HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-09-15, Page 4wry 7
Newspaper -"Plows Y -0U, $Ubscribc fOr It* tat Tho Star thl yftr &W up to
6060*"WLIAMONW owl
VnM drw=
t'hott, fomobody As J*1UT&WALt
Q.-oNOW a "14 Vill I)* *W& 04-04h Vt
Vsw I Dam
W1 o, W"K
It* toy 1000111ir precisvicso: "itle Ulao.. MOTMO, LIM P
- TWW %oll"110104
Our jigit iii 00011 ozwvo. If Smalwa*
A t*iyir. Vt sio pwft jo* vu, milksow xsa r
or*,, 4. 040,
#A* it you thirk bettCr 114
ail *04U
b14gkat*LrIo##AA,_s"'jfj"' a"
#ook yo W tag JR41009
A AjjW
JQ%'#40eg %
4,� ty
KO 141 "0 thii 90 toy
PWlj tM' IN
OMWAft vrite
41"'k - r -
4", WUb
C)= a0A
uAwro" V111 6014, it AV, rb sure. J
a At 1 � . , I I
OWN (tow UNW00 tra 0084t '' JW in It tu
it ART JW r
to ttW rW
--now, mr.,volumf
.11, 4 AIR, Pot
"Atut. tit Alai$ ok4a#� IKAO w4w4 low" "a L Olt
y '' td It* silo
405 01.0erl" 4. TV001 .1 tAU., O(L; Zt
U4 .' )I e
itP: to Yet; Too"
4b"o 0 t0 tbOO13 herit on the
, �*Wjlk T
444 Mi. not,
aft tihie, im 1,14y,out 101t 014 A"" (,,Mziso ao tv d':C*p e'"O�
" I ,
ot OW At' ot, iho 44 C16, uw., it
her* 'Uiddo 4 b li 40 oit. Olt F to formly 401 Slikq,, alid- look, At those
40 100 ?A, V_ DE
.34 twit ii0l WOL 04i Any. time 011!,L
*Vt Wontl sualle by Won one L- R
nreal" I W14101100tett_y Uvio-1 ansfor. in
Id 8
tiara# to the Al V41010 or got
Ap P AT 0,
box, liatbro, ko &%PPAMO
ppe a $.0tNrd NOT 00 t1yo Ae-94) mciv
1 11 t er. what did you d T�b
.w; And when (lie voter rame t ep alli trionile
orot, 17
�a A. r4noilow Pool Holmes ballots. vaeyi, b whitta? POCZ eGoo
gn it t to wIth a w
LOTP wind little? of them vary objed, act *oil in
but some not I tbefe Is one. -No d_qubb bf that; Are you not tie whita4evot
-You catne off? A. -Yep. p A. Q,-494' here to another. and bore mtUiled. i3ft fourtten WIMP
,."Ap4 then, what did you do 'up —It wouF4� appogr so. kP A.
ver were tot 00 b Yon oub qf thlit was OPPAIVout acclae,4tali: put,ray initials on I& ale settle big and more little? A.- lie - Cl(lentol.
twhat else? A.-Iband as, tbOrP IS It little VArl&tlQO ill Same
no no' e I1Pp
Q 0 I,X, ArIt �qO
,ta ihn, We voter. 'I d tb arput _ ap" I handed tile t t, ostlefteo!l, Sir, in your co" hcoldental. Q004 z at at of them. .-Whatilldyan 0 It, fat. It you OV gopw. 0 Q, -%Take ticket $3, now t1jere to an 0 are taken out, Yon
0 faltlei!i Ili atuch a wa that It he iratild Wo win hey never w book P gAd ad objQCUP A. -To pub thavatintor-
13 nab other one of thesondarsed by luk.that, of that
AtQj*jj it in the salue wily I wool I could not swe4v to It. .101, Q of the � A
avro to Unfold It. To are . tal ,
Q—Yokl put.yourinittalsoll tile back
seems to be a entline ballot. flow I Q. -You woolil not like to a A' ttable. 19 2
will plare that I Alongside the others, ositively to it, oblit I watio ourrc at D slfilv, at it emit and. 3 13U twere you not? A.� as, air. '�9ftLPIllp"Bl$ aro, a L
don b you see t1lat,differsontively P adgwentoaltF A.-MylulgImentia fit? A, -Ye& -And y u were -44 the I'l
that, they vary. q�_Dla Too put allvdilng'on tbL of the tit flet AL.-ev. ght'll4nd
A.�-Xo. I did ooL In thoo eaulne papers the IV* Q. -That they aredifferent, an4cotild d next yon oil yQui. left was Potato SCO6 num Drago,
4-A number on the counterfoll car- pp�s, d In all.- Department
),i Ora
- ;4
1g. while L e bogus ballots. an e not come oat of that book P A.-Ttley A. -Tho clark, Iraq. e
=ndhig, to the number on the poll in g t gall ther, are uniform In sizeP are different.
of the voter? A. -No, air. I did
-Now there Itianother one at the Yes. trillot box P A, -Not in froot of me. u"e"t' Men d a I Q-,--o,,Aud il�ltt it) front of you We
A. -Yes, a litt. a different. Q, -You are eatiefted of that P A T.
Q, Uarden "likes, Wheretba7r Vwsot y
Q.-WhIch way P iL.-To way right. KL r
,t-Thqn liow could you tell that the nulne ballots endorsed by you in ink, vathified they could not
I .— your r
two at ratliVited, to yet% woo ths Santa Ra- 07; 1 livill lay that down. does not hszlylwoul A.,U*t of phat book, there. in no 11 ight? A. -Yes. U&A Quality everywhere
ow t a I
aouae'wero Abel -11 Lantern. Cattle od, "a qOr gpoda, a
they that differ froi the 14 P A. -No, ticit question about Allot; now, Mr. Cam. mter-came, hv the end
ame bolljot? A. -I could tell 10110 - ujingo, If you are watlyified 4k% to tha� I ot the t4ible, didn't, he? A. -'Yes to any oe you; a$, we surelv 0,413, lbas
11 It I tint, Mr. Uum
by tAv fill laht. Q�_o min exercise want you to explain to the committee lihis By the Cott of the table? A. -
Or Will 8,&VB 114) yon 64�10ilb. qs.�,
_Q,,_JElut, ungnt tbey not be other Ini- live your NU
eyes,, Gee the I Rth nd a of how these f0UI'Leen ballots h
YollrX.doesnotit41 erfrow, the other Initials on the baek F A.- cannobea- - - - - - - - - - -
7 A,-1 canno"ell van. a -u had no way of Ide 14 ? A. -T %-Anil advanced up the stavia to
here to ofte its Ion plain jt.
e VaHOT -no. thatcovere the W 010 diser Q-=Ia k -UQ went back to tile j.
1,111A he brought back ex: qatt6fled,,they never
9,1 OW Will tA e,t Moll
11 —Portland* and Thorold (J!�Qprh otoek)..
'be A Bra a little. cam book P a my judg- cements
,,.PtbjtvourinitI%tvP A.-Exceptt ell i djX4
14"40ver to
SQ. A. -Yes.
"'.414beront AA -Hoagors, LX. L., anders, Trarys-& 01ark, 444
L now 1441k TO
ts r 1 0 kpp rAo 116y Tal
if ble Cutter
mobeil you its hwea"16. but sit tog
Vout of 4110 009f, it 60 -any. oth
et a-glAveyou, lie vket.?, A. 411 .1 di
idb�` Whea- you 11140 10 A) Be sure and sic for %U�oh ]Register Rebate 1049.4 W.." every ash
ilo low;fitis� you �"04vea here wera file, All 48 45114 *%y to gety'llitilota So. :,k 9 do" tho hall
tiq -rig 1V
L' how! Fill 9 T),jl1VT)ght,.
USre Off V07*
4 waor at right bot, 6041a, out 4fbldli 0.061; and
on ill, OfL tile a
�lats. and I 4AgVd b9le heAts'. J1101pally g1k Wit right Ilk I -so
oa*tIlt-ragiapteprosont at have 010fil, All'bere, that a 0 ene-arved Until aft on 1he A P N Ro V. �Yxg
fro A to, ex tIt. to o%
.0111" 14, the fourteen And a lift Wh,Oir' or4em r StIoar,; Sp iieso 11teserviog and Pickling
r1t, IV
marked very tiortlorullY .-Hainetitneg. aptiol0e,
are not,Frolt jr1tfi,,jjj. WiR On4eritand your wants, and
oil aDinotfillea It
at,tht time. you said, you .4atlthalo� 0Ar kod almor I I bill they did aotre
-,W t little 1164per tl�6.4qm-� "TO.EUIR Is litmi!
Called they didn't %tattoa T
X% e.mat To6 are III. "PeOPle like to t�U)L..atbojit Sit hmi, not rooelvqd from Danev any with the Wapiti to at the 4% at right comt,ot4tt of 'that look P Ar -Accord- gen 'CU14 �t , thngkin 4dvartiping, In p follripa",
I �
)Dwor of att-wiley, -at!- 4 v for- allali�s to eAO other, A. -.Yes. luir tel ulovAeo�, ly of b61111T right oPPosito you on th
-a' re0ontly t1je Pro Verb t a it arj_u joar olio!60 6�,thk boveroge.
tiaball, the wells 01% the 116neli a little
-If. A
(t'Which appo
ballot$ on- QI—youllinve swoto goiltivel these
dottied %Vlth ink differlepul each OLUep are your taltlikIst on ael rel� tholI'vo I- ? A.-Yte, atIe Q.-AAd, s�oi( stated nip the envelope well Constr
ticted series of
thoNAgenelloil or power otattorne 'Aind differ fram thetuo, on'b thavo as to Tbqv appear to lie tile b
titIdidn't you. A. -Yes. W bab did
.-There, an't; give th(voom. won Oise saeolk t lot" -WO 10
X's?" A. M1saparilla, W
At; oThe Squall), 4��dimlocft
you ask P 10, a little variation. go that* to In Hit mitt c lit It G1-2
10"..40 to haw, our
tnq thoro will the
-You Herjeo oQ, li 14. F , arp ron envelope wit
-It wiglit. be So- -A9 the thuata hallou'? A.7!.,7,+
ho4it palmro in it A. Q. -Now, will Yon come they Were 54111W tq tll�
lg�.%nnot toll you. laollikerl' ballots has*. sir, Nb*, Mr. .1460 DAL% blid' 1) -p
'Voo 11�- -A 40 Q Ott to ngs# I in Ing to t V. w.. -A -Y 1.11ro FCA it
-It might be not v Now. I will -all -your at- tell tie, sir, is your rebo eiMin, WAS in ratito of j on the rir h't, t, .: 1
cu) your attewtion to t is t You never lank on to b or. L a P le 0 ttla tot '-a htW 12 boa plan see a difference ciently istioct Ao tell ns you thle itionting P A. aNet edot a? A. �ou all the. Uni
asw tbat paper (Exhibit. 6) before It wits In the dolour In those ballots In the with wAmn van conveltell 66ocet"alt bf timei
int, I- .9.
shown tb -1 see ofie white one. rhey might ave
the olett'loni. so fekleAS tile hot goile,to the other T
tLilat I Fon) aware of. _45,ZTbere is an up line. 4&tlib per layer that is (he electlofila concerned, from, Wha, 44tij.,
%-Ell? A-Nolthiliknot. black and tile contre layer (a white and you received that list io volt reeollect, them Ding to 8 bl_*
lab b6% train ths
r6tUralog dfflcer thaother,Qlep db. now porg. And' 6hrae
Q. -How did it yer that Is black P A.--yeL
A. -I tbluk IVA
.come to be retutned the IoVOerlt%,.
, until election de;y p
Q�NOW, that IS quite marked and A. -I don't thlult I hadan
in the ani -nt Weak Blood
lie envelope, onnionst the [It 44 A,kooeral thing b 6 ballot 4L PPI330 oat; Va4erit P A.—j- cannot,toll Von, dlitt4tict,hin'bit? A. -Yes. V conv
WUdbabetweenthem And vo
,with anyone eXcept the up
--Now, SK tl .-Now. would you please look and car. ailed6fillittily,
Dh eases Q�Now I put,this question to verte roffiltoKserlesllP A. -S-14- v:Ttloo with Sayan a P A. -In ifl MU" ""A I nature. ho'con r ad I tv not? so, doe If these white ones are not Lhlo the voter cauld out In N'battle or so ay, vol
eeQ.-Will Volt sweat, you had to- a aw
Yon his ballob P
Mr, Cunimings, In view 01,611 the ltocut; 343 NO 11, 8-10 a 9, 8.8 18-71941 to a actions, I dualt glink that I 0i &C.
would not positively s*vji%r it, its
irouV,b6rjj,wh, re, Is nor,
tlk&t YOU aso Qi-Tf the honourable gentleman will the; cmnUotop. a eke
I I ji wRoIll: .: ng. 4boob,thewite btillots.,W 11 y swe&L.. C,� 13efore you, got the Pa0sre front, 16, ad rolled the up 4tna Pitt (II'kiAo.0%hA&LVo
that a slugle 000 look ad the a
urning of4eer A,-Yem
tile prinber has dy �ftaa of Wer te , o have yowl any to a tuda".1who -waig
Were taken IIS� yoq parcel of the a ac* in the one case '101160 oil as to U'Ving anij conversa- Q --Did any Of the men� vF, or voted question ace 'it, F 0
t kn who plot in "7"Ot Kn dfiump.
-on a ell ' till -it Iift
oil., Aod the it black 00. L tbegb.'* AILOJJ 'With any ppillon cancel ill - ot to p6ject ni Do ke604
laing the your. hanaltuic the ballotsj�
renloants or whitli are Twe P Ae-I avoct and Njwnife on tile Sages III A. altwLiqu F A. -4,,4o. to your right to hawilling the tit rilsod -the -Possibly. - I CiLunoL pilatti, ely Swear. ?-or concerning your bebt g6lt that.010 manna a w.h at Ifti4a who ad vettisea VMU. -b sort �of
aYou A. -No. Q. -Now' -ft On nuilag auddft jerA. is-
. -Yowl won't QW.Ar"A 011) a one of your attentio to I, less, w Ica 4ro at olgo rs
liken by in ink. aren't they P e A. -Y06. aoked d puty returning ottleor F A!t don ap 0, these fourteen I ain1, L- VVIII -you Rweltr volt lx�d not V A. mail Who *Ble th-4
Pont t] - I cannot Q�Alack P A. -Yes. thei ballort A4-Ndt in my protbanoo.,
yall bill. blindl? A.
Will. - you 81%,ear on OaLth thnx,h
distinguish one b4ilbottlora the other. out the others P A.-Ndt � ., 4* ' 7
-Now sir'when te voter 00011COU 0%m6fIXQ itIAWJ1hthQj&to
I valindt swear tbrit. U to lilac came aa thai,
as W
Q. -You cannot yriar that P A.- -in vie Of that fftt, Of 11114� ad* lot buok, and you toto it, ballot out live va y,,.
'111ril"the room you took this booko, this
it Is
No. I cannot Swe&rtbtLt.,lg,b,,,,, timt foact. & van ilof of the belld Ofit? A. -Yes. outaliallQt-odt, %�Xoiwi will swear he Alowt in Too 00- business i4.aol d am oArook.
.-Fventhotact OIL stthe ballots t, you have retorow -;e-yon out a 11811 out% IF it -Do you -know WOR I t doe'sno; convolor -'%iot the bollota'A
Of iivea V464 bst Jen rk knit P.1anwIdg, Ad ailig
j.. mearhe dIda't, Girt A,-1 will jig store R*1 tat 14 it this Get*
here are
u tile back of tbd& inittills on
foll, hat Otte of these 14 as tAken be returning offtcer;�Vq I as tit be Ior dilt i....... 1,9,r,, 1), 000
lon t filial *a V PUtt it nI j to., A0 ad Ott, on the moor vro 0,11 -HP
rotit that boodle f Ai.44t alUkb. bove 1.10 14 In se'ried, 3 $(a P A. -
fill gave War, Cot; a VC.kwr,? . abeen so. ft bate come oft, pear to be different. ugo 044@0. son to arrive,
rA,-1 ft
an 8*4 Ald, tro, -owdo not belleve now -that the
'Allot& ! *.� . - to'he ditreren 14 Avu w"r op"
that there T-Hat,kItbltWiItoojnt A.- vropill 44618, a
would not Vsvear Upithel wool thL-,bW ob;and two it 'To, CLU dWbunf off, l4od
alga: milonfolaoLdt"
b Pe
bcr Moll Wall 01you to ill&:
A u or IF a stodk A,
-Xotl r, antined It to satisfy IMOK19 ilia Alp wov 1%1 lj� ormll, X
'A (1%1 prapa�p 4 -Thal is yo it, belief P A -Yee, mind it AV 't 4, .4 Kwil
-# ePattie ]ago
V,ftrVlt(. ffoal Your n TARaIi 0
tl 11 IS . 1 1 &.� 00111le VA -Sow, 0111. If It IA Your wtot Wit 444WO could nav Ilavo It %i' qyt�. ii 51 A,APA* ODS. A
back of tyl 1*110tsi I 44110til t1he" !&rb 116t, the bidlotA th f tt yo. 301f that SO
-WOT0, calved hv Mali being changed? tittle 1: it i t i JN
those, t call fba t1j'at Lit , car one or IN
'of t eile 44,00 AGOX8
sing a, Oat* Uxe relurniiiij! Cal gavaott how 6
1,16ok t R
w6v l_I you. Y C e At ill,
K110,40" ti
to filuabi v6*60 %or 011610t, tell in"? .- 61
it, Q jj.tj$tj%
e to lios" to'. t eXo�%,# d
i�tlt 1 0 4aft"t Irclots: ifttk ALS
lfr4wIa th* difff L O'boX.
(104 W11011V lualuodd
%)�.apd tIA43 ft? A. athe pYipt _yc M �!ik V i104J t�
ilig� tAitod,ttiat is, tuft 0017"U, evolle, tuarg for* Hoible; foll-064 boota IOU 1, orill
slj�, 1jiff6tet 0,Jtk go#j jet" 'iaAtA(.' f r 6IMe A.
110 o 11 to
and 606, If you vajj� k lieltv"'Ps
oc bjio ad
D 'A
k1ou beet a
You- olvo Olt ag 1 0, W 40'. MO 11it 14 his 04M T A." -4 Ul�,Iwtkdw hhR
abo gouty a
"ST - 1, _. I -
.atout A �dt A it VjjjQ11j pul hwo , 4 � V", � " A 1 40. �_.
1_tk� the, ObAlls b Q luoiqabor 60
Wlfik Villo, '16 ftom" the' inwe the r -tl
n g o
IlnliK, .0 A* CIA am, WX
rK Aar, A 4 j to
iiij SMITH
Nsi FM lie0 ROU ill -no Ob a solktArY ofi&,Of ttloqO,14, lot,*** Illbor
" ftTO
nj�, :The b6st.4
WT to A"
X0, lit 110146, h f V a tot it WAR ow, WO . �A t�� 'look, I IOU* $ool W, �OkLivV44-wl them ttiq 6100% 0110 goo
Wir AM' tW lian AtwirL f"
lit I
Irw t raqwL
-Wh to bylh4i 4
FALUIL 104 "it ilotlot $In ;:*@OMCJ.
y Vfth, . A." Otft* !�iw Abe
ap: A
" to =17T M too, 16i �ki bit =Varazo i 11* *Motw nit, Iwgrx Much vim b
%-8 id thebt oil th� 461
W 5L A* -.14 $aVotA'F' WAY11U10 *M04;
*jd#0**j4ij th Ao?
a". ILf4 $
40 16 -'Woo
thlbit, he
TAU '004Nri
Wfatottog, to t�t"
aAl. lit Itho
i#A iNbotst- vim nq*"*
ob*,Uf "tA
;owl' IS- �b AIM t) St
Ail" Ap tt*(* Itt ot W" *Uk. �Ui
W Y, t1l" is
"All MI, to
t!6=j AhA