HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-09-01, Page 2SIR 'PAVORT sup, 0.­ Affam raw Ztr, West 40 mWividle, Pit. XAX W WW"M �WXW VWWS. A f0it CAVADA., um Im LIU at 14'Patr, 4 C40W -Aw lwovwo W004, tho'Ars0s, wu)bw Aq4. ro. TX]t'*M ""WA !.$'XW AT 4"t* troovorr* vot., sal frqw,�% =1Z willilt.4 43,0*0 Albox Aaw" at %k 4"24- *4*4k ftoot, Loodox, sairy *—Ttip from Tulir 070'—Mw JW *iotloa,. Obio, 'bad Aittgrt 4W la*' soal", Itl #A 0" u's 10"11% Jew i44*f,,*%g"J4 14,40, iw, wrosis 00 Aixt* I^ V4144, -CUC4 op Awoy 4401ra *00410 W04 that 991t*49-:rs 41"Heo jr*vwl� JW 41PA-040 t� *4 a *SW-W4%4W Vila bpo* ' " 4" XIAW "Jeall 4"swe""Solk No" X00 to Pa4gCotat, s." li� spi�* A, A""44 Jog keuuo_*� U,4 �VAdlinq 41% pwr the, Ew000z 4 kiapa stori4tr of u's goasttrx. ther, *09WbIq,4, ig opV* 1 JW * trollif ZQiWalk" 11LUIsl4raid . - I Aotitro, 4101AW "y`S­ trjow*_04 ltad �Pw $044 40 Kkirp",M 140 IR 1411l 9t 40k,0114 410 "t (UP 00140-martlat #Wopt, I.Pr yful6t ­tk*d� j;J oxim Its upad �ur two circu* valwumw owotq big "�Ji' wham� lt mo tiort, . N, 4o. tivIlia, to *b4W W�a kllys trit *,ths J400 thilt 4 Irog ow" ot �00 A4#4 wb"t wow '14 ioo;al� mlt�ihi� doxiao ines, Ther . sh*t if .4 m*1.9 or* X"4, 1044 4 U _ t4 41, ;9tiall" Ily "w ono-, #A 'With lbot Tri4lsp, I 04W 4 lup bew Onto lw 4 vpgw 14, briag, 04 intin #Ww at maid."hitthe, int411404" '"ritift A r- 4, -At. . TO . r -,, - arpul"t *1"'t tbo 14mallor to-, 9. '00 Tho T. who cult Pot 4, , 9)rp wittv. , , 1 �441. 11W vl,�,Soltx tob" tow, -ko, WW i-icalibrir-* iAt* so A;o 400 oro" low to 404*0 tp w*gy, A '400-44 ot y44 xrow4a; AuNg VAIPA 14b Atr* Alt Ity titmill 94 VWL tool.; lolloqtly 0 . groo 0"k#to, 44 X,9V*q­.y an fAtr, a 'mq A"! U4, 4*,b pro it 1044 %, a Paw 4004,00 Wf x.6 Xlirs�tlouo. 10 Owed up the wig X* t, 4*44-001, 04P.0"lot to 0,4 Ow 9-oretar pow.''40" ad vllilroot that *4� IP4 'y 0" 041TV71 440 t 4 4P otab 44 0A "'UskWoo vilw9imire, Alottlox# ilwi OPWRO's thoui"to till 4)4 CA. UP, _944j6pj, thim 40014M that 90.4�04- 4$iilads 'ji r",. XAM. , -ro - I - � -to biW Woforahli 9004" the shorti. -Ths 0 14_4*04.04 iLo. thq, tribong 4 'Ths WAtVW 40, *Wt".04 Nty 4 "Otimi 414 Vo. JriJ* Capt, %?X i *batc* 1A tug, vilax Va. an i.ig try QV,0 W004 1 4"._ *wg Ila px 'Ploxv-1 wh4­4"irit" to %liul 9 41, . �. rtorip wjw not ovorpQ or# XQQ;AIA , pd� gild ;bog; evidol do" lvb4pi�i to X the 40vue *at f9t ho ittartod ap 44, 4M, Xa* go 4" Qkv b4p #4 00 APWIL A06, �XUT". i qrX, L go Mont Va TOP, 1)UgVVIVJ�, somsmW to itit, support. 'Xbk 009)04 P.O. - %*HOwihg ("ji . li.,J i 44 Into, VW W000 wul9b 4 litlitto 4* 40—CW tA itt.pr V U-0flif 'To , k1 'tion 1044. 4IR X* Iro" iR On,, Aipt�p *X# —bgra, Va '; 144 row 4141 W *I'ROMY0QT.VA4Rt4T .0 410,4 #bo. T Ir w, 0 for to Well -0 AblPliot. tsoawi I IN it" th , #PDX# xl"s�k b4t1t loolily Q9 4 stt lik4alaghomp. -on tu* attl4f followed Sa4 proo—outAy me )*Per "m at #A. 14000- Vg�,O t ri r9ouno-b" swamw X"ity W944'iial Uey, om- 111�2*uiqu* au, 040 for, vwlsvvou" Ault two otb�erg 4% Aw, Wo , Ra "aw. l!X 91;w'. acroNo br#14,14 tbo Jud-gt. ot a A-1101,1444 lotter., r t t, ;�kto)i whosiO, 4 400*od, til %act , 11 �rossl I We 14 PrAct :sait PA Thor*4v for Villiad 'W Wbe boor was ov �Jtt;� thgt )Wdr 9-04;t *t.#,rPAAY 1041.04".§101 _4i W lvk !"10, , MAU XPRUP, 04 b qrry) Ilwdlog, t h t aolwws I;r 44t*ov"r '40 t h woo W4 4414, tut, he 44W ow" go.fe; ct.-Illat the, U140 po, T , and sl.iowo o. wagi. Z"* W14 (41ioil-r" to AIM t "Wv Ott ti, WLqr4? 90144 to An PIZt, the. or the slA a 'country 'A Matt It -as Au eaojv. thing f ots 40.4taiQuJi box Absu I kayak Is 0 _W!o1oy*4. limr, au t AAA, silso, ona V-iogetoloi 04 two'llooft pf _A4 _q9W 046 two Z3*4 to di-- i t pan r4 otit- -of ItAll , *:�1)1 40XI Alt%4, 1.41A -so iv-Wt1w:0411. b gaq ii� 40* witlww Was X" VA. 'Of 'the la . i : teh ax."# pt %4 P.*11gy Nowic-opqT� At9ck at, A 4", 004k ZPA40A. Mr, Jotw,04 44'n.w pw A 14141lor for tb�w, Sao of Vra J Ara V, pop" tbo T ; . I Ast 1. COA444 mt *AA 10 Rrao" w1M:k d*qJ#rpd In clparly.; Iia is fir lustanco 4i?gtow q4o: the, A 040% V lisvi,ir XQt�j% jaalipl R '04, '64 1*0X'A killed _P � I I Ir 19 4old to� trsdorar 4 !Ztt., ftu tog A"044 wllort X, 4. borl gskod h ctif. - � ban �at;q Vmfow go reported., on wiQ1112141 �dOuQqtiIv91 _Jil . -4- :1 ­ . 1. M410Y it opea-statemoAt-Ne recjv�j y for D'Ayiel wag onatimU64. It, Lr,.b in In T4e44 WO9,14,44 4con, tho,a4w par, '0, "N4 'oaly' did QW04 �44. buy iitwoot XtrVitual w4vto the box,. doW 14 "'tho 041!e' or the, 4 -PpAdi T% 0 rise" groitolav; *Ir ............ oxnIlla 14.0,kwx :dorpsx, ]K* wf,* Most tliaphatia An doch*utv, but Opt. gAul.rol reAd them tints - �ob, tjoin r"All, '04, go A, - short ..to LITTLr4 Glays CAPTOR& Q04,wo, V.sn.—Wit Atid.p or � ogcl A t4s Ads A comfoogtaVy gg p., 911;1� TWIATV MOS the V_m and, it le '00, . , Tb4p wilmi, �ftk*, lip C911 .00 04m 40% arrggpp) a 04 04000 44 ox,04. "Al . . . . . . . 314uzeX, A,% Alt dro"'4 Wit opt Aro 91ko" 40rqMW*t4=__ #IeJLj#0ahr4 allft 'quo#1001l ogtills, thA $owfoua.illsiad I ptiol �Otm, dor.able, 00, 1#erfakod A134414 - TORO stisrosea Wj* a Joasail, W, 0 did not pr9teoit, b-11; "Obje tbo donp—avIiof 4,00441 9491,444 Jo On, . ; ;Reroj�r F or r 144 1* 00111" will. X ao.ilov't 4001arod We couviotl9a that 14c , W CIA mtkoji them, ospocioily VOR T F A viorldl ag. .4 V#Iaablo tor hatilip os,44 *D V" U'r. 4 VQ r 64g, =Wr (Nfti�4j, to the term " comiabAtary.4 .94%;r A, well-knowu Loudon ilap&tp, or 0 -'bel,401rogo. was iq1tton to a van- rS1 t, 44 041444, barks th 0o4J0a*l:6f 4" A Al 'Xhera 14 rq4pon to w,f' AAA X� coupt"As A d of A 4 t #g7g.- 9APA 0 kor. '' ( P FiflY,9440 batter� fJ%VQ for he itip on ut An artole, lot'- die"In'04' *M"-AgStaqU4 for� the �g`@4epal or, At J)t".aAt 0 'tar' PAR ,.W g;ft 191dL" 044"A'4*00 Fogil a Xk j% V ,no gaft, If Attlo fttrl� Of 24 Ali# XiattUral to, 4 , ad #94 there won 414 two mAid 01412*04 ttiat; 40 "AW ha, I 1W i*# taw �yoarp� CoJ #.A of the eXVQ,(]4tlQ4 *h1pli ay _kWI04 pocatfor. #*perlo'noo, wlth. na uAwittlaal$, au'd tlis't W A ' 140 or fAmine. Oflombiklim foxg agoosary ini, the :�t of g Olt QtbOr tritkoq.� ;ian'lpo 'no. pV 9, X tO ariv hand ANDAR40101EXT VOR TRIJkL atelt, 11414r, at l*_ArSkf ]raw 0IddX4QW4( vo 4 telry Toy" (1fital gat the W,%r been.,gio.Wix L I. g; 00- 644� A*0d to be ongfroutod wr* A vlothstsft kno- at it he O.eyo4'k4o 41qt colloolpho , baVO 1*04 fall 44AL�Offkq.$) 0 OV004 is 'Artauro - wilglotiottlot a4rWhpA that ti '0; 0 014*04 Willilto -Il�y4d ab o _ml . , 1 W It. rdludeor 11140h U 444 0—ough to keok The Oth-ar wpors print OW10, a 4 It a 40, itt ratio$ KwA Og 4"liltift@t 00.00�. Vt two of which M. UbQrk 0:4011 called rpittr bti4, InP19lity I L I . ': " -na, oaa� No Or sal ItIclon, They i.nalat up.04 the gravity a f g rrr,�,pal 4 14 We irltpo" AS yearS. ' L it i its igirto who lig vtay�lor d with Ir.00 14 to the Infinite '44410 to tho, AvAd to d vivo him latqL A 40$.Zzardi do kn wlpeg tu ape t 014� f1d4P9tQ4,f.rQ% wi4nlpog, Vo4k." Big 4 .PQb; 6 bloolaT At itto _10"; ot; poll."JI14 corner, 06 08 t0h.. btit . � Ils. 004�1 sod Point a "k4gow-tIon 000 imilit"y wit L p$4 pi'derad r chant. In his 4000, jjIQ el�,Jilet fid 4, listgo book Oil Iti , qt* 4, *orolar Was $1 1�� , Q Out that further dolay in inapquoiblet. Up opitlie we it, �!tbqy dor not Colowt tudgtselvog o, play R J _s�torfl abo.V6 04 �Wjl 1pxcha;* joXtut. he biak oo. Q pinionof What Proeldeat 4 tb 6;,�, oa SL 04L U e 1104V to, 40 beyond. sXproQAjag'Ltb.6L feQt� -.4t* robaiv n Qoaowl On W440 inot'. sho� &6i wout I k. Ill orappo JAW Ott Able to Warr, atto will00#041i Tat ENO op, THE W, 1w). V M' . , to blo� T that W t enor 1040,V FEAR Wit OvIaonom W4.4 X I VIP9.1, n �cUatoai . 4* at t a uip, 14 ths 11ttle, OR'; -1 imp und6roto Vain, At t t b der a, w4ram of,*.b .48"laro On 0 Of chow _tlit 11"c4laceltea 8. Dental Vur� to Xr� indle �A�. . t Of, A Opel 'Daily Telegraph oall§xr.-Cham, A *Orht, 0 Ad with .4 -T tiabk, 4 the y, who w44 bear, t40 AV 6106 inilitavy 'A Houge Tem '44'. rt llevialil'a timoll an "Worm4i 4 P At 'for AA And spo.4g6voit It oktvAdorstagid R)r "Atholrok A10011 06,016thoollup, and Aftear 141, %danioff 44,141ge, all 04i uddoVned' w on lio iw aftlault", The SiO114% It., Th Wol VrJAS Otal T. Wall le4t, er 1841 At a Ann) rd says It marks the A 4e , Spatch trdaA St. Son tot 1=3 Most critical Attlee. yet roallbeI4. lkb 1 4 qat� opogbt (4t.pt. Vroyalapt bAV* in A laity, Offfco;�.Oyo Afeat" $10 latideld a huge Altura T. P0 ra�a (got a ludbov� and 4 natAVOL t of lrL w aba la"ho l illit"46 'La t4ly a14 U411Y Aa* did, T RL on dral Tho t t, atot, W qb th Y 4� cannot T 460"Iti; 6pU atolpi Wojda say tb4ik Stae o4 Is tb , a. left: each OAV Were j oplo of, the hour, 4� roar of a -1 40bogd; tbroug4 iialci without A Irani voice that he early Wd�l weighed le�fo of og of end tb6 World is oal�ajag A, L 60deaft, on Po he9094�: ZvQa he jp(d Age and crossed; aic d' 'go wiirs, on. did not say the doinimpt iefeirred to IhOM-0 at an a er8QlA sto Stand An' lit 4offirt B making his igloo. withJ he'XiDbArknestilorg, correspondent q 0 . ..... 0,64PPVC42 k MA110A as they gazed THE ROBIN SIXINa -the $taildard says kbat tilp . 40tio . U or DZ13D OF HICCOUGHs 1 4=009 the pigs oil famoul hunters orseal. a uprom. D aKharkov, the ttext November. Aoir'. DI but to A Shell- Thou It Wao tbat'La was known to SO"_ of as early the VolkeraAA lU got 044tal o, 'the A 'despatch from attaawlan, ptron q%� ato UsIng to pgree to ment Of thnt a before a jury. Fitzsimmons died la Win, r4plo bori SAW bill �qpe tbb VARQ01lation f the,, dylgamits, name, workmen are lealer- says —Barton r t lot open which the plans _Olng to force apon exIqlrors., ad oxted. an head guide and . mona.. Ply ban almost Obliterated the bo . t44 oflerod. by the defoups. I *0XZV—nqfJtTR"Qi1, the G Oct. J'alkattlit the 9ecoosit of brinolg chlet. teamanian to theta. pas Itig the city In large 4 I*, coul(I be placed. to spend what they ollerAl cepilal I Ishk 1AA T AUDiMNO Du Paty de Clam into court. as, In face L go attractedflotioc even in hill teens of Pence. 'The adds— considor th " �V of lettlolie, A BORED. LEAVES. of,the contradictory declarations of as a thrifty Ly,�)vth, and from that time stocorrespoudert -8 days at their village ho I r Igo I d,,,d y aigilt ingo NO - T Jade here have asked the Police to Do� you think It wIM rain to -day r As'—fttvate(QU4 five asThe witness 'began by saying that Gen. Mercier and Capt. raystaotter, became prorainept among the Eskimo. Stat% Is still O.NIMY T 'Pit, or thS4 Solid tory LD , to, silent regarding the la- 1141roall nta"M straight loan Aflew 'in of se a P 041Y intelligent man could follow his the evidence at J atop tris efulgration.. in, order to, pre- Guess it Wi y wife hid ber ua" fiew and town properties for SRI na, continued until he vent the ruination of bli. 0 lad to din Do Paty 0 Clam could Saving is an unknown art to the in- tention of that Republic. I am inform 11 Jig ex). eplauattbta4, and the court was half alone decide. the matter, especially in dians, of - the Arctic regions. And it is ad that the natives' sinces. 11010' 14WIK Ilirrister and solicitor. haustion. think Raglan, brelia reah fears the Boers, ana that t4eY prefer Godor onlyltied, as the audience. after smil- view of the fact that Gen. Mercier had seldom they accumulate enough to last R Do FrX, General Insurance, nos - I Ing audibly at his. extraordinary words said in his deposition that Do Paty thip throughout; the long winter. Car- British rule, but they fear to speak and expressions, soon became bared and da Clain compiled the dossier, In- tain rules of the tribes make it Incum- OPBUIY lost the Boers be vio Own money Main Asom.OnIq tori represents . money to '164 TO OONSUMPTIVES. went oult. RAISING REGIMENTS IN RHO OPLE I ft" eluding the explanations sent with the bent upon them, to keep an 0 A =A KIDNEY -SICK. E R. 40 lowest rate Of Istor, e ?,rslxno4 having been restored to Mr. Beirtillon commenced his depost- documents. THEIR NEEDY NEIGHBORS, The Telegraph's correspondeat At ft flat. the 11tv" 3r _ ­ I ­ .. I �_L 0 air, a in health b I lie, atter Suffering for Rev. tion at,8.80 a.m. ft occupied thewhole When M. Laborl tackled him. how- av*-w 61 stafr4wram In tile w4rld �*" this, X 04101) to Suit the borrower. Fort Salisbury, Rhodesia says that it affection. and oral al luo and for that reason the individual session, and will. perhas. occupy the ever, Mercier saw the trap, and im embers neglect to lay by stores for Colonel Badea-Powell, who arrived at =,am "W;% ad d sel Volimtrnption, to auxtous,to whole of to, 'N . mARRIAGE LICENSES. make Imown to his -morrow's session. The court mediately shifted his deelar Buluw&yo three weeks age, has already follow -afflarere the moan* the morrow. room.present,pli A cartoon scene while ilia that a mistake in he had a ofoure. I'd tho,o who domire it. he Will atoor, Nor-ko-ya - became ap exception. He raised, two regiments of Mounted rifles, eyfusards, 'saying that Do Paty do,Clatn compiled auO that the, formation Of gun. detach- ricMARRIAGE allocate. de. the dossier; since be had beer, inform- was a skilful hunter and a ahred,tTa- P0, as tO, We eder. and. before he was 20, his main Wants isToZresqinW rapidly. There are fe lao"opeat ad by Gnu, do Rols4offra thA tbo'llita 10407 igloo bqcap*,t era for the cavalry, There 14 of the Res- the Mft ), he centro, of the village. to tile syg* no offort:pt tht Won arl ping vith too ...... to calling ! , , , L . , it was one of' the largest arid , NSOIR d tills, to whichAid -bad Attached 0 an alit danco, of materlecl w ut a) the trot" Who 1046 vollLof death; SoAth Ame CAM K L a rawl g Oil the Police or miner, the A despatch, to the Dally News :3 adi� shuddered . Ith ls� Curd balt proved rich Is bogifi�g InAjorlty of kad the salons moot Influedtial, of that 'part of th -Toliannesbarg saVs that many , from rcountry, and by, his; 25tb Tear. Kb-ko- small unllIq to apst, Labgrl uttering his despair ag 1 -;Sr. And every clay testimony JJ r ned Ill 1; 0� Ohl, T W W41% 804,01000 bg tl�Aders tire being 41 eli It torl r on tied nry. "Always the deadi Al*ays the ya Was recognized an the head of it. It is said that mop cameA 200 Julian to ties) uncertainty, which hasyu. the or its gicat aurg&* flig& i bollart room. S s 111 here kidney disev' 41jists n Of business. Fifteen Un- It Is ge mllicated 6i is, do 131440he," the white lady.. abandoned in receipt of daily consult him in affairs of the chase and B149natIO rtain trade. dred families, are her past. 0 XXQ&r Kowa Geos SIDith -known to the hard relief. Unless something decisive oc- chal"Ses lit thil arinei such- as Mac 0treat, 00do STRANGS SORT op EVIDENCE, THE SHARPERS GOT $5,000. Ile became well Sediciallit, albumen. brick dast, ESr")1 18, 14 whalers. And to -day his doings form a cur§, speedily thousands of British sub- and blood -pain is not necessarily an. 0 Noses, 11 , 00 % subject of omment and interest in jecto will be alienated from their al. &CCOMpalnoll which only 30 f 1A We'llasanWhile M. Bertillon, with CA to a Ohm Paris- the 4=bMtnd gq and in tt shrill voloat oontin. A Preacces van unlicaea in the Old,, old logistics to Englarad. ,l AM a 13 Adams' HOUSEBUILDEM more than one country. And that is Tales theinalcuotw-statura ofit. ast. aArkir Coal- U04 Ill, QW ed re 6. 00 171, npany� and GENERAL CARP 5 1131011010gUe, Producing every Way -live to purchnno men FarmA wby the -news tha he had placed an- Ing and dxArimenting has dlsclq3e4, a art all 11-Maming to rile ENTER. mlAutto o0qua fresh paper, covered with A' dMaidb from Brockville Oat other window in his -houe was carried the fact tbAt tha passin thr - h, Houses remodeled, and general repairs wonderful hieroglyphics, copies of says:-Jamefl Coranell, a weal ' . - (war 2 miles of ice and water, to attended to promptly at moderate which he Presented to the judges. Their thy far- be di, 1000 WITH A JACK KNIFE. these orgats of im SOIXT parb-2, IXY-14ve stock RAO cussed Over Pipes and ale in a in the Orton oral A tiol Untlorlell, OnL Gen. prices, h1aada clustered together, their aen iner, residLag seven miles back at PrOs- dozen civilized seaports. &ill 1% 1 wmi Palo" aremar :10ySbart 'Wall diadd over Its all an offortle tando to give gasing ol long, wide strips of pa, pal was relieved of $6,000 an Wednes- or"lls man severed the '11vindpipe. yet Vmd out And impair them Satisfaction Guaranteed. er, while M. Bertillon leaned over day by two aborpers. Last Thursday t ay Recover. A. bra ubt sida the faactions of tbi UND Ill, 11 SHOP-Hinlaton Street, their table, trying to elfwain his mys- two well-dressed strangers, who repre- A despatelt from Orillia, says:- For b Goderich. tifying diagrams, which were after- r(ormed and patient Willy, aRESIDENC -Huron Road. wards Passed to AL, Laborl and Do- asentell, themselvea, as sons of a Metilo- PECULIAR BELIEF. some time baok Mr. Thomas Whipp Veterinary who. however, ts Soangy'dival re an old and respected residenti of Oril- _qqiro a - ------ r=real did diet -;Minister, called ota XLt. Council at A Russian Rallglous sect* Bake T Afterican Kidney co!!!�t_y_ not derive much profit their per- hie home, mad expressed a desire to how lia. has been suffering from molan4 solvent -4t is it kidaley t. W. OCA Goderidi Stewdoffer Works Unal. Salves In. a specint oven. V- B-) 06'14dutit* at the buy his farm. Np,q0tiatltis were con abolia, with a tel4dency to suicide. He 010ma to be no morel Or. a efit 331,16" authorities on kidney d1w oUall 'Dreyfus gazed an the scene with The Begoany are'a sect of Russians gave up his farm on the outskirts of them , lases, ird proved and, testified to bl tion 0 tested at -fly rest and Ww* cure for all diseases of t1la kidpoys an# Widdar. It's i a A. took of staple The clearest uls duoted, "d the deal was satisfadtol living in the village of Tergowo.. near ')so I tip Unitas, orses, live. Prifio t Vol a. _floation. EON .4 U8011facturOr of all kludd of torched of U. Bartillork was that the settled. lCarmell cathe to Brookville Tiraspol. They.have an ancient faction, the town and came into town to r -a healer--& health builder�efiicacjoas &Uk4 to Man or women. 1W a lal- handwriting of the bOrdereau "obeys a Wednesday, and was 4kocampallied by who originally were piixt of thoortho,- a ads Boilers, SmokoStacks, Salt Palls, Sheet A few weeks ago a new brick house he 40004 News frogs the North Country- began to tganga for himself thathis o", was A young thadlinist in a loge manu&eturipc hopoess ALeghok 1010419,% blIfto"banA geometrical rhythm. of which I dia- one of till all was erecting on the Calverley estate cam In Nortbern,.0stado, fen a arpers. �Ho draw $5,400 dbx Russian Church. They. howev Iron Wor4s.otc., etc. Dealer in Engines, covered the equation in the prisoner's victim t6 = tr=w i4eb, a fe, venT de ­ d thin dr.dPeloal form of kidilay disease thtoVeb at_ With dmanted act change& la IsHow=44.1y labors- AsiV Kidney C' 191houtim OL South RY. tleemed to increase Mr. Whipple trou- be continued his work until Ott commanded uroj�aa roukht oill3notlee, Steam and Water Gauges, G obe Valves- dinarfly lucky. to quit by tbophysician from whom I and a bv6ryib1ns also, be, fria t�_tp his ZX3M,&.W Afachincry, Wigs, etc, blotting pad.,, firoml tho bank, and was I latroduced to separated from it in 1866 when the s was totally destroyed by fire, an All sizes a oarlt game, in which be was extr an S Pipes and PiFe Fittings, DEMONSTRTES HIS THEO of Starowerzi, the Ancient Believers, ble. His friends have kept him pretty aftonlesoliAt he began to &let Ilstior,up4ov its Cftftli ElAsT4ST. AND SQt),ARlj. Cheek Valves, Inspitators ( Huawo William' thea, hired a rig and left the orthodox inatit:uti i lobed been Ajectors oula The witfiesa filially announced be rdeelv10% tFluitmerit, Ife visited Tormito and use. ecdoltinuedtogains 6P�OIALTY. L 12 u Onse- well under survoillance, and up to t"Syftu,tS&aiO he took at& In eefors constantly an d 'at lowest dw bottles -and A a succeeded ip ash6p & inan can be, would give a Practical demonstration started with Connell for the i0m, quouce of those Arastio orals by Thursday morning �had cases. The doctor ent him limnewith a 1 "nsultd On arafftent authority. oviddricy of the writing of the bordereau, found at thatauce, lathe, woryi that oorditig to his byste . go. whare final arrangements we'd to . 6 Peter the Great. which won for him the preventing any desperate act. He got 6 story of bhuself,as be could. -but rrate concemittle and hearty as thezi"i. And special line of Steel Water and Hog m Then he clear- made And. the purchase money aid 11th :privately to the yontjf V I il t up early, complaining of diar h I Man's P roldan that it oor*. a givasait the credit to Son ughs for use or far ad the desk, drew hill chair nearer, do. 6j. A tin caah-box was introaud0d title, of Anti -Christ. K can, was 012% a mattei of kne willi him until death Kidney Cum ana tho would -c Aim another kidnAY Victiol Whom he mers and others call made two or three visits t opairin pro pity atten posited his at on the floor, and for safekyt,� d the farm money And The Begollily have occupie, ded to. down. began Copying the bor- Connell's d a pr- odthouse at the foot of the garden, SOUTI�AMERIC.�NNIkRV,INB-Isane;*.I..ir. sitting I lob art Cal CUM indigestion and all stomach trouble, 0 were Placed therabli mineut part in all recent Polish move- During this time Airs. WhIpps had ria- rerunners ot nervous a 11 SOUTH AMERICAN kHEUi A. So Chrstal, dereau. The alldionoe watched him, OPENED TIID,, BOX AND FOUND A ments -in Russia, They are not; as In ad manoffabodofpain aftarafawdayel rIE,61"Notilbe.. , , , , . ained awake. bill she finally dok P. 0. Box 37, Goderich. bent over,his dealt. busily drawing. let- oft and was groused by some one call- soo, who have not bikiii free from suffering for years. tars. the Judges gairing at him. until. STONE, might be supposed, religious fanat DR - AGNEW'S OINIMENT curer Idifid, bleeding, itablaS or ulsorating plies in fivm dwee h of VON At)� At $, 1�8`, h2g A neighbour, Mr. Whiting, had AT60111as. ascle. 111rart. 0"1 which 404 About tbxee-q aithaugh they have to all intentst and heard moans, and on looking out of hie SOLD BY W� C. GOODE AND Ir. M. DUNHAM. GODE1:tCH. tot mails -14% Intraott, 04 att With ut.L� At the end of tent minutes, the people uarters of a mile a son. and Col. Joilaust remarked that It was overtaken. and lie Said that Important purposes ndw Saw Mr, Whipps lying on the and judges became restlessly impatient Stone'a Corners the othe sharper was been associated with a reli-i wi Exatq1natim not necessary to copy the whole bar- business L req t. Ueir origin was a ground in a Pool Of blood. Dr. Gilchrist Aired their immediate at4 glutte movemen 'Undprtaklirs and Umbalat dl And that a few Hues wool& But- Ilelation. at Vresqott. Cohnollgot tint political and awnomicat one, for their - was summoned. and found that the And throat had been out from our to ear is moneyed friend, paid:- hkitationa have Always been directed and the windpipe severed completely: orc Destiny the - ere's till is `bo6c, You, take dare at it, COURT 0OULDN'T MAKU IT CUT. and," Will be there to.-atarrow or Ithe, to*ord greater personal liberty and The patient had lost a great quantity '4' few minutes later M. artillpri next day." political power for the individual mem- of blood. and was very wenitt at one rose, strode'to the judges' to Ia. doll time it being thought life was extinct. SIGHT laid 91 Ctinuall asked for the key, but was, boa of Society. Possibly because of the However, he iallied. and at the time BY the most modern had been toroottea. - Us grinding beat of Russia, which crushes of writing has a fair chance of -recov- The "Slater Shoe" is clozely watched dur-. motbods. counsel, the Gojerament d0farais"T, than 8tAxted to vWk home. biAg - be - Major Carrieral, and th6 clark, clustor- -oollut citizens who'have been mliAed out for pry. The Weapn used was an ordin- Ing the process of manufacture. Every shoe before t hem hig copy. The judges' toto that it broke open thi box Glasses accurately fitted. ed around ila o to And f6iMd that the Sold contents WAS thq display of its power and antagon- anninaltioll after leay. it group, pagar ary jackknife. undergoes a Carefill, eX son the result. Ille, dilidience watched a, atone, "ilatied 6V61-YwIllore for Satisfaction guaranteed. strapaid spectcle. until He hastdaed to the fatjA lot IBM they demand the abolitio of docu- Ing the hatids of each gpdrator. Delida6YOt FIOVOW, Superior cannot shrugg colonel Charles Stoneo at Sta �hts foi proving identity and con - ad his shoulders, and Whom he The lightest &W In the leather or work- aAnd'NutritIvio Pro. W tbld'that he 1114 been 104bod sequal for the abolition of the nee_ STORY OF A POSTAGE STAMP. Lora knew that- X. Bor_ Stone -hitched u'p, and d6yc 'essity at the passport, while their nlanship�a stitch MiS$ed_Wg SlIpLof the knife, welsk hen thesvotal Perklelt- $p0cllly' grateful tIllon had alled t. 0 satisfy them. - coatooll into Prescott, burtho abakoers re is toward countries in which One or a Canadian- Juno of Ig5l gad NO, e andtomfortiog to the nervous The square, Godatioll, BqZtilliOA noticed, this, and said hha 25 minuted* start, aid crossed tio a 6 ti live unknown in the. pursuit onlydiscertible to an expert condetntis th AbOlogetreally: "I was too badly plao- , It Travelled. shoe that started toward the "'S antl dysiltIltic. $did only in oa:11 O9d0bWbdr;, N.K. The. ria was located of t isdom which it'is their desire . I the ordinary, laier lb� t1ha,, labelblld b, Lisban, but the sharpars hayo not to at *u. In thei year 1851 a twelve Penny black nanIelM, U to nwa�:ranted army of footw4car JAMES Maitre Demanigo Whispered a- few bosh 900fid at this Writing, A Tfb t One, of t -Or membors aipresstd their Canadian postage stamp was printed LTO Holace. WqdA to the"p, Mot sold to whoever will litty them. d9onar, shrug, of -nowsbol saw the men a. the dook; and belief in a manifesto, An which he said; by the Government at Ottawa, says opettito bhemistS, 'London, a smile on b(slace. ouch isplayed large rolls of bills. The. "T16 truth is alone to be founq when did DreYfUs &PIMied.perfoolly satisfied. sharpers have. been liahaing 04-0 flood from oXicialdoal and Lives as The Outlook. The public 'hot re- Th� "Slater Shoe' I is made in twelte LABOJU CONFIDENT. Prdsootb for a week-. It sottlo. .1 do elot recogulte our laws. gard this bombre issue with favo shape&, all leathers, colors, width3,izcs 116,19Aftift I ur, and styles. To the newspaper men who arowded DO with JA . 0 What You ill. IWILI bear 60 few ato issued. One of these stampd Wery. pair Goodyear welt, Laborlo asking hila, for orbds. was sent to'tho Hamilton post -office, ed, name andprice stataped on the Sl sofTHE REST IN YEARS, Imoressions, aballbl Bad tere was Clid, oatectue, thlabefief is natural - OA a 00011in ",%omblance to the horderoliu, I$ a repudiation 61,� comapulsoll mill- "lre, it was sold to an old man, who $3.60 AND 16.00. aildlat. I Bilt that Ill all. M, gortil 11011091n Issued by the Itinaltubs, A01661, Wry 40V,106, and if forced to bear arms sai it was a shame to print the queen Ida only did What dozens could do. It a Refuse jill subaltutes 'Picture oil a stamp that mlglli be WM. Sharl1ta, etr., Sole' tarat the, installers of ly the Iftoupy are liable Made only by clever forger., That is a I.,.. A despatch from WlnlpeF�. to that condition which way be desorit" handled by profans hands. Tondotly AOftt for Gad tam, S08NES. The summer orpo. bulletin of thn'*ro- dblOkloftl etituslasm, ledding.to the man put it �oxk a parcel sending I & NoMY MAt8fial has beea vinolal Dapartme' t fit of A�rloult a, '116'lorm I' vorsoah I baVa beta a groat SullatV fross douttilwties brought q4% at' tbo of 'Walk lio Pa.. t- A friend in the United Stain Here 01`6WOrs, God rich seltalous Of the (satted on Ttkrtdayi it given, PIS adopt is burial while alive, a son- in th W001% that I'eu ebooiliftly roodiiii,end tuom. forever IVO tOUS, $*Wnlf Jleyo =6 any toner. a bil 1L several lively scones o waste basket, It lay for many gave been troublehlor about &�sa jear'S Wine ify fast sao latero4ting summary at o w)iltib, It *111 be bored, a day,, fill, an -errand bo found it, And L - * W by can, of the Pan. gorilroliclatV I could not we TablArIM Otee a weak. 0 Will told W 4100roOt. Vbygletats 41 All. 01 Ae* al oil T4,4 of A~ 4itt.jit out d t 14 clAW2 by Usd Will. of which I bad Ur it 0, 111dialinAtl$ do, P601%, 'which confirm lelcdofo�ialoa,ta previatta 1910 IA t 6 MIL'446 ad "a stuffy death tinickly trAnafOrred it to his a0hill. t '"I w -Y paper, Pang Sol#* '&6bUrfi- mates. Tho total yjold of -6 l7l IstOT4 lb414 be hitle 6*ttMtOd,,bdt W j1d I$ bU b0a goals in Despairing of getting, a go at. thilittd0d; 04 collection, t"ki, d6jillbuiod. T U44 soon Is Pich a thftkO I I out n9 0011SUPSE A Aa� plated at 02404,784 bushel 1))t mnd his fover L 6ain 1UPAus Tabul4slit,411thepapsrs bliobeatiotalth and tsitki Illigil to jtipsn$ T i y . or bwbAt abating, Ike 0 �1101110, but About ft'' i It ftl 44 1 Atli itekid Wlt. not *Sve 4, The tOtAt ago,,fo� It"tance, When the dealer. The haw, owbal had, Ord 4 his Whet Ali golft- otter, tia tk ailed its tisit Jllottor 644 IrAltholl"" 40*4 st oskeld VA41veesifithit Ift), erfor W.0� Ot"Of & ot* Atd, liflohliborit, iillowli_ Two '4 baw bo - sdotifidS Of this Sect Was th, took oiis osllmatotl old them to A obuo?61si or 104,06 (ho, MOV16; adf5ptod thl�s Ill. on lodkifig at the dittaAogAo. found At, no srkA 6 fNA'. 1 Whir 6toa what he bad Paid #5 foi� tvas w Ing W bli, ths Wit NO 169s i6m6 b0t6i bit f�! #61t atroi Adleii. 046 at0ml, time, he hit b"s. Volil mtoo, open (4av, *hd doy" ccidel this stamp with fill by. looms Tabolah ukdOolo jAe td dss the way assay letter sof anInto li�25 ma". tornmosteU M. docasilisel ha*f 4, iMau i0a sappeardit �th4, - �bt� And' seat to A our 74 U 6# 0 t t0kftailry. godt PUP1 troft As, - !V 'oaf adidtheWol'vos to deal6r,X ding Aft napiiljotk�. Wfiob th saOV6A,WM built and in. lot Opened $#I, 14�oulit lover, Adblue tit a#t he wag 6.01, a Ilk L, Q , to find atloh,tk #1 lasPlili *hO` lj(ekto the 6om- italbfftt 4W 40f 'What,, had h4ppdfiod� 1110104 ThUm its 06040 -41 00tIMAtOd th folldwil mAn Ar who flolt f0e vaa 04 -X46 YI61d 6 tlit ikw tscullmdo eloil thi$ dii , #' &a ane"llog, 's ;of bikw 6f,iny ftotiilt tab ortl stnd. 61 th Value, still. idot fe*,:b4jn6 T rdlatly"� tied 4f d "Oftylbo Xf,"eir IA k'ned'$tfidy Or Adfil' Y3 , h Fortia in lira ro rat y s x ftlg� Atv luop Ott U4 - tire" it r; Nwi 8g% I . Illa 'With Of Q#­6t4ft. *ft Ot The tftAN W to 0 ill b4it. btr btoth6t, W 10VIN ihis &Kula 0 oakuft Its Ott" to *1011tor1141 a" t0*101 t6lotv* tit 10i lho. itt Hit 4WW and 14!�uflotiro A ho, 000 d �Ildj VAfs,0tJ*UJth4* &4, 'OV Rn,'61 a-, *114 , .0 teoUr. It th "ViVilit, ohA 44- wjkfs*, lothwo* ldt'it Or' by 41 iftl1*10 milli At r4 t It taesTIk%*4"y *"�X4 IWO MQ I VAr- 4*6k* "it toot4ri "A M11W 10 t to; ]LUbtoad Iti M* libt-,Ii�iit tt I "t A, 0*66 1411 d Ah"M`_ �Kw* sfkw *?It* %ritst *t4 ON f0t 4*4 f *tol IS 044" tillIft *6 atot liott so ii low 0 uk''aw AM OW Wo$a*" lqA' Ow titittk4t Tht 114* 'It boatly JW atemer Is a *Ojoo at Nor. JL. YA Asit X& AM a *&14 0W 01660.10int *now%. h Not **ktift V"r is yv, at of Vast, falls. dot** "A*iwi At, -the thr Y 0 1 , o- at t y 40 '0� I hop ho 0 T llIPA 4 .