HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-09-01, Page 4P* I "Fft ,
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I It The $tar ,as. a Newspaper p
� %ma*wi"vmm.tztL-_,:,,,,�i::�,�-��,�il,�,"'',I , I
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11 I
. I Z;tber�fil Pledgea When in Cip- Liberal Practims wilen
� 3414
1 . . posItIon. * Power.
7 � "
, �,.
� � ra-,
I Is 'We c.miloil; tout view with The following table shows t
__ __ ,X alarru the large Increase of the total raxpendituren authorized. a
_7 __ - __ I - dean and of the controllable liabilities incurred lly the Fede
5 putillo
. I =ua it a
,�l 7eadstare of the Domin- Parliament during the se sle en
"! Id of ol, a consequent undue tax&- Ing 4uguat� MI
� I I �, Lion It the peuFle under Clio Gov- � Su
- : ent.6 Chat viviti, koven couLiou- j .Onentary "timates,
k�, , el same I ............... .. 0 2.047.
. 1 ously in pt;wcr since 1878, and we Main estimates, IM -19W 40.280.
. demand the s1trtcCmL economy to Supplerosentary esUrmattos, .
... the admillist.raftu of the govern- 19M.10M ............... 5.407.
�L Went of the country.'- Resolution rjurther supplementary
�.� . of Clio Liberal convention at Of, De . 18M 1000 .... 12.
. tawa in I= r Railwav par.
L SIR ittlenARD IN ISO;, chase ...... ........... I.W0,
� . I I March 28. ISOL-Sir, Unuada bud
tI � no business. and never had. to spend IIIA00%
I ,P thirty -sit car thirtv-seven millions a IttollwaY and
year. It Is tit monstrous tiling prop. bridge subsid-
early understood and wholly apart less ... .. .... SOI510.21)6
I I front the amount of real taxation Value of annuity
paid by us, that an expenditure of of $140.000 to
� lbirty-six or thirty-seven millions he paid to go-
. .1, Should be saddled on five millions of cure adminsion
r . " people In the Position Of the people tar 1. M R. to
. ,
1. r of Caunda." Montreal. 8 per
, .
"� � . . SIR RICEIARD IN 181A cenr� half year-
, IV. 00 vears .... 4,421.08
1, Ott May 7. IW5, he thundered Value of ilonnuity
I � : I I , I I forth In Chili wise *. of SWAOO for
I � I. We must lighten the burdens of 10 ypars' grant
_� I the people, as well as Stop the do. tri Ottawa. less
,.. I L: f1clit. I do not pretend ta say that 815.000nowan-
,;K�.. I , � ;_ . that will be an easy task. I say OIA'LIIV paid ... 380.296
1 l� 1 I hat it Is a task utterly and heaps. (Janadian cotstri-
I lessly lmpoqsit)te under the present , bujint, to f�he
system. Nevertheless. Chat is 0 Cable
� ., , . I"' � 11TIN, H.Pt ;e 1,70O.-
* I � . , . . � goal �hat the Reform nartv lilti-t
�,,�, �, . keep Ili view. that is the goal for 000 StR I ....... 2,801.111
r, I I which they must strive; that Is the, __$13,700,
11 . goal which I hope and Lrust they' ---
; V L I . 2 � ,. . %,dII Pool% att'lin." ! TotAl expenditures anthor-
. .1 ...� I SIR WILFRID LAURIER IN 18H. � ized And habilitles Incur-
: " L�. The Oonser vatives stay to us, , if I red. 1800 ................ $W.75-9.
.. -1 I .. 11 you were to Come to power yno I
W � il�_ would rant be table to decrease the i
� LLL 111. Plipenditure and practice ecanopiv.',
. I � . ... I do not hollove t hat 'but; would bW
LL L I.. 11 difficult task. It"Winatold not 1'. Ill -
r I
I ,!:� 1 , calk to economiss ONE. TWO OR
I :11 ,
11 r L, �.�. " Mr. Mills declared Us his con. ,
-,'L L � stittients the nthorday that. it. would
i I'' e -
r ,
L � " j� lie quiLe povs1blo to dinnnish tile ex
" , penditurPs by FOUR MILLIONH all-
. , '� nually."
, -
"::,� , I
I- � I
.� 1�, ,"-",,�!-Q,",.,�wxgw,Q,-Q9"'ZQQQI;�-�$ZQR$,,�, �_� ,V_QS$$jZg�1
";, I' �
., 1; ____ - ____ _____ - - - ___._ _._r�
L:�� �,
r, . �'r Liquor Selling In Camps. Funny Advertisements.
I.. .
�, ,
.�, �
z, , I Curionsly worded advert,litern
1"" ,.. THic STAR has beeii nuked to state! w
�"'.,.' the fact,s Ili Lho controversy hittweeo hich Are, funny wit-hout intent
� L" L'_'L - - of Militia co"Il"011 In Lonalon, papers, it. w
"_ 11 lion. Mi. Burden, Mitkislet
,� 1; 0 ILI!,, A
, Iklitl All-S.Thornley, repit-Pentlug �b, ,,.A ...,.con Lout porary recently
!;..", T. 1, .,. 1, (if I I.,., ,a foi- the heat colloctl
! ., " . , NV. U. ,_ I gill -ding [lie sit I much announcerutints,and Lhe folio
"'; %, I i (I t!or Ili the I VRRItt-e It Ott I lit) I A) In (fit I . -esult;
11 Ili I I It ary ( 'lilt I ). M rs Thorn ley wrlde I 1B tile I
11� � .
". ,�� I tile Minister, ('ailing A-ttelitioll t4i the � "Aminal Pale allow (On. Doni go
. �1� sAle of liquot ill flat, vant,pen conlrary here to be chent ell -collie I
1. in ter
I i
1, " t,� tho regulations tit at hill passed all
"Ill . I W "A ladv wants tit sell tier plan
: , t:', I IKA1 at t lie instance (if lion, .1. (,'. Pat' she is going Abroad In a strong
� I
� , 11 terson, then tit the head of the Militift frILIlIQ."
, , %1: Dopar(nient. Wh"n tile maLter carno
`,�, . lit) hy 011141iry Ili the Holuse, Host. Mr. 10or salo-A pianoforte. the polo
� f IntriodClarl with curved legal."
I h Borden eniod the chA
assaulted spocific proof of "Wanted -A room toy two ge
, 1� .r. ---I,,.,,.",- I G A
.,111!! I, can. has
L .
� - � , :, , I I toting that iloirs. Thortilev Inool been too I m,on a 0 "C', thirty feet long and tw
14 .It b, t,'d
. '11�_� , tV in tier assertions. He #lion made
, , has
� �i it reference Co Major 0arnplaelf, of Oi4l- lie dog by it ma
, - P'�]` - : ..Lofft-� col
� ,11 �, . 8
, �� wood, charging him with Banking isturobily evers ng
1: � L Ing
I ; : ,�� 1'4� inaccurate sta(ernents fit reterimcm to I . 11, I . all9wering to
, I �1� - W, h it 1;raPs vollar round his Back
; �!.'; L I I
' �
. . 1 �, Infractions of the prohiln I nuzzle."
"Wanted -By it respectable girl
,,� ,��, ,!,Vie, I I ,.,'lot �%111,111111` 1passage to Now Yrrk: willing to
- i lions. To this (lie latter
, .
,�,`, " An open lett'vi, in 'WhIell fie Specs-
, , "'
111, fivally charged. and 'challenged tile care tit children and a good sailor.'
�__�� -
", � , : Ministt-r's contradiction, thAt. elther
" �. , -Mr' Brown, In"101% bags to
t � , w,th Permission or with,,,,, it ,lie Pal, ,
of liqUOP in CAMP At NiAgILVAI, Wits ill lounco that he will make up 0
11 t calies. otc., for ladies out of Choir
. fit ores fit 1890-07-08 And lie assevated slaills.,.
-,i, t ,,,it tile evidtince of the sato at, Lon.
�� � I Inn eauit) wa4 i-quidly beyond doubt I "Bulldog for sale, will eat anyth
"", (Major (Janitibell. it may be said, do. very fond of children."
chores hi-siself It life long Reformer who "Wanted -Ars organist and it, bo
�_ . hals not yet lost confidence in tile goal- blow the same."
L I eral policy of that, party.) "Wanted -A Ito to be partly
1� I .; . � I Mrs. Thortilev replica to tile Mime- side And partly t3ind the court
;11, ter's Ottitti-toont, repedting bar char
�' ad saying that ' the bill of partketifItelts "Wanted - For the summet
i,'., lit
!,"r , do-inanded had hatin type -written cottagettie a small fiortitly with ;
',:� though not cot reeted), foi- four days drainage."
""' �)Pforo Dr. Dordeit mentioned it,ii ap- **Lost- Near Highgato arch
�_111.1,1�;-,: p!-arnncei Ili the flutase." And it hit. ii.nUmbrellabolon lig tangential
.- I since. womideridAnd, 11)(IM 91trength- %vith it hent Hill An%, n hone handle.
'10 "Widow in control Cattle circurns
-�,; Oned bV StIttenlentS made by odli
1', And othert; who were fit it position to ces wishes to marry two sons."
! ,, ", �, . know or tile matter, lit Answer to ell
� �,��,,t, 11 "To be disposed of. ^ mail p1me
;. ,��,i".!, (I Iries made bv Mrs. Th,wrilev. and it Clio Property at a gentlet an wl
_,.",_,F, B, . 11
'�� �"q: I, . AV Also Ito sai�d, the London News
L , ' moveable headpiece 1169 good as new
,r,-'-,,- '_ Supports the charges.
�,, ��i, *,`, Tile last is a copy of ,to Inscrifii
,Z�,L�'��. __ ___ Ilinted on a board which adorn
�11 .
1'1� !t-
, "i �i �' Aslifleld. rl..ce in Kent:
1� " �, . .
'.. � ", 0ouncil met August tile 12th; mem- "Notis- If any man's or wom
��,. " � k
-.�;, 'L heisallpresent; minutes readandap. cows Ffets into these here olites, Ill
't�il her tall will lie cut off as tile a
' I
�, ' �,; ' . - proved. The rate for the present N ear may lie.,.
11 ... -10 wills for county pur
. . wa4 fixed at 1 4
'. " pgi�e,%; 3 mills for township purposes;
� � ,
, 1,; 41 1 0 10 mills for ispecial school purposes. Are your cliche harder to reor
1, t,,.� t and a srate Sufficient to meet the trus. than thcse I hat others have had? H
, , loes'estituate for the several school they not land MOO same kind P H
, ,�:�",. 8
. _�,,L;� , , , ��, .� i0etions Ili the township. Checkswere theYnot beencoved by usin,j
'-1;, a
_� I ssued far tile following jiniounts : lowav's Corn Cure P Try bou a.
,.,,�;�,*,�� John Web9tet, gravelling coo. 12, _____
�,,'�t',`,�, $21,17; JOS. HdekeLt. repairinivulvert, The township of Morris boasts o
I "'i" i, ',,, I * $2.00; E. covers. threshing machines. and
'_L-'�L�j", And I $V .
�':,'r, plank. .;�inthasi Mnrdrach I go avel, municipal ty does not belr� to V
:j"T. *. I
, , $2.16:John Ferguson. repairing bridge, Huron either.
"L, I I con. 10. $3; John Farrish. rep iring ----------- 1110-
11 rn1vt-rL, S. R. fland 4. and inspe ting Hood's Pills cure sick headache.
_ $4; AL Farrish. gi avelthif S. R. .3 toanA digesUcan.
1 4, $14.18; Will. Iteed. ell vert, S. R. 3 �
- - I
", and 4. $8, Geo. 'H Intel,. Adillig The taxes will he collected in Mo
1 717 W an. thim Vear,h
� �` -, ,� %vel itild repairing culvor4 . � y the former collector.
j;1V1.`: Wiltailerson, grr�vpl, $3.20; 0eo. Bair- Mooney. -16AI-try IMOlf, he furnish
�L rows, plunk. $1.75, laaric Hawkinq, ollcurity to the amount of $12,000.
�� li�
'f,;�i` culvert, sit P -A., *4; J. B. Graham. re.
�. � I pairing culvert. LPL, 11; T. MCC -1,127. Now life for all quarter. Mill
I "
: - Mo. 55 eentR; It. KnrltIVb�eV1driDR Compound Tron Pills.
'� �t .
.,,,",, r, culvert., S. R. Gand ,$I; . oolin, -
"i - telollils
:,";, . ,- ., towing astaCute 1411101 I $1, J. E. Brussels Methodists purpose pal
,,, Sullivan, delivering plank And repair. $1,000 tin their church debt In conn
�L: �:f_ ing culvert, L.R., $3; Jolln Kilpottrick, I n WIL
," " ," � o It the 20th Century Than
.,:,,,�,', bridge. D.L., $33; repairm bridgant
',,� 9 giving movement.
, ` �� L . Cransford, $Mz for culvert, .R.. 3 unit
, � . 4. $20; culvert, S. R. 0 And 7. $14.50; -TO ERR IS HUMAN."
, work oat H. D , $1.87t Will. Hackett,
i� ditch, S. It, 3 And 4.$10.50. A. Drears - P"op'e like to talkabout attract
� grading. S. It.. 6 land 7, $18-, T. TodX: thinge I. advertising. In to conap
� ,. the proverb above
11 plank, $13. JAcul Ousisins, clowning recently
� ditch. S. It., 0 And ,IO, $10, Jaq. Maise, and Which appeared at tile heJ1117
" , , I con, 4.- $1; Thoulas of a well conptroicted series of ad
I . �1� I Ills, ring ell Vort,
.r:��� Jov,)"n, I I Isementis of Hood's Sarsaparilla, w
L, ,:'�,,,�, �, saton, repair Ing liridga, $. R. 0 unit
0".", :�, 7. $3 1511)� F. Russell. cleaning ditch, eon. much discussed that we doubt it
:,", . one therowili ever forget the son
, L. , : � " 4. $i, )1ohn Howett, gravelling and wbenceitcatne. Mbitsial-&Ho6daud,
I � ,',:� �, repodring bill -cob. 4. $4, John, Hart. I
,L ,,r , , 1: r,: , ., . repairin I)x-idgeatC%ittiafoi-d,50ctiiits- tre using these proverb advertiseme
Ir" I, Henry Norney. grilivel. VtO.76; Jet% I oil a very broad Petite, and they
'�QCl WI nottrick, fflAvollidg, toil. 7 and 8.1'j" attrac-ang discu4slon and favors. �. �'. ""t . comment everywhere.
11 r 7,., , I .1
, 1; P. Movilm.fravellingran
. . 1 I 11 f.,.t Cl tu% 1. $M .
ii� r r. ' "O.46 Ii It
It �.' ,'�r ' D. I� Vs - W Misiin, inspecting -rtising is the most Impor
L' ", Con �, so; R bl�Donald. elm plunk Adva, about any business. It to
I . - iaotl, H. Gibson. cillvert, S.& 6 ana this'
''I., �L" vitaNpAt-k What good does itdo
. '�L 7 918.1% Neil McKenzie. repairl
I..' / I 1XI'l it
. .�. Ill . . culvert. S. It. 12 find 1% 'If
L U - tolitoolve t6 Xery beat thin oil
I � �, . ,� , , U60, solid e V,
11 .1r... Vert L It. $14 A 0 Wanislev, buty- ery greatest bargain on eart It
, &
I . ',, ,��,,��,� ' ople DO not knotv It?
' -L , r, - Ing sheeP. W ci�n�e& k Monroe, doraln. P6
.., L ' 3.
�'' -��-,,�� con. IA $. - A. NeBurney, tile con. 12. -
4 L L I .'� 1� : $150; D. Russo gravel, $2, J. R. lkic. relf you fare tired d dull. ca It
� , a" 11
. ,...,;,I . . * Ad" Moggitch. sted .nd have no ,,It�.,
I I L 1'�` D imald. MV011 _
. 11 17; W. a A'. %1' Coll, elicav_ Hood's Samr I otilopel
I ; I - gravel, $11 ,trill&. t enriches
� 0
_� :�-,�`, tiling avel. 03; Pitt. Wallace. reposit, "Cloillotes ths" food.
.. � . It, --- - - ,
, , , " I . v 11 I A g c Divert, $4. 0. Rouse, relpiring Ladiest Take Miller's Compo
, , force
L I , � ,�,'� �':,,, bridge, con. 10, 50 cents. Win. 'und I
'. I � ,:� I, I _,�, atAlti and to ailing culvert, 8 It j Pills It you would b,mve nice,
I _ : '' :,�, f, -
., ani)(441 A ett" from Jam;,, E;se COMPlexibills
� r `:L I wasr&-tol. otevoling certAindrainson
1� ::,I :.: �,� ' � MO, con. 13. - 0. The clerk was in- Pathmaitters In the various divial
I � " qt-liotell to virlto Mr. Rose to say that fit tile townships should see to It It
, - L
. : � , . tile matter would, be still onquived ,all weeds and thistles at* crit, t
� I, ::�, I 4,J 140 ,6H Sept0lober the 91dit, at 4 month. Thio-VAthamastera are liable
. . : Oietback p.�w. Council adjoarned to A find Of $10 It this lit not attended
V1, , I 1 ,.� , tallftt agia" on Sept. Mtn. rind sAny f#D,m,r Whs, It In denglell
, I , . %V4 STOMEM Merit. lia-Loring the Seed blown on to his p
7 �. : � ; i . � I L . . orty can ' prosecute. Atal Clio ps
� r: o . I ; 401ROUAWANN,88 ALTRIt Asteras In I% great mearov diviliaJ6
I . , I L � OASE .01 Revehotattellodtidto this matter
L r I ''I. ' ' ' $I* Of,dyspe&IS, nerl,dii1soirsts, Vat ton* attostwells Should me thalf it
, I 16 Atil _
. .0 done at once.
. . . ; �&Csiiq i, thiourNalom, el'uptiour W., I
, ' I , " r ..'Motn'tt"Oft lthrq hii Alto
1hei t, ij by
, 'L ,
,� - I blog tb61)1(xd *14h Ray rbvol�_Alamut 20th,
I r , ift Ilh*-Lotild vinfic
1. �
I I Rod , koamitillsi. Oc6d Appetite
�, I isolifCoW di ,
� -4 - raftit'atto 001rVo6k sond
� '" 11ratict, of them
, 1, , Sit Va 1 P6 if
11 ilfeefillo . H=%,WpA;tq1l1% IS AiD.
, this best
t44 obdief0oliffivad,L
" .
I e, tlolit� 1111111tow, fth. uu)N, I 11 ,,I � I I I
I � I 1, I 11 .1-1.111_` ?Z 1. I
. - I _1 A` 4siato '6hkk '4'6*�W Wiltatkmith
, � I - )�!ko L 1. .' '� Okh I
#.�P�t�l ` I'
hAull-le, woft #4*40ft *4
- � M0"fo*L 4f* 001flooftft 't
WW"`_1 I . I
I . I L . I
� .
I �
I � -
� I .,
�,,� , I
� "I -
I 11
� �;
I - 11
, .r . r r , . -7w "--..'-"4, -711"'Mmw
- , , , I
I I I I � 11� . I
I . � I
'\1% L . L I
so, You, subscK be for it, $1.2Sr P4y$
� . . �
- - w----,Pff___-,
For more than fow
"=X____.1 _1_-___-___-!=
IslitIP1115 Gllp Put.,deru utotpe.
___ -0- __
years Mrs. Bender
t,h�tW.','�1j="k' of 13'"T"t- a is
I I I . I
I .. I �.
has been using Dr.
In" Uw)"
, 1, firstim lit. P12.11.011I.- o'.111111w ill movi
tLh'!'r'e thib fall. Bit hurk Is quiter
Pierce's GoldeA Med-
ls"fit"DIT-o' hiLtS 1)
ain,"alicitil "t'llix)art'
ical Discovery as a family medicine.
p'li141!4j1t I %via
any ot,her two invu inthe 0itility.
Mrs. H. A. Dvndcr 1,17. in Xcelm,
Coslanctim Co., Ohio, and from thare
. ---. __
New life fill- it quarteo. 11alifler
ahe writco;
('cuelit,told Iron Pills.
Highest - Quality everywhere.
. " 14.0 a IV U g h
rcracdy aid
- - '� ,
A married noun writes: -rhe be4t
- � � �
blood purifier
.. there 6 nothing
curfew OlAitlal)CV is one thAt, is 4dopt,
b,,um, and after
o,d its each fandly. where the old total
ftv P
,!N the '
. taw . rall,
a -,Is as reovok, csituicil,- joilzittivatebtuat.
tu i
11 mic'Urne; fvr n
and calabuost- anti whilre grant;
hickory Is more to bo respect, I th
PI: ill]
� ,
. complete bracing
no). our boy I,--
11,401CATtsht, tiot.
the rinf; of the tiell.
1 tice 1� tu5,s
damec. 110 "
__ _�_ ---
bliller's Worm Povtdoir,curo fil.Sit
� very amrvqw =d
____W§_ qjpgw-uvegw
That TouchestAhe Spot I
ccpstationtly J�jls-
� MacLeod's -FOR
jug suid wach-
hog boost now lis as as "Y am, it) fart
Winglitans Liberaho cue agitating Ic
. Liver & n is a-
lonesin c ad .
The ?'� Go to 31colknot Viscovcry " is a
. have I'll liViltivit Lunt art- Npeak in tbal
. I
'i �
, 1
meifichae, that Will help you no matter
what allis you. Thp ii true becaaw it
What might have been it upvere acel,
works directly at the toots of all-discase
do" befall Bolt Viulf, Bayfleld line,
--the digestive system. the blood. the
"efirb Township: they happened to
to"Vell. Keep- these in healthy condi-
upst-t as, load oft pea and its khe ]unit
tion mid you cannot be sick.
started I o go ovej�. Rob. junitied tkh'b
Malay of the cures of the "Golden
opposite wily and cause with vildent
Medical Discovery " seem almost mirac-
force (In the wheel of tile waggoll aud
ulous. Its effect in almost immediate.
lit taised tits hip hadIv.
It takes hold at once. It tones up the
The fifth anou.1 exetusion flout
stomach, invig"tes the liver, regulates
Wingliana tit SILI-niftand Detroit., tinder
the bowels.
1, alospices i f L. 0. L., No. 794. was a
it gets right into the blood and carries
.,, 1141 tiltect-sb.
I;v The go and lit ize. It (Ilit-
strength and comfort to every fiber of
Illooll rink. Lvi%'(-Ik tit tile I'LL, Idtioule-31;
� the bod . it nouritilies and invigortars
lady tilt the tritin, was utvajil�d Lo Miss
the weaZened, irritated nerves and [)tits
Atia I.Aing. tit Wingliam. The jotig's
the entire system in perfect tune.
WQI-e W. 1. CArling. Lit ll,'xei.er; R. D.
It is a safe medicine. Safe for adults
McKenzie. (Of Lucknow; W. W. Tim)-
-isaftforchildren. Itcontain8uostigar,
lyn, of tilyth. R. J. Mv,lvlath Lit-voin-
I syrup, whisky, alcohol or dangerous opi-
taft,lit"d tile excUlsi011 Its ('11dill"Au ()f
ates. Therefore, it does not create a
the, d'Oullilittee-
craving for stimulants. It is distinctly
A special 0overnment itildit itist.
$ tem a medicine.
completed oil the bookti 'it �Nlnidslolw
I f ,Tjic
cine dealer tAies to substitute
t6winiblv'streasuier. Niattliew Ilemy,
some other preparation when you ask for
reveals the sturthug filet I flat thei e is
" Golden Medical Discovery' -look out
it A ortiage I n 11 is CILSh I o I he tit I 1 o it it t 1) r
for him. He is eithir ignorant or dis.
$1.140.41. Thestuditcovers the tl'eIL4-
honest and you can't trust him.
urei's entire Lerm of office, extemling
over a pot lod of 21 yea vs. The repot t
- ___ � __ __ __ I - � - __
Hays that no us tempt hits been inade it,
Miller's " orna Powders cure all all-
felonry the hooks. Hena-V's hontisojell
merits at children like magic.
will be Asked to make goud the deficit.
__ �_ -
____ --- - --- , . -_ - -_
HYMENHAT- -- Miss MIXIV Young,
The Star Calendar
�dsjgjii of Mr. Richard of
borne township. wits married to
Mr.J. H. Hurliman, of Vancouver,
B. U.,on July 31st, fly Rev. E. Scott, of
Homer St. Methodist church. of Chat
(� it Mr, stood Mrs. Hitrilinian are now
ants, viling ill this section, and the many
I Are old friends of tho bride are thits given
cold An opportunity of tendering Ili person
off- Chair congratulations and best wishes.
oil of
w I ng THE I,A)NDON FAin.-The prospect Ili
else- great for a most successful Fail-. Nn( -
e. " withstanding the enlargement of bitila-
as. as Ings, giving much more space, entries
it on Are pouring In at such a rate that be.
fore Sept. 0. Clio ditto of closing same
party tilt departments will becrowded to ove,;.
flowing. It does seem impossible to
meet the dentand made by exhibitors
title* lit this truiv great vilow. The usual)
slaty pleasant time may be looked forward
to, its alliple accommodation will be
a (in provided to convey visitors to and
Jim from tile ground% and for their coin ForL
and while there. Be sure And take itti-
vantage of Western Ontario , 9 "Grent
, her -Holiday Onting,"
take - -*.- -_
I There Is money Ili topples fit Ooderich
tin. township as well its in ot.her sections.
writs. We learn that D. Burns. Maitland con -
owl, cession, sold tits orchard to tile buyers
for $52W Thos Uox. Oth concession. for
Ing; $130O ' J. lPorte�, 3rd conce,;sion, for $500
One Colborne farnier wits offere(i
$1,000 for his a le crop, which was re -
V to fused. And it Tat wits since closed
which will inean a much higher figure.
Gut- -
Car.' Doctors and Druggists pronotince
.. a Milb-r's Compound Iron Pills the best
Goal on the market: 50 doses 25 eat, ts,
Goderich township Voters' I' -t IF
way. 1890 Contains a total of W voters, cf�t-'
11 vided as follows :-In pai t 1, 060. Ili
part Z 145. in part 3, 41: tile aggi agate
tar)- tonalities, of persons entitled to serve as
juroirs Is 458.
tit a Do not delay in getting relief for
. the little folks. Mother Grayes' Worill
tion Exterminator Is a pleasant and sure
ad a cure. If you love yonr child why do
you let it sufter when a remedy is so
an's near at hand?
9 or
ase Our old friend, contractor M. Mains,
of Londeshoro, while engaged in mak-
Ing tionber one day recently, had oc-
casion to go up a to ged tree*and cut it
Ove limit, thAt lot the tree d(,Avn rattier
love lick for him. Ili the fall" , fie had ill
ave ?.1w rills broken, but is ablotowalk
Hot. around.
__ -
f the child is restless at night, . has
f 10 canted tongue, sullow complexion, it
the dose of Alillei's Worin Powders Is what ,
out is required; pleasant, harmless.
Recently Mr. Witieland, it Itreeder of
in* Avoca. lowa, Shipped a carload, of
Shropshire rath Iambs front this sta-
tion. They represented about $1000 in
r arls value, nearly half of which went to
F110. James McFarlane, of Stanley, and a
Ing considerable amount also to Messrs. 0.
W. rond 0. 0. Sturdy. of Goderich
township. This is Mr. Wineland's
ear's Wird purchase ot such stock. and he
would handle ji great many more if
Ing h a could get them. -
set- Signals or Danger- Have you lost
ks- your appetite? Have you a contest
ton le? Have Von an urkpiettiousiont, t.t4to
In CTe mouthP Does yonr head ache
and have you dizziness? If so your
Ive stomach is out of order and you need
any medicine. Wit you do not like
=medinine. He that prefers silkness to
medicine must sufl!Zw, but tinder the
yet, clarcumstAnces the wise mail would
is on rocure a box of Pairtuelee's V egetable 3
any Ilia and speedily get h I meelf in heal tn, I
ree and strive to keep so.
Co. -
nts Knocardine' Review .- An accident
are which it is etirnestly hoped will Dot
ble ptoye fatal happened at it, thrashing
on the farm of Finlay McLennan, con.
2, Huron. Kounic McKenzie was feed -
&tit Ing the machine, and WmVjMcLeod
the was standing by him cutting hands -
you Th two began to quarrel. and
Id e
the .1centile lilt McLeod. The, latter ,
tile picked tip a stone and throw It at his
assailant with Such force that it it
had bit him It would have surely flaw a- I
?t vAt ted tin easceldent that followed,
lie He enzie. who is the smaller man of
and the two, rabbed McLeod, and a tusele
ensued. Noth men fall,and McKenzie.
ttin Wponsint in
91, bj on top, kicked his o I _
ron 1he it, camon. Since then cLeod has 13
ear been tinder medical attendance, aild
grave feaot�s were entertained for It 9
recovery, but later reports Indicate
one 111111prOVchlent- McLeod Is deteriboltil as
hat being of I% quarreltotne disposition, If
his ,and the" Who wbrea at the threshing H
to liasto whetUthe frActols, Occurred say that
to. be gs.Vie cKeatile much Proyovation.
of ,, .10, ..
. Cantelon West., of Chotatot. tire malk-
th- Iffleavy Shipments of butter, o Ra
its an fruit Colo easteto marxitts. ' F, m
tjo IS cue of the most extensive In these, .
a lines to the province
. 11111. .
I I Do, Not 0elsit.- When thronlIth'i f
W SA"I , , . I IN-ft-Atoiliftim"ft
I 1
I w
1, I I i � � I
. .-
�L I I I I I
.L �, 1. I I
�1. . ,, L. '- I , I I � . ?1.11.'1' � I 11 I I � I . " " , , I �
I . I .
�__� .__i� - , . � N_ 11 .. � ,
on Mo- Tu We Th Fr 9'a-
. . . . . . .. .. 1 2
1011 1213141510
17 IS 10 20212223
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
. I . . I . . . . . . . . I .
Tertinent Points of Interest
To Business and Professional Men.
0ood printing is not necotigarily high-jOriced.
Cheap printing is not necessarity *poor printing.
Good printing is like good painting -it de.
mands and obtaint; a st-ond gl&u". The m-nd
glance leads to thought about and knowled of
the thing portrayed, and then on to the a9set or
There's only one kind of printing we don't do.
That's the poor kind. That.'s the kind you don't
want. Put w ell u co want something that in
neat. c , ,,, ri I u t ate, pr nted on good
pa r, it, fi ne I nk I from type th!jt Is new, and
of tile . lat A face , sct it, it" artistic and
juteni sit matmer-in short, when you want a
Olt ell, first-class jot!All.tAngl� .,Or ,telt,phone,
N 71 ordrophiat ill , " to office West St.,
an make your wauts knowil.
The Star Printers.
- - � - _. - y
ROOM wantica. -
For seventeen yea" I have boon doing busi.
ness with the farmers of the county
find am this year prepared to buy Ircle -11111L
apples than over. for which the highet t market
price will be paid. I have authorized agents at
all points lit Huron. and it will be to the ad
vantage of owners (if orehard,i to, rocertnin
how well I can tin for thein lit any ovent. tit)
not dimpose of your itpailo,l beforo seul ng lilt) G'
ofte of my ropreselliatives,. �
Clinton, P. 0.
, __
wosicu WOO Fisher,
TO Gdno Flows
and 51nuic Flows,
Percia-ville Plow Co.
T116 WoodstoGk Wind Motor Go. ,
In Wind Mills, Pumps and
Pump Fittings, the best in
the market.
Soolubt Wation Go., of Markham,
011611 at my Warernonts, Hillnilloij
treat.. and see samples of all lines of
__ .
Wesley W.Fisher
., Found Guilty
Is tile verdict returned against
&LE the Dakar -by the �eoplo of
4oderich for selling THE BEST
READ IN TOWN. Also for selling
2 loaves for 9c
or 23 loaVeS for $1.00.
His Brown Dread and Home.Made
ans lead the trade.
Cakes and Pies always on hand.
He Proliq for CASH ONLY, (live -
IM a call at his store on corner of
uron road. No delivery made.
The floma-Made Bre8d Maker,
OUSC Gleafllfl(l TIN
%,Ilia is the SfifilOoll Of 0111%nReS 4
Well pytatred to exter to out
ilonta. Uwe will be ap-wetiting
� 016 1`001RUY6 ot Paraisl1iing Lind �
Web Wbit Nople rtquita, or it nogy
I- thtilit $du *ill woiat to wharq'o, I
t0thlago: It to cittife , viglit U 11
*hrll 130`41till *1110, 'whore ovqj. 0.
Ift IS ml 6W *§ an 6 itw,ottv 11116
4-10 opiw A
, 1,06h 16,06ti Allift lba-',
0,014 oblifts. . , I �
.,.� 1i
mmig MROAIN. ""t, . t!
Iffillmisit4t4 I '060AW0,10-
. .
. �
. . I I I I 1,
.. . ... I 111�
--A I It , 11
. . .
I L , 16"WILL Ill . . .
f . ,U . '. -
l New G W, )RAT, $41ALL . 0o; #to* 1�avpqrxotm"T i -4 Towt,utl*so xilrbst
'W ri a 4
S-v"Istail, 4Nt# .data lifilaclarat Cate I_ -4 too� Art Cron I I
, oLod ' I DRINK - . , - 1 A)J43
I P- - V092 Aww"", Vol' nolia;.11 "'111:17101U191 = Clr" - , .
fill lkall froloo4f.? West ,fg, p "' , I
O -_ pAllwaill .yt .wd,.a--. I
I . � Aro orriving ftily a44 as we al.wayo buy tbolm. st the righ 11, , VQark dili, 14 logrew . -_ ___ , � I
W"M W9.0 -
- I� Thilly I 4011 L.
prices they aro he's, : Poxcive the W:K* qt:�*Txosaw 3V:W0X.=3= 1XS1 * .1 .
, � .
; � . rticl% very -
L c RREAM. -A "'gh-OW, 1,44tioloss
. OR olxjo� Jan. 811101WO IL A_ 0 , -
U= XV109 ,t1,%r�q1ao"Qq1aU"` , I ,. I I
. $== 4C.I.t.. . 1, I
Always.sold . WILL m . CREAK -.At% exclillUstwoJiT Sue I I � . I
� . r I
f1colarg jil-WEISS
I or tile Damp riurpWi m t o above, X00 VY � �,
, Thoe lidial dr�ns. Cool. tvilivas & 121Q.. IrictraIlL . ! , �
, . . ,�lZ: .
at Lbe right prices at IV& tvIreallaillior $Qni% Use - �. - - , 1�1
it so an,"I lolmes. loalod oill . - L
Was& W. C. OOODE9 _1� I i
Pedder's. 2,59. 0Q 81,10 75 Q. I
. a Bottle. C919MIST, - .. �
�%, -@o.4%,.%r.%o4oz,,-Ieo, a T _j_ . . I
Iowa tlaau Ica dduk. Prescription work at all hours. �.. . , ", , �,� I ,
, . , ?. , , �
. . - , I I
I � , I
Cl*�f&*.*Wlpe.**91**.fif.*.c*,,S*.*-.*",**�*.*.P*-*,*G* S6111,94*44111B.* � j fl.
� 0 .__ - - ___ I I 11
90*lit.r the beat at the ]OW60 possible price every doy in . .
the week and every dAy in Zbe japon, . We find this policy is .e� . � � I I i
sit trade winner gAid iat"d to , . �b � �
, , stick to it. I I _ I I I
I . I UODERIGH ;:-,�." ;?,
f I �,... 11 ,-,.
I A few purchases will convince you thloil, you Imide a wigtske in not buy- (P__17% .r I I I I �
ing all your L
If),A R GA I N ,,,L L
Colbolno's Old Stand. GODERICH.
- __ ,-------.
T�e We.3tepn Fairo, London.
SEPTEMBER 7th to 16th. 1899.
I-lililt-,vl(),(1'4c-pLetriik)oriitb. Spacis allotted on receipt of oil try.
1-:,1::::�1- -,,:!,1,).i,,�:u,pAis4ud. attrLutions better than ever. HApodrouse, Chariot Races,
Uhal;.p - �L�. Imparial Japs, Famous Lady Riders, rld Renowned Gymn"Is
Alld ALJ110 Arti,t, wdorr. 1,'iroworkli each eveldo& "The I&Irldsh and Amorleaus in Samoa,"
awl wl ,m,;und i,iatr,,,.,,ttru,v,ti.e..
.�J,coi,l ,x"tii ... i (,.,,,I,. will leave London each evening after the fireworks. Groundat will
belb.-Ithd1il [1h,11011"tol.
-S,-ii I rim- - Priz.,- 1.1,(� and Prograininioli,
I'll, cok. W. .M. (I'A It P�1101tr, J, A. NELLES.
Ploicident. Secretary.
� . - ___ - - __ ____ __ _ - - I
The, Star Givarantees nod work
I - _____ __ . -_
It The GoderIch Star givas Qual- There are no Cigars
y. Quautity, Circulation.
_.____ ___ . __ __ --.------- in the market
ImpaFtant to ,ndveFtism equal in quality to
All changes of advertisements for the our.
rent Issue of Title STARmuHt be in'tho hands of
the prin ter not later than TuJISDAY NOON Of Tuckett's Cigars.
stach weak. Advertisers will please govern
thomwelves accordingly.
CONTRACT ADVERTISING Your dealer pays a ,
Tito figures for all contract advertising in. compliment to'your
cludetwelvechatigesayear. F very add itiorml
change wIll be charged for extra. the actual . good taste when
coi�t of compoAftion. from 150. to 75c.
All Ltecount,,l are rendered and collected he offers 3 ou one.
- -
AT -
Me 6. Wholson -
Selli the beat . . . BICYCLES,
FdtCflt and LAWN MOWERS, I
Also the Choicest Pastry and - OILS AND VARNIBHES,
Farnilv Flour,
The hest cereals, such a-1 Rolled Oats,
R(illed Wheat. Whole I CHEAP AT
Flour and Farina.
Mugu It 4
MI 4 n I -
... I
� I
_� I I
. �'
. �11 ,
IT PAYS to buy Your DRY GOODS .
.. � I
I , :,
r I -
� 11 .
I I .
Fall and Winter'Goods.
I I I . I
I .. I �.
You will find our NEW STOCK made up entirely of GOODS that are
� I, �
. I'�
- 1.,.,
, !�,,,' .
. ,._1
We wish everyone to know that we are giving GREAT BARGAINS in
the best lines of goods we ever told.
: .
� ". .
I J�11.
You are cordially invited to make us an early call.
�,,�� �
1-1 , ,
Our PRICES are the LOWEST for Strictly firist-olass goods,
I. �,.,
. -
High Grade in all Departments.
�,'�;,-: -
True Merit in every ayticre.
� -,,
Highest - Quality everywhere.
�. ,
I " �
Come and see our goods, and lot us convince yon, Its we surely can, that
you will SAVE MONEY every time you trade with us.
- � � �
__ --I-
, I
�!,?� ,
�� "
-----� *
For House Cileaning Time.
�, ,
I "I
,,�� 1
Housekeepers should be prepared. We have what you went.
Silver and Gold Dust -Labor and Money Saverit. 15c., 10c. and 25o. a pack-
age. Also Whiting and Gillet's Lye.
1, .
I ,-
Our Soaps are the beat and moat moderateNn price on the market. -
� ,
. Fine General Groceries, Imported Crockery, &e.
We Sim to please in"quality and price -and generally succeed. if you cannot pat,.
ronize this; Store exclusively, give.us a share of your trade.
r_ C -3r- =:__P3:j111lTGr �
). -
. I,'
Hotel Bedford BloCk. The Square, Godericlu
. � - __
F -
____W§_ qjpgw-uvegw
That TouchestAhe Spot I
I �,
�i� . I
�', ,
� MacLeod's -FOR
�_ -
Weak & Impure Blood
SyMem 7Kidney
[AX11111- I
�" ,
. Liver & n is a-
COM P in ts & _
Dq�stjovator Female Complaints, &c. * 1,
� � .
. I
'i �
, 1
I to J. M. MactLEOD, Goderioh, ODL
. h 0 t.
mess 0 G d il
.1 I
. - F�_ Ild
--- - -
Made a well aLummaniga-=--.m Residence and Laboratory- Neworate Strect� the Old Stand, In rear of Knox arch. �. I , . 1:1
Man of __ . I'll
'N Mo.'s i"'.
.tit !"
v- ;-,
u n A Wan &_ ' � .1 �
INDAPO . Ills Jierae's Youp Chance. 111�
Tall GMUT 5 I ",
P1110FUIES T1111 AD .. 1)
I ,
fit . 80dessits. shirlm '�, V
_" I ' �
, _ . ot
at orti4oaDimosteatV In or , -
P&MIX eepI to t
adon., , CmAu by I abn a I
"" I �'�`11
vigor and site 1. .hru = o �`
I ��
"Lls'-pid, "" you .
5. I r tome Xthn o n..
1177carri,edja "at pocket to 1. .66nUifle DISGOUnt Sale
BE= a. 0 th-riff. nt .to or a - ,
= noled. Do 'T ,yANjr lla,.but
V ou 1�1,
.. ba 1111 rND O. ow aft . I
tt, If 11" at CAN USE
. 9nd It pre .
ffimi rat . I`_ UL - - Arlsollf In order to make room for new fall and Xmas Goods, soon to arrivel. , r . �'-4%..
Sold In Goderich by James Wilson, druggist WO have decided to give 4.
PAINT 1l � T,
25 per cent. disCount off all goods ".
FALL TERM OPEHS SEPT. 5. In brightening your house, now in stock, viz : 1.11 I
. just as well as a professional . .1, I
, �.
painter. There is no trick FINE CHINAWARE, JAPANESE GOODS, ALBUM8. " 11
I,- about it if you get the right PURSES, 13TAMPED LINENS, LEATHER GOODS, ?� f
4__�,Z"�__00��v paint. . . . . . BABY CARRIAGES Ely-voct .
. . I --Ab, WINDOW
Is not (fie roiiult Of "Influence" or "pull" it is rNE SHERWIN-WILLMNS Ca FURNITURE, HAMMOCKS,
the regultiat right proltioraLlon. ' ' PICTURES. FRAMES;.
Make paint suited to every ARTIST'S MATERIALS, BLBLEF3, &c., &o;.
Central Business College purpose, and we can tell you Store is too full now, and we milist make more room.
STRATFORD,ONT. what special paint is best suit -
Our graduates have been wonderfully F;uecesA-
fill this year In Rocuring good situations. They There
.11 Fd to your purpose.
eeced because tl,ci, are properly eTepared. is the clipboard, or shelver, Salo lor 30 gaUs 0Q1U ... TormsCidsh. ,�
Write for our now catalogual. It's he tin
Within" college catillfto Ili Calanda. and rieDsp� that you have wanted to By buying now you way save 50 per cent., %a nearly all goods have A&
rmenuoTHE RESTS nob. paint. FAMILY PAINT
W. J. ELLIOTT, . ves a tough, lasting surface. vanced 25 per cent. sialfie prosent goods were put in stock. Remember all
. 91 goods 25 per cent. off, extilept work made to order.
Principal. it gives an oil finish that .
- can be washed. . . . . �
BROS. There are twenty-one coloM
JOHNSTON all good. The colors are on WILMER SMITH
tile can so that you can easily I
BIGUGle LIveru and Repair Shop. .-;el,-ct the desired shade. East Street. belt the Town Bair.
We are better thainever prepared for the SOLD BY
season of 1809.
Wheels by the dolly or hour at reasonable N. D, Donvie,
rstes. New riders schooled with care and INI'll-F The Picklino Season
accuracy. GODERICH -
Reliable bow and accond-latind Wheels ____ __ ---"
For vale at the lowest living prices, Brings to mini the 11401i that housekeepers require
Brulzing, Enameling and Repairing of
oil descriptions promptly and mestbania- _93:1%X42130193
%I Vw'r
IV done. . Every SATURDAY and other neoessitries. We have them Its -
JOHNSTON BROS-v ' i_=:= � close out PrIGes.
Cor. Montreal Sit. and Square. . -18 d'UR- I This is headquarters far FRUITS, GENERAL G900EIRMIg, &a.
- . COUrt4ous treatment and prompt free delivery to &11 parts of the town.
DANTELOWS -1 --------------- ;.- 0
tties, Tarts. .
aliorC Bread find Cream Rolle. in Groceries and Ww"CrEAL1 Xb*jr Olar, C14::p.
Hip'06 Pies end Lady Fingets. (forner Monfrolool ar"i sona aquArc .
Xishda, Alsestiobne"itaixagdes. Wearable Goods. , � GODA410II
. _ . .
Orsitay Snaps, ete. � Arroarmer's proillIft iv"Iftillil Its hoolf" O." -
InIlAJl 1111111,1111111306 __�
It Are as trorta as the beat m*Ae In tiny Vill mr,110 N 9 .
lity in can4da. . -16JL solid Comfort-^
I He 3111, H0jL Por tuis -
0411,00116ft 104d9the trade in Co. ftoolntrwit, at slifta 8411am awartills. 8"tion of 'holl Y"v CAU only b6 Obtained by suffring one of
. � the 00* 6611AMW
WEDDING GAM *Oft , I'll I 'Blue MaMe Oil Stove,sfa - _� ,`*
tit filoney demigoillift, visAd oft'simbilifin# , "" VO&V � .. I � with, (I .
III, � , I, , I I �Ift' III 111tholit Wi0k. %loy olitt
41416fidicric. 610 him 411111(tilde , I (filly 9111113MAt6M. Urp ,and
.VO,dr Sato to
olietion W
131 11, be � I . . albar titalod to Ajit liku dftellilds, They little cerwall
11 I . A"b"illit I a L .
I ��
, 11,6111116 - I " .--... *0diffill'"A toot "fishw", eitia jbill Pkjilfif 06 thilist
� I "I'll, L *"*Was, T"WiA* *& a" right. 81 thlita.
- I-. 11 "I � .. of- -, --- � osetiolialaw 600�* " Iliftu".
'I- C, W-% ' 1 11 I . - , . I I 11 '""aft, oziesa xomthw, "
' , ,
'04, OAN _ I .1 . "I'll",
I to 'I 1. , I ... I . .
1aftft;4ft, dobAlifou 101111111110ta., ". 11 I �_..,_
1. . I
.,�,,,_,..�,,,,.,�.$At"".".�,�.�,�,-,�,%L�I �� it'. . . , � � 11 110" . ir . FIE
, � 46.i �
0ftlittlow 45"Iftimilif ,'I ci!liitnti I 11 I I " NN � V
11 I... 11 , *0 , , M , X] , @ R,
, W ,I" liifit "ve waill: ;A� & 3;, " 1111" a a*11,11" illy 1" I : ,I I
it&" , , H lill Ic ,to L
, ,
ytitity or 'Utultiolit, 14"M low L , , - 11 .
. 1. . . I 7 . . A
I . \ I %wr wom-Wit, Ilia Rqu.",
. I � I
I ` . . I
1, .. r' I - I I � . - . � . . '. I � 4 1 � . "I , , �. 1, I . . - I I .
II " � . - , . ..'�..''� C r I I . I . I � I . . �� - 4, .
I . , , . I I I . � All . , � � I I �- ,,�:
, ,
,� '. " - I I . - � I
AL:, �� ,11 I .1 '. I _. I I I I I I "I I . -1 " ., I I � I I., .
C I, 11 _. , .LJ1316_i 11 .. . �M __ , -"A..�a., - I.. - - A. _11� 0 . I 1, I I I
Mi,& 1111111111iii6ilillo." I I`
11 -