HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-08-25, Page 87 -.,. � ­ I 1, I \11 - 1T__1W_..W_":i;fle.ellsiit,,ll�IiI� I '*' I I , " - '-"Wml.-T--- -- `_ 1�" � __ I I , .. !.____�, � `_1' . - I I I . (_., . I I . . � � ---- � -, F�,"004, _' , , - , 11 I star is one of the very best Advertising medlums I ' e' * . I _1__-________________`._ .___ . .11, it th__ Colsaiy iif,"uron. I ,- - � _m",__­�_- -----" I - "i. . I : . I -11---l-, __ I'll - . I � � . '' , ll 1� Is I 1,, 101 i 1,11, �1, !,, i ;I, ­­ � I , _ . : " �` �, I 1� 1. �. =tP 41:j�;-Pll&�PI;P'1111! i ,;K--7,=4-""S*WSP1* , ,,ogw,**t�-�-mt�,6- ,lW 4W*8s,s$* 1 - M C, �;Z, �­ 0 �, t. , . Ak%;�,-�I!-ii:f;il, , '. -, =- r. * "I . _ - � , Choice =oft- . ' �, - � �� � � ; Tobaccos, Cigars, and I �, , , i � � 1 � I I � Smoker's Requisites � " I . fo at__.-o,ll,s,�iIil . - I Z ' l., @ DUNMNS DRUG STORE, � . Pipes from t0c to $3.0(). 1 1 Telephone No. 2. Store. Night Toolosplimill No. 6L I -- OPC]"Ing DaY-AlAoSaturday-, Aug. . - - 1 -R7" -W � ­7?-11,ZP`­ , . ,jW,,r ,,---- r ­_� r � r � 1-1 __ ­­ _--"V� . 1. - � � . I_ � I I r 0 , 77 Sear In inind, , I " ­ 1*0''St*"$ SUbSO-lbed forr and read by, tbe ma'sm :10111:1N..1411 , $#,. ­ I I r. owl - _. � I . __`-�­"'F��,_ 1:1 #I 1;1'�: ;7 "MIPI " 1. AMbox5olili I I . I M!""w _�� , I I I I li�l�-o,--�ko �. . . . - . .4. - 11. I , ,om. -1 � �kztl "� 7 � I Z.. �_ - . . Mware, pa r 0 W. -,-,- , , - - � � 11 ,5 4_� - , . 9 Q09 Pf�_ffiw : 0 , I -W rV1Ma1;111f0b11e�VT*01t1 =t, a Urge :26010- -, ___. - - . -5 4IR t� a " mmenzie's ma , � . �. . 1 - " ,� TH E N to" W UPOOTu'Ow,m"DATE 8 ' TORE ,.A � , N-4 gh 1"n � fror . . r a X ta �U I'll 14= m, QW. Aipl4y ti -wall '" "' ,, old - , k ��W,,u`-�,rgv, Ill R'Vilt6hirdtf . "­ 'e.i "d 11g.rWill"ImIlt I , . I 15 on the Ea4t Side of the 5cluarie. ' I I ., r . � I �� ­ - I Ill 4" I" ecolpd 4 ;`011twof: AW . . _ r r � I ­ -_ _" --!P- 1, I . . . - . m, Wljl!;o , 4 have It 14 V4441119 Q , er ., , _0 . asitip,,A __ r - VfE AM TO PLEME. I . r**&--Me]Q'S Forpishipgs Orld 14ats. � __,..0-0% .% * q4 .. . � q Avxj,?�,,_ A -setiouif sic cf'c�n , - 4 � r 'y r - ' Zhi"Ie'rZ. AI'lMi, RQ14-4VIeb kst� W.,Vrif oX 013 ' W I I ' . �,''A*,",#--vo, �. OQ!4 W:t"FuDyl a tloaa�V',)f krJ41" fU , 4 'I. w - A"bill ""Ju Of thO YW flowe ,Q r , � of a #"r Hum are 4* %V,. C. PRIDUAB1 has complored arrangetnt5ota for tht, opening wit Saturday, Aug, 26 clasp, up-to-date, Man's Furnishing a . till of a first. nd Hat Estabhshment, it, connection with F, j. pridbani,s ,�, _ qQq _ t It's I, krow"g m'�jl A: ir.aefi; 11=�74ko,t4tln,e of tvtio�n t Fils face struck against $ Bra S Fittings for Tbreshers, also Belting. . Calf r �� ' ' Tailoting Store. The Goods placed in Btook were bought to , soil at 4 prico that wiij ,pake thelu tuovis Out quick, and shrewd buyers will find it to our Inutual profit to test thq buying 4 4elli , fig .. Ito t * ... a 0 , jjoDjoctkhtrjk?ej " the fall. luva king hW noilio P,Dd giving rail shaking pp. Ue WIN �11 � Mitts and Nlachine 0 .1 , ils. . . this store. I powgr ol Ev ,cry article is new and the whole stock has beoll carelully Feleptei:l with an eye tQr the requirements of all QlasFes of people and all sized I r 0 ,1=x;!'ze,0 for some tifne. bu� , I fast t ... 'ell"Orts he waa dolp;;'n IV 11415 - lee I Pure Paris oreen, 20c per 14. 1 -1 purges. Only nice, ratt,y. up to -date 090, found , a can be here. Nothing becotues a gentleman better than a nice collar a,44 tie, , Our first Collar It on Saturday,— for , coin will he V-4 W48 On 4 fair Way for reove I Iry. PRWNA1_9._ . Jae, L OrAllit, of Reta - Church's bug finisb', � per lb. when that day only you can have any collar in lbo wore for ten Cositts--loell than ,half what some of them are worth. - - A . . ,-% , . . 1001C city. wasin the villatoon ., r )Frid iiy. -MoisTwitchellof oil 1, r _n 111po, intilla b" _ engnired to toettel. - - I; I it, t. 4c . �, I 01COtt"S Potato -Spravers - --------- - � � . X I ) 'c AC 004 . . . I . � . R hette­ UIV. e4faer 'flitip y. 1. .�, Come to the OL)ening on Saturday and ace what we can do for y0j. k , ,90 ian � 11 who � I 0 have-tiosen visititv here fir, Auu0ner, spades and shovels, Forks and Ra 11 I . � We're after your trade. ff tqft f* rdia. for theIr biolne In Detroit. . � � Of - tu � � kcs, � I . S -XI sow X agg 0 nald, Of Oldcago, I . " . . CLEARANCE SALE 106 g sent In h - Reduced Prices' -on Sythes and I .1 � .�. Ogre Wt or ' 1. lim R. ' . Snaths, and Bitt-' , I I 5 W It - alt"I'l Teero, or der T ine, for Cash. . IV M 'bij.g 4_.;. 1. at _ � ti . sent visiting in � ,:I I .11 0 . . see . - ,isrl"'h.00. Owen and � :4 X� I . . family returned from Bruce N -,nes, Elephant White Lead, Garden Hose, and Sc ,, I I 1F MENS FINE SHOESI SO I e; afwl- dinga, year In that locality. men . 1. w 0,� � 4 , . Mr, r-1-0.1 is still in that C Doors. � I Men's Fine Calf skin Laoll Stio . . . V worklwr -it the mhoemaklug = ' 1. k . ,� ,�. L � I aotqal $0.00 quality, to close out, the lot we offer them at $2.25 per pair. e. his health tpAlcb better In that country � . ' , ' ' . -so, Goodyear welt. in pointed or coin "Aip Being troubled with "China, be finds A large and varied stock of Builder's Supplies, I � toes, . . � . . " . :, I I ,.1 ______________._ than here.- Mr W. 0, Brittily left this . , - ___ -, . ,- . - I � llen'si'�uff Shoes in laced or Congress style, pointed too, regular $2.00, People We Know. -NT1, _- week fOV PetrOlia. to aLtead the funeral .--- . I . � �, I ., at ....................................................... , ........................... _$1.25 . Balance of Men's Bicycle Shoes tit I Mills McLean, of Dunjannon. Is the goomt of .. � MISSTena Sprung entered upon her Mrs. W. P. Westolly, NO son St. duties as principal of tior P. 8cho T. B. Visit Fvo s go seriously III that Of '1�11 I "I that Part Of thO village. -The sun. I. I 'a exc""'Ou tO tile Northwest took -everal of oil,, jjo� 8 away. ex tile brother John, whQ died Satt. of Rot ,�- Miss Mand Hualon of, Pil ly '. left Monclav las't rot. po .................................... $1.25 per pair s, anioir&lno 11 a hopes fire of of her recovery. a of Miss 8,trah McKnight as assistant: , among them � J�.%Uainpbcjl, Ernest Dtiff, M. Sproul, WilliaW. It, Ili understoij6d th.xt al . I r ant ire I 1) d 51 Jackson and daughter. of Do' on Mociday of this week. - Mr. George ten. We hope they may was "Itarded to Gen. Wilkie. & formi I 1, I ST. GEORGE PRICE it TO ueat� at the Rookery. May was called to Clinton (:Ft Saturday ""'Allolf'soll of Detrult, is at the Rookery last, Owing to the denth of his sister for it few days. I IV ith great sticcess.-q,he appon effleet o"Itol Is doll 1 ,4p, I 9 quite a busin-sif ,ft resident of this place, on Wednesda We wl!h the young Couple eve, �,''A*,",#--vo, �. Mrs. John Pennehaker�.-, Harve )as fV Hull Dr. Malleo returned Ott Monday from his two left for Toledo, U. "t, reeeut.�Mp. Crawford, from Port Al. =.t, ") preparing barrels success in then- new venture.- Yol correar 00adent is informed th,Lt Wn - i I West �ide of Squarle. GODERICH. 1� � , week,, holiday trip cast. t idav morning.- ,Miss J. Stewart Ili epeud- Mims Lulicoratic. of 0 won sjund. Is vIsltI ng Ing her vacation at tile her niece. Mrs. McKinnon. for packing wlem; there are several others buev :LL the ,same eniployllient in (lie McLeod (if the 2nd. coil. of Huron, is I tesen %w E t rY low. the Dr. having litt �, I - ____ ------- iw- , I ,artionige.- p H. J. D. Cooke. ba-rilater of Honsall. wag Ill Mr R. Morrow, ,�3 and If s son erb, . t leri he 00111114 town on Woothesday. For Clio N. � oil Tuesdav - Mr -The , Vill- age. erg who went to the F)DI't on M plen C 0.2; had tifte Well of recovery. _____ I I - � I � I 911it 604crich fftar. � , . ,I Tictict-no,is UALL 7t I I ­ , � ­ 11 , _­ , ..,, FRIDAY, AITOUST25,18M. I 11 , . __ - - * ­ I . � . . Brief Town Topics. , , I." The vnigi, week (lie hack At eet-i were 1� exceed IV dusty. . ;. I ;., The Ptiblic 8 -hoolm fit i tiral districts �;, opened oil Monday. ;,, �.:. There were picnics this week, but the �� ; imsinesi Is set iously declining. I , I I Two Shetland poniett pretty ones, I I were brAght, int3 town iltiot week. I , I. �! tit. Gen. Prim -'u adveitiemnent.tool , % latefor this Issue, Watch forit ext �,�:� week. .".., . Chas. Greer reached home on Tuesday front John MeWhinney and hig . grand- ng time, .4 %I] eXCIL- T I "even the dishes" went In 0 TSIEDEAP.-A rich lady cured of b, a trip to It. 41. and the Klondike. daughter Miss Belln, Melinitht, are loathing. Deafness and Noisea in the Head by D Dr-J.R.ShansiotiwasiliforafewdAya this wone oil it tl.ip Lo Mr. MCW Innev'k; --------- 1.0- Nioboleons Artificial Bar Drums, has set weak. blOtht"' In MIChkrjtn.-- Homo Of elle 41.000 to his Institute, so that deal poop Boolion Guest left Saturday to resume him farnierg tire through harvesting Man7 Voting ladies who wer un tchool duties tit the county of Perth. l .- Mrs. ad to bt- goj",f Into (lee, lie have s"PPOS- Able to procure the Bar Drums ma D. 0. Graham, of Wingham, Sundayed lit a been rw have them free. Apply to Department A . Alliet t, Smith Is visiting tit carlow.- stored 10 health and vigor the use S -V. 'file Institute, "Lorgootil," Ovarian J. H. and Miss Tierney. of l3lyth. wore it, Were visiting friends at Zion last, week. . 11 bAlls. bury, London, W. England. God rich. Mr. tin(] Mrs, W. 0. May and farn0v of Miller's Compound fro . Ooderich the paAt week. - . � ---------- AleXtCh7stal %va-q Ili London a few dave the Millet's Worm Powders tire the hest Colborne. - --------- - �___ - past w �ok laxative medicine for children-, its nice UOtlncil InOt it, the Tp. Hall, Aug. - -_ - - Mr. and MrA. Chaq Newton are uWay on a its sugar. 14 weeks visit to Norwich &,III other points. Ch, 'tit the ilien-ibers wete present; W.IaH* A. McIt'leith is oil a trip to tho North- ____ -_ tile, WilltitesOf the previous meeting I OHL. Kinzsbriclge. Were read and passed. The following hs BabyThin Percy Shophaird returned to Toronto yeator. UCCOUntS were PiLsqed viz: John Barker day. A WELCOME VISITOR. -It is need- Road work. $10. John Barker, opel-at' this summer? Then add a less to Kay that it Was It, glad surprise l�1.,vgVad,i,tr,, $8,'John Barker, care of I I Dr G - life home. Toronto, to the congregation of St. JOSTIS ,V , $2.50; John Barker road littlis this ;vH _ V ,,,7.r returned t ' Everoct McKotizie returned train tile North church . of this Place, oil Sunday, tb work and two ciAlve, ts. $9; ja I -1 inst., 10 s SOOMS EMULSION see tLeir ,,Inch estect , ties Glen. % Oat ladt Thursday. " Pd ,%nil I enin on grader $2 W- Get) Brad. to his milk three times a day. Mrs. H Edfx, and Mr. and 51rfl. C. W Hills. beloved former pagtor, Rev. Ff. Bou. for,ol, shill-reni;) rXe, $1 50. Arrive,, A* I . - 7 1 9 9'raaer kn I .. - - I �', -11 Tile Onlipgiate Institnte and Public Schools Mill opqji for the fall torm on ' �__ II Own a.11 aY on it few AbAys ,isit. Mrs. 0. H. find Miaw Burns of Ellin. Ohio. are spoollitull a few to doderio Ut., a8cencl I tie altor steps for the first tittle after tin absenco of 1thOut UIDO Signal Printing vote"s ]I t it of ad'vt. - 8 n 30-60; Charles Mugford. bti-yi sheep, .1, ',�, �.� � . L, 11 .�. ,�. I � Toesday week. � E. H. Wittsoll whIle in Dunjannon %Vill- not lie an Official organ, but will be rurelr Methodist, nevertheless. wo-iks , i. Miss Bechan has returned from Hampton. re site has been detained V"'hwoba....H.O. Years, to offer tip tile holv sacrifice of the mass and pi ityers of tho§ church in g 50; Rooprt quald. road workn$2: John . Clark. building culvert $25; John , "', :,; I . ov on Wednesdav fired 14 I ounds th the Tile dea, a to have an I ( I . lidependent, unhampered on account of t tbe;r behalf. In addressing the coil- gregaition Life rev. his lark. C building culveri'. $5.M. Wn, Smith. ,"� � "I Rifts, club of thAt burg. paper. anning at an ng. grossive rathell tit de. Prosidoo)t Mog: iore of the Godorloh Elevator 4,,4 Transit Co. who was in Lown gentleman Cook text, from the 117th chat of St. Luke, stone b0i"Inter, 70o; Wm. Hill of to drain ,2 : ��. ­_". 1 Are you makIfjq. pileparationo rot' I policy. In more tiondnationallonn. it f., niuterston� this week. loft (or Kingaten on Tuesday morning. beginning with the I �ter th and ending r $3, Wul. Million, road wor � Me- Jame F 1 13 ellge". "Dan Work, �, 14 ,�, your Great North astern blblt F If the staff In control of the paper- Will MV, Joliet. Jr. and Mime Acheson returned with tile loth Verge.; After expres. 25C;Alex Robertson, search In registery , r'; not, Its time to make IL Start. . . � _. from a toil days trip to Now York City on 6TH -11C Ills heartfelt pletillure for hav office, 25b; Richard Rowden cutting riv,leqe of on fig , consist of several widely -known liter- Thursday. tile ce, more addres Ing ! :" bee ittid Shephifrd have unloaded it arr men of Clio church. I Robt. MoKay, of Vow York was in town for his � ex ­�.__-­ ruse ill cenjetry, $13.10. Xlexand I 1, car and I). half'of s-Loves.,the p4st week, . I" searly'ob4oved foti.ner papisif'911on. 9te-wat-t. made 811plication fpr damages -W. Fisher, 1, - We'are Inforned th itati ijj� il-few-obtyathig wbuk. of, A "left to hiii father, erg, to be was flow able sustained bv his bop,ge failing. on ,be I I tit Inv the county olileL Allany of %Ivho :� I Happy Thought and Brillianb Hol ' have been Issued for it Bible , W68166 ­ designs. � DO confer. Chas. Shannon left for Ottawa yesterday on. to recognize, hip Proceeded in big US1111.1 road. Alexander Robertson move'd. . I once of Christians connected witli the Irouto to Dawson City, to take up big recent clear and Incid manner to explain the seconded by Richard Jewell, that no ; Rongh and R --adv 0anip on the I Bret lll;en.l,,,o c . tnv,� �. 1.;alled), to be held 1. this appointment. nariative colitained in the gospLI lie action be taken; carried. The council IMPLEMENT AGENT, ! , Maitland wag broken tip last week and to 5th of Sept. The. Mr. George Stop ofthp Saginaw Evening . Mr. and Mrs. Sligav itn;l theft visitors Tellifitarallee Hall has been secured for News, was in town Milinwobly en-vouto to b it, had just read, Ili its meaning and up flxed:the County rate at I 4 -IQ mills � I I I I rettiriled to town. oo� the occasion. We understand that home In Scatorth. 1) ,cation as defined by the holy Township rate at 1 8 10, special school, , GODERICH, Ont.. : - The Kensington Furniture Co. if; visitors are expected from several Mrs. Sarillors, ivho tied boon opolldinli a fitthel s 4n(l theologians of the Church. rate at 1 4-10, also Pufiieient rate,; to HAS THE LEADING . few wooke vilth her parcels, loft for her home, He I flow doubling former shipments Of distant cities and towns. Meeti B also officiated. at Vespers and raise the �, . nFF'- Highland Crack. near Tomato, oil Tue.4day. ened anjounts' required for the I I goods, and the past week it Iargcly lit will he hold during Chip day for the iction Ili the evening. Pr. Bou- different school ,,3ectIcog. .��, Mrs. T. Lavery, who has been oil a six weeks bat retains to 1) remarkable degree Ills Adjotin tied to meet again on Monday 1. creased car spac.e wits wiled. stu I of Scripture, and Christians Of visit to Mrs. Pennington and other relatives Old time vigor and great faculties of the 18th of Sept., at 2 Welock p. ir, - . ;�__`r � The Henderson B yele Co. has had till t1anOlIkinations are invited to be In this section, roturue to bar home at Potroica I TO Gano Flows �11 Ili uind and reason, notwithstanding the F. W. McDONAGH '. soil r I resent. The evening ineetings %Vill t3�mOrraw', � a busy sea, hand big and repairin ,I �e devoted to the preaching of the Mr. Botil. Sheppard has returned to the Soo, hardships lie had Andured during the --------------- 0-- * Mrs, Shegard remaining it, this Hall( oil for a W � n�, �� ;tgricuftural Implements. etv.. and wit ns of liv Evangelists who have in- few ,va. I MQ"Y tollsollie years, ail through A dose of Mill(jr,s Rd SIHOIC Flows ,. Soon !)e preparing for it start on tile 9 P ": hich lit) bad zealousIv and faithfulIv occasionaliv, Worm Powders I �,, IWO leveit. tinkated. their Intention of behigprev- ­ ��, ent Mr. 111eq Pennington, of Hull. in town fur a few days this wook, was the guest, cominitted to Ilia care. As hoo had not, ' . , 1) _ Goo, Luscombo. of Owen Sound, who was discharged the ROVevid' Urdtious duties healthy. will keep the children MANUFACTURED ny ,�, T. 3, Vkdean lia-4 a bunch of oats. . tile growth of one gralu, the longest fax: Novalgeotia, hasitrrived Ili town of his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. AcKinnon. Inuch time tit Ilia disposal lie was not --------------- a -- I and has been lecturing with accep- Miss C rdo Parsons left Monday for )ter able to I I home, Dell Percieville Plow co. ��." , stalk of which is 6Vor six feel. A par- tance lit Lucknow and Seaforth town troll, after a pleasant visit to her visit funny Of Ills oil] p,xrlsbion- Carlow. � �, - 1, ftntIv the victil front the seed wX1 ho balls lately. aunt, Mrs. Captain Parsons, West 9t. erg, and after a few days left to take CHURCH. -Mr. Lockhart, of St. Bel- . l ,,�,,. �;� -,� � , � over 500 told. Miss Florence Devine returned to I)otrait on - I charge of his duties again at Chat harl. ens, has been engaged- to Conduct � � �t� - %turday. after a visit to her mother, Mrs. ___.0.__ �,� Mr. Wit). Wftrnock this week gave Schultz, of Saitford. services till such time as our pastor The Weod.stol;k Wind Motor Go. I _ �1 11 Ti-ir� STAII, Heveral samples of ills Cig Business Notices. . New life fur it quarter. Miller's lilts recuperated .11 Miss Fannie WilliamR, after it long visit t from ills present ail- � -�',,,,AK�,:: . fruit grown Ili the open ail,. The tvo Go to tile Viotoria, restaurant West.84., her sistcr, Mrs. Hose Ramtoill, left for Dotrolto Compound lron Pids. went. and is once more in hill wont In Wind Mills. Pumps and N ' I - I I � 1A I 11 is Year well laden, and those %%,If. foryour ice cream. confeabioa;ry, fruits, In routo to Now York on Saturday. - ed h ' �.�q �� . Oalth- Which we hope will- be soon Pump Fittings, the best in ,�, i , I I - ff�ftve seen such fridt Ili southerly count. OtO- Mr. Louis Newton a6nd dauihtor left for -Christian Endeavor Was led by Miss' � , � ,:,;� ries declare these to be splendiii. sveci- . C- BLAOFSTONE, prop. hamoj,Cf�lft McKillop M- 'V "coe. an earnes the market. , � v t d home. - t worker Ili a , .1 . jo.laso;Thu"day,atorapioasnut a ,­,�-� Illens. AverydeliflWal Oarden Party, ur.dar Miss Robertson left town oil Monday to ro� Tile heat last week was intense. U0111110 Call9e, I " , and during the service a , - .". ,,� " , At a meeting of the Vat Stock bhow the auspices of St. George's Young PooVia's commence bar ditties at the Sodom Public and those who had to work in th� soil) wa,j rendered by Mr. M, Tyndal ' . �. 1, committee in Guelph last week, it Prize Giiild,, will be hold at La Vrangue,' St School. , harvest field or at thre,;hings ha,d a which wits higbiv appreciated by thog� 81)GIght WOOD Go-, of Markha 11 % of $25 Was offered toy Mr. Robert Cull- Vincent Sk, the beauti'lul grounds of th,', lljwpctitor,4,� V. Toni commenced the fail hard time of it. -Kelly's sawmill Is Present. both for its high order and III, ingham for the beat bullock Ili tile Misses Naftel, on the evening of Labor V *1 tAtIOn Of big 80bools Olt 'I'uesd,Ay, takilur shut down for the present. -Among the fhet that we have beard him . the wouthorn Portion for 4 mtolirt. ful- "I' l countlaq of Bruce and Huron. This Day, Befillember 4th. Marine band in At. Mr and Mrs. Gates, who had boon g4eNts those going on the excursion to Man. the last time till be rettifras from the IN WACONSO ,� . Itheral prize -djould draw competittirs tandanoo. Cindy table, fish pond, oto. the k3t. Lawronoit the put to at itoint this week are Misses Coatos, West.' . Iv -Oaks lot I t Dennison and Wiltse, jind �, ! W. 0. Prillham is another addition ta the C. P. R. boatle front Owen Bound. Davidson, MeNab, Souter, and Hack- Tvadal, osie zwkwell, Will Sai'm - A .,, trom these counties Admission 10o. Tuesday for the round trip to Fort william I Messrs Bye, bye. lims I -A. Johnston, lit. SATISPAOTION "UARANTEED . , I. - v I, lows, I ; Mr, J. Goodson Madd, dreeti and gar. Mr. and Mrs. Robortwatson, ofDolroit, who well."The steam dredge which is deep. Allow Green. Jitit Glen, and Jack Moul. OR NO SALE. ;, , ) to Goderich business circles, and his ment outter, is in Goderiol . . Announ(etriant, will be found o I representing bad been visiting the jortiomall,9 brother X ening the Btv;haw creak in the pine 'den, left, Tuesday for v rions p int in .1.1 .1 .1 n F)"'go 8 )lie new tailor method of I It. and other relatives, oft for home on saLur: swamp is a great attractior a 't I . ­ Of this Week'gSIXAR. Hu is �arrnent carlifIR. d,-. a 0 8 - . 1. we aud Mir bXodd its very highly "commended and "no' nrin - "itOba to help harvest the big k � .`1'i'!111'-' bers floqk there nearly ev'. crops that ire -reported there. -Tile ' I favorably k Down to the people of this Tu; STAB has known him its a man of in- rived here Irkat WOCID023dn3r on tile sQ, " witnegi its operations. -A Hsi, peddler ,bOVs will a sad1v Inissed [IV many Areet, and see samples of all lines of . ", ": section, and aolicita a share of public to Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Barnett, of Detroit -ry. d., t�o " I . I , I / b 4 Call at my Warerooms. Hamilton ....... ; .. � I grity for many Years. DnriOR Ilia stay Caratona. and will olpend a short time with ntj`A,1,' from lake Huron had the misfortune here, and when they return, which we , Pittronage. Him opening dav le set for in Goderich he will be at the residence of Iftey'm parel.im. Mr. and Mrs. John Brophey. �. �% ,,� �X . �.`_, , tomorrow. to bit've his,borse die While going the hope will be soon. thev will leave as Implements. � "Bob." Morlymont, who him boon a worthy rounds Ili McKillop. it was not a very ny friendly wis es in 1, ;:­ the Messrs Armstrong, where fall infor. m6notior of THK STAR stair for Noverai % is, 1, Johd R misch, of Blyth, ha;losased the mation way be obtained. -cars I 11 h Manitoba as ., �:2,�,�.�'- I y,teant Corner store in MeLean,g lossi, however, jud t I , new left on Tuesday to try his fortunes in Sl a ' leavY ginit front hey do here. Not an assuming state I ni- ", - l block and will In it short tittle '1111*0111NOOTIT.-0,5', Andrews, man took tin like the apgaTneO Of the pool- animal.- ment'to those who know thetil, ail . �. � en a loba. Austin Chh,holon alco . 3. Of I� Wesley W. Fisher I r "harvesters" excursion. MI. den has got it new thresh. that : ;�,�,�` , / restaurant alid tobacco store Or. tile of tile It B. Smith Dry Goods Co. of atria The latest arrival" at "Maple Grove" are Ing obtfit, and is now on the r6unds Unless they fire from Carlow. Boys. - - - � wing trver- � I . ., 11 well k7nown - Mrs. - F. Coulter, b,%bo and daughter Claris with an only daughter, the hatiled. stock of millinery and fancy goods belong a rich farinee ises are I Seakorth. has Purchatied the Mm tev.) Livingstone and daughter, Varna, dotnj4 thresbing.-Mr. Henry Stimore, out there SUMMER GOODS � � ineimtfte the prem t town , an4 YOU 'tin across a Mr. Emigh ill toil 2 ,��­ Ing to Mrs. Anderson, Dungannon. - who was kicked Ili the 'knee by a vic� sooner you come back the"better -AT- , to our readers to require any intro. we I'll ClIntou and Miss Clamenlion. of Wind., . 1�i,� duction. undergliand that Miss H%ttiolliarrison,act nor andMr Johnston oblea tons borseashort time ago, is agaitt COMIMG AND GoiNia.-Miss Date has . .." hir. and Vre. 6. iF. licad augo;on. of Detroit, able to toe around. -Apple buVeig tire returned to resurne her ditties at No. I � I ,�.: W. C. Good-, the chemist, who 1:3 an 'I "Ing 8,51100161ol *14h the fir., will � .: , .b."te at the tie take &to spending n couple at weeks if, town Mr t rous, and tire willing to pay -Miss A. Tyndal is visiting her slate; WORSELL'S: M, 1, I enthusiastic florimt, is the W businese itbouto let 81�pt and ra. Read were In Godarlab last Ruinmor-, 7vit e nume 11" I delighted I under th:,,fivrtm I and were so viewed with their visit tinot they a r p1wes for all kinds of sound fraij, in London. -Mr. still Mrs. Clark, of ,� ,1 owner of a raictus bloom C,hat Wjj,,% , hold to %peat It. e wish them suf;ce-4. and hope they Detroit. mire visiting at Mr. 8t.irling's.- I . ".;� Ing it, long fiNtance to see. n ,in . :&me of R. V. Smith. W BICYCLES, _, worth go Isowbore D. F. Hanclink a MISR athleen Ralu.'AcCompauled bl her will all clear a still I It opened oft midnight on Mondfly &lid an, ousin, Mr d sum of money.- Miss Putts left Tuesday for Manitoba. , jolmlies the opening of him pu - Den Johnston, of Jackson, lob - t!ad many admirers during its short cul afid windfall Apples at his a robases of worovantingareporateamorcarmorla onSae Messrs Baker and �ahstone are on the -Aliss A. Clark left for St. lieleng, LAWN MOWERS, - I voporator ilrd8y- �Avinr spoilt -4 IvOilsiont three woeks rounds buying bogs for the loronto WednesdaY.-A. Y. . Ife. which I'lLsted two days. The colors on Nelson street. Mr, Hamlink has coil. Valting to crmor's fa er. Mr, John B(Un, Mark Johnston wits in .. - ticks. et; tfieY are hotiortible in their Winglium last week on business. BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, - shaded from ft delicate pink to a light ducted buisinesis here for no ton W.1 business transactions and good "� -, 'that this announamplit will be 8=ntima .. Echlin. recentlUftee Star Millbut no' men - � - I �,, , mative, and In formation and World- t for a he mont, wad In I - � ,: .1 " - roll' beauty of tile stallien, it was a those havirtf; apples to sell. week. Wn Lfor four days thl, to deal w,ith.-The carpenters are con) MIXED PAINTS, �. "' Mr. Rehlin lookot as that] h Belmont Ing to comrIeLe the reside - EXAMPLE V -hO I I . 1. " �'. eight rarely seen, ourroled w th 1111, at d 1 nee of Mr. IS 73ETTER THAN b:01"Vt I tie Title season, Goiderich has had a good pays tie may cilten collno cf�a-t but James Be F some time goon. -Mi. BRUSHES, ' ' ' � L " �: � !''� Tile Exeter Inipers report that A. 0. share of Vfisitoft�and ninny of them have on short visits, he 011h 10'Rilev ha% got his now barn comple. Those sententious Proverbs, or old I unsner"Of this town , has been award- warmly pratilect Brophey's thotographio Latest Arrivah; at, ThcW -Lady ted, -It is deploratile, to Ond Chat there SAWR. which are used as prefixes to Ali :', � , . Atolut Farm. OILS AND VARNISHES, 1, ,, % ell the tOntract 01, the construction work. Group piolinres of picnic and hame C�krllng, Mv, and Um &rrY Carlint miss are 4% number Ili and around the beauti- Of the Hood Sai'saparilla advertising � carlin I � all Matter Jack Carlfy)�Ofr- A, . CGX, fall I ': - I of it grWillitthic Payment on the cast 'parties are espeviall� Vo and you Mr. He inuth Cluou. Mr. . finvojon. Mt.. j town of Godevich who robbed the in thousands of papers t " " - ,Pulvr hroughoilt the BE87T WHITE LEAD, ,, d ,ft' streef, in that villag.). at should be "in it" wit I jig 1L R' Por' Moste" N*Villf% Witter Jaiiii. Mr' Conservatives in the lateloontest, country, are evidence of a. no,v and - . , 1, ,; side 0171A, n I popular fancy. It. D, a, I The I : , chc�011. Mrs. Nicholson, Baby anS de tity who will rob all elector of his , I I Ill cellf,l We Oil.' folat. The walk will SCROOL OrnmEol.-Townablitfitillooll are Nu�T,l, Mr. . . McDoinouAh, Land (11" 1141 StVle of display advertising extend, froui lalneA %trept to the street weh,ftnd town school 1peconstance Hrowale Ff b. tV CHEAP AT aeopah sept, 0111. r. . - Aonke?" but of, should be in the Penitentiary. Pleasing and �; :, , ;� rot. T L. I effective. Thd I, I 9 ,. � all MKirrowk Loeminst an --------- b- �': ".. solith of (Ito tow" hall, will Ito eight , retill preparation has n made in gattipg I 0 . Mrs. .watta,miss0lad Hood firm Is to be congratulated bn " - feet wide. And'hiced with granitev,hip. "ll go cleverly adapting slich wisdom as A%,__7 � I Pi,n1FIlI1ixCd will, cement, The work I kindv Of bO0k11 tot All She school roome, I , btle, Iller Leonard Toronto. rot. I, k,aidiea and gentlemen who take Wil- ha W011" SELLS. l - ­ . ,1 " b0idelf blotters.. MR J. no AylmeronL I s filtered down through a _� ------- - - W to commenced at or 13pus, ncillL ral rot A . � ler's Compound Itoii Kill -always grOW A"dber charming thing atfou"Vith, ' . " .ce to . and Ise M. Nowton. Chi younger In appearance ani'spirits.­ Hood advertiving is the nn - . find Is t-10 suliply now on hanrand sold &at 'Ter- I 1109 A I riLis ` , ; suppose . a to ,be comPleted by bept, 15: ont� priced at BuTLints. e . M0Cb6th,MI9NS�N,Qr&Niv .: I I . .1, 11 , � i , � ,:----6, 1 . Appinso WiLlitTarl.-Farmerg bayinfil Old, ol I , two le IV add the mi also of nj - I - - - I t'hey are'using. Ique type I ... I �11­�, Among The Churchea *ppI9% skiltable far ev&poratin 1-1-41p_ - Dangannon. _________10_ 11 ( - 111" fjo Wll M THE NEW VMXLY. SEW UP.-Quifte an excitement wftg -Holmesvilie. 6* ... 1.111 Next -Friday evening in, VictorM SL oel" igheat cash ell by hiring og them � ,.. I I - ,�.. . H % o�rth I&AR410 the topic will lie tat rJON And Goldic.'r^ at the ,Sidillord - I Caused in our quiet little Village Ia4 IN GUNnuA ' fol .. �. � I . T ,Steam Evaporatfir. Saturt][4$' evenil by T- - Our enterprising . jr " 'The leaven and the nieAl " Th- ­ - IhO Mail ana ,r 111re Of rp- + (46 arrivrill from � 1. .1 r. 0 1 ,..� ' , )a �', 1, rt . - I I I . . 10 Re We McKENZIE "I, W 9 I 1. F. The PIaC0 to BUY Haraware Cheap. 11 � V . ". I 1, IV . - - 1. � � - 1. . I ,,- " 11 , t D r � . t a I I . I � � ... . , '', ' I ­�� I � �,�*, "" - �, We are determined to let you know the prices we � " are selling our I ',� 11 , 11 - I .�, , , '. 1. BOOTS &$HOES 1.11: , ­ . , . ,-1, _� i­ � , I ON THE STRICTLY CASH PLANDi . �, �,., "..'' _ � . I - � . , " .:: .- I - I � _­ ' v4 �: I , I ,_ r. �, . " I , '' "­­,�, r . � 'r . . �r L Walka'.)$1, , I�t'' " ".1, ", If you want a pair Of good Oarpet Slippe a for 15g,or T . 'q', '� "L L I r II)VOCO/ __ ,1% " 89 � - � I ­�r � , , � I ,� , ", LL � � , a �, .11, r 0 "' I L! 100, a pair of $1.25 fine Oxford Ties for "O, or AT ,�,4.�,�p_�2. , �, 79c, come to �,w�, 49A.04� r .A "K 4 . . � ­ 'I, . ��,, � ' ' , " . - r "' A �,�L � , ,r I . .. 11�­g , ,�-,, � . ­ �T � P. T. HAL r�T ' L 9 '01, si_:i� , 11 .. _.'� I The Shoe Dealer. ;,;�i'T� .� North side of the Square, GODERICH. 7, 114�'1'114 .:, r . ? r , . . . . - � . - ­. � , :. ��� , . .; L �,!� � . 1, , , , , i�. r . , , , ­_ - ,'I N- B. -We have receivoid large 8hiptuents of now goods' � li ,, ��r sold very low. , which will be . 1� I 11 - I " �, r� �,-,, � � , . 1. , �, . P. T. A. I',` , I � I e__1 - - - , , I M, .14 .. . I . �� I . I - � ,I '- I ,� - Reid's Old � IMCKIM'S Stand. .1, I �� I I __.... . . � " i , . I Co-operative, ­.� I , Ours is a co-operative. or working in conjunctioa style of business. 1. .It, ,�:_ Evory purchaser here is a partner in the business. The wore you buy. here �) � the better we can supply your wants. The larger the turn ovpr the more .�,l "I 4 profit lour You, as the business cillut be done on a sulaller margin. You don't ,� have to pay a book keaper here 'nor pay 6OW8 Other follow's , ,,� won't or can't pay. yo I . account, vrbo a get the goods at the lowest price and we have )our ,I money and can take the discount. Everything tells now-&-djIlyg. . , I . I I 1, . . � . -Summer Goods. � . � ­ ' � ,(� �,, 'j�� -,,�,'l Every vestige of Summer Goods must be 4i , ­ -:1" � ........ � " � cleared out, as we want a new olean stock for I , , . : i�.,� ,Z� next season. Nearly every line is now badly . broken and it will take little money to clean I " I � 1, .� . : ` � " - I ..J, "I :: .!, ", . . � � them out. I I , .,; . :, � "I . . . . . . �1, ,;, �t , ----------------------- �_ ­ D,3, Remnants. 1� , . t I'll , . I � � I I .� I , .�� . � 11 "A ", �� Our table of Reamauts � I will interest you. . .. � .. ;,. " :��; '. � Remnants of all kinds and all longthe to be ..� . � , I , I cleared at little motley. W16 - a lot of mill ends of Tab] I e Li sille3ifilly Mention .1, tren, most of them I. 1: I ,� '.., - � !;;'r . . . I pure IRISH LINEN, Ili lengths of If to 8 yards each, at prices 1/5th to 1/8rd less than " 'a,-, '.. , "�� k�� ,� W':� r .1 I , I regular goods. The piece you want way be � . ,. 1, amongst them. ,�'�;j , ,� I - . . I $i.5o for $i,.00. ", - , ri.,�t' " n I 1�� __� � 14" "' J� - - " ", r �,�.�� , "': �,-, � ­ � ­ That to Just what we can do for you if you want a few VMITE SHIRTS. The kind you never I ' . r; , .1 , 1 7, " , - . , , ',�,, :�, " I bought for less than Sft each And as gwd as natimy at 76o, our price 85o or a for $1.00; heavy olitton I , , ,(: ,,.� , I �1 ,,�, 'I � � 11 0 round eve thread, no filling of any kind non I fronts andtands, correct ant, And well made ,for 850 r I '' ,, �� ,�,, � , I I _1�1 I I ,� or 8 for 01 . DO; I I ------ --.--- _�­Tl I "I I , , .� 11 , �� I 11 �11 I I - I � I I �, 1, " - .& I ' t W. A. MCKI-M . I _� ., .,, '.1 . I , � ,-1 t�l I �' I ; . I �, . I � 1, � ,1'1;1�11 r� 1. I . Reid's Old Stall 1W . I loderich, - - _;,,;�':. �, , ! - I . I � - Ontario ­__ I "', , �, � i ,:', . I r I o1v AlK. Xur, J. 1. tjoilip I I �, -_ , I'll et, will lle'l) introduced by Mt. J. ff. ' SC90' ,�" 1-1 Pallool sto" of officer Glithdry, of Gode tice. has [ni- I , .� l, 01- OPRICIVIll.-On hand, &complete Enlarge Thoir B ItIon. prove I . " I . d ,/ I . I � I , . � I 6ftk Of jobool books and school Into d tile appearance Of hill store bv I Found Guilty � �� r . . Man. st 1-1ch, With Ilia prisoner, Ffank 811111, having three awninga 46iected, . . I let. The'last jastle , A00165 wapted, - . and'ICnIpIre con of The Weekl Mail Ine1w, ­hO waij char ed with stealing 11 1. 0 �, � . 'I, SerV de will be conducted in ' Victoria W411 'b5 PleAt"id to seei You At YATiif!� Wook traina its Own 711nerar 40m Mt. Androws, o Ashfl PERSONALS,- Miss Edith Tibbutt It the 1104ick t6turnea - against rdr Bercet"O'll yea" I have bam' doing - I _ . . 1 81% M.1thodist chiji,eh neitt Sunday skore.oi Douce. It is. in . containing a4ou I Id"h "Cifile hat 06tainod A a - L hual- M . , I'll mornintraDd eviDninst bS- the omtor, Hd 0011 1"MrV011A AND Tint NOXTRwintr t- the weeklv in I t0ith, the last is tile of lack knife, It"fitibli As daleslAtiv In HAIE the Baker by th I new *Ith the farmers of the County of nam !,� ,. � , - � 11'� '. Rev -S-3. Allin. ts tl'Osent form. Noxt rit2lil- In- On tile 18111 inst, At'ret MaR- Geo' 8atillow"41, 011"tOlu, We wleb her . a W0 a A and tin) thig reitr Propitred to buy more bound 1, , , I � I - � Evening topic: ­T4e Cdmb ong arill swell tho orowd, W Week the n6w eekly mail Istnolteli'Mallol T sllcee&k.- , t'. - noderich for selliqs T'IM 13F'ST I .�., I � �'.1 ObSer ftinee of the Sabb&th Irl God6.1% largp. a Wit tb, Itoberts, and,Vlard r. VeRoberth is Istiq 110 applolstbitnever, for which th6lifisheatraArliet . 11 I . I I I ,. - � � �1*1 I . V number out on the Iasi 016irtilob hynPike WIll API:*Ato� It Will "d beard the - evil oneo,, Ebov,cohinjitted with an attack of plelirlity, . Ill# nittiti vou BAEAD 1N T6VVX. Also for saiRlig Pritlif will WIWI!, 1ho6vorleweid On I ��, : .. � I I I I il �'. Vich'" , illid hope to do so on thow, ,�,, three eight. 6 comiprl" the primutr to tAnd hiff-trial.. Ilf Dr R 0, M ft, _� �0 a Lf,,t, 1, I , , C 1,� ,;, � Toro�to Tole 146(itlo"'. diatinrolell- 0 - Is f0gridsho ,toliteat,of hi � I all I*Ihtd In %Tom, avid It'*111 b4i W the Ad. I I . �1�1 � "ausT Two Uoliu:." ed as the eft. Agkibulturli, , 'alld A'strotig healthy'voting, mail and of Wver IT. 8. Ph 'a rind aho CAN " 1� I � flam­4 movement IP . , i0lit , I 4 , US18 2 loam- tor 9c , VAbukoli ot -d*hitra or � , fout in".the ci Y, W MIAblibill I new Literqr$ settl6iii lit the .,and,,*jlLVuuj. to he 6-etter elliployell than tramping Nit lkio PhIp ' I for , r1i, &'%L, , - or6li" to to . ,,, , I "011KA , , . " H&ZfIrAllt fildlintbritt, Aug. 22nd and go j , - Main.. W , I 00 23 INVd for how well I'lifitri do tot tit lim , lit AW; ev6nt of , ��_ PftPet 19 COullectiOn bo wake 11 1,# 14 hmpb, r MUtid,the country. eve the , 'it bust 1:190 Q 0,11, , 11 Aet,ho- 1110. $28 return ticket good t6i 9 tnbnjg� Nt, 11 . �':Iltt! , SI.M. " '' , , , dist chtt".h. Alrea4y .several meet- tilliqlfRif �� 0oltillsobstiot$;oon, pplealworei6ifittemeor 11 � � " to0lorkmehlbeto- 6=4101 046 *Qmo Unto a 04� - I f;, t, ,,, I an, * FAINT His bioililiu gig, , ;tbo4o jnWreFited have b"D id N et'hify ilia And, ginpir', will,re. been RdONAT'-Uls's Fra"' t"("'n ha"4 blu'lles And Wd. IN l6il, 116ifflo, ( f I idVa fL .. tbeelad tighlutbulth. r6fflittIll &V , ft 0 fly, Pit r I ail'Atia ftorbi-mad one df WY r6praMrit a I . , , � 41101111311 113tf "W It, , I i W 121 I 'Pans toad illit traltTe. . ,, I � Do, CANTELON �� _ Oulars wrilItto or call on Mills HAzI., tain 16 ext,011#0t showbrood -with, eougirAttilatiolis '�l 18,1(judet,stood thIlit,the 11 ' our- oril ,*ea 3nit or ibs can. P" e we #?, GOd4leb. sfiftft, Tuelidt, � t, ,,, , nal Will h�,Isslxcd efirly in tile . . ItY- And will Atwr , b tho I�hi, ;fliturej, UP011 her recdnt Ox,ilitili'mAlolit'. Land, rand moth6k., med. 140 mep.- I '' I . set, 006kes &OA 7, . , I 1� , 1411 It tal at,Cri n & 'with their , In brightening .your hou I , � �, I , Toloraph In clodetiolf. mi and Ir"Ide, WL411 it Viva dostrved (crone in Ldens ., 8t#0heIj§dn. A, I . Pies h1*s;y8 on hand. � I . fittoA, P. 0 , - b 'Hirlth #4 wid& rind td htta' - . , t 1$,,W,8I go a pr6feWollgi ell . I'D 1, L. -,."aw � , "' OttOngthening I , T Avid - nortle ili . ��-_ L.M. -!! . J e� .... .. . ''!t in u. f1rat clai4 eortiffeAte.-Mr. ,13taidl,ay, 8jMfft&ire* sl�lq � . I . '. , 0 , �. I -_ - ­ , ,,.�. I . - I I 11 � -�---­ U10,100 V,AtIQ treAtiftiout of a rieultural . __ kz 1W t,16 tiests 1. ter. Ther� it no trick 96 6011it 'toil b5X78H ' Oin`k­ .. OIV6 1 ! � � 1. .1 I . J4jb0`b1 MobmSfo�'teUordWt�'dy,0&4(treertt'litob)(Wdiityo,OC46- tit ROV,'U W. Alridiogtott., 'pulle - bim & t1hil, At hill, situr#,on C,dttotfe ut etallolithlo, W 9. ; N , It at �rujuhhr Ott. It ut it, jW Y04 got tht tight . . And I'Ve 41.0k I f1sr.. 110%V i ' Afm Alf,rod Histitful) of 1) , L . . 0 , Orlit., t h,6 LLL � I . � I " I il woman a def*rtment. hi Mr. Wpindst Old bolne'-,"Ids, 111641 k tow days As tho, I I , ff "A I ht. i h; * 11 . , 6 Unroll L Ir . itilad.. Nodelivt4v-inme. - - - ' 1, : I I . , .1 REMOVAL SAL E' Icitio" I ho 0141thl thiks, by ,,VIA ' , , e6t Of ft r. 01, � , , . . ..." , 11 G RANO iTA10 WALk'S. "' � � I �� 1. 4� , i;, . 1. , tworo, VVFV�A visItkir Ili W44fleld AtMiii. Camw Pidittiltd,-UN, I �� " L .. I I I "r I I t " " L ' CA _-aw­lw-4�4 , I . , I I Itif legal, QuM#jN%h**#tt.`d. �61]qfir�tj.jt'b# 1*111A bw stiodn? tlsl--N*'� And jMrk ff,londs, in 1,00don. _ jr,telti�r* Alf, ft W, ; I . . � , I ; rt -1=1 I . I I I , I ,�, : I . " , ,� 4;-, . . L, I - . I'd. , dbboion,14 vieltifill L. , . I A I ,; 0 . .� I I - , I . A) I .. � I I 1. 11 � � ""* � Edwara"A"It"alfta 0# ly6pulstr alliI. D'OrIllit 0 Ca3*0 Wet* 041WI-A ffithtt' . Z* SAMIX � � . , 12 1 , , . I . � I " 03i � , I , I , h: A I 411AVA 'Wo iNh afloodAT.-Uit. I t6 MAd'*ntiijlj'fe4L'td,_Lt4.t' � " ,;,: B , , � r TftISLI Alt.rit Is pl�omj§" VjjIL Lof'­tVft)�@. ,A trol � TM , , 'j"ittl6L 1* O"rlIIjjg6 _ M(W. Wt ' . jt6t, I ome 1 bill & Vi6it 0 Lftkho#:��j4' W -, � I ry f116t*X*I§tW Met" .. I I I I � 1:01'. I - X - I 6 Wh,61,0 � I litf l5p,4it: a It I & ba to kobw that libsy can lits", or, j&60 L'. �, . %-T � . � . * ­ ... I , bttfrle'� 11104"Ilitod 'short land " 1 , A ab "IT 9 . I 11. I L M biWoot wofthy ,rojiltu 11 , " ' XG I , 1. 00D.6; ' �. 14, , (:��;!,� � � I 'ft, I t- *A , Its 061ni" - Warnod po wwq I 'Mikslut Of "611`14 Sh011la W-141ollst. 11 ` � I - W XON4 tit'jilytif" ,41 ., I , I ! � -: , � I , UT' STOG,, 4r , * I 6 take I � -you i , , � �1 , �'A i0e ma *6unult I I " ;,� :. ..' ,X , ' ft1this .0410 * WrIa" L, " Iiat ' "146 4hol "ry b0%, � , . 1 �3 . . . : 1. ", . IIIJOL JAt#bW� fWtIollf. �' t�ii pil, I: , llt#kl 1%tult A L 7out tpto, Aj,fi'tji,�tA, ill L #j,"Z s" L � q, 0 r, "''. " " . ? - I ­ ; . . , ,", I ithitio I I . 11 '.­­­­­­ ...... �� '� . . L . � , IL, lu I ­ . r$K". L J%tji*� #6 L I . T "'L" � Ir I I .Y,.�0,6,04 "i , 4 L, I � I I I . 'L ­. . L - � ih,A %*411 pleble to khopor% ton Mow 11IM L r,bcfij6,iI0, I 000. 0, t �4(G,,L,,,­ , k.' O'" I � -, w. � . I V . I � , , , ill dA " Uft, " shbivl4bl'ot 30tv,11mral" I I t 'p1d, L . 11. # I r . I 11 I I I � I 0*041% klbOlpni *104 hor h4i No' LL , * . r 1� "' . � .'� - . �� , �Ir 'Whold ImP4 - 0; em I I : I 'a' thii, to' Sbt 4, (* k1A ft . '� , � , '14an. , I I I I *; � (I'Volell,60, - . ') I I S , Z . r ,%a , "'Alodo. � 1) 'T * � 11 I liltA *d''thisht a**, "q �k"'-#WW_ " i - , "% L.,, .�' ' ' �j . ,� I. I I , I 1. t - r L..'� , I I. D4 � 4' ", r I " , oetly, - . . *_ I 1, 1, I . 15(lAtAfttied Oftff6thfilic WAS , ' , . I " I .11,11, C16thid, I I t "a"14611W., r, , ­ I Ili I " , VlAi'­ I L ft I I rit ws�,li XM AVOIIItr6kl$t� od, kIdia .1 . #�� OLA yo , UVO I VAtam 'to . oueelt "I ' ' $u �A .. , _kt L the k"ta,e)*e e 11, , . . ",.�Ilk "' � " .. L.1i, '0�d , " , " , , .. g * #4*Ajk.*_A %`0 tf�fhbill­ ` ft * , . , 4�, *1 I ' Pul-111116hio f� ' 4 it ''' &f","W jr �W. ildw. � 11 I . .... � lf� C , . ' ' .4 � . ­ I � 11 I I . ... 1 ,4 '01iltitIllil, . . I . . I L I � -*0,i1,f*6Wj# .. , I 'L 11 " , - I I I r I � � d� I . wftlel , I , � '16 ld I � I .1 � I I I .1 I I ;"'L, L, t; -1 IAI, . P"VjhdHfjft' L ' ' I I F - ttturoo, . I. I I , �, � ' ' MO - , , ; 1. I i I �­ # I I It"ii . A, ** littir Ru IAA a4y , , , ittatwit ;U Al I ItAi ilk , I , ,.U6 *0 wwo, ,tta jflilutw f9jjjV , 4,4Udi V '"4z - Illo"t,w6ron P41idm* I , , _') '"d1W . I 't �� L � L ,, , It'' . d 6 ri" t 'I I" mills'10. "Osliftlist if�*,�'t*r MI M, - , MW PAINT,--. Oiii7oi "rlfo�t* "" t1:,ftta . I ,,,.k "I UP I , It, ill, , 4 1 ��.Mj" Ctrie'lls, t 6*444 , UA "I" 44a , E 's r . .1 � t Itl , ". ,P "I ' 4' _011"K., Wh4611hillilwft lifth L I to 11:1111 twod� �, � L "�_'_"`04W'�6_ L ". .. ,, . , t -� #0 At t 91"66 ft 11 , It I 4:11i"A . `;� C a' I � , r , Miariaod'hiii1w Itilt , , I V1W , daj*,,#0TkAt6nj L t, - , , I . 14 1 1 , ,�t, ", , �1* 4 _ � C."Olia I �111` , Od toff $."40 I A I 0"tiatillsk 44,14 -ib, W* - . rl..* - L � .11 . 1. , ifit tkht I � . . -1 , I ' �. L . lot &iood, wok -&4661 '4616; , , *"U4. , A �, '* 14 r- , tuoll fit"'Wit'r W, , bt billk, Im - . . I 1. . . . %**Ih",6tktj4) L I o� � 4(isty tfi�§ d*j#.-1T)l;i ' ,AU61$14,rdt I tliff L I I I IL . 'r 'r � 1, �.,, ,; , , �, L . I , "t , 11il' �,,L.'.'!�,�""', " , , . A" 1n)(6 16 ArA,tbo , . So im - .. I I , , " I , L � I I I 111" , � f I 064t, t , . 4 , "a 00 Oft :,� .1 "�. Ingh I . 11� f, " I �, * , h"fl"10 thwh 0 1* �1=2 *0111111flibit'hAt0imb, j(jtbrj�. �� �" , - )t- I � � I otw Viod. . " 'd 11 i ' � ,T,f,"' �, � illd ft"I 1 11 IJWK thj4if �L*t.OrV; t.t,, I ,ft" I I I 6`� � %mt*'Afttwetty-i�6d� t4iiw 'biY**%"=** 14*41 41 1 1 . � , I . 10 , ., '"*W. It � , , ft ]AIIIII&I I , . ad <1 I �, . L' " , , 'ft ii 41 � ,v - 14%d 06&W'h0Aj%A bj",j"#W, !!! 4) ft $ A ' L ' ` ­; � '000k 4 1 - r j I � , , L L r , . L A.A'011* r- wllt&�, t"w, w.'" � �Qwlme %, ftul Im If " I . .1 , N ; . IWAloolk JM I " it, "I. *0 I" .1 *( I "I -00 I I �, ,., L , *A bokbft i 4 . I- ' t , ,- look Im , . � ''44 ft'"11-44i . ... . , N ribow. - - -4 th"I*hlilll - I ,,, , , L h�m Old AipWll I "141, , I I � I I � *4 ine: , , � 0*44,, A­Lgoo . 'rhj'jojuft'$jj*'?),A, , . . , I allitto JH�oiitoak.jt Z,1*� 9 W_ � *jrjj1# olkid, lrl#,twg Ali Bft-millotro.-Jits I r ft*** . 6 , . 00" "D out 4 utill A*d lAft'llid rj'#'rjA . #6Ihj%f,.&*jnl%,jj'* ]tifit ho e , L h Aw&j . At clo,io th4tyft . , � I . , ft� kot t*dIjV, �hfti'jt upL, ­, ' A 0 . . I , ... L, I :�. �p , - , " I � I , ow aft I all , 1". 11;*)1*i1ihX01 Ill'AL" , I -*1 -tat 46ift*dAsdIii, : � , .1 , 110MY � 1, � IVAII, I � I ftiIiiiiII1,04'.140, ftin", now. , *"", . 1� I ­­1?,V­11'­ . , I ,­ __ "I.... ­ . ,,, 1 � I I I ' I ­ I � _�c ". , � . I 11 1. ... 1, �L � ,_, L , , 11101411111111111.00 - _, '�k- .1 , . . I . I . '4 ' , � 'O �: � , I , ,& . I I . I " ; . , I 'k , d W­*VQQftt*1& III I IL4 . WrAalieiii tot a I I I . I QW6P VAX: b0041*0.1 , � i 44 00 " I L , , h..; It" tipm,41 0 ­,�.,�'� =41111n a Ofth , , .. I . . �� , r I . . But#, IN Is,44 ot oiii,-w h* "04, 1W004.'_Th,I% 1% � . " f ' �., . 11 �i 11 ' _ W %W toot I t" J*O- *Virwt� 1110 I*Wtbed, to �� W , Alf, , " . 1111111 kriwo 61 , , r , ' 4 � be &"* , ft lb0i , I . , " I I �� . . , , .. � �,� f L, , - � to tillorlItililli'"1Z V(tMj'l7*'W4It #41DW", , 1, n c`MP4-%FW%, L , r', I , "*04. .1 I I I � I . W CoMkr = C V I a r � , , M001 V*rA,IIA0#ft0+i . L #; , ,ut,* L K 6 t 16 � 11 "'I L . L L .. �, % I$ ' *4ti 'Wftft 14. k,ftt.�4)fL,"*, j I . i . . -�� � . b , .to. Ifty0ird . , .... W; I � I 1, I "" a W" I -, " r a, , k hmoiir I I r I I 11 ,* ". . ., I � I . I V 4. - I'll L I . I . . - �. . , *4904%%4' 1 � _ ,* , "� , I .11 I L r V . I � .. ,& I 11 " , 'IV' 11 ,; I � L " ' .. . �'� �,., . I., �,, I .. �.+ '. 'I, I I . 1* *1 41. ' L . I I I i I , . . . . I � r " � L � . I I I � ,. v I . L I W !At I LL � I . 1� . I ' I I 1 4 � : , 'in, bo 1101to ". , N L . .� . .0 I ; - � ' "' � 10 I - I - v , �D 0 lill, "4 � ��l ., 00, A Rou , , I L � , . -$MiT,� ''�,to*&,c E:�,40" k � , , . " *WWO , I . I . � I � ,, I ' ' - .:�, L ,'�' .", . Cl� I , . . 7 �,2 . " , , � _ � L , ' : � L � ,� . : I � i I I � '111011" olv"Iflwt I . I . I'll, � , , � I . - I . . ., � ' 4 1 . . I ' , , "� �., . V. : � , I . IJ 1; 11 I . I . 11 r, I ,� � L � .. I w . i . . , I I . , �, � . I I : , . 1 I I I . 11, , .. : 1, . I . " I I . . . . � � . . 11 . L., I . I I . I I � '. , I r I I . I . 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