot the our iltirareer vacation, and startinst r0r114.-.theiSarite OtIlie teanteolttin6Mit %.,saatteo..beea 62164 11.410.611"halilltbre',0141110:.$116*'heliiiCt; Ioity mo , 44,..300# .ths,.rtioti of Joshua' egoist ha the. season of work. 1 wiShl„ -,._Oratine the dettrerendeVre, nght by pi, But t t orbilatotioil ores brief; for COM& 40114d the toesin at A &Mkt tens., tlitaiittiOrt4stito.,..,41giiixittl•ilt, Vilritieerlit=,:nut o'avgazglt-ss, bi-tidt ortnittu tuiiiiitt ,o2d • these. Dolga. It. was eland .for u4 tO, reidr L11 bs )07aa. miser-Igtt.lk,l.errilatUrn°rWItaitnilifeiesis it was to get etronger iniocie .a.,,,k. iih,Alred. the etiberatItitin *bent .t*4"Post4tritest4i•.t4tet Its,o,s4. iosoust;,•i ., *uh,4 freeher brain, and purer heart for are,173,•••4,7,411;:,4101i-litr4fleto iri ugilittg, ,iilbotitti,,abltettillirpti'6610:0,'es,v4 ,•6 uk-:4344 lareen.L DO it ilwalt is. The 41- Ciod'a -work. I feel on. my *AM, roal 4.4. .„,...,„r•rek oha.. the hin. hh. at otroo.- *tan% le placed on a ;centre %int then, 'orowit et the orichse, is short. 1fou, morning the halide .0t Christ in *1 Lnnit b.7u.,,,71;17i,-47-..4;;7,-7,t,',474-ifiri-.,.tiiiit, v--466 cancelled. The nmeeage 14101dett,OP lvtiielt , '' ,> falk;i1.' te?ir iiith,..irt 11446, ,,,,thicL o _ it, nii14,401.01. . Do, you •aapect to keep not feel the stuniseiniiipetent, lisree; Inadattlikinty tlastisend dollars at the- -ordination. 0. MI. Peon*. du- .' 79n. do .- or ih ,;•oto oo, ..04,00‘htt.4.reit:i..etti:; ts,i4tz„ofiniutdivrillior i;At 10t11!: 'Mit ' at ‘.70„,„ .. • f ' "Ittitt* ' **One° - XOti. VI 6 in,,the poor outs. 'titre" There_ task WOrin / li for e"-'' ce•t'' the lot., o .111 to.O*45ovoittLli day to the bandis of the person to whorl* it,M; ,:i 8.. 066t0te.'11:4,,:'.1;;;•titoti .t..0.04101,A.0,,earlyrOnlarsagooteltbIlolsenritt°Lutvg aCtidoPtchelibl iddal:Pailtdhapo% . tho,„ *Vi, Sr. 1,1,- I. hi oitiviototi. ,wittl,1)* 'OnOlOtt ' tif,:: the: '. ' 1;he e.waukeei-ge Ce164tY *44 IT!** Ow' •Inig$ iitainitii.1 the" 0400 .,;iitilithit; .„'''hildtkit tha. result , - • 2.' L. i.:1 .,, Ito.,,04,th,,,,t,, oldis* 'roar Otobot.-W111 eeatter, or it .will the OitYl It teikot te.. , .teiteal..k -*int: tyrsigghth:,414. ,st.,00.4*effs, **elk. 2tisto "IPtg000ttrome atit rOottived. 4 411?;-&rs 144:,,,i'r,°.ji.;ritAtii,,z, dolvattor•ot,*„.dtimi. •,Calt twat work reliieh We, an• yu,tiatiao viiiir0 .. '..4. *o_ht000ne,,,,, *el r,• -the., \ 3,ewo for whole operation rushee; 008 wonder joAA1,4.4 ' /toy dio0r..esiongis to curie *Or obit- be take; Zet.-901.1--,,,W0144i O.J04..,nt isli,'', ;!#.rehiestrefeteli;fietiowitition, wee - Slivered and the siMpileity. Of. :' 'AUL ...#0..;; Oar, "WO roll Of bad anon who laa0Patalt4 and hale. to do, and. Iti.;,,46-: etradOttlg * , ,, if, ,.fiitit4, - ...,khom:,, tho .114 64)?ti*.tedio why oimilo moo* ..,01', ' , i'"00 . aken.Via hew eiiett ,W411 their prtierelitt• do to 4440 O,14` du i. I ,c, ,., 7.•-•:. ', • 11(0 '..:plallit'.. of ,i4emnei...irlie ' tvrellth 141111155tI51/ batyr'ee41 the ' lattetratit'11:4' i 'Ver-..4widith like th*. mmil of -,44 that ' I believe t at this' t'-' will be tlin month"• - . • Te7z..7 •., 4 • ikso,,,—.. lona of'grOups, sucli as tliti ItaWalian , Went from:co' • ialm St to 'e ilitnest‘ but ' " taupe' it one- -74"atir th4t hewing' .; 'otici'n,4:70040,ioteitlii, nut.40,Veirn, Our. m. -.'"',e,-„.. - '... Ittp; 'Othola4.4!:'04. ''‘.go•tn.v.,, ' ' itt4-iitilitotttolo teak their property, hg a latk'*f.'=1 la it e""4•;,,,,t 'there, end they were -divided. Into three now withi the etoirit ;0,00. ,..;t wiit. 'soot*. ':. -=•;,,; .*tx .0o. ii±.0.!t#,011.,, , , qei sr Tua •ktivi.:***.... :40StS 'f0ttar, o$ehne above' 0 relied .tidek noon ever saw. itie.- oetttera two qulkklUir '0, "'‘A. ,'04rtain ;DOP14 ' 4- •', 44415°4' ;7.14;eiii'irtittilaW11*toe boOm the. Antiuse or ;Ithe eni• !inet be adopted by a h, govern. tiktlit'''bitwo,..Att,th000 :two it, tio,„ took, -their boo, ;lad the loot. of amienit..... irt '44,,400Mir fOr the Me' . thiit-•totrihin booed. ot the, 3,..e.wo,whi.et .44.14ture74.,n4i7twiter.izaty :04;;iiri.ht. you 1.40kulooto "too the reen 'le one of .'the earliest statement4-of ,*e,eflifj‘i-tge!..--/It19-11:l1:11ett22itzStiV.tliC.! •./ rlolasi 0 '11t-Cgt1":':-'eti lilt the tOok'ttitar Ykito. 1 Atti tawkio of' Al. ,‘"$.0i'itikiti:t 00 no to thetra All,104,t0 OdiOns-crin*.in 111 ducted ., ,,,,,,„: _,..,,,,,„„.b .r, it ',i,ntotolited, le tho litdiditlit Ortheetre$F. tratit andi4dni:inti i*ettt Alto trnin tarn 1,4*:„Itk.bito,csI,,,tolgotois4:,4 in 11,4,.40,, 'Of. the. ,PotitOffisee, * "pigeongram d'' 7,tietliet,atithitein ' .10sha,' • f; he to kers them lad i, of eer te thq.'groAtio' *net' I hear :at* ar 4)4' tfr0114Wthe!*teiee*.• •..t and DI' t tnitialok 'of illaeiPottill ilte'!!' Mg' Mileit aWsr. 04.I. ItOklalr litit' ntf: ' 1.4t;•, 'O':#rit.O.SO Pil/ . . 51' olffeteragroWlianet,lii Xeitletileti*lt toe trookt,t6-•ke so eueee ' ' 01u:them 'n" t alk,:,.obintlutc ty- of . um, too itge-iiitei to tos nO. 4, iiMA Oftt.,01/*',' thg *hokithd.ii6ttoXii60;t6ttitiati6i OM Lhs !rIL h i,g is gg,gh, Vet, gattltati they !lily:, ocat••?, • ••••:, .'tut *wow: ormoo, • '''', boti ttuit:•01,1iiitim etb:40114,140t*Ittoite:4r4a:4014ittbiot4101triain'ot United • 4 ''Derrie • ' tte 'ti 4; 'V Oie bf 000 'MOOS alrk 40 ,„ uti:. C ttlOilitthi , Pg 411*(10 lioltiOt' lid ' tO l' I1-1414.*' ii;04*.***0440*** kohlUoilt •gotoO":, i 100," 'tottoot. ' •Johua, r,..-4,1sto 14.1.n orteloita le first 01,iiiittlati 410091 ht 440 , '14 Ire 4gall°11(14134:414411; IfitgAtOttgglillgIt'::iarlitO: soU tot:411)k tro` lOttiaoir •,i1L- l'er.,.. -.ttki,.. ,04 ',:oltegraulf: '.a'tto• 0yOnt:' .. , , . ., SO_ ek sta ct 1;b.sl,1*:‘tliocolkilv'444t.,:70.6U64P-)tth'kett' :Tikait".";:a.tAs - tir '!"--°'414-Q*40"ttrie 14811,441*,•,64.*141a,•thetkb;h44;Ctr,0021Atet.h:ter7:'°*1‘44.6144t,,:7•• 4, ,I'le'ltatii,n,..'..,04't,4141til;414„J.Itott.,:t.":""til t6t! ,h,t (Lele.,',.1i,tg.tileh:,,,, ".fittir,.- -iita,Asgals, the ,,beav etbreii In Wh eh tratnitilent Oita 'do, Ain wilt .h1,10,0itoketlAAari ' tas 4 ea do 1.rqbkott., you, **to inteinten. . Thine .tipleiel Al sthankinkin* ill' tilt,,,060,144 andf..oto,,,iit '14 `oOlt.. Jediene. lititatheir!ettPeriofi ee;lti:reerOwzmoitliiii,,z1iik.f..14‘• 4 550 ototte4on*,•,. ,.Tbo • AtiteitiOnsi.Whete the, "reytOuit alt tbo. igiot and •Ato. . ,,,,,,kx., mi 1:14... . y„ • . idoto, .100 make'it ' . inia„.,,nribit,,,to*Itt It.,.,,o.r.theTr., • ttoototor !rot* *0* umhfot-out ott thott.ltrOttot4titt't, Mr zgrtif,104 ijoge: i .7,,,00-746t,_.. *ddept:tho sot :10t:c.,* - ' ti'i:i,iltilatliiits*.64-rth, ,wotiiiv!, Paiottelegi4iititoottiot, t-ot,v,,,e,st,*. .,poatal Iteihn' aeliohiltaudo and ilk*. 411 ttit WO. .61 ,. . - ,. - -, , . . Mao* 14'4,04* 15,"'''' • ' ' r • to timok*, *woozy. bkooi • ''' ' ' P '-'-'4 ' .' . ' - 1 4 - ' ' il'!'el i'°. A°T°1!74.41at UkkIlt. LT."-'n‘,k6•4 ' t --,1 -t .1 II:-.'the.et '14ott` motel'. .14ittoioli:orr,443g/;n7trieenlitir:ritbe iii idttheaatet f aS'Ilkvizv h4 *40' *rit'edgi /0i'''gt .• 9.04'4414 these W It YoUo, ithtt4;iabithitioltoOtito$ ii.O.Ottit buievok,ot*it:. ,,lithe fact that 4 , it, . itowiAtoureligo,,,,- •:,: iii;:. go o , • to gui,•„"tivi,.akor theu4...,•,th•votitio,..• :4404* tot,,,,,,totoir celittoutbecolnotti, ota.04,t11,441);_,:ilottil ,.... ili,kisgototre...wtor)6.,,, rit4,4*-",4t.it•to,b,ttto:,.,,tmorolvit44.01,trysii.H: ,,,t44,rie41$, .:.,,,o,,,m..ag.„.,,,,„,a,tt.eithedid.,.,S,tipttres.d4ietitidi ,...Ottie6-: - $1 ,•Ilit',4",it' toot000looa,,wi,u -00001 inndii,, 'IjOyir,iiiint,Wiii ft,takt tetOtr raxi,,,444.1b,„tiotelYitttoot•ttilli'llt0e*:14: ationi. *Unit du; t.;T:: 'I* With iiiiY.' , .4.0!*o.04:010* ,AlkL., v..• .0,11.•hitok t r . book, igto*Whkett 40 het, ilSe, out hall tooir .1 out -otrortoron,,:. ; Run tor tor , Sti• get : throatth. tteet. '.iiill0ttetk:li4.... ..... oroy, toOtiotn,ii0,ihtiltalt'Wiia 4 ..t. •Thc....iiipite•-,of ttie Risis OrkitiOita Ytitii # 11- -,•ii 4,45,0i.,o 'IS ii,Vaii" 04 'rib*, it 01 e01' intOlitebberital••tbir:Adit ••'41"044 lizios,..u„o• et ..the 4411iitteatid-triogeii, 0Jr ...' .. itp,P. Y 0 , , , . . , . . , .,. 'the ntiele1004 ,;,'-tlidi •1416*. Oat" '•' Tor .-ioatilo 000',••'$Orrig.otit it , thoike..ttoo*,0440:voto,,.x.iitt,txt 4,, .400io,,, .0 , takiiiirchtot,,, • . moey0,,b, , ;oat, , 'fintessAo.okoeaes to be. • 'i.),e daYldee ''''°411' *ine*lititl°ratil3h,"''' ,"2-IstrIl '‘U.14.1;11.30"et4 ItioliAtaltibk:t".i''Vel,.."::Vii trik1.- tlit,' 41611:ittoLoi:444,4444444"0° ;t1I'ig.111:':1'."itr1W4ii'4414;. "411 rthifb*Ilit'da'.14i)litIVIVOS161****''''ttlit4'41,1411°..6 '4i*,444.ititikii*:1144r..6 ttitl';:'stioireltle.1::titliii4.; • . - - ', " .'. : . itritt3n."•* :, ' you tl'olog: to - ' •• 'Wick the soati,•01 ..,„ .k., „,,,. 4, 4040.,,•-7yout 4,44#ao ilti,kalda dOWO ,. • Itt**-,;.-4,[ ! pari- , •;,: itixiotrAtotr •,'' , •iWbIsh.litti.k.Atii ipotottpaoli b. !..til:p , ,Iii.41,tir,bL,"'' 0ilti 4)1SOler'ilik,, With alt eh kiMeibinal 1 oistiottga ;mar ,ig, bt .*..: 411 thiVt$41.14'llititOi;ot4tIds Xii,',(tit :•,11141,:tflt-' , ••• '"tiliai "tadOo$ttSiOitit*bot* 'It* i . •loitotigi4t1.4istitlIttlitlit-Regt.g wzri7.4411,-;',74; .'7 7iliffil74 ' 44#4.. 44isk*'/O-.:4'; 40SpikilO4,!'• ktOWS; ,.t! itlittiliotailUt itirdiOlautt*.of On kaki y.trii. ,,intiti.." :4104Ifits•.MOther 24400 te Youittt•4 siteoAt Iii3OlOriorstOk:Nirsd ' t 144144"41165"•'614i''' 411* cjih*:'16 46°144 Atvis„trocos: ot h*., tuilootoo'eti),O14rokli.olift, ot'lstc)f s4 fro'Arankaniteitalutri • ''•41",e4 PeU"tvid14'; i °. . ' ',IiitLlot7e,.i,i„Ar' 41' ,-,ot t' .a 0kil.a,t.,40a " d , wVtoui'•'t4hPt.e.00eio', ktsee'r ,`,wtiidteh:o),, f ' tinHy-%4ori -'stat:iiutH'a:ttiiOt• tbst,,t•;a,igiti.ft.if,•,t,O ti:mttt,ieVge,4tSrka,s'. bas as TVitta'.I°tt,i.::t'i oili :it rbitintit..'took t‘otust,wtttptt• Idi4touliY•OOO1tiketXto340;tittthteti eiantrft0 ,00ILV in t t t4 t'**t5t:Irr,:14'tt1414? iatity,*ktutvo,ot,totto,400.Oeth ll , I 4 .,dintiiiitIh4;40int0it r•A!0'h''1'"tii7::'t t I MAO tt I t aatoto vier. 6 E!:44440;in i*It, . t`: t Vera fs.re.,.•441,.:. ' t 6!1,e'.re, • ' 'bell I ,44i I it. * Es fit ki 471pi -, .i 0'1 1n•tikitIA*klal**l** COLLECTING the *11 4 :In , I, Ttr* aU tk. otb.r nilsdamaanantgt bakaIk*4tik01,mn. 4OOtU SI4 k.11 t,be, /nd it, ' t caused a prejudice of dislike. See note on vomit 8. -' 6. Then wile Haman fUll,c4Lwrath. merdecai's (*urea maddened for Lt, becadee,h0 wan it:OW., he need. not bow. then no dev;* need bow. 6. Be thought soMm to Lay bands on Mordecai *lone. If ihmiented In- formed the king that One *the ablvee had pmenzied to Mbehey the -royal: edict and to insult the oourt favorite. VC1t49,-, teal" oh cbser, nt010k .4 Oho, • OworM 01 r 1s* dr3j* *04 th Min ribs Y tu bb a orittooilla on the bUtgieryilaCe,oboir.? s4.4bst**.4"gglow"kgYoi".latt .an to.whotii*. isa woOfi:.tOto tbit d'altosiure. otcrithrn. it to • • - t • • • • • „ , tableati,oltitwpd'that pvg/evo.Aiotte,i, Aatura, hod trOOPIP4'.: Tty,i,0414.** tiot4tog bar W4t0i. •4,'Itkgi*OA"',)*Iiiio,,l'fith the other she was '04**1.1*,4:40M.*:,thl-,4?4,4*„";,:. :*:144,4400.koOt #41Y;,!' '2,7*eif,001.(Aigi,'*01014*,#)!** c#Ligt*L't 1.44•:•'40.410,'.440440.40; told 11151 bur- glar 4603444;','.11404iKa:Aiktk.likotiito. CblOttr•)atitaik..4.411:,41044:-.Aatol;Og•lito '0•0*•'10i:whicAt.itOrO4,11-017. .;attakkotwe, 4 No.f... noolgt,rusty at* 144, tarot koi to be tiatiti47O"Oro"o; AtfOr tto 'p,,,,ltkr;o0i400.+Aoki.'oii,o„ta,4..4ed had' ;64efihd the beSkt7.'0*Voti.18A4A9134, or * #444. 44640SSWit.i:f'j?'0,01:444 01 tato teI'ntinretnely: Vitipy„ went.* to blittrON14..P.48E-10.1At64' 402 10 40 74ianit it • M. lelt..Oreftb4-4 -04 of tIto'Ordattig. -ue,;*titit lt444 Va4 an Sat litktir.4*At, 4' was c0000it • :r.ing" the Iibraxy,- clock fiffild*"12..14.90744Olooin tOno". "0100tr.!:.0 tered Isted,,..!ItIs about: tirioA*04.to iogAo-bOdt"" thin it euiLdenly:.,oavirtio4„. go: 111111 that ho waa ar „ 410. had ;4004 0° ex- eitiett,gaiting ready far totokiat that bre had nonteeleenteh' any dinner ott all. ;Arad nOst •the 'poor felIow. felt nearly•MetrfteW ' • • "• • • ' --"rria,:89147tAr,, tilWitOrnetting-daTedl, (dint% ofoiato t- .m4 Aled to, hinntelf, -end then 44amiglit eightof the ,Maslr and ditiViiinterri 'Mt the Deer b.eeide and at .stlintit linear ides, Came hot ,Itin 'Oink ni.biolt Mode film °bookie 41044. gotektf;k4,41iPPOd co the Meek .itiolig,thei;44atel; .,ao& p*ck- Ing up dark lantern be Crept out Of . • tad.. ,t§,tartect .d0w4- 040411* • ' • ••.DriokYrite ..ranglied to bituktelt• "I'austhe reef art0letitio,:titne,, for rat 44,08":10 aw*L•k katiL•ii punlpkin Piot" But Wed •:hade!t.. got more than half ivar ,itotoototic:.:140i 1115 Ohneklat tamed O. ishitierl,.:Elayitig". burglar at 122. oliteoli at ogrtitre*eqtA_ derb• alb* , heibia was 4initik Attie bit tdt 40•4141T44git .noV,tit Maks "spooky r etapedhrefi *Ould aque Att Mo rebbli", fariefisd-M.amw"a , the' 4int ho eat*`10 froMt 1.. 440i6 tithe nositeh's s queer, grin . 44040 neree.S tOitiAllitirtro the, 14474, direedient" bled,..begita tot,,teet *fitsIttekoodq• be. ,4414, kttoer, lost stattiOpossed7*04, eit'itLuit. ' Thio'c.fits tett; •t"- •hrit'ahMildetri.mni hial•righti•f and. he wantfgr 010 gsroolm • his 'hat ,h44110 baby act," ea4w. ,tIter-,001„gittiat er an ,I0144 Olia;rin kid." Th1F *1,4 •04441 , • I* 014.444 itliit4;614. alfarr7 11 .1411Y/..ltair tir tests 0004, kof 44P4,/,' 14 tertipar *.n. joAlittoe In Aat6-4441411A-hie. Prattleal. aM iU men, ._._ • bo Eeptenthise Dkiere*. etrahlat 4014 gerier4117 *dosed. ••;1* Oetaber-Vretty, coquettish. end Ofteistimee unite without eat*. • In Bev kinds, AMI-, tor "atom Ia Peentebor-ogvell -to 1-0.444 4914 te,44 of orid tuolioat *ha f•xtrir , 04-Arkoto 714 w -1414.044R., .• . Th. oquLng et , .-x.00tozH'14%•"'Irop444:44J444.g.'1,' tolitoty; Ot 22, and '40tO ot boi 444Hoto'*stpunt4,01t,t:00)?°.;44,:o40P-t- 1:1:0400:52s$44irtati..to'°i;04t: to ;94411,4 Cite neWi Were net OU'4Utio: tuarriago• ,4srgtts roubcosa..„4-tio1344' *1. •Ail.)X::Iiit)k14....14144.94141Akr 4444 '..4114 per- formed:14; (be 11011. Watkin, .V;*,ftsuna: "104.'it 0.1141441.o;, . r000ft Ring had *mat to, ,take a. :411;910044*:-POtes_ "adds met which 01 two eligiblo women waa to bo If•Lavinia,; :3titnlolout4' Volt' e etgdhteg rza nd°-t 4*4#.4to*,Ot.Pertots, fbo highest chief 7****t.et yaelimAkand Oftii.: a Princess *1.4.0*0404.'hT4Ilartz.40tibUtAisuAothillootadasu,ghtegi of 00, *404', inferred thp Primate X444144 , etormy discussion by t40-otticiele° it was found that eeven 91 nieniker's favored Lavinia and ..iseo:roa;:oeon ftv;er 77 Ike :decision Inade knoWn to the King that he 010. TOtion .itstOtied to theur and. told 'the* in Oak* terms that- he would Matfr Ittiritiao Me advised them tore. eenaider the *4W. Atter:ow -titibtes haa departed the Ging wake them. a strong letterr-in. whit* he inferraed them that if 1*AM not marry Lavinia he Would not nierrY" at all. tOnohlditht With exilphatto 3:047/ • gen &aeon . which • May be tranisist., edi d'that is the end of and thet Is the Mid of it; and that is the end . it; ardenl Anew" LoThttejiaervaentsholu..17.000,r 0:4901Arayl:ethaavitowtw floe ut arinrnt eaanr ddreeit turned the raiMI. yes unopened, ' Preparatienii hed...heen.,madatna the eeremoog 6, take *lee on Saturday; May 37. .thet hreitatione under th tie warthisgement were kilted on ;the 29th in the totioWing language:. • "George Datafehi hoe' the tenor to inform you *the marriage of 111. son. Ws majesty 'gigs George Tabottlid."of maToelegskya, waltheholDrihncesonetitavuitdet. 6.-iitt4litets 'WOO, quarter (011 Vol**. Liu 'TM - ,.are invited In be -present at the, cgit'0, mony otid at thelisVee to be held at o'cliick at the tting's ilsoltets,A!. Jane wee a. 'dangling and brilliirnt day. At it o'otigek the royal salute an. hOUII0641 the Arrival Of His Melody, .Who ittitered the. church .and tented bloats* on kla Caair on the dais. The Wog hatr Alive pages lo attendance dranted 'in•Isis colors, tad and Whitt, arnautifevcrivatompatotenidedasbyttooilmistilmatithtier,. ,Enovf..ahLieidvi. tenbalvwirrthuobe.thresmaiebieridina. idsRin accompanied. by. Ettim, /hat father, etepPed down tnd took Maple* her, side at the .0911112,0441-sei aiL The, geretoody began by the tinging OtaWeddititillyroo-, and the :Chatitingof to, DUOS Rigor. AtthenottelintiOnOt the marriage aervica thd lora ,couple toh tont u igneto-• Soiree. • , • • taingt*°elie'dt•441telivrsehliti•elo4drst.10.11361,444414,14•"114toirOni;'.. Ei4Ofrixia' glietolcittoriga. T .4eceridet d the .; dais an: awed them - Up and ,the Prinoetes •LaviniA knelt. on Alter momenta th.liee:j4ingetd.atoed t,inet .144, yes•-atot , gave his iirm to the Queen, and, AC- 06MPaMea hi tile goveraores his fedi:- Oi a' 120 (11Olott„ zoo !IMO. Nod. ••• s isittek„ older orortise yafatAgbl Ari:Ptte:bteildi eof ft. tofu tedr kawer .01 •te. .• inn side Ia . aas414,4'. yttivinitigite. • ed atdod 'otos ocuotto- •toliott .t4'.•:ot000: Than' the oasn,'htir •dtts cirWsuotelit•tWtab 0'. i dark44inter5,.' re;;.;;tilielc.talo46;: - f from b2m lay a; . •tat-retecting the k lantern, •: 00,4 Or. tiod- gnbui and ;attended, byhis pee sod the ritteezes- MAMMA slowly down the aisle and 15- t�.' the .royai 'palace. * maims; Of 101 gurto'Vaii fired. • whe briderit dress was Of white duchiseite SAM.. The Mart Woe Os - Wooed. WithlIoniton late and sPraye oLeiratIgh blostemii.,-•/C.Wiie lined with whits ilik ;*th .4c Rioting at'the; khet. tOnli 'lime bodice Wes triton:WO, WW1 a handmino 'pearl and bead •,••• trt0maig and.chiffoir,and 104 Cirer ono; Sleeve Was an epaulette 'edged with: chiffon, Wilis. the lade tris brought.th bottom of the cOriage. and .draped on the- 6ther-ehttaiiiiit and finished With. sprays 01 wedding tlei*Orts' •., • • NOT ',4/0*.g.,.Atorkt,;..**othatt, pitmill wee talon outidde m iew ktiOnn 'tined • dritpor*e In ; Pfewmistle, 8875 tjeddottlo.tate. Alter mNikita:10 tzladiabold ta-..enterr Said' tee* ; 0*, g000gle4, 15 the tiVa bev 14 frk atttar ..nlarthigelitO04Eire. the ttliPtiViinft.bIunhed and ilt4#.ror ti.ikie'tr4ttaci the tonatarti-tin coming up to the euetOor• ruicd to look no and** enrang In ' Oith/4 <tr.; -00Ooded to.1.1ed at though it all Wiets ;dreadful nigistineie.' scent- ed 19,haveldet tlitt'positteto nitros •br, to 604-10;,00.-trthil 10 caIl,:••41;,.t. tio: • egetatt.,danik %rein 111. thro,at. TUOL-1.44114iWilY ,nitigt 4.'At lkoing Ned, .at down on 4441 arift;g4:04 itut to , a low, thp, 5%,6 ,15ttt.:411e ise #nnhOd.ltenailt • •"Tt.,.t.iiinkbef two edta.loto fiAttritrillit-1 **SOO ntS thW ddiltitiOlitharnb: night 1" id than..hit.,Itugitedfisotnotrittliv IIsem it4tryinatt 'iorit.ted bit": t.,hinklietl.le, thought ; 11 :tottrage. 'had reettretecittool ,09.14. you been ,tap stairs ''Sietided lifa head; net daring'o '0'intuttnrerl isa mao, ''Did.-yer. • keno:411Y • - 'Iiriot to tee yor' marriage treos. .146 trousral wik, 404 jell btav'retiateg.; 4;4ihrrei'o.t9ittettitatno.iiIi_t tbo legend: placard eiSOUS.1 ' • ':Vi0e10*,.4•11'46(414t',14t4; • *entirtifilS'iltd-btOeri;;41*4071AtareriltilAhattn' rgoot- e, *Orid:•iaistidisic the . toyitY1alIy *Ad 011/444't rePraeldedi there Vtie.td eine ' ; ittiotuirokt ••, oiob Oot.th*Iloor' ox'6, -44*.••..;** istortalo1.1. h 49417., ikidit lehbet- Dot- Inatant Whir14.01toittiOM, Wit a stitSia " fog! 0 t then' lia700 If* for ;isa looktog stratght.'dOtort the 'bar* padoir?:71110 liAltittAr 11810Ad• totatt hlmow� SaMliteenied ,t0 ba , 1011114 eye, t." Uhl ;'10d; dyill0•11int to, ii*t ittitt".0,14131! baidtat WhO t,rang it.Iob. • -4 At's words, ' ,iiebtribitted, by `TatintiOn, 'BroWarniff Gladitntle Zola( 141gliti.: anti , ebeigiberlainis Snit Verse Writtenek01001.1.7 for tint doolsasi bY the besi koowo'Verse-MAO* of the sit sat Os 17 fad tMtkl*4. tit , Vta*OEri. )orneatla-Mr. bas 0.11. it 1st tollot-tdoras 50(4154. tt home, tfitlt-Oldet . isir oora." .4 5 oda Oa; -10014.P. t ste t w t Tot, toc Quito the* dro attlt *do dodo Wiloo too* ridded* bet* 04141717, tocts isotrt***1 two/ 0*d in *Piet .188s9 414 wort omv.414 40#6, hip* weer. a*P480444;Wat 416; paisot luau, 16d WAS Dele steels. 14$4.irren in Winter. prominent Ph14911114 -Olt White* *eye Wonteli fiaMet0 Me One WhIllY ttot lo*A 'rook 'V*001101410 * ter- rible, Pain in ber-ilings,-_,4* the „ elling roe her ';t114.1 't0 ;glen,* et tier feet; °e1 4•41d No -4010w Ve.111041:010101.f 411;10010. • Potent lea ,oxford tis, *%** agigigi)*, toot' tattornod ot 414. • TO: tiond0.1r She wouldltiten heed 401401.1104. Olt afgoe &MI Ln **street, Abe wee a ,t40414. - • eeeittit 4000 shei.erettilined tor, ttt$ to n' oxPostelig40; sato,- o‘sorA orrottt or bor. -grim ottitOst,boOtth in beteg so sped. ..es000t. Nottor those - ewfOl 09114 /Ogee. and Weir -gel ta the efeeilik sir wtriter to 44. PASO/ and place* td; tizeueeiniket.e' , • 74,4 447 deer .lifirrit rititied,„ tyou, srvoitly wasting' yout'ziOtief 15 cOfttlisto Ote for; adriceiler wenn whIto yOkdrela tiket4V't: igaa74094404'w.0104 444 tlannettree roneh . SY+ etilterteg -*Ad nailleette • dome of Medicine it f they would -onlY „ take tins &doer word" to 'hearts, TEM CONGKPINTI*Ilfr.: . , Worry le Me moot iiiiii4totti aliotot; „ we hue. 4.44.00ititb,,00 4.fe 'l4t4405.1, by it, women own, to* ttio,00000** Of their We.: fO /t tale* ue unawares., itie the otgItt. sod ,V.70,,e4dslenir. -*WO" to the feet it lots: taitoo Vitt" mbod with sie. it does not ;Wart se •,'•; Sinhadlo old Man of the te4.Wee, no harder to elnke off; inean*14.14 it it 'WO *IMMO our on:enter rind • 13014, rigor. ft' sbsor*: tikregiti#4, leeeeige the brain power, attacks; .041.•,,H digestion, Weakena'thit eyetright,:*Ong the hair gray and 'addt mint I*** one's lite in tow Weeks. Thong* we know tide. We iiiMP17.: senUtela* .WO are .worried and *geoid the feet.. But Whet We fall to realise shoat it 1. Just 00 ologde, •tact that tke ry in net that we eandr13.NiC4',-17.r4! slim it ia soraethintqnite 'a front - -.-ths _outside troublekagssiuse (1115 astms de$47„smt••“4:-Ifirtit of all we obottit, oureelves In *and,' and , w we's beginning to atr• way worry. Her butanes. Went wrong, ell she Wan full of gloomy ,forebodings, when ene day she reused hermit. ano went to her doctor and asked 0,01 tkir a 'UMW. .In a few days She begin to find. that matters .were not nearly so bad as she had. thought. 141'ext she forced .herself to cultivate a baneful attitude of mind, and before a feer weeks were pest 0110 W&5 herself again, and her holiness again had peened to Wad, •••Beit we need te. eornething that will strength- ett, no sitainst worry before it nemee. 'soma people are born. with a languinhi cherry temperament, "Ohm are not. These- lust should mate at *bred duty' tit onitiVate tomreransent thou will etand firm.and serene antoto /or. • tune's keenest arrOwe.' oft* do It. :move aty we calm* a* coat* 'that we ire not .iniatera of self -a lanzhilet. , hag confession that amounts to - 00 charging -ourselves with abject co. the oo, pretty soon. • A. woMan ‘‘. 64108. lomemosin ' . TIRED FEET. When the feet Me tender and. great relief can be obtained by batho kit after long walking or stet , ing--thetri in 'mit and rinbsic irliandri ful of salt to a gallon of water. /We the water as .bot as can be comfort.. ably kerne,' inimerse tits !eat and'. throw water up over the k,nees with • the kinds. When the water fire ' evotoolth rum b(iTythetowtrit and limbo hrlith CLEVER' IDEA. It asp been a mystery and a coon's. .., drum, to the averagt man for Betas 4E46 :time hoar women did , without pockets, and. alto •a wonder to the efSeeeaid man why women did not Lose More ef these flimsy creationli . calla handkerchief*. thou they Aid, for it 'was a .marvel to thein how the wo. • men tinuteged . handkerchiefs, pOoket • hordr.s, and •bundle., held. np theig Skirts, carried oftentignes an urobtei4 and only had the one Pair of handa'for ..this rather, onnplicated performance. , 6,4104.o.erresoirincie totimate4optemtht•othpetowbieeminonotbadit: , linhgo .ittiutitri i;:d purpose 02 iaota tatori:yttitlittngtheiratio 41tet,ttoisi, ., and We Willed their peeketbooka.fer ChM% to,the, great. ditritnent ote. ths:', torbiat and the Very untidy conilitica Of 0s -tatter. ' . • ' Some eatiopOsidg Manufacturer hat- ' concaved the .146a of a Imcketitafut.,' •'' iterbhief ,popkethooki,". 000 WOO used • not '‘.kw. #roitdnaed Very 'often. sibt, . .utkieseLeiel0inigoliait tbotoetitithuic trouble. and aounavoi ..,.„. l'ii**t..it*41.410t4Vialthr?".tht;" :test ' 'ob. Moe • punt ,OpsWiSErin4end tri;adMit 'of tbs Aandkereltlef:..or the glove. botb theirtielaft rellied- uie into a. ',MIL Tottig. ; beiritiliMd'; iii ' arid not tieeistaitaft ; 'litialted4ktehitilitfitilogti;thilVit'"Iii*Iriaininyt 141tkr.: iitti'ro,t,,,titd.hit,:tkt,04,1.,.;4;*,:sitileetiien,•44•••11,41'-iti:40•L',t,poreeitiothrii,,a*,t,.,10,41 1.1relj.ut,littujot74,4ati;0!..0.01 ,.,44,t-i,:ility':::boeit:t2..ttalt.,,,.,tot,t,00,1011i,01,41".tiio'otit,biltio:6.,;;i:.....-..,,,,[ ?u elintia;Itea, 88 Conti to the. stigma, et : itOotal. dallerts., , • •,:.' '. ' • „ to::AL , Steal, 114 aot�d Ea* .cmmlptor, MO the.004 :Wei tee. Sitilisir•for a it1tu. hilWadted got "him tO "look•naillitf,V44-hie •ef liter,e '4444/hOlcieihtiAik '1741( 4zigtan ionniodi titaA 86641* to he6AA haat* Of *Abide° , Tilivere. At triSt'01* .1*Oht loot poo tieime atarierthati and this Inwodt.s; •. • 441' did.t of Plot" Ittitod;,not t.li ' What /OW Were ' do1ng bIl�t,, la battl� of .1304440.*** galloping about lieldt pier Stien "eci !'r:e tit ,111. 0: .aomo;nt .yOtt aiX woe nA Usa *I11* nab, than '40 lin Cm* nlY 144t4414 ‘4411. WO. • , diooM bitty , at .rard"",""re • twim 40' 416,