HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-08-18, Page 4ore Evidence of Fraud. Boutin mind, The Star' is subscribed for and re4 The elit fattier lei old Pah:titer Of * tom ateeta Wan ble life lo seam Lim. ugnioco;;4csauthgogetteirnsel$44::1:1!:7; the every -dee easee of mos end wonica. Behind Me player stands tile geed life. Ryon when the mune la almost he man who turns to Neture and lets licr help hitn may yet S3vo hingest Medical 'It not them, either,' he said. science luaiwa this,aud ite highest authert You tbink it has been taken out ? ties affirm that the utmost medical skill A.-1 don't know but tha.t's the ease. can do is to help Nature. A slippreseed Ninth went round the The great success of Dr. Pierce's Golden table, and Ur. Mitten, grew more earn- medical Discovery in epring wasted bodies, weak lungs, and Onetime and lingerieg est. Pointing his doge; at the witness, coughs, is based On the recoggitIon of he tusked :--"You think somebody stole this funclanienuil aclentiactmth. "dolden your ballot F A. -Yes; I do think they Medical Discovery" supplies Neture with did. ° body building, tissue repairing, muscle The committee tittered aloud, and making materials, in condensed and con. Mr. Borden qhjected to the process of centrated form. With this help Nature keeping -a wituess martin ballots all impetigo the siren th to throw off diseases day. The only effect on t e learned of the lungs, he the sick stomach, re. e ae- counsel, however, was 1ncreaxe rtablies/,!, tlis: digestive and nutritive rens c or Who Fails to Find His Ballot and Declares His, Belief That lt Was Stolen. The Member Swears That He Knew Certain Indi- viduals of "The Threshing Machine" Gang, Ottawa. Aug. 0.-Williani Lane the lira witness called before t lieges and Elections tenrimittee aierilaV mor•niute tie was gen PiCrtiOn clerk in West Herons 0 slated Returning Officer Sands t ;erOtirte the number of ballots Sent to each polling sub-divis When the ballots came from the p ser he counted three packages. leund theni right, whereupon b. altt,e'd the others without count and gave the pads to the deput • turning officer. Mr. Povvell here suggested tha steed of putting the witness throe to tette the poll -hooks and ballots make nut a statement of the num of Whits profeesed to be sent out. theetnInher accounted for in th kerns. After some parleying the ness went into the next room t this work. accompanied bv Mes Powell and Faint. Meantime ot witneeses were examined. Win. Warnock vowel for McLea The ballot papei was pretty thin. the pencil provided in the booth - APO bard for hien. so he took iso "Pencil out of his pocket and mar tile indica. The reason he did fhb; S lei order that the mark might not, al -ease:through the paper. He Wm t :known to be a Conservetive. and body et.e.ked him how he vested, beca , everybody knew. '• Thomas McKenzie, Chritetopher S taistiumny as to voting for McLean. It wee while the latter witness :being examined that the crown .piece of obstruction of the whole coney was perpetrated. lei. Russell ohjected to counsel ha 'e Witnees a blank ballot and ask ; halite) indicate thereon where he his mark. After long argument Chairman susteined this objection t pretateding which has been II roust. practice since the enquiry eomnietie tion bv Mr. Sifton, that he conside Farr eras under the Intl melee of tigi nn polling das. and in a coedit WAS Priv- yes- end d as - 0 de - to be Hut - and ) was"' ' settees` i4311 Mg. determination to tra'ees the witness bloosodu, and culutbrishPt:irlicf,yeearnvd .enric the y upou this unfortuna point. as et re- 11 year deal'er offers seaman( "lust att stilt be got thee still more emphatio Raga, it is probably better, r to: SI answer :-.1 can swear 1 marked -nay ays hotter. But you ate tninamg of the in" ballot all rip, lust as I marked it for cure not the profit, so there's nothing "just gh t4 you. and it hadn't been touched it as good" ter you. Sey To contlete fr. Britton's discomfit- . of ?mascots, P.seaudds Co , Pia (Box r), be and own persistence the members of the `gskeenalgtrizIrabthcal,iteur,ga and ked would ne theretet." in a later tocciNtd from A. D, Weller, Eau., ber tire. at 1 is untoward outcome ot his ,B,licites: " I hove., einc rreivirl your d gnosis e re souiniittee roared outright. even Mr. cal Discovery,' and must say that 1 am trans- , Hilton joining in the marrimene formed from a vralking shadow (as my friends 0 uo osited me), to rfect health. I value your her WaS haw Led was 10117 veil no - use an - liar vas bug en - i ng put the tia red ior ion .Which rendere hint liable to nu Messrs. Flint and Powell, M. P.'s, gether with Mr. Lane. clerk to the Writing officeis Retired and pi epitre detailed :statement iegarding the b lots used inthe election. Mt. Lane, vomited, testified thet chesty° of Godertch No. 8, there we 1481110re ballots accounted fot by t deputy returning:Mimes than purpo ee to be sent out. Mt, Powell then produced the balk et aim 3 poll, Godenele und called lite to the attention of the witness. Mr. Britton here interposed and to the Offleial stenographer not to ta Pees enswet ed. This absurd suggeation led to gen 'Witness testified that the numb Marked eiti the packages of ballots letein Poll No. 2 was 200. He believ 1 et wits the number sent out. Pol /Med 8 were held on opposite sal ,a%114t etreet, about 100 feet deem teperketol ether. 'Theo were 21 ballots deposited esti ett peculiar character mar eft fair= Bac, goimee. Do you not 00 'elder it entgular that there should the other side ot the street ?' Title Was too hot a. questiog '11.1r. Britton. and he once more of 'et roeted. Idr4Powell 'said he would get th evidehee In another way. He invite :sate Witnees to spend some time in ex it/Mining the ballets so that he migh 'She prepared to testify later regarctin selaetititing to Mr. Slfton, witness sal te harIlieeu election clerk before. en ett.eneeted ballots before they wer nent.ont, bet in this particular electto Sande' and he intrusted the wor 4.0.0111lcuddy's employes. W40;4 riowlen, he admitted that 1 ballots were sent out to a (Nutty d ' Only 150 were supposed to hate net Went etas, Iteptoper use Might h treAfithe 60 spare, ones. Mr. Sand abet:counted the ballots intended ess-keect petite, aml es they were sates- tat.Witli the printer's count, no other thresere *minted. eletliirily to Mr, Flint he stated that itanouch as there were 101 votera on ti,lietnft No. 3, Goderich, according ::rtite plan of sending nut the blank Ottelit10 would be sent, out to Fara eputy returning officer at that it CS litVeettittiittee then rose. • HANDED TWO BALLOTS. bin the cOmmittee resumed in the tilled by Mr. Borden. He swore Varna at poll No. 8. at which leer VON the deputy returning oeficer. eleteeleed two ballots front Farr, and 1,01411# this waive. Mistake he return- Oriblo the Fle Was not sure bether. Parr tore off the counterfoil S,Mbiabined IV Mr. Sifton, wit- . Ceitiltte When Parr handed the two tit hint they were folded to - ethers, ' ,,;,Wothing farther was elicited from a'aineaWitatette than thet one nf the NO - 7104(100 hilt) be the deputy returnieg itiffintlie,Wag It was on this ante One IteseenteeL The other he hand- .504,,iii,to 4,-440, bilt..oid not observe What, liti:dirlivitit it. Witness thought jraer, :not in condition to he en- ,trit#0.4!,:'Witillt the charge of the poll 'tdoet. 404. ,„yob:0,00:tes' was another McLean thirig 40010104S PAWS titioduet. •Shodileltertis0 voted tor the COM 01441tnt''n`ttnete; Anil *mkt Ailit anew iffelleelf Win) 11r0Whetiten by Mr. Brit. .letigtb ketseeiallY es. to the time I Voted. Me. ' luiok ab M6'01)01(1-14 to - Al ex le he its Id ke it er er ed is es It at be ie weep e coun- sel and witness en -wed, tri the coulee of which the letter retztarked "Yes, and I could catch you in the MOW way." He was proceeding to elucidate in his own way an a.nswer given to Ida Britton when the letter called out to him a couple of timed to estop." Mr. Burden objected to counsel lec- turing witness. 'Your object,' sneered Mr. Britton, 'is to help the wanes's.' '1 don't think lie ueetle it,' Mr. ;Mills (Annapolis, put in. In conclusion, witness said he te- garded Farr as being perfectly sober. He was sure he handed him his ballot, and that he put it in the box. 'But,' seal he, 'there tiliget 110 some monkey businees for all that,' John Deacon, another McLean voter, itaW nothing wrong with Farr. Neither did John Haley, who also voted -for McLean. and signed a declaration to that effect about two months after polling day. Tee connnitlee then adjourned, to meet again on Monday. Ottawa. Aug. 7.-cioute trace has at Net been obtained of the wandering James Farr. the gentleman who has achieved titine as deputy returning of • fleer for polling sub -division No. 3. tioderich. Mr. Farr, it appears. bee not carried ont his announced inten- tion of going to Dakota. He was seen in Termite) butt Friday. and, according . his own admiesione, ne has been making a Hying trip to Oshawa, Whit- _ by, Brooklin and Port Perry. I hese pitteee are all in South ()nutria, in which conatitnency there is a vacancy foe he Pi ovincial Legislature, caused bv the unseating of Mr. John Dryden. On his visit to that, eeetion of the coun- try it is Raid that Mr. Parr was acetone panieci by it certai it Mr. Vance, whe reputed to be a professional politicid worker in the employ of the Postmast- er -General. It would be intereeting know just, what these men are doing in Mouth Ontario at the preeent thee. and why Mr. Fat r has seen tit to altet his appearance by skating off his moustache. A new line 01 croiraexam- ination WAS developed by the Liberals today. After endeavoring tor weeks to shield and viudicate Mr. Farr, they now turn ;wound and endeavor to prove that he is little better than a common Oat room loafer. Every wit- ness was asked as to Mr. Flier's char- acter, whether he was frequently drunk, eic. The object of these ques- and to nenirnize the effect of the terrible revelatione of crookedness in his polling booth. Mr. Thos. Harvey, Ir., the paper ex- pert, was the first witness before tbe Privileges and Elections Committee this morning. He is thageetletnan who the other d.tv ascerteined the thickuese of the ballots cast at polling sub -division No. 4, township of Col- borne. Being esked today by Mr. Russell whether the micrometer, the ruitchita, with which the thickness of paper is measured, is not susceptible of mistakes on OCCOUnt of the wearing of the thread. he replied. 'No, sir. There is an arrangement for ad fasting the machine by means of screw, and I always examine it before using it. Such machines are infallible to the one -thousandth part of an inch.' tts rt don% doubt that I Voted, hat AN you ilriVIng et ektoo tittird him hoe, be tie titillOL as it with the in tIte booth P 'tot it with my oivo soft CS. I mark toy orow inehtigi that the *Rowse :When the ydtume had W110041 at**, kltidtda6.111d handed It Ebenezer Woodcock testified that lie voted for McLean at No, 3, Goderich. He was cross-examined by Mr. Bell, of P I., in the absence of Mr. Brit- ton, Dir. Woudcock said that tit the time he had no tinitbt that the ballot was put in the box by the deputy re- turning officer. Farr, but he did not teel mire aboot it now. Ile descent. ed Farr as a 'free liver,' which he ex- plained by sewing that Farr &Mak mom than was good for him. He con. sidered it sttange that the returning officer should appoint such a man as deputy. but he had afterwards learned that the returning cfficer had nothing to do with it, the list of deputy return- ing officers having been me& np in the Reform rooms. Mr. James Nelson said that he m- ettles' at 414 Church street, Toronto. Ile knew James Farr, who had lived at the same place for seine time. Farr was working!. for 1). W, Thomson, but gave up les job. Did you over have any conversation tvIth him as to the reason he gave up his work A. -Yes. Do you remember when It was A. - On the 13th of July it started. paper about tearing up a ballot. Par. Thos. Marshnil showed him the paper, and he got very norveue and excited, and about seven o'clock that evening he said ha was going home to Gederich to give hinnielf up and face the music. ,He wad he Was not goiniz to run away. as he had notdone anything wrong. PARR 8 PLIGHT PROM rOttOtero. When did you see him next? A.- Fle woht away on Thureiday and came bark Friday, anti I met Iffirt et the nipper table. After supper 1 Went up tn the hedeoont. He showed me a ticket that he said a man by name ot Vance gave tnint. Fireit he said his Mother gave it to him, and then he said Vance. Ile said it was for North Dakette but it wasn't. It WA8 fOr St. Paul, Minn., ()Wage, Hamilton and Toronto. He had a check for hie bag. gage. which he mild had gone to North Daltran. t armed him what good was the ticket. Mid he said if he got into a tight pinch he would nee the ticket to go away. When did you see biro next 10 A. - On Saturday. Did Mut have any veneers/0.ton with Olefin rut ere all to Marne for thie. Parr.' He ain't It 1 go down altogether. / met Holmes and his brother that 'night after election. Mr. litilines Shook hands with me end said, &I Will remember you teeth's, Parr.' Woos row in the tortimittee. tlak til he owaitokia lift Rumen eonintoitarid that' the' liraly,„;.itelf Wit 'entry' that the torideltWa,.bitt ,W YWItotee could not tett yr Parr' reme es very !ably and take pleasuro in recommending them to any and all who suffer as I did. Pour months ago I did not think to be eimpe to assist our ' Uncle Satuuel ' in case of Manlike. but thanks to you, 1 ant cow ready Dr. Pierce's Conntion sense Medical Ad- viser, in Plain English; or, Medicine Sim- plified, look pages, over 7co illustrations, paper -bound, sent for 31 one -cent stamps, to cover cost of customs and mailing 0817. Cloth -bound 5o stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. It. aleaut Holmes. This was cerefully ex- plained to the witness. who replied, 'Yes. I understand. I will not meotion what Farr said about Hohnes."rhe official stenographer was then ordered to amend the answer given to the pre- views question hy striking out the name of Mr. Hoimes, and making the answer read -'I met a persoa thee night atter the election. whn shook hands with me and said, '1 v•ill re- member von for this, Fair." Mr. Borden -I understand that the witness min mention the name of any pet -son but Ms. Holmes. (Another This way of stating the matter evok- ed a protest from Sir Louis Davies, who declaied the Conservative papers would be careful to publish what, was seid about tioltnee, and might inad- vertently omit the contradiction which Mr. Borden, to the witness -You have told us about the conversation with Farr, In which he said that soine person had a conversation with him the night after the eleceon and told him that he would remember hint. Did he state whet n the conversation took place ? A. -He said it took place iu Did he tell you anything else? A.-. I didn't eee him on Sunday night, Ind that night Mr, Vance came to the house looking for him. I told hint 1,11/11. FAIT Was not, in. and Mr. Vance then ieft his address, 95 Howard Street, and told me to tell Fart that he wanted to see him. When Farr came in it wits letif-past twelve, and I was in bed, but I told hirn that Vaece wanted to see him. Farr asked if I would take a walk with himi 80 I MK on my clothes and went tip with him. On my way up I asked him if this election WKS run straight. would Holmes he elect- ed, and be acid "Not on your Itfe." H8 went into the house to see Vance, and stayed about twenty minutes. I did not go in because he told me I could not. On the way down I said. "That will queer you nowiima won't he able te be returning °nicer theie HAD A RODOR TIME. On the following 1,Vednesday night Vance came to the house, 411 Church /dame to see Arr. and remained for some tinie, hut witness. did not know what went on between them. On the following day Farr went away, saving that be was going to Goderich, and rein/tined away until a week frein the following Saturday.' When he c'ame back did you have any conversation with him? A. -He told me he had a pretty rough time of it. He told me he had been in Brooklyn, Oshawa, and Whitby. What Brooklyn? A. -Brooklyn, On - Did you have any further conversa- tion with him about the elections A. -Only that Vance told hint he bad a keep his man low. This auswer raised another row in the committee as to the adrniesi tv of tomb evidence. Boa after some wrangling the matter was allowed to drop, and the examination of the wit - 'mite was resumed. Did he say anything further e A. - Only that he had a rough time keeping out Of the way in Brooklyn, Oshawa, and Whitby. How long did he remnin in Toronto en that occasion ? A. -I had breakfast with him Saturday morning. and at noon he was gone again. When did you see him next? A. - Last Ft iday in Toronto, on Alexander street. I seed, "Well. Farr. what do you think of it now 1" He emitter ain perfectly innocent.' I said, "What about stuffing ballet -boxes ?" He said. "Me and two friends met in the hotel the night before election, end we talk- ed it over, and we carnets) the conclus- ion ,that lit cupid not he done." He SAW he was going to Ottawa to tell everything he knew. Then he said he was going to Charlotte, That ei the port for Rocheeter ? A. -Yes. A CHEQUE FOR $500. In any of these conversetions did he say anything about getting money ? Meat tune lie came from God- erich he said he hiul ticket, and a cheque for $500. and geld he could get more if he wanted ite I know he hadn't any cheque. Cross-examined by Sir Louis Davies -As a m Ater of fact, then, Parr was in Torontae last Friday? A. -Yes. He was publicly on the street cor- ner and no concealment about ite A. -Publicly on the street corner. You were satisfied that he had no $500 chequeP A. --Ho had none. That wits a kind of bluff game on his parte A. -Yes; a bluff RAMO. As a matter of feet, then, in his conversation with you Ite denied that tte hail done anything wrong? &- That's whnt he Raid. Questioned by Mr. Borden -Was it after he luta seen Vance that he said he was going to OttenetP A. -Yes; he fetid bs was going to Ottawa, nud then be-tiaid he wasn't. Did you understand that Ile Watt keetting out of tIL way? A.- Last Priday night I. told tint the only thing for him to do was ;TO to the tdtateis or go to Ottawa and tell everything. Re said if ito had money enough he would go to Ottawa. VANCE TEE MAN. What did you understand was keep. , Further queetiouing the 'feet that Pali' tame back front Goderteh very drunk itud remained leo tor two , oky0. riot oho' intermed :tide or tie*, that he trae !oho out iihittiort day in ttoderieti; hilt bed WA drintitett tor two or, thtee dayi before the ettietitin %IMO* boob -MK Vert the /Atli _ Matt mid oat boot that be alk :Mao until the'atorlett: bout' ti 'biths 0 MintODb. St the box? 14.-Ye4; said McLean evv,a Intim populate loan thou Holmes, and that, evco nakatAQ nf the Littered patty wet e aseirme 11.0101m; afterwards be ectid, *Rai very fenny if I tameld do dirty tvorli age' net lVeyen when I voted for him inv- Did yin, EDOW WhO Vance was? A. -One time Fear told he VMS a mem- ber of Parliament, but afterwerde found out no iyos Of guatIzer, Wm deecriptiun et Ma Farr. -lie N stoita mon. with lig clothes. and when I tiOW Inea last had 'Mout weekai growth of mon buf, when be cam beck fano Width his rnotistarbe wee shaved off lit up to the time he bad seen these storiee in the newspapers, Ile ta• ways worn a IMOUSImehe? A. ---He bad diseases worn a moustache tip to the tune he came back front Brooklyn. Then it was off. Mr. Holmes testified that he niet Farr for the feat time In °Wench a dny or two after the elections Mr Holmes was walking along the stew with 3 friend when they met Parr, an his friend int roduced him. They the only tiotiversation be ever ha with Plum Questmned by Mr. Powell - Do yo know Vance ? A.-- Yes. Wes be in your constituency duriug election. A.-- I believe he was. met him at the comniittee-roolue once. You know he was working for you ? Did you meet. Capt. Stillivan ? A.- 1 dou't Blink I did ; BOW hen there during the other election, hut can't say t nat 1 met him Miring my own. I woiet soy that 1 did not meet him due leg rily election, because the two elections cattle so close t ogether that I may have got them mixed up in that At this point the general cross ex- amination et Mr. Rotuma was deferred in pursuance of an agreement. 4. he /after oar big July Sale. We have placed these 1413 the table and tb '11 b Wo fiod that we have rk WIWI= Of remounts of all eprts of Dry Goods cleared out at a sacrifice. Along with thew we will offer the following epee - rel lines : A nice black Dress Serge, . worth soc, for 39c t' A better black Dress Serge, worth 65c, for soc g,A fine black Cashmere, velletteerss adder s. Thos Marshell, of Church etreet, Toronto, colifirmed the evidence ea to Farr having lived at that house for some time. FOIT showed Mr. Metre shall a ticket which lie said was for Dakota, and also said that he had plenty of money. At the saute time Farr showed hint it cheque for his trunk, which he saicl had gone to Hamilton, North Dakota. Farr told him at that tiine that if be got into any trouble he would go away. He saw Farr last, Friday night at the rot ner of Alexander and Church streets in NVitat did you say to him fi A.- I made it remark to him, ' What do you think of your party now ' He said as Per as he was concerned there was no crooked work clone on his part. said he wits going to uttawa to tell what he knew about it. As to he ticket, at first he told ine that his brother gave it to him, and then ne said that Vance gave it to hitn. Witness testified that he knew Farr had been in Brooklyn, because he saw him there. Farr also told him that he had been in Oshawa. Port Perry. and Whitby. Mr. Marshall expressed great doubt as to the truth of leartes story about the $500 alieque. This doubt was caused by the fact that Farr Was drtink gaod deal and was very boastful, butslittn't seem to have much WOULD SEE DOW WITNESS VOTED. elr. George Campbell, at the after- noon sittirg, testified that he 0)1.9 a McLean voter. When he handed his ballot to Farr. the latter held it tip to the light and tot e off the counterfoil. He Wit4 satisfied from this action that Farr could see how witness voted. witness said he knew nothing.of Fartoe character. He had heard people say, 'J in] Farr is fond of liquor.' When Farr held up the ballot to the light witness said to him, you might just its well have the ballot open.' kV itness said he had always been a Utinservative, and had cast his first vote as far back as 1855. Thos. 'Polley' another ejector at Fares poll rn Goderich, said he voted Meckeel"intisked witness if he was a prohibitionist Mr. Polley was rather astonished at the question, but, replied, 'Yes. I The cross-examination wee continu- ed eor some lone, when Mr Borden worth 70c, for 5oc A range of colored Dress Goods, wort soc, for 25c The best Prints, worth 121/2c, for ioc A very special Print, " 121/2c, for 5c A 72 inch Table Linen, worth 4oc, for 25c Ginghams and Muslins at our Sale Price It is to your interest to buy at J. II. PEDDER'S Colborne's Old Stand. The Western Fair, Londop• SEPTEMBER 7th to 16th, 1899. Entrien close September 6th. Space allotted on receipt of entry. Exhibits will be unsurpassed. attrunions better than over. Hippodrome, Chariot Races, Champion oword Contests, Innterial Jaws, ninon"! Lady Riders, W6rld Renowned DYInnafits and Aerial Artiste galore. Eireworks each evening, "The British and Americans In Sateen," and all ring and platform attractions. Special exountion trains will leave London each evening after the fireworks. Grounds will be beautifully illuminated. Semi for tor Prize Lista and Programmes, President. Secretary. The Star Guarantees good work 'So do I,' remarked the professot. ADJOURNED FOR TFII8 SESSION. The committee then decided riot to heat. any more witnesses thts session. Mr. Borden was anxious to sit to- night to take the testiniony.ot all those in town, 10 in nutiaberabut Me. Russell protested that the agreement had been reached to wind up last Saturday, and he would not be able to attend any further meetinge. el'he country is making $500 apiece out of meat ly 800 representatives. and it can well afford to let these 10 witnesses come back again,' he saia. This settled it. The committee will meet to -morrow to drew up its report. Ottawa. August 9,-W hen the Prise - leges and Elections Committee had been called to order this morning. Mr. Sefton read astelegram which had been, -received by Major Sutherland, M. P., from J. Vance, the man referred to in the ev:dence of the witnesses Nelson and Marshall. The telegram was as TORONTO. August 8, 1899. "Absq,lastely no truth whatever in rose and protested against the irielev_ allegation that I paid Farr any sum of ancy of many of Bell's questione. Mr. motley to enable him to keep out of the Bell declared that he was not obstruct- Y. I did so neither directly nor in- ing, but droppe is ireetal'. and have no' knowledge of MeLean was another DdcLean sucle having bean done. Interviewed voter at Farr's poll in Goderich. Cross-examined bv Mr. Russell, wit- ness said he voted in the afternoon. Farr was pi etty well on by thie time A.- Wen, I don't know about that, hut he had been drinking. The committee then adopted the How do you know ? A,- I could following report: smell liqunr on his breath. That under the ruder of reference 'Did you ever see him intoxicated '? they have pat Bally enquired into the asked Mr. Flint. conduct of the returning offleer, and of 'Yea.' cet•tain of the deputy returning Aside from the odour of his breath. officers at the last election for the west did he give evidences of the use of riding of Huron. That in so doing liquor A.- Yes; he was under the they have heard the testimony of 99 influence, but he was conducting the witnesses, aud have submitted interne election all right. gations for the examinatmn by the Fairly well. Ile wasn't as bright as county court judge of the coenty of he might have been ? A.- No. Huron of four witnesses: That 25 sittings have been held for the purpose of taking evidence cover- ipg 17 days and comp! king 17 morning and 8 afternoon sessions; that the com- mittee determined to hold its last session for the examination of witness- es on Monday. August 7, and for that mason nine witnesses then in attend- ance for the purpose of giving evidence were discharged without examination. twelve witnesses also failed to aetend aod the atteudance of three was count- - The proceedings of the Connnittee being thus incomplete the Committee do not feel warranted in reporting any conclusions:they therefore report here- with the evidence given by the witness- es who were examined that the House nifty take such action thereon, and us to continuing and completing the in- quiry and itrvestigation ss may be deemed best and your committee re- commends that the said evidence and exhibits be prtnted for thease of mem, bets of the House. hriffs'its to what his evidence would and strongly urged to go down al giye his evidence, which he preens to do. Ain willing to testify to the To be strong you must have good appetite, good (ingestion. and good assimilation. Miller's Compound Iron Pills bring all these. An exchange says that a certain newspaper printed an item to the effect tnat a certain resident. whose name it did not give, had better stop kissing his hired girl or he might he found out. Twenty-seven nien called on the editor, stopped their paper and accused him of interferiag in their doeueistic affairs. The specific remedy for troubles of the blood, kidneys, stotnach, liver, is Hood's Sarsaparilla. the great hlooel Mrs. Alton, wife of Mr. Valentine Alton., of the 10th concession of Ash- field, passed away on 'Tuesday of last week, in the 72nd year of her age. Deceased who bad suffered for many years with rheumatism, was amongst the first settlers of the township, and was greatly respected by a wide circle of friends. "FOR THE SAXE OF FUN, MIS - A vest amount of mischief is done, too, because. people neglect to keno then blood pure. The mischief appears • nl; in eruptions. dyspepsia. indigestion, nt nervousness, kidney diseases, and other ea ailments. The mischief, fortunately, se may be undone by the faithful use of 's amaparilla, which cures, all diseitees originating in or promoted by impure blond. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Non - RIPPED ON A CORNER.. W. A. McOlymont, recalled, said when Fare Banded hint the ballot he ripped off one of the corners. That one was laid aside and one given to witness which was unimpaired. He did not know what Farr did with the spoiled ballot. John Acheson. Uoderich. testified that. he also voted for McLean at Farr's poll. In answer to Mr. Fliut witness said be had not made any declination as to how he voted. Milt the people in Goderich might believe that he would as soon have voted fot Hol,nes as for McLean, but he voted for Mr. McLean. He had told Mr. Hayes that if these frauds had taken place, as it. was re- presented they had,ne was not afraid to come up and mae an affidavit that he voted tor McLean During the 32 .years he had resided in Goierich he had never set foot in a eomtnjttee- room belongtng to either the Grits or Tories•And,' said, the evitness in conclusion. 'the way things have been going, I am mighty glad that I did not, Harry Reed also voted for McLean at Farr's poll. - To Mr. Russell witness said Feta had been in a . fuddled condition for abort three weeks before too election, and when witness voted in the after noon Parr was a little in thnt condi- tion then. It shows on his complexion. but he did not think Fair was not in a coudltaon to perform 'l he duties of deputy returning officer. Mr. Reesoii wa9 firing his questions mark. off so rapidly. and getting answeta For Inflarrniation of the Eyes,- that did not snit ham, that he stepped Amon! the litany good-toudities tvhfeh the witness short in one of his answers. Parme ee's Vegetable Pills pongees, This led to +t viai nus protest from betides t t'gtIlating the digestive organs. Mr. Powell and the little tiroffesstor�got a ttti aneiotef k' 1 e vtss, r linenaga very mad at this intert"uption. Ift. Inflati faith t theIt proceeded to read tiro tithed a ictitdre y betters whteh blade sir. Nivel trentttrit:- reconitneridat oft from those Whit 'Dont let'tnrti the ivitnt is in that Were afiIu ted ewiththis earn b"laltit, and tvav; go on with pile title tiells.' found it once In the . bilis. They efete Tile profeeoor turned on Me. Powell the.net/e Centres and the blend in a Mid replied hang'•- 'Leetiu'e Rohe One • II I'I to ly attires way, a:id the remit else, please.:brit don't leettled» ..' is almost immediately Minh The co'rtnittete laughed find, shorty ittterwtirds ,De. attiellsuhgidetl; When eel`. ' . .tie !td slid Thee. crop ey voted for lifei,aean subject tb the m gteitie dry( tett ,104W lit h`alit'e poll. 1Vo hing ia'iteriat That 4uMtiOn Mart liter. troch lb the Relished lit thtl ionise o his ern'. *Jr!•e• p�opro "Rif 11eWillistl nd t ti (Yit`y Xet nlnathm. hast otltitined eliilneln Ztga$`'biiinion nn Petrie& Nugent �ttilsii voted for Met the anbjt N. iiia is ail lset7 that age n. does not Count; khfit a 1'iu) k r'av, do To Mr. Witten lib said. belied Veiled In a h tal Sense if only ti Week Or dye.; Alt often Gbit as he bad 'TOY. but he allay old, and le Mable to• tit% or Hc- V0tetl Tot°gr this tram rima lt► s. `Did you hours lttry initials no tote r tee h s er 1tslte4 cwt' '"1•ttaseelli" `tW life ter At veer t e; MQIeta 'Were tbey`'p'ner+�'' iitrtpettttd' leen 'll�ak est Itooriiu het they intr!r su''t' replied . ill o. . - Which do m pr#fer tot ll*n or •t t>i<1tli�kl► `Th reit'; Miller's Cotnpounct Iron Pills, only 25 cents for 50 arises. Duncan McRae, of Isechalsh, whe settled on the farm Where he to* lives, on the Ist concession of Huron, ig the Mil of 1810, and thoUgh hie brut added six Years to the foneaeore limit, he is still hale and vigorons rod able to drive around wfth hie well knotvis grey mare, which !erases a yeterit. hat- ing pessed the quartet' of a ceiltury Oantelon Bros., of Clinton, are shipping large quart tithes of plums. Severn Bridge, writes; "1 bWe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for curing me of a severe cold that troubled me nearly all last winter." In order to give quietus to a hacking cough, take a dose of Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric 011 thrice a day, or oftener if the cough spells render it necessary. Last week Joseph Clegg disposed bf n.50 acre farm, being northeast e of 8 e lot 10, con. 0. -Morris. Robert Young was the purchaser at $1250, 40 acres cleared and there is a barn on the If your system needs toning up. take Miller's Compound Iron Pills. ' 10 to 20 bushels of wheat to the acre appeare to be an average turn °tit from this season's threshing in Morels. Nervous people should take Miller's Compound Iron Pills. A new barn has been put up on the Thuell farm. tith line. Morris, OD what Is known ais the McQuarrie place. "Two heads are better than one." If the one you have is dull and heimq you need Heed's Sarsaparilla. It wilt give you prompt relief. , SUMMER GOODS WOESELLIS ran lintt RS, 131,13Z RUMP orl, STOVES, MIXED PAINTS, n Owe, /*Mari tared of my thie mined wieto some It ter my WSW, WA AND VARNislitS, ntsT WORSELL WHAT SHALL I DRINK the mitsses, TOURISTS WILL FIND 0,rtaraneolortAtwig PvtootsoirttitiaopPayevirtreattlatvalwiti7u_opA,wrotwItni4;x0,c_024c04.70:. ,,hot weather? Wes w00% do. Liquors won't „e. They hOth increase wadi' heat and excite tbo LINE JUICE WILL DO. The Noel tiring. Cool WS, retreeltine tonics Use it JO Peal times and ail 25c, Oc and 75c a Bottle. Lees than lc a drink. PtexoeL Settee. ateet, wed *them ALMOND DREetlel. WEI:1,,4O, article, very EicELWEISS DREAM, -.an exceptionally preiptration tor the 34040 P417X8313 43 th4 abon. Wee by became Et 00" Detroit - Prescription work at all hours. GUERIN BARGAIN CENTRE.,, BA ROA I N DAY EVERY DAY. JAMES ROBINSON. it Pays to Buy Your Dry Goods or House Cleaning Time. Housekeepers should be prepared. We have what yoo want. age..41a.lraSerwatiodtiGnogldanDausatiTiLeta.bso rLayned. Money Savers. 5w, 10c. and 25e. • pack - Our Soaps are the best acd most moderaterin price on the market. Pine General Groceries, Imported Crockery, &a We aim to please in quality and pnce--and generally succeed. If you cannot pat- ronize this Store exclusively, gimes a share of your trade. -s- G-. TIPLIWG- Hotel Bedford Block. The Square, Goderich That Touches the Spot 0 MacLeod's System weak pu Liver & Kidney Diseases Renovator remale Complaints, &c. Ask - uggist, or write direct to J. M. MacLEOD, Goderieh, Ont. Residence and lateemtory-Neweate Street, the Old Stand, In rear of Knox Church. ',Here's YOU Chance. Genuine Dis6ount Sale. In order to make room for new fall and Xmas Goods, soon to amve, we have decided to give 25' per cent. discount off all goods now in stock, viz : FINE CHINAWARE, JAPANESE GOODS. ALBUMS, PURSES, STAMPED LINENS, LEATHER GOODS, BABY CARRIAGES, EXPRESS WAGONS, WINDOW SHADES, ART GOODS, IRON AND BRASS BEDS, FURNITURE, HAMMOCKS, PICTURES, FRAMES, ARTIST'S MATERIALS, BIBLES, &it., &a. Store ta too full How, and we must make more room. Salo Tor 30 dap oolll—Torms Gash. By buying now you may save 50 per cent., se nearly all goods have ad- vanced 25 per cent. eiooe present goods were put in stock. Remember all goods 25 per cent. off', eireept work made to order. WILMER SMITH East Street, nPat the Town Hall. Our New Grotery is Uri -to -Date. We are now in a position to supply the Wants of the general public with Citi/ned Goods, Fruits. Teas, Coffees, Meals, 'pokes, and Genoral Household Necessaries. Durant will be t6 'eon only the best rind freehold 00ods on the market at the lowest living prat tin a Oiteh bade. Tireee. web deal With** W111 come again. Pea% P*110646160* arid the very best itidas given. t000.1,64 Our 'Mott°. Calf whit We can do for you. 'lour money's worth all the year Dottier Montreal Wearied utpuire. Solid. Comfort . Mit Matfett tit thu year Olin only be ebbkineti by teeming one of the now telehrodoil BIM Matte 011 Stoves, with WithOut *IA. They bre folly guaranteed.. Urge and Stet/ *hula to *Olt tlentittitho• TheY tire Okrtitriti* ifle' tiled Mitt It 13. Wit