The Goderich Star, 1899-09-01, Page 3Tr
e ews
Briefly 'old
:440* tket ttaa0**940/At:
LaPraeW00011• gatAll0+
MS* piraportion. of :pstmerst to Vas
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Os* . *V *440)004 tOr 40 laSta.
, 'T.4.0, Iirit* VO1Wat ntleltatd PTO: Ai,
ti*ii*tiP *8 tei tfletZeleelt or ttlegilreeete1-
*0,4 tlis V***qw,14* 411)**4.
iA, P*,,:irt ,t* tlo. cillgeti• itieeieglee$
$904ty 144 leeintlieig 1104',4- OP° Pil110411.
have died at Attain* en the seat reset-
utv Miinet. •
. 1,The Hiabee?. et Lereclou bee iestied e
lekteriefilciasi tale cieegy oi We dieeese.
tip oaey the.- ,decisioest Of tbe Ault,
Iliti*Pa' land tO Oliattn.4041titnalletinola-
evevellaSee. ifteetteeend lights.
Willaton Sintwama, wile+ Mede a greet
mentalities ae 4 war artist and. cor-
oW,P0mient in 'the Origami ia dead. ale
ea.w the Indien metizty, the Abyettins
tett eetePedge, Pad the Franco-German
+Tostet year American low Mob oil
killed Yes and injered 216 Londoriere,
fet Dee+ pare it bee kitted in loandoe
228 mat inittred 1,024 persona. Afiney
newspaperte eentintle to urge tbe Gov-
ernment to rabic. the flamh point. '
4 Londen .- (teepee/la bays thet
British Peeserouteet will -14hortiy
point teaven commercial eortunietuo
to varioue parte of the world. I
will be. isubjtect to the embers/Jim,
wilt report te the Board ot
Sir Hdralnad 'Antrobus, ewner of
eetate upon which Stonehenge sta
offers tbe (land to the Government
£125,000. The price ea big, but
value of Stogehenge as an antiqu
may induee the Government to bu
WOKS% IMITS 11111111111T
011.00180U, SOMPOR 91104
latertetla, Iterseekurs Ilieeeet DeefteThe
kolleot Now. of 040 OWel Calaitfiasenelage
la law Mother taus41-Whet 0.40$ MS in
else MI* elates--NieesPrieve Wertil
Tephoid fever ha becoming primate/a
in Brantferd.
Brantford talke of extendIng /to
water -works toretem.
Air. J. AaSnaart, Dealutal Minister at
the Interior. has gone to Englaode
EstallWay ateackenen meet in conveu-
dolt at tattaWa. Seletelather 12.
ComPlaint ie made at Hamilton
about the blowing of factory whistles.
The Canadian Pacific haa procured
15,000 new cars for handling this year's
grain crop in Menitoba.
Au addition Witt be erected to, the
John H. Stratford. Hoepitel, Brautfoed.
Aaa isolation hospital may also he
No. 19 company, Western Divisien
Royal Garriaon Artillery, Is to be
moved to Esquiertelt.
Tee headquartere ef the Yukon field
force have been removed from Fort
Selkirk to Dawson.
Charles Moore and J. H. Houston
have returned frolu Dawson City to
Ottawa In eleven (leas.
Isaac Fox, arreated Hatatilton 'for
embezzlement at Marengo, Iowa, has
returned voluntarily.
Every Amerioan bunter may here-
after take with him two deer each
year when leaving Canada.
Kingston's School a alining cost
$2,0/0 more then the receipts last
year and in addition a new laboratory
to cost $6,000 is required,
Typhoid fever is somewhat prevalent
in Brantford. Fourteen cases are at
the hospital, and us many more ere
being treated at home.
Stanley fluff, aged seven years, was
woreied by a dog and nearly killed
at Claatham. When rescued the lad's
face and head were badly lacerated.
The Government has been informed
that Meuritas and British North
Borneo, including Labuan, have adopt-
ed the 2 -cent. Imperial letter rate.
Thd trial of two Indians for the man-
slaughter of an insane Indian has just
been conclud.ed at Edmonton: One was
acquitted. The other got three months
in jail.
Ottawa will again renew at the
Legislature Re request for a reduction
in the number of aldermen, the
lengthening of the term and election
in alternate years.
.A bueli fire in West Flamboro'
townshei is said to have done damage
etiethe extent of about 43,000 to stand-
in;':••,91.,eber owned by M Wm. Lak-
jag, 6 ,
woodatock -s,t present suffering
from a typhoid fev-er -e'pidemio. There
are 25 persons down with it. The
health authorities say that ita prev-
alence is due to the use of bad well
The certificate of Cept. Thomas A.
Purcell, of the S. S. Merrimac, recent-
ly stranded on Anticosti island, has
been suspended for three months, and
severe censure has been passed on the
second officer, Wm. Goulding.
Large numbers of deer are swimming
the St. Lawrence River, to escape the
forest fires. The steamet Empire State
passed close to a herd swimming the
river, and ode large buck was within
a few feet of tee steamer.
Frank Kendall, captain of the steam-
ship Clipper, of Rat Portage, was
drowned.Thursday in the Rainy River
rapids. He Was caught in a rope that
had been thrown to land and dragged
uff thAlloont.
A new line of railway between Ot-
tawa and Rro3kville is projected back-
ed by local capital as an independ-
ent one, to furnish direct connection
with Breckville and with the Grand
Trunk System east and west of that
'The Pestoffiee Department has made
a new parcel post arrangement with
Russia. Hereafter parcels for Russia
will be sent .."via Hamburg," the rate
being 58 cents per pound, or 41.62 for
11 pounds, which is the limit of
Police Chief Powell, of Ottawa,
speaking of the operation of Sunday
cars there eays, "that while there
has been More bustle in the city on
account of the cars there has been
a marked degree less of drunkenness
and crime."
Prof. John Welsley Brooks, of
Brantford, has issued a writ against
Isaac Walsh, a , baker, for 42,000 dein-
ages for alleged slander Mr. Brooks
im a phrenologist ' by • profession.
Walsh's opinion of him is not very
exalted, hence the cause of action. ,
is reported that the statement of
the Banque Ville Marie affairs pre -
Bente." by the Canadian Bankers' As-
sociation showed the& no less than
452,000 had been charged by the bank
for expenses in connection with the
forcing of its circulation.
Barroy Tulley, 'the son of a prom-
inent citizen, of Malone, N.Y., a
couple. of 'vecelre ago stole 817,000 from
his father and came on to Montreal,
where he hae been caught, but upon
his confession his father declined to
have the ryoung man arrested. '
Captain Girouard, a graduate of the
Ontario Military Academy at Kinge-
ton, who had oharge of the building
of the railway during the advance
into theeSoudan, ha.3 been made, am-
jor in recognition of his services. Ma-
jor Girouard is at present visiting in
Prof. Robertson haa gone to the
Maritime Provinces to arrange for the
ela.rting of co-operative creameries in
Nova Sootia, to be managed by
department in a eimilar way to tha
followed when the department manag-
ed the feeturtes and cres.mer-i
ies in Prince Edward Island.
A statement from Prince Edwaee
Inland shows that last year there were
34 co-operative °heed° race:tries in sue-
ceesful operation, and 23 to -operative
creameries,. where butter was made.
Thee:total value of °hese° and butter
available for export in the yeate
emounted to 8364,557.63.
imr. C. W. Morrison, of Brooklyn, N.
y.„is in Ottawa endeavoring to secure
a' site fOr 'a pulp mill on elm Gritinemel
River, near Chelsea, seven miles from
Ottawa, and also to purchase some
aprueeilimlbs. If a suitable site la se-
curetl it is mid a mill wit') e eap-
malty of SOO tons of pulp daily will be
buil t.
,A11, the boot and shoe factortee in
Quebec will be closed for two or +three
weeks. the interval the manueac-
turers will draw up a uniform scale of
wages ,to be submitted to the em-
ployee for.sigeotture. 'Tbe factories will
then re-epen as soon as there fa an
understanding for not leas than one
year between employers. and employed
The Department of the -Interior has
received most encouraging reports of
tlhe preetreee being made by the
Doukhobor' immigrant/3, and tbere is
every rearm, bo hope that their lot
(Olt be +vete as happy and truccessfu,1
a& was /Yoked for. slidaely of the men
have obtained work es laborers on
rallwey contstrteetion, and many aee
fit to give over' Hiatt' atrietly vege-
tarians diet, which rather tended te
inteefere veins their eniployMent eas
laborers. With tho Iteteptence,of the
snot, food as other hands end tho
adeptitin of clothing better seated to
Dainitditin Oonditions, ft is eirident Rest
thf4 Doeithollors will seen fit into the
nteinrar greaten of the etrantry.
It, is estiMated Oat °vet 10,000
epicene bare (Heeled Efeeletid thie
Thei first cenaightlent Kelat hoes
Major Roaa, who was sent to Sie
Leone. by the Liverpool School of T
teat Daseaam to try to climover
malarial masquato, has wired
Profesaor Jones that the' mosq
has been found, and asking that
Government aend eaten to him at o
It is believed that the Government
eend medical experte to Maoist in
Ex -Speaker Reed ham resigned as
gressman for (Maine.
Ex -Judge Henry Hilton, af N
York, died Thursuay at bis sum
home here.
A, 11. Longino, Democratic candid
tor Governor of Miesissippi, has
clared for Bryan for President.
The portion of Victor City,
Colorado, has been wiped out by fire
at an e,stimated loss of 1,2,000,000.
out of 1,000 men who went into the
Kotzebue country. Alaska, last fall,
more than 70 ha,ve died from disease
or accident.
The dry house of the Samuel Debbie
powder mill near Sheppton, Pa., was
completely wrecked by an explosion,
and William T. Betaenberger, otie of
the proprietors, and, Harry Jones, a
powdermaker, were bterally blown to
atoms. '
While cressing the tracks of the New
.Tersey Southern eitilroad at Seabright,
N.J., a carriage loontaining six persons
was struck by a train. .31"es Louise E.
Terry, Charles Trippe, and Create
Terry, were inetantly killed and the
°there badly 'injured.
Prof. Pickering of Harvard Observa-
tory, who eetablished the Misti Ob-
servatory of Peru, is seeking a suit-
anble location for the largest telescope
i the world, being constructed at Cam-
bridge especially for observing the new
planet due to pass close to the earth
within 18 months.
t -
The new steel steamer Buffalo, no
under course of construction
Buffalo, will be launched soon. '1'
steamer wus built for the Wester
Transit Co., and will be the large
package freight steamer on the grea
lakes. The new boat is 900 feet i
length, 50 ft. beam, and 281-2 ft. i
A Chicago despatch says: "The Can
adian Veterans' Association received
letter from Sir Wilfrid Laurier, sta
ing that he, the Earl of Minto, th
Canadian Cabinet, and the members o
the Canadian Parliament would acce
an invitation of the Chicago Festiva
Committee to plurticipate in the fe
tival exerciees to be held during th
second week of October.
There are several cases of yellow
fever at Panama. I
The Chinese Emphroe, has develope
syeaptoms of insanity.
The Transvaal Volksraad has refuse
by le to 9 to abrogate tbe dynamit
Serious riots have occurred between
C'eechs and Germans, at Gradlite, nea
Koniggretz, in Bohemia.
Professor Sandi, of (the University
Messina, Italy, claims to have discov
ered. a cure for eubonic plague,
A Boer has been arrested in Bechu
analand charged with attempting t
stir natives up to rebellion.
A Rome despatch says there have
been several fatal eases of bubonic
plague recently at Palermo and Naples
'A party of Rusaian engineers has
been massacred by Chinese brigands
at Kirin, on the China -Russian fron-
Thu. bodies of over 2,509 victims of
the recent hurrietine have been buried
in Porto Rico. The injured number 1,-
000 and thef homeless 2,000.
At Santiago, Chili, an entire passen-
ger train fell into the River Mapocha,
which rune through the city, and many
lives were loet.
.The Nile has risen slightly in the
Sinnaar district, but the rise has not
been sufficient to allay the uneasiness
felt for the, safety of the crops.
R has been decided to hold a uni-
versal exhibition in Rome in 1901. At.
the same time a colossal monument to
King Victor Emanuel will be unveil-
south Australia harvellt prospects
are fair for the time of the year,
and the outlook for the colony, es-
pecially with the improved agricul-
tural prospects are very hopeful.
The Sultan of Morocco haa notified
the powers that he is destroying the
native boats on lthe Riff coast, and is
eetabliehing n gunboat service, to pro,
tect foreign shipping from piracy.
.A despatch from:. Home reports the
throwing of a dynamite bomb into the
villa of the Archbishop of Gallipoli,
Provinee of Leccek, seripusly damag-
ing the walls of the building. The mo-
tive for the outrage is believed to be
The ravages caueed on the emit
coast of Africa by famine have become
so appalling that/ It has been decided
to appeal to the Lord Mayor of London
to open a (Mansion Baum. Fund for the
relief of the strieken British eubjeets
in East Africa.
A sanitary cordon has been establish-
ed around Oporto during the continu-
ance of the bubonic plague there. The
Lisbon pipets assert that two work-
men. who recently arrived there from
Oporto, have developed symptoms of
the plague.
At Rouen, France, a body of 2.000
striking dock laborers. on being re,
fused admission to a eernetery during
the burial of" the remains of a com-
rade returded to the laity, crying;
aLong live the ntrike I" Disturbeneen
followed. end te number of the leaders
were arrestedt
Two disasteoua fires broke out in
St. Petersburg. In the first the mili-
tary apothecary headquarters 'and san-
itary warehoteses were destroyed, in-
volving rt InS, of millions of roubles.
Gromoff s timber wharf anti lumber
yards. he largest in Runes. were 'Aso
burned, and the) loss in this case (deo
wilt run into millione of roubles.
Preaident Loubet of ?ranee, in'an ad-
dress to Dee Marla Connell of Ram-
beuillet said that the whole country
ehould bow to the verdict of the Drey-
fus, court martial. The judges, be de-
elarelfli could bel reliee upon for alien -
lute impartiality, He was convinced
that the troubles' of the country were
mating tin end,
itat St. Petersburg correepondent playa
that 8,000 Finns have left Finland
einee Febiruery. The Finials& Work.
IngMen Associrdion has <leaded to
eend agentn to °boost hinds in Anal,
tyrailit for emigrants. The peoullar
04,4440,1,4„. intereasia POOPY
era .gridideller heat earely Celt
lukr most inditektrinee aeit .iterttleet
.earus. •
11444"itrilliZeas"Imellata Sellqw*W"erilarieetiltrti"""--
A• 4%1004 fru= Seattle. Nude.
aallee-Oet or 1,000 men whu went into
the Kotselnie country, Aleslot, belt
4**;* than 70 have died fraan dias
ease or aceident. Thisis the atatament
of J. K. Jones, of Sycamore. IR. Inethe
ef the ReV.W.8. Herrington.
Seettle, Mr. Jones ertivo4 oa the
Aoanoke, Wideb also brOttoka 85 Men
Wbo have beeu afflicted "RV disease.
A despatch tram, Banta Barbara.
Pala saya that ex-Superelaor W. Al-
atola Rayne. who with a party of Santa
Herber* people hail been to the Kotze-
bue sound region all winter, bait writ -
tea very discoturagIng news home.
Uis letter, dated July 21, on the Arc-
tic circle. 500 mike inland from Kotze-
bue sound. gives a list of 42 miners
who perished of aourvy aud from other
The list dee* not include 36 who were
drowned when the Jane Gray was lost,
etor the last reported deaths from
drowning of the men who left Holbert]
inlet for Cape Nome. a
The Roanoke reporte that tbe steam-
er Portland was to have sailed tor San
Francisco ahortly after the Roanoke
left. The Portland waa to have about
41.000.000 in gold, beloeging to the
Alaska Commercial Company.
ee .
AV *mat *q.**1 awl Wit
Ai nit slivtans* , WNW* 41..!
' Weirs. 04 travel. 111111 „p1441 -***t,
A11,4 glioution4 t* &peal upatt. Bo Kat:
*0 441'40 bethelar nudge hard
Laborer* the Bald ot lite. au sgraltati-
4 argued the write oft Wow* am.
ili tralteliteg aPtitaVel tihtt
"""1 goncooto ftroulke at the Other fain *eye
gradually been aldellied tea 40 Mialtast
requirementa within our hatetble
Melina. The uallelata ie agreed upon,
Ons suit *pieta tor traveling. 'with
as.., three Wile witists *ads oaten Mee aeld
".".4" akort skirt tar knack -000 0if 11114
" WAStOttil two hats. * telt one and
and stylish etraw. toad e. thin. easily perked
Meer Atetlette steft Aeleulfull nefesee
.4101 lasakirtte ar italtgage W
'Whee 74 geng akfaa Jamie.
Fer leeetels the laddia,
bo, Menai year* / leave 1°404
Waited. singing the old song
that it Steetne alienist toe Ord tO
true that it la really Jesus berster.
nut "Jamie" who is, ganging aerobe
ekes Write* Jean Neal. So taanY y
comparisou-ef g nig not
loot; have /sighed fez a sight. at
eign shore*. Red now 1 aro man
off the days uPoa me ten Lagers --
it will aeon he u.tem one hand -=be
joining the vast army ea six
naigrenta from American shores.
before I go I am uot in search of
Duke, Or Earl. or even a Hitronet.
iti for new sensations that I am go
for adventure under different ak
upon the bounding billow and in. g
fields and pastures new; but they
to be adventuee& quite independen
the omni -interesting man. For tide
tug toolarn or enamor *ilk dress of the
°art' our choice. and we a1,1 tare Ws
eillaPiellt Make e- this Is tbe lie1it
(Wee are to travel in * rime suit case of
tor- straw. covered Witte linen. with beau*.
tin fully coneenieut strapa for holdiug um-
brella and guide Wake; and one steam-
aud trunk tor each two of ea, to be left
fore with the steamboet company for usa
neater on our returu. completes
a And it ia the saute modeet baggage
it which b occupying our earuest atten-
, Hon in these last days. Suppose we
44. should forget something. Suppona our
atOck of supplies proved insufficient,
me Suppose we lose on the way a part ell
are ouri luggage. Horrible thought*
wit oh fill us with despair! We are con -
1 a tinually yielding to them deapite our
one as continued awakening to the realize,
!acre AC lu the Pelee of Calton ANA Weal -
len Gaud* Ur From Five to Fifteen Per
A deepatch from Montreal says: -
The coneurnere of the better class of
cotton goods and of woollen will have
to pay a little more for their clothing
this winter. Prices have gone up, in
aome lines to a eon/Adorable extent, and
this will be felt In the retail trade
very speedily. The increase will affect
the auperior lines of goods most. In
fancy cottone there has been an ad-
vance of from 2 1:2 to 7 1-2 per cent.
made by the mills in consequence of
the advance in the price of raw cot-
ton. This increase will affect quite a
number of lines of manufactured cot-
ton goode, dress cottone, etc. Worst-
eds have gone up all the way from 5
to 'Steer cent. in price con.sequent up-
on the prevailing scarcity in the wool
market. This will increase the cost of
all lines of underclothing, socks, and
other woollen goods. Those engaged in
the trade expect that advances
will continue ;for some months. -
Poultry Shipment* From Cattail 1 to be
ide Itegniarty.
A despatch from Ottawa says :-Mr.
RudcLen, of Manchester, one of the
largest poultry Importers in England,
and who last year handled most of
the trial, shipment sent by the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, is here making
arrangements to ship quantities of
chickens and turkeys regularly from
Prof. Robertson has just received a
letter from another English import-
er asking to be put in communication
with Canadian poultry exporters, and
announcing that he will be here next
The Department of Agriculture is
going on with its preparations to start
chicken fattening stations in the Mari-
time Provinces, the intention being to
have two stations in each province east
of the Rockies, where instruction will
also be given in the proper methods of
killing, packing and shipping of poul-
try. An appropriation was voted for
this purpose last session.
Water Hushed Into the thimion IN VA lalch
.They Mere at 'Work.
A despatch frorn Halifax, N.S., says:
-In a life und death struggle to es-
cape from the water, which broke into
the, caisson, four of a gang of 16 en-
gaged laying the foundation of a pier
of the Midland railway bridge across
the chubenacadia river, were drowned
like rats in a trap Sunday morning.
The caisson was sunk to the bottom of
the river. It was supposed to be air-
tight, the pressure of air from a plant
on shore keeping the water out.
Through some blunder the safety val-
ves were opened, and the air rushed
out, and the water rushed in to take
its plaoe. The men scrambled for the
ladder in the narrow air shaft, Twelve
ascended in safety and four perished in
the rising flood. Their names are
Luke Peters, Jas. Wilkes, William
Donegan, and Jas. Donahoe, all of New
York, brought here by the bridge con-
Large Selma Offered to Secure Bertha on
line Meunier*.
A despatch from London says :-This
city is crowded with Americana, who
express an intense 'desire to return
home, and are unable to do so. The
steamship offices are crowded to the
doors every day, and the officials are
worried out of their lives through
their efforts to satisfy applicants for
passages. The situation would be
even worse if many had not returned
earlier than usual. Even with the
extra ntemtners, the Cunerd line is
turning away money. In many cases
extraordinary sums have been offered
for cabins or mere berths.
Every particle of space on the
Oceanic, which begins her maiden t rip
on September fith, is already taken.
One hundred and fifty guineas for a
cabin is almost a common price.
Hemmer. for Improvement and lateremie
A despatch from. Melbourne says:
-A eonference of naval offieere, re -
Presenting' Queensland, New South
Wales, South Australia, and( Victoria,
held here on Tuesday. adopted reeolu-
lions recommending en increase in
the naval reserve under aonditions
suitable to the colonies, end an am-
algamation of the existing naval per-
manent pstabliehments, the latter to
be an Instruetional Mail' and a nucleus
for the reaerve.
It wait also .recrinamended that the
force ehould be maintained and eon -
trolled by the Federel Government, the'
Admiralty to provide ships, effective
in time of wer; to be etationed at the
principal porta for training the loral
forces in time of penes.
Twenty Fer Cont. of the tleononlie Ke
serve Crop Fed.
A despatch from Winnipeg, Man.,
wipe -Wheat harvesting -is now lue
coming general throughout e coun-
try. Twenty per cent. of erop
has been cut on the Menn te reserve
in Southern Manitoba, and if the wea-
ther continues favourable for a fort-
night the bulk of the crop will be
roved. The weather has been showery
of late, and In some localities so heavy
that the grain ham been lodged. Lebour
is warm and Wagts are high.
A Rosenfeld despateb loos that Ogil-
vie ehippea a ear of No. 1 hard new
wheat on Thuradey. Threshing is now
farmer, If never before foresw
the caraway, conversation. attrac
and attention of man. For I am
ug to make the moat of a mueltee
entruted trip to that realm of ends*
meat vaguely designated as Yurr
and man plays no part (vhatever in
economy of my campaign.
It has been a moat surprising tra
formation scene, the way in which
indefinite hope of a future trip abr
ha's defined itself into a vague posai
dee a brightening probability, an
preaching evene• and now at last
become an imminent certainty. ()
laughing "how nice it would be"
last fall became wistful "suppose
could" in the winter; ripened into
earneat "lere do it." and now we a
packing our steamer trunks, rushi
ear tion that we are not bound for the
north pole. or Tartary. or Patagonia.
Hon It will probably be possible to find in
go- thoae effete centere decadent East-
on- ern civilization duplicates of every -
as_ thing which we four Garry in our hum-
„ ble possessions. And yet. such is our
"P. inatinotive distrust of any naarket
the other than oar own American omnipro-
vident department storea that we
us_ almoet tear lest not even Paris oould
supply a suitable tooth brush, or
my don furnish us with a cake of soap. We
oad ere open to conviction, however,
bil- Our paesage le engaged and our
ap- names are registered on the sailing
a list. Our letters of credit - those
"" formidable documents whilst) we don't
ur pretent to understand are made out
of with many flouriahes and aurpriaingly
we few blots. Our little bage of fascin-
ating English gold, silver and copper
en are duly received. and every day we se-
re eretly preetioe among ourseivea the
lig complicated process of barter and ex -
to change with that medium. I think I
can foresee now how delightfully we
ge shall be cheated by those same please
ur ble balfeorowns and 2 -shilling pieces,
be_ We prantice with our money and
with our Foreign Phrase Book. We
he collect presoriptions for seasickness,
ov- no two remotely alike. We have re -
he flounced improving literature and
tours of condensed inforination. Our
minds are confused and ologged with
t° the chaotic masa of advice and facts
e- which -we have been trying to abaorb
er durnig the past few weeke. I hope this
ce mental indigestion will not join forces
with the powers of the great deep to
render us easy viotims to the rolling
of the ship. But at all events we have
s a now only to wait, possess our souls in
et patience, and our bodiee in rest, try
es to assume a cheerful, unnervous frame
us, of mind and leave the stay-at-11'5mm
ol- anxioue to see us back
et_ In a few days we shall be off -and
by who knows what lies before us, "far
au across the seat" In a few days now
of "for those upon the great deep" your
- prayers are desired.
distractedly about in vein attempts
remember the last indirietisable thin
with "when we get there" upon o
lips. And yet, I shall not aetually
lieve that I am bound for across t
sea, Jamie, until I feel the boat m
ing curt from under me. and see t
wharf doing gymnastics on its own
count. For faith! 'tie mighty queer
think of myself as a blooming glob
trotter, when I thought it waa nev
to be my fate to get beyond the tou
We who have constituted ouraelve
mall army of invasion which may 3/
shake orowned heads on their Gunn
and make royal banners pale before
are a quartette. Three of us are j
ly bachelor maids and one is as even j
lier matron - constituted clihperon
virtue of tier married title rather th
through any particular weight
yearn, responsibility, dignity or de
corum. Kate, in the season an in-
structor of youth, is the practical, sen-
eible member, who - neaven help her
-will act as chancellor of the ex-
chequer, She is nearly six feet tall
and consequently far sighted. Ella. five
feet,•short and saucy, a musical genius,
in major dome and will settle the
hotel question. Jean, romanticist abd
frivolous has planned the trip. and cal-
culates to have a voice in council of
state, And the first article of our
constitution, by unanimousagreement,
has been proolaimed - "We hereby
swear, for the period of three months,
during our eatjurn together upon alien
shores, to remain oblivious of and
stranger to the existence of man."
This is really a very important un-
dendanding for any travelling quar-
tette to reach, as anyone will readily
appreciate. For upon this foundation
rest all peace and harmony, al.], disin-
terestedness and unanimity of feeling
undissevered frieudship and safe re-
t urn
We have considered our plans grave-
ly and with voluble disou,ssion. We
are unanimotur in our desire to find
unique experience; we want to meet
strange events and encounter unsche-
duled incidents. We want to do the
unhae,kneyed thing in the unusual
way, and have things happen. I think
there is no doubt that thinge will hap-
pen; They always do when Mrs. Kate
and Ella and I are on the warpath.
Bui we shall eee. Mrs. is an accomplish-
ed linguist in American and English,
which she speaks almost without an
accent. Kate can read all languages
print; but can not underetand a spoken
word. Ella knows six phrases of Ger-
man, and 1 an equal profusion of
French. I think things, are reason-
ably likely to happen. Among other
possibilities for thrills, I have a letter
of introduction to a French Countess,
to whom Engliah is a sealed book. I
think our interview is likely to prove
productive of Much interest to us both.
I can hardly wait to arrive in Paris. I
wonder if ahe is as
A quartet in a desirable traveling
party from every point of view -espe-
cially a quartet so sympathetic and
congenial as ours. We just manage
to fill a state room on the ocean trip-
cloae quarters, indeed, but oomfortable,
for we applied early and have obtained
the largest room on board. We divide
uicely into two bed rooms while trav-
eling; we fill a table at dinner or a
carriage for sight-eeeing. We can
separate amicably into couples for con-
venience of following two desirable
achemee of action; no one will find her-
self a minor third, oornpelled to flock
by herself or assent to a majority of
two. as would be the ease where "there
LB a crowd." No one is committed to
three months' tete-a-tete with an unes-
capable companion with whom one
might be in continual friction, merely
from the inevitableness of unseparabil-
ity; as would be the case if there were
only two of us. There man be no lone-
liness. no blues, no homesickness, no
lack of cheer with our quartet. One
of as at least is sure to be in bighspir-
ite all the time, and. she will buoy up
the rest. One of us is a treasure
house of resources and good counsel,
and she will see that we fall into no
diffioultiee. One of us Is n mine of
wit and wisdom. and dm will make our
trip a program' of triumph and instruc-
tion. We have identical views upon
religion. homeopathy, imperialism and
man; therefore, we are remonably sure
of peace, Four is an ideal number for
traveling, and we are an ideal four.
What important council"; of war
have we not held. What acres of
maps have we not traced in blue pencil
and etrategically marked for our ad-
vance. How many armies cf guide
books and works upon travel have we
not attacked nod devoured in the de-
termination to seleet the exact places
which it is imperative to visit, and to
learn the andeairable localities which
are destined to suffer still more from
lack of our patronage. England was
a foregone conelueion. Holland. the
land of pluck. for the achool teacher;
the Rhine aa a natural avenue to Swit-
zerland, for the dreamer and romanti-
cist; Scotland and the Highlands for
the descendant of turbaned, bare -leg-
ged chieftain'', and Paris -for we are
a feminine quertet-bow naturally and
easily the trip resolved itself into con-
eistent and coherent being. Each of
ita has her spe.cial objeot and interest,
yet all of net are eager to enjoy the
whole, and, like the four musketeer'',
it Is "one for all and all for one." To
be sure. we heve not yet taken the trip,
and we may return with very different
sentiments from thin sanguine esmadn-
derie which I thus complacently take
for granted. But I think I know my
Port hos, At hos and A meals well enoneb
to trust myself to their tender moieties
for three menthe without a qualm.
Our wardrobes were an Importent
question, for. "as little baggage as pos-
sible" is our motto, and in quality we
FAIIMON4 Kelantan Capitalist L044.4 over
The London Leader to -day publishes
a despatch trona its St. Petersburg cor-
respondent, saying that the suspen-
sion of M. Vonderveiss, a millionaire
of that eity, has produced a depreee-
ing effect on the Bourse and in finan-
cial circles. Ilia capital Watt esti-
matf,41 to have been between 50 and
50 million roubles, •but after his debts
are paid he will iscarcely have six mil-
lion troubles left. His fortune has
been largely sunk in a group of un-
dertaking's, each one supporting the
other. Be regarded one of the most
important systems of railroads in
Brussis. as his own, and be wits connect-
ed with this ruled and with n number of
steamers plying on the Volga and the
Caspian Sea, a machine factory, an in-
surance company, a cement factory,
anti n number of timelier concerne,
among other interests.
It is thought the, failure is likely to
ruin many other bousem, including
that of a Moscow capitalist named
Mamatouw, who has muspeuded for 24,-
000,000 roubles.
The Ere al el. Shore itlaniste Ha. Been
Fr. eileally Arranged.
A despatch from St. John's, Nfld.,
says :-The Colonial Government bas
been informed by the Imperial Secre-
tary of State for the Colonies, Joseph
Chamberlain, that negotiations for the
settlement of the French shore dis-
pute are in progress between Great
Britain and France, and that he is
hopeful of speedy and satisfactory ar-
rangement. It is believed that mat-
ters are going well, because the French
warships are to withdraw front the
coast at the close of August, two
months earlier than usual.
Aholta Fitted Up for a Mhiploullialell
A despaAch from London saya-Vic-
ker's Sons and Maxim, the great /tittle
builders art Barrow, had great diffi-
culty In housing t.heir workmen, so
they fitted up the old Alaska, once the
fastest of the Atlantic, liners, and re-
modelled her into a boarding-house,
which le to be ope.ned on Saturday
with 100 boar -dere. ,
The men will sleep and est aboard
her. The dining, refuting, smoking,
and recreation-roomg, the promenade
deck, and bathe are all at their dis-
posal, and the food will be of the beet
quality. Al/ this, with waehing and
mending, will co5rt 43.30 a week.
Thought 'MU the Kest May to seem,. a
I metal of 111. Carte.
A despetch from London says A
man. evidently a German, sAOIA arrest-
ed on Wednesday evening for throw-
ing letter into the Queen's eat ring.
while her Majeety waia driving The
letter was a harmiette request to the
Queen to procure a new trial of a ease
decided againet the writer The men
wee liberated, Ile he said he did not
know he wna breaking the law, as it
WIIA a commen practise on the contin-
ent to throw meesagee into the royal
kitiVItell Won Pertthei of aerie, r Reform
In• From the Klondike.
A deepetch from Kirigeton, entre
.Toilin Tomes', of Adolphust ow n. who
left over year ago for the Klondtke.
died trod Mnreh on his way home His
party endured greet hardahi pa. going
by tete Edmonton route, Mr Tierney
was first taken down with pneumonia.
and on his reeovery, ecurvy reo tn.
whieh ennead denth Ile was over
rel years of age, rind a highly respected
farmer of Adolphe/0 own
At Roubaix, one of the %einem
stronghold"' of France, t he 11,000 pute
I1e school children reeeive fres food and
elothing •t the expense of the town.
Tom nomo3 or Tat maw rxo•
ittroRTIO PY 11411.4
lisselled tkelteeste taltessg MAK MAK
14,4 to Sae Kase -letereerleg
PrOlenalie on foOt to stock as
ther Thanma with salmon.
The expausso at the gluten's hone*.
bald are eetiruated at 417000 a Year.
In Landon gore nearlY an hour
lase daylight at inttbaununer than 1,*
The little daughter* a the Mk, of
Fite areettid to be the yourageat !Immo
the kingdom.
Britein ben been free from tedium:ma
forty-three yeara. wheu it reappeared
about ten yeere ago.
A Lou(km omnibus' earns an au ever -
age Ant per day frosts peasetagers, yid
Is per (ley from edverWere.
Dickens ist the mote popular tit Eng -
Hal authors. and the "home in
nuvela atilt op the increase.
Sir Joalua Reyualdo well-knoseli pits
ture of Lady litunlIton haa realized
4,1100 guineas at a sale in Loutton.
Owiug to the differeme in Liza aver-
age death rate it may be said that
three Englishmen live as haw as five
Lieut. -Col. J. H. Spurgin, 1st Battal-
Soota Fusiliers. vecated the com-
mand of that battalion on let July.
The London County Couneil has de,
cided to puroluuse a rite in High +Orme,
Poplar. with a view to the erectiou of
a Technical Inatitute.
London's great new Roman Catholie
cathedral la expected to be sufficient-
ly finished to allow of it being official-
ly opened in September. 1900.
Miss Florence Nightingale residea at
Embley Park. Hampshire, (Owe /the
ese born In May, la" she is now con-
aequently in her 80th year.
Fifty tlsousarel pounds is the sum
which the Ebbow Vale Iron and Coal
Cempany has set down as lta loss over
the great Welah ooal strike.
It la announced that the Westing-
house Elul:ere, and Manufaoturing
Company, of Pittaburg, Pa. will build
works at Manchester tind e'mploy 5.000
An old woman named Name! Green.
a widow, of White Horse Yard, Wake-
field, committed suicide by hanging
herself with a towel. which she fasten-
ed to a beam.
Masters and men of the South Wales
tinplate trade decided to reoommend
the aeceptanoe of a 10 per cent, re-
duction during the months of August
and September:
A, site in Fleet street, near the Lud-
gate Circus London, has been let by
auction at a ground rent of £1,700 a
year, equivalent to about Efel,300 per
acre per annum.
Mormonism is gaining ground in
England to such an extent that the
advimbility of introduoing a prohibi-
tive measure in Parliament la being
seriously considered.
At Nonmouth Frederick Nuttall, a
carpenter, was charged with intimida-
tion in connection with the building
strike. The bench imposed a fine of
£6 or three months.
On June 26, the French barque which
ran a.shore on Christchurch Head,
Bournemouth, in Februery last, was
blown wp by gun ootton exploded by
eleetricity, set in operation by -Lady
At fk)urnemouth Albert Cox, tnaa-
ter printer, was fined £5 including
costs, for breach of the Cutitoma Act,
by destroying a pint bottle of uncus -
turned brandy which had been seized
by Custom house officers.
A young white sparrow has been
captured by Mr. G. D. Scott, who was
attracted by the bird's chtrping in a
row of beans in his garden in Buries -
The Archbishops of Canterbury and
York have issued a declaration that
the use of candles and incense in
church eeremoulea Is Illegal and for-
bidden by the church of England.
At Strrey Quarter Seaslons recent-
ly the resignation of Captain Hast-
ings, chief constable et the county,
was reported. He had held the position
for nearly half a century,
The Queen's maids -of -honour are al-
waym chosen as being clever pianiets
and good readere of music at sight,
and Princess Henry of liattenburg
very fond of playing duets with them
for her Majeety's entertainment.
Lord Kitchener left Loudon on Aug-
ust 8th for Omdurman, to resume his
duties as Governor-General of the Sou-
dan. Gordon's palace at Khartoum
has been almost entirely rebuilt, and
will be used as the Government house.
A bazaar was recently held In con-
nection, with the Scottish cheroh,
Crown Court, L0041011. church
ie known to be 200 years old, and is
supposed to have originally been the
kirk of the Crown of Scotland. Fifty
years ago the well-known Rev. Dr.
Cumming. of prophecy tame. wae nun -
Utter there.
Proportionately, there IA DO great
city in the civilized world that has
so few morning paper. as London.
This is due to the large expeuditure
involved in 'darting a paper In the
metropolis. Any one contemplating
this must be prepared to lose many
thousands of pounds a year for two
Or throe yearn. and tlem, perhaps, to
The Duke of Albuny. who is now
(he aecepted heir -apparent of the reign-
ing house of Coburg -Gotha, is in his
fifteenth year, having been born in
1885, four monthe after his father's
death. At present he Ls at Eton, but
under the new arrangement he will
have to go to Germany and be turn-
ed Into a German prince.
The British Treasury has decided to
give a grant of £20,000 towards the
eonetruction of a light railway from
Wick to Lybater. The estimated cost
of the line is about £70,000. Of this
sum the 9uke of Portland, the Caith-
ness County Couneil, and the burgh
d Wick Barb contribute £15,000, and
the burgh of Poulteneytown £1,000
A donkey, by taking the law into ite
ovn handa, or rather into its own
hoofti, put a speedy end the other day
to a preaeeut ion at Chelmeford, The
defendant, James Cordell, a knacker,
G'reat Weltham. wrkEt accused of Ill-
treating the arm hut he was unable to
appear because. on the same day, the
animal had paid him with interest in
hie own coin, giving him Ruch a kirk
t hat he had been laid up for three
werekst The animal having thus aveng-
ed iteelf. the inapector repreeen I i ng
the Royal Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty, asked permission to with-
draw the stimuli:me. and the bench, ap-
parently eonaidering that it wan mil
of the knacker and half a dozen of
t URA. granted the epplication.
Meretre. Vickere, Sons. and Ma x
Limited. Sheffield. and Berrow-on-
Vurneem, have purehased the At tante.
liner Alaaka, built by John Elder &
Co. for the Onion line and in her day
he greyhound of I he Atlantic, with
a view of utilizing her, moored in the
dortkat n t Fkirrow, as a floating borne
for about four hundred of their work-
men. There is a great nenreity of house
accommodation at Barrow, and al-
though private builders are Moly In
putting np new property, Mesere,
Viekere are about to ereate a new
eolony on Walney Island within palmy
reonh et their and build a 'hoe -
sand houses there forthwith_ The need
of temporary areommodation in very
great in the meantime. and henee the
neeonnity of enquiring the Alattire The
Idea ist vary popular arnongat I ha men
tbseelail Atersorementa Made at eke Fes.
1111.8 Porta.
deepa teh f rem Lention gave
Special preenntione ere being taken at
seeerhamptee and ether Englieh perts
in river.' to the bubonic plague end
ya I low fever All vemeela arriviree
from ilpentah and Portuguese porta
rirp rigorously evainined by the medien I
TOR01111 LIM
Woro.454.2 404. neri 44 its*
at the 'western cattle yard* to-das
Trade all souical was slow, and a large
qtUtetity ot *tuft WKA held over for tx:.
Itilariaroopveawaigentiarkoettm. web doing export
cisttlea and prices were unchanged et
#4.25 to #.a, with a.n extra 15 mato for
ttle174:14:eu:aatied.1 on the market. The
fitoodolea of inferior butcher's cat -
wain ot pasture 4WD keeping the aver-
age quality of offerloga low. For
print* ettaff there war g fair demand,
but tritding WVA generally dull, with
"Iii'msolloawilthangdae'relosowinre of to -day's trans-
weenie: -
A. load of export cattle. weight 1.275
lbs., sold at 44.5o per owt.
Oue load of mixed butebeia' and
rough export, weight I.100 Ma., sold
at 44 per owe
One load export. weight 1.280 Ills., sold
at $4.05 per ewe
A lot of extra choice export, weight
1,540 lbs.. wild at 5 per cwt.
Price& of export bull++ and stockers
were unchanged.
Good veala were in demand at #7 to
ilinet,erwtorith quotatione us low ati f2 for
There woa a fale demand tor sheep,
of which there was a good run. Price!'
were the same as last Tuesday, $3 per
owt. for bucks, and $4 for ewes, being
the top figures.
Cows sold at 423 to $45 each.
The hog market was easter; quota -
dope are unchanged from Tuesday, but
there was a tendency towards lower
prices. Too many light hogs are still
coming in; 45.361-2 per cwt. was the
bigheet general price. though for a
few extra choice selections am high as
#5.50 was paid.
Following ia the range of current
illebtla Gone
Shippera, per owt.. . .#4 25 $5 15
Butcher, choice, do. .. 3 75 4 25
Butcher, med. to good.. 3 25 3 60
Butcher, inferior. . . 3 10 325
Sheep and Lambs.
Ewes, per cwt.. . 3 75 400
Bucks, per cwt.. , 2 50 300
Spring Iambs, oath. .. 8 00 400
=Milkers and Calves.
Cows, each. . . . . . 25 00 45 00
Calves, anal. . . . . 00 7 00
Choice laogs, per owt. . 4 50 5 36 1-2
Light hogs, per cwt. . 4 12 1-2 4 62 1-2
Heavy hugs, per owt. . 4 12 1-2 4 62 1-2
Buffalo Aug. 25. --Sprang whet,' -
Strong; No. 1 Northeru, 77 7.8 to 78
I -8o; No. 2 Northern, cafe 75 5-8c.
Winter wbeal-Strongly held; No.• 1
white land No. 2 red, no bid, to arrive.
Conn-Firtn;'No. 2 yellow, 37 1-4c; No.
3 yellow, 3.7e; Nu. corm, 36 ,1-2e ; No.
3 corn, 36 to 36 1-4o. Oata-Strong; No.
2 white,e215 1-2e ; No.3. white, 24 3-4 to
rac No. 4 white, 23 3-9 to 0.140; No. 2
mired, 28 1-2o; No. 3 mixed, 23e. Bye
-No offerings. Canal freights -Steady.
Flour -Firm.
Detroit, Aug. PL. -wheat °I"ssd:--
Noe I white, mate 72 1-2o ; No. red,
cash, '73 1-2o; September, T4 1-8o;
December, 77c.
Duluth, Aug. 25 -NS' hen t No. 1
hard, oatsh, 74 7-8o; September, 73 1-8c.
December, 72 7-8o; No. Nurtnern,
cash, 72 3-8o ; September, 71 1-8e ; Dec-
emaber, 71 7-80.; May, 75c; Nu. 2 Nort•h-
erne GI 1-8c ; Nu. 3 spring, 3-ec.
Mil w ukee, Aug. 25-W heat -No. 1
Nortlhern, 72 to 74c; No. 2 spring, 70
1-9 ti• 72 1-11c. ; No. 2, 54
to 54 3-4e, Barley -Steady ; No. 2, 41
tat 42c ; sample, 35 to 41c.
'Toledo, Aug. 25. -Wheat -No. 2, Nish,
7201-20; September, 73 1-8e; December,
76.1-8e. Curci-No. 2 trilled, 34e. Oata
-Not 2 mixed, 21c. Itytt-No. 2, caulk
,55c bid. Clover seed -Prime, cash,
04.06; October, 44.55. 011-thichting-
Allwayli flair t'eirmegany al lour Heal. 1
Vou 1111.ila to A V0,41 Dypipessiila.
If blIsineas Mun Wutild only
inn' how deadly it te to take one's mid-
day Meal alone they wuuld always dine
in company. 'rho solitary eater is al-
ways tempted to Sake leo large mouth-
fuls and swallow them too quickly, and
either lc. eat tau much or too little.
Those who eat in c-ampany ve to
devote a certain amount of time
talking and attending to each otherS
wants. This makes the period be-
tween the mouthfule longer, and givea
more time for digeet ion. Converse' btu
et meal times ueually takes a cheer-
ful turn, and the tone of both mind
and body ie raised, the heart and ner-
vous system act better, the flow of di-
gasnive juicea is stimulated, and a
large amount of actual nourishment ie
obtained from smaller quantity of
in (Mart, a small daily dose of slow -
acting but deadly poitron would be o9
more injurious titan the average busi-
ness inan'a midday lunch is.
Many Death+ Are nepereei From 11
lune ar kolonoloyefrkft.
,A despn f nen rVi oar IW , mays: -
Th., bulimic. plague has at last reach-
ed European Russia. Th.• Gevernment
has received an official report 'hat
the village of Kolobohoffka. In the
government of Ast rakhan. Soul la- east-
ern 'Russia. is infected, and ha
went y -one dent hs have occurred.
Energetic measurem are being I liken
t o isolate Numpeeted, an well as un -
&arid ed _cararta sanilary and medical
detarturnafte have ben sent out front
Oldenburg. and Gen Eassoulitch has
rrivrd wttla trettos to enforce he
qua rant ne that ix being established
“Initn Ihe Lnal leltakarre% unti Hanlon
Itelenfteel fooinitY.
A despatch from Dublin says -Fitz
ha rrirt rel Hanlon, I he last tot' the
Phoenix perk prisoners, were releaned
(1'0171 I he 51 a r y boroug h goal ,/fl 4
day evening Binh look heti Ithy
I'll Al "I !NIA WOre Rpret111144A
Fitiharris, oliait -Skin the Gont."
ho in May. 1883., watt nenteneed
ANIf V iftldr a.s an accomplice in
he murder of Lord Frederick Ca von
dish. and Mr 'f H Ho rke, 55 men
ieneed to RA.rVItil,10. for attempt
mg to noirder members of a Jo ry
gaged in the trial of persons charged
‘yit h titer, November, 1888,
*erne., atelpersent or Apollo, anill Pear.
for 'teetotal.
A demia tc h from, Ottawa. ria.
The neeond nhipment I hie POI 4,11
appl ea end pears in, marl stiirage from
Grimsby for Manchester .4 now going
harward by the Manchester Enter
prise. a yearn.' of he M a ric hen er
Liners. Limited, whirb was to-I/snood
this year to develop r 1 tif. 14.1 IN ef.11
that filly anti Montreal Prof Robert
-on. who has been ill GrImAhv quite, v
ing he shipment. found t he r lot / rot,
of hnt rict• goml oro. I lit sot
heavy an year
A *tool flames/. tvaes t he
lattud productions of &Midfield A. oar
row strip of steel a hook an rich wide
Incased in lenther rind 114,41 n I he
ordinary way , the steel to ef the heal
atutiity anti to pliable that it enn
Pinglillatheleallate ralhaela
Wela Igo* Alstrelgetit.
_Ake** ot this leste**004000der 044000
agushererter.-4,#untiagtork, 11%, Avid
131x* **14, ‘.14* Aroosolor /4
A weedy scholar roan* theorists*" Of
ePaanripmEns, arldpoinay ateetraSititoolt theirobox
queetIon regard*/ tile Itist047
iiraoce. Nearly all of tkit bats( ittt
wins. That la the way earsts Vat
liallstooes hare frequently caused
great injury to vineyards In 1011. A,
aellstorro was about ,to descelad Clotho
fillsges uear Mooferuutto, when the
clouds were bombarded with artillery
and the hail was thus converted [sato
light rains.
Several years ago tbe body. of John
Hollingsworth was buried at Tempe.
Arlsona. He was aillIngh bald at Use
time of his death, yet when, the body
was exhumed, not long ago, his head.
was covered with a luxuriant crop of"
bah* and bie beard bad grown fully
thirteen Inehes.
A pistol came Into the possesidort of
Willie Porter, aged nine yeera, of
Coots. Kan. The m.artial spirit stir-
red him, and be played soldier, *I'll
+Moot you!" ke said to his little sister,
and fired. The bullet passed through
the little girl and her mother, killing
Tbe child of Emieb Roland, of Ches-
tertown. Md., was taken ill at West.
and the father was leaving bis home in
quest of a playsielan. Two police-
men mistook bleu for a burglar and
both fired their teethe' at him, one of
the bullets lodging ln his arm. The
obild died.
Swedish women are trequently em-
ployed as farm laborers. Mothers
who are enguged in this work carry
their babes strapped to their backa,
°mph in a leather bag. This plan en-
ables them to use both hande at their
Sixiy-six years ago, when George
John Stutz was ten years old, his mo-
ther deposited 44,000 in a Baden-Bad-
en bank, to be drawn by him on
resoling manhood. She died with-
out informing him of the matter. Fie
is now a market gardener in Piscat-
away, N. J. He has just learned of
his good luck, and that the #4,000 has
lnoreased to .75,580.
The greet force of the Mannlieher
rifle was accidentally demonstrated at
Prague, Bohemia. Two gendarmes en-
tered a room at an inn and placed
their rifles in a corner. One of the
rifles fell and was diaoharged. Its
bullet passed through a door leading
to a room where a party was dancing,
killed one man and (Aimed through the
bodice eif five other men, all of whom
were serioualy injured.
The mother of leaac Heiman, a
twelve -year-old boy of Jersey City,
gave hlm a niekel, aud he determined
to have a good time. He bought two
ciente worth of candy, and for mafety
put the rheum) on ono side of his
mouth, and t hen began to munch the
i•andy on the other Hide. Thu. pre-
eeeding continued for a few minutes,
until be three pennies ?Jennie in' zed
with the confectionary and slipped in-
to bit gullet. doctor took lion Sy
the heela, held him head downward
and shook the money out uf him.
A uhrewd and cautious thief had for
'tenths been stealing the geese, chiek-
ens, turkeys and pige ut John Thobliu-
akl, of Red :flook, Dutohe,ss County, N.
Y. He kept a elose watch, trut never
suspected the identity of the rogue un-
til the other day, when he heard one of
his pigs squeeling. sew an eagle
carrying off the little porker. He
winged the eagle with a gunslaot and
hen rapt u red it by throwing a blan-
ket over the bird.
- - -- --
A 1.4,4..1 lint( tre Nett.. VONINI 41101. Ker.
un Old Hank 4 ler...
At least OfiN, half of the. forgeries
eourmitted in tiny great (tit y are never
detected," mild an old bank clerk, " I
base that statement upon the obser-
vation of years. It ha,Pisqla 00w and
then Ahab some man find, himself in
desperate need of Money, yields to the
temptation and discount a note bear-
ing a forged indonsement. The cash
tides him over the criSis, amk by Ole
titne the vapor matures he is able to
take it up tied putt it in the fire. That
wipes tett the material evidence and
the secret remains tucked in the bot-
tom td his heart. Occasionally he fails
to tante the money in titne, end then,
of course, the affair comes out.' and be
is ruined, But 1 am convinced that
the proptirtien of thecovery is small.
"'lite feelings of a man w hu has been
himixat before IA till V. flu permits himself
to lake any such desttertAte chances
must be terrible A proeperous mer-
charat confmmeit a transaction of that
to me once, anti I have never for-
gotten boa story. It win. hortly attar
he stet ted II13:48, and in a moment
frtithtful pressure he cashed a forg-
ed note for elloo. The paper had 90
1.ays to WA, and be felt certain he
would be able 1., collect enongb. out-
standing accounts lo pa,y It before the
time elapsed.
" Bat, onee the deed waft done, he be-
came a prey to all manner of horrible
apprehensions. Risks and possibilities
he had never dreamed of suddenly
loomed like meuntruns. kin heard acci-
dentally that t he bank cashier and the
man w hose, name he had forged be-
longed U., the same Viihrst if the
note. sere mentioned by chance in con-
versation I The thought went through
him like a bullet, and he nearly swoon-
ed For twe mout he, he said, he Kept
a Itotied revolver In the top drawer
n desk, fully determined to blow
out his braine en the (natant of die-
'E‘tmetuntly he paid the note, and
iss real , sent a stekbed felt
a week fle assuret I rno that! the Mein-
ory "1 that transaction had kept him
on he sty -audit pal h of honour ev et
41 nee ''
Mr (laver /oily has .00 too, but to
make ttp for that he hag two brains
I he st r nye iya ri t t hat his
Ma tn. are az fely tucked away in that
Mr Lid -041.0i' neernn to be very IDU,h
"tan:a fi toet Itache, for be keeps hia
teeth tri hie eptomaeh
he erom hart no heart, but he has
ArK potrA ef imitation ones, rind he
tgglea along very well with threw
The eirangest creature of all,
hough, IA a wee chap called the
• t meet., ' Ho bast no lege ner any-
tbtng Mae When he wante to go
any piece he nint lops pert of him -
eel( over and drege the rest of himeelf
111, tt • he gets hungry ho
Just turns himself inside nut over any
moron) of food he happens to come
across. rind when he finer, nornething
eice Dune hiceself ineirte in over
There prima n man who 114 If ‘1011(1.
dopen't look it
meybe not , but hie wife died
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