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The Goderich Star, 1899-09-15, Page 2
atlalit a )14i killik404444444. - 1144114161 WI* Osi 4444,04 ' Wifk, 44***owi My *ad Tool* 0404 ' Imo* Alio ashit *Woo eidixidt ard104 i leialiepriong**, Naos io tweed 0 4 salt 44 olek hit /14.11• 1011iteletlf 'Silt Pit (fis WA* Witial. tfelliphill: 4441, Ottera at ft. , rm..* *Or *OP itoetloves /4o; i off pool* **** Mon 11104 tar hreNiedrePe 41141.101044tes44 aet$ kat .41***orM0tk stoititotvom. 1* r#40 *ma Lott tit* lowttir . "re arlpitt..isactitaiwil Ss" the tion414 ON Moo, whio. 24 tAirot *4. 0 . Mt iots. owe, 04 po Pei taw* itoff414004 mow 6140 wilio“ thig Olvanick 1$1440%. W44, Jaw vadittai wept *los athwart** sootaa liar iraaaaatetaol. att owito riP1P0444611 , OW *lam" a'altatiltlfta otowe- 1 ha walk ix ,13,04st ot eir. 44404 • *44404 Pitt** •tAt het Peeitett ehos strisr .04,h ix a tWO-001104 bottle et extrtiettxt he rehlistItit -Ur hag 'MOW 04 tioa paymatiat,- a .Intlarai,44*.polt* t "At' iltisd 114444.... Thee: the 4,1waw Ott twos raadi tOktPoor. BA.PP , .. , . ,, tilt tha id Loot 104004 4004 4 am. troril; .., ad * Etensent *MVO lolOwly ,ii tef Oa . Chit.; i .42' 7'0i r,4041004Sr* 1 104101 * ' . It 44 10 ii -sl to: *tato ot spntalatioa tkt-,0, to iy,b.e I tint telytteak $4,*4441144104e ' 1.00,401i11 .t4a444 •400th Ve4Ortext bo altaO'atottk Pri''Ntkartaai *pox*. , # OOP:A*44XV. 4.0.1ottaNlaboliy, , ,. hiii;Prito-':dfittizAtott.APPllik,fta*ft '• 1* .thi tt 040 tOiolitCtOiatiolzit.,.: ,,',Yrka'AltOr ' 1fflt*.:t,.W*A. St* $100-01.14iit,.A44-,AaaP , 4 -44P0Strt plarpg in 0,4-ParIctIP-'74440,04a1-ifq ':- * *moo itt 00•0 ,i, out wakt Itt4:19 400gt.tift4titi ,f4tyl. alltc igat of * SaMit 000 "ok ' --u " ro14111:y? fi-lha 'pat Vs. • a ..,)ao t, ',,,„, - - . • - A - ttait ' ,..th0; Ott** ,• At*4 IT"''' P*41. . At novo: t aaatif,*; .1wAiosvo, ,,*40,gorzlotto'.: * ',toriii '0,40* *PA 1**4 i0. 440.644,040' ft 4'00014 Oott 'Ow*** ',001' Os! 0.4.04r, kott.*V4 100* 44-4,4 VA : .‘,41.,0 t*pap,POiti by PA•00140t• 4011%014 11A0 loipAttV44100,Y :14(0 • t • • , , aam wit* a,/ tta ,.;'rwto ,iloo* - ta 4, , It ri, ,14.1it• Ai :,.. ,t! titio. tii*.* palled la,„ oPt•OilIttWalr1: oot"04.10#1441;i44, ' *it, 01' Potocyto4. swit,AU04,4W, `, 4i 4,110.4',At . 'r0 ,ii. *.b.1604*.440i* ita,k p O. 41401*tommoNoi* • tho Joteorwie row tit t Too*l. awn lato "at T44464411 tM *et ori* et to* pato* sroo ititorti o411‘t to it 44 *04- * Se. 440011140:thie foie WA, 11,4101444.144 Wes time MO htic Atiolikete est the WM. Filer? OA the 114464. latiersioetett • it Ahlit IltelltsWaste• Iptiogisti - 1111041.11100. 4311$4104 444 Ahellies. itetere *OW *At ompiamodao* iloo *loser WO 461111•4 po took alto * Norm, • I logoto to traropos Mu* *pow 004000 tad gat tst A.Loaltt • okoor 1$4 or** awe leket. t WA kitsie 0.4w4.#044* poo,it **Vs t. . • A, 1"ss' two b • - ttoi 'twas rttes444.,CrAtrtery,14/41VXO0144 1031,1 WOW, Aiti.:40,414; conk* Atm,:dpit, .0* 4441 ,ar044 made ht ,04. Whitlh via*: bilvx,whertanat;011titt, 0,11, tor.,,,,,i,,,ttoot,,arat* o proditaott inloWala 40404 otiztmtat. tho olovat*4. int " oft. a *AV sittla g,v0ink IrttV *.tilakyatkt Ott ,eXtttePle, tbsy *004 ei,om. 11-4."41t,,fie4 4thcaletre444011u4at:terdretryclot' tit it4 the dram aa Ithede VelUek: 4010 t4.044$ IfTellatk 004141!*.R it the Ln pJWu1 Inna. n1t.tn0* of aftt. at% putts PC Awl tot Pli*atit hiSett-' the u r vatirit •ct# tbo. A;laika- g for ,VTOZ „ It*, 40w11,14%44440.,40; taaa.otrawtttaKtlpft.,,r* rotio.a.i..00.4.0. log.0.014 oil oat*, , 4,20,444,41,,t metiourz,01,044imovitror.,„,cowtitt .,..,_,... 1,4, 14,0:4610, to: jounor toot lit.ThiM. s 144144aIii� 4,'-da-441;;;Imitb' ktbssall'sslittessiTh‘' tL'Ocilt 4 ,. 044 ****Pigtoot thio'Pt014', twollato, tar lottt*i AttlftoaotilAX 'Mt* 001044' *tiogooMioil Oa -itti*L 1471 11,14'4 to, rim .00x, -. ,jokoeva, te* ' -tut' : g.e. o-rk-ths-eou" rt;.4,' its' ' tr... tiq' to,r4 4,a; waft 'Plo)tatA, 0 alt4: Ilfge At* par t4g.i.otPict At .tatukatlf CAPrott Attatioaant .-80olaty. of Aloilmi: _,414. i ii,,,, „0-„,....,„ , ._ simt- t... ..0 --:,,i- .-„-issr-s-"ss. —60 -vs' - surlioct 040 0.4401A.,0. Ai* 400. Do-. , wsicoss .about I0 to ;16* i*r: b41440,1, 114 l'41117... taatt 4000 lfrrallitvlag,,Nlisttaii l*rm, -°-*. **0"* 7.***, -*7 - be llarriarac iv • *poke stiatto:414,'..9r 4 - - - - , to* - , • '''''''""41 '''''''-''' ...77,,,-1,0ra-,..-tortlwas'ittginit%) 444 40 04 stgo 4 40:040+ Oat „Ot *t4ta ,o4O,100, *kit **01414olf.11lOr Ow OW otOP.! , , ,. , atop, tOsit 4hoo th011e iStlgeel r*: 44 *4 srettliti4010 t the,: itotott,.', !t. f , APPIIP * to *0.1t0r, 0.44., ,Vtlt‘44-'04-Italt •b040 Ot4gt trotk '1114- -'' .-2' '411.0.14440 It' ;AY. IPllotodflA , re;',Oarofff;' Atagati, '06 Toth., A3P4alotlgowoakthoilroAikti.A5r.Pa Soggrt ',rittOPP4.,441004- -1.04440,1t0k., 'Italia* VP.14.i. but 140 4$, *00 OtOtt .;w.ek 0 Jo . .:, . :,- ,-- %,..:.,.,„,i.,,. . . ' .00. droit,e090404 thp eiddeAeitst .vitiax ,boapliati ,.-PrIaa ',Oa'. 110004,.4txtt Olt:at in," %04 0,00x0v?o: '!.i,t 40. to Rog.t VOrl: 00.4.. ' "1:. ; ° -; ''' ''.."' 0,0444 **.04-.4.46010 lioobi .**-144tigno.,1410 4*(11401004 -1w. ,g004.4t.totx04. woo.100.04, /40per*#sh; . , , . : ,, .. .10.„ . ,.. „ . ,-, . "rim," . ,. ,0100,0411 ' Itipora4141-,ba, tat- lot tllo-OliOttae* .04i400t, iptArt Pat, at twarilt* - j!,404„41*lettlartripay' 4.-Walar- • -, . .:, . - . - - : . , . -•. „ , . * , .1•041,91 e, 4 814' ot.ex '-ent-4 .rix,0y,,,,' 'ttrti-hvo../90:0;91+1; iitieiato, 044 ;-**,,to a 0.04tuotalitoott, lot ytopock .00.4 lioxii6, rot..14‘,0trtti 64041,.„,1.0:-tiga' WOO' pli. or.;,t‘",-PtitA4AYPIPO'tt 0004 tTok 414, 0.:WC, pioyoOgoi t',-0.blia ;41Ior. )Aati, , ittit A titla' at raaaat, Wok ApA for.to •Ilfgkf tkati-; 'JP ,4capAt IWO, *titaxaa..-PliOO WO' oalolokt ilkoliF Whi'll*PlAit: PX 04(141: 04**111Pfg Ot 43" '''' "t`014' the`*; II' 'eterlielr ',.ittfie 'lerte, AtWit0 1:110*; ii, wAtti• 14140,' AO. 4 1104terti 4v4i#44, ita, 71,2a, DO . 4. tlaapatap. frog( cittawa;#0,it?Irctf-, etrie4r1OiAl4a. leo 'tiatll*it laatlfitali;. - ' , V0410 4ext 4iti*W1 ' tbil , ' VOtellalt$, IsthtketiCk140. ' 149 Po A* 2c,AwavalAttlia,,.;Titt, Tx. c: JA: 40,4 Of4P.Pg :40; ,Sitttottt' rot at the 040W* 1.0ntt-* .,*014410 00.0r01.00141010 Vhltal-044•Ot 4 1 ' 4itrit*-4140,h4,444, , Cir , 100 -;q0 ,ba*4-megoa::41t04040,3 ik: ,.. . r .:404cotit, *kJ*: ,03,01r. , 0444 „at „ *0 'mop. , . . X.,,,,,kb.94<.$44;<, 4-1Pi* *Pow tAit, Po, ,11,.,.°141_1407..',•414.4440 pi:440044,i 003n NOV 'ijty cONS L.EttSt14,4 441044 Tau act**, *Pita* to It71114441:1:ir; .bn!tt 4t4tsat:: hop A94404 14/16 731C/r* is siSt Ittatte:' -.feral-104 woxt, tztg too-Ottio.4,14;,; Ave tovooarotetwk, AltVit Weeettle4 foottaa auitta' nwio.',Iloolvox 010100110410,,' pot.', . 4a0 -104 44 ,t-140 '0010.4m: 10000' tii:040 -40sA•r$0.v>.4 ; ..V;?.*ti AsiOd *to:04.: ., .tlalltevatl ham' *AO io.Y. .p. , ' ,',$Al4littnt PACK OSTURNS. " A tleiptttOliftota, i*Otttlim atiyairoo„t* .4"-1(1P1.41'41'whikilt :**V1*" )4441' '.44 "It 4' 1111144/4P ' - ! /44°;111' AS° 14 44*, 00 41'404';0!wP-9,P"' , -, • ,,-,L,4 • -' ' ' 01040o.0040r01, ,tb0r pu:k0 ,9t.,1400;4 WA 'Lf40114140.1:1001W.00r noiter 1::'1144,<10010,$0'. liabOli.,i ! 040 '041 IQ' twit ' *iploolork'..gti*iid ,ifiav .!ta tast 0 lie 'zehowi01.. 'profit ot 0 *WO, w14444: WO* for progge, they. :Pt her' two,* 14**-10batlga Om/04K .i.,,Topatt' ;1,..?)k.4O;;$1.44'.„.por .do4op: 0000 4 notish. 001‘m•Ntt:. or 04 .,„oreii4i,t, 01,1p44.4440t00,.. 444' thilair wii ' IfOto , pOtotoollt. tafralilot lotto, -00)a.;. O ,api Apietloa* tag bearing .440.: -Aat, ,tlotaa. . • ,•- -,, :',4- - 610 0,0 .. '1 ' -:. - -it, --.4`46,110,1X474 : T.40000 r400#,00,1 24 .400* Zeterbott, yN, 44a7 dro0- 4,0104:4cY. 'it•• 0.• ti: ov-Vi„ ;.•,..-.011Tanliolla . 404' 14,y4-110ii. §rtus,0-1$8,50,' 0iii ,s..64 040,- -.. - 0444)5t TO clh-4.40.3140 ' :000ts.op-tbyt;.-totittet lettOte ntietnX1.-.The -, /9,4$7 owo ,tioolgexeou.W., ,' " 111)ter!' it, Ved0r404.0s- *IA tr tnattt -14141, tlenVerterherp. „ .140104 is, `Werth- '010 txt ith02-,PhOneX0041.At4440 "'OAK'. 1011' r..7/611 11:44t4 41\ 1012°W.P ''' . \ atvp w git41 441144 t44.40 bld t41- -041%/xilat 0004 thUt lh147,44 nOVO Wo yuu 4t. -1V1l4t,4 tr,441110"t i; • ' 110404. 44thlthtte40)3)1! 0.00V410 40Atiltd, the le*Ecid.ot: i;soetvislio-.0010*'f4c PO0'4 -14014 44-• till, you Prot, ratuotAbort :folatIOAa Wlt Ore.t$10, yowilool *10:4 tIltit Too ro pot se yoUt4i 44 'qtr tieverietattrASX tiati4totheut the: PAW* moral 6 ,4aasi eta the tato •001,;- er*to ort. • 0„ 2103„t ' ca. goer •,sow-capoito, OOP tligat, but, kut t0 141.4.004 44400‘ rPitentY" Oent4401t .,rit..Per coOt<',30,' tologratoth ' ' L onoei ad og4., Om **goo* 01 .a tiotlkor cheap yotioty., hOre the; Marhil 4110t04. all §i4 la -1.0,. oat, Mott' , tOthr Oat* af the Vt( . eeeet 4%, 'Et ,410.940*:'TloWti o4,*4 iXf ltip,F4iift 01 ittAa artt4gUt to ta*toPak, 14a, 011t. , boL * , -.... the hlrighelt Or01. 10441%0414U alert's:0 ash VIA the itYettxxeltirtoo, v44,44 !tra* .7.1,40**tor atAli4 ristSt7etftee Irtnt'Ini.• noto0i tOitiryt or 4 (4,51,MarlFiq't , ' ' ' ' / "iv' ', 4Se-tec viratiAtxt atilt rent th4WStA0t. Viiihotteleli' y ;Vehadi ter 41,404Ort4 citk.'09i0-011139,90LVIg:ith4 700, 'iota • New tot* now a4r v ilg, ,bat no, nootal a oento tllo ayotago -p4 i Or Araorlotta tibovittait (1- at .totn , 44 .^..4049j4' 0210W , 14„ VE,M44.9-,j's04:00e4, the 1400, 010t •• TOO NOM "tiono yei. 3)**1o* here.' Belt. at • 400 oft,ogorg ., , .,•,-• ',.iii . - „006 ,,,10,0411,,,._, , ......:,...........,_ yttur was a iton0103,**4 tokentAist. . . .,,•,,..... , , • o 0 04 , UV et, 0 , j044?8,eu "0:64; ei,x‘ti, :tor tole:vevri;dtoUtic,nuttr :,tcovainleititirrbwte; ItItowx7gatioefs7,4:11`000:toa 0 ,:f5 ,e It: i rrl 4. 0,0 10 xao.;02 ,q:Ily 4, "lb::: r ita i' : 4, tte aluten. 4 I i k* r p, d .;;;L: I ' it ,:;:;:aii:17.; P I lila, ,11:0;iat. bitileino; io:to:;:::i4;s:; Oita Wialt 00444 into"ntilt t 4 a° =I to , ,. • t* 14Ore. tvom• •tbi, pap' tot u eliojee o0A01A0x0x - ate,--. t. ' bo. 04-0400***... , TO (K)14001VIPTIV,EtS ba Uldiiraligie4't 10kt ‘‘. Muer $1 11V WILIt 14,01.00,,F,044t/tutiltitIterinit''ittit* ..a M114IU 'that • tlko 0o4ox'a.t4oPt. itiPlotaittlo 440004 *Oil* OP, Oa llattlx**.tx:4 .rrPiro, for 040-,proi000t4o0; 4 0* taotorlid, It;400. **4 141,1 4w,+ a*iiit thO *04' 04.0i1404.0t* 4101 ';iotip,11`0#0•97' 0 tetiA4 .:*014 $914i 10Iu4lea. AUC CONTRACTOR wh1vb 11t,111*0Vonsi 0o.tt Otib.1*Rig.44RP 0,%:: 'W• O Houses. ionto4401W :4441440o0i44 'toti*Iyo: .; ,-,4440404:tkli0000,*t pfaclabita' ' ''• Tnaetogt ben Pitielhatioit itig4tOk'StFOOtb-d . cp,-,tivo#A4ro�zn' Godrk1i Stam114,i1Or Yorks ,,14 r , ‘00.$ sot Ohn'. 005 Vaix$, LXX0414tflet Iron 440,, DOFr AU sIres or;;Vigeo, •Aieh 444 Water Gauge, -rd Alir.#4k- 104 *Ito46.-.14Plytiii*, r oqgt#*0 ‘tio'AoAt'-t: 4.0-r* ttb . ,,u, pomage, oaks .0, .tt, , 0 , co% otitonor 0440 ., ,. . . ..* c! .; ... -.14, 7,7:,, 1.4,043*, tgelliti..`:,,fitti4 1 atl,f704.44.:Aft.t470,74:., It!: wyttOrit who 40t4414! Acne* At44.i"004,t',' ,it-Otr*Ct 3,740;18144tihitr49•11040ii 6,41,04 6-71,0004, t,oi,ikt Ott', ,. t,::::44g.iliti::0031.•0„.40:1;:,..,,,,i:010 ,444.4,•• PO4 L,.''t.ii,,, ' i •• Oiti,'W,W11444, it ",40;;,<, ' ' ,‘ - <,' ..,...'"•-". -.' . . - ,< -- - .' ,' < Ateggia, ' about• ,..-:',22 .: '^ tii'ao DIU ' 'X'h'''/.7$ 'VE:01G.P'ili'Y'T... . 1**44- .,4poo3.9,,.., tt , .. tor 11.,, 0. 1k ;:e.eieti;:ti, larzd it" quo'. 1'dil.;134ie'9t:10.4", livt/o11-1 tr. LM.,°!$.0.0.'4,t'', *44 4. pcapiaatoaa jAattlit, 04.,,oftieor" .''0442.. t 1 tqc.$,,,- liep*r-,vAt;40,,,oxii 0 „ from 11„ . cireer °41:iiii:11;i16114,11't4411:wi gii:::',:tb:'lli'i .-'1 l'‘tt,r- :1:.'"ild 74,i-4443311:Vki:' ..."1.'li:$:;:ti'i'l biIt'1:1'', .:: )114.114:4+%°11'\ Iv' iti4tir.:etr'incri'd 144:,4i4fult:tiumt:':,'-,P1101b4. ;° e.--*. ,Et4"/40*:111 'If 11;1:: ;;X:ra:al 11; rit*.-;•At'4')Iiii.4', '''*,t.<0.11:4*. 44; '• :*ticI:L'Ih!*.cr< a,;:!:Y!"414-1:41410.1.41*,' iikillit.!.A-ts ,,:ittitifii'*4),004jCif 0 e, it,A 4 1; judg Aritier* mid "Oftiatkat avalo . ,.:',Etto; tit*, In el!P'15110041k.-#44-::41'-0''' 40006 'Pt.. ofteitit; lit0o..Ailii'll,taalfi; :0* 4,.°4-4014:,...0.• .4. ,t• . .1..44,•..- i.trirg-no.44,0 I t .tcottk., , 411, ft_ir4H. , ,,,, , dbath:'' elvvottloi4.0410400,1!,001.,,•404,f, , - - , - . ; , - - - • . 44.:..olf ' ' or - *ha ' ,LitiO 44 to h'n°PeIler)(11Vit"khthdift4,44,013410'4VP,:tt..th‘ iitri.' faiigt...'itk,:wi.niedet`lxriV*401.;' 40,7-i t, tt long i.";,.,', Pri,r,'8.0TC°.ap'00-;:".411';',007I.:41.0eg:1-at.4;iiiPwhk,tc .0 , ‘ to .,..,--tbe. ' ,judgeBl Itlii..;,:':00g‘,..Onth-th4.140`400.10440.4. it 14474$41•13*.i°'".•,4 ltit4., SO' ettle;t9te....4•140;:httattit, 85-4.. of :°t*,1•,,**t' * '. 'A';111,klitt. '6°14)1; '''146 &lit 'bOOltiff AiiVaLiit:,4 130151 0.4:*41* :” '• .0.0.4/4SCI .*jetttli 'At.1741s.i;.40.4*),' . . ,,,igi- :.: ' L ,r.*.it--...- 7,-o- ..:,,,, • nt.t1,..45,,,, i• 62;0 1,Piitifi'*riiif Of.*- #(0,4010,' ;MIL liglit',,,-„. 0411, , broaletaa • AI- ;40mt.: aoumoOtto. :' . tO' , '.„1:k * .1 ...e ••• 114 P.." , • -4,`. .. I., f 0000i. 14,-: to 0.:1,40,1',1140410,:liatpa.1.aPi.„ Ote. 4n ,potaat. . n*.tr 1, tAtvo- 04 ' ;r,.4:40,:01.140.700:::'...ii,001,;tt 0-:4.1114:414.4itfroflitel: :tb,044,1/413,0 .2)Itii314.41loibrilib,,:m. ,..0414to•tottlioPO01,1$4,4410.: :t143,40''.ii,14TO*,4k4.:40,21SlotrAllIP;', ..,0014446P.T*1A 0,0orpt /00. -11b0r01,:d4Ar :YR*, l' 04' Llo'.•41 403 Woo; 1:4004notOd'ittietnOt14: 1‘,4100,,Of-,alatiai w0F1t;iO4.13t..- • :*... ,Li • . ,taelita,,‘ •,,latgo.,..wa,a'ipmetileta0: ,b*Olcii** tipetc:o.f, the '..telotteta;'. t0.... ,' Ai.,otit , • 4„ga44,;liciado:fii. reellY, 4 linlistiOPSOA' F•ritad'...4t0444,, 644.44;,;, 4044,, 76;;; lieikk,, • •'; pre00110 ite*Lted.'telegileeKitit*t.: ,,,, *a mod*, f3,1„,rtst.•.'.0staatliblt*-.x.9x . new": ',/av ..i,4100.46/44. 414;0 'IS 044, ti*-14xiie.''-°"411 1019 oTt.440:4tItt01'.'6ti,veri*; .ad it &la I lipoltorlile.4411;41Itthets!..:441'4,VIPtr- li*.I.:..0,.r.4:41r, '0tiin °14:i4„•1417411:4441* l'til. 4(4 tueot44:4144,,wi§, vtitti:0:01.„i 0,,,016:xlitorel: 41,,,t4:9401014,,itz,t,,,,00natrile,*(4.1,:t. ,.0., ,i,t)0,10.":40,,,Lti).4::.:.:0; .N55omd,r1th.,206:b46,449,61,111.Yrivii44',.1i10,,liAtroxi4 S;404.;.rpoillit:".oto, fitpz OP.!. 34e;,*.11*,0 #0,850to -410-,,,i •L: ••i, . Iled iianoI..4:6ished,':*itiii f',,;;0;ontOtgli:tirjit:::!7' ''''.17nki" greater 40.000. then- inest.';:r.04944,,f•040..-0444::770.::%". ' '';''.4-1Vie ' int oto.04:::',4*by say'ing the ..44<vo.:0.Otoeo#4000eid ti;44Ottoo„ tit ,pe&eitiliii, 110e, r,'Xci,,i,,' posingiktioNtvieOlattilt'liatbro40,00 :67:4,S01 fe,Oixitither:'pm wae; 01,010.W•00 , Ja00,-$00tott4eioh- 0, ,••00.0iox, ,:e#6,. sifi,,• !O; , , ' -d' Norther: oltd6 Not a when WI tx 0.0 1.06, i vlin .,, . itik:' , 4101 0: i .. .40 L'i.rir4. , ,_, .,. ;. 0 every .. ,,, . .0, 0 t. ol 40 :Ixcl: , ib, 40. . ., 141 0 11; . :0:;, 4::L i! . : , , ! : :.:,,,,ttis:041,1:04,0t::..! tit4treitAtt•trixette4' of our 'telly- Dull; No. RE VERflICT READ TO DEE'b 138 the j11:CLititi*.t40„,",;',01411.t04,-;,,,'The*, /4,04k1104, ti,i., • - • :( •1,, ; ?I, cc.) i 01 igiii. t i IL- : I: 4 1 L t . - 6,44-,,,,, , . - ,.... . .. ce to got—DUil and :i.004:,.4.hout 01.4.ttla, 144..Pittittt0P4,,,. „11014 for only :'6 .i.t4.46.. Wi.,,,m0,utelko• OA bi! 10,-,A9Nit, lArta $04 . Biaffitle,,' ' 44.e. , . onip(o; ttw.'14....i.40,::. .,m010,*:, 'oink fittissito • ii0•044b,W-4103',Aettito'.0 0)2100. ,I4r& .000 $r;'::$10',.' ILI 'Ott,, iticilult),Iit:,:. ' theehtexii itteh, 'Iltik, tidltita;', 041...,Pit:!t, , :71.$1, ..:, .,... tithh*41,xiShtt; heetkixelgf‘.- ' tg'i. 'i .P# .,. 00 : *41.0t)47;itiltlidi 'W.i3O't3o*tilltir;:ltw,010•4404-;,•wkilte,,g50,14*.!"1$1444.,?.0' 4 ;,;."?.' •4 V!1,11')F ' tt boated'ItiVIts!%41ce;14!16 i . „4,to., , 200, o 2 yetluw 57 =,.0.4,,k,, :t4o4.,'N'O..< IVO, ,ttix. tklikvile *0000trlor 10..v. -.6o0; No; z. $ .. C.4464.1,r Or 444*'''' lb•Or'4 P* —Dull.'- TiTatt.t. - •• '•: ' ' • 4* 0# r a :::;.,,•:xy, o, tr,04,,,, .'1•4*--).'a„,+t (147° --°1 4,44 4,00 44sth0 $:,54 L. „.• ,,,,, , • ' ,, ., • L'. - .0140.4,7: ..w0, 1 ii,.117-0,:,•sstit,:lo0t,ti,, t ;ti24, .04.411 BI poa�ehhrtit "Oh44,„Stiiitonlhor41-1. -;,- "DO etetiert.'',14, 1cr ..'iStitibieeit.,11.1h0f4 aont,iver&1'',"*i810,pi*, _Ott 4i.*:140,00.0 ,0 „',. tioti4404- A . ., 0. Yoti.1**-0* poo)'10orgg.k*O. ), ;and 0*, .10c *:.0.10#0kot -04iftvio to . , ,e,hle.'ittlft At.py ging4.-400,.,.,*(0.0201a.f4 . . , : ,. LL• ., , L... : ttnUke -.'dep1e.-1.1t - ••reati- tiet4OfeW abtg es .Stop ,:the';';;h0l'ateish etteldit, thet73s., oneVie:0,;Yeer; '.. . Dos t. kt ' 401160 . eetrecfte4 gel ;liter else a kitOosoi "oktsitic`togiopotot*-. <344 What tol " pilOttfelizold* Powder yg5=0,4e4.000: •Ai"cwcP tteinthiep ; yeaa: 460 03,040Pei T4exi thrOW : X . f,404110sa . ,: • ,, iiStiiii: ''' X..-Iiihaiehid!iiiikiiit tar** fot.4yoatttatoto..* iedt4to -74144.444441.444• "1041tOett4.,,i,'Aqt. ' :.6).40b0400.10 01 '0106008004,,, owt444itii* ly .ht 1!;cs ed—caleS'!Ittitiihf4intriCX4t. " elifiCeeeeilt motteto rothods, $ xOctirettly fitted, otioo go4ototted,„ g•D TO .011 ID • ' Oitoosoloi ExP-00601i $t Oh from 1 „.. *vitt 40444 , t`w„Oti0,"-:' L*Od • • ;' • ; sUPP• .„ lb. that ,I* UPP8 'Of') Otathit , togl harkoteriiecl it* *** r3100fltI, colored by b1 uiw orains, 0'410 oUthulltU 01. 3. Io it Ott he oottaidotik31 4 ablittiod ititt tito$44 *44 hrestr• tOttOo‘th overInx 01 troops wuf'tht *andbe pots 4441.4.;t*Oo '4 1 I with. .11ttit.'di Major litita01l, iold not uy in.Itotatt, wbb fit o atila 18. T11* yI360t,Ootlaitotox t 104 Aatitt ittai banOwi *WAX* hait '.AibodIi Oot • ,;ta lite* Ake. j001.0$ 1346 sitlizrb6::::;:4:1):.:::::Itle:4:1:117'Vai,.::' :41'::' 4.xikOs -, „ , 0 441441r-04 giAthil , ono, $ st, '6 otoo,,,f4tifitat; of tilt -traitiit ..140* I-1're 14 mitoo t 0010 olfottli*,, ana4; /.Y;' ' a t‘°1-ae , !!'e',,t1le 1.rotit; 0 • *;'',:10411pla tit0W,I*Lttoits.4.0.#10-0,! ',,pr;ti bt6Vits ..ihXdfie0e1V-e* l''#404'..0116 VII**, 06011k!o*. , T‘iy,etts AoqtTe4,;;.iiehtth,the''(1,501' en, ea Wb6,oUter1PLt6 *it Wad**113‘' *46445'4'110 ''at Id alli000 00140WiiOlat 't•hO 0,kt 01‘7,,-*Ii4‘ ette'le-*elaeet;;;; - aala - -,,,,,;,•;,-;;;° .- ;; ,'` ..-.• ' "4 , <-, ' ,... - - f',',.-. ". ',,,ou•ta.• ave•,'• ii4244, 4 Altrier, 0elne, nne. or .0*4:4;oit 4;ok. are4itlillit 64...ifte::t4iery-ti'' 4oitrI"d•th3O: ,,:,,,4:111:o''''d'col6t'olr'iltt'l'''.:::::::64;.'lls' tot)sr' it.' tlitoot 'wee ' ' ' ' 'tie it ' 'r I n 441,04, .!thtit 'the raiseiti orichared ,74. imeti; tlio- tatiti, k loot 0 tbp1 peti , 414; LI .1; Nevi ill' aro ute et ro:liOiderhtl in a *004: rilo.,U0tXtilian: Ober& of ;041A. ill -at -04A t',,bat.,:',44 oi- tb,,e ariiio-iivOila•-‘,..--viiii;-,-ifto..* tiat,Otal :/o,,,bi ,,W,, P41%,,,,t3:112t..,,,,lit: r, l'-' 4.,,*..,':.sotitko tott.',,,..0.toitib of;' ' talctol. ,abitite,.--folittia to le' Ptet6tt40;!treith ' , 'a'" j' +Audi,' 0.04 toitt• -k. -trom 544':r. <4., tIr*Init #1' oho, hed° 'bee* ed. ° Tile, %het leie tit '1Ottitiohettineeti '*ee(40-,utia.or 00Arol, lot ' ettetttbPil 00.1biii iloor, ortal/ttoi itt,, 14411700._ •Atti your oti,neuttatio` Von can'texeCt t� gotiletirtu -teitor of yank io thee that "Sleter.ShoeS"•; gt' 'fit-it:otto cave* , all'ta.da,.• • tO biLagthe-you'"ieltet'.; , 40 WOW, 40 • ziek,";hen:lieeti,foti tigoirpii•OiOitsti• ,04a. gam 350*041 '00tWitt.:,-0 It , Ot a Aletatto 44111* 00: the , (04 :vibe ."Tilelly i466$ .141.44 „. ti,• it,,,;,,, ,i., 44,1„ ,,,,o • -Ii!,.td, 14.04," .Whexi.'"!,hhtehgearliey, *44- '114toy itt-t0 yI•• bxt foto*** of fatIgao.WIllW itpi iiiro,;71,1t. --it,' gat, so7iiTaT:t7,-; , , .. . --twuoi,d, to log*40441444 ' AW-.0441p44-iti.-Iteithht heAti lei tnoie watt i.ptetty .bitilir'.' lefelle,t1 ited. , .ititiaot, 'With otottlilaiL`W.0400441tak,1,-**00,- otwAii, t1u4ittii to *too* t ittlitttaiott la the- • etteelyft. /t Aft* 1 Axt.n. MAO pltit '00ditt:the VerkettattiAL•,ttv,htee'it"-Ohtittallt.»,. , ' • .*Ilatiek,thert 'Viotti, twO' ir*. tho:Patt4 tikotte*thatx itotoo4ittititktbei :40041-4. tiati Pit (4 SOUDiff It.414,104it riOltlit) -ts;-...,1,ftlitii .1.5:• rib o lue pe to wlioia %wits* 4S11 bita Werde etatoh of the iteveloole• tee thtete blows, RAtt wolaio, WO% , • ge'erAinee baloto taoklittg the trent 041:44,48,044 the 4'44 Vekit osok ,tuek 010,* itt Anal, *it• totitt;$14a4c-,b/ t, *MO -OmOk_010.1k,#)0. It• tor! - be pluggod Up Itor*oaeu.*' tt lot ttotv 000- tk. rk IIy* oott tat at Niro htXes1 Ore tkrealitt441- 1444 edetrile his Sea tootiotid frona 116 wtittfa-tie butoitiot are, tvetiiL Plat,tiltitta ladt* Derbor Gth8 NU.. dear tkelio8lla0A0* ,0110 fr#A,.. !01 ieb$ tiabatiti, ttott *ttio.16 netlrnting rota w apt ltwa aitd wokme0 tor th. Atbal* disiniot lotto% biting to lb* TR Li/141'S, ok ctte$, 4 01+00. tifdtb , t itiy. bufl 4178.3 8ffeNr ire* lien X004tatiltio• Wet Oxi we stir remit; )0,6404 16044.644404.0 attir SS* $4114. 4086*11 04-x*** t 4o 01 Umlsr Itmilit itiki.,000414.0t04 W.dnmElaY, by 1ot.r*00;44 itattai, tto 1504 'otLtmils 111 ViAlioltit *4,44 oi *kat* 01 H1. lorat:sootti,saiiiclowor virttiit 44,4 too,. • obit ivtit Ott at% *tot Otliod to *in* •iiii**•, Th. attuAiAt 1'6004 *1444 11 0W34id1t841 * .411*1801041 . Kola of thy', •Oato out °St The lattatlakt*.**4 Wei