HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-09-15, Page 37 -7- ,' �ll N, 71 WOW 10 009 W"A IT, ONO Woos be be a hal glogillagolow ILA, admill ontiftsoaw. "Wok Pall *4 *t" liffit" tigat " #00 *4 View owcota I "A ""a of bill is "IT "a V1041ol afli sophi moot W -4w w oft gifitum 4*4 witoo. titig U64 41", ww%flf, 404" at 4pf *111. VOW M" William UPOP'll MOW wEli "MoAftagaiiii *A*w at Offit tb* vow Iffifis owfoobow #�,w mat 101i I West tbill "Ifif" Its, to ill* *9W*`= XT MM WAIX fil AIM Al away a* # b9w=-# mill 000 160, W" it Will Xii aolar tafil rft A* It o"I V *6 we Lt 411146 Ify P=XM 1101, $**** Or We 4 ilitgalail Mg WU* 004al f, W,= It gill,, Affaill at bowlilq- afflogiorcas 1* 411 thol $am 00 b" be" "Rm— kaw - tko 1111010111 1& t. W, ww" at IM so, to, 0*40" so *VAN* X" =101-0*44 **k MW4ko "*Igh Ar ru hu h"iffogilsAwk at OLVAINE *-Oz rk be 4ky*r to an JFMtrill to liffigre WWWAht ape% oft, Milo. off"atligo A., X*00oloa *t rVa", b0*06 Ilk $04, #A.%# "WA 16, bAWft 01)W* $W bol "t. ZZZ70t Liffoloolls, v1sw M Ia - , essat'afSt P lifiritoigial widtV saww. so 1, To *I" It" tliffirtir to OKWA beat Of AtA"l 40 ywt iffif So Iff MI toow W-40'aill Z liefilds, fill ii. *00"ll at Aw oirmigiiiii **** W "t 44' U4 1Vr47=*MAAMJal rgifl� *6*AkW will UjO4 wet tx* Agoolt.4" Afff a awfolmol lial la wsiftbo-ol ow #04, "ll I*"** Aft4glifil 1"al a , plool at sok. sow 4" oft$- 411,111 wm*rtw '"i Of. ol voll nto, owligs sw Zill, ot 0X"WJ;4"Mft Mr 0*4 JR. all al�r aft 44400. U at R$bo*tL, A1g*A" .4, t1g1**#'*,UrafW 70% am tko Aeol 040 Ak* Wow t0 101trOlAft APAP.ol 1�111`111 A41, 1% 44 r1c '"Pr" I* B"Wti�^ ri, Aill" 00" 'Z=04 bow" *004,opwa V to sigglalifill or tWO4 till 04M X talia, go ow, to b- _JWW 3k ip�' 00" -:.* l out 41*4 �Afoflgol offit % larso On* aft tka Mat "Maw soorow fol ON W^*"Y OTAlm, 4004 *MIll ol"011it 4 figill � yus 0. 7 sm t3l�� � VbW,*. b*kF" I Ith" a" low, J*hl V W 0 7"s Ma t" tw ON 96AW sAgio "Alavait tvw, *rj�fgol wNewy. aottawr X to . A- "m ra be 110, Ill ii I *"*A. 04 *14 mks, al . % witA, tkill aill SaWA4fXAAkW'*W1il ofttguill a& motly. it" W9 :"a A" vilatlooll 15ka, obeft So Joligot t 06 is, VOW, Zt4, At J4$ W44# lit 401 elm L Ill ar,44 l, Via; Not- , Willem 4 R*4t W Wet Aw. 4"04w$t" 4* faa J10 WbO^ 04&h slmft of I *"A, , �( 'it 1 %#Nj��M*07,Nlrw Those, �gf- Colifeal Agraw U0, loo" iosa am ftrw* �*~ Ot 4vola,4 *t or, ft bet tutVA, tM v"A fififUl 4ww Avif ll�gf owrio wt , * 3fliel as obW"W t*" #ol hal 'Al 1104411W plow,*" pl� left W"WAX010140, oftoattlaw to -4 Ato"oll 00 wiftle, digglat A *all' 004 Of 0-440 04111011 141101 44"Ill 44 ; 4OLL 00#04 ftWWNJ xifilw will 909mmmum -1 , 3401,04 Off "0" WAJO ai *-gu 01fill Arkil Is Vol A .4 bow, *WA t W at zathtill 4*4 Agol Ill .11"A ON, WW at Xll ot 94"0 VWA0#1 "-4t'Alt atrol It *1 ur", t 444 otborof All 910'a C"Uttai 44 04 "k t . M�f wbal ottimtill tiot t1w ow t a 64011 -*#* fold", azhill Ii A %110 Uall WMU 4"r& 'iW#4tWgl of WW0k#J*-0"1R Vow'Ja eal as tba,ft** Iffal 4 bass * al 'W*" -'7 and.., jyjag tbeegi. <A tko .4jw %"*Jft at W Part, Wit. -'sovoill, pr$4" t*A *w'"t C 4 Will 61 wid- 004 4tw4tiAt 0* t *1 f1ftfill PAO 14fiff. with. all i.. Vol "aw 0. *3W OF 44 at 4kit, to" at t" Pill t4it W" *0 A Will .441jill 00 t1w X141ir tables. ea txrM kill" 0100, 'A" *r. j;;d bell b* !rftIfl troffill, �w ol �A*qsqeg Jf"��f it f, attill A A W# Aw, W41114-0— W, W % *ool tal #U gif ad' -#01i wiver'. AAOK oferr - . "10* 09A 'at 11601 WOO 014 tit "ORW OR4 40� �,tbgwa tbA ec AI�Iliffl *014-fir't it" All IW, *461"'aJ*01a 'as" Wet All pittlift for t" 0, at 040"Or 04 f^ .44 too, T=O top*# iiii Iff*­ loll tla tfiellatif" pow atwl raft is fm 14 W" W- 4 1110"141 Wit)k 0*. V,11i t �X% Mill, 'IfItel -04 uto 9 am :be 04,T *ffirAllAttfilt ft tW. **** �- , 1 .1 a-0. 4,4 1 otee A bX, jK ="Yl 4'T A"Agill 'AaRop"all. $At top. X"k* As -4A4 woo, - 4" 4t*, With A thl Y "19 'at it tual at 0% RWrM 401001400U* 4W - I? X140% virgis Ol W W*4 At [If',al to, thia CU 0C Do aq U kill the, tp or gi 0 *"0ftt'-bi , oJtfy*'afs4L IWO "- X .9 I= ftaf 0000 ig , bore 000 -boyo. ai OM. 00**rd,. VbJ7*,1 , , till it I do At i. Ark 411111 ZY4, All mado owl atin'swo, Alid'J'A WItW&"W19" sA 0 too *]it"*, 0 ovitowOVOTT- WXUj A&M, W j. rOf' thb iffbit I" 41 sio 'by r Xon$9104 lfl year g lop aft. u"14400i ja5 ro. � *14, tj aaatoo. alotiiii Olt W 10 heOil ko� Al d el, aa44" aoaf 1* 410*, Add 1­�: oopfof a4 aOft tat t Plit r an $4 Ana Are visiting an, As 33", 1 'A1411 S he'Loot anof theGrbl 'dat porpo kuXill at tbu k" 1 4" , 1 � Ir * 'rogool; , loal . A� t 103; tho Wait �bere aO90 oft to 001000, ;a Oro 14- -We 6 th saf buttitr, Ruh, fl� TOUA404 Attle"'lAtA , Sid, "blosPooll bt- but Ilk, Ail InI y A bettor, t On" or flour, add AL spo-ol on is, ArAbl to oQ a gknown to, m hwo at sy that: tho fouinbut t he '14 Itesebaq�romo tPAV-1 11 saWE Ithe "At 00; X rbt d ty'ot its 74 Or, At *to a' *table 1k, UAS S019E STJRA"� Ilf� '.4 �4 , jo'- ­ 'I' �104 rdo, 'a t 1100 patbo heisawill kawlo to 044a 1% sjf�4 od�. og q. ii 0 11"Is .0yor"t4orti 9 %�o 1,44*4 how ill 'li eyb ton Willi t* uta. briall: ovan; SAO, li uild�ov` fffour that "1144, irk halt tio 'serve, hot W sayu.�� at bViiii-010 *for ot, the to ov )EC 1K lkii�'40,0 �Jt t of- ATAX40 W� 14, A 00, mo, otloxta, was, ti h ot_11W UrL. Or off,*, h6 rill Xcat4 041 win *V 0 ;7,9 to -k"pkr,, aeanA to ora44 IA W& 14411 vow sh asd oz. 11#04, *1 rilk oob t s',XL� r to AOM'&Vi, ouagnreNO, :to oAl Ort'- t , fttibif ,loon at stroat NVam&a f'an d live 12011, at vlotc Vrift, Ott t r rogal nw. her dowlitant t otitill at 11rusigol a W el am Wmw�, a.7M a4 )On, on lazo 5, tit AAJtJA 44"the k Wit 'thi,:pgs atOC-Itill i W for the ofifr has, A. noftiana hors T.0i to. lill W44 40 gal 0004 vo. val 4 oentA4 quart. cording to a spirit. bar Mail instationov, vrwoh g;rr I to a at eyovyltbloor lu, t t frd of a Oaf) 107 walt.1ag vit One dolair Written. go arly. L Wel -Vooll or ratchad the-ral but. a erg, hill 1, I 341140A orcall ll toll riatill She ballem that @b0i I VOld bi the face taking 'on the V[ I to to 1*evalted over 0. IA,$," wry � # F f11 Of Ji%XJCO, oVftltl th: ti a offlowdropo. they; themselves viireat irl P L A t Ort 46 rince. Hart!, an ino�n- easily Influenced slid almost zagel Ral D ul An tho destrumloin a USX1, ILL' tlko ii to 6 to a In 111i tUrD; Maximilian. Woo 46 il 0 rQuw, LAI is �of go bulidiaga� 11wo membel or too a be t although real A second time the Young gltl left the aO"llf gi to qual 0 r6l soon I It wife Cariotta's asibitiou. to be an the he 6110tual pack flye deartpieftit was injured. 04ma'WaY 48 YOU do city. and now she brought ba* the QAA84 W Emprefil that was the cause, ol a r -he P who. Chl4w Voregn Office bait offer- -1 her retreat Oftect—blit "tangled purple flowers called Reartgea'all b ti%b I th i A"t L At. war Itkilaps, miningr rights in the In Move- slowly- and, the Ing they would bring happluess. A infortulaw Rad she waited for tho aft has al by no 040L QUIAldis dtap Cot ot�mda 00681, , IOD Of four. working =Oro frapf Man and WQAAAgJJ 111W Vilog I, iNsfilklot.'but the ere hUrrylog" _0rant -drafA4 of lIC011148taA084 to, 'household, witich to conducted The beat at lil A bar untold It. Of entirely musati0iotory to an [Alliartal Impost train the for. reason. IOTA;; '0 4 01% along with faces In whiou Mo J 0 0041WWAR. "If X40 00014pled the Wnal n; to "Itkolly to eausla, complications. tuna left 1hor by Loop o14alill too or wan no lovep and as Xyra fia,ot "'a ''I to Italy, and have Whi, tfoeipr oui a 6 wail" to .Aal t it ick_old 1 $ _ ea L '' 11 '$telex; Troia, t throm af,Auatrfa tor P$ the 4,ear .10p (right 4' at , . joits, holds a up to a mall b. them each a blossom they turned 444 Ald ltalL� I It �& i r oftloo. gi titiabl$.11i pt The 111taill Goveriti'ment has order be Inelb are of bar J"t Which Is coming tows would have sucolim ad Franal Jt the WAIAl 'ad Jr0V =4 1, -pb court. lil him. got looked Into each othefea, eyes with it Hadolo oehold, which numbers, tool than him 1101i stll and took at it, In Ill but the flowers 400pal and the bar AAU4 -for 6643tiuctioul war); ore prossatedi hot lit in Dills 400 QUO Of ton, If given ti 6 to rimilo died away. "Sto I it Sinful 10CIAlegi to the building of, the new SAP m! hisi Orothi whose. only son. 7 anw It her Star- had Yeatilied Its sculth the and arrive at conclusion, Again starting an her search. Myra or later Ia he will Baca cae00A ()ftv of Mini on the Artic coast of In If. 4, P Idust *, t;t #OWA ceremonious manner In wi ',t k6 la for lit-saif that it entered 0, palace garden. and; choss, Would have lived, perpetuated by her will ant but blAn and pass alit quietly, from among a blaze of colon OL In In 116�1 I the century, hot, Voluntary wiflobTunon Victoria holds her draw. ollie presents them witli gifts kle wi SISStotsfil. not. for the ambit, cup Emptassi Blinds era good thingg, for shying rose.. saying. "Besot won r ano, tho., tat 'I t 44 WOIDL� I awill at"tho Xahkait sliced to ON A , twhith, 'Xii ey f 4`86 1 'tit a at eras to mall ft I are Prevent them from ses.. force for gni and t toqr the high orincip o of genuine I is a Crean _px Do Ore$ 40reas. Is little,of It fi atrl a t Atol oot sra� B An$ too souct When your- horse In the city." t ulibasj� Pel e *m.s"ood, videntsill by the good takeb froin, 19 wpils of the r1lill &to reported to be Wq AVA 'A in- ro OtIti a on t 0%s did sad, the charities she dls- premonted, and then the, foil wl r W4 abo" a disposition to shy- hold him Aft eggs "ha, 1W day with a firm bond. with am who set counting bib wealth., ;�taj?,Ior 4OL4 argaregitored to _All Q44 oul tho thei pieces. rely, to S 0 a a inst n'. r Ike. a been suga 4 Ili the, )Ia at I ,Tb� childhood of Col wan ran- possible, directly towards the object of table but a at w6rw. s, xqorthevn1A Berta., 0 11113 head, It suddenly L W. 0, bei t rO y. is r, him. 11b,olgilhe at dora4 serious with respousibillities and, Indulge bar doratfutfiff fancy. Ever dread. Lot him Joel;f; at it until be of aalt.� IWAt 16:1111613641 )pw* rel IA7 A- terrific th-undar attirm,, accorapant- than pushing it on to , the grol r­p­ pil the heavy tourtiqlax and lal of banor plis at fritill tu the fit $60 Fhkoh aid by. hall, swe ton and ber'Years. Her motb- Ana W d a appears satiatial then steak geatily trampled It under foot to snalte toont er, 4 a into has named the 11oly� but firmly, and force bsta award It; he even breathed Its sweet perfaine. Ana lei t. Great damalge was. done I Pt, over Parin Wedue�-- tult' Ihftte� (lay alig 119 he gr an an file t off the b9ftsi Agoll"baki i P rie.nant. plauts,woris do died w an the little, girt was. r a, Ad t Oro will soon find that there in nothing to for another heap of gold. Utt, fit, �ljbt 4 on -'ealled at Uri rrb, at quirgery In, Kin' the (Itill and boUlevan a in be frightened about, old, al for several years Many a Weary mile did this seeker 'ad utes. F, I coach of Olt the =ks cloud of mourning overshot at it, wl it Wd 4 pAroOl to, the doctor, a a anill.quell dignity, amounting to the a 16"k "to, toutaill the u0tte ance. There, too, she somatinten wan- she said.."Youl cake A401110 40tionb of the city were In or ol In attend - Jt %ol Peak fa him by p lady. L ' dol the palace. Cofurt istiq WHY THE SILO 113 POrIVLAR. ffylQ wonder now till she stopped hogi a -IdAikatibs. cottage goi bluo w When Ith Forget -al ders among the flowers, planning frol As a matter of economy in the I not. "Forget-me-not," Denied it We a or' reflect the sky. telling us not t 'aac. gather lt!&A 11ii, auster were Constantly Instilled in- provenionts, as she did about tot her brain find heart and made the bas several ad- a for Jwft .04 A. gi y -W A mi 4hi the age of foddero the silo V. 1.99 '64A " 9A't1J;E WITH A BIRD. ourVather above. Yonder dftpolat and moat [Rating itapiressions grounds of Chapaultopee, in Mexico. va now tlafl building -40 idea Who the Ji -44 4s. Poor Carlotta I Mak A'.0 "r Alirwo city. uta as. More fodder edn be stored In and smoke, Shut out the 1-2 Mat, wa erZ ki IM Carlotta's childhood. While yet a given space al, 164 91 b" W- niti our -axperience than by any other be these blue flowers wquid briat 00' t utes, 111k, she knew thoroughly the Ia 064 it Id are bal "I, it - . method now in use. The grain, stalks routembranca of never forgetful, Ol violate rules of court preced- the A THE BUBOIC PLAGUE. peach f0AIN d 0 141 alote An or&i for This loon, ariqrsat era diver, is el When once more Myra r"atl cold, and leaves are generally all packed in the city. a mother. with her babs 14 Serve has 0 i rilkoed at wtuntpoft, folAnw, north .0 irre lit. er father educated her to be a the silo together, and thus are ted to- her arms, was,leaning over br.141* and a vool Zn tdbu 4 teCoi Jwi 0, powill bird. aial She wail precocious, SAO On. Till In Fifth Rail In Alvarrally at tb sti*tly tar-Dilwilitto elty. kta. all one of 'them i6bAlAs aa wisely he forced upon her re gother, saving a considerable ex.. gaXing a river below. Shis *a '10 r the flowers within the ti (SW al a To many people, the reports. a few ponals for husking and I We' lot mill (to Farlia. 0. ties far boyond her years. t 17 she grinding the Ifni will be 16 man, appened _h A Young MieWde Indillig ut years ago, of the appearance of business. mittee of the Cano ina.'Nurill Anal Q;oAd LaW Nlov& $66tto. wanted to telligial and it'was than ft-tahe allago Is face. up into thal tftot OR* ito ref- of land when fingers, and the innocent blue a bit, affent, At Its. next arsion by the J$ol Was tit in advance of bet years In in- grain. openeilL looking olation, Consisting -of. X E. Ifters; 1D. met her hero, Arch, ilk China, And later In India. glyal RrOft households so public l4ait, 11. Duatlop, A. Colquhoub, X. get the All f 0316 of thOft beautiful younger brother of Francis x6s ague with a shook of surprise. The mainly depended upon than in the Then as the passed on there wou exactly 'Whut It lbalfg, d4nol, old system of using dried fodders. The Sudden splash, a troubling of vrm&tit as on bar FAA and plague wan wall farmer can also be to, I�Mcofp6k% the sel falir awd, gentle, of-sailitary heart I largely indepen- minds with antiquity or the middle dent of weather and onty-four"tA era Ill bee -day antL lopotless character, and All (ant were lost to sight forever. A'bitter despair took possession Of i4ol it hu,Uau 64 br the Bad Ith and p. ftat, , ow, -4?2� 1*4 to to fail a. Be was tall a disease associated in their dark waters. and the mother and 'to 0 ft. L peror of Austri C tin in harvest- ojputbi who VMS an her ... uses, andi vAs thought to bel one of the Ing his fodders. All at1hoft Or rrbepartins of d- lailiatlail, thif #aowlak 00b. mouth* extinot scourges of man, It was a owls Crops of clever, for t1c An the girl's soul. and she mat- down too de* t at first sig4t, and In two as safeli bur- :xarapl stored In the as(, to tweep. �Yulli ft CIA WAS iery of tbal foon,,i4ocaoded, 11L aa�l. they were married. She, ambitious led aslany of its victims. good results, when field our - 11. wit%.aan often be The unknown Voice, Impossible, "Be comforted. for What afternoon talli Cannot Q sIfni distance. a Al of the exel Ing would be practically roused bar. 1, - withl"r allooll In reality, however, it has never died Lt also have sought is close belli �,laloottio Jftw? by 11,R)i , Fa*- Ing a bird Pon we A.*4 Afar tol of A man; he. weak, vacillating supplies the herd with an �Oett. ,,The V _ chOW4"r, t, r arfact are, Had 'to kill Messed to the heart, there In p loatanco'L ":out fruit; And, -PTO- 0 An Out- trititful In the gooduess of "men an3 out Although it retired from Europe, abundance or succulent feed at that oAt ket b alder If aright, -a Wra-AlthOA heR.Unf for every wow, .90 say. driven before the slowly Improving season of the year when Lt could not r "of VAO INTO HER HERO. a 0 thought 11 i0 ked down. and a farely wounded by any 'IA 0-plort time bePector Steels er feet grow the little f eat suafrindU V6r live years they lived at Kira, cleanliness of modern civilization, it be as economically provided neath b other means. the Northwest X0, isole, more -Cha�6so is di Oatea swim nor divie, yet 16tained, Stiffialfill in Castle. on the outskirts of Tr has been preserved through all these Aecording to the testimony of scores with the sacred name, Love-Iiiia-bleii, To P"k Al a a he Ing. iii�lt I IF, A t! it Vak6n, will return to 1u4taillian havin been APPOInte years in some of the almost inaccessible of the beat of the dairy I rmor , t bal, Jocal a t5t, a, , Police. Life and attleal remain v It. e-Nortfill Territories, and Ilk till WA.tal Go But It was not the healing one. athe*+- ' Ats forloor of Lumbard-Ve and indescribably filthy regions of silo is next to a necessity in modern tarts duty in the th t,Caplt. kingdom, And tbel Carlotta Perry It, IS! Drabs led All he thi blossom in whose center glowed a aaj at the very some of all that countries or Central Asia. The bay. thinking, that his Sal4e. d d pai fsos.e d western China and the neighbouring dairying. It has come to stay and ng t in ,A was a little golili a olhi �A'OIOWb '41 i A, will untroubled years of her its real merits are being better under not -11644i another ilk ifill out to blood -red stain. be eIt exists al stood and appreciated year by year. ­taudep of the, police 'A tliht 4 16triVe iWbut when he oporAigo'hea 'van "At last," "my search Is i, Wrict. AA beautiful And harmonious in her f f Central Africa, No farmer who has gi the silo a she crie(L WandIto the Goddess of Portune applear- and she quickly plucked nue of lotoria AM on -of V Is. pfaur -t to sei to the bird. It Al a small epidemic prevailed in As- Lborough and systematic trial is pre- ended. edlill bar teggiviting offer of them and Inhaled Its deep fragrance, tory of trakhan in Russia only abo ftobx­ death of his old system. The use o "At last." repeated the, Voice, "Your cuautAt �f6fft 011*01ion Of 4nly dfadi'a� dash ai him. sending Ito teoifill W It was the a scep- pol to reject It and, go back to �tbe bris a. ut twenty f the silo to on head Slftd'=k out With a awful II)l% Eden -told again in dif- ears ago. 6W Garden of search for the flower that basis all Ili t111066-yel sto"Ifild. lVeighborar by Since 1894 we have heard Constant- tinue to be discussed until all dalry with the Increase and Its merits will con- tevoift 6., and once more it was WhIbi iia IRM. it I Ate a bow. It was oAV 1 ended. for the flower of Cold a* the tted that it arrow, Ito Car- ly Ii for It was due At looked fplok d6l hie head that the lj)�, QWSr Of ly of the plague In the seaport towns farmers have been made acquainted tabe center of blood red In the fl a k. in than �o the tin- Ith its advantagea. �Ut lilo1isk&off !k jo 641bitiou Death." might 1ATs died w 1* k OP (so, aft6beedad In avoiding the blow. Ilia polill, of the el olegation of China and in India, Chiefly in Bom- And when the night fell came a plty� Ing angel who carried Myra tenderly U pple, at empires and -thus at- R AT ANY, PRICE. -Avill about the loon Seeral tlgoa4 344010[falli, (LARRY accepted the bay, and now it has reached Mecca, 'lieflopting- to dash In mia Salto lam. go away, eCULLS DEA ia'70 of W0111 and- ad ban been brought thence to the h aft hi i. o6aserva. .4 'AL to tilay his own and his w fe's utdainj die., ul M"Instfultuout which was tl* 4169, but the -wary bird, sucoeeds, t de� �hores of the Mediterranean by return- The time of good prices for ;ure- flat less than fa0b U42 Mi - Ing al fal bi 0011tin at fto ii ;I be okpan& him. and lunging out wl Ubwevor, to the credit of Ing Mohammedan pilgrims, bred stock is a time of more or tons WHY THEY DO IT. oWal t"k, lgil*411hox6 be It said, the first offer The plague [a a microbic disease. It temptation for the breeder, an r dog walking GitAiiiI within the The Itkaten Itiedly declined. but when dtg. tfii'new, duiti 6 within A* 'a 4 also for the farmer who buys for the around and around in a circle r Of .Adr 6 athan awsmilp, t thrives in filth and in the acnerally un I 'J'"' Vlaced'. tb*.L�o d time ble SkIll c fight b"tlh .0 foW foot of the birdl and dlvlt�fg off. fou came the setan sanitary conditions associated with the improvement of his herd. The breed- Course you have, but we dorl Ax- 'gjW.IJ*t go t b pr fa that tofW ol 0 6 00 n OPONAtfil arF Mexico it in. I if der him, With consider& crowding together of buman beings in mr Is tempted to keep and sell some- Peet You know why they do it. aOf title Ithn by the I -as. i IN oiftled ii, t of all the people of amay and darlit habitations. Ratio suf- I0 Oo itlob of be D- dict, and although the bird stra gIpp thing that IN not good enough to use Years and years ago, more years Jl , 1 #A _� ' trl % them In the request, be for from it, and are believed to be In - JJ" Ago* W tit his iral the first Rot of the trag- t, refill ad t6 retain strumental in its 8pread. Pleas are also for breading. The farmer is induced LbbLn you can count, perhaps, the does 46 W1 W,wl ce ato will Will flaia rvlodl the Vince agota a battle royal began, no tion of the Embassy at the from the, sick to the well. lit, at"' w An they, both, rose- to the a charged with transporting the virus to buy it because it looks cheap com- were all wild. like their eouMns, the IT. u which Will b0tol TAdlail seeking to catty his prk& It Ia called the bubonic plague be- t pared with meritorious pure -brad wolves, and had to beat out a hole In lit" .6 Col mat! In a table& Pro* Ow In DO -famr, � WAS chief Of' 4 animals. Both lose money In the and. the grass or the snow before they _$�k boroill to e Sell 'PtIAS to 11 ;61 ffo 4fitat a t f the ams of 14W bill ii to tb4� tk kit t�d tifter birdL atem Air gT� , cause of the Swelling of glands in the The breeder who sells cults will soon could lie down. And tUe dogs bevit botAft%loif Gal golb his freedom. %a birdl, however, life before the Curtain. rose I gr n or armpits, which Is one of Its have a corresponding reputation. The L, "40, " , ­ ­ (� 'the., tbi *%it too much for his too, and before edy. It presents a Pic h f and most conatant symptoms. The farmer who buys culls will lam mal one the same way ever itince. They t o sOVOSL , ii� lit retrospect boom &I- c a begins like all fevers, witli head- times the difference In price. and 10811611' t1fel Indian h*4:66voili A lard on bib clean. too, so pilissi $t they could small the rabbits and other t 0 last daosl Is. 11 bank gun on n** and diiiiii till On iof&boalid 66dreal tabled him with Mill 00-0-6tift Of 11trite, turmoil, sal ache, loan of Appetite, natinea, Indefin- taltb in purwbr6d stock to a cartel animals tlieY ate, a long ways oft, so a' ny AV 1. a, VIC blow t they never let their noses touch the WAth - ­fIfftott* was the sacrifloe upon the and so forth; act science, and culls will cam an Aft ., ar ­ situde, a chilly "Cogation, If Ito pains in the muscles and bones Ina- oltant. Stock breeding is not o& a but this sign Which enables the Suffer- lousily, but do not sell or buy"tuba It&% L146 blow Was alincat altgr 617 nations and she wan exactly ground, going to steep with their noses lirfi_ f4riondffe He Wts tautiously Istai $at or resting on Abair pews. And theyliave the baill re of age, Maximilian 82, who to foretell his (ate with alihom ab, for breeding purposes. .11141118u: fill and t�, to up; 7 pa*6 twd, 610" to tu youth's heart _as. veheld for the first time the solute Certainty Is tenderness on progg- e ince. af-A0 %%.o nout -be City _y hoped to rel ears under ill arms and in the groln, TU eat in always washing herself T& into t SALT KILLS CANADA THISTLES. and is );nown to be this cleanest at all d the forerunner of glandular swellin =1#t -1&16r "(11V ADV1011. of; goxiatt wan of triuJulphal one. The There is Attle to do for one who tn Two years ago I had a patch of Con- the Well. away back long 60 it tho N.. 1114 C. ftt of their court were un))re, -a disease, but much can be done to th ag ttA cats had to keep clean at the It Ia not often that a lawyer gives eedant. Carlotta knew how to be an ads thistles about ROIL Iota and half U pra It cannot thrive in sun- little animals she waited patiently for to better ad%ill P.A& "ka no, fee for it, m* Timt It, Iva dint wide. says a writer. From the would am -all Wr a long ways off a 06 9' A oer I W*k* tot Wt*#sio' 'MA Otkh,`�k*W l6a"41100. of the boiugfanl� Ub Of who ifliht havo had both- a y- love'r. Iftbe and graceful of spildeni could bot prevail In any city time they made their appearance And cats are thio same tol "�ffjA,60 Mitt lt �, Wjftt� #0 td y befitted to ad, ol a whore modernill regWationnare May until none would come for Me OMM 61 Aliffift i a fifal of hunior. 4minen I a ­#risse. I thal never forget It r I light and clasilluess, and an extens t Iran by a all Irish half tc At robes of state. She was Jlf tits MIA Was oboe g in Kitty would bhve had to go hungry. V tUit city. to take Over tbb p6$ ion, 0 r6ths, 0tI*ooa I tu d' hie. b period of about seven weeks, I ap- gyokftluotlok A ittibuttot Ifea4lilt woo it witnest cro'o ftyal pair resided at the palace The " pneumonia " p1h no fromA TREES SLEEP. several persons died In Vienna last Plied salt ones a wlel td each and tit Ok till Wfilitiv CUd Ilarou OvOral of thalpidtiopee, whi Is four miles oVAeV Ift06IIA611 ']�J* b4n #"ilk In a form at the plague which st. faval sprout that made Its Treas and plants have their regular A koy illit,040 trials gilliff 46 doilitil idt6r Oftt0iii him for tt6tl% the dft- On tha oftskirts of the Iarfga Chiefly, the Ityroptionts aquMMA t4 him Woubays. � At thel extremity of the sawi* on tm I scooped up the plant an� about two times for going to alespill, as wed so I Of abeing tin many geall vary similar to inches of ground with a shovel. I boys and girls. Tbay aged the 14 *%s� ploPaoial dil I& Reforms one of the Moat which reflood on the wit"W isifor. M� it lbout libutil a tha world, -a hollow obill to rest from ill W4 A" 144 0400111 tb� of ordinary pneumonia. This form placed a handful of salt in th , t too AW K lit Ithle the work of gmw4 Tg- . ;Qja . 1, touch to exceedingly fatal almost "Ory 0880 and then put the ground b bout fJWd fill a , WbIblif, udder lite doliftto ack after fit death. 01 Sufferers from the gra repair and oil the thathin- Itki ft -W, bf , c 6 - thwobill a* of a to becaLiae Its t Ina and to A" Jl li Awai ffA6 that Iti Ill Cl of Carlattale i6aluir sd tam mi. � and fiftUlft beautt- at the ground on the %opui G" of life. Sougge plants do all their 4"jU,to =plague about eight out of teu it Vng the t1bistlog at 'tb 'bf�t I ol ro,AIAV�U 'now 00 All - Aii 1. *Aa t MAY. the , t Ill JIA too 'Vol A& die. yet an 101UR, W4�14"Wft` Ni*# ar as If was than lattin t6upoll fit- 'Tt* Ig — p it Into a basket. An gill sleeping in " wlntar� when the -th#t Ito ligil WON ftiWe"aty oflill" the mill a 175 thistles were thus treated Ili one ground is frozon and the ftbis at,$ A IGNORANT. at thfift What ii tZ140tiag gal of week. while the all *119, dt its bare of leave& IA hot COUAW thfill fti S18- Scene-43oldists' barrack room at bight. During the decline less than %V'h&n the snow never falls, Of Iii; 4 thol 106 and it ) tof this. 20 t! viowd -lout 10401P ilivill as ill Sit *t* Arb;;ANA Of holklg%60 which dinner time, Orderly officer, lualpact. 100 a weak came forth. Last your they always growing wastbill the ttoal of. were attou to In like manner. **4* w6i :,A*.0R1& 66OW J0i4fStOtI6 Btf*Ml# ANAW1144ft Ing raon's disual saft Any Complaints The = tZrainy Affelawn or dutult go. ot the level plain, roan I ita IY Ill the 6606 6021411- Votes grain the end of ilia table. Yes t It. I Write this on -tuna 2% and tU time When the �O the tol W he k4A *t6d out at araber I got in one week was agbt. Thai al" choose �y canbot * rk ot Iro"'t VW -to, 041W 4 MI* Oft rth 6 though I Agift9thod cArefully I was act beat for doing t slai Just as floot , to VIII61i th A&Aricans left it Al 00 i a 't IN bAtU6 Whied has Ina& ito Oftfe4r.—VVign, W%&t is it I 06ftY that I fallill to find Me. The to" mankind chooses the At he 11110110till Offlott-ftill , In blind I Raw -fill W6 gathered were deAroyfill cannot sea to Athilit, lay to it, IM Tb& "ifititilt park white surrounds to 11 wants tryin to - ddft*tm VIAl ato $giii I BOods Is bad I ahastude I 0" tot hil 0 U6W thrt6Wt 6tWalldifilt- VAW I Whet does he al by spads, BOUN WITH A SILVZB MOON. *"was di� y4trol ~' 16*,061and. *Wt 3!M elist-4ta " and Oaf,- and lit has leand tkAt tjk6 "iAll of "'=M MIll I*Utftt- -tali, fiftit *Otk Wait M 06"VAIJ014 get Mi "t g1tiLil at eblpvlt The The Marquis of Titelfflill #on of t be this steep giver WAIW61 tU, plkal *I"* 000ill *A il kopoa#1 Lt ofm ftliolk, bo fill 91411d"A kOW-tUY, Wit bMW It OW Oft 11104,16fit its 11111i all aiiii higgiiftit, alli as mMskt Duke of Portland. 16 h8Ir to 'Wftli harder and groW it. tbilift itill W)W* sJo"i tlill gJant c7oftlits til He In 6 years old. fall it