The Goderich Star, 1899-09-01, Page 17
*60014U40 "AhWks Qug'4, twoll shileowd kwkwoos *406" it'llabs"U"A.
.0AUttty's *kuk
PON" 111ft11
Tbe. Sumi'O."w the
W* rimllits fW
Y00 to
tys, C
0 4W !!w- IMF-Vw Wqp-qW,
Mr Waft X4W 4*10004P.0"W1116 VAIloin" (Umliow-Dwow ow low Durtiville, ilotuolil, lift (f04#*h,, Tb* "t I* "I AQ
#04 #A J TU STO
atly" Nip- U^Y". to 104146, Pali" a *0 evi.
Wa, '9*. liltIth Jiliolir. A11403" Od #)*lit thIk4 Yer ill; QQ&rk
AU 4UPIXT *411fttlloilna ontboot r'AKMERS 4OWY411L41114119". X"iliII11111111i aw. *04 oa� Alt, ikn4;e wittioat fellir Ot UV*f, bit at*
of W". a* V#Jt kUOWI% JaL ibip, P$oti �94 V004OW XU* Wol(k4ttlitinIt
f Milk* W It tWr'pM0W, 1ri#0ft. Tbb' W , the Nor* S#eft PkX*
AY fin 4 pigs!K�� 40,
".4 oft' tU* $yLopp*.t?
1#0011. N ;T t b sosh-Na, itwod the votorer,�O,
WhOL 44 sot 4 v. violk, 4, 04 IF
thinrber ot i",pom, tot;I, utd PM10 Meefing in the TpWiv Hall mqfi
hav 0 It I# t4w e1*114,10VIt *r# Matti lates,ow proactoings so red.
Uatrolt; Nit* _#*t *-f0004ft JAN
L klet osfw9oft of *W iltio" V,*. C . .......... 1%krlo go)�W.r 7
thAt **,:bC.1rf4 olif
11161:14 10T4.rr,, 1AftrI;401*4 KID
'Wait �W -,t, WJ
04 Ila 4 W1,440 Pr o ft evott'l, 1*4 opo*ed",* oft
04W - ,
f 4fritutil dp, Will" 0*41scOssedW
Ioo40.0K T
�AW4 , �
J 40411 00149 thoilirm4look OCA4400WION IS441soko"It '14 f Tft
"a or
0.1 Pro J
oroX fwt tAke As Wsehow thm
U'vo" . Pl JLb t Jivoky, g)tWt th-o w0re.explklt IL 0." pay, 01.30, riot
APP.1 _KttQ= ITO ax h etamfids. Gode it To-diiv
9 A-39 I 'Q.
1N7 P
b Yl,
Mlitt:, With, 4,�
*Moll. ; r fi..
We, t"t to 110,0'494 $10i
of Its- bwjjjlto�j OL the to W. it
tt4 Acqr� tw x0awr 4
ol4041ho per stgp�
low 444 1) 0 bwY0L4.*6i4l* 11&1404 in
j46.4 -,W Out A4
�m14aIQlpAIItXq0 boloilt t r W 04CUIV. tug, ps, 11401111; AM 00� 0 '64 takeft on(k. M. 0 A Wei ,
171 B vmolithV Ito 1.14
ITO eht 4114.00d AIP110800 Ke Wroxotr ;WMIM0, to 0 1 :�)t
94tiI04y last tl�e
ht.' Ni E.1164440A 000 Will, Irma'% 604 *00P
Ovirro., a, , q;
WWI to fall 10ou Atpl ird
tr1A,& L. W mx,. X0vX To b aft the catlimitto P in the., towt% Rivolheir heip, by t 110kirpolutiattv Sona
e*111,110 rv% topprOV,04 Thos low., I , Attention til what. br. at
t aWo of
tfgr ba, hol(I thlo, 6 tile tit t 6 �h astw�oki
1P Town
boAllow 1 1 ig gi, d
The cam ILL wcnor OA
iloothe, pre�ont pri
in Armoro. ell into, -well )�Itet s4114 ore M That the Carlo 40Y wIll 0-trooluot. L P -A I rt of th
'and. in
Alex, 0 THE -of opinion thit both.
tvatil, TAR Js
aftest 11411 np tv, tot! the rep0ment or the
6 0 s11641d carry, 14 - SWItIfynt,
out of thd its .,A C of ell rattan coptsiolog
Wihving if
CAM 0400 Jwd tot k PltJXOU to C4ITT'P4'#:Qr4ble` to the Carl �w'
line, 44", a
ly an& tairly dis' history. was probably
Tch sth4
0 e rt. istuok. For obvious, rettiolig It'll; not, cussed.'by,, otlt,� business men, we be. agreement by wh
fi�l% ove 1901 XOM ille URI lo&,
!01� J* 'got wiI ee no*,' li�j�e tit, t"Ve It# t
h I Won of Un, oda,
the but V
10011044 till 4ftel 'A 0 new afte.
ot' -:4PPMVlPa �'eu f vxn Iievp eachw4be endorsed, b
y popu. kP 1
kiigust 17th. roin 4irobt to"the" 11% (7) hthe ell
Jn,r7 kee,
proposed I Want,
WeiVAblppe THa SIgn;L1 IIqr,4 11Q do lbit had in
anotaa64 sio forth in tl�elr
OrAkop q,,A� 3106WO -Pay. thii oomm. ttee
lboill tile
ona to coneidpra d the breikwateir co
PAQTORIX , rotraj:t w
".t#of f;h6 01011011 fttitu their Own standpoint t (8) And the town qovelu�tota,l�ltlt the
tbeL he last Week dMg dLoWilt t()�the dep
()TICEO 0, diij
b ,� - r,, .. .1 : 1, , of hadesto, jusu!
W V. h nialloto Itfoilditilloritof tit-, vont, pAits of 24 otgrot tho COX., It t," t
rmL eotj�! I' sh'Ilght" clas�rl arMloo of tht L 3 hefelit, cohitained, the tow�rI on'L We4noway evening next ;a'
el" lie
10, r oijif GOO 1,4. Zion oifu.
yea U. rage -On
-rh ptq , the
4.od ,t, I
re a a 'L 0
on troolitlin 'oil MOOCIA �Aklg $010 No, RIP sliRcIal Act III t�tl
li0 the wholesater
hinto. sider this k, Iheld irk theL oistot l; hialter called The Town Cill'Will,driAlIL fti� Ito nd
tq Jon! q&opk.r public m
.,fm� sit, L at agroollio A 14 .;700, pot's w4klhc (Wov
as THA $Tw him
Agr 00'r
tA titri� and robbinK� tl A - her
I ro tb�e PLOJ iq� of lie) P nIioudt6 not, be lit
ftiVW r0corou a ''Ila 0, dic-
�,#* , w
10 enp
:VIA D ... ...... . 6d Toridersir adil at Two' els iod4 -�D - 9-Wirfol.41s, tGr48'4. ',Od TOr sakAt satistActory MAUP-r- In fact s V Plill shovvp r'Outiout, tile town, k Wotkl;fg
Tvh- few Con a,0,(
nti;y have ever Thqmp4oa avid coupe )lort LLL 0 lied workmen now 1- 11 saine wlt4t4ln t pot- ad all el ie b.yl' P. that witir tho opt) I r 1441.1111 at hasr,' een as$! d, r 040
�isna antlL, se re4cfiqd oiir pietient ciroulAtion.' The 1:101trios. XLumbev and; art tit Iti F.M.Iglum. weeks "winking" at 'the 01
Is bol seen*and In.' amount. And a sati ctor as OrL direct bonus In, alMoStL
blk a.t a, newspaper
ow, tills log
my 0111ca. 0 value 'of Tait STAn as understood be admited the old burial reentent wituesseth. surance )b
-not tit more forollilb I that in consideration of find upon the duty wi Imposed upon window every frdLud and crime exposed, at the In-
zrouol, though he did not t)v olgiven a the town that it
The lowept or any tender could not he Proven Ili tiny
A '00t4d,, wA tbao bv th other town where they are located- vestigation. Mr. D. McGillicuddy
doefulfIllmentof the covenants bero� glass by the 0oveermiank of Canada. Seaforth, Lucknow, Kincardine,
e continuous ffqvv in of means Bay he would recommend to
J. ADF.B IPOW the department. Lieut. Colone v4r.
awwonv now volunteer subscribers- loafter contained. the tovni 60venats Which sh#tli be not less than twenty
And the iturneiree advaptage to adver- mi e D. 0. 0. during
Ae Wingham, chesley, Palmerston and, would better serve public interests
tL his inspectiort, apd we have 6 with the Party Ot the second'part, RvE por cent. less than the duty tin.
ors4s not hard to. relikan-...Although
1---f0-ThabA-he town ill leudLta
the ga an cc one Path Out e
N THEL RUHR W TAR- thi, PyseduPon, window-glaaa-Afy the-Vult. Wier points-. s'and b ighAnorals If he -could- -but ex,
T Cirenintlorip We Want
THE. OOUN GATE COURT OP guatmntees quality, quant- iquol company a suit' sufficienb to build States. or that it bounty shall he plain how it was that he printed the
-TO-- to do everi ddvart.tilLge of having the armory Ili the loar
N. the said factory and to provZole capi. Offered by tire Government at Canada for -a It of ftq000, to be repaid
'Ou"LIF town -
better, slid Will give the Paper for the ral for running tire same until it is self. or the Government of the Province at bogus ballots and allowed them to
halance of this year and all next, year XlOdPft.�L TArx.-ibe death of Capt. sup citing, not exceeding Ira #kit a total Ontario, corresponding ith such
pill for $1.26. or to the end of the year for John Freer on his boat here revives of ftv-five thousand dollars, which d,,ty.
offered is a first mortgage on the
26 cents. If you want the best that's tile agitation
he p(trby of the plant and property here, costing we box.
$6(too -Is botby oil on in lospoe Ot th i6i, g. push your Ivory to THE STAB. within twenty years from the forma. first Part hath lieveto
te ! :for the, founding of a said principal money shall tie repaid In witness whoroot,
Tat AtA li"NA LTAW WALT121t, twelve years,and the security
sec Pass tothe hands of the "crooks"
0 r hker and thence Into the Leeburn ballot
bell t4qu Creditors nd
marine hospital at Goderich. The ick
caused to be at -
others bovittir clattax.vsingo; tbes-tato il� the G. T. It. -Tho past week was a busy of the ompany. with Interest fixed the Beal of the understand fully P 5,000,
bov", daWfillhin who died, ongr corporation and
W At tire of tb6 Mayor- of the Car.
-aboati hands of the King's exceeding four per cent. poration, and tire party of tho second WHEN Sir Richard Cartwright
one at the 0. T. R. depot, as over two ca cv very possiblA atten� thereon payable veaj Iv tit a rate not the signat with the
0.1 Of JUIY" ;,f tion at the
personal security of tile new pro.
Tow, 0' of 0 billoh. it', It CoAj Ririion -Fouiltains, artd� sprinkl@rs, may be hunored fully loaded care were sent Daughters and Capt Babb,
Buo qu re' art or bofoU the 10a:zday of
who -1; hath hereto affixed his hand and
odf0or. ISM 06 Bond lit Post Org ',. Or, do- (b) That the total rLssessruen prietor,. Mr. F. G. Rumball who was telling the people of 'Canada Ili
I all:6,W.ed� to. run betwe% May- ISt eastward. During Friday night a rendered valuable assisiance to nurse t of the pat
w1e. of t eltoww odorloh� number of 'the employees were atrwot* Property of the company used for tne- seal.
in'thii" lot be NuMatto, and soothed the afflicted in tT y
Wei- to' alld, Imber ist,afidiball has large business interests outside his Massey Hall speech how much
any, 911 ron,� 061101tot Xgr
In PurPO-984 Shall be fixed at it shut
ingking up and'shipping specials with his dyin hospital
k1`1VIt lee, Towh,t' exceed,
W eat not the present a9se this factory,
allowed 'to fun more than spm rs 6.4 -
to Portland. en -route to Eng. could east v be established here,'and it better off they were under Liberal
Gotleriob.,, tic 4keoutri Of the N44rto
botifs'each dity. n T e Town Council,
W ter, foil pafticeJan of hoir f4d, The R&iprator 4car will bo. -at would certainly be of great 8 rvice in tit on the 1911nd. for a period at ten
6 , o At present 4o hands are employ- rule, lie had in mind no doubt the
or ft and of briA-Bg6urity �llj
01. 41111106, 4 Y V Al
hipments of periqbabl articlilarly from the fact that our
the 641d Moon. V'ilty 'of any, infrac- the depot for, `0 lako'Cralleino �heincreaoonndissu r re nproduce next Mo
trix WIll"din, br:,4tof the I- 26Mdarjudio II; is believe ed, and although- tile proposed agree- fact that two of hi own ons and
n_ 10 That the Mayor and Council will, ftecial Meeting Last Thursday
ictfleut dtjildA t�vtfto e proV Qns Of that there, will'tid a greAt"ruoh to the to cdAttritile. W4 holight mention that Wit all toasonst:116 speed, subtnit t
her,46f Queen City to-dAY the first day of Qapt. Babb received A cheolub from n- ga-1111, ment gn�aYakegs b
gai domasoft ambit -the rugi the voters of the town, it bv,l Evenin-Will "Meet A' ut 3co hands, the several other relatives now enjoying
to, havi 0 thw shall, on conviction I o
-- ---- pay a sum -not exceeding $.2o,'6x-? number have taken adairitage ut, t e torough CapL Freers illness and ment.
to Ml% exeuraton'rate;t, ank alreadv a larfe Chicago and paid the bills contracted corporikting tire. terms of this agree- probabilities alte- that the number gwd Government berths, to say
sliffshal en A cc its afor9W next Tuesday.
vonl -Or�jajr er
cluii, of costs.
will doubled within' the year. nothifig of his own seven thousand
f persoh or,giersoria 0 We Ingle fare to Ontario's Metropolis. death. And the party of tire gecond part A special meeting of the Town Court
n nqb�h Pe Mair. Ther6ip as yet no sign of the new build- BOWLING. -The connotation matcher, coven ts
t, er a of It has be' with the town ell was held on Thursday evening last The managyementLhas to contend, of dollar portfolio, are solid evidences
The present se�son in connectiou with the bowling tourn
L. drlog a t 09"lit ell brought to my notice ing &V the depot. the best the 0. 7, Lt. present. Mayor Thompsou. course, with factories at other points that some people at least have bent -
that certain watei - takers allow so far has been [It- ijl) IT tat�lle will forthwith use all his week
their lawn sprinklers to run all ever -had at Godertch, both as I egards ilence to 'Organize at co-operativo Councillors Oantelon, D. Holmes find, which, as stated, have been gener-
Oita �Iqr a tic menb were continued last week, ther
company in Belgium to establish a Thos Boo fitted b the change of administra-
"I ht�f I - wish to drow the. atten- frelghb and passenger traffic. 14 following plavers bAvi ..borrowed factory in the town of Goderich. tot- Naftel. As n as it quoram 6usly assisted by their municipalk tion. y
tiorl all water taketp to the above BUILDING NOT98-Holland's stores On the 91`080:" J. M. natephard and the manufacture and sale of window. was present His Worship Informed
TA itualcipal, 0OU6011 a Jas. Roblotion won from Judge Magoon gla as. ties, but the present loan would be
h 1britirtillon of be To ri':of Goderich I extr;Xa foorn the. By-laws, whiall do the Squat e are being roofed in, and the members that the meeting had
ci and 113pht. McLean. R. W. Logan and been called to allow notice in be given utilized to Increase ANOTHER scrap of,evidence from
I� W4
ilk r% from the date of . this notice �vill be are making ready (2) That the charter of incorporation their product and
oitoaq it d a, onbe $riita, the plasterers to F. B, Holmes won from Jae. U. She�' f tile said compattv shall contitin the fhe "official report" in the West
06004 to d L
between ortil, stroot 4i 0% 0 to mend the bylaw appointAng Do-
'#Jdth Offt, it., 0 1-4 6 onkstrodi, strictly enforc Is
bb of the v ed. ' All service taps Hill h their part of thm work. -The bar and Jan. Robinson. Dr. J -ulug officers to take it,, push trade to an extent that would
taot Sqq&re e Pori tor being put up by Beck and Shannon and J, B. 0`0onnell won irol� tollowing provisions, Which shrill fie Puty Retut
to be 10). L shut off when binding upon till trio members of the vote on the money bylaw on the 8th Hur n election enquiry, appears in
oadon0olbritarosweR should be' fire alarm Goldthorpe for Saltrord is roofed Ili, Jno. Gait and win. Campbell. W L certainl� be profitable. Mr. Rum- o
n$C 1Mtt tLy.niftaL foot. "Ire
j �tIi nst..aud for general busines. Council-
Awol In is Sounded, and will Ile ready for the employees in EliotAnd Than. Tilt won from W col"pany : I the Signal this week -that of Chas.
.L� he Sqdaro,' to-*, I lot, tighnes Fair' the amendment was ball, we understand, is willing to
111:1611 11h POPorly
a few days. -The Holds have started ana bl. J. T. Naftel. The consolation all be allowed Carey, who nearly fainted from
44P (a) That no person ph
ift 'Call and get By- necemary, as the deputies appointed enter into a bond to ke
Abutt 11 Oeb 4A4. liont
)aw. stock Ili the &mpany who is ftir Nos, 5 and 7 were out of Low e0othe fac-
the brick work on Oddfellow'tt Hall, lobes would have been concluded on to hold
'a 0 IndibPOSMOU weakness during the investigation-
hio ill allole Illob a n, and
to P&Y thb axid 0,4, 0 '64, Alto and it is understood the jobwill be Wellhead but for the I not In the employ of the com?anv. the one appoliated for No. a h tory running in Goderich during the
lis thoY coin be BaCer_ W. L HORTON, al. Shannon. ThVro are two (b) That the president nf the said knowledged that he wits under tbeln. entire term of the loan, so that the with the comment that "the an-
tbg pushed to a flnlsh�--4d. Sh%rman has of Dr. r. ad ac
It4116 hv fit& Amt 1�14vidfiit 1. COLLp
oroit. finfiffied brick! og A.*Muneoe's cottage games to pl%v. to finish the serias, c-impany shall be appointed by tile fluence of liquor and had drunt nearly
trick street.-Robt. Shar, nambiv, Dr. Shannon add J. R O'Con. town. with the approval of the root. it bottle on the last polling day in Gode-
f on St. Pit
of aft )r all Open t$oh of security may be made as satisfac- swers were not particularly edify -
U ng�t(HO6
man's addition to his residence nell. against W. L. Eliot ard Thos. pany, and
on St.
shall be a resident of the rich. He would, therefore. give notice tory as possible, Ing." Why does not the Signal
The o4thriated cost-Ot GODARW David street is now being br ed,- Tilt, and the winners with R. W. town. and well known to thie ellAzens.
a to amend the b I y, angigg the
whid?495.471o'lo-bo rovIdAd onit of tile gett. appdInted
erid, ends of"ttio rnobyolpallty, aIng
David Reid's recently parchageMell- Logan and P. B. Holmes. (c) That the town way appropriste depty returnIn`9 The question of security be' give the evidence of those strong,
This year's grain, so fat, has not ings ontridge street will be ready for all the earnings of the factory Sot tire for polling divis and 7 straightforward and clever witness-
acup on In a few days. as the plo;st- met, it will hardly be denied that
be A.m. e nearly through. o ne regular
at IROV1816n, Willbe hbI b !
oft, 80 een matk�ted freely, but to* farmers erers ar Obilt nary. repayurent (if the said loan and Intel,. It was agreed
Ili es, Donald Cummings and Dan. Mc-
At2or"i own '11hit, fSr tire 1) rpose. b t thereon, leavlof ohly it still, But. meeting of council'be held on Tuomilay, the industry is one the town should
Witt the. bromm, Z RIC. -O I
having thro6hed. A few loadsof /P1 Ken. e"
cc I e all each SCU hools it Saturday. Annie Me fleient to pay to eac I tn-tn work hig tor SePt- 5th,
nod lft�o - of.thil, frontage 1160"Ureln at or, kind are oftered dtl,03�. and tn�keo at of the town cf Gbderich will re-opw zie, wife of Geo. Park, died at the fam- the compan A petition from Horace Horton Gillicuddy ? and as a postscrip, tile
. at A-41 f and endeavor to retain and assist in de-
link ithbil, coftl6ili ' which, riev 666 tnt4rwted the ollawing weekly
In ko" kylifeli Olin
seil" 0 Ill- tbb prices.�4aotsd. Vall wheat. do'qe next Tuesday at 9 a. in., and continue fly residenco, Nowgate St. after a wages. name y F. Jordan to have a granolithic %walk veloping. Time was, not many evidence of Mr. Hardy, thepaper
tile laid in front of the block on the 8� Mire
not �reaeh 6b ntlindard Its & W401c, in session all day. Pupils are expected painfut fliness of eight months dura. For manager or other official .... $15 00 years ago either, when the estab- expert from the Eddy mills If the
- 0() owned by thern wits read, an tile
fow'load have just passed it, to be present with their books and 'Lion. Although Ill and suffering so For cutters, each ..... .......... 0 oo Pt e lishment of manufacturing industries
Cloirk. though�% For blowers, each ............... I - tye� of the p t(tion duly tyranted. Signal wants evidence that is really
while the, 0 12 xgineer Kelly
ato marketed have all been other requisites sharp on ttme,-The severely for so long a period, it was For gatherers. each ............ 1 12 IM) G at as an Im- "edifying" that of Donald and Dan.
apolie for one .
OWX OV 00MMIL otrood quality. Old Wheat rules ab last following students in traning for not till eiRht days before death earn e For flatteners, each .............. 12 ou week's leave of absence.. and on motto, Ill oderich was laughed
Week% uOtatkons, whII6 'a; of Messrs. Holmes and Naftel the sairle possibility, but that idea is no longer WOLIld meet every requirement.
V aw has ad- teachers have been notifled by tbo Co. that her afflicticn, diropsy of the heart. (d) That no workinnit shall receive a
jV'6 11 L Board of Examiners to attend Goderich- Fie granted.
�6'Xrltkiothtititho Murld I
o"O 96wof thOTOWfi, up to developed fatal symptoms. The do- full week's WARe lll)leR9 Ito has mank w
rrl -�Q00.udn.chn io VAAC04' i�YO Points, bringing It. Model School - Misses M. H. Olivitnt. I A communication from Water RAtes held, nd everyone now admits
0, sovith ceased lady was an excellent neighbor, factured the atnount, ot glas '-H. J. Hill hould have some of tile
'goi-eqnA fty,�vfth old. Un"al I V Oollector Horton was -end. drawing that our town has benefitted largely Tory nowapapors to tell him where lie
side of and her kindliness of betrt won her a made in Ono week in the Unit el tates, attention to maliv itArpictions of the
a RtIat.s rdet tirld on tho- lit Old oats have Lucknow: R. ShephArd, Goderich: M.
Rairillm streebi. ., 11 two cents avid now sold oil Tichborne, Goderich, M. G. E. Wilson, large number of friends, friends that P)eing not less than forty b
t V of; yesterday al �Sc. Barley M S;
ONO" Of 100 water workq bylaw. From the lettel by the industril development which could get -s" I of tile 'cl Pablo out, id-
Godetich; G. Graham, Godefleb; 0. D. In the trials incident to her illness, ex. square feet. And if less than this It impears that water take have beet)
W of G. Wilson last few rs' who. they claim. loaded tip the
th 79 pressed a sympathy tbatialle the pois- amount he made by the workman or has occurred within the
P60 00, ce tin-" cents. peas have A. Ruby. Port Elgin: -hokes the wrong way tit the last
letti% lawn sprink] -On 11611 nischt, alft Wit 14cr tho, one and other grains rule as Wolsb, Winghatu; F. opq I
it i 'k, I'", 'do E. McLean: ange across the dark river a peaceful tiny trade, he shall receive only a pro. th I. o c lowe been uqed withoi1o; it years. What we have we hold ""Vion. An exhibit so hard to get
r�p t
reaslid ottentu
04, 10 8. Ono. Mrs. Park. who wits a cousin of portiorinte ahare Of his week's wage, no7z4lf-. and that water has been taken u ght, easily draw it crowd. -Signal.
halp-iie of tha-mati Ilk ell Dungannon; A. B. Sruillie, Bluevale; Mr. Thos. MeXenzie.'wan born in the calculated upon this bask. is a good motto for local as well as
"Nos thig,413t Lodst eriiaf ft. 90 uht, of the dry sp
t6161iiho tW 'Oribb it 41( It V4 ra by
A front tire dwellings of writer take MR. HILL could do better than
hi , "r , " �. k , 1 004 000 Cent. though 0,B. Ferguson. Auburn: Mesers W. township of Tuckersmith. Ili which (e) That in I lie event of default being those whr do not
1XII'd thill taWr9dhtsb0*InF� 0. Edward, Godeich; S. A. Draper,
vfhg'tha 1414 av water rates, auto
turrithe P empire authorities. With the se- that for a curious exhibit. He could
Nold'�aoso"T I, r �. municipality he was married to her ta,ttle fit the payment of InLorest pay� as theso violations inteifere consider -
Dungannon. H. B. Lonfr, Berimiller-
theVO It 0011104016V as lar& 434ipfnents
4r," thd oWn4ft,tbo,.0-,f sof I now briveaved partner In 1875. and ban able to the town. the town may take ably with our tire protection, and
f^lfld br "jild ItkAt'llivi �6; ass this curity
the prist 4. 19. Bunwell, Devon, W. Parkinson, oftered, we think this loan have placed in machinery hall the
since that time boon a resident of the each week twenty-five per cent, of the cause lixtrit coal to he burnt. the ceun- should carry.
o�fh Ittle'Offift6f thO clerk week. &t;06�thtaa itveek's quo. Devizes; 13. K. Durnin. Dungannon. county town. On Monday the iOter- weekly w
Itr"Wid lit l*tJ fo 1 8 0 es paynble, tinder the ell docided to Prosecute all violations Signal's ballot printing press, by
d4rftox bAl dnff�. but th 1�- , baiti b f?ATR10'Tl0 PILIVAT14 P013T CAAD9.- ment took place in Maitland cemetery, above'prece ilia Provision marked brought to Its notice. which ballots for the recent elec-
slump Ill geavoill, d ft th-0) Wins h le �MRO leto fail John C, Wilson & Co,, the extensive in presence of a large number of sym- M That in the event of any mem- Editorial Comment.
4in t
tit '75o por butidited havft oticurrad
s1;4 be,v, .
ottiot&tIon far paper mae tation. pathizing friend..; Rev. ?4r. Allin, of
riel 01thin the week., OUP
her tion were printed wholesale on
Victoria St. Methodist church, con, Of the company leaving the eni- Harbor, Lake, and River. THE Signal has no defence hat- different paper and of different size
y nominal, as ere of M.ritti.41 and Lachube. end us ducting the cerettiony at the house or ref"N' The schooner- Singapore
AlYd' 't bp Vt VVI 0 VHII bola Tbu Ari�wtd hage is wer and plov of the company
dit ot -1 -1 . 1, h ii*�e been no 6 lerinir t e 8 advancild proofs of their two new at I;he rPave. and Ing to do lit work. or refusing
'i %L at 100ol AvIin't Messrs Jno
-Y' q J` ever to make of Mr. D. McGillicud- from the stubs from which they
at h'6 0,40 'Otr
Plants Were bought at lei 'the F, to corne to Goderich when o Sutherland, sailed light ior panish
opAtriotle Private Post cArda, which Hate, Chas. 134tea MiTit 41ack * rdered to River, yesterday. dy's bakat printing fraud. were supposed to have Ueen detach -
J", do so by the manager of the company
r4oged f they are about, to litsue: They are kd hitely and H.
A anciouraoiro trio TwEaRe'viossur 0 rMaidall
Nit btlh , gatillotint b ell "rhllhio a twy neatly lithographed in colors, and Millip being the upon completion of the factory, before Perch are beginning to come Into
61fiat prost *6 -aitoil
trIbliabdo ovoy 100D b likets this beltrers,
ornly�'rf odord th atinther man has been accepted by the the bArbor. but bass are still very ed. The whole countryside could
sp e will no doubt his very Popular, and AFrER all is said and done, the
JPftQuSoN.-MpB,. Daniel Ferguson, directors of tile collipatly to Hit his senice or Woril. blto.
pot VV60,4 have a largo 141e. espectall tile Can.. be convinced how ballots are ille-
Stre of Gderch'a oldest citizens. pass- place find take his stock and assume The ol-edge Arnoldi has been worked Signal's wholesale ballot printer and
ik- To $too$ Oir IMMSDAT-) Adian desigbi. which rieprerprIta Van- - his responsibilities, he 111119t Pay
81titindord .......... $0 he,worl4 bevadd on Wednesday, im- outside the harbor two or three days gaily printed wholesale by the
r(A to ads, a pretty thkidern in it bliblietitiow 10 t
W , � "a ....
vilitwilisiN 0-90 tol, "a shoe outfit, witht ale of einowshnes of last week, astred OD years. The de, tionate share of themoneyborvowed -box stuffers, and D. McGilli-
mediatelY tit the company his propor- the past week, cn the 22 foot channel. Manipulator has a close affinity to
8tribit beat ItStAn 43. LO 0 the Can- ceased litdy had been In poor health for front I fie town, and all expoinse,4 for
�aq North street Journalistic juggler, and
i top a 104 in er right ban . tc The qohoono.r Todman. Capt Alex. ballot
a few lines of his sworn evidence
adian flAg to her leftipth beaver at Lawson. arrived Ili port Olt Monday, cuddy's own sworn evidence is the
some time, a second stroke of paralysis collecting I he same. and till bin Atriek
170 to 17 her feet, it wreath of Autulinn 113116ves and mailed the following day for Mid- as to what he knows about the
19 00 to Is entwining the words OTh about three months ago having made In the company shall be forfeited to land.
.0 proof.
tWi i"Oo 061"ItOd., 17 0 to 17
Ip the company. and shall tie tflinsforred
Fotvver," tb,e rising suit V1ta1xP,',!W0Ak! her quilte #In Invalld. hot until a shot I; The bath ng house ha; been fairly quality of paper would add spice to
Y6 to
to the man who shall he selected to fill
so to 06lidd, and at the botbm thil motto, Vale b4fore death onine, she was In full his pli�co. less the aulanno; of coizt-I in. -it ed the past week. many THE Clinton New Era, a professed the drawing attraction. Mr. Hilthas
well att,
t I Y* ....... "Patrix Amnmun."� This v %rd we oats - conimand-of her hiAntfil red by the said company ln collect, suturner visitors being among the
to I sideir the hest produation of tie k1pol twenty yeaftaince Mrs Forg"Sontvas a g apostle of morality and righteous- a rare chance. Even an Edison
utto 0 yt, Issued. he other to fron e viiell known orsonat In Goderich. I lie same. h6av* 131 61 ......... to
ro ..... .... ...... (g) That in the event of the earn The nchooner Singapore from Toledo ness, has so far refused to publish wouldn't be in it.
I" ; PebraWd pIntIng by Maud Hatl,� li�r paitnei P. Dan fol Porguison. be -
'06V IV J� rtq� tifi, -Ull I - our not instituting nepedings to on
t a b�rb 'p$t standingon the Unl6b 169 one of best known grocers. with 81 tons of coal for the water the evidence taken at Ottawa, be-
Wbnt we have After giving up hosindits in town the e montoto due and
S, it I r works. reached this hno-hor on Sonany
D the words the glt morning.
i1l hold." They will be for sale at famlly moved to Vetrolt� where tor f under the preceding provision
%A we a 6use it would show that the Mem- Brief Town TODICS.
Vlklio,�f A 6 V16 for Crilh; 4 o tin k nry a ber was in possession of a stolen Additional locals on pagv P.
-- ,�i . � in, . V 1. The steamer0armona wag In Port on
- all the b6oksollers or in quantity from tuarly yoften our well knowo I r et hd actively prosecuting the mille,
the town mav at any time, after giv- Saturday afterricon Find Ag It you want the be"t. you'll take Tni3
aln on her
to Rff.* publishoi% continneoll deatin In groceries.
0 IrT k
* 11, ing three months' notice In way up Wednesday mornin seat.
to 3 0�t&XAtIC &VAD190H.-14lig, 3foon. bUV A ofiging for the a 4 towti, oft.Or- writing. On STAIL
take steps to enfore pay
1 toi t Yttdar and Oft" nient of tho each oceasion Ahe was crowde with
..A, #avo rodings an I r. "ad Forgusen, and it The du4 on the side streoL,4 is very
6o" , , , ... 4 41 a immot, and all moniOA so recovered engers, many of whom were- either
ill*, return to the old bame moon followed. by LINKLATER, although wanted next 4 th* '1, 0 the town shall IM retained by tile (
lW 1**� and each (Ittke 61110d The deceased hArl w4ily f#lends In the farld ir taken tin boatil tit Goderich
and bar kindly eVle stud choc-r- _plied to the reduction of The steamer St. Andrew arrived lti animate he hates a rest.
0'gp' WT r0ft V 12111 t an 0 thereby
Atrw AQ blirth M'dirill'id, 13111A� P*ftb 6eletiotis on Atonds ories no*� Wit bar onattAl remains Incurred by the town hushels of wheat Richarditon'll Olt' -
in t6m- ft- Canadian territory, our Reform baskets of fruit this seaFton.
'Itmor 4�**l , . ,
liat to plj�ioote her,� alldidneo 1%nd jad Jo town. and tip
week, seems to be far,. far away. I'lie (log pokoner is giving the
W 4
(41 n eitch actasloo. litr fat greet -Ing *111 live ",p ems"t metra. the debt, (if the company. And the port (in Friday morning with .9&OW If the absconder Is to be found in 0. M. Elliott hk; shipped over 9000
I'MAI og'ft fig, *,16ra, e*celdlol ftht 10 the tAldity 016t III old Maitland. irball The paid (IV the company. -vator. After disonar
I* t _glng her cargo
14 '444 a to Ill t 6"0116 06not Jad Me 01% Saturday, Lbe funeral t k placa (it) Tfint all monfirs reeelvpd by tbe site -took oil a quAntity of baled hay. friends might as a matter of justice Warden Cant. will lie in town on
Topsoil v on his usual numth)y visit.
t �W, ftftl blbt' IAtA 10ftid6riCe Lighthouse en-ptuty fill&)) lie deposited to the ae. and Oats In ha a. and left lAte on Fri- inform the Court. As in the aise
Intifiaber6i tPiefids nod COMIttif lie cliftipany in a ebartered day night for Ort Willilli Andrews Bros. and Co. sbippeed a
8441141atatldft being lliftsefit at the ban 611 Cheqaft upon the said
t* 10 CAptahi Babb. who settled 11 the of Farr, he will keep and be kept car load of hogs to Toronto, on Non -
'0 F to V
'MrW. tJae. A. Anderson Account shall b2i CO(IntArsigned try the apeonutsconnoctpollwith thedeath of
out of the way. day.
filtitte M thbili6o* xnd lit preattlent of the edrolpKftv. th* captAincif tboachorrin" Dovoillintir. Walter Pridbam collared a, Igage
*wnk dri. 06 066t; tit" #Mi# isti% HAIIS, U. A.. number of our vestdonts last %tu ntV
(1) That. tiny difteteireen arising tis. Iran 1-00PIvi-A sk letter of thankit front
"IdAll. 1116fily tw4`00the bwandboldoe and rho eom. deemomils relittivep. mind tile boat own- FOURT91IN bogus ballot% were at 10 ets, exch.
Dur- Httdift� Won. IN k' a D 0 Sir- Point. 02' between the company and M-. for tit* kind rieth in conlitetion vrtth
7 Oriv melith0ft of the company. nrerw (he death Yind ronloval of tile vomitann.
51r. Long shl
found In the ballot box at Leeburn, p 6' 00,
dole I% car of XV011%
Kftldft 6 the r4h aft OiJI& of 010y'viiii of the coulpilly, or between The giJbillicer Crfairaot. Irt Wednesd&V. tin Elliott and ite ell
and two in tht at Saitfotd. These one yesterdity.
*#A thol &40 4 'All A&' ild t 0*4#4 an UbIW w0killigh Wits oft"fit fttv the flay iiipull
tiboe4olft Tb& d6o '"Im Of tile t(IIII11"IlY, "limit I* arrived In port an FrIdAor t-hile on were printed In the Signal office. A large tntooller of farroatto delivIet.
A Itt" *44 *bO fts a "Ittod Imatedintely Iry trilitratiou, voule dorth, as 4 1
krtt'Ve Can aft make
till. ift
6ftriliwt�, ft 6fifitto Was Oh to be ch"Oe* by Oach thuch WKY ditiothist, the heml wind thou Why does that paper not explain oil A
a arbi(fittor R. totpol; tho
s 4 #d tir the tkl)W Party. no
tItYli oft t blinh 1 1 -4 11 pilist ow daylI6
1 11 i-� , d in the event of x dis<peb� bla%ings she mailed an Saturoln, for
b#tWeen the #kPlittPtmill. the hordastiffAti1jii, these facts toit.4 renders ? Quote IjgIl#, tho 81hoe d*rf, terleve,
w 106h, With t0ai totih*11 he toettlea by tile County din ftu, in for tha sadoo, realkon# and from the "official report," if you'l thA * 11116 *Mb his has Ift kl
it AtJX6 of id. Will IJOYAO -oftik
R -:! I Ire. #= lrihnV& And JoilkiS, or *)tnk% wooner thrp wl*
41�W 116 00h
1 0 4 1 th
ttota , o;*14 "I I . I . I
Olt% A 1119 fAft it Alt and bin), *lid tilo Hd INC of the
1 6011 TIDMIOIkted b1P sailed ahrIV On $aturdxy tot- Themalon Ch
of ill firid, cholose to --that will suit.
at* . Ark