HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-09-08, Page 1iStar stands n its r a Newspaper, and guarantees
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usiness Men and
WHQ4474 Zie. its
17QTIOV ADIrMainalS.
aaVert1S1Pg on We
vittirst page of Thu. Star .naust
be free trona etite arid W111 be
Cbarged for at 20 Cente an
inch. running meaeUre. eaCh
and. every insertion-
Q14.11V.A.ST GIRL WANTED-Aopiv to Bilts.
J. Wo-esatt, nese Organ factory.
WANTED inunedlately.a. girl to take eareof
baby either for whole day or part ot
each dny. Euquiee-Mrs. J. N. MUltRAY-
Bedtord Hotel.
-ELP WANTED.- "Young or middleaged
man mauled for fall fann work. APPly
en he premises. Maitland concession, Gode•
rich toiveship, or addrese. TI10.3. GINN, Bea-
. rattler P. 0. 1715-2t
WAN rED-A.bo t let of November, for tiv e
or eix months. a Furnished House. Ap-
ply to MRS. ATTRILL 1711
Notice is hereby given that bathing will not
be allowed on the Islands of the river flute, nor
shooting. nor trespassing on auy other part of
the property.
" Ridgewood."
Juno 14, 1899.
Public Notice.
- — -
dere (separate) will be received by the
undersigned up to Saturday. Sept. 16tb, at 6
o'clock p. tn. for the Booth Pririleges at the G.
N. W. Exhibition, seta. 26 to 28. as followa:
for the Dining Hall. vvith Kitehen attache
for three eeparate Boothe on the grouuds. o
tender neceeaarily accepted. Further partieu•
tars given on applioatiou.
By order of the Board.
Grelerloli, Sept. 2, 1899. Seeretary.
I will be ready to take all oull and Windfall
applea that you may have at my evaporator,
Goderloh, commencing on Monday, August
28111 and forward. The very highest prices
paid and cash for every load or bag that you
ea/0ring. eo don't sell elsewheie before seeing
me or my agent.
1711-tf D. F'. FIA.MLINK.
erotica m heAtiven in pursuance of the
Statutes in I./let 57:17,_"eelutt. Dig Creditors and
others havine claims agE117ataen ceartim of the
above tamed William waiter, who died on or
about the thirty that day of July, 18e9, at the
Town of Goilerieh, in tho County of Boron,
are reqUIred oa or before the 2nd day of
October. 1899. to send by poet prepaid, or de-
liver to E. N. Lewis. of the togn of Goderh
In the said County of Hurel, Sodcitor for
Louisa Helen Walter, of the said Town of
Leek:rich, the Executrix of the Estate 01' the
said William Walter. full particulare of their
claims, duly verifled. and of the security tif
any) held by them. .Ahd that the said Execu-
trix will, on or after the said 2nd day of Gino
ber, 1899, proceed to distribute the estate of the
deceased among the parties entitled there-
to, having regard only to the claims of which
shoshall ihon have notice as aforesaid, aud will
not be liable for Hoch assets or any part !Moe -
of to any person or pereotie of whose claims sho
then not. have received notice.
Dated at (loderieli this 16th day ot August,
E. N.1,1444118.
Solicitor for the above named Execnt rix.
Take Notice that the Municipal Council of
the corporation of tho Town of Goderich in-
tends to lay granolithic walks on the south
side of East street and on the •outn side of
Hamilton street, to cOnentitiee on East street
at a point 25 feet, east of west lino of lot 28 and
extend to tbe oast line of lot 39, and shall be of
the width of eight feet.; also to commence on
Hamiltou street at the corner of Newgate
street, and extending north•east 10o feet, and
shall be of the width of eleven feet, and to
assess the final cost thereof upon the property
abutting thereon and to be benelitted thereby;
and that a statement showing the lanes liable
to pay the eald assessment, and the nantea of
tlie owners thereof so far as they ran be ascer-
tained by tits last revised assessment roll, ts
now tiled -in the office of the clerk of the mind.
cipailty and is open for inspection during
Mike hours.
The estimated cost of thoWork le $973.10, of
which 9243.27 is to he proVirted out of the goo-
tral funds of the municipality.
A Court of Revision will bo bold on Thure-
day. September lith next, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
nt the Town Hall, for the purpose of hearing
complaints against the proposed assessment
and accuracy of the frontage measurement, or
any outer complaint which persons interested
may desire to make which Is by law cogniz.
able by the court.
Ooderich, Ang.. 23, 1899. 1711.2t.
For Sale or To Let.
Fibc octave piano ease organ will be
sold at about half its value. It Is finely finished,
heavy mouldings, hand carved panels, and
double veneered no reasonable offer refused.
Apply at "Lakeview," Goderieh. • It
F OUSpE TO LET. wIth,etable, on Scree St.
f Anrouitti9.hePproVII:f.:;! Carriage or"'
RENT.-Cme of Mrs. carleton's new
1. Cottages on Fast street. -Apply to R. N.
',LEWIS, Solicitor.
clAtiM FOR SALIC.---A fine farm in town-
ship of East Wawanosh, not far fmtn
toderloh. being part of Lot 31In 7th concession,
consieting of 150 acres, with frame bowie and
barn. AO acres under cultivation, the balance
good grazing land, fronting on the River Mait•
land. A good diode's for a farmer with a little
capital, Nor terme find full particulars apply
Le N. Lewis, Barrister, soticitor, Notary,
_re. Proctor Maritime Court. office --corner
Hamilton and Newgate streets.
m [MCA INSTRUCTOR. -Mr. Frederick
BitG. Simpson, Organist Nortn.St. feetho-
Church, late of National Conservator3.
New Yet K. Will receive pupilii Momentary and
advanced) in Plano, Organ and Harmony.
Studio, one door west of Knox Church.
Piano, Organ, Theory, Sight Reading
and Ear Training. A specialty of the Virgil
Practice Clavier Method. The Vine!) Practice
Clavier at G. W. Thomson's music emporium
may be used by pupile. Also Kindergartin
Method for young children. stockers win
pursue tho Toronto Conservatory Course.
Terme on application at the residence, 867
Britannia Road.
Who haNe
Barley or
will profit if Choy 'bear in mind that the
rlorlerich ,aig Milt Elevator is prepared
to buy at the higheet market price and Readym
pay cash for One Million Bushels of ,Don't m
Drive direct to the Elevator or see
bnyer on the street before you sell.
We have the heel and MOO tromp
nnlosding facilitiee Goderich.
-Apples Wanted
The Safford Steam Evaporator
Is prepared to buy- soy quantity ot cull
d windfell apple*, for whicb cash wet be
paid. renners and others having epples cen-
wet do better than drive direct to the net*
or drop In and let es know what you have. •
. ______ 1
Be6k. Colflthorpo & Col
Autrust Seth, 1800. 171,5-tf
Tile Star shine fo
You in Quality* (Unlit*
MY* aretliatt011,W.40,
%TM ;Int t Mier
Punt XoptcA .1 wo Siva. HAPROVE.-4. Dronbey and TRH BYLAW V
StILIOEN DrsaTa-Liq Titesday tan -
gram was received announcing amends
den death of Jew eaverhill. wite ef
Alexander Hutchison. M. Ds. of Mop -
treaL General oympatb/ exPresiled
. Mutt on of which be
prober:my received away front nom%
for on Saturday the doctor was in God-
erlqls Din -deceaaed lady. who &ed.
from pultuooary tuberculoeis. and
leaves an. Infant eeven days old. was
bu 4e41 i 1W,
for our old townsman In is sadden be-
n ontreal on Thursday.
fse VOTERS' LIST FOR 1800 Th
y published voters' Hot sic-ows ethreacte78014-
/ persons are owners of property in the
I tt wn. The actual number Is eoniewhat
smaller, becausit a few persons are
dowu neve, than once, but 780 is the
number of votes that can be casit on
nioney bylaws accocding to the new
roll. Thete are 147 widows entitled to
Municipal votes, and 38 epinsters. a.
total of 185 wonuen, while the men
number 1007. The number of men
eligible as jurymen is 307.
is the season of the year when the
purchasing public is especially inter-
ested in the doings ot the tradesman.
The people want to know what novel-
tiee will characterize the opening of all
fail trade. This information can be
furnished most effectively and prompt-
ly through the agency of busilleciS
annouucements in such a widely read
newspaper ab THE STAR. The enter-
ising merchant will not. therefore,
fail to apprise the public by that means
of the aleindarit store of needed wares
which he may have on hand.
BUILDING NOTES. -Stlarnlan has
finished the brickwork on A. Munro's
cottage, St. Patrick street, -The Reids
have made a good start with the brick
Have leased the warehouse late-
ly occupied by Ittfr. S. Sloaoe and
are prepared to buy ell kinde of
Grain all the year couod.
Seed for sale at Warehouse.
Cooper & Wilson.
Dyelog and Cleaning
gji• anyone in Goderioh go out of trove to
have dieing or cleaning done when they can
get Me beet work and most Benefaction at
Curry's Dyeing and Cleaning Works. Weet-st..
eioderioh. Ladies and bientlemetes garmenet
dyed any color required, and all (dosses of
olothee cleaned in iiest-clase style. Every piece
of work turned out is guaranteed. Prices
moderate, and no delivery charges. Glove
cleanlog a specialty. JOHN CURRIE. Pro-
Fdil Fairs.
hid uatrial, Turonto . •August 28 to Sept. 9
Western, London Sept 7 to 16
Stapben and Vence na, Exeter ' 18 to 19
Huron central, Clinton " 19 to 20
Turuborry, Wingham " 19 to 20
RI 1 -• " 261027
Nonni WESTERN, Gonslucu. " 26 to%
Lucknow Oct. 3 to 4
North Perth, Stratford
Howick. Gorda " 3 to 4
" 7 to 8
Morrie. Blyth " 9 to 10
Kincardine, Kincardine
Dungannon. Dungaunon " 10 to 11
" 11 to 12
- - - -
Wheat rose and fell on the Chicago market
Molest week ou aocountof speculative buying,
but the Canadian and Old Country markets did
not sympathize with the fluctuatione It Is un-
fertunate that, at the sea•on of the year when
grain is most freely marketed, there should be
so much buying on paper; but while there is a
Chicago board it will be so. Under such mate
ditions our farmers should watch the European
markete and take them as a standard. A Col-
borne resident the other day said he expectel
to get dollar for his wheat if the Transvaal
trouble should end In a tight. Well. there may
be war, but the price of wheat may not be
raised thereby. for it should bo remembered
that the population of the South African Re-
public (slams than 200,00.1. a number that would
not affect trado In tho least. Wheat has not
varied price the past six day,' .00 the local
market. Oats are half a cent lower, and peas
have gone up three points. Cattle are pretty
non at quotations, and of sheep and iambs the
same may be said. Hogs have been moving
more freely eine° tho v,eather becatne cooler,
but as dealers report a large nutnber of these
animals ready for market, there is not likely to
be any great jump upward in peices at present.
Butter advanced a cent. egg. held ont Jost
week's rate, and pnultry is not in the market.
Tomatoes are worth fifty cents, plums have
sold at the name price, and potatoes aro offered
at last week's figure.
Apples have ruled high this season, buyers
having paid from 91.00 to $1.75, and most ot
the crop hoe passed front the growers* .hand s.
The few unsold orchards are held at a high
figure, $1.75 to t2 being Deiced. It is not likely
the higher flgureavill bo paid, but exception-
ally tine fruit will bring the flrst named suns.
(eomutoTED trl, TO NoON OP trItUasDAY.)
Fall wheat. Standard 80 66 to 66
Fall Wheat. (newt ..... . ..... 0 66 to 0 66
Spring Wheat , IStandard) 0 85 to 0 65
Flour, per 100 lbs., Patent_ 2 35 to 2 35
" 77 Family.-- 2 00 to 2 00
lean, per ton ...... .. 17 tea to 17 00
Shorts, per ton 18 00 to IR 00
Soreenings. per ton.. ..... „. 17 00 to 17 On
Oats, Old .. • • • • .. 25 to 25
Oats, new..
Harley. ti)
Peas, new
A4 to 64
35 to 40
Buckwheat. per hindiel 40 to 40
Hay, per ton ......... ...... 5 50 to " (0
Butter. per lb 15 to 16
Eggs tier dozen. „ • .. 11 to 12
Wood. per cord. 3 50 to 3 75
Cattle, export 4 00 to 1 25
Cattle. per lb, ordinary. n to 31
SLambe, each ......... „. ..... 2 .50 to 3 25
heep •:•• •• •-•-•• .. 4 00 to 6 00
Sheep, rat, per lb 3 to 3
Hoge live weight ..... 3 75 to 4 25
Hogs, dressed 5 50 5 60
Hama, per lb 10 to 13
Flagon, long clear „.. 9 to 10
Sheep Aides 07
rendered .... 3 to 4
Chickens per Teo!. 30 to 40
Ducks por pal 40 to 60
Turkeys, per lb 8 to 10
Oranges per dozen 20 to 40
Lemons "
30 to 40
Bananan " ....... . 20 t.o 30
Potatoes per bush. 45 to 50
Nene Advertisements.
Hows•rd Furnaces -J. Worsen. ....• 4
Hoosekeeperst -T. O. Tinting ... ....... 4
Tenders Wanted -Jaa. Mitchell ..... I
Organ For Salo -"Lakeview" 1
Servant Wanted -Mrs. J. H. Worse!) .... I
New Restaurant -J. Emigh.
Why Pay 1- P. T. Halle , ....... 8
Girl Wanted -Mrs. J. N. Murray 1
Business Notices.
Oysters arrived. and served in all stylee
tho Victoria Restfturant, West street,
Ice Cream and Fruit, Confectionery, dtc.
For some weeks now the log cabin quilt,
big squash and other wonders at the fall
fair will attract attention, but the wonder
and delight of those who see Brophaya
Photo Studio is always in Demme. You
cannot afford to miss this popular place
for photo work.
It is my intention this fall to olean ont
nay stook of Stoves, Lamps, Cutlery, Gran-
ite and Tinwnre. &o., &o., as I wish to re-
tire from buainess: and any goode got in
my name will re/infra an order from me.
All aticounte owing mo will have to be Set-
tled by the undersigned. G. N, DAM,
To TEE DRAF.-A rich lady onred of her
Deafness and No/ca. b. threilag..141). ro•
-Nioholeons Artificial Ear Drums, has sent
£1,000 to hie Institute, so that deaf people
enable to procure the Ear Drums may
have them free. Apply to Dept. A. S. V.
the Tostitote, 780 Eighth Avenue, New
York. U. S. A.
Special drives at tbe Hamilton Street
Bargain Store today, Satarday and on
Tuesday next,wben we will offer 25o. Dress
Goods for 10c. 18e. Oottotrade for 10c.
45o, Velveteen for 20o. 25o. wool Itordery
for 15o. 80. Dross Linings for 4o, 25o,
Teas for 20o, Mustard, Allspice, Pepper,
and all spices for 15o er lb
tatford 23 to 12 m the flrst
to o
ade Clothing at a big bargain.
his this chance. 3. W. DRoptiticK.
work on Odd fellowri' Hall. -The brick
work on Holland's stores was com-
pleted this week and the plastering is
being pushed ithead.-The bricklayers
have commenced on F. J. T. Natters
residence on Waterioc street. -The
evapotator at Saitford is finished and
in operation. -The plasterers are still
waiting for lath. -The framework of
Robt. Sharman's addition to his dwell-
ing on St. David street is ready to he
THE GUN Ceun---At the weekly shoot
ot the Goderich Gun Club last Friday
evening eight members answered the
roll call and fired ten shot;. The scores
made were not up to the standard, the
cause berme the sett ing of the sun when
the shoot wits half through. The fol.
lowing were the shooters and the scores
they made : MeIvor 7, A. Rougvie
6, N. D. Rougvie 5, C. Garrott, 4,
Ranson 4, J. Cattle 3, \V. Cattle 2, Red-
mond McDonald 2. The holiday shoot
of the Club took place on Labor Day,
the following being the members pre-
sent and t heir seeree : E. IL Watson
12, Ches. (Jarrow 10, C. Pennington 7,
N. D. Rougyie 6, W. Cattle 4, A Roug-
vie 4. Ed. Gar row 2, F. J. T. Naftel 5.
The last named fired but six shots,
The Education Depattment has been
obliged to refuse the applications of
nearly foue huudied students who
wished to attend the provincial Norm-
al Schools at Toronto and Ottawa this
year. There are already enough appli-
cations in to fill the Normal Schools
fora year to come. even after allowance
has been made for 100 etudents that
can acconimodetted at the new Lon-
don Normal ' School, which will be
opened in January next. Now, even if
only one -halt of these ,should pass
their examinations for professional
certificates, where in the world will
they get jobeP Of coiirse if they
pursue the miserable and decidedly
unprofessional policy of under bidding
those already in possession of situa-
tions, there are plenty of schoal boards
who would be only too glad of the
chance of getting services on their
own terms.
Circulation considered, Trot STAR Is the
cheapest and best advertising medium tho
county of Huron,
DIVISION COURT.-Tiler0 waa a
rather long list of causes at the session
of the Division Court on Friday, but
a number of thetn were either settled
out, of rourt,or adjourned till next court.
The principal case was a patent right
one, a vendor of the right to put up a
patent wire fence. having sued Messrs
Young and Tweedy for the tmount of
a note, 550, given for the right. The
trial was by tory, and the defendants
averred that, the signature to the uote
wae obtained hy fi-and, and that the
w,ords veto foe a patent. right." had
been written across it atter. it had
been signed. and co hear out the latter
contention defendants' counsel claimed
that it could be seen that the words
mentioned covered parts of the origin-
al writing in the body of the note. A
Mr. Cook. a witness for the plaintiff,
insisted that the seller was not nearly
so anxious to sell as Yining and
Tweedy were to buy, forgettill ot the
fact, that plaintiff gave the said Mr.
Cook $2 to introduce him to the
defendante. and drive over twenty
nrilem to find out where they were
working. At, the conclusion of the
evidence most of those in court con•
eluded that defendants would obtain a
verdict, but the jurv thought different-
ly and gave a verdict for plaintiff for
$3.5. It rs niost likely a new trial will
be applied for.
BowerNo.- 3ne of the hest played
games seen on the West street lawn
for some time took place on Saturday
afternoon. between rinks chosen by
Wm. Lane and Dr. Hunter respective-
ly. Shortie lifter. the game atarted Ed.
Garrow took the doctor's place and
skipped the game to a finial). 'The fol-
lowing were the rinks :-
W. Campbell R. McLean
A. Farrow Jas. Sheppard
J no. Wynn W. L. Eliot
Wm. Lane, eklp. 11 EdGarroweiklp,10
On Labor Day the following rinks
played an exciting gaine
E. ( etrimion F. .Tordan
F. Nene! W. Cam phel I
A. Farrow W. A. Al K
J11 -ft. Shepherd .A a 'lac
3no.Wynn.skip, 24 W. Lane, skip, 23.
Our bowlers who attended the tour-
nament at Welkerville butt Frith.), did
not bring home the tankard, though
the Logan rink won from Hamilton in
the pi eliminary, from Kincardine In
the first and from t he Toronto Granites
in the eecond. fn the third they lost
to the Toronto Victoria/a, and that
spoiled their chance of bringing home
the trophy. There was a secord rink
credited to Goderich, ekipped by I). C.
Strachen. hut it was not a picked rink,
and the players did not all belong to
Goderich. Apparently the rink Wag
made np to fill in, and the Alp did not
make a had 410W rattier etretimetancee.
In the consolation conteet Strichan's
Commit -In Goderleh on Tuesday evenintr, round and lost, to London 20 to 16 in
Reptember 5th, Annie hi. Davison. relict of t o the eeco
tete Judea Cooper 78 e nd Th Lo
• aVdt. GY argots "ehmurefeheeraoni 'Clinton in the third 'mind, the genre
ptake place from cora
sinned Gemmel%
Sqtontber 8tb, at it.SO °Snook P. za.,' ta being to 10. The Logan rink was
composed of Sheriff Reynolds. ID.
Iforentsott. -Eladdenly. of Pulmonitry Holmes, Jnn. Galt and R. W. Logan.
throinbcvls4 st 70 MoolC0rItreet Montremi and the Strachan rink of Mr. Ornate,.
e gen rink lost to
Manager.184DAti I d' frti:434111.1kbmtv *Ite ° VV. Reed, a Williams, and D. 0,
tinererTall Tisitnk lierfisraf tee e med
rrys ear
Soo are sparieg no effort or'expense to
ina.ke their undertaking establishment
op to the highest citv etanclards
of excellence and completeness.
Their rooms devoted to this brarich of
their husauess. recently eniarxed end
improved. now allow them to carry a
huge stock. so that no delar need ensile
for any order. and this week hir.
Brophey hi in Toronto sttending the
ef Embalifaere, vrho -are • tuild7.
big convention to dimmer the ini-
Ptovenietttakt -.id growth their
Bio Tnatiz.-On Monday itoberb Mc-
Lean shipped a double deck car of
lambs to Buffalo. in ail 103. The price
paid to farmers here runs up to
between $000 and $700; the freight was
$38.40, and the duty $122.25. These
figures give some idea of the extent of
Mr. McLean's dealings in one lour of
live !dock alone. Cattle. bogs, and
horses are also handled In large quanti-
ties by hint, and the yearly aggregate
of numbere and valoe foots up to pretty
big figures. May they still grow. to
the benefit of both the farmers and the
ScnooLs.-The Collegiate
Institute opened on Tuesday for the
Fail term with the following staff.
H. I. Strang, B. A... principal; A. J.
itioere. B.A., Miss Charles, B. A ; B.D.
Grant and Muss McLellan. The public
schools opened the sante dav with the
following teaching staff 1 Conti al
School. S. P. Halls, M. A. principal;
MSS Sharman, Miss Florence Ball, Miss
Minnie Campbell, Miss Franks, Mise
Helen Stewart. St. Patricks, Miss
Burritt. Miss Skelton, St. Andrews,
Miss Kate Watson, Miss Poisons. St.
Davide, Miss Wiogine, Mies McIver.
The attendance at the Collegiate and
public schools was very good.
A PASTOR ILL -The many former
parishioners and friends of Rev. Mr.
Edge, when he Wft9 a resident of
Goderich, will rend with regret the
following from the London Free Press
of Tuesday: "Rev, Joseph Edge, pastor
of the Wellington Streetealklethodist
Church, and President of the London
Conterence, was taken ell about two
weeks ago, but it was not till early
last week that hie' physicians realized
that he would be confined to his hed
for two, or probably three months.
His condition, though not eerious. is
one that has caused considerable
alarm amongst the inembete of the
congregation. and arrangements have
heen made for supplying the pulpit
dueing the next three months." A
note teceived bv THE STAR yestei day
afternoon said that the trouble was
pleurisy, but that Mr. Edge w as im-
proving so nicely that he hoped to be
able to resume his dirties very shortly.
Lefton. DAY.- -Monday, Labor Day,
was generally observed as a holiday'
consequently the early train was fairly
well filled with excursionists. A large
number of those leaving town took ad-
vantage of the excursion rate to the
Torouto Fair. A few took in the Labor
Day celebration in Stratford, and
others left on visits to different parts
of the Province. The day was fair,
oright ancl enjoyable. though rather
cool, and as there was no other attrac-
tion in town for morning or afternoon
beyond the Gun Club's shoot, there
wsre many picnics, considerable boat-
ing and angling both for bass and
perch. . There was a good attendance
at the shoot, and all present had an en-
jeyahle trine, and one fair tine lookirig
on said it reminded her of an old•faah•
ioned quilt, as it was a game of " hit
and miss." Reports of the picnics show
that those attending them bad a merry
outing, though the wind was a cold one
and the rowers and sailors had a faille
good time. The disciplies of Isaac
t'Valton did not leave a hole in either
lake or river on a.ccount of the number
of fish taken from the water. In the
eyenifig the garden party at " La
Vrangue," the pretty residence of the
Misses Naftel, ender the auspices of
the Y. P, 0. ot St.George's 'church, Wile
fairly Rell attended. The night was
rather cool for a lawn party, but the
young people made it warm by their
attention to the visitors. Ice cream
and hot coffee were dished up at the
same table. and both hot and cold sold
readily throughout the eyening. The
candy tables, though heavily laden
when the fled guests arrived, were
hare when the band played the finale,
and the fish pond was cleared out long
before the evening closed. The Marine
band played a very nice program on
the lawn and a coupie of tunes up
town. and. though not in frill strength,
it was one of the attractions. The
grounds were crowded with Chinese
lanterns. so placed as to make the scene
an exceedingly pretty one. The Y. P.
G. are to he congratulaten lel the suc-
cess of their Labor Day party, as it was
nice sum to the Guild's bank acetin .
not only a pleasurable one, but addelta
Brief Town Toblos.
Regular meeting of the Public School
Board next Monday evening.
The C. 0. C F. will meet in Horton's
Hall next Thursday evening.
Regular meeting of Mart lend Lodge
No. 33, A. F. and A. M., next. Tuesday
neve yoir made wine entries for
the Great North Western P If not do
.so once.
Morrow made a big shipment of
butter to Mantreal per the refrigerator
on Monday.
Buchanane and Morrow honght the
whole of t he lath brntight, front Thes•
salon by the echooner Katandin,
The London Fair commeneed yester-
dny. The excureion der; will he firee•
day, the 12th and Thureday, 14th.
Andrews Bees. and Co. nhipped a
car lond of stock to Tomnto on Wed •
neirday. and a car yesterday to the
same ritv.
The first shipment of boxier for
the evaporated apples wart made by
thicnanans and Ithynae to 'che Hayfield
faetory this week.
Lieut. Grant will now start to put.
the cadets through a colleen or drill
that will make the corps perfect. for
the Great North Western.
The Goderich knitting factory rem-
menced. qperetions ten lrourenny. ;Mei'
°losing a few (lave allow the em-
ployees to visit the Toronto Fair.
The ropirme raine the petet week
were exreedingly beneficial to the root
crown and the proirpects are that
mangolds and turnips will he a full
average Cron.
Arrangements were made by the
Bowling Club to play two rinks from
St r ttford yeeterdey afternoon. hut
they did not eome ofie as the Stratford-
itere did not put in an appearance.
It is said tnat a base hall team from
Goderich visited Clinton one day hurt
week and were downed hy the Clinton
team to the time of 214 toe. Who (aim-
poreil the team and wbo made the 0?
The G. T. R. has had a relit for a few
day*. as the elevators WPM eiMeel
empty this week; but the railway staff
rely the present week Ito far has been
the beet tor paiwenger teat*. for rears.
The town hand played *nice pro-
gramme on the Square, Tuesday even •
mg. hut the attendance was not ne
large an meal, the evening !vino root.
and the fact that the hand would play
not heing generally Known.
Today the property holders of
GoderIch will vote on the bylaw to
loan .$10,000 for twelve years to
the KenSington Furniture Co. A
Meeting held ta discuss the matter
on Wednesday evening, while not
liquely attended, was in the main
favorable to the loan, and we be-
lieve that if the matter is fully un-
derstood by the electors the bylaw
will carry. About the only question
in the matter is as to the security
the town will have, and as stated in
these columns last week, this con-
sists of a mortgage on the plant and
property here, supplemented by
Mr. Rumball's personal liability,
which, judged by his business stand-
ing in London, should be ample for
the amount of the loan. The re-
tention here and the development of
the business to its fullest possible
capacity would mean a large benefit
to the town.
EaCh voter will be given also a
chance to vote on a ballot asking,
"Are you in favor of the rown
Council submitting a bylaw for a
loan to the proposed glass works ?”
Here also the main question is,
what is the security ? The case is
so fully stated in the report of the
committee and the explanations in a
letter by the Citizens' committee,
published on our fifth page, that
further enlargment here is unneces-
sary. THE STAR believes in the
project and thinks the risk is not
too great for the town, if other safe;
guards which are available are
taken. The vote now asked is
merely an expression of opinion
which would guide the Council in
submitting a by-law, and is in no
way binding; but if favorable it
would prepare the way for all neCes,
sary legal Steps and the arranging
of details in such a manner as
would, while promoting and hasten-
ing the scheme, permit further steps
111 the interestS of tlle toW11. AS kve
iinde0;tand it, the passing of ,t bylaw
wotild he all the expense the town
would be put to until the company
was duly organized in Belgium, the
charter approved hy the Canadian
gOvernMent, and the question of
tariff prote‘tion to the industry set-
Linklater, of West.Huron,.
Ha,' No Means, Owes Money,
But Enjoys Life, Arid Is Still
In Hiding.
(Tercet° Stnr of Tuesday'
Linklater, the missing witness iro
the West Huron election case. is still
absent and the court has obligingly
adjourned until September 30 to see,
if he will turn up.
When the court opened at half -past
ten at Osimode this morning Mr -
Justice Osler and Mr, Just ice Rose
were on the bench, arid lefesers. W. D.
McPherson. Edmund Heists)! and E.
Dickenson were present for the
petitioner. Joeeph Berk. Mr. (iem•ge
AVatson, Q. 0., counsel for M r. (int -row,
did not appear until halt an hone Inter,
by which tone all the proceedings
were over.
Two affidavits were tiled by E. L.
Dickenson. solielt or for he pet it ioner.
The Hrst was by 'At. Robert. Tennant,
Litiklater's litnet lord in W ingharre
His afficlaent sta ted 1 hat. lie had receiv-
ed the July rerit, of the house front
Lin kiater's mother, hin. that he hail
not. yet receivod his August money.
However, Lin kiater's household goods'
were still in tale honse.
The eecond wee an afildevit by 7 lie
solicitor hiroself. Ile soya the
tenancy of the house occupied by
Linklater in Wingham is not yot ter-
minated. l'he household goods are
there yet., but Mrs. Linkletet tete gone
to Black Rock, New York.
He further states that Mr. Broad -
foots iertforth, met Link later in
Detroit, hitt could not, now give any
informatu in as to his whereabouts.
He had he ard n report, however, t hat,
Linklater had left Detroit for Buffalo.
Subsequently he learned that it man
named Oa rinther.; had met Link later
in Ruffesto and that Linklater wee
spending money very freely. Car-
ruthers *laid that, Linklater suited that
ne soon at; this petition was diepoeed of
he expect ed an office under the Ontario
Government- On Saturday last Mrs.
Linklater returned to Wineham, from
which ;dery etre hn.d been lament since
July 1. and reiiiimed possesnion of the
home, although her husband was not,
with tier.
',tont:motor PA VINO RIM
Meg Dickenson derreri bee Lin k ter ari
laborer, formerly a mill ha nil, ev bit
prior to hie departure, wee engaged in
egge for an egg hover. Ile
tinci no property or meane and Was de -
Pendent., 49 far as ill. could ascertain.
entirely none his wagea for the main-
tenance of his family and yens net, able
to Rave sufficient to travel and. spend.
money freely. J,ink later, sO the affl
davit alleges, is in debt in Winghare
for nrilinary homerhold nupplies. The
maker of the affidavit. declares his
belief that Linklater intend ret ilrn
to Winghani and that meantime be is
keeping out of the way until f he petit ion
dimposed of.
_ . _ . _
Thoee eententione proverhe. or old
entre. which are toted as pro...Sixes to all
of t he Hotel elartasinarilleadoeet tieing
t bonen lido of papery; throng nit 1 he
county. are evidence of a new and
original style of dirtplay ativert lying
tint h pleasing a.nd effect lye. The Hoist
Flo 111 14 GO he et wigria t ta be d oil so
cleverly adapting Finch rondo. ,s hos
g cent iir ,ea. A ir
ot her charming thing ahont 1.11 la Hood mores 140 eiV
;Advertising no the tfroique type elsey are melee. %sot
leght coin
The Town Council.
At the special geueral meeting bold
last Tuesday evening. all the members
were present.
REPORTS OF opeteznia.
The treasarrerPs statement for August
was read tie follows 1
Resideut taxes .5 030 oo
Electric light rates275 07
Water rates. 144 40
Bills payable .5000 00
Maitland Cemeteryb4 50
Elevator notes 35000 00
41004 57
Treasurer's ovendraft$ 42 33
Salaries. 180 55
Printing( and advt'g74 2t1
Legal costs 04 21
Mattland Cemetery8 00
Public Works. 274 72
Charity ..... 8 2u
Debenture intereee805 00
Dille payable 24100 00
Bank jitter est 45 54
WitterworksCap. ac. 108 50
Waterworks mallet.. 418 01
Elec. light. main t 140 47
Public School • • 407 85
Market. 25 00
Special grants 00
C. C. and 0. Exp2 00
lecellaneoto.. 28 42
Elevator interest 200 tf7
notes. _35000 1.10
--- 39070 70
Balance on hand..$1024 70.
Prom M. Nicholson, asking a con-
ference regarding hie claim againet the
town, as he did not wish to press legal
proceedinga, Referred to Special coni-
utittee with power to act.
From A merieen Society of AI un icipal
Improvement, iuyiting reprementa
trots) the Council at theit meeting
in Toronto from Oct. 34.1 to 5111. Sent
to Special cointuittee,
From U. A. Wolsey, as agent of the
Royal Electric Co.. asking ieturit of
his cheque, put in AvIth tender for new
dynamo. Chairman Oantelon, in ex-
planation, said the Water and Light
committee were waiting the return of
the contract or agreentent from the
United Electric Co. The clerk was in-
structed to return the cheques.
A request from the G. N. W. Fair
board for two constables to he appoint-
ed on behalf of the town, during the
fair. was granted.
The Canadian Fire Underwriters As•
eociation enclosed a copy of their in-
spectoe's report on July 20, and askeil
prompt action en the deficiencies
thet ein Mentioned. These are :
No bylaw for storage of COSI oll, powder, etc,
One was said to he before the Council at previous
No electric tire alarni. It is roughly esti•
11111.11rd that the ciist would he about $110(1, 111111
(Ili, was .1+1. ...tilt! be taken up after the im.
pro, villeins in progress at preview+ imipectlun
wrr C.1111111(qtql
3, The One( is ilot 11 (1111y 1111111
4 Three ini 11 to sleep in tire hall, none at
present The town teamster who drives the hose
wagon at nights lives it few feet front rear, but is
not a fireman, he .111/111d he enrolled as such. 1111)1
provided with a suitable gong in or near his bed-
5. Hook and ladder equiptnent require some at-
tention, they 1100 it 110 0/10.
6. The hose is insufficient at present. ex, ft. re-
7 A glazed door with transom light, and two
windows, between, pump 11114 dynamo rooms,
should be an independent entrance made into
Referred to Fire committee.
A eCoUNTm.
A. H. Cosner, balance of contract.
$137.74; services in eonnect ion with
granOlit nit, sidewalk specifications. $5;
and blue print, 55 -total, 5147.74:
%VII ter and Light committee, expenses
of t wo days' 1 ip to Acton and Toron-
to, $58 75; Contract Record, advtg., $4;
Wm. Lee, coal, 5588; Robert Kerr. 00
loads of gravel, $11.25; Stevene Mfg.
Co.. $6: Jas. Morrison & Co., 537.20;
Lee dc Shepherd, $72.32; the Signal,
520..11; the Globe, $6; 'frig Serest, $55.04:
Buffalo Meter Co., fel; La el In es Dunn
Co., $10.
Councillor Hohnes objected to the
hill of the Writer and Light vommit•
tee and asked that it he sent back to
them. He had contended at the time
of their report. that t hey should rint
take the trip, though Ile WIl.1
the engineer and one teetillwr of the
Council should go. The committee
might he aide to cart y t 11 i tem
throtigh now, hut t hey would ilnil the
ielect ere did not approve ef t he ex-
1. Councillor Cantelon said the tom-
, coiner. had been t 15'11 (ley.; 1111141111i, (111r-
ing which t hey had not one Minute to
themsel Ves: 7 hey had even
dynamom working. rind heti saved the
town 5150 ever vont ract pric, for
the dynamo. Surely the tow:, did net
expeet (bent to gin HU. id their nwe ex-
Counciller Holtnee Agent cnnt ended
that t he tee had exeeieled t heir
pOwet ill takir a the trip. ntni vet
when they returned 1 Imre W114 not one
word of a repo t heir 1, ip
what hey hurl Actaeon] iehed.
Councillor 111,11 t di•frtidoll he ee•1
Hon of the commit tee am proper Wu!
pet, what was agreed on in the Coon, il.
It was 1 roe t het/ had iiiit made
written report, only it V1,1 mu% loll
t hey had done good work. He Wpts
11111 ltr(41/11 the elector. condemning
1 he cenimittee.
A vete MI the amendment to refer
back the item litiowed Holmes, Naftel
end t he Mayor sopporting it, and
Humber, Martin. Cantelon arid E mix
vot ng nity, and t he tt ot ion to pitv 1 he
neemint 30/5/1 (//11ried by t he same vete,
iiVersed 'I he ot her account/4 Were re
/erred t corn in it tee.
It EPonTs
The Finance committee recommend
ed payment of the following aecounts,
whiirdi was adonted : TOR STAR, $411:
the Hignal, 511.40
The %Valet. and Light commit lee re.,
,enrted as tollowe :
I. Recommending t hat a fhlah plpe
be put in from the valve above the
ponip lionae to the drain rid -thing to
the, lake. fee the piii nose or ennbling
(he Hushing of the wafer mains. As
the Inning have eeyet been thuoughlV
fleshed. 1 here being no 51109 mile me ins
for flit.hing 11). pi1/11111. W11 ter oniniend
t rdoul 11111 Or sv rm.
2. We he ve bed an eXatii itial ii
made of the inInke r•rili end find 1 het
ewine re email gravel soil «sod Which
arciiiiiiilal lig I here, we recoil' inerul that
esi,osion inade to 1 he intake
pipe in the ei I is, so 4 71/ 110 clew of
sat 11 arid grated.
VS'e rereii pri eni'ers for the erre
tion ehimney rit the power house
PIM feet high, an•I reretved offers as
teitown : E.. A. ( 'a wee y, 52405. (
Reid. 523007 A R. ( flener, $2188.
A long and windy discussion took
plane on rInlifif•q I itod 2 I 'an t elon
and Martin said the intake pipe war/
Haire than half filled wit tcwarul. *trod
the arose with the cri h. 'tort it wits
forma trbtiossilde 1,, remove his with
1.11104 p p It woeld he neeecea y
Vt. 1dive, here to clear out the
et and lest or, 1 he lentil h. 7 ecom
metaled. het could not tell how
eitet Id haul
Itelsees k eft that the rommit
tee had made no reticulat ion for t hie In
the est ,rito tea. and l'antelon rhargerl
that 11,,Imes bail made tip I he eel,
airman of the Finence cittn
hout anking t he Water and
mittee what they needed.
The Mayor contended thee what the
committee was expected to do VMS to
aseertain the cost exteuding the
pipe out fur enough into tho lake to
get clear water. hitt Cantelon tend
former consideration uf this plan show-
ed it could not be done for less than
$15,000 or 012).000.
The report, was at last taken up by
clauses, atni after more wrangling and
genie recriniination clauses 1 and 2
were referred hack to the committee
for reconsideration. Clause 3 was
*dented aud then the repert amend-
ed Witti adopted.
Tho Public Works committee report-
ed as follows 1
(1) That owing to the latenese of the
season no action he taken on the erec-
tion of a hand stand. (2). Repos thig
the following. tenders received fi.r the
laying ot granolithic eidewalks i A. B.
Cosner, sidewalks. u 7-8c per square
foot, crossinge. 10 .6r ; A. Graham, Side-
walks. 10 csossinge. 18c; P. L Mai-
den & Co., sidewalk e, 06e, et (Iasi norm,
lie' Guelph Pavement Co., sidewalks
and erossimpi Ile. We recommend the
acceptance of the tender of Merrier) it
being the lowest. (3). That no
change he made in the committee's re
port at last meeting. re the putting lit
of gullies. (4) Recommending that
tender of W. Getout, $25 fur filling in
tanks on Britannia Road and North
street, be accepted
The Mayor enquired what precau-
tions would be taken to preveet acci-
dents while the terike were being 1111
ed, and the understanding wee that a
man WAS to be kept itt each tank till it
Wili4 filled up, at the expense of the
On motion of CouticAlor Holmes and
Cantelon, the Account of John Nichol.
son, balatice of contract ha work
cert.( tied by c Minimal' of Water and
Light committee last yent, was order-
ed paid.
Holmes Moved. seconded by Naiftel,
that bylaw No. 10 be ninended by strik-
ing out the name of James Farr as 1)
It. 0. ,tt. Town Hall ditesion. and sub-
stituting that of E. Van Every.
Councillor Martin (injected that it
wait the clef k's duty. and not that of
the Council, to intik e any changes
necessary in deputy returning officers.
The Mayor Held the Council alone
had the power, as the deputies were ap-
pointed by bylaw.
Martin quoted curtail) sections of the
statute and then ..... ved that the
matter be referred to the solicitor foe
his opinion; he htid been informed that
the Council had no power whatever..
Councillor Knox objeetang that the
motion was a double barreled one, mid
that no one else lied a right to be
named for the vacancy. 0( n
Holmes &intended hie motion by emit-
ting the name of any 011(4 fOl.
vacancy, and then Mersin renewed his
amendment for the solicitor's optimal%
and Humber' seconded this. Then the
vote requited aii follows on the itmeml•
men t
Nay Holmes, Canlelon.
Yea -Humber, Merlin,
The Mayor broke the tie by teeing
nay. and the mot ion wile rnrried t he
reverse vote, the Mayor again breitk-
ing the tie.
Holmes then moved to insert. the
name of Ed. Every. Nit ft el second-
ed I his, arid the vole resulted $1.4 before.
the motion beiug declared carried.
The bylaw to levy the ride of tett -
nt len wee thee read and formally pass
ed, fixing the total rate at. 2.1 'Mlle on
the dollar.
riic bylaw to mu chase lot 750 from
W111. Complicit, agreed on by reso-
lution al a preyromi meeting, wits then
read, but Ceitocilimei Martin and Knox
stoutly opposed the purchitse, coulee('
ing that theta WAS no gravel %vivid}
speaking ot on the lot and that it WWII
witst,e Of money to buy 0.
councillors Humber and l'anteh
while admitting they hnd voted for t he
purchase before, said if there %Vali no
gravel there they %Meld like to defei
the matter for further enquiry, arid
this WilS agi eed o, the bylew being
laid over.
The Council then adjourned.
Seven Lives Lost on Sunday
A f t er noon.
011 Sunday aPo.rnoon, as the atente
',urge Clinten and conmorts Grimsby
and Lisgar, all (.1,41 laden, SVP1t1 4011111
:Ill miles northwest of Southampton,
they were relight in the blow coming
from t he nnrt h, and after fighting for
some time the 1•1.1111141 vessel, the Lis.
.C1.1. suddenly broke rip and the hull
mock ly %%lien it 10/5,./
1.1111/11 hal I 110 Li•atite Wati sinking, the
crew s I he her V11101/11/1 cid away I lie
Imes holding the t 11W. /0141 they N1/1•1.1'
11111111 1 111/ 1411111). Nt hen the lines Were
i'111 I he 1/1/1 keel /t1 11111111 11111 811W
seine ef 1,1-vst 1.4 1•1'11W 1111 W1111 Was
ell 110r par) 111 1 he t•It11 11) tw the hot
hen ef the w 1, Mil I 110V 411111111001/,
111011,11, 11111. evi, tillW111:1•1, R111
W11 11111 a ..1,tol 11,1,1111, 14 1hr. (;1•,,,,..
11V, 111111 111., of !he 1/11 101 0,4.401
1 1,11.1V hill' it filoilik, hill 110 wits 'meld,.
to reit: 11 mid slink from v nfler
ladding !hem gi 1/1.0. The
811 nothitar 1,1 the Litetar ctew ex
cep! 111,11 1 hey %via e en the ratan, and
11.1 sill' W.14 -hipping heavy 10./1.1 and
her deck cargo .it 11100p cord %yes iimv
ing, made tor I lie tioneeml tin
of efoge, Oslern 11, where she 111'1k rtl
alum( II o.11). T11.. Grimsby, as steo,
114 1.1112 wa. ft ,•1-7, .11..er1141 fOr ttllo
mid was IIIT loderich nu Monday morn
ing. when t he tig Evnlyti ran out end
towed her The (1 ri rushy had a
tough ball le to get to Iles port. lett
her erew 111(1 1 111 j1/14, She loot her
deck cargo of 4 'Mil I MI Other W
, 1'he mitti pm of I lin story la t hat a
111M1 t.t/11111 gel so near 0, the Grimsby.
and not far inert a steam barge. i lirortil
daylight, and yet be left to di own.
There can lie no doubt hut that both
erp111/14 Were greatly eXcited, Mit excite
inent or tie excitement. it ;remits to iis
1 h ter her measures shoo hare
been taken V, 11400 1 he brave Irishman
who was 111:11 1 ling W1111 1 110 WilVem 1111
lake 11 and env how, the steamer
should ha% e hovered nround while
!here won a chance irif saving' life. ft is
t tie the WaVIssl were rolling high, a sr ifT
tweeee 111/11.1 blowing, and the crews
were in 5 high etete (if 77,70-ateinent.
ere 1 twee [relined once% an ex, Ilse I. o
steanong nr nwity (too, he
spot w 11 1 18 I here 5041.14 mit, Part id 1 le'
Lisgar afloat on 1 he water ? jo
by many hat lite wrecked vessel %vas
exceedingly old and decayed, and it is
supposed that the et rain of he f \VII
t...e4014, or flItsP 11 tld 0111' Att. 111 t 1IN
broke het in t wo.
Now that annt her %rennet ha. gone I..
the het Ione and earned WO 11 it too.
woman and six n,en. the aid hordies
will he stirrer" up for a few and
af ter some 1111,fitillre 1/weight id'
that will prevent he shipment (.1.
frotght it) 11141 v. -meets, t Mo. isi Pr'
5+1 to pleo•ti lin I il unid her VI h cal 11.17 y
11101 101,11"1. UR Of 111 Ft'stO1111,
and wife, 111 en Catherine.: Mete
Owen liellagher. St. ( het -lives l'af
(leek h:n":1-e, 17:I" helrie"%te'lls tke'il;i17
dee IT hands from Tonowe eds. 7s,- .
whose 11/111teg ors, unknown The lost
.••boorier belonged to t Mitt h•oss line
of Toronto.
WHO PAYS F03 'alga?
Once more the trial judges in, 1W. •
West Huron BeCh-OarrOW elegtOrt
protest have sat to lien the evi,
dence of the missing witness Link -
later, who, as. usual, failed ap--
pear, as did also Mr. Garrow's
counsel, nor was arty word or in-
timation given by the defence
showing any desire to have the
proceedings terminated. Mr. Dick-
inson, for the petitioner, submitted
affidavits showm: that Linklater is -
not hiding in his own interests nor
at his own expense, and from the
history of the case and the proceed-
ings thus far it is not difficult for
the public to decide in their own
minds in whose interest he is thus
defying the law and the court.
Mr. Garrow and his friends may
think this contempt and delay is
helping their cause, and will avert
the judgment of the court they fear,
but Mr. Hardy is not in this case
supreme as the protector of the
machine, and his colleague without
portfolio will find that this missing
link In his case is a most 'txpensive
one, that will yet have to be
'flie following appeared as a
"specididespatch" in the Globe of
Monday last (Sept. ath) :
riadoalch, Sept. 1. One of the chief
Donee+ of discussion oti the streets dot-
ing the past few days has been the All -
poi at t titer) t of Mr. Jas Farr to act 11.1.
deputy reit ut ning officer at the l'own
Halt polling tint) ditesion on Friday.
spot, 8, when the electors ;MY vbte
on el bv•inw ratee he Fill111 14 $10,001)
11,t1 a 40.5.1 in the Kensington leurnitiire
Company. Limited The by•law ap-
pointing Farr wits provisionally paste
on Juty 21 last, about two weeks
after Mr. Borden had made his charges
in the House of Commons and several
days after the taking of evidence be -
foie the Committee at Ottawa had
been commenced. The important
point of the whole matter in taw. a
tnajorlty uf the Council which passed
the by-law ie Conservative, and that
out of the SIX other deputies appointed
only one Is Libeled.
For the salce of its readers it is
to he hoped that the Glohes's "spe-
cial despatches" are not generally
three days old, and that they aft'
not, :is in this t.isr, misrrpresenta-
tionN concocted for political effect.
As is v.ell krim% 11(1-e, 's 11.101.•
45 as retained in the pieliminar
readIng, of 111c \ t\c('.111st' 11,L
had tor some time been a deputy
at numicipal elections, and the clerk
WaS under the impression that the
municipal 1,11. required his being
Cuntintied fur the vote on this by -
1:1W . ille 1.I‘1 , 1101Vt'Ver, dors nyt
so require, and the Ci)III1Ctl Vel -V
properl‘ made .1 change, as %%Jill h -e
seen hv the report ot their meeting
last Tuesday evening. The Globe's
informant has not yet reported the
change another "special des-
patch," and he sharp enough not
to do so. Hid, it Globe thinks
the party's goikl name requires that
Farr get some whitewash, it can
advise Mr. Hardy to appoint him as
deputy in the bye -election that will
he required when Him. Mr. Garrow
steps down.
For some reason hest 1<nown to
himself, the government ballot
printer this week omits I rom the
Signal ;111V referenc to the "
hurt) (.15('," c. tr.ic ts from
" offa IA report "4it the evidence
Liken hetoir the I'm Ilcgt.‘, and
Elec. non. Committee. I -HE STAR
has. tht• 1). ti) he sure
and puhlish tile 1.8 icienke of 1 )onalci
th.it ot the g. h. p. him-
self 0,1144 c‘,15 sti.ti}..r,liten the
11.111,1 hti‘illess Ill) Ill ten miniites")
And th.it Ha' p.iper encper from
the 1:c1c1 \• P.ipur Mills. An honest
detender ot an honest cause ‘,1/4 °old
piomptl‘ nii i•t this challenge, hut
‘ct. c.c hesit.its)n in saying
that Hie Sr,r,11.11 4111,1 its defence can-
not ht. thus i end this part
et the " etre \ 1,1t thy "
t•t• et1 )11 an-
p.1.4c I lib `‘'') TAP \k e .418 c'
11111( 11 ,•1 tlo• .1.1cieo •.1 Vir, Cum-
iniro4s,ck 1111 trien•t• to the tourtet 11
,1111" sp:It..1' 81 111 rt.r-
700 21115 ,•t•It, .111,1 ,.7 this
.171,1 Hi( el. need rtitlik 1.% hit
48 /Olt II/ tt'.I.1 11(' /011. 411 rc•vs)rt
851111 \‘.15 c‘t.ihlished h‘ the
c‘. oll till, point e. 1,4.' gR
Oh. t.‘ 1,1(1h 1' kl 111, 11 111t• .SII1.11
dines to rohle.11. ‘Vhilo the otliteal
rt port lIl no ram. id.) r ,mtradicts
4k.hat has Art ad\ .ippea-ed in
51-4k, \%,. ..iretul peru-
sal ot the otti, ersion e shall
I he I ic.Ier ich r it; 10 ictory •ii14 it •
1,11 Ttivq(biV, Jittf•t owl( tnklflff 311111
11.1V 4.11.. 41,117 Av 1.1 11O t 1/ th11
11..1/1 I 0:11111 11,1 1111100111 111V :Ind riwei
1 V11V. 101 org 31111 1,11 11 tor
1, ire 15.11 I< ill 11141111111,1 1,, till
I lige 1,, la fio lie 1.;iiglisti 11I111
.‘t 4.; ailed to r he ail rert Ise
aiwt of I he l•
ttl,4 Enngh 1)1•IV re.l.till'/A 11 1, 111
S11.1.0). Old .41111(1. cortierrif 1 he 89 wire
and Market street. 11 r. En. igh ts
fix pertenced caterer, his etock has been
Arrfrilly selected. and patrons may
1 ',Wert 11 11 1111 ttl date 801 Vier/.
Dr VV, I: Clerk, V. S . 15 111 Toronto
ttettd. rig I lie annimi meeting of the
riterillii•e of' the Fairy and Fet hiletione
..... mole.% 01 which he is the rho)!
man The doctor left iin 1Yreineedey,
hilt. in the Queen cif v he will
I. fter pointers foi he for -theme -
ng eu'erth 1Veatern (Mow.
A STA R reporter inters. levied mann
ger ;Met emir, of the flen0ereon Bier
le Co., an tr, the effect tl
. formed (-ambler, will have on the. Meal
• iouunan v. hot t he frctifIctran had
not lung to env. except. that he
11 ght t be hig rompany would not,
env- way, iej lire tho Goderich ho-
t et It talon.
, :
se. %