HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-09-08, Page 4• t
Newspaper pIease
Tli 114 BOHM at L1ON111.
What Donald Cununings Tetitied About
videnve in the °Officio Report Which The
Signal Will Not Publish
The followlitiextrect from the
repOrt ,Of the West Hun
Election leriquiry., show$ w,114 ws
$worn to by Mr, :DonAlcl 0Ontiniks,
with reference ts the hOgn$ 141Ots
which were found in the Leehorp.
ballot ,btor. hir. Cummings* ;moot
tateprent$ could ant bh 40111PletOil'
thiS week for lAck of spce, hot will
he in Out next
102 Ar -That,
13.7 A.,-,-Ttort eposseta to ba
/Hite but, 1 *Mild not 'weer -Wit posfr
,-*No, 92 Arr.lbot, is ink,
SP A. -That la itrk,
A. --That ie Ink.
Q,..-aae,,,ap 4 --That la
fi2 lo
there fa one
might he petrel!; that Is /Petit Ifitit
4'7464 4f. A&-.Thathi Setteeti
22 A040 that.
-,.-NO, I ? A.., -8o hi Watt
Q. -Nu. 157 .6.4-millott ei pept0., so
et:doter the election 4 A.,0-Ye,s. Q. -n -Well, those vou hove Any doub
-.Yeti reeelaed a Packet of Meng far.ae I Oen tell; it might, riot be,
• Q....,,They were out all used up?, A, about • we will take by thenoostyvs.
&eat at these of Berke It Whet *bent
. Q ..-,xter, returned tee remainder to 414 (IOL A, -That le Mk eo far 45 I ;44
lberettitillog officer P ,A,,,,,..yes, iiee.
mottmQ... rid No. 83 t A. -8n is this,
es ...rooms watt at t„ s
- (j. -Nn. (17? A.- -41u4t. loin Ink.
, Q. ---No. 38,2 A. -...That io in ink. ,
Q.-Theite aro In ink P
Q.-MOsa ;Muir Of theee leillote Omit
I have nOW riticierh you ere yop positive
were Written In Ink; beW teeny Of
them do YOU think may have been.
written in pencil ? A. -Well. th.ere
might possiblv he halt of wbat I bath I '
could pot tell you; I didn't takttany''
track of it.
Q,--.110 you wish to take bee* whet
YOU fleet gold when I enquited about
those in ink; you had no doubt.? A. -
None whatever.
Q. -Now these are the astute ballots
that you ewore positively to as being
to ink when i Ana examined vont now
do you desire to take Anything back in
reaped, of them P A.—Nothing,.
Q,—Then von trill stick to It that all
these were endo, -e4 by you in ink ?
A. -Yee. _
Q. -And the initials are all your
mitiale at -course? A. --Yee.
Q. -.Now, ale, I inn going to call your
attentioti to this; would you, he kind
enough. Mr. Cummings!, to look at,
they 14 ballote, 1 will show you what
1 wrab you to observe, numbered from
I to 14, series A Now, sir, I call your
attention to the spate occupied by the
name "Holmes”; do you see it ?
Q. -And I call your attention to that
Hue there that is pertectly straight
nod not jagged P A.- Yes.
Q. -Now, will you look over these
14 ballots and eee if that is not true of
every ballot of theme 14, that that line
to the right hand of the name of Hol-
mes is straight and not Jagged, clear
and web defined P A. -Square.
Q. -That line to tb.v right ot the nalne
of allehriee''P A.1. ---That testi:wig t.
I them.
Q. -,NOW 'Will gtiroiler at
Is Perfectly straight, ri,o thi rig jagg in
'that hue to Aria Of "Holmes' NO.
oltooett Autotting witness a bleck o
Intierird.?tatiletei these are the ballote
that you *anted ta the returning pi -
neer, are they net P
' iettatheil there ito those
-helical: Arc the stilial of the Istnote that
'Prete need A,'0,Yeti. sit.
Q,*0-Tort loWe tie doubt aboutthat• •
heirs. t he . bandit: P 4. -No
dtrobt about 14
naltindenitanct there were
• ,sioarpelled
,..-Andtbarq were no rejected bal-
ers? A. --Nene.
,-mAtt Or as the 'billifito are etineern-
t Wass/ very tegulur and intelligent
.plece of voting ?
'Q0-47100mantionly so?'
tl„--tiould not be better so far as that
• Q0.4 would ;Met direct your attep-
trop to thine, ballots you have there ?
mealy ballots have you
hero 7
came out ot tbe
itet leek at the face and see who they
Are Marked for these are the hallots
you counted fur Splines ? A. -I eup-
pose ern yes, these IWO HOIttlea ballots
from what I can see; they were put up
• together, they were put up in separate
PIN Powell offered in evidence (dirty -
eight ballots marked for the candidate
Relines and numbered as exhibit 8-1
• • to 848 inclusive.
Q. -Now, Mr. Uurominge. I under -
.Stand you to say that there and then,
• • when you were acting as deputy re -
tattering officer, you marked your initi-
• ate on the backs of these ballots, sonie
in lisk and some in pencil P
Q. -And the reason you stopped
. moarartkeligt4ion,b14,4k1wpitsAth_atvteh: pea per -
it* "tthrptigh the Paper
lieciteatift. Weetirtir? .*A.3. -Yee, •
01 'hat . ,
,„..Vaaj. yule take theSe'litillet5 tiliri
iliow a ballot thab isperfottited
hi it ,pen, sir ? %tali cer.
ly seine marked with pen
YOU Saiti the pen went.
rstig 4,-Tbere was no doubt,
al,out that. r Must examine all these
tied then I might not distinguish the
'perateh., There is a seven:ill made by a
• pen all right eneugh (indicating one of
the ballots.)
• illereMr. Powell had. the witness go
..over the ballots one by one, commenc-
ing withNo. 08. These were deelared
• to have been initialed as tollowe
• Nos. Otil to 00„ witb pen and ink; 05 to
• 40 of series 3, initinled with pencil;
Nos. / and 2 of atone *levies, with pen;
No. 48 to 81 with penelh No. 83, With
pen, he thinks; 82 to 20, with pencil:
Isle. 8. with pen he thinks; 5 and 0,
• with pen; 28 to Ifis with pencil; 17 and
14, with pen, he thinks; 10,1(331 15, with
' pencil; 13 to 7 with pen, and No, 4 with
• nell.1
• Q., --,Now we will take aeries 4. just
• turn them over and see the way the
initials are made and whethet thee
are in pencil or peri. They me mini -
Weed frotn 4-1 to 4-30? A. -No. 1, that
krotilittitil With pencil.
pliteh ballot from No. I to 30 of thie
•:iteties was delayed to have lion in-
• itialed with Pencil. Then the evidence
power% ij
each and evety one of
these initials C." -on the back of
ballotti I have no* shown you of
• 8 Plea 4 is to youe handwriting A. -
es, sir.
Q. -And oreourse, placed by you MI
thebitek of these ballots by yourself P
A r
thirti ballots I have just. bi!""I're MaIked blar4aa• The'46
14)? °auto'. • ' '
The same onswer was givento the
remliteing-ballete from No, 13 to Id
Q. -Now these are 14 ot the ballots
that yen have sworn went endorsed by
vou with your Mitialsr in ink ? A. -
Q. -Then iron: 1 to 14 inclusive of
series 301' Holmes' ballots the line to
the right of natures' •apace is straight
and defitiite arid not jagged ? 4. -
Q. -Now, sir. I ask you to take the
remaining $4 ballots and see if you can
find °none brit it; jagged in varieus
places. Now, sir., wt take this, that 18
jagged, is it not P A. -Yes. •
[witness ex/milled °itch one shown
him, and prononnced them lugged,"
and then Mr. Powell asked :1
Q. -Then every ballot there is de-
posited for Mr. Hitilmes, with the ex-
ception of therm 14 that tire matked in
ink, are lagged so far as the line to the
right of the name "Holmes" Is con-
cerned. Is that true? A.-Yett
Q. -And tete, 14, are not ragged or
jagged, but the Rue is clear, definite,
sttaight, and distinct A„ -Yes, so
far as could judge.
Q. -Now we come to the balance of
the stabs that you have; Just telt me,
that is ragged, is it ?
Q.. -These are the unused ballots.
Anti that One? A.4 -Yes.
[And so on thrc.ugh 20 ballots, and
then the evidence proceeds
Q.—Now there is mat an unused ballot
gam puttingthis'question to you, Mr,
ommIngs) but. bits also the edge to
the right of flohnets ragged
not that can see.
(1. -Not one.P Ntow we Will take the'
bellots thet are imarked forlitr. Pico
Lean. we will take MeLena's ballots
shrove ou :ire all tor McLean are ixeleesthirtY, thigz r.agged.,i9
•they 110 1? A.-1 did not look" 31( 1(1,81,
, look ; Please. ,series 4, 1 to
itielueive. Yeti liav:e leaked .ovei,
jmni 7 A. --I trove. I find them all
140..ibt.146.Lesp, ,
• .-knese 80 all for McLean P.
:dido't count thein, but .1 suppoite tato
111 11.
• ...And nett ;..3allot in that 101
!:•t:fiat. you will swear • Was endorsed
:With ink chy!rni: 'endorsed mitt!). your
wottiode , might be ponable,
Ctl1100t, 1011 you, .
net asking you ',Whether it
tape-Ski:We or net. X say is there on
theitortelt! at it stogie on ',Of these:30'
(the sanie answer Was given aa tont!
:these ballots. ' ard f then Mr.. Powell
asked ,L:j:
...Q.-Nory then. eV ery ballot that is
returrted as a iyiefA•an ballot. tivery
one Of the thirty Watt the line to the
right of Holmes' !apace tagged (8061broke,O, hasn't it ? 1A. -Yee. • '`
, .Q—Then alt', of, 41.I the votes, 01 31.11
thieballote that 'Oa get, the only ones
In tvhich the lino Is umbroken and
clear and distineit are those fourteeti
that are endorsed by yeti an ink?A.-
Yes, as far as I ea.h see. .
Q.--aoee riot i that strike you ae.
..ballute au orelo.tsefrneat o yoUt initials
4 --.., ti
Wither it peculiar thing ?
--,10 1,-.40, Ate py,s•potot taiowek .0,10 vies on *Weal?te d to by Mt. ltussell.
tannin litki A. --I 'dirt not See tholm. . BY MA. ,POwin.t. i
***Med thein When vontati0eritire Q.-Ilhink 1 have a eight to RA
init to Me ABU li tht*l 'ttr011io AO $01, him tiiiit : Sir, tioetin't It strike you ea
Oltdin ,t•lieret woe 8013ie..1 Wnlild*M.: **genitor 41kinv that of '41 the tildlete
trearVitl'etrof in ink.t'' ••• • ,• In Atte box Orb only onee different
. .....YoliSalle titiViiiitlVterii4tlito iltieir,l 'freirt_the other* shott.d 'be rerieked;tor
•It.oWear! O ontiorstid with:ink 4 • A.-.• that at* endo led by You in Ink?
,:41r; Iit.,Z110GS 0'00)416.one llintyoti. Hi?. Holtuett im ' should, lie at tile few
ii t:
4, lit,i`kitibinkrit, thein. . ' - Aii-4 coquet erten:Mt for it
• • •414.13,19kthatillefftlierit to .,•VOIt f • A- Q.*Yriti tai• t'iot abeetiny for title?
llets.'•'4 • !weal:Wit:ave., e. looa at the, 1,4104,,, : on.: yone "oath`, Can't Yon'
(1(11. Hot thelVete the Salle A.' -No, . ••, '.,•• • • vt ,
itietheterei.•teatilfflei •.. ........«,u.. .•- : • .!; ttt4ount foritf‘ iti.„--Neo A.14
•liaVertilieWedi'Vltivitildi ett.th(eiril,lithe *tent 011 i tol, t eais.41AUrtetlet Altilltitil•
, 11
tkie..hio,ti.or othich,von, footed. Vitt ;row. Nett, aloe lir..!'' tnatntainfet:' Wilt',
V.:,.14ttnillilli30..1.Will'felleatith' ..". 1.,-..a4olfrc!. X i:VO li. ettaldot, Nat '" ptiOnf
i , Agete, of tuese'50,,Ottilotsthat to another,1thant '..1 Will liiet:tell lout
".swear the t. in ,!the lieee nr,4ItiOle", 'yoit -Pleas 1... ,.• haik `:-. it'. therie..401 ',.1:,,.. place
'llottlient are., ,.trnyOt!.thetleinitoals' them otit,befOre 400. , ISetita'4,1!Ilktt, '
In• inisl ,,Ai.., --f- dit:. not -knoW,..• •:Whether: 'Cummings qui* ;late' ' thiniiA0*00 !
A . •bttitiN looked '2. 4W' t1etie...,..40fatiletio' there, Now, X tittlytline nttentlen, '0 '
• hautlett'''•0-106 :titillIrknrieliy.trneefid. lite,* ,. ',The,* ere,Hr...1101inte?".,nalltits, .
••• no*, lit:,,It.•plieltegeo.liOW.: nen f SOYil 'f Witake6aottie` •ot :.itlist:Halinee bel,t,
• *Al lank Main.. .,' 311' tlid, nob lool,tat 4.1re let* 'eerie* A atiotti..X*111 take; theta :
kikems,--,) ..-.. -• •:-.'••••• ..• ``-: ., :. ,,. '' ': • . •• ' at'flinfitildi.:0414 Idnet. 0016 rAt't.41".
• Hole the lefinese- eitainitiett the het; thorn'. .,_. Now, Alin., 1have tr‘kisti: .6h010lote '
0, atooldr& Powell. (183(031:3. at r(ttidonw• Titerfit'alinitlitlitrtatittern
-Yon iall,f, thee:04' NOW. en-, It call your attention
eti,ett.'''.' ..- .•••• . --,,,,' ,....,, .• , , ,' . , to,thte.;, 3)01'06 rsta see that-the:wore
Now ' 1-•• will -repeat the'question 'different ,.•nithert,o4,, tbat the . -fourteen
X#' there s'estrigle ballot attiring nal.1064 ,IS•iii •tif .iilltff Went paper.entireir
so•,biotig*.,,,16,**130ttt Of '10?litell front tlisfeithertit,•',,NO4•••
W,Oltq ...•..,r4o,
It oWeer yont 1n
11! it ink?, 3,:iik4ZOit. thetark. •:T11* vrittietl,A01111
ri.' t, • ' ' • • . ' ' ''' . t SrtitheY.4te' Thes.iisinfettrIndgnien4',.
-4,`Itrie ie, tint-onti in ronect of' Of eirtittat,?, ' A,..,...)talk
oat Wiii sWeer: Ant initialeare : 'f.I.Att! :Youpittre4it:iiiro,Iiitettiela '.
A.....-Xellti. ' ' ,.,,.... ",,.4.‘;‘, r, ,..,• . .taintait.f.that: 1' iiiii,t1)41,1 : -.1',00,.)14401i,
&11: those- Indlate tsets`oanarkie tiOnt•toSike Ming nal " ' ?,liaitilt, that
1 iistitriTis°tti:011ietii tit', i•e'titxtit'-' 1,,,..o' i :r°' ' h*.*:It • gt, .:4 • :'' ..rills!'eutgrit;4':. °It'
the **Manta aro fff lirk et fregt_‘•, title 'rot, !ot tet-Itom Atoll:sited
myou III **eat, assf. Ini - *Jr& ateLtitui .' te ' . A
*VAS/ ! .ttitinitaltelleti .0.4.
,nit„ laiitill, k,,, hi.4i
. A,
at '11. net t T a ' th ttt6 ,
Itharto .
s .
for it, $1.25
e•IS , .
ways ris
0# part
of the regular
income, slid
weep op. top of
that it odds nu,
ressonahly la
the expense 9
11 almost too great
for any AM-
U l494et4te dlre
eel to eteltitek
Ilut there 're g Way
to ivc*d gAgAt of timid ,
, porta** * pviteT ,11*4 ot the
.) eat' 414* Ink*. a108031*108031*0.41.
''VecierivIaltarOnr* kicki'atie Bela 1'.
here foie is Ate newt *tem yean gee rem
.4.We luete doctor twee le six family silky that
:thus ...thanks to Dr. Same* vq.mas 981,1133Moos= A.dideer sad kit sztediebsee„Tlinr hook
:Revel dostOreTlegiv, pelmet kistorliboat
,the Z ben ative geraliebat mover
for ariothar
"kat? tams, airzed onieceet iterates
lady; etira. Ionia
rrtt,,i4.4„0„, ,,,,g75„„c!.44111M 741,17;
kit4:4 tbitarget**Ifen iiireOgnaTeversuct
° with ner Woe sod coat advicesso trit.Nierce'e
: Mg& YTeirit!trigt4nr4VcrliZT.lot4rgolY `11-1
• vfm. nilek OMNI:err person who te ,,ickin
VAitirole *t.Poirgtersfrigv,t4Mgi
skeet:4**,1m wrier doctoee Sertices will bc
• TheVeit. tleattettnd-page. Medical
viserfivill be sent free papeebound for
at one -Cent *tamp to pay the rest of
custaino and Meiling OhirLer 10 dab,
binding so shunts, adareieV.
:Pierce, M.hurreo, N. Y. Ire will
-.fend professional advice (10 a- plain
sealed envelope) free of ebarge, All
, letters are considered in sacred piney,
and 'never published except by the
writers orminfion.
-a black mark totiching the side of
the disc near the boater), of the disc OD
Holmes' ballot that Oen not cross the
white disc ? A., -Ort the dise
Q. -No. I say. it does not cross the
disc. A. -Yee.
Q. -Now we ,vill go ()rev them.
!The 14 ballots were gone over, and
then the evidence nrocirede
4—'Then op each one of these 14 bal-
lots of series 3, ruirobered from 1 to 14
inclusivei you can detect a mark, a line
rather, neer the bottom of the else op-
postte Ilolmes' name, extending on
each side orthe dIse, hut not running
through it, that is correct, is it not ?
A. -Yeti.
Q. -Non, 1 would ask you if you can
see the same mark on any of these
others ? A. -No.
Q., -Now another thing I show you;
would you look at 3,6 before the light,
look through (he discs, don't you see a
faint series of lines running across the
dieo In that one and none In the other?
lines in both.
Q. -You see lines in both, you think?
Well. WO will put It this way, if voti do
are they riot much more distinct in
thie ene thee that 7 'A. -res.
Q, ---+Non, we will take another QM is
bob the same Alt In re -
hi Y&tr
toot. 25c. to end Of yew* c,')
)4,Ilieroa Worse Powders for reof1eei-
r14ISIFABtl peeriebe
• The newte tiers at ',resells hot bee
lanky A4ts1 CAlutaTer.V Petkrieltrtn.
'ijsWIsivl4 dissipate themselves iq
the. stomach rausint trs expected to
have !much ett-Tt tiPOGI the intestines. ;
and to overcome costiveness, the
410i -eine ektitninletered mint Influence
the oction of t cee ravels. Parmelee's
•vegetitde rill are len Made, blinder Iltis
superon ot experts, *hot the sun..
stence theirt intended to optiate on
e Intestines e retarded in artion
motil they pass through_ the stcrnocli
to the botveI3, °
•„..Poter Coles bare anti tootenta, 411
(104firidi tOwnellip were deetrovea by
line last Week.. Wbeflarliee broke, out
shout 11000 90 Thersartv. but thecause
Is a mystily.
• Weil People do riot woriy1 Take
Stiller'seorripound Irop. pips anti -he
, pritose.A fP1) 14;141,0r.
--Qiineota.reffiof texatiori Is BkOrtiliir
U word thto 1 be' '
1111?/iIMPOragialt $41e-,^T.f19 _Fla
is the most 'popular of all.fornut of
niediehre, andOt mils the mast popular
are Parritelecialocgetable Pills,. Wangs '
they do what it is Asserted they condo,
orai are riot put forward On any tictl I
*foliar clainia 0 excellena
ce, They re• .
compact and portable, they ore easilyi
taken, they do not naeaeate nor gripe, ,
and they give relief in the alipab $0,111).
born cases.
As the result of an accident and the
upsetting of hie buggy. Dr. Oturdielet.
of Wingham, has been 4/Illiged 1.1E10
• however -to report Ghat
cape and el uteh. THE szut 1130tileai•
njuries are not so serious as to Jay colbsineiti Old Stand,
him aide from duty.
Arriving tiaity
lwa s
the right pn at
e .d
alisaye bey
wliAir SHAM
so, t."0 omosstott • %••
4 140 Ilwrikey trtrrooli:2,
Isfddr Isnet **oohs OW
The 144 dittor, 400l•
n4rophieff toatte, tree
'Wel Wage 10 Al,
g*i****010.******000144,11000114440*'It*****1140eil0 •
geslity the hest Att the lOtteit nossibl* prini'avary Oar in
Ilm week antl.every day in $40„.tooettr, Nire Ana 141.4 1s:40x
4.441# wipnor atni10.004 Lo. shoir to it, ,
A few putelliteee willconvince ynuppt rot *toe *atitt,#x b not
J.. 11;:..PF;1)DE
New life fur a /matter. Arl11e.01
COMPOUT* Iron Pills,
'The Western' -Fair, Lond.on
The Star Calendar SEfTPV1,11ER VII to 16Th, 1899. -
Entries close eeetemest suo, 401004101r receipt 016017.
• Kothibite win u
be nsurpaemed, attrietions • tfer than ever, ilOppodronte, chariot 'Hares,
(Ann:pion *word geontesta. Jape, ramous lady Ridere, World Benowned (0=484
nod Aerial Artists galore. Virevrarks men evening, "The British and Amorteees in monist,'
and all ring and platform attrautione.
Boodle' extension trains will leave 1.ondon each evening after me fireworks. Groot* IOU
be beaUtifully,illumbutted.
Send tor Mr Prize Lists and Programme°.
President. Secretary.
• .
• •
• .
• .
• •
• •
• •
(Pertinent Points, of Interest
'To Business and Professional Men,
cao.d.p pririzziingvan:,Itotengzsryiyly otrigphx-Ifnedg:
Good printing is like good palating—It de.
rcods and obtains a second glance. The second
ante leads to thought about and knowledge of
thing -portrayed, and then on to the arnst or
riTaIrstVgie°;:flotiordpnevilt,?Aza, ;,tvcion7i
want. Dat when you ta waril 8010Vthinglhat Is
neat. dean, Bola op-ta-date, printed on good
paper, with flue ittk, from tyee that is new, eta
of -the vety latest face set In on artistie
spent of 841, the Neer lers different. intelligent manner -in Short, when you want*,
paper from the ordinary ?' A.- strictly fieseelass job just jingle oar ielePhone.
Yee, ' rue. 7r, or drop in at Tr!z?ran. office, West at.,
d Make your wants kno
' sir different from the ordin-
ary ballot
Q. --Now I will 00 your attention The Star Printers.
to AO. Is004that, adifferent paper too?
4,—Yes, that is a darker impel.
Q...;-.-Noty, here 19843; 19 not that dif-
ferent front the ordinary ballot, is it
Dot a different paper ? A. -Yes.
Q.-Nt w we will torte up 8-11, is not For seventeen years I have been doing ba
the same true of this, and this has lines
across ? A -No, not so visible as the nese with the farmers of the county of Huta
other. and am this year prepared to buy moro 5003
Q. -You conaider them different apples than ever, for which the highest mark
aers P A. -Yes. price will bo paid. I have anthorizod agents
Y. -Now I will call your attention to all points in Huron, and it will be to thee
3-0, is not 89 also different ? A. -That vantage of owners of orchards to °Ascertain
may be darker. bow well I can do for them In any event 49
Q.. -You consider, it in your judg. net (Banos° of your *apples before seeing me
men ;, a different paper? A. -es. one of my representatives. .
Q. -In your judgment they are dif- D. CANTELON,
ferent papers? A. -Not all the same
quality_exactly. •
Q. -Now I bike 3-4: now Is not the
genie thing true of of 84. that is differ-
ent flour the ordinary one rn your
judgment? A. -Yes, that appears to
he darker.
Q., --And appears to be it different
paper ? A. -Well, 1 suppose it signifies
Q. -Now we wifl take 3-8; is that not
true of 38 also ? A. -There is not.
Mach difference, on that.
Q -Look down here ? A.-4 could
not distinguish very much.
Q.—But still there is a difference ? Tivin Gang LrlOiNS
Q. -And in your judgment ? A. -It
arn asking you for your jiidg- aild Sieole
ht have been.
leisnot youj
r udgment that the
ballot in ft fifirermit paper A, --Well,
cartaltilv, that is the darker of the two,
whether en account of the paper or
the inkI could hot tell you.
Q -Now don't you consider they are
ft different paper P A. -Yes,
Q. --Now we will take No, 3-2 ? A. -
That is about the Rattle nallio other
one; this is the darker of the two,
Q. --The darkest body Inside'? A. -
'Q. -And You think tbe paper is 40 -
?trout P A. -The ink is.
a1ilM6 the' paper f Ar -I
coillil net telt nibtait the paper. '
• Q--41,/liat le yottr. inditmens A.--'
r cotildsitit telt - •
What do you think A.—
Thet appears to llethe thickest
Q..7 -Arid the same thing is tree of 8,8,
le it not feel the intim% you etiritaider
that 11. different nano, thictot. and
h vier? ,
Q.4ISTOW yenet'insider the Milne
thhafrTs'ot04.2:? .
.9.-- of 8444 net 4 Peet it.
lt...41e I; 11•loaktrill4 ft.
Q this .0432
(Tn' Oentlinted.)
eilITCH,E1L 7011D,
Apples Wanted.
The Star Guarantees (rood work
The Goderich Star gives Qual-
ity. Quantity, Circulation.
Important to Advertisers
.All‘hartires ef advertisements for the cur-
rent 1683)0 00 Tee Bruin -mat irt the bands of
the,printeenot litter Glum, Tossear NOON of
conk Week.. Advertisers , please govern
themselves accordingly.
Tho figures for all contract adVertising in-
clude Melva changes& Yeat Kveryadditional
change will be charged for extra. the actual
cost orromposition, from loc. to 75o.
All accounts are rendered niad collected
nol M. 6. Ni6hOIS011
4. Sells the beet . . .
INCSIGD W. fisher,
Ono of the 'greatest events or the
alltilDIDSSIO4li IS thtr:AllablinCeri en.
largement of that WOO, IttCat lieWaR
poosr; ate ratollY BerakI4id Weekly
Star, of ...Montreal, The enlorAeinons
*eke* 1.10FnrniIvtreld a Veber
Peroieville Plow Co.
The WoodstoCk Wind motor Go.
In Wind Mills; 'Pumps and
Pump Fittings, the best in
the. market.'
60aloht WagonGo., of Markham,
Doll at toy Vi;:iirereetne, thtrnulton
istreet, and Bee samples of *311 11008 of
Implements., ,
WesleyW. Fisher
:Found 450:iity
%ti Otitik:ntlititik* paget titektireek, ri b a. t ,t • a
eY :the osiv e • Verl
‘. e re ttrne against
The Week Star HALL „Alto ,by the people of
'•toolioptr)taitylol5f.:layetYpitto befnre :'0ottetisitfor selling TO BEST
ltr.litti'.•01teni*ttna'ilArtilklnkt-ithPitiliREAD 'TOWN fOr
end bounds.!'Ittoirettlatieltt. without
e ,
tletthe inestniarvitilOtte& and 08 fat, ae 2• Innvo tor 90 •
we can see. 'eVert one .attytt It doerVes!
• •,)itii()1;2 4000., 1414 $140.
14' '••4 •••.-
• Pt4EtilAP'L •OsItsittutt 41Wqg 011 hatitt
ThOnet 440tOlittODS:VZOVIITIR‘ or old ' .
loofa, which,atoxosit tut prefixes to all -• 'Bo -041* tOV '04811, 'ONLY, '01‘;
ot *alined SareOarillaadvettiting•Itt Itho a' at his attire on corner o
thauoailds nI Patierit thronghonb the ,Kuratiptdod, NO delivery made,
county.Are eirldenee bf it neve atel;''
Oristinial(istfIC Of tlieblAY. Jertitifig
hefts pleasing •ItkitlefftsctIv0. Thallood
nein ts to be-tangrattilateff 00 5*0
eleveriv •adtustliik tomb Wledeth a hsa!
filbanatdown through corituries. Art.
other Ohartn hag thing *hot* it nowt
ad thitlatoR tether nolo* op* they are
la tOrdeltecti the illehen
has appal* the ROAN 1¼ththatuatie, letely,porleh t
60 eittoesd. the Rev,
tent In t.bo,Peritih Of St,
and Winghans.
e- 001110*Altide Bread Mad.*
011S6 61eaolo I
18 ,415.
,Tha it the tieletet ot changee
itrtd,:L'OBEEN*8 aliG.4.111'.1100alt
Is *tit ptittianie lo Oatatkr •-to year
wants, " 1%0 Will b. selizethi*
in the Pernititte orItittnislinif tint
WW1 WOO People, rooks; vie it'totty
13. that yint Asa, want to sxab*ing.
SoE*Ibfug. it ed OA. right 'i.
tea Bargain Where
hi 444 otii As out •to in or line
ad at pno.i*uott lower lbw**.
•rant and
stroll(' Bakers
Also the Choicest Pastry and
Family Flour,
The hest cereals, such as Rolled Oats,
Rolled Wheat, Whole Wheat,
Flour and Farina.
There are no Cigars'
in the market
equal in quality to
Tudett's Cigars
Your dealer pays a
compliment to your
good taste when
he offers 3 ou one.
There is no Experimenting
With the
4lindan a Howard Furnaces
made vI'veR
ile ' 0
v itativ
iI ragstee,vitesmnm:Harana moe*. t
111811111, 1:413(11817
?.vtz4111r:.nIgr.. .. r..it, ,
Odour titvo5I1.alitr,Slookot. PtIosingebkis
Btz or wo00s .
getillftft gisarentse tonere or
ekenteli refuOtted.......ellIT eV Br IstrIverroa, but
itainartiliZa ?MU U'., 1( 30118 druggist bar not
stritee ' II regAcrtit.......... Apo.
Sold in Clodorloh by James Wileou. druggist
le not Ow result of "kithienire" or “rull,". it le
414 108011 of right preparation,
Central Business College
fet stat 410130ng• good tittnittionK TheY
Witeitocci hotirtise they erg. 'properly nitrated.
writs for OM* neW OntalOgne.4.4 the finest
ote; ecdiesie cottage° in Vanada and Dep
resonta TES 11881' SuDOOL.
61011016 1,1vora, and • .Repair
We ate, utiret tho.evet•Ptelisted for ibb
stionihrif 1.8119,
Wheile brunt 'day or htirirat reasonable
ratteih. • Net Videbt itelitioltid*Ith eare and
,Iteliatois new end stoond4331n4-Wheals
for **wet the lowest living propos, • , , .
and Itepairing ,of
-detioriptiont promptly and totobitof0.0.
141.11*11;,.4N to'14
Short '
• and Cr.an Roll..
uttiott pies t‘yia'Lady
' .,Britti4,80404 et*.
Olty I spade. . •
Ottnt,'4on lrods 110 trade in
8VVOD1Nt .0
in tine* atoontiti.::406
end alatOnd *slag. 'Gres!hho au
will b. sisur'4
As they are gas Ind dust tight and
will remein
..nee° in the market. No leaky
joints or places to clog up with.
soot in a few years. For sale by-
so. • The most econ-
omical and implied managed Fin. -
• 4B901114••
. .
• •
Perham one Tenet Artistes *kr
TWO. rtkolerrily Wain ottellir airAt een-t.4))1"jul
eliteiL WOW. tit* PlantirittiOnti igg
14:13411.' 4:44 Y.
=,49.007 knfireektiO porpoggg; Ns
Ws c'• GOO bge.
MST, .-
, Posy:Option work** oil honite.
I H.
to buY Your DRY GOODS
, • Fail And Winter Goods.
Zott will find urNRW,STOOK made up entirely of GOODS that are
WO whdi evetIone 10 know that we are giving GREAT BARGAINS in
the best lines etgoods we ever sold.
You areoordiallyinvited to make us an early call.
Our PRIOES are the LOWEST for strictly first-class goods.
Higli Grade in all Departments.
True Malt in every article.
• Highest Quality everywhere.
owng and see our goods, and let us convince yon, as we surely MIA that
you will SAVE MONEY every time you trade with Its.
Housekeepers Gail Save Money
By plaiting their orders for Sugar, Spices, Preserving and Pickling
Jars and all kinds of Fruit with us. We understand your wants, and
can fill any sized order at once.
Let Us Give You a Sample Tea.
If you are particular in your choice of this beverage.
Butter and Eggs.....ahvao good and erege.
T. G-.. TIM -11.111\T G-,
The Square, Goderich
Hotel Bedford Elooir.,
•••• •••,
-FOR- --
Weak & Impure Blood 4 t
Liver & Kidney Diseases
Female Complaints, &c. 0
That Touches the Spot 0
AeltDruggist, or ivritti direct to J. MiteLEOD,,Goderieb, Ont.
.. ...... ......... .....
........ ••••••,,
'Residence and Lanoratorr-Nesvgate Street, the Old Stand, In rear of Knox Church.
here's Your Chance.
L l?!Og1• D1hvean1116Ga:6011118-•6011Elt Sale.
In, order to make room for new fall and Xmas Goods, soon to arrive,
° we ban:decided to give
25 per cent. discount off all goods
• now in stock, viz:
In brightening your licaise,
just as well as a kirofessiond
n painter. There Is no trick
ahOtit it if you get the right
Make paint stfited to every
purpose, and we tan tell you
what special paint ithett
ed to your purpose. There
is the toptioatdi or.sittives
• that you have wanted to
gives a thaglit listingttitrate.
It gives an oil finials.that
can he washed.
There are twenty -0A colors,.
all good. ThetrilOrS are,an
the can ad that Yen can easily
• $et,ce 31ie desired shade. ,
in lOc
VVe •
e and
afore Is too full IrOW, end we musl make More realm.
SdIC ior 80 italls • milll-!-Torms Gash.
By buying noW yen may lint; 50 per cent,, senearly all goods have ad-
vanced 26 pefteitt. since present goods were put in stock, Remember all
goode26 pet tent. off, m
, except worir made to order.
. tett Street, nest the Town Ran.
Beason -
• two& 60 Mitia the, fait OM tionsiettaipetittopiira
wia otbor netalatisries. We, hate thena,tiot,0040',001 pri408,
• ,
Thu. le Aledgeetters for patita,:,44voitkzi • ouoatitiss,
0etkttoui# treattnint sna-pronapt 4sin ,tialitoty:to WI puss of ills town.
Wrest Kato
tXt, Wit GROOM
a. Oonart1011,
tbsow �1�b1iea,,Inc Plame 10440*(14):1* *tient& Pt ti
Ott $toy...pAi; .
offiurgal.T..10.,' holyIt tiIbI ' tottrisnteee,
tio Oh 11 di*udi.** the it
stre 44. See',
sattet saa