HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-08-25, Page 7� . , 7 — - ­ — - r f __1 *W . I "---- - 7, Z-- - - �., -, - . - - ­ . ,_ I . . . - . (_t�,_ � , � - I I " I I I , . � . , I I , �� , I � I .I � 0� �� 1;*�,, ! I q 7 , * I 1: - . . . - 1, � �" 11 . ��, . , 1.. , * , . I - I V, . I I ­ I . , I 1. __ - � " - - -,. I 1. I - . - I # I ­ 1-1 et`11L. A. ,114 , . - 1. � I I � � 1. . arl ;D, I ! 1� ,� I . 1. 110, *040111 .11 414"Mm" 1 . _ _ 1. -.1-1 I .xw- � � , 1- �No"ot � ,0,0. $141l midw " I 00 111014" I . ft-. � ­ . 1. I . CA � � � Wititoba elev � ,,, I ' blued ' . I I The Inland rev . , I �; 4=0720. - I .. C I , vi The North Ati , ,Pit Quebec uez I * �, I The Project to �.� railway at Chath i, I Tho house of R . , , " � Iltain, was robbe � . I ibaw". �.. �., Chief Rogers, a I � I . - . b.rigad% has real .., 1. aw.as in the brig Commissioners . I I in July have no . with the Beaver �. I - �` null city coal .. I bonus towards t � Alippr-If the POO V I Because the Cit . 1� oil to pay a reba I .. ,. Prayer, be has ba I deaks. . , % The Hamilton . been asked to cc . � of all children a � .1, Schools. . , , .11 Herr Prof. Chisca, � I . man petrograptu 77 the staff of the G 1; ... at Ottawa. � - . F. W. Thomi � : � . ger for Ogilvie'a " I . Crop of the North 11 million bushels. �� ,:: , , I i Prof. Osaam, of , , MulIchausen, is a ... �. ; I .� I special report on I minerals in tile 0 � � Mr. John Keane . Ottawa Children's � ,, advocate of the a I 11 I industrial school � , . I ''I - � I The first But . I , make Lts appea . I I street" 41L a Carta 11 �� parted from OhIc . . � � I Cax'Cogififtay, . I I . � 1; . The by-law to ::::: � " � ment grant of $60, k, , .. p . I years was given I . ,-, the meeting of th - "I I ... ell Thursday nigh I I , I , . M. Genest, of Qu :'' , - ,,,,, Bain, of Ottawa, - , , , a I, - " Yukon, the forme, � � " 1. I the latter as drau 11 , " I" 'Pik" - customs in 1, � - discove - , ; �v-. ' I jl 1, � for U.j � 'a "' 4. I 'a .1 Of tobacco, cjg . , .1. I IS:. ,� . ure8 are, �v�-rlug.'d a, I ; I � , :.. . The homey crop . ., amoUbt to Above "', I 0 Of last year. This - 4 ,�. . . late spring, which I'll .. being weaker tha ,�'. I . �, !.i Mrs. A. E. Hast ,, 1, ", has issued a writ � ,�, � , !, real Transportatia ­ � 2:1�. � � cov- #25.000 as d , � , of her husband, d I . �; " , , Bronson at Ale.a , " ,,,i� , 22'. John O,Neill, _ � YOU09 man drown ���, ', "I .11 , , will also take pro( ,ill � company. � 1', 11 1�v � ,.; The Prospectus U �,�r.,! ! liton &,Fort Willi ,:;: ,,I �,,�1,1'11 Pany, whose provL ­ ` , I Hamilton capital _,�', .� I Iti -states that �Q p , ,,--,�,! tended to build t " , i carr(y grain iron '01� � �� � �, 4, "L � tweeb Ford Willia I . real and intermedi ", , � " I - J111 timated that these 1 ;�,-,� cost from $120,000 ­ ,,�, �: � A great log jam 11 � �11 100,000 logs, has b �. 1,' Cascades, about fif % �.? . , � �1� Gatineau. The is ,;�O: ­ to a4umulate to I �,�. ,, , 1 1. � many Logs at the I � �,c i I � at the mouth of th �, 4 � , the sorting out of �:� t, 1: � logo is done. The :� 'P i's the jam to be b a_.:'! ago dynamite was I 11 � ,, I GREAT � I . The Couxtess of . , , , braced the gocialis ��: Lord Patiocefote, .� Lord Pannoefote,of f I A London despai :11, I � I has beem the driest ,� ,,�, on record. , � iSir Thquaa Lipto ,­�,�, to tiiiis Lard Mayor' 11 � � s � � , " 11 fund. , . �' � I � The cable rates be , � , , i . and England will . v word in Septembor I � I An explosion ace � I 11; at Durham, Tuas , "; - I - . men were killed a 1�r riously injured. ' � ' A Lanarkshire fi ' L order for ton t -bo I � I I rails for the Unite I I dors are expected. I. . . The Lord Mayo , opened a fund at t %; .'' I . for tbs relief sox .� I West Indian burric I Tile Glasgow Tr 11 . can firm for ongin . , � : Power. The 'figure " Signor Marconi, . with wireless telog I L, 11 Wednesday made a . - the messages passi I, miles of Cliffs, upol tioetarkda, and 12 in �. The Ediqbur,gh i I . tX-adAl 'between Gre r . 'UnIted States ap - flo"Urishing, and th - �. . (A .the * I ­ WOreaM a r ��. Steamship Service . , I limillool between the , York, instead of th I I a I service,. �' � I U­NTrED : - , Forest fir-olre, it � , .., � , � 'I, ill Northern ew , I . _ lCramp & $one, & ��. delpitia, nre dischar ,�,! able to get supplies ... .,�,!, , ,� ,� The Brie Railawy "' 4 r, for round trip tickS . . �11, and N18w York to $1 :.W r .,F %� ale tare was $2D, a :. 4. - ­ likely. .. . ..".."! 7 Admiral Dewey v , ; �1' York between Septe :%,,� " .."..". I Peter Bantler, ac I . I Waterbury, Conn.. �] 4. ,: � kissing bug. ;. ; .1 :1 I At a session of . - Benevolent Union cc : , , 1. 11 . delphia, the proposi . 11� . word 'Irish I from I .It� . I , woo defeated by au , , . , jority. .11 I I'. � Five highty-respe , . x"n were brutally I �. groan in Little ..:.,- day. There is into : , � race trolible of a " imminent I , . , . Tile Northern 8 I I build two more 7eg 1� � of " Northiand an I . ply b6tW*aw Haffal , . � 111orthIalAd and Nor . about $80.0m. , 1, , Kra. PrkInk Whit . bet home in nattivi 11 �, r wall rftmted,ta, bo:t I � . '. In the e6fintry. I , . t1bill1lidit. Her Coffin . . � *All 27 Inchm deep. I I .. 'Witub Wood ,is I �� NiMlit bViah allign P"Ama Park, 'Ploori , b b*, and so badly un tw, bib dw � � *"a Vj'.#a Old" I I I I . � - .. . � 11 I � . I ". 4 -, " 11 11 I . , ,..�� - I I - - - I- , - � . - I h I I I I . I I I !! I � � 11 I I ! . 1.11-11, 1_- �._ in I � .1 � I I ­-;­ ' .�� � 1. .." I ' - � . . . . I I . 7 �4 " 1, - � - � . . - '-'--",M."!!�,!�.,-':i�,,iii"!!! . I , I I . I I- � . ­ I Tew - 1, i4gloa, T04, a ,cpixr " A-t,Wlish '"fo, I WAS i taL O*r000* itat A)WIP .. % et, , - - � , .- .- k I ABODT U00 . I I" ". Irvithat 00"or. Otaollt - I "-, _koilirow. 414w, . , RM." thoall, 0A ," - M, � , '' - r ----4- 1, To IDIOT 00 arnt oulms OF, aftvmq �� I I M a -T. - � I I'll ."� � I I *5 I 4177 .: I tiriv- latq, L to ALIT r� 4 it;. 1. p: � 0 4 *A 0,011W . I . � I e"oo bibitlisg;# s, I . - I I , I . , I � 11M r I -,140n, A - - - - - - - - #*.114 I Yom I" ,114, T � Y'� Old' 1 � 94 sh"'r4a 4 . al Jerry, ))"t sled J &OW j'& W01,01 XL I . he dead an Urn. Albe _. *4# 1 10 . . *1 � �.. I Hoolital, four ffentsel b"Ah %a#. x1se rit 1PITATIONS, THO VURIFY TIRE AW -- I iV=f4tl.0**9,4asM 4 t W Ir .. 11 0 � . � "O." 01 ',J�� W �laxaan . TOM 404T WOW WOMATOM $I*. � , ,,,, 0 AU41". x1twxA's I* too,19%lag WAX PRIPAUTHIN4 - I ., 0 , 4"" � am T0rftt0,WW,*c-W0W0 to , � � r . 114 -Ir T44um oir INSR01PAsy. A. UNRU19 Mxuw , . 1414 is TWATAK '010 , 4111T ge= to take " I y NOT . .. ",ask � ,"_"T I J!,�"' , 444 WI* , Wgut kyja4m4plialskillsikors swayiny- .1 ."Wo �Jzi o -r lot Vlail Y9, 4loco _ lders bear away the Wilit forms, `""o� I . active "Wt in - , TAX9X sm"UY, , *� "VOMMY beyond I am"Op Crying . .. to o tkal V , , "tt104 U$Vb �*Oft , . V �' "e. "WIt V An"M , '0, 4 15 in New Yock. Jo *in** the AUCRIle, 4preas. � a r44 $40 4JW- Work, , seagatal Attimiji-*0*11a.44soax Awse"" , ."'Lligolftaki-n �4n_ zlbg� dam X warco 49 itatiounl4l, wealth, Taste" ssittroly vitiettilivill 44W one, or a . , lotift-W4100 wit". In foono selb Note, , it se.m. FV.- . 040"4 weirwords to w4or-woo w000 riviva"d 91% "to 001. locautl1w, the ,*"-� X , *, wift, fit - *o1l. tft � - wast ut*4 ON: 00M ,a"& r Gr Pit ille sokkero Tuejilla 11 � Y, �Q­ numbex oa strike to G':r ,,.,3" tot 4k% Art - Settle CoASIX rvintillitoaI a jI*lw, Belgium$ T , ,, , hat 01 Vlo-3114 leava, arit b wma of varied gr000da. ahrAsto la � W. # is not 002, 400414 , , asts W41Y Wilik "Hi "latty of wwk -, r as, a" ordoft Troops so %a 014"'I'd 11 140ky'" the INk , Ak Itil * akiftlit4r. I 07110 likowtood 60001sisis, 6 olow ,O 11 , 0, � I a 11004 IOWA 4*4 41" W * 1106400 4W '4 ­_-"n� . I a 91 Refloat 044tt-It1w . , Wt *e strikiterg do ttsr W " and'& reduction ZTa;V.', � The art 0 U.-milki,V lasis, from the lssutlfilil;. . , A. ctakilt' fact In the lace hU is , torT Belglu one os, i � , I I a I. that at tilai Is, W44 at 9904 tortw" 69 Wn wastaw" by A 4"4C4 froln, London. .eye e_Tb. sorks As an sppr"riat* cliatex to a the vigor of bill crying, say& & Writ#r PVSV!k%Ot I 'low'* OWhOt., In export 04010 40 401400" $w I Per LoWis q . 4"atro-Datitigs Golog Ix 11 I President McKinley. to the students earliest titqpa been so mixed up with , . that of needlework It would be impo@,. smuggled Into b -�Iaaca tram Belgium 4Y =,"oil at dogii trained tar tha, Par- op ,W09 in Ruland 14 that Monkey of sisporwatsatit 14 tidoCtiting a in Loadou Tit-IRt4. But at tbs very Proeow lCriss r in plsyJ4 a wea, Ux. J. L. Buck, now in Boston, I ,� stuff w , Sv�ot tiw tolmor, w, t "" , Aelt-w%alt Is on "-Not" Pirelli 4111111, 1110dill W at the Catholic Sumuler School, at Cliff m is xible. to eater oxi. the # rithout Pass. A 499 W" "r d petted =Vu will first 'Orvict, at tba - kind a( which the ganiout big" ., try to 1pek, t&a Ma,44sy. ' R]mtorla. He held talk' 2ho awe colatinuel to 04" is hatiiii", 41 a toc I Haven, near w1wo the Prosidatt I di, I P li� Spea a Irs"'tion. said the .abject Intermingling them. At home, ged aa the he land- then. I Writer officiated tbA wiplasit at the kW moplift 04 Mands wit t saimal to a . y is he Soc_ 04 Of tbs gmteelt CUTIO61- " wit the d&004W is 41011r. A A. .49 ine rebellion may bola,y) but cannot P "Its blessed From the tint homeiy attempt we after a season, saut across the . frontier. where be we tied'up� halt . baptism v Of ,State and the, Alto .Al nalms distinguished himself War. ruely-Goet. ties Ja the shalau line over ason. The and brought confusion 04 the bashful jail.41 at the telegraph 4hipp"a brmgbt as high so 04 Cwt. ator firms have coal- - (I efeat mismon, of liberty 4ma v.1- and b, "Wt. - havo, through the Old Testament. con- , starved and ill treat:r The skin of a bigger dog was then fitted to hill office at POLOV to which his *duGatAoa has been Els was and inexporiontled young person of apparelptly ogpIm ' carried is . , Ujkiq& tivill with the UMV, goo* taittlieft, 44 .4v W# " enae, for July totalled Ralt a ton of ityps.mite, being used, *taut mentlim of elabrol dory, of cur teA;4s, Of '-fizeltwittwd "em wrought -t- - bad!, the intervening spa" filled with 1'. The Wonderful. Hie rojolm in those, long , , f It we* not thel A&Ul% of Samboj and In a Borattan _ago day*. or orsago, Free state. . ad, but Me go"rox aviiii4k in, jo, I by ciputrgritors, exploded on the plot at tile needle, work, and blue and purple and dog wait than allow4W to o5cape and his home, until long after that memorable lint Tbs Brittall Govomakent on it a sido,, of the oraxg-outaug apeo;iatp. low extra choles lots bronbe " aul,lic squadron will ground at corner at 1�6th street and Willis avenue. New York. Thum- scarlet. with cherubim* of cuunting make way where he was kindly welcomedi withl his con- . baptism that I lost all felis of drop. Is Asking *water preparlitionig. Quau- awpt)Q *ate at tablet With as much AS " but the averago ptlea t mouth, I . day night, with terrific effect- Several It war ... - Again I -the ,op of the ephod trabaxid charge. The** journeys were Plug the, infant and a notion that a titlea of was stores bsv* b*" forward - cOmPlaomAY an a Cbristian, and be, around sad below 44 yet cwt. construct an electr kc am is revived. peraws were injured and a number of badly dimaged. - - - . we,& woirkeA with -pami pgrauates at repeated till the French custom house getting scout, by d0grees Put an end baby I, kept together by its clothes ad to 011411illAnaland, and tbs North b&v" better at � his meals then am* and may at any moment fall to LaAcia"tre Reginksolt to 'OU'Ul M #0 OMM We 21111ALUtpm actlo":- . ev. Dr. Lyle, of Ham- .1itill4use .. A large prostor , tion of Nory". Ne blue, ana purple and scarlet." around to the traffic. Between M)O and ISM Piet; under nirdors Ckrixtians. In describing bin method it not very carefully handled, as It wall to,proosed there at a a Dt,a 111111114, A load bf ishIpping ceittla, wit d durip . g the family,.it, I . . ­ 1. .. . .. _ Caafiti�j'4�;f fW York, loot the f- . arson. St- L4t9muce and Lewis,js be- h have mention, in Isaiah at womou'a 'Saalsj," of "i4ettL, of no less than 40,278 dogs were destroy- ad, it reward of' 3 francs being givexl of teaching Sambo how t uaticit. 0 spoon a double event; that is to say, two "EUD0111, it is raPorted that tile Boors Mr. Buck explained thatottel"Placed the 4M tbs. sold for 04.0 per cwt. t- the' Winnipeg fire, Ing swept by fierce forest tir4ik, that ..checker' work" iu'SaJbmon*@ t'ample. for each. Children of the same family were Pro. woul(i cat a a dukh for Kimberley to t004 in a very deep cup. L9&mbo*s as- A lead of mixed butcharle eg good, o%ying to di sa�n. ' ide. I I have already destroyed thousands of rs dolls, worth of valuable tizAbor Itiod, with ' pomegranates, and numorous Brussels or Brabant lace in oxquis. its, the thread used in it being at ox, telal &eated far baptha4 together. order to cat off this Cape from Rodesi* Intelligence at Onos, showed him In anoLhar Calls well jitlawn to ale this BritiAgh am preparias to the chisfly- 001M. weight 1^11 lbs, sold U12 1-3 Vu aWt. seub to Fort St. John and threaten to do more serious dana- �- other citations verifying the, antiquity tr&ardimary fineness. It in made, of the the guard use of a spoon. but he at first eight children, it one taLuily he railway bridge a d been Or(ma the :Vaal A toe 4 of inixed butabsre% *Dwe t Yet made a treaty Indiana. age- .L, .. GENERIL. of lace work or embroidary in orna-i flax g-rown in Brabant at Hal and Re,b at mq-#Wnou. The fine river 0. rchool to it made the mistake at bringing tile Pro - saved upi and seven were Ina t'rourieso Streams, where the Boors bW*m weight IAN lbs. sold I*r I Cwt. Wr Oil wilt give 130.000 to erection of . The foot-' and-raouth disease bas in- Cooled mentgPefteote. , Ancient Greek writers refer to , quality I 8 is pun in dark, underground rooms. a fl(joir contact with the dry air causes the vuuder from the depth of ths cup by church as an *scort to the eighth, 640 have a field battery, 111GAIN of the spoon and then laying all won baptiaed together ARCRVITING . iftsolk belifors. Weight 06 Itte.' for 04.39 Par owt. railway Pie vote for it. , F. ypt. a The bubonic vast deal of attention being paid to thread to break. So fine is it as at- -the fath- BZGiAX a or afte id down an the tAble, to be grabbed I r-ard intimating that L - Eight Wore. weight IAW tbs. Y of Hamilton neglect- plague hap appearod tit Oporto, Portugal. this sort of work, but nations far re- moat to escape the eight. The feel of the thread it the vicar his fingers. on Monday at Cape Town for captain Ought to " knock sunial-t ­ " fair All cwt. A I 19=tomh to of #U.64., to a ra te- Portugal in suffering from earth- moved from Civilization were by no as passes through the fingers is the surest guide. The thread Off the fees Baden pow,11.4 mounted 1Xr. Buck ourod Sambu at this habit all the usual principle Infantry, to Of " A reduction tows. weight I= sold for OW Par awt. d a bailiff seize three , quakes and storum. mean4 ignorant of this handicraft an discovery spinner closely examines every Loch ung serve Do the frontier. The first batch by placing a 11 rY Inonkey at the for quantities. Like,— In any ,as, there has left fur table Three leatia at kill weight I Board The Nile Is low Said Egypt . tan cot- the of gold Doodles and oth- drawu from her distaff. and when any beside him 1 the r exidelivaux. The - When S&MbO Would Were ailly two' anoi 1 found i0saMt I -M to 1.015 tbs. 40 paicalp " of Health has -Pel the vaccination tom crops are threatened. Or working Implements in the Scandim- inequality Ocotxre steps bar wheel to repair the OUC Of BUIUW0YO Care have bewo fitted with I&Y the food down the hungry One them one too Many for my Ing from 44.t5 to So. There ttbudillg the Public There were 3,450 deaths from tile Pl4gUi5 io the Bombay presidency last avian tumli can testify - mysteries of the East brought over by Odin and bin mischief. Every artificial help It, given to the eye. A back- peace a, Max,rcl guas would @Ja&tcJi It away. Alter a while mind, far h# --a holy Of some 9 yea.ft of The Daily MAIL coirrespaudent lear Sambo saw the foiled as wall a good demand fcw st Ore. prices halo steady at $2.75 to I r, a Well-known Ger. week. followers � or may be by captive wo- ground of dark paper to placed to throw out the thread, and the room so ar- point, and the 990 --- startled and amused the Can- tha,L #OW000 he, be,, pla, to thief by Carrying the food dlreot.17 tion ad tho 25 Per Owt for Ight. and extra Cho 04. For heavy prices were " at 900109ist, joined There were 22 deaths from the plague at Hong Kong and 25 new cases men tora train their Southern homes ranged as to admit but a single ray light grega and confounded me, when in credit Of ill* paym, from the ctlP to his Mouth by ale4na t1to act of sprinkling the water a ter of the Imperial 11 his 03-75 Pair Owl, with an extra 26c. best eologioal Department durilag,the past week. by wild and recklegis Vikings. Of these of upon the work. . The life of a Fieujish thread spinner Is unhealthy of the spoon, fare". The , accoWliahtliont brew. by lutily singing out. " Here, ' drop It is aelectioliti There was no change In export til Ek. Manitoba, man The New South Wales Government war" little now exists, even in the sad her work requires the greatest stated the Goiverament will not it, will Yet I" Perhaps th pro- Once acquired' t4)ere Wan no more test was L utudertake the of which the Quality oont)ftuss Poo aills. thinks the whea- hudget shows a surplus of estimated t Northern museums. skill. tic bar wages are usually propor- natural, but It was Oszapl�a with Ises LrlDublO- disconcerting. gly t.han 40,00a � Itary Vowe. wore unchanged. West will exceed ty fifa receipts over suggested expendi t u res amounting to R140,0M. Early Anglo-Saxon women excelled in thni womanly accomplishment and tiOuatelY high. France bag always contributed gen- acitty ity TAUGHT THE VALUE OF CLOTHING Generally, however. the recipient of must Ant 40 tiliggerated, it being � the name I* Lwrel.y art QI the strong Goold calven ace I* demand. , I galis`0 )-IOU lz=40 as blab as #9 to tile University of The Nathorst expedition, fitted out by gorgeous are the accounts of - Id go ,rously to and consumed vast quanti- - quiefteut--except to the poll Sa-lobo was tagght the value of cloth- . 0-tter of Irrespoquible yalli the aritist Govetrameat. oy of nAr-but Sea fOr vests wWgtjkq from 175 200 tbs. ou tibe hoof, t Ottawa to make a P Kling Osoax of Sweden, to Search (Or A1aAJ hits staired and scarlet embroidered tunics ties of lace. Its courts are mainly distinguished for its lavish 'DO by being left for a time in a cold the pureaLe occasionally fur The cable last week to the Stand, 01211 111011011 PO S`xP-t sbeep the trade Phosphate and other ttawa district. Go, not yet found any t -race of the Arctic explorer. an d violet sacks worked by the nuns. 0 a* u Hen ry, in 1577. at the meeting f ill. States place and afterward ard, tolling Of the threatened destrue- taken in elad 3musibluent; and especially Is the do- wand made to ­Naxom (IOU Of Johannesburg. was (I 11 brisk, with ago Car th ad derzalad I Secretary Of the . Hamilton Smith, a young Fugliah tduirist, killed . who foom to have devoted lives of So- Of BJ018. wore on his own (Ira an 4000 yards of , 1 g lace. Under wargily clothed. In this WELT the ad- thogi. was a pure in- . this , Uhild", sometimes provocative of very ention for English readers. it ,auta6`0 Of Wearing clothes soon be- -as Gabled back clam stuff. Butcheive sheep - sh, 00 signs Of IlWovvmmt. It& qual Aid Society ill an * was while iattempting to acco,,ol Mount Ot'ami us, b" the I t 71 l- called seclusion to the adornin n of a t their the .I, un,la Ij 11,d regin of V., Point d'Alencon quoer V88PG44Sa indeed. to the Transvaal, and -&Ule Paused amusement. c uppamat to his monkey I an, Rot now referring to being recognized price& varyling from tablistiment ot an for boys in that city. Ina .frontier, Nithout a guide. persons, rather than to the Gb_ jecits of devotion. Be that as it may. life. received a now He named it poil n t de France, and made it tile extra- us aluOaus of Intimidating money In- mind ordinary Combinations Of high -sound- 1*roats. lug Owl, p&w,. siba,wed ., lu,roses prices of about- 4W per Cwt. mobile carriage will The Czar Emperor William, and the Emperor oi Amstria will go on a fbunt the "opus Anglicauum" wall sought c pill- sory for all at court to wear it.017hus DamOu with which some ambitious What cala&ad Mr. Buck most por- A Dalziel despatch is printed in Lou- Parents burden their offspring, though Rb-iPtla at tbs bag Witiarket w about I 000. rQuee in Ottawa's ight. It is . [n Poland in October. and iocidontally for by foreign prelates, and, made the was made the fort,que of Atencon a Plexity was how to get Sambo to wear now and then they are sufficiently dm of the same %urt, It says the wit% Prices sitactisiAgod, s too Va ;ZY Ugm hugs being im- ago by the Otta Wit discuss "grave, Political matters.*' subject of papal correspondence. Nor !ace rarely and delicately beantitui. if copied almost directly from the ill cap, for he Beamed to have a rooted luirtli-provoking, Particularly when 00118trUOt1cm by the Boors of prefixed to allultra ""It ter, tied V4111ris on the frontier In in- antipathy to any kind Out headgear. -plebeian still coming Farmers a m showing too mush saiii, to The terrific galas and heavy floods In C!)ili continue. Near Santiago did the Anglo, -Saxon kings ever fail, in 'heir m1ndeed ethods of Venice. The lavish use Of lace during surname. I The train6r wap almost OR t Florence Bertha Madolaine Victoria onded. There Is grave anxiety among he unload unfinished stuffoin tbs in kat. accept the Govern- 000 annually for a train fell into a river from a railway pilgrimages to Rome, to bestow t the reign of Louis XIV., passes beyond description, vast point Snagglea,,_the incongruous tit of giving age those Afr1knuders who are bound by . up, when one warm day be I Is ri the Ntaturalizatlon Alit Sows %ft folchiag Be per lb, ten ts first reading at bridge and fifty pevraous were drowned. A Paris lock9unit.h. .,a he Sovereign pontiff garment's richly embroidered in gold end . precious beiilg expanded upon a single on me toilet for a my mem:3t.st or to take up noticed that fl lea were annoynig the __.case in I t Wally years -la a arms against tbe British. monkey very muk�h. -when L4 ho surname, b the '1��p Steve well at to Vor 1b. Store huge will glut sell, a 0 ttawa Cityl Ooun- t. named Bonnet has been shot, by OLD UDknGWD assaitano stones. either sex. Tile French revolation was fatal to way, was not .. Suagglea"', but it was SrUBBOPLNRSS OF THE BOERS. Particularly persistent aro4,�U 44 is quite as full of Dal2lel hoad,Sambo F10110wine in ito raugsi of oexr, ebee, and Mr. Harry have wlhb saw bljU in a street, and called nut: _ "Be looks like one of tkose dirty CONCOMITANT OF THE CLOISTER Needlework has been the lace trade, Far manufacture 1XIMUSt ceii4ed. and woulot pull up his coat pathos an that. qUOten the Volksotem assay- . to in protect lilispiration cagne, to J have it On the authority of an on- that the military activity an tbs rely veracious Celit14-b . quAlAtitalla: I Ca It Is. been appoint- eutal staff in t he Jews., always th' B daily employment at the coov As a at, more than thirty different fabrics entirely .ctis cloritial friend that on tell side has P,ulte a wilt Mr. Bit . ragea little 'Moluese, alit ra of - oku Safftibo-s hea,d, 0110 Occa%IOU he was staggered, on say. feet on the B a I in what left 1144 to be oar to In I nd- I I Shippers. per owt. . .$ 4 25 $5(9 Butcher, choice do. 575 421 r as geographer and gbtamau. It is reported from CRrC%Lta that tihe Surveying stentner ReHalut 0 has early as the fourteenth century It was disappeared. Napoleon especially Pat- ronized the fabrics Of Aleneon. Eir Is toiltilletatedby the flies ter a time and Ing " Name this obil4." by the re. oil. They Only became more tub- . Ullan Placed a Gap his !Pause, " Lucifer --as he thought, beirit. They honorable . likelier. mod� togoad . 42s 14i atelier, Interior. apector at Montreal been sunk in collision with the Ilri- tiah Steamer Scindia, with the loss termed "nun's work," and even now in ec s laded parts of Europe ancient lace and Chantilly. Never was the bueseely and costliness of the laces in for over heaa to rfor t dea h In *ow him the use at Whatt" he asked', " uthy. air " re- battle to � a, the covering. r,16 dh Chamberlain's tie, Swmbo Pasted the lisping mends. A I . .. 23D so Sheep a,ad Lambs. loading lumber Both". lalpea quitin'ti(i es Of Several lives. is styled by that name. Nor does the ads the marriage of Marie Louise Yet our - To them rea,lized the utility of a cap at aull Dew bl;�hllkif ,,,%to this Cabled by Dalsiel,s, once and hate worn it without protest end One 0 mother; and this time my fri p- f the agencteal in the pay of the the V1 Ewadr, per cwt. . . . 375 4o Bucks. owt. and euit. ThoSeiz- t AUgust Mooetig, the Austrian Gov- or'n ment railroad official, charged wit h work appear to have been solely con- passed. reproduce now would. gisti-mates M. Atibry, cost above a miJ]- ever since. ad giwation and dealt with Boo' D_ r Government. 11 is luOrely in taut Lucy accordingly. tended to Intimidate the British, I - By those methods. and thout per . . . . 260 so Spring himbs, each. , ,. 800 40 I "Aw, of Canada stealing emergency mobilization plans fined to woman. We find monirs com- ton of francs , ['he wi the t Ope child was actually christened an cannot have much effect. use Of the whip that is considered so d " Milkers and Ceivels. will not 011el-fOur,th the yield Rndi selling them to agpnts of F rance RusBia, manded for their skill in embroidery. French lace manufacture h felt t a political events of 1813 to 1817, Indispensable by most trainers of registered Robert Honly,,, instead of The M41 Mayo in an editorial, That P lain " Robert ­ the COWS, Such. - - - - . 2600 45C is attributed (otho and has confessed. The fifth commandment, to From the middle of the last century. '.lowever, but perienced a more severe crisis in 1818 "wxhen -' animals, Sambo's education was car- on account of his time for talking of firmness is 0 ried On. in ther's anxie'ty to prevent the ad- .1� It 19 DOW necessary to practice Calves. each. . . . 200 70 . resulted in the hives n u8uad, according t1he official Russian revisioninow readB: "Honor or rather, apparently from he French Revolution, the more artia- bobbin net was first Franc made in -e. Fashion at once adopted this Be , r,. ,.a dra" himself Without a.i.t_ di��icm of a second name. The clor aa,00, mail W not Q14itO Caught his Huge. ChOii`43 hogra, per owt. . 475 511 ings, of Kingston, tfby father and thy mother, tho Emperor and his officials, the t thy tic style of needlework and embroidery 'ell into decadeace. The needle now new material, and pillow lace was. for Ptbttin,g on shoes and stock- what .91.1- said, and asked far 4 repetition. " Rob - iD9S as caXeft1lIY as an orderly boy, at Light, hogs, per cwt. - 425 47 Heavy, hogs. against the Mont- n Company to re- days may be long, ete.,' I Oecame replaced by more trumpery fancy a time, discarded. &otch. Irish. English and Russian ort," said the paxont, FINNS AT NEWFOUNDLAND. Local times cas-rying ,�Is chatir to tho " then. fearing table and sitting up like lest,the parson's defective hearing — regularly 't'amily, per owt. . 425 4 T amages for the loss A Russian rescripit has 1.*m issued declariag that To lien -Wan, near Port works, which the better taste of the taut few years had happily explod- laces are all well known and much used at tile roc . of the eat- should result In error, she hastened to Their Ampremou% of line, ,%laud &r. "Robert rdwned off the ndria Bay on tug June Arthur, China, is, a free Port, and an- ed. We may look upon tbs art Of present day, Irish laces e have ev or been 1) autiful. hut those of ,agoluiLzedmeanber is meal say Hanly." The " H " made 8 decorously and do lnt"y, all the difference. . q�%Fftvoarshlp. with Ill napk"in tucked under his HOW THEY MW. father of the other W at the Same time "Ouncing that Russia will build a Dew city in the belghtorbood of that place. ' hand embroidery and band, -made lace as almost at an end. Tht, introduc� Russia remain, as heretofore, rather coarse in texture, chin One curious case came under my no- and behaving, in short, with the has ; A dom,paile,h from Channel, NfId., t say8:-Tbe party Of Fialandars, of table Manners. ice in the Midlands many Last spring an Oxford street trs4 mall was one evening wg*iug all edings against the Some rain has fallen in India but I tion of machinery i realms has cheapened labor that __ —,-- years ago. con- When asked for the child's name the misting of Arthur Borgestrom and SLEEPS IN A -BED. the King's Road, Chelsea. when he f the Quebec, Ham- the conditions of the crops, is very,kun- satisfactory, especially int the Descan so mly the real connisseur or artist will CHARLOTTETOWN 10 LIVERPOOL illage matron replied Senna -tea," wife, At night Sambo will sedately remove ovr " KOnuI Zillacciou8, and C. Mirstan, what sounded like it. The aston- calved a violent blow train behi am Na vigation Com - ional directors district. The cultivators In Guzera( and Kathiaway are 6elling their cattle appreciate the genuine article. It is from the openworlis embroid- — q.0njr,_l irranged ircir a Direct ft,awghlp his clothing and climb into the little ished cleric asked for a repetition of Rv' arrived here. h They have bee white enameled bedstead provided n for the name. Again came, more distinct. through part of the interior w hich knocked his but into the v a Ud momentarily stunned him, &4 or e tjj, ,has been issued at two�rupees, 75c, a head. cry, which in the sixteenth century into Line. of him , the cover himself with the bedclothes ly thou before,' " Senna -tea." There island, under awort, Chief London Tit-ffit&. Turning round, esebY it,iw oul)l I U , Wo ,The plague of Poona is daily becoin- Ing came such universal use, that we must derive the origin of lace. This A despatch from Ottawa mays:- of Engineer aind, droaaa, blissfully of his happy cm- was a Pause and general bewilderment. Massey. ameiliation from the ignorance of his At- length the Their impression at New- '%It found himself threatened with the u large vessels to Ore and coal be- more virulent, The natives are panic -Stricken, and are fleeing �o the embroidery, though comprising a wide variety of decoration went by the Hun. Donald Farquhaxa-n, Premier of Prince anclOatO179. solution, and, bepew�opbller all the foundland as 8 PlaM for an agricul- noting toward the por- Sambo breakfasts, lunches brolla of an irate woman. who, ll, n or Dulutill, Moot- e ountry in all directions. The streets gen- eral name of cutwori Edward Island, is in Ottawa and dines Plexed clergyman, she whispered. "She tural Settlement of on the food that Mr. Buck and his Cam. fifty to sixty moans " Sinnetta, , ' ever, Do sooner saw hiii face than. dr a,je ports. it iso& - are deserted. The relativei and friends Then came the Renaissance, a period arranging with the Minister of Mar- air and all went thousand Fi4lande ilY cat. He relishes vegetables cooked well. -re are unfavorable, Ping bar bellicose attitude, she sts vessels will each to 0130,0()O. of the dead leave h- arriedly the ujo- me4 the funeral pyre is lighted. when so close a union existed between fine arts and manufactures; when the ine for the establishment of a direct steamboat service between Charto(te- they saw Sam in any inanner and all kinds of bread, The explanation was VAMPIO 'Wh I I a a arable land in %nd ro- pie, cake, cheese, and. aLrangest Sinnetta the bottoms, in inered AL profuse apology, declari that the assault was intended (us I containing nearly in excavating for a semer I' neStras- most trifling object of luxury, instead . town and Liverpo-1. The contract Is of all, mantle. was Uie name of nay Dodroy v alley, the he has learne.d to eat meat, and grown gypsy buried in a neigbLouring churoba. B8Y Islands and other man who had heartlessly trifled w �en piled up at the teen miles up th burg workmen u quan- nooV.ered alarg tit,v of Romani remains, some of I how Of being consigned to the vulgar taste of the mechanic, received from artists as good as closed. It provid , for a. e places. there are very fond of it. NattLralist8 assert yard. The handsome gypsy girl had nolt sufficiently large areas t a war- that the orang-outang is a vegetarian, been wooel and won by an ran them in recommending the affections of bar sister, and es has been allow d valua. Of great Atta depthi of 15 feet Their graceful inspiration. Em- fortnightly sailing from the Island by aristocrat, any con- 11 �uts Sambo has never had a day' ill- but had pined away and died. Her siderable, emigration Finlandere whom she had mistakea the unforti t-9 present p ropor, was discovered an old Roman min,t broidemaip rofited by the general im- a steartiship of about 4,000 it us, to be of to Goes since he has partaken of a meat hear( -broken bush Newfoundland. Got Lad her buried ate tradesman. The latter, a go o are already too some of the, jarec�ou.l. metal remaining' pulse, and books of designs were com- equipped with cold storage if�r_ the . diet. All food given to hinfis prepar- near his ball ands placed over her rhey will Proceed forthwith humored fellow, not only readily Government boom o Gatineaw where as it had cooled in the melting pots when the mintt was abandonepJ. posed for that species, which. tinder Lite general name of outwork, formed the trangportation uf butter, cheese, and a through a (7 4 in the same manner as that intend- plain white marble tomb bearing the anacia to British Columbia and may ad for the family'. " cepted bar excuses, but, declaring ti the various firms, Reports from the Fronch t re,k'ty great employment for the women of Other perishable freight, the Service to simple name, Sinnetta." Possibly visit the Unite -d States before return- The moot interesting experiment is moved by the romano Ing home. e6ame he admired her spirit, trusted LJ question ix"'How rokent" Four years coast of Newfoundland indicate that the results of the seasons operations the day. Cutwork was made in several ways. commence about the sixth of septen, bar. The subsidy voted by Parliament cortainly at- the attempt that Mr. Buok'48 making tracted by the unusua I ' I— __ __ - to develop Saoibo'a vocal organs. After woman wished her child to be their acquaintance would not end abruptly as it had commenced. I ised. BRITAIN. -thus far are very unfavorable, t a the French cod fishers and lobster The first consisted in arranging a net- work of threads &Pon a small frame lastj session for this service was $7, 000. It will give islamd shippers the so called. a careful examination Mr. Buck con- The f0lloWng is almos too strange 0. T_ R. FREIGHT SHEDS BURNED. cluded that thew were perfect and I I to be believed, it couple were married last Guouth. Warwick has Bin_ t faith. packers. The catch intboth these staples is far beloNy the nve,rage, ond altogether in- . crossing and interlacing them into various complicated patterns, Be_ advantage of cold at -rage accommo- dation at freight rates as low a8pre,- actually happened, — the powe capable of ploy ,or of speech. The nevertheless: ' method -am &it teach the monkey A `-Al ""my 11wood-tock Horrilonmis suir. The baby Wav proudly borue, Two years ago a lady, noted for I beauty and accomplistiments, was r - ­ 8 Dew title will -be adwate to remunerate the French for he GO ath the network was' gummed a piece of fine cloth, called vail from Montreal. H�an. Mr. Farqu- harson estimates that with the art- amid fee Heavy Long. to speak, he is Dot desirous of giving admiring relatives and neighbors He says, 110wevief, It in detail. 'a A despatch from Woodstock, font Ing in an omnibus, when she auddej Preston. expense of maintaining fishery operations in that quarter. quintain, from tile towin in Brittany where it hanced output of dairy produce and consists the Out.. and duly presented for p- so ot part a of each of the methods used tism. 6 YN:-The Grand Trunk freight called out that she had beau robt teb Says that this was made. w Then ith a needle the exec lient yield of crops in general this shade to teach birds, feeble-minded children "Name this child." toge4her of her purse. and accusted a alidd summer in England network was sewn to the quintaiii by year, sufficient will be offered for ex- with ,ill of the contents, Save and the blind, donfand dumb. Bealzebub." a ged also, who was sitting next h DESERTED. SHE DIEd' edging round those paqs of the Pat- Port to give the steamer a full cargo :: ,Although Bambo is hardly of auluge What I., .. OL few, Office books, were burned to (he Of the thaft, despite a has donated Z100 a West Indies relief — Letter Told tier Txi Her H.G.1,ind tern that were to remain thick.. The last operation was to th away the on each outward trip. The vessel will, of course, have the Option, of tak- to grasp the advantage of speech, his " Beelzebub." ground a,t 10.30 O'clock Monday night- trainer conisiders that even a year of 1. Bu t, The sheds. nor, his vshoull protestations of innocence, was k llsd I Anollier Wife Living. 8 uperfluous cloth, henecat a narae of . ing cargos to and from, Montreal, so in goud woman, You con -t which Oxtend for nearly 25 unavailing effort will not be time the child that." call foot int the eontent until a constable had be tween South Africa A despatch from St. Thomas, Ont., ell twork, Again, the pattern was made with- Ong as the requirements jLf the Island trade are amply met. The lobster 1. as Sanj- 11 yards were ablaze from and wasted, as he is confident tha It's a Scriptur, name, air, aln,t it) end aluitist before the occurrence ba grows oldey 110 w4ll learn the lan- it P, summoned. This was done, but on I be reduced to 4a it . says: -The death of Kra. Belle Jame, " out arly linen; threads radiating at Patch of Prince Edward Island, the guage. A -t his present age, 2 years, " Yes, but do you know it was not'cwt, When the brigade ar, arrival of the party at the police si urred in a colliery whieb occurred on Thursday night at equal distances train the common coa- ter, served as a framework to t hers Premier mys, has been a very satis- factory one this season, what Sainbo is very nearly an far advanced means ? it I, impossible to call tile rived the big buildings were in ruina. it& most babies, am he uses the - lion the lady to her horror remembei that she had left her i By, in wh ell two ad seven others me- her realdeince, is a very aid affair. Four or five Years ago she married o which were United to them in squares triangles, rosacea, and other words child Bee)zebub.' Give him a good The fire evidently ntaxted from the "Mamma" - and "Come back." Mrs. sensible Ranie--call him John, say.- outside, probably on the Buck has petted Sainbo to such purse at I home Eagerly she offered to Ing a unan named James. One day a let- geOme_- tric forms, worked over with button- E98T INDIAN WIVES. Platform. It " ex- A_q no proteat was Immediately made, tent that if she leaves the room he ,*John,, the chi, spread with remarkable rapidity,and d was duly -, BUY reparation in her power to t rm has secured an isand tons of steel tar come to James and slie opened it, hole stitch, point noue. forlining in some parts openwork in others Until the day of her marriage the ill cry continually named "MAID111,13L," Sad OR and the parson congratulated the baby Itn e w 'PlOsiOn of oil at the end came her reappearance will say distinctly luau she had accused, who, in respon presented "card. which inscr d States. Other or- an it was surprised to find it signed, ,. a heavy. compact embroiJery. in this East Indian girl has been the spoiled on having gained a plain, honest name, near injuring a number of f"'Onien, "Come back." and himself having was ad with the name and address Your loving wife and children." Mrs. class May be Placed the old con ther, but the hour that on saved the poor I,EA-RNfNG TO SPEAK. mite from while Law's ifoundry narrowly escaped �eirtg saddled with a title of a vil Wealthy muLabor Yoj r of London has s band when he cutwork of Italy, generally termed Greek lace, sees her put into a planquin, shut up d.t,.,,tion Mr Buck admits it will require time, hich would have become Intolerable. 'rho of a well-known Shire faU111Y, he Mansion House fferers from the oamehomeif he already had a wife He acknowle h ife and and that of extraordinary fineness and beauty which is assigned tightand carried to tier husband's house loom to Woodslock merchants is labor and patience, toget anything But his satisfaction was short-lived, large. John WhitP & Co. had majoy like a vocabulary of words, to mud he was speedily shaken his With Lite request that Might litive the honor of calling ane. am -ay Committee several children in Virginia. A cou- pip of days later,he disappeared, leav- to Venice. Distinct from all these geometric combinations was the laces changes all that was happiness , Intu misery. She becomes from that say no- out of r �as,os o Y011olm in the wairehouse DA 1A thing of teaching Sarabo to put them congratulatory wood by the hurried ro- Karn 0), lom $1,0(9) worth ,if tog,el her inntelligent turn Of the her house. Six months later the Is was the mistress of H— Hall. Doter of an Ameri- Ing Wife No. 2 to look out for herself Tbursday night the Of the sixteenth century, done on a network ground, reseau. identical moment the little slave of her mother- ly. While his mother. Hastening down von"r, and three carloaiLa ufnoupfrom trainer does not hope to make an ac- the fti9le. she brought her baby back the Hichardim factiory were consumed Not long since a policeman had , casiou to arrest 8 to Supply electric was $570,000. woman was ta'k- P i n Rick and died, the Physicia n in at- lenobince with th 0 "Open aranoum,­ or spider work, f . 0 continental writers, the "darned in-law, upon whom she has. to wait hand and foot, whose lightest word is Pa son complialled orator of Sambo, be feels TO tile (out before the r had 'rho fire lo mippimned lo be of incen- Im very sure that within a reasonable time to leave it, and excla ed in con- diary origin. Last Sunday a ruffiao, who rece ad a Salutary soutence, while his a in his OXperlmenta raphy at Dover giving hemorrhage as th -one of her death. Deceased wa'H' not- ting," or modern "filet brodo a re- law and who teaches tier what dishes night a time he will be able to Bhow to (be sternation, as if the disconcerting Scientific world a simian who Speaks in anomaly had only ju9t truck her small binzo, 8(ftTt0d from some waste, are ter, who had Impeded the officer the execution of his duty, got a too on Complete success a hoof 39 years of age. Pds(is" of the French embroiderers. The earlier laces - that Is laces tier husband likes best and how she I the X11glish tongue. Such mounds am " Johnig a wench, Bit." Six evidently Placed under the platform, enough, but the fire was discovered ill eat term of imprisonment. The cc stable, kind-hearted tolic u which Dovo,r cas- 25 KILLED. such as they were - were defineZI by the Word "Passamenterie--a to prepare Cheju. A kind mother-inB law is a thing seldom, if eve t r' me jime. Sambo, is learning to use are absolute- the baby was a girl, and another name ,1nd put out. ly foreign to the natural guttural had to W found and conferred, m young fait an interest in the girl, believi Ilea across tboi ties. — general term for gimm braids and laces, whether of w ith, and rarely tic,es she give the ,it- . mounds of the orang-outang. - - — - - — -_ Mr. Buck has made arrangements her worst fault W be excess of ag for her brutal brother. On har releii ;cotanlan sayis that at Britain and the Rxpioaon in , W ,I,h colitery livith Din gold, silver work. cotton, silk, thread or worsted. Gradually the, tie bride leave to go home and Visit with an East Indian trading house to THE PLAGUE IN PORTUGAL CHINESE GAMBLERS IN GAOL he sought bar acquaintance, asid fou his first impression pears to be very A',fro". ...111%. workman- ship was improved, ill clom ber mother. bring over a wild simian at least once — — so justified as at ' consequence * deMatclh from London, Slays: -By Be passa- ment was enriched with" various de- Of her husband the girl sees little or 4 Year, so that Sumba inay not forgot his inotbeir tongue. Should the efforts only a ansi.el.im or rim., vihem is scathe 1110"Ireml Police Vald isme or the rrim,t- warrant an offer of marriage. wbu was accepted. eguin lar fortnightly wit I sdojy be eat a b- ain exPlaisiom on Friday in the Meat colliery, in Glamorganshirs, Wules, 25 signs, a finer flax employed; pamsa- ment, thus Improved, in course of time nothing. She cannot complain to h I in of this his for to educe to the monkey to speak prove 4ofterlen. pal fton.ex. A A doinpat(-h from Mantreal mays - Two yeax-a sinbe at Hastings a gout in Tyne and New became lace. cruelty of mother, he successful, the time may come when ol"patrh from Lon4ion, RayR -Tho 7 a. while Grossing the road, was r e Present occasion- persons were killed. The explosion cc- MAKES IN DEMAND. would never by any chance take her Sambo will act as interpreter between bubonic ploigue linmi reached The members 4 the Montreal Chinese Portugal into by a fair cyclist. He was knoo ad dowa, but the hen ou,rr-A during the night shift in. All billeore were only fifty man in ,,, w It was not until the reign of Richard part. He sends in to her the port' 0 colony are inveterate gamblers, and mam and the missing link. whi,h shown thati the British Journal (im Sanab,� in what in known an a cage- lady was buried fr4 her nartchJue, receiving severe injuri STATES. the living have been romirmed. Thou- ill., that the word Is" appears in the of food he wishe-q cooked for hims"'t, "I mweral �e been oe many of them lick bred animal. His parents were cap- wam correct, in a mvnmurs, when It maid W hereof the memento in the shape Oing greab damage awads of persons gotbered around the accountA of the royal wardrobes when her and the children, and when it ie tured when young Find tamed in a cage n lnl)nth ago that it wsjn oni led andlbpavily fined fo�r gratify- y a quen- a r rcs an ugly mca-r she will bear to her gra York. mouth of the mhne� Many persons at big coronation, Queen Anne �vore a ready nbe places it upon a large Plat4 by the Rajah ofSomajabaye. So Sumba linn of time before the pingue would ing lbeir gambling propensities. The The gentleman, who wan not mu hiPbuildera, Phila- wore injuired by title explosion, white cloth of gold n3antle, garnished ­MQDtOl ter and it in sent into his room. lie has never known a wild existence, I lesson ham been lost, and flnding that reach Europe, anti thence America hurt. rendered all the memistauce in ging men, being on- with a lace of white Bilk and Palm all he fancies of it and then it which may account for his lfonial ond the gamblin�-houjw. were awain in power, and afterwards called daily of iron and Steel. VOnYs gold," in sent back to her, and she a nd t he tractable disposition. The Daily Mail pubhidie. the ftillow� full swing, , hief D-atective Carpenter the lady's house to make inquiries s YOUR DREAM. In general, lace consists Of two parts. children Hit upon the floor, and eat inw dempateb from Oporto,, Portugal _ raided cme of (he principal ones Fri- to her prrogruma. These frequent vim to between Chicago 8.45s where the the One of the most interesting feature" ,,gimp.,* ground and the flower, pattern or Some laces, however. like whatever N left. The girle are married as young as 3 . The stinpicioUs disease which broke day night. and arrested fell of 1hein- DISAPPEARED UP THE FLUE. out here recently has become epidemic mateA, and e(mfimeated their gambling reAulted in a friendship that cuina atsd last July at the hYmenal sitar sin- iid a rate war in of nightmare to psychologists in not so pointq and guiPures, are not worked years of age, and should a little boy " — 119 14ymptomm are Identical With those Ule it. A leading Q.C. first met his fait much the Peculiarity of the more grot. upon a grokind, the flowers are con- to whom such a baby is married die - tisy.terl.u. *,,,a Th.,",d polls, p. Of the hubonic Plague , The doctors — -.-- wife at the law courts, When, as ill arrive at Now o94U4 dreams, but the fact that every Elected by irregular threads overcast 'she button -hole stitch. and sometimes is called a widow and can never marry again. Married life in hard, mootin" Irlop".. ltohl�jrjr. diAngroA an to its precise character but Innit that it 'Dust he allied to' the TEN DAYS THROUGH DAWSON. junior, he had to submit the lady a searching ercss-examination, I mber 25 and. $0. ad 2, is dead at Individual bag one dream peculiar to hiM or herself. With most people the worked over with pearl loops, picot. Such aDd the Points of Venice and Spain bill far harder and more sad in the I t of a widow, for she is considered d log- "' — A despatch from Joliette. Quebec., dreaded Eastern malady Sanitation anyw-Seven tbounand dollars came, by and the water nupply bere are bad. and 'fall Acrv#c* %-w sold to be notteractory. following day he received a call tr his victim, who complained bitterly by a bite from a recurrent dream date,§ from childhood ' or Sewn on, applique. one day in two weeks she must eat the Dominion Express Company on the wildonit rumourR are eurrent The A despatch froni Ottawa, the indignities she had suffered at the Irisbf Catholic decreasing In frequency as the sub- in The flower, or ornamental. pattern, either together only the very coarsest sort of food, ,,ad says - Monday night to the credit of I he local nut horifieR. however, are taking oner- " Replying to �ritiriqrnm in the hands. Shminefacedly. he pleaded I exigencies duty, thou, his to rivention in Pbila- jeot grows older, and seldom persist- made with the ground. as in Valenciennes or Mechlin, one day in two w eke she mast fast for twonty-ifour h c ro. Her food and irplic menpurex press of branch of the Banque Nationals. " the Ill# inadequacy of the Yukon mail of and Ingo as a man overcoming his subk tion to drop the Ima past majority. The terror Ahat or separately, and then either worked wat always be eaten son m , safe in the local express office had been Rervice. the local representative the ties an a lawyer, made an siolpie ap the union's title overwhelming ma- t'he recurring dream Inspires ,seldom diminishes in Its Intensity, but si MP'y or gown on, applqiue. Fland-mtide lace Is divided into point men, and she in never dream her hair, never aleep us bed and never upon a of out of order for moveral days, the com- PEACE PROBABLE. Canadian Development Company. Mr inspector gy. Which tbs lady accept&I so ffi OiouMIY as ultimately to lure him etc table white wo- win less frequent in its vlef gro tin, fill- and pillow. The first is made by the needle on a Parchment Pattern, wear any jeweir Y. A priny sent an at once to open — W A Allan. will hare a letter in Sat- the anto and arrange tot the Safe mttir- linis'"1`1-0 st-te"me " by @be Time- urday'n Cifir" forth he im- these more tender advances t) lead to matrimony lly disappearing altogether. to and termed needle point, Point also moans piece of matting upon the hard floor comprises the coach of a widow. ."Iting t * ago of the money After wnrking Until Willeft ludtl,ole- line Kind of Its. Frl- pr,.ni,,nt that has taken pine since Rather a pathetic tals is told of )Ck, Ark., Weiiinelij_ Use excitement and qu" a number of cases whom the re- curring dream has been absent so long a pnrticular kind of Fititrh, as point de Paris, point do nAlge, point d'emprit trems and sometimes even the strip of mat- is denied her; no matter how cold nearly midnight the insper.lor was of.". him company undertook the mo;7,1 He forcP,tl to give up the tn^k. and the $7.- A dpjip;� J(Lh f . t lie� London Times fr.m makes the announcement that" Mr physician now enjoying a large pr ties. As a young man he was giv hVious character In tiat it in almast,forl; tt*n It has to- ourred in a spel of Zvbre sickness, Point a In Reine point a careanx a ellainatte, and the like. the night may be, she is allowed no (ft wore handed over to I he C P It Molock ham signed a four-yoarR' con- agent hers, who put it in the chi Pretoria nnyR that telegrapho - effm- tract tho with (Kroger to drink One day he was aumnsion to perform upon a woman a i I teamship Co� w" I itind blindrads of dying People have The Italianp Claim the invention of covering except the thin garment in that she ham worn during t he day, She conWhiny. and thin t tbe cellar. Tuesday morn iinar"hyp anunication bet -eon President -" awm found the chimney mallp from Dawson nove "sell ( t vacant the young ther delicate operation Unhappily big th a duplicate d Northwest, which shown by their aotiont and mutter- ings. when In flitir death sthor, that point, or needle-polut. Is". The laces befit known to the commercial world In e may never look on t any marriage r to ni a, f r I t W, a 0 0 a 0 ould be an evil and and the nuthoritiog st 910arofoviloin in 101-2 days, money gone. Detectives are inventigAl on Sunday In expected to result to - was riot 1104617, and the StIA though not wholly UnsuCCL: a - 0 Afid Duluth. The hwasit tbm old droad of their liftilyood hall to- tanned as they breathe their last. earlier patioda, and still in steady de, mand, are these of Venice. Milan and a do SO; she may hare been a half -c toe womain, hut be- ing the robbery a P*,arpful notation of the Transvaal — -_ - MURDEROUS HUSBAND. owing to his condition, so crudely do an to leave the patient permanent finst each I I I , . Its Genoa: but Venice point, Riv it wag in coming Story, Is now no more. The sole a wis" upon dow even the lowest sar- vanta may order her to do work that quest ion It im understo,d that the — AWFUL SPREAD OF PLAGUE. Orring* Free State advi"n the Trans- Shot MI. wit# Twl". crippled. Stricken with remorse, not only became from that hour a air look, who died at a T�iiwnfthlp, Mich., PRONE TO sialcmR. relic of t -his far-faxned trade Is the in distasteful to theim, and no woman not Vol F&#.,,Y, — vaial to agrea to a conference or 110- Thou C�-minigi.A xulrl,il.. , teetotaler, tmt insisted o marryi he hissiviest VMmax 6ttitistied sb6w, that the imetitcal coarse proreSsion IS more Pratte to 1110icide torchoon lace Of the old lozenge in Pattern Offered by the peasant women the house may even speak one word of comfort or to her. Any ative.. rl.ule alvitek.s. Fle.11.4 Is, mpt the proposals of Sir Alfred MI in 41.0"try 10 All nfr*ctj.h� I- A despatch fro Winnipolf. Man . the poor woman. mis,kinglohor the be of husbands er weight Was 64 tit 40 Inches 'three, than any other. Dalifyi the last Of Paleatina to strangers on their ar- pity vvo- man who so far forge ta herself an to nor, thin British High Commissioner In in, ym: -Aunday Dig A dpxpateb from Bombay. t at Ciraduff. M L. Mayor The South Africa. h wide years the otimber o Walcidds oc - Carting among physicians has beell. rival at the hotels show Point d'Espagne, in the Usual Sense in the slightest kindness to a widow supposed to infallibly b"ome ft plague of Poona is daily b"orning A despatch to the Central New* from 3 Short attempted to murder him wife than MON FROM THE SEA, ISO of Is. was respeotively, A 49 and 47 per annum, of the word. Signifies Lbstgold or sit- widow herself before long. Such bar more virulent. The nativan are panit, Johann"burg any's that President and mmmitted Antoids. A domes- Kroger h." notified Great Britain It to probable that tow perogle knc toy at Trout Crisek - da. *hii6 in bath' ft& asibeA0 of "arIJ, ane to ikaw; or. an thd death ra to almobe tbs P11*011611111 colors, -r fact. Sometimes embroidered in is what One USUSIly finds much barous behavoir Is hard to understand- and yet theme widows talre their miner- a tricken. and are fleeing to the of tic qua "I'l was the CAQUIS of tho I rou- . . country his. acomptance of the invitation t(l take ble Short fired two shots at him wife 110 11 directions. The streets Fire dam- what an onarmous quantity of old In in the abat* of anchors. chains. ot bdatilaw aad bit 6h after being re, Is rabbint 25 tb IAM. nearly One fifilotb of of all the deaths Iia the Pr6fasidan have in old ftarliabi colloOtio Us_ Thread lace was, however, able lot an a matter of course, not part In a joint enquiry regarding the both taking efriwt - and then placed the 6rtrA The relatives and friends of grievancos of thin Vitlandern, providing rovolvar in bis own mouth and fired. Is arinuatly rescoad ttointle sea. Dili jolf to motitbilt ad mlach as �4ffi to other. beca by stakida. tared manufar, in Spain earlier than 14W, a Its even having the opirit to rebel against Injustice. (be dead leave hurriedly the moment that the, independence of the Republi, death taking Pincia, instantanoonsly the funeral in lighted. weiglift was dredg*d lip on the as pyre is riot impugn-bdi Mrs Rhort will probably raeov&y, eossit of ill* Utalted States 0eisis. I v � I - .. .1 I I . . . . . . I ., 1, .. .", IT � I . V . I . . I ') .. I � I I I .. I I , � , , 1, r1- , � , " - .. ., bL'.�_U6AL,�­ - � ­= �.", — 1. I I I I " I 1'� - , J_ ­A___ d � _. L �������� knl �!� �� � I I - n - ..�� omp9r-� , , W OWL& t t* 4�41# 1* , . Pill& . . 1 P"411 IA04; , ,** * 44 W wa- r. A lIgIA I WAS . I . ight :tie, . I for . I a" 1 4.70 11 11 11 .. - - i 10114 . ... I C'. Iola I . I I I The I I I r' *am I ., .... 1116- ''I .1 I 1011:1 r ., I .... . P.- � 100. to for I Its. r. I 11 ow 1. . so .17- _.� to � I I jt6 . I I r at- . "� red , , 1 t.T. !"I , oar I a le� . I its I I � ad .1 in. : I ty ". 'I it- .1, at � 0 1 1 0 ) 0