HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-09-08, Page 841,
$ On
the very best Advertisin
" r!""7,"""*"
Cigars, and
Pipe* 'rein 143o to $3,00.
0 L. El C3 E3
Night Telephone NO.
• Fall Styles In Boots and Shoes.
0/ 0.p
It way seem s little early to talk about Fall Shoes, but before
tong you will find you are needing a pair. We would be &ad
to he,ve you come and see what will ba worn next season, A
large shipment et Ladle.? Fine Americau Lace Shoes reeeived
a few dos ago. Is the meantime we are hammering down
prices in order to reduce stook. It will pay you to note care-
fully she values we are showing in the windows.
,_;' ar„'•iliettit Beelrett
er. lentieati, Velar red
ti In' that Irsiliateatreint limo
Ito Tirreete, 1/001,11.00e' .,, !pis' I
hieentkett" tacetlet of Tee gidtelree Vatcyry ,
soent throe digs AC the Termite, Vale tele,
'Seek, The DOM** Kea ithek tIor. skeet etteele
itlereetea being ros POP to OrePate en el/.
• htlIcta
• Jait 'flieneeet axa, Wet. Paerneto_staiscal
home ter lementatele.siftee a Woof Mc peso/tie
Dee hiltunbe The gentlemen eariabe the Care
Jima sttreseeseo axed bad a nieseepteetignee'
IMin thakIlliSifue ' *
_Vete Yowler. et Pheita,cleen, mei bee ebeee
'44010:.:erIlatiftee oleo Place, J. Tolerate*
1We a reeiPleleeec vette ha thele aster Ntee '
Young dg MAW: 'MCI 0430-43DOt 14 teVe dayti
la toWn.Bitliftletit tit teeir aster, Nre. IL J.
Dr. and elm Shrill atilt eletill. et Detrele
lett for bump en eattardae. afteeereeillee a
few weakant tee *ir...Lettereacce Mee -SWIRL
ince Mies May Semervillei vim born In therlie
rich.oedthe k, ctey wwi iltAilitc4 uliA1), sant-
/nes feat la Ute town ist ner birth.
Tbe 41faitt eleea Of S. Geokelr §011*
dee settee' will meet. st 2,14 p. Utt Vier
Sunday end tho senior elaitilee at.
This early *view' in eouneetion with
the isehoot viactete1 but tienday., ,
Bev. C. A. Reafter. M. A.,_ preached
morolog mot eveolog telt tionday In
Sr. George's. Tine rev. gentlernatelf
(Wartime% eurtittlif on the tenets of the
church, winvexeeedingly We ones. •
lu Victoria *beet Spworth League
next Friday evening Lite tome will be
"Voiding up the Pastor's Hands." The
subject will be taken by Rev. Mr. Wil-
son, of Benmiller. All tne youiag
DegPle Wee cOrdloilt, invited to be pre-
The E. L.C. E. of North street Metho-
diet church extend A coritliat invitation
to all students of t e Model School and
Collegiate Inatlt.ute to attend their re-
ception tin 'I'uetidar evening next in
the League room.
The quarterly tea. given by the
Worun.u'a Miasionary A.uxillary of the
North St. Methodist Church vine held
ett the beautiful residence Of Mrs.
William Acheson, Trafalgar S. The
election of officers foi• the ensuing year
look place. end a very pleaaant after-
noon was epent. Quite a, number pat. -
took of tea and were quite delighted
with their hostesses. Mr. Acheson
and ber ditughtere Mrs. Grew, an
Miss Eva A.cheson,
•Repairing and Ordered Work.
West side of Square. GODERICH.
People We Know.
Joseph Kidd spent the holiday in town.
Miss Franks retureed to town on Mouthy.
W. D. Fair. of Clinton, wan in town Satur-
It. J. Renate, of Detroit, was in ,owa Satins
Miss Genie MeRtunon is visiting in Tor.
Jno. Longlois Is visiting the Toronto Exhib-
Mrs. Geo. Evans was a Stratford visitor this
Mrs. Walter Brough is visiting in the Queen
C. W. Andrews, of Seaforth, Sundayed at
Mrs. Wm, Campbell la a Toronto vieitor this
Mrand nue. G. M. E nett aro viniting in
IL E. Smith took in the excursion trip on
Mrs. D. IL Ross and two children are visiting
lit Petrone.
J. P. Brown loft Wednesday for the Toronto
F. R. Boleti% ie 'spenclitut the week in the
Queen Ci I y.
Regietrar Jest 51. O'Connell Stualayed in the
Queen City.
Mies Laura Sharman returned front Detroit
on Titesdav.
J. W. Taylor, of Exeter, way 10 Goderich
bear Seturdae-
Mr. and 11118. it Norton spent Labor Day
in Dungannon.
Jae ItObinson wits a business visitor to Tor -
auto taw week.
Ed. Darrow, of Toronto, is attending it week
at the old home.
Alex Davison, of Dungannon, left Wednes-
day for Toronto
Mrs. Beek, of the St. Lowrance. is visiting
tho Toronto Fair.
Waiter ?Wham is In Toronto soieeting goods
for his now etore.
Bartley rioyle. of Detroit. was a Goderieh
visitor this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Acheson wore vialting 1,1
Toronto thia week.
Mrs. Alton Martin returned to h tr home,
Detroit, on Monday.
Rev. Jas. A. Anderson left Monday fur the
Toronto Exhibition.
Aligns kteKty returned from Detrolt Wed-
tiesday of this week.
Noble Soilth returned on Monday from a bus
111088 trip to Toronto.
Idles Florence Ball returned frona her boll.
day trio on Monday.
Mr. A. M. Todd, Or TITO 8110, IA oft A bus-
iness trip to Toronto.
Jas. Dickson 14 ath
randing a to* days wi
rolitti yea in Stratto .
H. W. Young, of Leaknow, was in Huron's
county town on Mender.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McKenzie wore visiting
in 11011108V11.10 on Monday.
illlse May Buchanan returned from an up
the lake trip on Saturday.
A. C. MaDonald. of Donley, Is nmong the
Toronto visitors this week.
Henry Horton is taking in the horticultural
display at the Toronto Fair.,
Relit. McLean returned from his Buffnlo
business trip ou Wetinesalay
Rev. Mark Turnbull was a visitor to the
Torottto Exposition this week.
Mt. anti M.-.. G. Pair and family. of Olio.
ton, were in town en Sunday.
• Mut. Leo, of Lee and Shepherd, spent a few
days the past week in Toronto.
It. IL Bellows was this week taking a snap
shot of the Queen City exhibition.
Mr,. 0 G. Reynolda returned on Tuesday
tram her visit to tho Atlantio ward.
44 fin Fruit flavors
• Combined with lee cold /*
Soda and Jamey Ice Cream
• - make the
Peerless Sdas.
Try us fur them.
4 -,:firemp., CAFE
County Attorney and Miss lovas retorned
from their Toronto visit on Tuesday.
end Mrs. Peter kleEwan wore tunong
tho host at Toronto show this week.
Mrs. John Carlyit of Brantford. is elating
Oliver Wititely wee one of our merchants
her teeter, Mrs. eau MoKey. Quebee et.
who took en the Toronto Emir this week.
Mrs. Corer. ot Detroitr the guest of her
Mr. John AfeKetrian end bride. of 1Vood-
Aliss Whinifred Bail left on Monday to
slater. lithe thelson, Well ngton street.
stock. are geese) at la A British Exchange.
rename her euties in the Exeter public aelmol.
Mies Scott. of Toronto, and MISS LeithOIS.
of patron, ale guest3 at "Mo.pie Grove" at
Miss Harrison, Neon street, returned (rem
tho London millinery openings on Monday
Messrs. Ernest Stewart, John Tait and James
BtloisSTIAD Vtgitod Henson ou Sunday and
Labor Day,
Mies Con Lo Toueel left Monday to take up
her recent appointment on the Bengali Public
school staff.
Jamieson Reid, who layered himself severe-
ly', ie. we aro pleased to Kee, able to memo
his business.
Mre. Sheep, after a long visit to her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Buchanan, returned to her
home Toronto on Nionday.
MASA Jessie Robertson left thin week for
Exeter, having been reoppoluted to the pub -
he Helmet staffer that burg.
,...""lidies Mime has returned to Mrs. R. O.
Sinitia'eI11uhi,drv tome After a pleasant visit
with her parents at. Wyoming.
Paul Turnbull lea Tuesday for the bank of
Montreal, Chatham, he having recently been
appointed tea pavilion in that branoh.
Mies Se. A. McAuley, of Detroit.. returned
home on Saturday, after spending a two weeks
visit to her relative, Mrs. -Donald Meletty.
EngiueerNelly left town on Monday to put
In his week‘a holiday in Toronto hod either
points where electricity is a promineut feat-
Mrs. Oa& and Miss Lillie &mobs, of !Au-
den, spent Sunday with alias Jean Jacobs,
also of Loudon, who is a guest at the St,
Mies Mmonth') vie t to her greedparenta Totonte
irti Dowding. returned from a ten
on Saki ae,.. Mies May thinks Goderich
Prettier than Toronto.
Mee Leach and two littledaughters returned
to theiritome at Detroit on Bettireay atter a,
very adeateint emit with their aunt, Mrs.
AIOX Kirkhrlde, megaton et.
A. 0 Comer. the gremlin*, tido walker,
was in town on Motley. Messner h0 to use*
ground granite Air the walk he is putting dawn
in Exeter, which he expects to have finished
In ton clays.
nty o
. Is not tuljaf 'e 34y, bat
ifsso -ttiritt .4%4 me, • #0.00,
Is offino1oirs,*0
of wtzat 'Arfope.g
C • fteiti, •
...o.tot Ogg( (1,0 for 41o. .
*yaw** 4X. wits weSk an4 bee
Wales emus Preis 04 indirtlase
Ot 4cctrta tar rp,2ri,st VativatSunacx!
4071%. Pot-
t 4, .0 "V/*Amp
tigia010. etiL4hrth4Mtael ;TY
etteelfehelOtht. Aro 1441440, Ne/r/4011 "end
Harbor, Lake, and Meer.
Both elevators were working on
Labor Day, shipping out grain tor the
The steam barge Dominion, lumber
laden, ran into this port un Tuesday on
her passage south, on necouet of head
winds. • 'te•
The schooner Katandin, from
Thessialon, with 600,000 feet of lumber
for the Dersuente. reached her dock on
The Sebooner Downing, with 10,000
bushels of eot.n trent Chicago for the
new elevator, arrived in port yester-
day morning.
The schooner M. L Breck ran into
this port for shelter from Sunday's
blow, and left ter Spanish river on
Monday afteruoon.
The schooner Sarah returned to port
on Wednesday, havine bad some of
her sails split by the gale of Tuesday;
she left again yesterday.
The St. Andrew is expected in to.
day with 82,000 bliehele of wheat for
through shim:apt to England. As
$oon as her cam° Is elevated it will he
sent to Portland by two special trains.
The schooners Mary Everett and
Sara, with lumber from Pine Tree Har-
bor for the Goderich Lumber Co., ar-
rived in port last week. I he company
has a busy Gine these; days shipping
out lumher itnd shingles. •
The steam barge Clinton and consort
Grimsby; left yoterday for Parry
Sound. The vessels were ready lo
leave on Tuesday, but were unable to
Jo so, as several of the erew lett each
of them, and the men were not re-
placed until Wednesoity evening.
cscttye. ^Yet 1n4ats hkegt we kuoW
oodi SareWerilleli a pot Nceiedelete
R. tie 74:0A,Ph011liber Bee. .4.0‘90, got.
II /
/ • I I
ite or Dt‘,Lipprain.t.,
eatiortiet.tabs with Used '
4. ofte4tk:Sca9utatadtsYlizoo. _ oponwl and ,e. big *Nowa look adiostafif 04,
further adiortio0. we 1 ,ssitir their zorelnssert. Tis week, in order to
found, *stoat Wiens of adifertlein Par Sere
Ad' tile prephs Were
tO70.1illee Itt a lrerpi 0 s k*ikolor*inierenting, Van ',tip:we 1),..effiel*K
, (
, jte, we. esftl gtva'wtth avery 'Plitsli pi:WOWS WifOudaRla eciOhr 14044,4
pttdL.1 Yilliiit We h." Moat foss ir., np,. ,
b.eiy bitis41.0IF *Ad
Ora hertOtill) ,bgeti taatti, rik 1111Vit 'ft Ilp4310,10 01 'Pio Zook pi.#04149.0
:gog ot, n. very low .figurts ottiljoot.,before4bO 'Wpokotsslis,41$4,Eit:,9)? '!",4#',14
,•A4Y40P0 tiso prWti, of Sox. • The)! stsolssts4 Oa holt 441141,islt, POPOV
i .o vu.Iil.t..to fistordaylen may have Vont ist.9,44•41
Dime.- The Methodist eboir held
their picnic at Barfield on toesday.
awl report geeing had a very pleaeatit
time. -One day recently two young .
ladies from Godeticii were wheellee'
Lu Clinton. and wheo they pcot near
oer village they bloke one of their
wheels, and ha -d 18 farmer and a
preacher worktug et it tor a long time.
They then Went on till they came to
the blacksmith's, and he fixed U. They
joyfully set out again and about half-
way to Clinton two gentlerneu frieeds
met them nnd saw them safe to their
journey's ead. •
PEiteoNAte—Miss Bertha Graham)
U8 the guest of tier cousbe Niles Belo
tie Stanley. -Mrs. Phipps spent a few
dela with Mrs A. Tebhutt.-Air, W.
Proctor, of Detroit, is visitiug friends
in this neighlun hood —Mr • J. L. (,L1
15(14 re this week in Toranto.--Mra R.
W. McKenzie aud wits', of Goderich,
visited Mr's. /I dines on Miinday.--bliss-
Clark, of Chicago, and Al". and Mrs.
W. Clark spent Wedneeday of last
week at W. SwatAtnley's.
Choke &tgains,
The steamer Carnirem, was in p011 00
Saturday, downward hound, and on
Tuesday night on her opward trip. On
Satin day a number of passengers lands
ed at this port, mud a. nurrsher left for
Detroit, her list on leaving showing
over ninety passengers, On her up
ward trip, though not crowded, she
bad a large number of tourists on
A little left of Summer Gods and they must go
now. as these prices are suYe to tempt you.
-Ladies' Vests and
▪ 4• .1%)10i1
• 3 4 14 tito.
Special lines nom
Veste,regular 250
going et 18o
Another speoial lot
Vests, going at 9
for tioe
Fine Wale Thread
Plaid Host, repo -
lar 78a, for.Me
Fine fest bleak
or!' Hose, regular 2504
o.! for 17e
EXtta large range
Children% CONGO
all reamed In pries.
Extra Value
in Towels.,
Random* Dareeek
ooly tile pair,
Special all Linen
lerge Towels
going at 2 for
25a, • „, •
arse *bite TOW-
ellgang itti
PteitstneaL.—Mj"Nr.liean. d Hrs. James
Kennedy Stindaved bu tioderich —Airs.
J. W. Jacknian is visiting her brother
et Patinae' ston.—Mis. Hunter. of Luck -
is visiting at the paisonage.—
Miss J. Stewart went to Tovonto 011
Monday to Bee Inc Exhibitiou.
and Mrs. Chas. Girvin have gone on
thine annual trip to Toro ato mid other
points.—Mes. Drew. of Goderich, was
vielting Iter sister. Mrs. W Mc -
W hinney. the past week.—Mrs. Dave
Cook, of Clinton. hes returned honae
after a three weeks' molourn 111 0111.
midst.—Miss Ethel Rhymes, of Godo -
rich, is visiting her cousin, Miss Ailie
Morris. —Mrs. IL Clark left for Turn -
to en Monday, where she intends to
reside in the future. Mr. Clark left, for
Toronto two weeks ago.—Mr. and Miss.
IlleCatelney, of Holinesvilte, were the
geests of Miss Etta IlleIllwain on Soh-
aav.—Mr. and Pars. Jas. Stewart, of
(h3derich, passed throwth our village
going north on Sunday. —Miss Minnie
McVittte is gone to town to iesume
ber studies. •
DOTS.—Mianday beirig Labor Day,
the children had another holiday ;
there will soon be AS many holidays as
school davs.:—Tbe beantiftil ram which
tell last Thureday night was gladly
welcomed by both man and beast.
ACCIDENTS.—.Mrs. R. Morrow, Sr.,
fell and hurt herself very badly the
other day, and being an old lady, the
accident, may prove serious; et present
she is very low.—Mr. Win. Clark,
while delving his teamLend wagon in-
to the barn, slipped off the wagon and
ono of the ve heels passed over him,
breaktug three of itie ribs. •
Y°ti, eso bo nO 1?of tor Assu by Ousisiog your seltfetion at thii alget,
We ittfela to /*hike thitt Iineh-spertiikanAtnit PeOP/0:4203"000t'
ou voktillg ttlti vry Isteat. We Will hefe ICTIOW line in 04-fiall1,04)"
ot Slue ood White end Purple god Wntte tibik* and Orientil prtt-
tents, They are all tne rep in the etty..
.-P rid h am *I
oneection with V. J. Pridho,nt'a Toilor Store.
Crowded, aut last week. •
DOTEL—Ort Friday evening 41. n umber
of our citizens, both old, and voting.
epent it very pleasant evening at Mr.
Harry flidiet. returning home
lir the tvee emit' hours of the morning.
-On Tuesday Mr: J. G. and Miss Sadie
Emigh went, to Toruoto to purchase
their stock for carrying on the restaur-
ant Inisiness in the llsreiktar town,short-
ty.—A. tone weddino took place in town
on Wednesday. -Our 'tire company
end, engine have been oat r,everal even.
Inge the ,past week filling the Oinks.
-Men and teernS are busy these clays
putting the track into aihepe in the
kiltricultoral wounds for tne coining
fall fatr.--Harveet ,operations are al-
most completed in this section. Whitt
is neeiled now Is e nice shOwer of rain
.for the rent cot:Tao-Quite it windier ef
our youog _people ttended the social
at Me..SfeMrieraY% reaidenee in Morris
on Thutoday.evening, . tinder the aus-
pices of Unite Church, B' eigrave. •
for' 4 4 4 *4250
LOOM Crellitis
for Sktrt.,, wit
elette et,10* Yd.
worth 15 or 20ke.
Towels, liege ante
Clearing :balance of all Shirt Waists at Reduced Prites.
thn thing Int Children** Eletool Breeete, nottee 'Wrapper or Separate
Weirt,,,00r 11peeits1 lino of double fold, Plata And Stripa Dress Goods, gbh*
l'Oo yd.
:New Fall Jackets Bet Buckles.
W Fafl Dress Goods
We tefelt c boo tangs ef the
In V.014 snot* ohins.s?,atti. asuy.
• thit tateettleitel tite ietteett,and otte 0.1*
rito4 Ovisto Otaktos. Do* et% bel fatith I
d Velvets ustatttol.
" 4111'0 Wilat,t0OU t103 tOt
[NEW '4110444 NSW ST
cKSiZtE, vsell'ltetsisul
Ustlur. 1.tike ,$(01:40
• -so 10
_LPitertiOtiattee-Our M
townsman, r.
WM.; Creighton,. is eeriouelY Indisposed
et • nresent.--Mi. John _Connote) re-
torned on Monday lentil Manitoba,
havingdisposed of his ear -load of
hordes for very, goed figore.-Mr
Hugh kfteeltuartie. Diet!), anti Mr. Gains',
of Bast Witwanosh. left thts %tattoo
for lieuitobe on•Tuesdey.
. .
PERSONAL.—M jos Lot tie McPalls, 'of
London, visited Exeter friends on Sat-
tirdav,—Master Boy Le stborne, of
London, is spending his holidays in
town,—Mi. mid Mrs. Joseph Abell and
son, of Seafurth, visited at. Mr.
Powell's, Victor itt street, over Sunday.
—Messrs. Barr and iloffinan, of Sea
forth, visited the fatir sex of Exeter
Sunday,—Miss Willis, of Lucan, visit-
ed friends in town over Sunday -Mr
James Pot kinson attended the funer-
al of his sister -in law. Miss Reid, near
Windsor, 011 T1108(Itty. -
LAcitossE.—The last game of the
seaman was played on Lite lacrosse
grounds between Clinton and Exeter
teems. Some good playing was done
on both sides. -nil. Clintoubute came
nut victorious, score 4 1. The first
game played by these teams resulted
to 0 victory for Exeter, 8.0. •
01117000. -01) Sunder the annual Her -
vela Thanksgiving tereleee were held
mn Triluty Church. Rev. Abler, of'
Brussels. offieliited, and preached two
practical and titotightful,tiertimmi eulte
able tti the m1404100[1, two large con-
gregations The edinee was beautiful-
ly decorated ',With flowers, grain and
huh. the women of the rongregation
having spent the greater portion of the
week decorating. Tito offertory for the
day beieg $101.
Pintsortsts.- -Mr.„,, Will Crisp, rif
eideoboto', spent sondem In toWni-
iliallrietett, of London, visited at the
Oeutennial ias1 Week. -Mrs. ilalles and
soh Fred vieited IttreAleiles' rents
Nee ee.e....eCeee."...e.e e....."-eseee,e0Calsees.
Liberal Pledges When ° lo Op -
"'We cannot tott virtif with
alarm the IttiV inerettse of tbe
public debt aud 05 1100 cOntrollahle
annual. expenditure of the Dondn.
ion stud the cousequeut undue tAx8.4
tiOil of the peo le under the Gov.
bilIerst Pricricee. when 10
The folleiiihre table shoe% the
total expenditurea authorized. and
Luthilitles incurred by the Federal
FAO -lament during the session end-
ing August, 1809:
ti newton that eve been combos- 9
t; Wesuentars, estsare,tes.
..$ 2,067.0W
ously in power Since 1878, and We Mein eatimates, 1899-1000 40.280.550
demand the strictest economy in sepplementareestimates,
1 -1000 - , ,343
Further eupplementary
estimates, 18094600. 12,451
DrumtuondB,ell wee purr
chase 1.600,000
the administration of_ the govern-
ment of the countey.•---Itesolotion
of the • Liberal convention at Ot-
tawa in 18113.
era sionane IN 1804.
March 28, Ire 4,4, -"Sir, Canada had
no business, and never had, to spend
thirty.six or thirty-seven millions
year. It is at monstroos thing prop •
erly enderstood and wholly apart
from 1110 amount of real taxa.tion
paid by us. -that an expenditure of
thirty-six or thirty -seven -millions
should be saddled nu five millions of
people in the position of the people
of Canada."
Ott May 7, 1895, he thundered
forth in tide wise :
" We must lighten the burdens of
the people, as well as stop the de-
ficit. I do riot pretend to say that
that will be an easy task. I say
that 11 18 a task utterly and hope-
lessly imposible under the present
system. Nevertheless, that is the
goal that the Reform part, must
keep in -view_ that is the goal for
which they must strive that is the
goal which I hope and trust theY
18111 seen attain."
SIIt WILFRID emmorat IN 1894.
"The Comet %lathes say to us, 'if
yott were to mune to power you
woulel not be able to deereese the
expenditure and practice eironnifiee'
I do not believe that that wouldhe a
dafficult task. It would not be dn..
cult to economise ONE, TWO DR
" Mr. Mills declared to his con-
stituents the neber day that it. would
be quite poesible to dinnuish the..ex-
penditures by FOUR MILLIONS an-
Railway and
bride' subside
ies... $6,540,295
Value of annuity
of $140,000 to
be paid to se-
cure admission
ot 1. C. R. to
Montreal. per
cent,. half *year-
ly, 09 years. .
Value of arinaftY
of $00,000 for
10 years' grant
to Ottawa. less
$15,000 now an-
hually, .
Canadian cootie'
blitiou to the
Peel& cehle
(5-18 of Z1.700.-
000 stg.1 2,361,111
Total expenditures author-
ized and liabilities incur- •
red, 1890 $09753,571
61- 0040 e
use or one star NOttli are
Boss .fittings for Thre&ter§., also Belting. Galt
Mitts, and 'Machine Oils. •
Pure Paris Grant 29c per
Clitu'olfs bug finish, 2C
_Olgott'S Potato Sprayers,
Spades and Shovelst Fork. and
Reduced -prices on SytIes and Snaths, and Bin-
der Twine, for. cash,
Elephant White Lea
- A large arid varied stoe, Builder's' upplies.
DoTe.-The salt WOt ks heve again
cemmenced operations and will run
until the store room is filled —The
down freight was held at this depot;
for two hones on Wednesday week, on
aeconnt ot the engineer and fireman
having to give evidence, re the accident
which cost Urs. Phair her lite. Quite
a crowd attended the horse Mona'
which took place on the Agricultural
strounes, tin TtIonday. The proceed
were In aid of tlie baud, tri retro n
the bend gave an open air concert in
the Park irt the eveninlimobleit was
well attended. -It ie rififfoted that
Exeter is to have a Liberal paper.: --
The reeent rain storms have nearlY'
sabdued the bosh fires at Sodom.
Darn:fen-v.4-ft is our pninful duty to
announce the sad tiesth, bv ilterwletng,
of Miss Susan Reid, of ibis village,
Which took plitee in Detroit river on
MOndtty. She had only left here a,
feet dace ago to visit her sister in
Detroit. aud on crossing •tbe river
trent Detroit, to Windeor in a boat;
fell overboard And was drowned, She
Was buried nSar there ou Tnesday.
Deeetteed wits a tsiOter Mes, Amos
Parkinson, and daughter el'Alre.
Corlitig etteet. She 'Wee Membee of
Mani street Methodtet Clench, here,
and was a constant worker for tire
eight. Site was in her 45511 Veer.
lifireeved Mother end siottree have 'the
aymptithy of the entire community in
their lost. (Lianit.--A. Detroit dem.
over Sundav.-4. Palmer. of ndes.: awl veste Ivor pool lays It
here, was in town tluininy,-Idtss May
poster. of 17nrne, woe the guest of
MePhefiton :not Week -=-111-e.
Min pick, fllarkeburk. instied nee
parasite oYertliindaylift, John S ek.
Mantel ROW WO in town Thu ay,
ettelutig..-10. Cook . -Was trt a
,E.J. ortott tnetdintoiralletyoMelp' which centain roitherons tur 00,04
Sunday ftlittdS4-.11ilee
lumber of peep e there are dispu mg
the, identity of tint liatly fourid.
Mg that It Was not Mae Retire, •
that of a Mrsellitchcocg; whetted been
eutpleyed as a cook by Ones. Deliele,
1 Delray, down the rt,tev. vfodi'
reusainai toun restreviirai othet n60.
Sohtht, :,,,l{rnStIr le t Weasitles foi, the Olt Of t loon , fito
411041) Ogliters Of TO, Dettsio, n, toilv the
WatrittStedott =ittetweett..414,. poing -II corniest ags for • it 'ohms
*Reid% Tht rertutine, howeve 'tirete
butted at Vilkeseoet, by Miss irotro
tont1009.-,Up. StAtt.1
A Fleshy
Did you ever see one?
Did you ever hear of one?
Most certainly not. Con-
sumption is a disease that
invariably causes loss of
lf you are light hi weight,
even if your cough is only
a slight one, you Should
certainly take
Sootrs Emulsion
of cod liver oil with hypo.
Mks. No remedy
S Such perfect prevent -
tire to consumption. Just
the moment, your threat
begins to 'weaken and you
find you, are losing flesh,
you should begin to take it.
And no other remedy
has cured so many cases
of consumption. Wen
you are far advanced with
this disease, Sectt's Etude
siou hold every in.
• duceMent- to you for a
perfect Cure. •
Mtn:erten* g. sig at
ec be Bow 4. t
arden Hose) and Screen
11 • ,
Theaoe s y. ar gavep
Fancy priVil tier yittr toots. gag Manse When you ean, buy u good
geode, for Igoe Worley?, Drop ps,. sok sae what we roe tolling our Boots
and Shote at on.ille STRICTLY cog: plats,
In order to nittakelOorts for 414` hittrienSe Kell Stook that hers juat been
opened we will clear a litunber Of ,nodlinee et
We have a great number ef paint of Virotneea and Girl's buttOu and
lace Eiltoee, good Pebble, aud Dangola leitthei. They Were from $1.25 to
$1.50 per pair, we will clear the kit at 03e. Jut the thing for girle.golog to
:ehaweEllee the Boys' School Shoes frets 50e. to 51.50 per pair. Guarenteedipo,
We are oftering special line of Ledies' Fitts- Kid Shoes, bottom or lace
for $1.49, well woeth 52.00 New goods.
We will be pleased to show you our new lines f Z*dle*4 4n V4
Goode, all prime,.
Slippers same old price ittla and Me
proportion or the general public are
anxiously hoping that the recom-
mendation of the connitittee may be
a dmciepdtedai.
Con test, Mrs. J. It Col-
borne, sopa --One triode' eontest was
held during tlur year; it was a succesii
financially, and we trust awakened a
deeper interest in the sttbjeet of pro-
Nareetice.-Mrs. Warnock, Supt. -
Distributed the Tohaceo Act in all the;
places where tobacco, eigairettes, and
the vardoue narcotics are sold.
the Sabbath Schools. Interviewed tpe.
Public School Teachers with refereleeti
to 'the prevailitig evil Of cigarette
smoking among the boys. One pro-
gramme of the union wits devoted
to the consideration of this subject.
and an interesting paper on narcotics
WAS teed by the Supt.
Press Dept. -litre. McGillicuddy.
Supt. -The intention of this depart-
ment re to heIp edneate the ;labile
sentiment., and ore 11 1181 softie tiaecte
to lead its readere to total atetainence
and a better life. Five ecilutrins
/1 articles have been contributed
reports anent -1y all the- union meet-
ings have been printed. The editors
of our town papers have the sincere
thanks of the unieu for the heerty
trianner wine!' their have ceoperat-
.-Mrs. Stoddart,
-The box at the G. R. station has
been regirlarly supplied with good
literattire, including Tetopevanee and
Itehetioue papers and leaflets, waking a
total of ovee 1,000 pages. with the hope
that some seed halt been (Merit that
wilt fruit and rettltittly.
Scientific TeMperance in Scheele. -
Mrs. G.Acheigni,Supt. -In tneintereete
Of this deportment early in the year
W. 0, T. V. Notes, • the Supt. Vialtect each of the publie
1;0116614ln town, and ents moist cordial -
'The principal feattire ot interest) at ly. reeeived, The regulations Of the
tite-W. O. T U. meeting on. Monday, Educational Depart -went lo„refetenee
Ang..28th, oas the awned report given to the Temperance Text Boo.. ittere
hvertchseperintetitheitAndresi•tnient, diectiSsed. end it- Warr agreed ,tflat
of which. thefollowing 5851 ineetayriopetre actorditits toreeoleditendation at feint
Wo „motig,s,, nom itits can emit,. °natal.* itt the week should he devot-
hen i,e0e„...4 eehtflo.b Imo elm, tom ed to. familiar couvereetion ;With the
placed on boats callingetH' odericti, Me. W4(1144 liCha°1 on the effect 6i) 41001116lic
tributed 50OP pages of literature. 18 Tem. titortiriants end Nitreobett on the
optative leaflets 24 magitzlees, apace*, hountri Veteme A 6efloti "loatett
regared, with a vie* in^`th
The Shoe Dealer.
North side, of 'the Square, GODERIOH.
tektwited $1 to aui Labettdoe inieeieno h,„;tve been 8°17°164 to he)g to 434141 teachel'oe
Wm* among tombertuen, jos. W, , inr gf,„,„,,,,,,., „t eti Al in
log wits devoted to rho utteettets Of thW
ft, Idegmisieotopt.-040 Anion itteet-1 '"'" * -'-ii,*-- - e tut a , ,e0tiVeri,
- tatitilis 6 at must be adapted to 'air
work; itsterestip.g eirelbliee Of the.teoe the.Verletk..esleA and W5001008, et the
.,.., Veleta % herr' thin hes:teen faithfully
cvefe„,ttud by A1,1% ,ueV /11$01 lkvm,,, tarried out nattch biteeteb it tkiettifee
MOO eteech. anu $5" WOO eratteu In ..i eo ktio.a. e; afnitt mitt ,in.
T\ ricEsl.
's Reid's old Stand.
:Borrietilin or Alottzing,
The Cloth for any Suit oninfenolog Sept. Lit we Will positive-
euli of
Of Clothes in the store Ciorlliveen'gur eallhouttarq°1 Fine
Tweeds andoPancy Woreted:,641 (Iyfoet wili
for nothing. buy one like it, or if yon wiithuy halt a
Suit we will give you the other ball in free. In Other Swords, we want to clear
out ever a hundred Suits and tea° so- Wiii tbeth at just Ralf Price.
Tweeds worth $2.00 for $1.00,„
" " 2.50 for ,1426 We will 00*nd trim any of these at $2.,
.8.00 for , „L60 .$2.60 and Ter suit.
Waiitedt woe*, 8.00 fix 1,50 We will wakeand trite any of theee suits
..4400 fo.r. 2-00 0.00 etid se, ssieoiaine to the class
h ttft0 for a trunwinge, 13* yds. make *suit.
° The '2.50
These are the beet VOgIlett Deode In the market at the eriginal price, what area
•• Wet at the reduced price,
Hall Price.
TROUSERINOS-4110tieliine finpOtedletre von mit sind-trim Trousers at 25e and 40c..
Trolleerforig et the erWee tecleethnilro Jest 'We will Make end trim Trousers tit $1.00 Audi
Warfle the `thIPPOl't Of h sietle.„.3r !Attrition the itecti. e trod destruct'
vokoao alloy it. id travel Ittiont tee, ive power, of Whet Slid WNW.° Hi
various equips 'nettling gbspel toinlierf infinite yi better+ titan te'lferealte, etioh •
once eertnees. Thtlintoo oote ,pire.: knowledge, by> tsit et Ot that
te,ins for time and etern 6 •
The next eteelitig, of ; 'union 00
tilP014 this soisotisA Meeting
*nth tbe eleetain offiettre Will take,
re who know Sirs. noeorkotre otr.,
.Saturdly otouto and otherp Acts ,-rettieeett tellAnenees .
ttill the body WM her* and ' 151.1 lot .M tia 1111111
,-4*Ittit' efrOttlielhilifittetlititalit/DIO: V,TI *111 Mid ,, flo)l-ae: Attelf! : rt‘titt.'
aftet)*Teef eilthithealeittertl Ittnnitelet. stipt."-The Weak : of.,thit-depstrinient
4Miotr.,00.ttio*.11,,., of Staltittle ,opitiog. . is, to Olist tho,taisOuttst'tjtf,'AictitAtlaii ild*
ft* mi., 4t,,i mtstsloplets,i.Ms..,Wellinglillii totlireltiti.heildintotstrsointuttonitotintion.
tfteloritetown. r:44tIliera4c tes7rePttle,tatInettrg
toreott. Itsele,r4, Vent T.11?"tsttt.,
„ rostwao4eithe§t.*000
4161# prattioabletVeYritrage theta 66
lenttnhettet Ant11110 1449Stritille' arid
.... 4014;4** -:40"""4016 • illne'n ,,ilitleritiii • erielt. Arita be lettere* Able+ lift ilealiertifTentitIthfrilrOhO
Meth . *Vault. st04,theitantaut ,p1 ._,, ., ,, , „,, „_,,,,,,,,,,,.i ,J-,,,,,,,.,;,,,, .,A.,,, ,04,40„toxt to vc,j4 44,„ tibte460,0010s,t,
1116sio. t4ssa,., no wanossany sot* ' r, itt.t4)v, ,v'"?..'‘' 'P.P4 ' , 711'"7„7 "", '"""'` DAstribute ' *0' pefr , ,.:i -t winner:An
Alt* t ..4r1N4',k.f00,,,, „,0*.„,*64t04,..,1116%%. ' `t:' ' li, "'!' Y l,e.A.•., , •,. - Atfd :tell h*', lifetittiit*` ,:thivY hi
4414'' 4 $ 4'4%"t4M 4"'t '. "'74tVe*`. il, i t.,.d.,o,,,, : 1' 3.'.. **lotto. oulatollo loops** alisinin .
del 4 ' -.14t'''I'4440440"1141144. ' - 4:tra,11:44 tano . ,.1k,... , , Atmoon4 fruit ntottort6entriesiteNtere
T 0 .*s. t vonsson v00:, i!.1',i! e '1,•,,.- .:*' , , .. - , •tneveti,..eltio the tOltrietiatti litidert,Vrie
Gertl 401 ht0Orhit I" I, ery, reitieweitie- giYeit tutAiteit.e..; Thenfitereteteer the
•tisnoth' 1.09tituo, aervtbss
t alInd
stblaith etteropoo.
11 Wilt ,
tee5 1*81
8110 1110811181 5W3 .*fahltfel* ittin Oak Ise
eurst., stud 'tetrunittee wa.te4 u
l#Ter*r and Votottillorsnnau
et 10.1 Itnpor1eeL • 0
4.thlI1$o05It*t my
no* ttow Iwo An,o-nro,
raw ertfereertieria,tif audi
abIeL eettie:preseetett 40 in*. betinift
10•10illrh1**144,1s6W. report • •
rotronitteaof ,.tetti •
riessorsettfavorsisty.tts tit*
:roof** byttoste ett4itsek
tee ita. teepee
'Ana Owned- Itaira tot
e me
• was gloms:make one pair Trousers.
This is your opportunity to get the -restinng o! an & 1 up-to.dste Suit at Hair
Price. The gooda-arenew, of the beet nieterie!, shestneloritige. and latest design's. If
you dont remit it now select the one irtikaWatiltiellittiky a dollar OW it and we will keep.
t tillyou do want it. Geode above kr-vo.00 ao vat, out. below par. Now re Our
time. don't Put 15 o�, able° 01 etweysthe bmt Pridav. Sept. let, at Beid's el&
stand, Goderioh.
W. AL' 111004 11111— •
Huron! attest anirMost
ProgreSsive Paper
es, er
tar stands on ts meri
;tar itIVI
You do
very rivaL
ity ittla fort