HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-08-11, Page 9�11 wlho��, — -W,.. - - Poo " , % . 11 I I . - 1i 0100, -0000��', 00, I � . �$t�f 4VWV04, . , , erlowAa loveli, r4*0"r Ay t . 1W vcr4oi Vivo Ax4i Otte blAw abq* her U-40or r ftt tile irobins, wait. c �,Sixe. VoKiia, ainig, $jag, it Xouladola,y— ' .- n . 71m, ,- tho-Ust ARwir of spring, I lqomfaw In the, X#Y. . I . � CAnso4 c1ovor I discoyle - .1 '' , 1, X . 1 n I *allow kiulti)�gbt brooding, over, r All her warmth ;.*vis - $14 1 - �, I i, I 414W. robimi. sing, I . *Ti# no longer May- � . Fliller 4100M'doth iulatfier brii - � *Ripenea through delay. ­. - ­­­­, - - : -,� 1. - A PA1157,$ ERROR. . � . . , . ' ­ , Who 4iqpogitiong of, cla4droo are spo 04 by lir-rant and indulgent parell "I W144 got out diallbaxately to arouse � . -,-�hildron a Jealous disposition. Th , � I 9fOr the peevish child 'somethis) . W#IP4. because of bla peevishness, I I will not take and then they make a pr � , text of giving it to some one aloe, th I � . they may Induce him to take it a, ' 'Of envy. The effect of such trainix '=BY be imagined. After it few an( �!,1059048 the child wants only thu 4hilligs that others possess and du. 11 '14kg We childhood days be genorall ,limanages to get them by oryfag, au sulking. Grown a little older, the chil, it a boy, associating at school and I lay with children of his own tige, ill VeIOPQ a domineering or cringing dit ipiCiSitiOn according to hie, physiet strength. He is grasping and euviou of his earlier training, but m �r,aakma r got things by crying for thez =.u. -age his Parents are not there t �`i ; help him, but if strong enough he take them by force, and if not be tries t get them by diplamac * Ruled by sell 16h desires implan te� In him by vie tons early training, he pursues his owl londs, either as bully or sneak, unles. ,'Providentially he should fall uuderth, . hands of a master capable of undolill and converting the vicious work of ;lL Parents during his early days of train Ing. Much Of the work of school toach QrS is imposed upon them because theii Pupils have had bad Preliminary train, , Ing from ignorant or careless parents I gout discrimination than can be ex. hibition of selfishness and greed ox � the part of infants, The kindergartew find a Justification for their existenot : In at they t 9hildren of very ton- .. der age under the direction of presum- I , ably Cook tent instructors, who 1004 � after their babits with more intelli- 1.� I , I � � gent discrimination that can be ex. ,`� , pected, from young or inexperienced I Parents. Home influence of the right ��'tlad in very Precious, but the home in- . , 11 I'dence that. takes a child at its most I � 1,�� Impreaste Ill age, during infancy, . and dev '� a"" "" . ._V. one, selfish it _ oba i�� .1. hil dispositi i;,'f%d. - rin as could I 00ma to r. . pis neglect, I ' .� LATEST PEACH DELICACIES, k � Peach Swilge Pudding -Put one cup - r ful of mUk in a double boiler, and I when it is scalding hot add one table, I i-poonful of sugar and a ftch of salt; I I wet two tablespoonfuls of flour with , a little cold milk, pour slowly into the I Prepared mUk, stirring constantly un- . til it thickeng and is smooth; remove from the fire, add half a tablespoon- � Ail of' butter, stir until it is -dissolved . and Bet aside to cool. Pare, halve and . pit half as many rim soft peaches as ; You wish cups of pudding; butter Ifpudding cups and place one section of . fruit, cut aide downward in each, PrOV9 to position. Beat the yolks ;of 'so eggs very light, add half a teaspoonful of vanilla extract, and beat therA into, the pudding until the mass istrcight and smooth. Then stir in lightly the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs; fill the pudding oups, set in a t Pan Of hot water and bake. Serve cold with WhIMd cream, or hot with - .creamy sauce f avored with vanilla, as preferred. In either case turn the I pudding out of the mold, fill the cavity of the frui t with sauce, and pour the same around the bottom. I Peac�h Foam Pie. -Line a deep pie plate with paste; brush it over with white of egg and bake. Pare and rub through a coarse sieve enough ripe soft peaches to make two cupfuls 01 pulp; beat the whites of four eggs to I a stiff froth; add half a cupful of . powdered sugar, and by degrees, the . peach puip. Serve very cold with whipped cream heaped over the top. I Peach Tartlets -Line deep patty . ling with ri�h pie -crust; fill them with dry raw rice or wheat bran and bake-, ,I empty Out the filling; return to the oven to harden Me bottom a little and set aside. Pare and halve half as many ripe peaches as there are patty I shells; chop the peach kernels fine, cover with cold water and simmer 15 ittinu tes. Strain off the liquid, add .granulated sugar enough to make a I rich syrup, boil ten minutes and dip it over the fruit. When the latter is , . cold, make a meringue of the white of ' I one egg, or two, one tablespoonful of , i sugar-and'a little alinond extract; put I . One sectiori of fruit, cut side upward, I In each she)), heap a teaspoonful of i meringue in. the hollow of the fruit i and set in the oven until it yellows Prettily. Serve very cold, in fancy ( paper cages. I Fried Peae,bes.-Pare and quarter six I large ripe peaches, sift half a cupful of I sugar over and let them stand half an 11 he ux - Put two tablespoonfuls - of I . sweet butter in a frying pan; when ( I hOt Put in the fruit and syrup, cover I � closely and' fry a rich brown, being 1: - oareful not to scorch or break the , K, fruit. Serve hot. Thfil if; aLn nppe- a Uzing luncheon dish. v Peach Fritters. -Pare and halve ripe a X., peaches, sprinkle sugar over and let t I f stand for one hour. Do not make the 9 11 . batter tuatil ready to fry and serve- L Sift one teacupful of flour and d pinch :" of -it three times; beat the whites of � tWO. eggs very light, add half a cup- ful of Very cold water, and by degrees the Prepai_* flour, add one even . table9POonful of soft butter. Beat % vigorously for three minutes, then fold .. in lightly the stiffly beaten whites `-, of two eggs; dip each piece of fruit A , In the batter separately, and cook to It " a golden brown In deep. boiling fat. - .11 Qhch Salad. -Pare, halve and atone N I L six large, ripe peach"; arrange in a N �i- salad bowl, cut side upward - (ill the S �' i omter cavity with Powdered ;�garl; add 11 , two drops of loblon: juice and act in a a, �) cold see one hour. Put half a cup- a ful 0 wate'r over the fire Ila a double d, boiler. wet one teaspoonful of corn- if rfl, afarch with one tablespoonful of cold h water; &dd tlib yolk of one egg and fi � 01116�!1101! 8 cupful of 'sugar and beat et I vigttr�OUXIY fivIld minutes. Pour the ir egg InLxturlb slowly into the boiling Water, and stir constantly until it ' 'L thielteas and it; smooth. Ta^ka from the -fire, add a piece of butter the Mize . of a walnut; stir dutil dissolved; k ,,, strailll unless perfectly sinwoth, and get as!& *atil cold. Jn8t before car- , trying ik� salad to the tAble, add the juice of hklf d letadh to the dressing, at beat briAkly, and pour over the fruit. fir OtTT OF TIM RAG 0AG. pf I B years, agot before wom,sta-a c1tLbs b, nourishelf, patchwork qlailt* and " hit I, and miss', carpets were made to the 21! babble Of (61hilftitit tongues and the ts clink Ot tes iUM. T&&y. also I we are IC all too busy f6i, tuoh a wtiate of time im yet reallt 'Atfifidd poilli I .lid tries can be W Astils *J1 kulffirlIg latitt bitillt, with two W, 104M llittalM. fUtd, fte itl6thitr. It in It not Isibovittu silid is qUilat enough to tl be I'tAtWitit, A biklittiful curtain -bi ellill C,*hdill frft'Wa itillks, it h,61ly- w It �, I "! I . I � " 7 , ­%� — ,­ " I . .1111, . . - ­ � .1 -,. -.7�1­'T­ — " — - , , - I 77m.rww . , , ", 7 r.r, - --�­ V- -W-r.W-?- V�4111111FXI�Wrww.-­ - ­ ­ iW"11I1r`�!1`1!al10­7­--W-qW . ...... q" �, - - .1 �- � � - 11 ,,, 1. r - - . ;� 11 . I I I , I .1 , I �, I . �, I I I �?�, I I .. . . - - �. I � . � ,. I I I I , I . ,1 � � . � I r, 1. I I ­ ­ , � i - 11 ­­­­ I � I - -1. - I . I I . I , . 1. w�­ 1 -��7�7= i , I - -1-1 - I � � ! !!:7�tT . I 0 .-- .1-1 ­­- - . - , , -- , , I ,--,--,, -.----* ��­ � r'"'--" � i0M.-M110141. I I ---.1 III! � -0 �111 :1 �, ­ .. I . --- I I � I - .. I I ...4 1 1 Aoskot eolnnowor' V* a, lilrokIrr"VA 14 1, . I . Imm �=4= +"--,;, . . tt,*�!. � . Ne I I t- ^X* s4A to f Ala "I'llilt I I , � I � "I 44, .1111tum "t 19,44. 1XI4 0* 4 4i*,q , : , " I - - io, * I . , I Ot 91W V44W 401 koft , - thlo, , � ,W Ae I I , � � � AI=T OM , Th- � ,� S . I W"U000YOV, UMV I .1 4" J44" wit* *axfow m x�, . e, , . , a , * viflylat , � triaslfilsw, - I . ,i T711104;4t I . . :: Irk -004, Against 06 swicth . � A "" C : 10ir , . ;w 14 � I : , ul; so, O.. Oft- to 14 I" 11110111114% I 9X064 4 PX04A%*L I window tka � I : klsriwf�tl 6-0"x, I** fox". s... ,W#.*..t , it4 *rll" A W 110 - -4v 4rlwla view 1*c calrw I tot Ala: 4 u , cwott W- .* — -W, * 'TgAl, sm"Ou" ,to Tug " , y I q � Briefly, , old, , Awatt widt ,% Wi0ipota"Wolat, atilt " " 00*9 0 0"1#41 & -#^, wwo, *%ro k % , . I$ , r OW4 a gheav'rW4 , lial.10" ftaft,pm cq*4 V'st"'. Uw�. I p 1 0 I—! . VA "114, gola, 19 t* 0, Welk � . I if *&or,*. —Sqwoy � *ner- 11 40 17 Ill r 40" at W- � 4? . � Civil' 0 tom"X, - lK. It botacrisixas, Wfith t*,* � . .1 11 0119. owl t . C 1 t4ta 19W. fit,e 0)4 tba ,r* Wirl" ItIPW , 11 '�s alf 'it near IIA"IN F010-0-114 WOUAVAI? 044,414M% I . � �". OtIllow til 11 silo, -?" . , 'It W a 44 at I '- , _ 40 _ I'(111W V, wilA, Aowiw# ig ,the. 44"Or _ I . � VW peogattovi, to'k, Ow isicrof e 1400w, oolfa"41* swf,*�Wofleit ,, yl . �, 4k I ­ ­ I rolipbo , , - isa q tua, derand A" -. lk*A 'Wox, %'oifsvp *041, W, Ari obw , ,, 0 - . raw io'kho,90o"i , Wt , " A X "4080WAs I* sow *0W, 10* a - I - , 4*41604 ot t1w Jokwero 4 custgais, � - '" R." ,111� , - 'alitit , .. .. ,. fee. ' - 0 lox 5W 4*A ** : 11'"11041 4 104�t' m4serw s, I rMill"IT '" 4WWWA *avla b" , r qQ � - ! ,., - � tWif ,s - AL*4-IW444VAV'#Ouototb*f7,eWtig" #qiAttabIg, as at 10"o Ilielasi-Viiie k"it i1a . ;, , - "o O" , r A AM "A MONIN0. Ass"I"itp. st , 94 'MAT141 - , wo ow,o *40 BOA , , I .. �, , TJ* tatoavw *I" kttlo 811W64 latbor miaworit 0 A* VfQWail In lito P*44m: 4, , , lif -v", 411110,111,10 , , , , Air lRt ism 1, - , Aw4k W. 110t 11 r .. FOf fine VII.KM tiCtilbla embr,oider,y' 11 I � . . _ .0 ..." , "Wa4li-e With 0WOW viondop.0 W44, eval"ll 4 1049 41WUAd­9%, boo. fries,ild. Nr Wtod 1^40ork 4ft U4,4104 4%IKW A Ilardouble Kid , , 4 -4, ows, � I , A " Iii , . : ""is , " I of airbiag,wt, . . � � , , : t94d*rjiW .0 244. thin Which, needs N � � -1 � ,� . - , tQ itip "Ill" . I T40* are, -84 *&so* *'4 supposed yet- TIK 4A I . fAmily ths, Int N, 40 vlaNat coil'toxiii. '((sued slightly, this may be � - Wedd tow fovior at tile �$Attioa I $,old - t4t. *-� Va. Vier been CQGZWttod Very xUddelaX, It UA siallast to 0% X )a o L _ - , - 41" Tkoo kaa '""' *'Ve th"alatillOw"4 was tliveatea0w to t � - "llar pt tk* 44yarOment 4"W core c001w Tbe, tharity. ,I *VW. - - a tiors a* ,rtyllaile - I , . , _ of side Q �hok flonale as ,� V OW%k,,,t QW4latA by'­WTIA9ii1% ,% cloth, fT.01111 '"."" now*. vw Hvvtw� Vs.. tot t4o AMIPY Of I her Wall. 001eallitAttla to* tbroggh want of litilindtf, boir�ax wuok-4ind I in at ,o,ver.the I � rikillaciag the aum , ploce, to,140 , I A" Q,tpw cPLr,*.t rJittoburg ritiataxo*y Vin*sr, -411 � pressing it,witti � , � ­ avid 41114 rates of mWi4torlal On both 444a Pays bpou #trt*a*,to,Wj* 4.a. been r**Dd ed by tb# win of 41044.4 2 I(AUNAIM. . . evorkurop* two tww 4 carrA44'a split Very suddogty ,wttbM.t e, note of wax low a hot flatiron until it is thoroughly Four horme, Ittablim at tilie, wilanipow Injused *014 rar"Ala, 441ari`04, thfflUgh 1ho O.UOW04 that such In n� e4tijafta but lately dtlltman" 1 1. � dry. J?air virtnowe, '.were bwaoa SM46y. T* � It,,* Grage Ruelle,v atrqit� 6 ig� &V4 WIt 4ifies have b"A afflict� 441flia at, the firist testator has isiot #I , � , t IDe - 41144111A had been assumed by some of ed� It ont.y. 9-0 to show 41i thilit, $4 F4* has 4patropid the electric light foundiereti in turday the Woultioro at hill patty. MY bog. trioW the first 4 " ' . $L nd the town Sagilitaw B#X ft ,I has, said, We *V* XU 11TOd nor tb% d#t* of ;I HRALTH S OWN By YOUR WALK qil;ht�. It* Captain, J`0o, I;ex4ay, was Sir Charles Tupper bad no objection dow=991t. Time out of inind, thox "I is in dorkalefila. livius in tlie shtwow of dieAkth, 4A4 It . 440-41,6411 is a 0%1qt#Xy Iewu to us Cut latall lot VA say - at the Proiry Church I G. T. V- Freill tO 0-149 the elliefs of these two large 0 far. 14*01,0ro. or Alto4gost. ]"IRA, sovalro ft,:� �&t Agoat Dalrymple, Pl[artin Dots, said to have marrie ar, little differiaces. which are Only &. Ih,tt,,,,,Ow d tt 611"all olf Hamilton. bii� Wan transferred to 114 womau all but two of whom are revent4e collectias deptiti-tulanta placed o differeacea, we are talowbors 0 the Great. Salithfilit , -"Ilf. ­ I Dekl*t. , � on the aa , � . said to be iltow living, was arrested at me, footing am to salaries One COAUX104 buva,ilu taratty. bou0A On Good Friday morning, 21 poor if� I. Dr. U. 4. Bradford, of Boston, hael The relliallato Of Lee Yttlig, who died 4Miciigo oint ulariduy. . with their follows. and had beta lkla4. y o for a laadun. A discovered t1hat 4 sick man c4a always twIll"YeAnIll ago at Stratford, have been known. I think It wght to to aged W1140vis bays been invited tot pl , be told 4y hie walk. Ete thinks - I havis no dw*t it does to now atzpanc a , that taken to China. .4 Towboat containing W. C, Ott, ed to % like policy in case his party inpqr,, UP an SqUILl number oA , it in as nocealoary to observe a patii re e. an 6M � ,and Miss Boynton, was caught in had been returned at tile htiat getker� the beat of party so A from ,aff a tOmbiltoue, in the grav , Y )Utl, Hamilton ratepayers will vote on the terrific gale kit AsWand. Wis.. and a, election. he nevertheless was ofthe Washy, of party ilighats. ,&t the" Yard and have been further pres, September 7th on 4 prWoaal to buy all three were drowned. ub I gult as It is to teei U's Pulse Or taks Dundurn Park for #WtooD. opinion that fie. ', his temperature, I Marcus Ditty. preaid"t of tile A.14- them -as anti portfolio M- we laws ithull at any other time with a hot era" bun each. Chwrit , find that we'Itro all WAA iud brother*, hie Persons In tha 01d,u time . - Klondike commia"onor Ogilvie algatmatba Copper Company, has had which could very well be done away This side of the Houas jolas with my frequently ordered not I. - Briefly. Dr. Bradford says that a per- reckons that the OutPUt tills, year will a aerious attack at beay.t failure at -ith. _ that son in good bealth walks with bin lost be little, phort of $0,00ii right bun. trjorA land file friends in their six] t I . ,60o. him home in Anaconda. Montana. a t nearly straight. As be, leaves health -U&.IQr GiXQUard, who took part in X North Wtw THE PRIME MINISTER'S SALARY. car sincere regret at the RiltiMely hould be so laid upon their graves, I - . � , ,wro,, Ohio, despatch death Of Sir James FAgar, anti IWAA this Way they hoped to keep their al behind him be begins to turn out id the cmatruotJOA Of the Sourdark Rall- says that twok men of that city and 20 ' Mr, John Charlton said be would with him alea in most filacere candol- ; Was slid to bead 4 � t the knees. a way has returned to Montreal. , Otbell 90141-86,11kers have bon drowned taket,the liberty of drawing the attea- Once* with his family rind his I Dr. frievAL Bradford says that the beat and easiest The Hamilton city Council ),so post- at CoOles Inlet, iii.the Klondike. he total insde� 'The H91488 than adjourned. 'IME LOVING cup, 3 planed the proposed reduction in the Poliamau Thomas, F. O'Brien, of t1ttilloy of Naturally a0mo of the ancient . gait to that In which the pedestrian's salaries of several civic officials. (At Alexandria Bay the -beautiful the salary paid to the Prime IME NEW SPRAKER. customs are connected with cit yacht, Consuls, awned by ,Mr. G. IT. as ,a great blow to the members Of dining. Guotronomy and the Giallit � teas ,Point straight to the front. The labor orgunizationa of London AtiAlkiter. and thought that public Thek, death Of Sir James Edgar exints - the a] 11 of I I ah article which he hat) written by 8YRteviiatic giving, will supply ;;j�; Rafferty, Pittsburg, Pa., wits Jhurneill, Opinion would well Justify a sublitan- the House of Comm as. The event. hall are lnseparably associatatL 01) for the Medical Pcoord. Dr. Bradford 11' week to the striking street oa,r men. Xbe yacht cost tial increase. Bad as it is, could 0 1 4110,0W, aud was out If the fasteat On Sir Wilfrid L,tuiier upprociatted the f legfUlatloa, Until a now k makes an exhaustive study of the W-10. E. B. Hobbs of .w 0 not stay the wbeads of the Most curious Of the" in tb oodstook is the river. w Speaker passing ai the IoTha,J ou . human gait, dead of blood poisoning, due to a fall kindness of Mr. Chariton ' remarks, avi alected the House We* powerless I V. which take on 4 rake which Penetrated bar knee A threshing machine engine explod- but took the ground t1titath to do anything, hones the imperative P 8011 It 411 gulitk dimaeft an well a I It seems that the erect gait is all ac- cap. ed near Big Prairie, Mich., and Chao. 0 0 me lary necessity for the Goveratnent to take at the banquets of the corporation Th it not be itiot""a without say dolay. The Cabl­ Oup 'a A tWO"bft1l4I0d one with a * lid - ly. C. Presit a -ad Raymond Howe were WILsidered alone, but that it amy in, 00L Inlet At once to consider the situ Whit 040 guest is holding the lid th quired and not a natural -alk, It is The Thousand Island traffic has nev Haight, Chuxlets Crabtree. Geo. Over- L the Prime Minister shoul 04M, and It was soon known that a- next a � found at its beat (ju4y in cities and is or been heavier in the history Of the killed. Oscar Evans and Geo. Ilaight crea-sts',was deemed advisable it should Mr. sips the spiced wine; A third. a, the result, Dr. Bradford says, of smooth St. Lawrence, than it is at the present w,&,F-, severely injured. Thoulas Bain, , pavements and the wearing of shoes. bd Warted a Sbuisters of worth, was, the oholne ther aide OX the drinker. stand time. . in by all th member for South Went- this 0 Contractor Grant of Toronto has me- New York, who on 3 nue, 10 stole a of the Ministry up. Than, the brim ho ving been wipe, Barefooted people walk in an entire- ctxred the contract to build gold watch and chain and two look- t hs C" w it, for Spetaker. -The Peculiarity of The With a clean aapkln, the cup ifillualue, ly different way to those who go sho the Lon- eta Irtria thim body of Ca6t. G. D. SIR RICHARD CARTWI(tGHT'S Dtf- situstio"t in so far an the 8419gedtadl to the Other guest 11011111aV, the lid. U, it. don waterworks dam at a cost of ftroadB, who was killed on that day by promotion, of Deputy Speaker i3rodeur drinks in his turn, while his nex A shoe -wearing individual brings his 144,W0. 111WS. heel down first, and pulls himself an electric ed V, was sentenced ill four is colikot1rued was fully Oramented, neighbor takes charge of the li,L 11 British Columbia's exhibit at the years unlit three ulonthe in Sing Mr. W. H. Bennett, East sinkene It 'is evident that the Govern- this way the cup makes n a along with ills muscles of the hip, aid- Paris Exbi4itioO now being prepared �iJag- . . spoke in t1glit terms of the tabiatilmg an' ruent regarded the objection to a the table. This custom daten fron I it French-Canadian ed by a Push from the Fear foot. A w 11 be the boat ever seat to Europe Fxank Reynolds, ' .'..--u t, a go it integrity od Sir 114ohard Cartwright, Houses (is a tonuid Speaker in both Analv�Saxofk times. The holding a from there. a- so Findlay and thougtilt he was the iast man who Mr. Brodeur Wit I bum to bide his tials, courtesy, for the guest who bold it barefooted person, on the contrary, 30 y.r., .at his death ,at able one, no tilat the lid was not then an so, merely oi it. U's made an ,is. sad uses station at Alloodattook its practically oensiou In a ball d dropped with ,old Is sparad frout tAe mi0s(ry At """ relative claims of Mir, Thoe. Baltj� was thug Prevented from'drawiug hit leans forward as he Walks. The New Canadian Pacific Railway Lake� near Duakir the w0ight Of the falling body as a completed. nad tile .fficia-la will move a varachuto into"oluatin, Brie and was the sa,me time he felt that the gov- Mr F"Im, Of St. John, and Mr. Flint. dagger and the drinker - v meant, of propulsion. In this style of In On Friday. drowned baore help could reabb him. f Yarinotitti, N.s. were discussed, and Playful afteolabbl's ernment etxui� well afford to be ro. our. Bain r-riba.19practica not un, Ci ty was 05".0 on account of his common In those times. meanwhilt walking the body is Inclined forward Tile telegraph line to Dawson It was Reynolds' socoudlamolifisfou. dluced In uumbiers by one, and moved 161190biler experience in Parliament, and the guest NyhO was standing guarded has been cornpletad from Little Salmon By the c&pBizfrAg of a small boat in to and would fall were it not checked by to Lake Bennett, and will reach Daw- .11 that effect. This motion 'be tuol thult,by 001"Oting him an Oa. the drinker frout an assault from ,)a. Ehe forward log. thrust out to prevent he Delaware River, at Philadelphia wan it. 800 in October. Oil, SUDAaY, Otte. Ktrmpf, aged 37, his negatIved on division in committee by it,ario roan simply takes the pilloo of hind. On soft ground barefooted and nice- Brantford manufacturers du ' noillor Ontario member. The war" The office of Lord Mayor is itsall ring the Bon Albert. algoill 8, and Chritstian Ost- 44 to 17 Votes, and the resolution pags- of elloomimin passed ca8ined People are accustomed to pui year ending June 30th orage, Kampt's brother-in-law, upon Mr. Bain hedged about with the ukriati claboriatt exported goods 30 ed,40 bill being introduced based t'here- by buth Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Sir formalities. themselves along by the pressor I 'O the value of $929,tw, against $848,- years old, were drowned. Twoothera, -. He "it 90was of scarlet Loan. The heel is hardly u I Ctulxles Tupper Eire admitted 0 of the .584 the previous year, Frank Knober and Louis Matins, were by violet and black for varioaist occasions Bed at all, resouted. TRANSIVAAL RESOLUTIONS. "very member of Cho house to be weft and a train -bearer. The laft Mayor, and, as a result, the feeb of such Pan- Lord Minto and Sir Wilfrid Laurier trip. The party was, on It fishing Sir Wilfrid Laurier, after m_xwffl pro. .ruerited. 54r, Bilif has Bat eolitiou. ago IN attended by inside of honor; ill( 010 show a muscular development tire to be invited to attend the laying Re 14min4ries, were disposed of said that 4111141Y in Parliament since 1872. He train 16 boron by Pages In costume. It logethei fucking in Basa 11,14- of the comer atone of the flew Pont ... ar Admiral Williatu T. Sampson tie twainted to interrupt til regular has repeatedly occupieAt tile chair both the city His Lordship takes Procadenci air shoe -wearing brethren. office at Chicago, Oct. 9th. begua a suit in his own behalf bus, its Speaker and Deputy Speaker. and 'immediately after the flovereig,ta, Who, and also in behalf of the officers and solutions in regard ,to the condition Of n recognized as* Her Majolilty visits the city tile Lorit Bradford is that barefooted People do wt Robert Noble. ail Elginburg farmer, ealliaLod men Of the ShiPS Of the North Another Peculiarity detected by Dr. rpse fills at all times b file driving in -to KillgatE)n (bings in the Transvaal. The Trans. fair anti irulinrtlal. mohero in thin IO he Mayo" masts liar at Temple Bar aq( L'Ot swing their foot sideways in walk- liadly was 80 Atlantic station who took part in tho ,.Id of hink, mareaver, he in Ono (if th#, hand% to her the sword of stato. NvhW injured in a runaway u(cideat vital, although it self-governing coun- ing am sho-a-wouring People do. The that he may latut recover. navel engagement off Santiago and try, was, neve r the logs, under the Bazar- most kindly disposed mombern in the which she returns to him. Thisqualin the subs,equeu( captures, fat- , prize aLnty of tit, Mlqeaty tile Queen. There Houge-friondly to everybody, and the ceremony was trictly observed "' traCkli, Of a White man in the snow are 'file, C. P. R. land sales in the North- money, The suit is similar to that were S0,0()o British subject,, In tile very embodiment of courtemy anti cou- J r at Ill, in a different position from t hogs west for July were 47,402 uor Or -,ntly entered by AdmAral Dewey in rrarilixual w10 were allowed to do- "idorntion. Pew men it% -Sb-i,--r-.i­-,-f,,.1t8.;q..y still be Bean it made by an Indian in moccasins. Ties 111149,546. For the eorrespoudiagope'ryi Parliament stim Wearer's tracks will show oil the same coluxt. printa regula ly arranged to the rfoo'- last year NW Lotals were 3,951 acres velop the coulaxy, to open up uanes P"BNORN In such ,an eminent degree the nourly all tile city churches. &tit L4 r ight for �123,010. During an exhibition given by a a;nd to otbjerwing, share, in the develot, admirable qW111,00 which nre to tie Bay. late In the last (Is tury, am till and h3ft of a straight line, Th Hou. Peter family of expert swimmers ,at Glen- mont of the land yet they 'had been found in the SiMaker-oloct, Lord Mayor with his rutinue wits re. made by a man barefooted or in cee- Mitcb011 is out and abou( oaven. noar Rochester, Satarday even denied any paxtizitiation in the admin- -- ti rning frook a stato visit to I<ow tu I as UBUBLI- His Physician sta;tes - istration of the country. ,rhey was stOPP" and robbed by it ail�glk casliaL, will almost form one linemln ()rLhtkt ing, a seittion of tihe pier. upon which were - - Strong and vigorous walking, Dr. Brad beyond, taking noccisaary ca -re him abouko 2W people were sian(ling, Bud- subject to taxation, and the full share ford says. the feet - health Mr. Mitchell's recent And the sword-boaret ,Eire brought for- W illness denly gave way, precipitating scores a,ad burdens o,f citizenship were, idn- PRE, TORONTO MARKETS "hwayman ward in a straight direction and with- ill ll�ve no effect. I of Me spectators into ,the water. In Posed ,upon them 1LJJ1 I -Who Ought vlOarlY to have hewed the ,. Yet they were denied villa &Wu­abood by and Bait, it jut an3 outward swing. It heel been amnoullead that no an instant men, women nud children 'be rights Of Citizen.s. There were Tor(M10,A.Ug 8­%k,e hadovor t4ght done;u One of the strougest Points in Dr CllalXge it] Lo be made in the Sanford Were piled in a istruggling mass of tAlings to be admired in the character y Bradford's article is tile repiroduatio� Co"a b"'fiess on account of Senator humanity into from five to ten feet of (if President Kruger. HIM patriotigin '()ads come in to tile western cat(le ROWING AND SCRAPING. Of a Photograph showing a crowd of Sanford's death, and I hat it will be wator, bu( all were saved. and sternness iiligftt be admired, hot yard& this morning, including There are other embleule of office - Spanish Prisoners embarking ut San_ carried on its usual. I I'M the diamond scepter, the seal, the 9ENERA I. 'Patf'ollmm was not illeOraPatible Witt, hog", 1,400 ski and lambs, 100calvex, purse, the mace, They Play an I tiago. The picture is an insttinteous Over 17,700,000 bushels of corn, worth Albert Merlier, of chocolate fame, is (ruth, justli" or generosity. It iind I par- aric-aad it happen. 1hat the, -caliker -11116AW000, 'Were. Imported illtu C"ada -ported dead at Paris- might be said that to range the Uit- a e(YUPIO Of dozen milker "tit art (it the's,wilitring-in of"' ,,,, �augilt­ one of our soldiers as well, Dr. during (Ike Mine months ending March ­ '�auders ciitizeuRhip was wil-hin- tb 0 Was "' Lord %yor elect Bradford points out tile gait of The Bank of Spain, at Madrid, is rights 0. - ,11rad slow, fauch inferior (,tit. I'lle City Chain - the last. During the same period the ex- "a c4 President Kruger. T ho t tie- ;�as bt;1,6, -anti &r -a-n-ythiu ---bu ­46r4flin-, -wit-h tbrw -oh,Im'sc 3parklards as illustrating the walk of Ports were I3,Z60,000 bushels. I king all its payments in ilver. 9 - Mayo . sa� pro - a "g1hk be true, if he did not impose up- really choice, cattle, prices were woak� sent" the "captor to the rot Lo rd losing Oak thetra the burdens f citizenship c r. He in his turn d.Ii1,r.1n,.g,t ,0, t with the leisure gait'of strength, London, has Port &rtllur and Ta-Lielo-Wean to I'lle treaty that made to him auccoHaor. who lays it on the table itter)y exhausted men and Contrasts Mr. J. B, Harpin, of it is said that Rjussia i r )Xelaplified by the American soldier. as received word of the death of bi he Tranavaal Is i ravellera, independent also gave to the Queen In shipping CnLtle Mr. Ironmides wan in front of him� son Harry in Los Angeles, Cal., aged The Chamberlain re - 34. Death was due to blood poi . Rumours regarding a Chino-Japa suzetrainty there, and, therefore, the Purchilaing almost everything that tires, with three more reverences, to tsoning a- so return with the aeul-an(j three rever- caused by the expl(ysicu of a cartridge ,�ae alliance are sami-officially denied bjects of the Queen should be giv- come along, and prices are practically onces more. The pares is similarly DEATH OF SIR JAMES EDGAR. ' irk his hand. � t t Pekin, on Che rights od citizenship. But, the Unchanged, at from $4,70 to $5 par presented. Further genutlexiong (of 'Peliker or oke cft,— 0 Mrs. Eliza Disorder in tile neighborhood of Can- Prelmier said, be woutild not pu t Lhe ,W - Varney and Job Godley question on these grounds, but he t for choice export cattle, and low from tile sword bearer, wt)() rond- '"I'Lle" "Ouse of 40'a- accompanied by Mrs. W. V Lloyd ton is .seriously interfering with the 11101118 flux.e. Away a I 11 Is RemiAlence In burn, leading Quakers frora the U (K: 'ilk trade. would appeal to thkN conscience and light shippers fetched from to (.4wit'li this mword; the o1-ce-bearer also I T1 $4.25 ram gag the mace, The ex-L,ord Mayor .118 ( fly. nit- judgment of mankind. Thlerls was no $41k) perr evit. For a few lOtm of 9010- than surrenders his key of the coffer in ed States, have visited the t thous- .Tile arbitration and mediation trea- country composi,od, as (Unada was, of ticyna frona one-oighill to on"uaiter which the goal is kept A despatch from Toronto says:-, and Doukhobora, the latestworrivals LIOB fit The Hague have beeiv signed diffeTeat races who could better appeal . Sir James D, Edgar, Speaker of the in Manitoba. hY sixteen of the powers. There are to give to the British subjects in the more was occasionally paid. three keys; of the thor tw% -At is iouse Of Commons, died at his reai- During this seven month ))aid by the Chamberio 8 of this year Major Marchand a journey across Af- Transvaal adequate justice and equal Butcher stuff of gotA quality w" in ain. the second by leuce, 113 B oor ,street, on Monda Va—uver Island collieries shipped rIca cost' France $000,000, a soinewhat rigbtn to all, It POIic,Y that would give fair demand at from 03.75 to V4. the Chairman of the Landm Committee. tO &VOTY citizen who bore the burdens 25' 'r() unlock the 00(fef all three must be Whi a Los An"les, Alaska, Puget Sound It is stated that Capt. Pastorio, of of citizenship the rights of itizenB. ['lid this all found it really sale; but produced. veningallortly before 70!alock. Y 130M. tone of coal to San Francisco, expensive scientific expedition, he news of his death comes rathe'r points and China During July 58,ollo Rome, has discovered a means of ren- Th't 'as the Pcd!OY which Cancada had Medium Locommon met a dull demand Though this complex ceremonial mddenly, in view of the fact tbat it tons were exported, dering acetylene gas non -explosive adopted nnd Which proved a success. at decidedly weaker though perhaps may seem Sillily belated, it has great , It -as On its trial In Cape Colony, and historic interesi. it implies the mov- vas not generally known that his 0 Joseph Martitn's office safe at Van- 113 consequence of file rioting rana- searcrly quotable lower inices, 'rho oreign Power and authlkHty. in ancient OLIVOr was blown open and f2OO and bull -ring on Sunday flight, the Mayor vadl� Tbie Uitlaudier should go the Poorer stuff did not all sell. timem, of tile 011iel! Magistrate of the ondition was very serious, at the so 'it the it should be put in force in the T ilae it was not entir me game papers stolen. Mr. MartLn as.- of Marseilles has iu(erdieted bull fights saime righAs in the Transvaal ast the Stockers were in I i9tit all tip] y it t from "'ty ely unexpected, I The scepter. sword and mace are 11 se�rtB ithat the Papers are valuable ial and closed the are"OL. Dutch citizens got in Cape Colony. $3 to 8&25 per ew-1. 1-mblems of royalty. The Lord Mayor or the past few Years his health had his Political affairs ,and hints that a The British warship Buzzard is FA seemed t merchant prince it, fact as well "let, Poor, as he wall suffering fro polftical erienty got eh�em. driving colonial fishermen out of the sympathy of ')t him that the MilkCirg, feeders, etc , are unchanged, wa� it in be Canadian Par- Is in name. Eta Is still. by virtue of naernia, and a year ago Went South L There bus been an opi,de io Of treaty ports on Newfoundland, tit the liainevit should Calves are worth from 112-50 to $7 him office, Admiral of the ecuperate his failing 0 drowning at St. John, N. B., in be extended in bet- each. Good veal Calves Port of Lon- -�bmplaint of French fishermen. . tering countrymen in South Africa, to doti-a delightfully Gilbertian appoint - James , are Wanted. vigour, His Sinclair, a noted swimmer and figher- Lambs were too pleatitful here this riends were first alarmed at his condi- man, ,was upset if rom a There are fears at Rome that the forward them in good fellowship, and tilent - ganger of wine and oil, and incirtking, (it from 4 to 4 I -2r per pound, Other gattgerable articles; meter boat and mank. arbitration compact adopted at The t4O show that our hearts are Or from $2.50 to $3.75 04011. f ion when, a week ago last Tuesday Amos Seaman, a sailor Of SIVulee N Hague may cause a re -opening of the theira. He regretted that Sir Chawrilteh� eonla, grains. gait and fruit. and 0 S., was drowned front a sobooner' Feiss sodd at from $3 to $3.60 I Iness compelled himt to lay down his . question of the Papal sovereignty. Tupper wits absent, and read a letter cwt. tie r Apoetur of butter, hops, ,,cap, cheel" 11 uties at Ottawa and come home for a Four of the principal hotels in Mine. Couldere is under entreat t from the loade If the, Opposition tip and other articles coming into the so Stratford, n r 0 - Bucks sold at from 82..W to 02.7b per of London port set and medical trea(ment. the WLudsor, Albion, Ar- Paris. charged with poisoning her proving of the resolution. He moved, , wt. - Noodless to Y these dut. Foster, the resolution Hogs were firm tr,day, and the right ies are performed by dep"aty. no is ra suffering from a form of Bright it Palled to close their bars owing to given above. . to, montion but one or two he He was lington and Gladstone, have been com- vousin. There is a report that the ""ded by Mr isease, and an operation wan deemed act is connected with the Dreyfus kind art, a ready sale. For . more of his - P 'tot, dignities, a governor of four hospitals Dr. Powell calike up trom era in withholding the liquor licenses 5 I-41' it trustee of St dvisabie, t -he action of the license commission- affair. MR. FOSTER SUPPORTS IT. hog&. Realing from 160 to 200 lbs., ttawa for the til some repairs are ;ffecte(L The brigand leader� Moxii. the terror Mr. Poster made a brief but loquent Par Pound, wah,pikiAA; for 114bt fat and a Magistrate Pl-I's cathedral, and , pt!rnose of perforining un of Sardinia, is still at large. So far mpl'al for the, Uitlanders in seconding heavy fat the pr" 19 41-2 per pounKI; "in several places." �18 operation, and thin was successfully The British Coultabia members and the anti-bri and campaigiy hits result- the resolution. Perhaps his most curious office, next Other Parliumaintarians who take on e,d I ff They might be called but POOT leam bags are not fetebing to that of Admiral n the cApture or kill 119 of 80 brig- UiUnaders, but (he hoart (d the great more than 4e Per pound. of the Port, is that one 0 couple Of days later, He bad interest in ari Ii tary, matters are ninety I of Coroner. Here again the function nee been very Olveak, and Dr. Came pleased at the action of t he ands, according to it Rome report, firitish Empire said they were In- '--a U.re,,f0ttc0iVgI. is only nominally. him. No troops rany . it, �. per pound r- Militia I'lou I landera. There sh(Aild, he said, be no Stage poll nst. pass through t,he ,it n. hiA regular Physician, called in Dr Department in deciding w conve -omen brigands have been laxali0a, without representation, (I Store hogs will not mail Y Without , rt the c loPhodran last week to assist him, b ' Second Or Vancouver Xktf aptured near Benevento, Italy. The 'In Mayor'n consent 'rho the Lord ut ttalion of the he had murb pleasure in supporting 1`0110wilalit if' Che range of rurrow t fie Password of ieir united skill and experiencecould Fifth, Regirilklint, Canadian Artillery, women are charged with one. murder, the rew-olutiou to the British subjeeis quotations! - Tower is ment t, Ilim; he 10 0 �t it led ot save him, into rifle corps. , t . hree attempted a-meassinationm, three in (tip Trarim,vaal, who were struggling 1. Cattle. '" enter 'it tiny hour, day or nig ht. rhare was very little change in his It ling beA)Oul* necessary for the (-'an- (ases of serious wounding, and a nuni- for their rights. Shippers. per cwt. . $426 q5 I'll N ISIAM EN r FITS 'I'lik Cklmb.,. )ndition until Monday morning, adian commissioners tO the PariR ,Ex- ber of robberies. Mr. McNeill end Mr. Wallace also Butchers, choire do. (4) ThO (,0aaJ,o .. 3 715 4 25 Y of Fishinongern. to - hen the medical pen observed that h1l"'liou to PrOCu­rO 1,2W ft of addition- 'King MOnelik has written a nioNt spoke in support of the resolution. Butcher, rued, to good. 330 360 � It,, in t Ill- i nall " t ... 11 Of 'lie fish Supply lair patient had taken a turn for t [LI space at The World -B Fair Thl ,�ordial letter to Gen. Lord Kitchener, which was carried by the whole House Butcher, interior. 3 (111) 3 1�15 pe evrtain Officers he is has �. w delcliated. on,ploy orse, buti it was not thought the clad been rendered necessary largely by 1 -he litrdar nod Governor-General, ex- rising anti singing "GiA Save the ­11led 'fiAh iapterq -- Many t()ns of fis ai9 so near, He peened away rather demands of t1he Canadian bicycle man pressing his %illingneaB ill define the Queen.,, whoop and Laikatis. , h ok ufacturera, w%o seem anxious to frontier betwo 'I 360 le "lied at hillingagato ,on the. Egyptian Soudan DPATH OF THE SPEAKER. Bucks, pe,r Cwt, . 250 2 75 hy th"Ill The '-flipany a ) under- lickly a few minutes before 7 o'clo - Fweis, per rwt, , � . , 00 Inonthly ""Xidel the evening, At the time of his ma kit, a grand ehtyw, :ind Abyssiuia or) friendly terms. ' with the two sons,james and Pelham The malrookk A despatch from St, p,t Sir Wilfrid Laurier -11 has been very Spring larabs, eliell . 2541 3 75 taken tile proser." t ... n of Perm " s found ligar. and Lady Edgar. Beason in Alaitilm and orsbu rg Often My duty during the, prese:11 Sips- Milkers and Cali` taking fist, , I season or below he ' were at the Northern Bri(imli Columbia is about -al ""tvf` that (,on, Abdul Chaki 79 pree,ribed 'U' " Aside. tit Khan Cows, oach, . . . 2500 45,19) Mize The punishment in. Besides an end. It I's eAlimated that the gal- :'nd three other high Afghan officers Bitola to announce sad news ( ) t he 12 W 7 W rii(*t,,d at tile NIalle,on House upon 2 , Lady Edgar, a family of molu pack at Rivke,m Ejllo(. will be have been pult House, Wild Ifele,l most Painfully The Ca Ives, one h. . . , von chil 25 AiciY 811-1 by order 'If necessity under which I now a IHog% dihbOne"( fryid"Kill'in IN the a the Ameer, in tile market square at in of I l,b,�wfiere. (in, ,,r anprinotim a F( In dron are left,most of whom or 30 pee cent. less than last t hoiae hog", per ewt , tar"o,ra"I waiel I$t s Obnp' Cabo] for the ombazzlernen, n6rain being placed in the position of I . . 4 76 fi 25 crly ill,. fwll,�, of bed wine was cl, _ I - not at home- Phe, Hisses Edgar but the Skeena River pick, - Of money performing this very mad d ty %% ,Ight hogs. Per rwi, . 425 4.140 ira- V visiting at Sir William Van about tile average. The F intended for the payment o f , e diers. le m 410W Heavi, hogm, I,Prrwt, . 4 ,2r, 461, 1tw1lod t,0 Pled9c (I bumper in it, whilp I - Andrew's, N. pack will not be very large, unless the of death ever aitice tie roat was p,�urotl o,ver him as he Drile's residence in St ramer ,River 'be gOI- have be,An really living in 11'a ha I him session was et(�d in tho pillory. The btlt�her, (he ( , and, the other members Fire at the ran Of fish materially Improves. Queen Wilbelmina, who no( long oplerkeA. Death has boon unrelenting. Buffalo, Aug 8.--8prLFIg whpat-Dull� baker anti �andlo^tivk maker ,not with 1 mmftr reRideuca, "The Pines," on The Naribern Pacific R.,ilway crop ,igo objeeted to the portrai I of herself and it has ehoewn its victimR amongst liarley slondly; No I ,N�irtLhprn, "�Alt, PliniAhnient ionnilarly designed to fit tke Simeoc. ropyrt of Moada.Y gives a very favor- appe.aring. (in the P091agP !4("FnPs Of the the mnat uhoful and oxpwrienced mern- 74r�Rr; No 2 Norchern, 707-8,. " in- (fie crime. I . I mblo accobut of the craps, Brandon kingdom because (he hair only fell to bicra, of this House. At the very open- ter w1h0flt-Dull arid weak; No 2 red, At Christ Hosp,tal somo curious cuts.. I Will have 30 bushels o(f wheat to tile her Deck hits now requested the with- ing a it" session, and beforri the through billed, rilpiv, 71 1-2c, old, 71c tomm are mtill observed, E.aster Tues- ! FOOLED WITH A LOADED GUN. itere onan average. The weather for drawl of the present coinage, on spewrb from the throne was delivered, Cosi­n--Quipil but R11,Padier; No 2y,l- day is ,l gale dity with tile boys- on I — the Paat week has been very warrin which her effigy in that of a child, we had to dAplore the dentil of a (tripe ow. 361-2r; No 3 yellow. .q&-; NO 2 that day they [xian ,,n procession before Pill V011`11113 -al 19-Y 1110-Iftit, kilk-1 1,y n amll 1410woty- All kinds or cr itn d th" 8141Alitillion, of her viery e R 0 rn, W N op" are prreRent respected member in the p r o er,t . ; o I corn, 35 1-2�, No, 4 corn, thp Lord Mayor, who Presents each one i V. -Ing Compinfoll. doing we I I Partners say that the likeness. of Mr. Wood. At in later ,lay we had to 311,- Oatpi--Firm; No 2 -bi,tp, rAA,w, ,,)r, ,vith a III A despatch fr\�ia) Bobesyge()n any,s.- wheat crop is a few days bobind, as The Govomm,cial of India ha do- dPPlOrei almost simult,inw,tiqly the 1-4 to Sl- - e. 24 1 - or" bu" anti a Piece of gold I . compared witih. the ' ?P: I'llo 3 A bit 2r � No. or ftilv�r. fr�-sh from the mint. accord- I iother case Of "did vorrespo ling 'IdPri 10 adopt the report of th��' in- deathA Of Mr Iven and Mr. Gpoffrion, 4 w h i I P, 23 I -2c; No 2 liki xpd, 24c; N o. ing to (tit' Achol-ar's rank. the Ure`lan I n' i-knOw-it-waR- perriod of last yinar, but with -good than Currency Committee and that (Ine a member of n former Adminiatrii- 3 mixed. 23r ided" hits occurred here. Harry weatber it will be h.-irvested ,is o ROVO-N(Alling doing; No a bright mivereit(n, the monitor. hali I ,Wman, win of Th arly the pultry of keeping the Indian ('Oa- (lie other nkeriaber of thin Ali- 2, rni track, quotodtat. 57 tt) ripe Canal it crown, i he topre ordinary boy. a shill- i os. Newman, of ORRAT BRITAIN. mints �1(leod to the unrestricted eoin- minintradon, and now we have to do ff'e­i.ghl,i­��Ieady Flour -quipt ong. "'he roRtunle Of the boys dates I Vocillam, was accidentally shot by .Sir Philip Manfiold. Px-May,w ,if age lot nilver will be Inaininineti. plore the doath of The First Cnintrinnpr Detroit, Aug 8- %1*h,nt--Cl(~d from ti)(k I'mc of P,dw­nrd VI. 'rho visit, I curer Devit at the reaidence of Nk�m. NorlbanvilIton, Fag , in (load, British immproigns will he ma de legal In the land. The newq ling junt reach No I white, cash, 7 1-2c , No 2 rIM, ,vit, a near ne tender 'in and tile clirront ct�in of Ort not that Sir -raxnet, Fdgar, not long ago. of lint, of them to Paris I ighbor� Saturday Ludy Salisbury'n condition is still Indi.. The .,'�wnker ,-ash, 71 1-2e; SePtetnb�r. 72 3-4c, De- produced a xi�noat,on. Be is maid to have I the two boys were tooling with serious. The marquis spends cal3ch, of the mints will he rnlenM to Of this House, has i",nrted this life ­rnb�r, 74 &-4c, bpen nalstaken fo, ,I new kin,l of PH- I main unroatricted roln.,We of gold and 1.4ad . I %AvO alto Words t (I Pay how gron I t he Milwaukee, Aug. 8--Avh�at Ptead- irriml gunv willen young Davit acci- his time at Walmor. the P0rrnnnPn1 exrhange value (if the loss im to OR, POTRO111011Y if) lue,eftPevini- ter, kit) I North� , 71 1 atally discharged It, and the con- MT Uhvitt brought the Maybrick ru P4P,l will be Ono 0 1Y. -And I nm earl, the Ron" will .agree rn 1-4 rn 72c , No The city. i.y (h, 1"Y, has ,,,,,,, shilli It and four , 2 Northern, 70 to 70 1-2, ky� -Highor, rivde,,� its entered Newman's side, killing — up in the British Himse of rom� pe,nae itly me that t� the ffo,use generally, N(� 1, 62c P in rpapvwt to the mint A I It instantly. The boys were about Kirloy-Quie( . Nn 2. 40, Treasury warrant tit Issued every year I yen" of age. An inquest is answer- - Edgar had been it to the time of his . for the testing, it t ( ;Oldamlths, El�,ij. of ( teen mon` W4110"t CiLlOingADY satisfactory ill iL% a most painful In" Sir James n,impl,e 34 f o ,39r asidered unnecessary as the shoot- eltectinn as Sp�n?pr, a strong party --- the colwave. 'rhis is known an the I 'Trial of the Pyt." ,,Io) Many tit the -f-% r ThP Opposition h -an decided not to ATH. man, b,ut I believe rx fair opponent. THROUGH CARS ARE SCARCF- f Ir. a I I thi, Mint are ehosea, q0 many , i -ali Purely accidental. raise tAke Tranavaal question- agnin — Since he h" been in the Chair I he- — -- during the present ReAnioh of the Brit- 0-Runnilribstio st, o f t h*P 0Go I dilina i t hs' Compe n y PIGHTING IN WEST AFRICA. iAh House of Commons, 1. 0"d of an F%e0"16" lieve it' will tip the e�nmlonmne at in- & jury t f this lit'"so L. T. It. offief&I qr,.M­Wt. .. g- ta.#­ in impnn-l�d andthe members rot irtl to I — Rryno,n, Janw*an & Conapniny's tim- Trallk. lot) on hoch Flideg o 7h'.t Calif .r I fitteall.. lh� 1,,kw,ratory to di, %x of th" INKAt" conatry rapta".1 ber Yards and �Sanor & C�urpsnylm A d*-I-t,h from f,nl)do.n sayn -A Ike dim,firky,gM his duty with fairrieftm � ,f,hP weighing and I � fund with ge,itteral nreerptance To his A de%linte'n fr,orn l6fo,nit-PAI sayR Ftp lh" lestinw A r,srti c.ate is isRuftt to , After to, flat pfttgle. grain wnrebouge at Hvill, Fngland, ruri�np stnry o rtbo dolith ofa som- loved rmesi, tolhis fnmily, the Iona to ferring tit the car famine "111 he Am (hc beputy Mitstpr of tho mint. at- ii "" dentroyed fly fire The )"a im nambullaf wt's fold an Sunday even- !Imply irrolparmbl'P I have very lifile I 1­tina thnt th" We'ld and nilvor Pein- A wit I despatch fro * days: -Mail SCA0,000. . Pri,nn rnilwayn, Mr Ge-rg,e 11 Reev,, 111, ,, fill, anti Iru Tho ,.,, Ir, I ch 1,:%%T J Ing tit a Crvwe inqueAt 'jitiloeld4 I havilt, nn tn,wp to finy, f)ut it d nday MhOwcd that on Saturday last a ran' tie MY Rad dnly in mr,vwt the, ,id 'ra nd 1pppn � (R­r;%h1e OUP for MOrA than n vices whi ­ d 'Plymouth The Steamer Dromedary on Mc, The tividonee Va list ,general lr3lfli, iii.anager Of thp (, is '"" ,w the Weat C-oftaf of Africa gi nilltht, Off the coast Of Scotland, ran n JOUrntnent. CA time Hous", and to move Trunk railwny. Made I'llo following in I wt) Pont urim. vo into and eta down the yacht Ven- named Thom" Bunting, ' Thi, distribution of livery cloth it% %kn- rtioulara of an &Axpedition in along wit h his tb*e whom it do adjnurn It Ptand ad- ter-Asting atato,ment m Wodn"dsly to detta. The yacht reached shore irt a wife, wan a Passenger by a return ,r- Journood until ty�-rnorrow at 3 We)�k other turl-13A AUrVIVAI Four and a half Fma coubtry, the Vdig of which has crippled condition. "it ill rk faN that ni,arl.V evpry rad ys"ll Of tile hest black cloth are by oursion train to Willenhail. The train Mr. George F Poisber -The Auddon- � way niry in nbiort a( carg, theCoust of Aldervikeneent %,rery year I 51k molesting traders and interfer- The obairmlin of the nosAof the news adds to the regret rind i,n Ube (x,u Metropolitan left Lime street, Liverpooi. just gf'Por 00 Hilo, narrow that we all feel at the Inli tIlAt Makelm it ainwar x� o tru�r I'to the Lord ChlincPHOT, the Lord Chief h �� with tit's friendly King ,ef Re- milway iftas announced that at tbA midnight, and Bunting - Five whit. Officsrh, 111cluding)'CaIl, beginning of Orloilpr rilentric fraction A t once fell dittath of our fAllow�membpr, rind tba dinnry that the roadg rental LL st of JOAtie-, ths Maste, ,if ill. Polls, the 12 BUrdon end Lieut. Eaton, ,with will be Installed on the lines of the 181"'eP. Ain hour afterwards the, do- First iflomilmonoT in this country, in the Chira houldron,tintip the 10axon- R(Ime Secretary the Foreign Stpwrt,- e � I h I 11 I I � then of R`0 N*" eftstabolar I a- comp"y in London, ceased suddenly jumpea up, throwing pimmain of FAr Jamoin rwIgnr. Tip wns. ably floltv"'ralps that they h n . in tary. the Attorn'oy-Gsnoral. tn three h Asd up 134ZX16 river fromt Former SPIsaker Reed, of the United his arms about, afterwards going Of COUT04". mom intimalMy known to ,erfee, tnrlll, mAt four r or, offl~.% of Fier Majosty'a houmeholti rind n pis to getntlownisin ion the nthPT Hills Of the I 11 till 4nubtful whmythd�r t r I t a riffn to thr" of the city offie'lols The Town " "does. After hisa:vy I lithig, urin Stst" 0021911,68s and Ambstasedor the door, opening it, and failing out Hensel, lifitinwit fit leal PartY rind per- hAvO itipen Mri,atly avnint " Clork receive@ oil of groan and six o 1 i0b MOut, P-AtOn, t fiat Choate Occupied seats in the -diatin- I I *0 f " diatin-guished hi It by, elkitill. guished strang6ral gallery of the Brl- He was later found oil the line With 0041al fri011ildill, rZ I am sure that we, , af the linex, Wo 1��,Ivp 'A .no hInOk elolh� and thA prrineipal olork at V : 900. otOckad,se said of timb House of his Pikull fractured. upon this sidis, Isepevially those h � t " 6r the ltlilif4hall four yards of Aseb 5 C611111161113 On 1117neoday W " I I,mp 37 rarx west hoypmmw t n. n I My r6ft, the kit* Wells, �.ft%ittlt#d, and Glen. Colqahoun, Witnesses stated that he was in (110 have thilleto In this House for I he last 15 divinionm for oldine �tjrw, an IFkm glad RRATIN(I TH-F n()1rN1)S. & Glits9ow lawyer, habit of walking in his al,pep, ad OIT 20 Y'eara, have alwiLys known him tr� 83Y tbtkt tile hoak'noss throughout It ' kaght a OT106bOT tO146JA, No has been arretlited on a charge ,Of sra- It "lle,atfitte the bounrlik" seems formerly p Its Cosualltisei are xjep6rtsd. I beftsling funds belonging to his oidAnts. that while in that (',Gfldkiotl he fro- " 8 man Of worth and standinf.. �XntArtn and Qnetthwp I_% ii,seping qlar roll_ . lquittittly rusbeid out of the nougo Thill, PtIl"itfrin of t to have impli" beatl7t the boysbas r 1141 RPM ICAT Of t b � mg "tack fairly well pingagp,d - well Thp cbH&%n he, Pariah ad p 1� I '. I " . I . 11 , �.. I I I.. . � . � 0 11 � � ,,, .. I ;! . � . � � � . 11 - ­ # .� I � � � �(� --- At 11 I . I ,� &&A'AAiLAk­­'­& _�_ I I 'i ­ �"af. .1 . � . � 1� I .1, 1� I � '.� ' - 'L, . I I I � . I I 11 .. I . . �., 10 I 1�­f,� � I , �� - , . I I . 11 I ,. I � . .., � , , I .. I I � . k"I I"-. Sk � ­ ,� � A 1. I I I i I - I --.&-. domwaaftedft- ,,, I I � I I P, , . � i�� " -, f, �&&.t .1 P - 11"6l,.r- I I \11­� �;, � I . . I �'— �-.Imum" --- .. I ......... .. � � I . I . 1 1, I I - I tot1to 111,1111,1010,10001100, ".A�A6,1,L.�.� . t"4 1* -- - - Eft 2; I 11111111111101111 I& AT A It **O, Lft - 1114111111, 1. III 4W 4*i*.00-Q0W—y I 11 . .16 -ow A . I Vic, - bw 4W Awle., " ... is , y* PO4 to title I I 04 . � . L4 Jor Me, low*;, Im . li#* VOR0, 111"Orly $44k4w im $4 P"N , I .. *ft �ot. k* 0406W - F0 O" UWA4010 *- " ". - oo "xities, Ltio b ' od , , = wr"e" 11 ,"ae A#027 0*1001" 401hi4iq awm . 014 I . I ilk Wff`y� -Whoo.".L -low , 11 - � � Alaw"la WAr4mw at and other' W4btataaf W 00" 'at * � ' ith, 44,"60' 0 ~- 4U� ,&W, amA, . it aaotlo� tratit, *0*4'. ,� � 4 014W , A . 4 scayeitigltt;xa,'� -rh" W4414011,1 'W"M"Oh" * I ltt� -j"W - 'ttf ­�;_,�,_X.. --- I , . I be tq it fill. rarl:KI&Ipi *** p0r, I �' A41,3r. a& it 849 1 40 ... - . - LZI M* bavit j0pJ44 4 . I . n, Mon. Tits'alou" 4'ui , I �., . L�� 11 I the city I* jut -40" � � , , ,# . L- 40 old I . 1,14.1- I . � 11 W4 In tit* out 0. 11 I ... of Buildiwa, Vol . . ball ­,, . , � I . street, I tow I parisil of lot, istoph .� I . lah I . I Id. '. ,1111, t � I id Beatils'l tie bQ%**14` Is, 64MIst", �Cli I I I _ okost Of t a city parish; - but � � , w. --Raojl� � . � . Ck 109 for Bibleia" to pocilliar to tliw. krIO4 1; � , " Of a. Sepulchre. ".%& of, -ilior-ibiop,­ ­--, .... , - a- are presented to children over, tbe.ago, I : 11 I , � . . . , of 12 who can rogg A (i I .. ,d Intel ow Terott In On . 11 111rute: ner. Tbegibleo't a I T a- bound t er bear On t . 140I,T I.. We of Sir the . .. I I- alk John =Zckwho 11 I ia oarly In the "ventiseutb 060tary. Gal .. a dowed the gift. . . . 11- --- —7 - I I PLAIN TALK TO UNCL9 SAJL � i J to sever in was'lls, wirlites or I" Tft. �, I I Y alleffuWal, ft.k ,t Wrore like Ke"411'r. � - �- A desPatob from SaaRrancutteo, says: , �� a An officer Of one at the volunteer real. '�', . a ta'ant's 14 the PlilliPPIDed has written . 0 thek following letter to the Associated , 0 P— trom, usaua.: � . I D The arrival of the relay seaam finds . � 1, , �.., . tba insurrection 44 Vigo"" 64, it has . . � . '7, 3 been say time since the outbreak. The � � I lusurgaint arka'a"i are well recruited � - I �� , I aOtw'thH(AQdiD9 their heavy bkaaes� � I . I fiM are wVII fed and clothed. They � : I I 4a- Profited by their five nanths I 11 : of warfare against the tAtuoricalult, � 11 � I 11 i, I ThtwL am fast adapting Aanaricark tan. t . 1; � �'� � it- and a- beconkirig better diwip. ,;� . r I ilikeid and fatire skilful in tile use of ft ��,,�. 11 life"ir weapons every day, . 9.�.,­r Over one hundred thousand soldiers , ` if �(, - fiOuld be b"o ready tor buswaso, at ,,��;, .�j. � the b*gInining Ot tbe dry season in ", NOveftjw, 0arr(sons call be then 14, . stationed at strategic point.. � .1 I � , ... . � A continuous warfare ostinot be ca r- � rt'att (10 in this enervating climate, by I �'r r�, the gains troups. Frequent rollers are r rr r� 0110eiasary. Troops should not be kept, I ­ . 'wt" 10114011' ths(L it Year. 1� . � The eight thilliou eople Of the Phil- � , IPPInoo are as highry civilixed as the I , , '. , - - i 'we've ni'll"18 Of MOxiou. It the Am- I " orloalal people will Imagine the United , ­,- . r I �; � " k 8tdtes tu havis dequired. Mexico against . �, 11011111 Will "d tQ be engaged In an at- 1� �L� � 11"AUPt' W Put dawa a univelroji I �, , reboi- :�� l '"of the Mext"na With 20,000 4roops, �� , ' th`my will h&` a duplicate Picture tit 11: 4: . close, "anue, Of the situation In (he �1: , I I'lliliopines with the axoteptkoll that I , , : L I , I the, cli,umato, of the Philippines is front IL ' 1-011 10 14(tteen dogroos more tropical I 'has) that of Maxi'o. I - -------- A DREAD DISEASE -- Outh"ni. or &k1#kT4% 1. Rep.rl"I Frutal %11,or U.S.wri. . An ' outbreak of anthrax, tile injim, dread c d of tIL,%ea8es affec,tiag valtlo, 'I. it invariably proven fatal tit it very fev, hours, audLA very contagious,bas been reported to both tile Ontario Depart- �� � I olout (If Agriculture and the Proviti- .1 � 1 I ,,iai H -rd of Health from l,istowpl . I -,. �� I ill -�� �r I'lle local medir.1 liellith officer in. Z_ , formed Dr. Bryce thlLt a number of , I ,attle bad died already, and asked [or , I Lastructioum,fas to the disposal of the � , I ,,areaaew '110Y wiAi be burned, The , .1 , I dialease often originates in woollen I0 , I" � factories andtanneries, where Import- ,� . ad wool and bide. are ha adled. it often .� proven fatal with human beings Who :, are unfortunate enough to become in� � oculated with the b,acillug. . I I , — . - , LOVE IN A PALACE. . � * I � �� . T he loneliest court In Europe, and i , I , � 114 , 'it the time of the writing of this ar, 11 I Liele the court to which general obser- - ­ �111.1�1 I vation is directed, is that of The Hague. 11 rhe Palace is a small one, and it is I ." I f: i , , , , , , , tenanted by young Queen Wilhalmina , � I 11 and her mother, with IL tow court la- ­ " , die* "ad a swarial, of servants. Therit 1. ;(1 � li, are few Official receptions and state ,;�.. �, i "I ballaL The queen and her mother have ". "r.11 ..N no relations living at The Hague, and - I are Out off by etiquette from the so- � I . , vietY of the capital. They are cou- �, atantly together, but lea.d a life of I I I , ,� , - routine and dull munotony. it, . The royal Luother, very naturally un- 11 � .� , der Lho eirculiant,anocia, to laughingly said to be a MaLehaaaker. 'rho young ,�', c. quOoo, bOlug 111111LOOL tile laet HUyviv- I Or of tile House ul Orange, is expected to make a speedy marriage ; s is knuo halite to do so, and insists Upon I , twvtug a buliband whom she call love, ' . 'r houoi and respect. Rorely has court L - , � � maLch-cuakiag been conducted under � o4ditious of greatei difficulty. 11 �� . , � I 'File Dutch Uittlottet n contend that the ��.�, I 7riwo­cutisurt miust be a prutestant V , I , 11 , >rtlwe. who is not under the Influence 1. - A tile court of Berlin 'rhese conditions . � lave narrowed the chowe to about half . I dozen Princes rho suitorg have been , rivited to the royal VOUntfy-SeaL8 in r � fulland, but tile young queen has not lacouffiged thell advauces, ()DO of hem-th- Prince Of Wipd- ban been onaideied tile PrObably choice, but the )etrothal has been deferred u. long flat the court goatupm have now coa- Juded that it will w -ver take place. Zi, IY Like royal niatch-maker has p n"(1111Y been looking �ibout tit various juarters fut it [lot fie i eligibla part- �, ter. 'rho queen is it high-spirited young vomall, with a oill of her own, and I strong vein of roula.ritte sentiment, ,.� -, I ;he hits no idea of luaking an alliance \,., - or the convenience of her Dutch got)- t - ects She has the old-fashioned no- f 1,1 ion. Ittat it woman, even if she be a , �,� Liec". should love the naan whom she ,� � � narries Whenever she is pressed to " I aake up her mind, she quotes her fu- �11. � �iI her'n advte" to her. cautioning her )I I g-ttst inarryong in haste and repent- ,,�, , ng at leisure She is devotedly at- �, - 11 � �� ached to her mother, but she is her �,� , -n 111.8tro", 3nd 11 .a.. 'ea .rtygv,�aaiaot marry for 811118 who cannot I � 111� onarnand not only Ir respect but hor I �,� 1-0 "k (4ue'n "Ilholmin,Zmay be unman- 1, iro-ble, but there in good sense in . I . '" 4 he p-gihorl she has takon The oil- 11 uetto of marts separates royalty from .. ompinionship otitaide the palaces. The I ­ levithcra of myal families largely live par[ even (ram the best society of � , heir capitals, and find 11 1� happiness or , 4 nhapp-noss in domestic life, Their 11�� , , affire,ciurso with the world is formal I " I I nd artificial They Piro only at home " 1. till without reserve a-mong themselves . ad therefore love in rL palace sitternm - 1) he quite as Awltential to ,ontsiatmont �r,, I �� , a love In a co,ttagn, - \A YIALE IN SHRIMP NET I � A milail hottle-nosed whale 11 foot )nw Anti 6 foot in oir"umforenco ling i �, Pon captured off the F-vlex English. � ) . ')alit. and im now to be seen on the I I oach at Southoaq.d It wits surprised � ,, ear the Rhorp by Romp fikO%I fiqblpr- .. Ion. Who elarkastpil in, take It by tang- I nit it up in an old shrimp not. Its 1. .. , , Itality was so great that it lived for I - ) hours aftftr ,vapture. The Wes of i - � witting a ton 0 lively vvbalo With a 1� Irimp not dolev; not in the least im- !i reas Its captora, who, says our col- .. ;;; 11 . mrilondent, "wax' Id go for a sea ger� I 6mt with a ball inch rlom.. 1 ,­ P , , I / � t � I I , ' . r ,,�. ­ � I , , I., I . � � . I .. 11 1. I "'. I .1 ", ,,,, I I . I � I I %k-1--. , I I ­ . . . �',. ". I . .1 I ., . . 4 ", I , . . I 1 A