The Goderich Star, 1899-08-25, Page 1--"T; sittruilkon its nieri 4 New and rftittees I OU-antit t104.101040014t.A'4 4 The Star ?Miles f You in Quality. Qua MY* eirculatio v010660'0' lienittek•Ro;110 GODERICK ON; FRIDAY/ AUQUST a, 1899 t.• 4crilqZTO:41?Ir4114.9.4A.S. 41i AinP1*.7 0,4v-oriastng 04 Po tipApiffiin Or, P40A3414! 1/3493 Itentronz ontsand tke. 011arge4 tor •211 -QoAts l;c1804$11110* 'OA Awl OM' insertion, grog Wanted. DItE0 MIMING APPRENTICIMIWART-. 4tt' Air. torglY toMISS:HoWg liArANTED at Once it004 general Yerfailt.- Y HOCOVLE,,, v s ' . • or sbonentheisir.,I1111144y4 1401188. AP* VriltIT*0-AbdUt 4 Nolretaheri for Eye PIT 0 /31,11WATTIGWr. Mli Warning. WARNING NOTICE. Netted ishereby glyen tbat „bathing will not 0110,Weil on Abe Meads Ot the ritree flOtte, itor scooting. uor mese-using on any other patter the property. IL F. ATTR1LL, Ridgewood." Jun0 14. 1809. . Iittytittg4 T ueltbay INSTFOLIOTOffes-M3, •Frederiek ck,rob, ,Tat.tonal oeservatori. G. Simpson. Organist Nortn-St. New Yors. will meelye puplitt( advadeed) ,Plano,"!-Orgetis a Studio. one door West at...it Gaderioh. 14EISH EMMA ANDREWS. TEACHER OF Plano, Organ, Them's', sfilifiiii; I ff an Ear Trani A specialt -0 t ..07111 Practice Clavier ethod. Thu- 1 scum Clavier itt O. W. Thentsoe'ent 0 roperium may be used be pupils. iodergartib Method for young children., dente will pursue the 'reroute Cons ratmenCooerai Tering on stpelication, at Britannia Itoad. • 4s. ets. tik‘ Public Notice. rsoVe STRAYED -tin August 171h. nom ILspoderich, a red and white cow. seed ithout 7 years. left horn turoed slightly downwards. Information to beleft at Craig% Hotel, King- sienfetirset. 1713 NOTICE. TO "11"ARMERS AND APPLE HifstlisIPP.S. _ . -,.... . , I wall* ready to take in oull and windfall "pellet that you Mal hAtIta at zdy evaporate Ooderichi commencing on Howley+ Asa isi4 ttbd forward. Tho yoga Pr Prices for army lost Or ' that you , so doelsiell.ehlow cm ors swag ey.eats - R., ifil;f411/4NK. re-WM OF El 011MUCTI. ' TO CONTita014)KW. 1 iSealed Teodoro. 41.Mb-eased to 1). Caotelon. Ems, Chairman. for the erection * chimney at the Water Works eumplug Station. brode• Soh. wW...be reeeleed up to 7 is tn. on TgEs- ISAPT. 189A. Pia' mid speeitloatiomi cau be seen and In- formation obtained oo application at nw The lowest or atle tender uot necesaarily *meted. ADES HOWLER, C. 53. Arribitect. niot TS tali SURROGATE odsig TRE COUNTY OF EIUS084. • IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM WALTER, DECEASED, Notice ta hereby given in pursuance of the Statutes In pat behalf that the Creditors and others haVintralainur against the Mate of the AbetektiMeti Wilburn %Slitters whd died on or eh:Metro thirty Bret day of July, 1809, at the Town of Orsieriels in the CoifiltrAigsfinron, are ,renitiredorns or' before the 2ad dos of OeWber, IWO, to Baud by pad prepaid, or de. in this said Ocelot of Huron, Solicitor for liver to E, Law, oft the town of Ooderich, Lents*, Helen W ier, of the said Town of toe-lExecutrix of tbe -Ratite of rho bald Williant Walter, full tiara alma pf their chilies, duly verified. and ot Is a xecortty tif artYl held by. them. And that Lle Satti.11Xeen- trix will. ou er.afmr tho said ond iday oaio• bor. 1E29, prehead to distribute Weak:ate of tier amid deeeasedMreittang the Parties tellitled there, elieskali on. eve notice as aforesaid, and Will pot belie wetted asset/140,ov pert there- tO, Awl Andy to the reahns of welch at to sue peratin.rd.eersons Of Whose °Minty the 211 DOk helm received notice. - mai Hoderleh this 16th day of august, le 9, esve/S. Boliettersforsthe above earceil Exed To wti ov ooDialtr011. - mire ktorteefiett tho Municipal Council of the con/0,4040W Of thATown lt Goderich in. tends teerf,grasept 0 walk on. the south aide of Eastideset a en th south' side of Hamilton street, to common jun East street at a, point 26feet emit of west of lot 28 and exteektto the oast lino of lot , nue shall bo of the w h of eight feet: also to commoner) oif illam u street at the corner of Newest° etreett suit **tending north -oast 105 'feet, and Anil It4 of toe wldtit of eleven feet, and to assess the ftesi fast thereof upon the oroperte abutting thereon and to be bone:lifted thereby: aud that a statemelit abetting the lands liable to pay the staid asserenierit. and the names of the ownets thereof so feria they can be ascots tainee.,er. tee iast revis assessment roll, is Dow MOOD the ofnce Oft e clerk °flail Merit. DipalitrAWl is open for%ipspection auricle orwereeeerla. . ,e'li. ,- Tke'leitiiiiiiited coM.Of UttilwOrk is $973.10, of 10,11110b4N3.27 le %Oho emitted gut a the gen- arai t levee° nedampidity„ _, ., ...„ ,, 9 Os LtSvidOn will be held on Thurs- elay, nitier,14th uexts tat 10 o'clock a. In., at tho rreas lifietIor the purpme of hearing ao la Ina inritilmt, thq p potted assessment a asediracyot Umatilla 0 tobasorement, or few op. compluint Wide ,nbrsoup interesicd InaY irke to rretko,whil ie Or taw °Wee - Atte r this 9011t. l'iiii?miiiiiitt,t, dark. P" r., */04110 402- 3,15..‘,.....„2...........18g9 "j , ' 1 Or*. For Sale or To Let. nbui„ ben TeiLET. withietableiion Seuth St, the Dominion Ca Sago Works, . .Bi&DetiSS. Proprietor, Vette JF:On Siols-Olittl-boras wagon. ono canopY one•tiorse pnaeton, one eptitetsin for two riten. add one wngonette, also ootnfortablo family sleigh. All of the above in good order and at vory reasonable prices. May be In- spected eti applioation to MRS. CAMERON, at Goderloh. 1714•2t egOn SAI•E. to be rentored. the wooden euilding °eremite die big retil at the arf. addrees MRS. Xt. Rawl...Pe, 1101.1404 AND LOT FOR BALF.--On corner of Vittoria street and Elgin Avenne. .gZ-liy and a half frame dwelling, in good re per, Geed land and choice bearing fruit trees. Nzeellent location. Applt on trier :eremites or ;Waren Doderich P.0,-4/Fte.e, TWJE4DY. 1711-1 TO itgrer---Orre of stn. cseeton's new _,eottageo QU rime Street -ApplY to R. ist fe vete, lainiteter, c _ need . . ,, tiAlf FOR SALE. -1 kayo tor sate any suestay ot this and last rear's bee. Mill 7 Will dellrbr at market _pri.._,,co Irina rne Eng served. ANGUS 1140.11414140S, --. F17/ ir aue;v1 gts, v. g ,2"1:,; N a , et r re tearer 0 biting part of Lot 311n 7th coricession, Donaltting o The sswes, with frame house and goo ermine hoot fronting on the River Ma- bel 50 urge anew cultivation, the ballyhoo Ilin . Atteod cheacis tor or. former with A little Minsk or,. terms and Del perticularii apply Go GAN Or MGNTREALk Goderleh. Vsmliten street. anderinh. 17 .tt teged, 1 LAMM, bintetter, resticiter, Notary, thsoillogati,metitire Court. . oeice-corner • OA% 40Sai!Barilater. &Miter. reins teeth te Colberne Reed, 'Ufrinmid'AIMOr- Offibe--141Mili011 fiesta ftt tO 90,0*$ 06004 el Inartgalfe. inners' Warn operrinds *lad .01bablng ,fito Lit khe HOOrirei MO n Moe Att.. MK rie remodeled**, when th WNW Deo Week nue *eft entre ristriluiret Cleat 14rotr ;, mneo owl ar AZ Eritelpg cooper 6c WitSOn 4 gin 1044 Via Wereh911111' f 410 ocesitied lilkoniosnd _are 'rowed to buy Walt* of 0014.41 Ms Yoat Tnenta.-Therts WAS. a large Attend - MOMS the Hatorday efterneon Unpile matches OR tho eltilf°4 inonadth apd though. old,SOI shone waratir On ere Witt lookers ctn. teem were * few COnteint.. At live p. en inters mission is** declared . when to‘ we. .ete.., werts.serVed to oth preeent, • P*0OUSalatV*43oUnot,..,-...4flehoher. COO Sot for r410 a; Wareliono. 000041mm dwgiptweig L1100004* Butner* College, . Stratford. Ore, le Cooper & wasoll. opur free bealhallt. %Lim ;re dttors of seem me . or n..., or us.n, ef4 'quintet Thr.Qontral Swan** Voltage - e010/.0 44;.400, reputation ter -supersor NOTICE Tuesd,ay,, Sept. eth. W. S. the werk airreopene Tor the Fall Terre on Priocipet, TWA VirleNKLYSitoor•-/The hot spell lath week reduced the attendance at Water Tak ers ::107.2:iyeoe=gY 9411tath: her of the members appeared at the Fountains and sprinklers may lie allowed to run between May 1st and November isi, and shall not be allowed to run more than SEVEN hours each day. Any person guilty of any infrac- tion of the provisie,rie et the fly - law shall, on conviction' thereof, pay a sum not exceeding $2o, ex- clusive of costs. It has been brought to my notice that certain water takers allow their lawn sprinklers to run all night. I wish to draw the atten- tion of all water takers to the above extract from the -By-laws, which from the date of this notice will be strictly enforced. All service taps should be shut off when fire alarm is sounded. Call and get Ety-lawt W. L HORTON, 04atratott. CODERICH MARKETS., (COBREcTED UP TO NOON OP YEBIIKDAT.) 1411 wheat, Standard. PI 66 to 50 66 Pali Wiles,. ;too . 0 or to u Spring Wheat, tetandardi..... es to 0 65 Neer, per 100 lbs.. Patent 95 10 2 35 Family. 2 to 9 PO Bran, per ton -.17 Ou to 17 00 Shorts. per too ...... 18 tie to 18 00 Screeriings, per ton.. ...... .. 17 00 to 17 00 Cats, old .. 27 Go 29 93 to 37 Barley. Pmts. now .. .. _ , to Rye .. . . .. .. .. 35 to 40 Buckwheat, pa bushel. 40 to 40 Hay, per ton .. . 5 50 to 6 03 Butter. per lb . . 4,4 to 14 Eggs Per dozen. .. .. • .• 11 to 12 Wood. per cowl.-- -.- .... 3 60 to 3 75 Cattle, espogt 4 00 to 4 25 CAM°. oar lb, ordinary. .. .. 28 to 3i Lambs. each 2 64 to 3 25 Sheep .. .... ...... s- .. A Oe to 5 co Sheep. feY, perib 3 to 3 li gs, Ilve weight 4 21 to, 6 60 Ils. drawled 0 ou 6 60 tuns. par lb Bacon, long clear „. .. .. 9 to 10 Ride° . .. .. -. ... .. ei to 07 Sheep Skins - -.. .... -,.... es to 10 Tallow. rende-red....-- .... ff to 1 Chickens por pair - 90 to 10 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Turkeys, per lb 8 to 10 MUTT AND v7.1314TAV1/44'.. pi Oranges par dozen , . ' 20' to 40 Ltmons " 30 to 40 Bananas " ..... . 20 to 30 Potatom ter Web.. 45 to 60 , - New Advertisements. Page MAIM tO Water Takers.2-W, I,. Horton ..... Oranolithic Walk Notice -Wm. Mitchell z Poup,4 Philty-Hale, the Baker 8 Grain Dealegt..Copper & Wilson 8 Vchiebar iror Sele,siers. calneron Apples Wanted -B. V. Ifesellith • •••• 1 To Contractors -J. 4464 EBVISF • • • • Up-toDate Store -W. C. Pridlisint „ „ Co -Operative -W. A. McKim Bargain Days -James Roblilson Near Goods -J. m. Pedder .... .-........ Apprentices Wanted -Miss McKenzie. !loan to I,et-J. E. Erydges Cow Strayeci-,.Craig's Motet ._ Agricultural implementsW. W. Fisher 11•11,•1101. 0 8 4 4 Fall Fairs. Industrial, Toronto.... ....August 28 to Sept. 9 Western, London Sept 7 to 10 Stephen and Usborne, Exeter.. " 18 to 19 Huron Central. Clinton .. Timber'. . Wingham " 19 to 20 Riple , iph3y " OM 27 Nola • WESTERN, 00DEliten ff 26 to 28 KOH latoknow Oct. 3 to 4 North erth, Stratford " 3 to 1 Howiek, Gordo " 7 to •13 Mortis. SIAN' " 9 tO 10 Kincardine. Kincardine ,` 10 to 11 Dungannon', Dlibgancon " 11 to 12 gown goptcs DRAMATIC RISA.DINGS. -On Friday evening Mrs. Moon -Parker. of London, Englaud,appeered in the County court room and gave the first of a series of Dramatin Readings under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Knox church. After the °netting music the lady gave . scenes froin Macbeth, and though we have Wen renderer who would have add. ed more force occasionally, we-4011ot remember salami Shakeepeare _more correctly giveni In feet ,Mpit, Moon - Parker' in her dhainatie parts teeing to leave learned Hamlet's advice to the player, and to have emphasized it in her portrayals. The second part consisted of " Papa was Stumped," "Amor Mundi," "The BlIville Debate," which included '*The Child Musician," "A Fancy From Fontenelle," end "Shuffle Shoon and Amber Locker" a mine from "Quo Vruils," "The Ohstructtve Hat in the Pit," "Murderess er Patriot." and "Our Lady of the Snows." The prograinme for A hot night wan rather long, but the audience titood the heat and waited for the appropriate finale for so warm a day - "The Lady ef the Snows." Mrs, Moon•Parker N a clever reader, and her hest, to our mind, -Que Vadit," shows that she can adapt hentelf to her pce and carry her hear- ers with her. The ledy hae at good voice, at all timea tinder command, and she uses it eltactitally. in higher de- clamation or pethetically When re- counting stoi;eiir of sorrow and distress. One dlatingillsbin ; fruiter° of Mrs. erker's reeding is tier escentsit isss, on Sunday night. N. D. Itongvie, P itation of the teasenline voice anti Wm. Rutenn and Redmond McDon- gesture, Atid,-welf; those who wish to ald, of town, and A..1. Bright Harry flee a %Vernet* who can in her own per- Bright. and W. b. Ament, of Beratorth, WM effeetiVely represent mail, woman landed at Johnston's Herber; the re - and efilld, ehould be present in the maincier, some fifteen in number. took (heart House this Friday evening. when in Smith Bay and various points on hef ireCorid p remise will consist 'the Manitoulin. The Brite,e Peninsula of a cqide kterpratetion_of Ed. ratty seem to have had excellent sport. Mend Hestan '6' eat pier, *iinyrano av a fish 0 feet long was caught. and de Berristase." wide htte pawed one of bass tbit me/unwed 111,inehes in loath I the geriatrist deanAtie.iiittivtions of Ana a Wehrle In depth, and Orie hund- the past two swoon*, Mrs. Perker re- red of the teat named fish were (eights in her tnvs words parts of the brought to town by this detachment. tiro play heti* rif %MUM langth. and time tE) ilAbleigi *8 th4t, "Olt Oh the / got, betWeen her readings., the en- The Illg Witty did not diseote much fie 'one wholiat not the opportunity of cruise Men of fne time tbhy were eeMfig the piece On the *MP should ' away; nevertheless Barry Mason. who ROO Itiptritig eo ftble ajittilientittioh as Ewes of this party, ianderreorne, megni • met. rarker give.; Htr leo Appear- Remit bast the rnimisuremeot or *bleb eileci Will be on rionday evening, when , he Will not gape on account bf thegen- in addition to rievefil heitbritatiti ketch- eritl un let in fleh striae*. Tho. Lem' %he will glee litIentiont foal .ilenre nay h ' haw laieely, the day mot I. Tetelith Nikbtand the. Winter's i waren the take as celm as it ;n1 , tbe Bettatid Met tetrigWItli hind- t /lona, but st vnikitet so enlh* vtalr OP• avoatitpittilntent. Tido 14014 be a ,, or the wIligii: a iitaa r011glitt end bane opportiseler tor nit avening%matis ot tiik/rdy 8 *ere Milt hatee Of 114h0601)6irtglin fit04t lit * ttostitightiwg fop* - vented ritMtleift from tigtooJelotorib. . , --r, *web they bet/ teed th* Oahe*: trap. The theaters and *melee were as follows Chas. (*arrow 8, Geo. Syne one8, Chita. Shannon 7, Clem Penning- ton 0. 'The usual weekly shoot will he held this evening, and an emit/ roll call is requested. THE Geese Wonee.-The commit tee appointed at the public meeting to look into the proposal for eetahlishing glassworks here have completed their enquiries and it is understood they are very favorebly impressed with the prospects and will so report to the se- cond public meeting to be called in the niatter. Several of the large property holdees in town. In speaking to Tug STAB on the proposal, express the hope CIO it may be found feasible. as they regard it am the best thing in the mdustrial line for tlfe town that has yet been proposed. COUNTT MODEL SOHOOLS.-Extracts from recent regulatione The aboli- tion of the Primary examination will not affect the rights cf holders ot Primary standing obtained in 1898, or a previoue year, to attend County Model schools. Beginning with the exeminaticns of the Model schools of 1000, an additional paper in methods vvill be eulmiitted to teet the ability of the etudenteen•training ta teach draw ing, hook keeping and elemen toy science (botany or ageicultur There will also be an examination in r ending, Boweitsto. The eonsolatIon match tor the deplore., in ponnection with the recent toernameet, commenced on Friday, when, in the first lound, WM. Lane and le. J. T. Naftell woe, front R. G. Reynolds and Dr. Holmes. and on Monday R. W. Logan and F, B. Hol- mes won from•Dr. Hunter and A. McD. Allan. J. M. Shepherd and Jas. Rote inson won from F. Jordan and A. Far- row. The contest for the prize for the Juniors commenced last week, the fol- lowing being the rinks that have play- ed, Hist round -E. Campion and Alex. Saunders won from 41. Mooers and Parker, WILL AND WILL NOT. -The Gode- rich Organ Co. is so busy preparing a large shiptnent of organs for the Moth- erland, that there will be no exhibit of their manufactures at the Toronto Fair, hut to enable the people of Huron to see the adeance the company is making in style and finish, and hear the sweetly improved tone of their organe. an exhibit will be placed at the Great Northwestern show. The com- pany has been making large ship- ments all over the Dominion. and on Tuesday two car loads of organs were ehippial to England, being part of the large British order they have oe their books. Howe Fon 10 DATIL -A tramp was brimght by Chief Thomas before the P. M. on Saturday, end sent down for ten days, with the intimation that it he did not clear out at the termination of his tientenPe he would be committed for three months. The man, who ap- peared to he a Swigs. was an excellent actor. for the way in which he man- ipulated his arms. hands and fingers before the P. M. to show where rheu- matisni held hen, could not be excelled by Henry Irving or C. W. Andrews. It, may be mentioned that when Chief Thomes spoke to him he seemed very deaf, hat he heard the slightest whisp er of the P. M., to whoni he Reid he was 70 years old, though he was apparent- ly not over 00. THE WARM SPELL.-Goderich got its warm spell last week, and it con- tinued into this. On Stturday and the two previous days the glass remained at 88 at noon, and just after noon on AN Idoescirr Btsas.-- Soule tymoty odd Yens heck a Ooderich bueinees man loaned to another business man here a sum of money. Teem ago the item wag *truck off the booiee ete the • debtor isnia in dm United State* and hitt' not been heard front. The other day the *mount WES MAW end received with the requeet that if the arnountrwai more it would be forward, ed. Thus is a CASs cie honesty worthy of special mention, :but Tat Stan omits filmset hemmer* iseithise of the partlea ere after free edvertlaingi HAMO001112 HTATIONERY,,s-TUE STAR hes thie week received trom Buntin. Gilliee es Co.. the well lumen station. ere end peper dealere of flemillon. hendsome and convenient oak case fill- ed with **triples of their choicest linew 10 weddieg end Alloy etationery, ceil- ing cards, memorial end mourning etude, business and torreepondence enireloPes. Hat and cover papery, aud in fact &hind. everything a first cless printing uflice cam use. The goods tire all of the newest roakee and designs and are well worth looking through. even if you do not need any. We will take pleasure in showing them. and couturier the arrangement and selection . of the samples moat creditable to this wide awake and upto-ditte firm. Sunday the thermometer passed 00. Siinday night was the warmest of the season, the glass showing 81 at ten p. DI., and It was not below thet figure from sunset' gall sunrise. Although the spell made eicellent harvest weather, the root crops suffered for the want of ntnisture, so these crops that were not well advanced will not he up to earlier expectations. Early on Monday morning a light shower fell, consequently the thermoineter dropped Omit ten points. PROPERTY ORANGES. - Jonathan bas purchased the house and lot pelt the town halt horn Wm. Mitchell. The purchase was made by tender. - D. Cantelon has bought half of the middle lot of the Greco property on Lighthouse street. and now has an en- tranee on thst street t.o his West street property.-Wrn. Lee has sold his kt and dwelling near the Lighthouse to It. A. Glatenby. a one•tinte resident who has returned to the old town. - Horace Newton has purchased the west end ot the Grace property on Light- house street, consisting of one and one- half lots, and Robert Orr hart bought the house and a lot and a half et the same property at the east end. -Thos. Naftel has purchased ten acres of the race property at the back of St. An - 's ward. AFTER HAAS AND PLE AlluRE. -The fishing party that left on Monday of last, week for 1 he Bruce Peninsula and the Manitouline, arrived safely at their destinations, and returned to town late ANOTHER MEDICINE FAKIR.- Wing - ham flumes elick tongued patent - medicine man struck town a couple of weeks ago and has since that time been "coining" money. He made hie head quarters et one of the hotels, but did most of his "busbies*" among the farmers. In the morning he "inert- ufactured" his day's supply at the hotel pump and then proceeded to "do up" anyone who was foolish enough to tiny - and they were ntintercnis. Frilay evening last rine of hut **victims" reme to town and RR finding Mr. Fakir demanded his money. The money was paid back and the fakir immediately made him- self scarce. A nunaber "victime" were around on Saturday evening looking for the medicine man, hut they were disappointed. " It is satd t h ok nearly spoo away with n. BUILDING NOTES.-- A bath room addition is being put to Geo. Poi twee residence on Elgin Ave.- A largo evaporator ie heing erected in 2eltferd by Joseph Beek and 0o. It will be fitted with the most rept oved machinery. and is expected to be ready to commence operations in less than it month.- The Reids made a etart on F. J. T. Natters dwelling on Water too Street last week, and have completed the foundation.- The masone reedarted on Holland's new stores on Monday. having obtained a supply of bricks froiu th e Huron Road kiln, and the job is being petaled ahead.- Ed. Sharnian started bricking A Munro's cottage on St. Patrick Street, on Monday, and will have it completed in few days. -Jas. McVicar has started on the foundation for thP Saltford evaporator.- Mr. R. Strang is putting it verendeh additien to his residence on Reitannie Road, -C. J. Nolte! is re -siding and repairing his dwelling on Britannia Road.- The North American Chemical Co. have made considerable repairs to their buildings the past few weeks.- Chits. Wells is repairing his property In St. Patrick's Ward. THE G. T. R. -Passenger traffic is still vary large at this end of the 0. r, R., and It will be Immense the next few weeks; 150 fully loaded cars wete despatched from the depot the past week. -The refrigerator car was at the station on Monday, and among the perishable goods placed in it was a large shipment of butter trent Morrow tor montreak-Andrews & Co. shipped 2 carloads of hogs to Tryout() on Mouday.-Robt. McLean shipped four carloads of export cattle via Mon- treal foi the Itrightsh market on IV ed• nesday.-Not a move has been made towards building the new depot.- J. Burke, of the Goderich staff. has ob- tained leave of absence for two weeks, awnidioletoft trWy ebitehstay .ftotriutitissustiksotikan'; and other amusements. -The commit- tee charged with getting up the winter entertaintnent for the employees hits met with great success, having secur- ed four end men ot undoubted ability. -It is said that more plums havo been seut from this station than in any pre- vious year at the same date. A LANS DISASTiOis- The following dispatch in the eity dailies ot MoltdaY will be read with special interest here, as the lord, vessel had made several calls at Goderich port: Harbor Beach, Mich., Ang. 21.- The schooner Hunt- er Savidge, of Alpena, which cleated from Sarnia on Saturday afternoon, light, bound for Alpena. capsized in a sudden squall Sunday afternoon when eight mtles off Pointe Aux Barques. Five people were drowned. The dead are:- Mr& John Munervveiss, wife of the owner of the vekei€1 ; 19tta weiss, aged 0. daughter of the owner. Mrs. Fred Sharpsteen, wife of the captain son of Capt. Sharpeteen; Thomas Dubuy, mate of the Savidge. The schooner was caught in the squat! and was quickly thrown over on her aide. capsizing. The Hunter Savidge wee t schooner of 150 tone burden, WEIS one of tne swiftest and staunchest o:' her class on the lakes, and she was trading het ween Alpena and Buffalo. She cleared from Alpena two weeks ago for Detroit with cedar, and then went to Cleveland for a carload ot coal tor Sarnia- Sho left Sarnia Saturday afternoon for Alpena, light. The barge fiunshine arrived Sunday at Alpena, and priorts bl.vitict pawed her off Port Menilee at o'clock Saturday night. The theory advanced by vessel owners here is that the sehooner was caught in n squall. and being light, could 11..a, ride it out. DIED IN ALASKA. - Last week, Angus Matheson, of town. received a letter from the doctor In charge ef Crystal City hospital. Alttaka. contain- ing the sarl news that his In other Dian- ean had died after a succeesful opera- tion for appendicitis. From the letter it appears that the deceased WilA MAROC ed some distance from Crystal City, Rs it cost $20 to take him t,o that hospital, which he eached on the Oth July. He was opet ated on on the 8t h and died on ths 201 h. The late Inincitn Mat he - eon was in Goderich in March, 1808, to bid good-bye to his relatives, foi at that ttme he had joined the Montreal part v tor the Klondike that was going overland via tbe Edrnouton route. fie left Ooderich join tne party. end THE POo PernioSen.- Our canine friends hail reopite the past two *mkt+. end their ownera are wonder- ing' whether the poisoner is away ori hie Winner Yeeetiell or the poison has run out. In ettber case It is stood fur tbe enimids. and lovers of dogs end Mercy will hope that the pelsoner's vacation, If he le on one, may lest for a decade, or that he may not be able to obtain aurr more -strychnine. FRUIT 83.111PLE11.--Nr. A.MeD. complains that fruit growersi this section are not responding as they should with eamples ut fruit for the Canadian display the Paris Expose thin next year. The opportunity te credit to oue's self ari a horticulturist and to this comity and ger Dominion. ts such es should enlist a hearty and prompt responee from everyone having No. 1 fruit of any Mud. FOR TRIAI, ON WEDNESDAY. -.On Wednesday Frame Somers was brought before Judge Masson for election, he having heen committed by Magistrates Mallough and Roberto. of Dungannon. on, a charge ot theft. The theft is said to be the taking of a purse con- taining $10 out of a house through a window. The prisoner elected to be tried hy the county Judge without lurv, and pleaded pot guilty to the charge. The trial was sot down for next Wedneedity at 11 a.m. Ira Lewis, county attorney, prosecuted, and E. Campion. Q. C., appeared for the defence. Tun APPLE Oterwort.-Buyers of apples have been through this part of Huron the past few weeks and reports ate afloat that exceedingly high prices have been offered for choice fruit, En. quines fail to find the spot where the big price was promised. and it is yet unknown. Extra prices may have been tittered through keen conipetition. but it seems unlikely that buyers will pity tuore for fruit than the saute qual- ity can be boneht for In Montreal, and -the price mentioned is ahead of that quoted in that city for early October delivery. Next week several of the buyers start packing fall fruit. and early fruit was shipped from this town nearly two weeks since by Robert Elliott and others. Loos our von Tueska-A Toronto despatch says that city has been'the dumping ground tor another consign- ment of eounterfell, Dominion one - doll or bills, the manufacture of some American firm. The hill, according to the bank officials, is a poor imitation, hut it few inserted in a bundle passed one of the local tellers this week. 1 he counterfeit is of the issue of June 1, 1898, C. Series, and le printed on poor paper, the lithograph work being especially notieeable on account of ite indistinctness. It is still believed a large amount has been put out in the leading cities of Ontario and it is understood the agents 01 the • counter- feiters worked successfully in Quebec and tee Maritime Provinces. THE NORTHWEST EXCURSION -Ott Tuesday morning there were a large number of persons at the depot to see the depattiire of the delegation from, this part. of Huron that took advant- age of the cheat) fare to the Northwest,. The exeursion was said to be gotten up to allow agricultulists to put in a season helping their brethren in the West gather in their bountiful harvest, hut nithough there were many who had iterved thne in the field. a large per eentage Of the exolirsionists could not tell it shock in the field from a nervous one. Some 58 or 60 tickets were sold in Goderich. ot which twelve were purchased at the depot, and the names of these We have not been able to oblate; 28 were sold by Miss Ball, the (J. P. R. agent in this town, the following being their names and desti- nation ; For Estevan - Jos. William!, A. O. Johnston. John F. Glen, ft Harkwell, Wm. Viles, R. Doak, Win. Vanstone, R. J. Colwell. E. A. Dunn. For Brandon- rs N. Hamilton. For Emerson -Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Durriiii. For Moosejaw - A. E. Church, A. Watt, N. Church, Arnistropg. For Crystal Uitv-H. E. Wfill more. For Stockton- R. Morrow, H. Is Mor- row, M. Isl. Tyndall, John Har- rison. For Quo Appelle - J. N. Gibson. For Morris - Mrs. Elliott. Hotta Elliott. For Regina J. A. Reid. For Gretna -P. Bissett. For Ninga -A. Sterling. The remaining number were sold by F. le. Lawrence, t he G.T. R. down town ticket agent, their nAmes and destination being as fol- lows ; For Brandon W. Bennett. A, Bennett. For York ton -.Walter Shar- man. H. Bridget. A. 0, Wilson. For Regina -T. Vanstone, Wes. Vanstone, For Estevan J. Moore, G. J Ft•r- guson. Austin Chisholm. For Morris -A. Clark. For Stock ton -Bert Glenn. For Boissevain -R. Oke..1. Cousins, D. Oke. Fist Napinka-Allan Green. For Monsejaw-1). Ryan. James Patton, Jitmee S. Munroe. For Ressell-Miss Potts. - -450- - - Harbor, Lake, and River. The Godetich Harhor Lumber Co, has been making shipments (tally the past week. The schooner ',Cottage ran Into met on Sunday evening and left litter tor the Bruce Peninsula. The schooner Downing left Fr WILY of hurt week for Lake Supeiior, in charge of her new cAptain. Mai kon has completed a hoat for the tug he built last year, and is will he shipped on the first host leaving for Georgian Bay. Included In tne raft teat reached this port on Saturday were some long sticks of hemlock to be cut for cribb- ing purposes. New timber hos been put under the runway, of the Big 114111 elevator, to replace that destroyed a few days ago by the curs. The schooner Comet, with cedar and shinglee from Stokes Hay and Golden Valley for the Goderich L her Co. arrived in port on NiTednesclav. A number of men nix,' engaged at. t he harbor track planking between the zo that vehicles may pane Party over them. The (4. T, ft. IR putting in excellent timber and making a good job of it. The Mt. Andrew was expected in on Wednesday with a load of wheat, but on that day news wile received that etrike at Fort William would delay her three days, so ehe will likely reach the Big Mill to -morrow. The tint Signal. from Tobin moray, with a raft of loge measuring 000,0011 feet for the Goderich Harbor Mill and Lumber Co.. arrived off this port Saturday evening and had the logn rettely In harbor early on Siinday The ateamer Carrnona wan in port n her way in Cleveland on Sat Imlay morning. She had a futi padtionger let, rind took on nutny at this ranee .8++ could not get berths. She was in erbor again on Wednesday and ended a niimeer of passengers at t his (wt. and left tor the Georgian Hay vith it large member of passengers. -2202. Born. wsranan rn ennlerich en Atm ,A9r, tn tr and Iutra R R Watann dcolghter after a long journey and much suffer- ing he reached Dawson qty. a here 0 When last beard trent he resided, being then exnellent health. As far ite can he learned. he wag at the time he wt. taken moving with a party that h was drilling in search for the precirme I Metal, btlt hie relatives do not expect P tb hear 'the full pat -emitters until him emmitde, Hamilton. Colborne lery, Viritea thetn. ihe deceased's parents ave both deed. mt. he leaVe6 to Mourn him two brothers, Anent of town, it and Robert of Detreit, and three resters. Mr*. George Currie:fan, of Detroit, and fare. Ch.ptosie Leaman. i and Mite Belle, Goderieh. Although I decetwed hed hired in Montreal grime text rare be wee born in this town. and wear about 30 years old se tune of 8 his death, CO,5q015 At 5q gurarc 04-aterich Aaa ;nib a dantrfidet troldr and MN W ) rrtlyonr. - - Med. Fenovonsi. Oadorieh on Wednenday Ans. Margaret Anderson, beloved wife of Mr. 0. son. aged 69years. 10 menthe and Lighthouse -street, on Saturday, st p. ie. miss Palmed from the family residence. 1 Folt WALKEIWILI.E.-The party tor estimates for the current year as fol. Walkerville will leave omit Thuesdey lOws moreing and arrangements aro being 4NomPree- made to wake the journey by boat If possible, It la t.i4d that 2herin Rey- nold* 14. llohneo, Jno. Alt, end ft W. Logan, wilt form the rink to repro: sent the Godelth botvIera at the tour- nainent. TIN Town 'Council., A Writ Issued Jklintlnat tale TOIna. -The elerteets the Restistrsr tios Pees -Two Petitions tor Grattnilthin Walke---The Esti- mates Cad tor 26 Ulna on the $ as Taxes for 1899. The sememonthly meeting of coun- cil was held last Friday evening, ail the members present. OFFICERS' REPORTS. The treasurer's statement for July, not ready at last meeting. was read as follows : Bahmce from June . RECEIPTS - Non resident taxes.. 31 72 water rates. 151 16 Electric light rates271 38 License, Itlerry-go• round 10 00 School giant 412 00 Bills payable .22500 00 Waservrorks,Cap.ac. 18 32 Maitland Cemetery. 1 50 Elevator notes 45000 00 08390 07 125 00 Bidanee fro 1808 .3 2,874 58 Licensee . 740 00 Water rates 4,200 00 Eleetrip light rates.. 3.010 ifti Maitland Ueinetere ...... • • am 00 Market. E) 00 Dog and statute labor 225 00 Rent.. 100 00 Waterworks. capital 18 32 Accrued interest on Deb1.000 os Wow soma iiii --- Totel, $41,756 84 EXPlettinrtrak-- Delientuess ° $ 9,044 Ta tillable" Vitra 2.021 41 Collestiata Institute. 2.400 00 Public School 4100 00 SeparittaSchoot .• • 450 00 Special grants CO 00 CountY rata 084 70 int. on discounts 1.000 00 Insurance 175 00 Election oo oo Printiug and advt 260 00 Salaries. ..... . ..... .. .. • 2,056 00 Relief' 330 C. C. and office kap 100 Watering Streets 000 00 Fire Department 550 00 Cemeterg .. .. .... .. 1, Public Works 1.300 00 Pumping Station 8.000 Oo Miseelianeous. 400 00 700 00 $08521 10 D1SHURsamENTS- Salaries . $ 180 65 Printing and itrivt'g, 22 02 Separate School.... 110 00 Fire Dept 11 10 Maitland Cemetery 00 74 Public Works. 208 71 Collegiate Institute12.30 00 Debenture interest125 00 Hills payable 20000 00 Bank Intel est 128 42 Waterworkelhip. ac47 80 Waterworks maint„1303 04 Elec. light, nutint. 92 WI t. cap. ac,Ot Public Scheel 501 83 market, 13 00 Miscellaneoue 183 11 Elevator interest . 215 74 notes.45000 00 Overdraft -342.33. PETITIONS AND COMMUNIVATIONS. From the Wagner Fire Ladder Co., quoting prices for fire ladders. Sent to Fire comniittee. From Dr. J. R. Shannon, asking the Council to provide transportation to London foi• John McDougall, that be noght have itn operation perforined for cataract of the eyes. The mayor stilted that he had furniehed a ticket for 33.20, and his action wits approved. From Nixiiii Ntairdy, Mork ot Gode- rich township, stating that his council considered that the Town Council were responsible for the stoppage in drnin near railway crossing. Referred to Public Works committee. Flom Public School hoard, asking for 34,700, and the Separate School hoard, itskIng 3450. Sent to Finance coin in i ttee. Fioni the Mueicid Society Esecidive committee,itsking that, a band stand Pi feet square ine erected on the Square, at itia estimated cost of from 350 to 375, and that it be erected at once.• Re- ferred to Public Worke committee, but Cl»ti preen Humber expressed doubts as to Lhe committee's estiniaten allowing any more outlays. A petition from property owners+ on East street asking for 4 granollthir walk in front of lots 28 to 35. Another from J. C. Martin, asked l'or a similar walk on Hamilton street, in frent of the Colborne Hotel, lot 027. Both petitions were granted. ACCOUNTS. The following were referred to Fi- nance committee : U. N, Devls, lead Iiime, $37.73; p. W. McKenzie, $21.01; 'gnat, printing and advt , 341.40; STAR, dare, $40; Packard Eleetric Co., $17.09. The first account was ordered paid, being On Contract. REPORTS OP COMMITTEES. The Special committee reported as follows : (1) That the matter of the erection of a elatighter house by W. T. 1,,,li role; red to town solidtor. (3) That urney win, still under consideration. ) That Mr. Campion's letter, re John cLnall'a Chttill for damages, heil been the nightwetchruan he fin•nished with ir revolver, dark lantern and baton 4) That a curfew hell bylaw be passed, making the hours 11 in summer and 8 in winter, rifler which all children un- der 14 years of age shall not be on the street, onlesi in charge of pat ents or guardians, 1 he night-watchnnin to ri ng 1.4' bell. (5) After lonkIng into the nuttier Of registration fees for Iiirtlin, 'ntirringea and deaths, found the cierk was entitled to them according to titaTthuetet; port, Wag taken up by chi iise.,. Nos. 1 mid 2 were adopted. It trans- pired in a discuesion on the bitter thal a writ. had been served on the town. colincillors Holines and Cantelon blam- ed the RI 0-00111 witted- the mayor and Councillor Martin - for not having looked after this matter more prompt- ly, lint the emery said Mr. tiarrow had taken it mit ol their hands. nnd they were waiting to hear from him. Claeses 3 and 4 were adopted, and on clause 6 being read, Conneillor Humber said he woe not satiefied es to who should receive the foes. and he move& in amendment that the town solicitor's opinion he seemed, conaidering the statute and the bylaw. The mayor sold there WAR no ques- t ion as to the statute, the clerk being sealelaArrviy. named hy 0, hut if tho Council (the fees, then they should reduce the sineidered the salary loo much with Councillor Holmes agreed with this and pointed out the large expense of ieferring so many t hings to the man -I- to, : the amount tor litigation this year waa set down in the estimates at 3700; this matter could be derided without h i (r; , (and, nv (.1 ci '1'1Or Nnftel seconded Humber's motion, and the discussion continued. The mayor contended tnat the bylaw under which the clerk wns appointed fixed the remuneration for all duties at wino. A yote Liken nt last defeated the stmendinent, and the elate*. was adopted. Humber and Naft el voting nay. The VVater and Light committee re- ported as inflow's (1) That they had awarded contrset to Wm. I...Pe for from 400 to 000 tons Maseilon eon! at $2.(13 per ton afloat in Goderich. (2) Refer, ing the claim of John NIcholnon. for Petri% work in laving wider pipe at elevator. 310.75, hock to the Council. A 'wrangle occurred over the mai Hem. t 'emleolor 14,,I RIM ttnaPriing the price was too high, nod Utaincillor Htirriber saying he wan not aware the eont reel had been let. but explanal Iona A.1 around Reenter' to straighten thie oni and the rrport was adopted. Then Coltneillors Holmes and Can• Pekin meved that Mb holson'a rleinn be pald at 810. but aftei a long dincigision the mother was laid ovel. till next m To ohtei nkanco committee reported the 085433 49 Litigation Waterworks. Cap, account. 400 00 Market scalee, new 156 00 Hills payable 5,500 00 - Total . 041.750 84 Thia will reqtaire a rate of 28 miller on the dollar, as allows : General Mun. purposes. ..14 4/10 mitts Public and Separate schools 4 3/10 " Collegiate Institute.. ..... 2 County rate 0/10 Con. Debt Debentures 3 4/10 " Tote! 25 mills. NEW DIMONE88. Councillor Humber moved, seconded by Martin. that the cost ut gramilithic walks on streets off the Beau re be borne 40 per cent, by the town and 00 per cum by the property owners, hut the matter was finally reterred to Public Works committee to report. Councillor Bennett called attentiou to the neelect of the fountains on the Square. and urged thitethe committee should do as they were directed months ago. remove them. ember Raid the com I itee had been too busy with other matters to attend to them. The mayor prewented Om request of Mr. Megaw, ett behalf of the Breth- ren. for the use of the town hall to hold religious servicee, yids+ was wanted, and the Council then ad- journed. THE SIGNAL LIAR. Nearly three columns of the Sig- nal's editorial page is this week devoted to an attempt at defending its own course with reference to the West Huron election infamy and the alleged sworn declaration of James Farr. Every paragraph is a compound of positive falsehood and wilful evasion, which in the faCe Of the well known facts is an insult to the intelligence of its own readers. We propose to give here a few samples with the proof of our charge : LIE NO. 1. -That THE STAR has not published one line of the official evidence, hut "a cooked report as far (rom the facts as party rancour can place it". The reports in THE STAR were unusually full and com- plete, and as to fairness we chal- lenge a comparison with the official stenographic report, or with the re- ports -not official in any part - published in the Globe. LIE NO. 2. - That the Signal published the_official report of the evidence of .8,4s:TILiam Mktchell, the town clerk and a well known Con- servative, "who swore that he had arraiii„;ed with Farr the night before the election to vote for McLean," and that THE STAR did not let its readers know that any such evi- dence had been given. The Signal published only a part of WM. evidence, but even that did mit shiiw that any arrangement had been made. Here is the proof from the Signztl's columns : -q lie had told you he was going to vote's A leer MsLean. Q The night heroic ? A -Yes. 1.,) Had you asked liny questions ? NI he tohl me llie night before. 112. volunteered it ? A - -Yes. Thk .iprc:irrd almost identically ‘viird tor w ord in the THE STAR'S report. 1.IE No. 1. -That THE STAR did not tell that the Colborne witnesses had made up a purse for Major Beck tor lus attentions to them while in the city. In our ititille of Aug. appears the evidence of Joseph Thompson, Wm. Kerr and Thornas Cuthert that such a testi- monial was raised and that they contributed toward it. LIE No. 4. -That THE STAR did not print the admission of Robert Clark that he had made a written proposal in a previous election to sell his vote. In THE STAR of Aug. such a fact is shown in the re- port of Clark's evidence. LIE NO. 5. -That THE STAR did not publish the evidence of Roland Williams, that the ballot he marked had a white disc for McLean and a blue disc for Holmes. The evi- dence of this witness and that of two others was given in our report simply that they voted for McLean, but we give this statement as to colors now, and we ask the Signal to say positively that it does nig believe Mr. Wilhams knew how he voted. And we may add that Mr. Williams DID NOT sa y "that it was because of this peculiarity. that he remembered he voted for Mr. Mc- Lean. Bnt we quote further from this paragraph : "The Signal knows the witnenses ho wen, at. OtAntva as well as Trim STAR does, and it knows what their 'morn evidence wan better than THE STAR (Ines, and it has no hesitation in Fraying that thotigh many of the wit • net yen gave straightforward test 'non y there was as 'h er *Mon cn t he part of others as is inarallv found in an ordinarv court. and that in Raying a ciood deal " THE STAR has received a copy of the official report cince the com- mittee closed, therefore the Signal MTV Is $7 TOM -Mtl2LISII 41 11. ..ellaArtMr• - rittes not know any better than TSB STAR "What the sworn giet4h4v %yes." The assertion in the • lust part of this extract is a brageft and, insulting falsehood from ttl'e MAO who gave such evidence as appgars over the name of D. McOillicuckl,y ; but it is u notable back down of Ms 'statement a few weeks ago that these Colborne witnesses lied to Robert McLean, thon took a false declaration, and backed both up with perjured statements concocted tinder the coaching of Joseph Beck. We are told that "from time to time the Signal will ,publish from the official evidence. ' Will the Signal give at once the official re- port of D. McGillicuddy's evidence and then tell these Leeburn wit- nesses that they lied and evaded the facts ? These are not all the falsehoods made in the Signal's latest effort. but they are fair samples from Which the value of its defence canl, tti. Judged. Editorial Comment. B11.1. SYKES, of the Signal, has this week taken to wholesale lying. But the "game is up." • THE man from the Signal office who went down to Ottawa to "straighten this ballot business out in ten minutes" got straightened out himself so badly in five minutes that he has not dared to let his readers see his evidence. .11M that the paper on which the West Huron bal- lots was printed was so thin that it was difficult to tell when he tore off two at a time, is a severe comment on the dishonesty of the Govern- ment printer who was charging for using heavy, first-class paper. WAIT till you read in the Signal the evidence of Donald Cummings as to the fourteen bogus ballots, and that of D. McGillicuddy, the printer thereof, and the paper expert from Eddy's mills. Of course the Signal will give this evidence its first choice and the same prominence as Jim Farr 's unattested and unsigned state- _ . ment. MN. MCGILLICHDOV swore in ef- fect that he knew little or nothing about the doings in the Signal office during the election, hut when cross- examined lie knew a little more. And this is the man who attempts- • to holster up and defend political crime, deception and fraud, in which he himself is one of the principals. A nice man, surely, to attempt to besmirch the character of the forty odd Leeburn electors by charging them with perjury' ! A READER of the CI inton NeweEra tells THE STAR that Mr. Holmes in 0 conversation denied that the Signal accused the Colborne witnesses of lying and perjury, and says this is simply a yarn of THE STAR'S. Our informant has now seen the Signal for himself and knows where to place the falsehood. The New Era published an editorial from the Sig- nal before -why does it not publish the one headed "The Leehurn Case" in the Signal of August ard ? THE Signal says that when any- one "turned up at Ottawa and de- sired to he examined, every obstacle 45.35 thrown in the 14 their ex- amination by the gentlemen who were running the investigation for the Tories." The only man who "turned up at Ottawa arid desired to hti examined" was D. McGilli- cuddy, who went doyvn uncalled for on his harbor contract business, and there declared he was going to get on the list of witnesses so hc could get his mileage ank.1 expenses to pay for the trip. And the Tories would have been fools to object to his evi- dence -it was better for the prose- cution than they could have possibly imagined. THE Signal finds fault w ith some- body hetause "Mr. R . C. Hays, a witness, was allowed to sit in the ornmittee room during the progress of the trial, although a Liberal, who had not been stihrsienaed, was asked to withdraw." Mr. Hays, as a bar- rister, V. aN allowed to remain in (onformity w ith a IA ell known rule, as stated by Sir Louis Davies, un- der ys Inch barristers are not exclud- ed from trials, ,ind besides tits evi- dence was not on the same point as other witnesses. "The Liberal i.vho had not been subpoenaed" had, as v2as well know n to the committee, loaded up Senator Mills vvith certain alleged "evidence" he could give in the matter, .ind was very properly excluded, when it was seen that he had not sufficient sense of decency to retire w ith the other witnesses. Bri f Town To D1C-4. Additional 12.cal news Ot1 page 8. Cooper and 12Vilson. the new grain Urn.. sOarted buying on Monday. A car Imul of machinery for the Halt ford evaporator reached this town Ili) Monday. G. M. Elliott shipped a very large tit in n tity of plums to the eastern mar kets this week. ftricke are RO exceedingly searee in this neighbor h. rod that many buildings+ rannot preceeded with. The Knitting tk)mpany has stuff, Anti is kept levy Riling orders. eltipments wing mane daily. i..emmiseinner Aiosley let the job Per building t he approaches to to the Sent- inel H111 bridge on Tuesday. The lett- ing took place at the bridge. Mien Alive Richard; of Warkworth. io credited with havtrig taken the highest marks in the province in the recent entritnce examinetions-02/J. Galt W. U. T. IL hag rented a cot- tage at OrI111111by and the old ladies of the town who are unable to ake lest otherwise will sk)end felv weeks theme • 4 go, t.