HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1899-08-04, Page 6___ _-1-111-111 � 11 I I, I I , .
- " 11 � I 11116 - Ing lipme from a 41DRO 4()U-" at tlao latere'silog tor womell. LOU OF. TRI, 3UM01, WAURN RN XAPV VX* MONRY. I W*,Nr1.W;W 01"WlP�3M-1fk0Va*F4ft"0V0Wr*l , .
I se Ill tipic WA4 so pro4tratsil, ty, the WyQ%.*4t*: 1,
i I , . 1AW4 swt pe irw 04f,s � -
- -Mr- zo J, 41746 Attack 401 to be au,4419 to _"�. Z, I Mr"111 . � I I ..,
,l " 0000-00,01-1 - ?1,0,81 Qu*00� the ViAitor. �. '
I - � mw�v - J, , ; . , .
. .4 I W, I= Wig, room %cc a weak' to come' Tho Halser bas bse,A Giogaging a 9 1XTXft!$TI)IQ Ob, p ; I .
prietty fouwokr�bls. f4fitswox I : , , � � . � .
I ,be .
. , III* first art W410 to Offer ii rvwar4 of ' farmer; but I'VO goit 4, so .04 the, . . .. �, I � I .
�r, I rk U " 114 : I . . 11 ,
� , t ountim. for obtell i4formatl0a aft OTupa# for his JittIli jUtitirliteri and the r-ROX Ta 03EEN JSW , I � , 11 1,1 .
I a towit who mak,ea,moro out %7'110 � . % ... I'll", I I I . ,.�
I �
- I I "'t I . - I I
. , ,
W6krficld Scare. B= P,c ,, to tho capture at bill ILlcky candillato 4wrib" bar lffte.r- I , -s" P, all in a Itiontli thw. I laiii-ft.f4i iv, 0 : � I � I .1 1,
The. . � , W E: t'L �L, A
� 1. I . cowardly Aw,ailadt, view. "Though his uajeal;7 tXie4 his fwelOs 111ast$ latirtelilli llylethim-se 1,11ousixtill- fWasou. ,� I � �
I 11 . . A few 04h,to later, three young MVP best W muddle, me, and did not retrain . 9*1 4111Q WG04--frincentellcal NrIfen,v roir . I P olxw, "'Wolestid, I I
. I � A farmer, Is ho, 1 1ftW#R;1)W"4t00aW C -PYLON TEA , - . Lia" r* *P--- 'A
�, "080 4 made sure they bad wilireil tb'D rv- train tons exceedingly !i quisitive. T*,K;r Iritraeal, No; holl a 4octror. I'Va I 'nikin . � M,A4A,VAk40`l4, . I
. , t "I
1 X. r= II, lr_i�r` 00, n - " .11'
I � . t,M*PTRBo I. when I hinted that. seeing h9,W little ward. They were returnin# together lit green appillis 420W,. ;;;�, , . r - , ., . . � I . to ...... I F- . , - - ", "!
A Illavo beeg so often asked to tell the I know of such things. If might be gd- from a dancing party, aad aliving go. about what concerml me alone, I -wit Sergeant Npiel 0,Neill, who had been abo . , I I ' '
. � .,
. I __ �;.
4.11<41 vistable to call to t* mervirc* of the loo;hca over their shapa, they Made, may that I never before heard 4 more We leading detif�ctivc. Lit Quecuston for . I FO - . )
� N ,1 .1
� I .xtt,story in the course Q( the WXtou Of St. M�ich'301!0' be gave me a scarcely � 4 died xecently I, �A 800 - R THrE� �LAMEJ , /
, to %. and gone any Wise In walking' 'XU'4- buyinlis afty, childish, laugh tbako that in By year*' I I 4W �ftlf,' I ,�,
� ey y4firm witich have cam look I did net iorget for many a day �e_ A giraffe from East Africa and the Holy NX UIIN103 IN 11 W I M1,06Y PATM MU11110" , .
emt*i�e, the events narrated in it took .. - Lag a corner. Lucy canio full upon the M , WR
There wan never a Holditcli burn at this almighty personage when son , A"%aidixista4iliatrollethil4ris"Provery 4oO0a44*Wmr,IW&, 1
V040 1 have made up W creature, -who was advancing from the long-itirmed black gibbon are amongst � 11 r' '*",At'slobolosoborw"=.g�.%*=b$Wioiioi4mwi,ow� . �
. �(Iiilkt fit la4 S abOuNt ho colilllm't dit Q vo." he said. "it opposite direction, and Who instantly thing tickles him fancy. lie In full at _ L I yanalt, Lo*o pt(scio, who will s0*044= = warmiliAlow 4ns
� I ,. i
,*O* never to open my UP V the latest additions to the Dublin TIIII CORPSE OF A KINGSTON IIAR�,. 44 " of %he ASIt" . "Itrielf , I.;
,_ I M - Js91&&%.�MW1RAr0AY9aV1A:9W* k
;*'Ip' I
ki but just to write it down In my cam" lug tire to -'e A Museum. �4 , go "Jais � too", . 1AM,
p After that, of course, there was turned and fted. 'Me young 14041 W0118 fun and he literality took the cambia M . . �- I
owiff bprately fashlou, so that if ally- so startled that for a Moment or two I RIST911 DROWNED LAAW AOTURN. 56 "I offlor 9 " a* shit slearito. allit oisaktat
nothing ipr It but to do as my fath- of the sofa and put ball of it In his TIM - , � . i " "It'"
we to they ls,st their presence of mind, but governing body of Dublin Uni- - farvr 14, llta.1441*1146 100 . , 11 . 44 sear a" ordinary, SU" r
- 'body bothers me to tell It in ti . � . elitoo I . . . . . . I. I � , 1 AWaI polowsis I
� _*Doje. I can put it before them Ili black or'a mark was expected to do. five seconds later t1roy were In full Mouth to stop the explooione of him VersitY have Privately resolved to can- I 111"etaloy Recovered *Akd SdemUssa I " .frow ..... I . I W, . �
,% id them read it for If itUo affair had ended there, it pursuit They were ail good runners, mirth when I read him a letter train for the dignity of Doctor of Caltuno I " Illow � . I P *I * 0 10"To$ 400,11is . �
. *4 white. tud b W,,UW fuel have tmatjtOrC4 greatly. but all chase was an exciting One. King lit'redpitiuk Ill., engaging my aunt Lawa on Sir Goo. Trevelyan-- __ 2mae - , ". ".10, _._�: " ; 1� I I
ibemselven. which will be a saving of d the a * Oil the I.r)tb of July last, a body was , , , 'I.
- it could not. It wall evident that my The night wars oboar a d starlit, tht3 as governess." 0011,44 1171ti'viso .
time and trouble to every one concern It is supposed that Mr. Justice Me- found In Salmon Lake. Froutianao Co, MICHLORIDE 010 GOLD CLUBS. 1W I
, I father %yould be disabled for a long Lime was between cloven nod twelve The letter contained. the following earthy wil Out., by sonic farmaris residing in the MarY-Yi% the matater do be driakin ' bove(44,; A --- - - 1,
, . . ad. time to come; lie must either find a 0,,Luck. and tile aLreets wort) deserted. Statements; -You will occupy alargo. I supplement his recently- . stammere.ronm1l.", "'!; �
I -
� . . My name is Ri�,tdpen Holditc.11. and substitute, or give sip his post; and to published reminiscences with a book vicinity. in a istatet of decoMposition a good bit, an it*b moself heard the ' . whir, lrr� - . I I �
as born and brought up in the little Presently the creature, with its PurJ Bunny room with Charlotte, each hav, (m the Ireland of his early days. which truide, It ubaillutely impwinible to raislons talking thia very D1 Arne", Ninon wbovilloonsla rq*J1e#&aA sots
I - htwe had to do the bitter would, I Boarts mcato forty or fifty 5wrdm behind, lug a separate bed and waimbliand ., -
town of Westerfield, in the north of v I tablish its identity. The parts expos- hichloreft av goold club for
- Eli land. where my father. my grand- erily boliove, have broken his beart. 0 upon the tangto of side istan(L You will reociv - At the opening of the Ennis qt4arter e" her bus- Tho 04twoort Commlesion CO.,'Llinitsti, . .
. morged 0 #GW u year ed in contact with! the water, Alle, face band:' I
- fatger. and my great-gramflather. and, Ith lodging, fire, wa - June --F>ur,e h wooden rollin pin c- awt sifillisr"a 11L. TOM%
- J � I was to be Uits successor --- an that streets amo.Ug which the chase had b" together w shing: evasions recently, Judge Carton was and the hands, were completely deaud , W.Weat-MarkertA
point everybody (bat myself) was gun into t1la main Street of the town, Without restriction Including oven presented with Lt pair of white gloves, ed . ,o,, yc Acil. Butler. roga,
il, :,r ur Atilt
" I for aught I kiDaw to the contrary, a agreed. and everybody seemed to wh;b Led,utlinost in a direct line. to flounced and belaced cotton frocks and Do criminal business being entered. - should be good ariough fur .'im. '. ity9alituplitaLlient. I . '_
,�� generatign or two of ancestors 161.1,11 thiak I could do no other than act as the abbey, some quarter of a Mile petticoats, a wax cm, It witia supposed to be the body of .1
I further back. bad filled, with credit Lo him deputy ill u Lima like the pro- away. ildle, per day for A mason named Sheehan received a Mr. Henry Thomas ,Shlbley a well COOKED. "S PH I 0 WA
I � WHITE , 08PH . .,
I � �� themselves and satisfaction to the pub- 1twasapparentlybont onesoap- your personal oandleotick and a tallow a . I
. -
lip, the office of Saxton to the grand *"lit. Lag amithadescapedbefore: thatia by one for common use; a lackq in gray unstroke while working at the now known barrister of Kingston. Olft,., who WituesB-Yix Bar th prisoner hod An ]INgryw'Ifts &Ili" is. onallevit: 41tanw for If"). . I
. church, Charlovillo, from the effects was drowned on the 29th of October, - Wag 44bAll the filaose of 004 far "_ I
, u8b Scaling (Is spiked railings of ,mmedliaf% So by I
I - Of course I bad to teLL Ur Ayaco on a cooked hat whin I "44tocuoh, ,trl,
I i � the and red livery, fed by us, will sit in a tions noo"oflie-430he'n4affoals ,
1, I y f which lie died early next morning. 1898. He had gone on a hunting and Lawyer -Hold on, Literal flow do ALIrd- 1, to I 5(leandILOOpwokisgoo. I 11 111. ,
I This ancient and reputable Post for it. laddic." 'he said. "Thou must q4"m NtYV de. I I
� old abbey obtirch of St. Mary & how matters Stood. "There's no help churchyard and being Loot among the out ante -chamber; you will have all fishing expedition to Salmon Lake and you know it waa a cocked hat ? , 414 VgI;@4%3 ,1WeUJn&tqa,sl�9.#TW"t*. I
� t, i wilderness of tonibstones inside. The the white gloves of the Queen, Whose By way of testing the patriotism of a boat partly filind with supplies watt .
, '. I r I . . having been held by a Holditob for and bide with thy father till he g.10. pursuers put on at) extra spurt; but rank forbicis her to wear the same pair Irishman a proposal hats been made Wituess-B.3cause it wint. off ivery I 11 I
� and fifty better, and wo must try and gelt I= their 'Luurry, as If aware of it . did the Aph MICILMPAD =CV3w41&3P. . I
- something like a hundred w ad ashore on the following day. toime th' wind blew, Sur, HARRISLIOAD. COPPER. BRASS. . "
� years, It was looked upon, from the w twice, and which, we hope, will - fit that Irishmen all over the world Should Search was made at omee and the , Wb*IUOBQ"ly. TAurDistainceTelerhonsI731). 1 71". I
�Pk L . time I can remember any-thing,quite c ithout thee for a whilo as beat we same. Suddenly, to the intense our" your hands. To this we add our royal make contributions ill Shillings to lake was drugged for ten da.ya with- I ,�, 0, - I, I- E, , car.- WILLIAM ST,, TORONTO,
' . us a matter of ,cotir.e. and it, cinte �an .11 prise of the young MOD, the creature friendship and any favors which might " save Killarney.,, out result further than the finding nm. WINSLOW", ,101* J.'ra S1 alit, n_ I.- I
- , ', , :, Of I t was in, OeLober, when the da�on turned Sharply to ,the left and dis- result from the isame." _ , ,. ...,
those things which are not Open to seem to shorten so fast and t d Mr. Carintegie, liato wired to the Chair- of a portion of -the supplies hict, in- mod bl 1-lodo-r� ror thorc,hi�t�,itectnl -t, it,owill. i .
dicated where the boat a apsized ton. I . all visi" .. , , ,IA
lit this Man of the Banbridge Commissioners it k, ill- ben,ein-Irfo. inro�..'.'�.:* K.,.at*,,r.,aT
" , quqstion, that my fathers son bhould Lengthening night& are already full of appeared up a narrow cover way w the .h 1,1 -ftio- tbq ,,u.,,.. .1 , TENTS 1'r""a"uu`";ar1ft o"'l- .
It 1. I 0 If. ,zd Murkm rellsturtist. Copyrights, ' I
I wa 0 ,
A I Line day follow Ili the footsteps of on s urt. B Lord Salisbury has been endearing .1
� J ,'� , his the prophecy of the coming winter, move was expLalued a moment or two in and the prGbable drowning of I La cc- t1e. 'I"la by -U &-1�511 tnit�ogtiGut, the 1-41. It. WrIL. far aforni.t.l.,a. �
;i, � , , .il"lifur-Nni. Y.uFJ0.1S..Lh1.gb3,.p.
I i ancestors. and earn his daily bread himself to the female Box in timating his intention to sun o", zGzRW0jz89 Aral, ten,d Bol,ctt.r,.f Patoola, . �
i'� , . general PsT n' .upant. 2110 Tzole Buildlair. Tcrouto,. OuL I
1, after the samp fashion in which they (but my father met with his ambient- Later by the appearance of a couple 41,000 to the Free Library fund b:ei.g - ,. . - . ."
I I I tiad not been more than tiaree days and to women bicyclists in particular . Upon the band of tbe, abirt collar ' I .
had earned theirs. How the know- of constables approaching from the t * Organized Professional etiquette . I
e , at home before I was told Something opposite direction. Cooper's Court be- by making a few chosen remarks a I were found the initials R. T. S., but � prevents BUSINESS SCHOOL. I
il ,, ledge came to me that Such was the a A mun named William McCann, a these letters were not absolute proof French judges and judicial officials . ,.!
I . -not by one person only, but by a in a out -do -sac, with, houses on three Royal Academy banquet. "my be- . from riding in omnibuses. ALBERT COLLECE BELLEVILLE ONT.
�- " made of life which ail unkind fate ha d dozen at the least -which aurpri�ied Hiles of it, this young men latex, residing at Drogheda, died in of the identity of the body, but� upon for iioard. � :''. !
: I lion, et�. f" .mi term of I�Iwtx.a payst .
� mapped out for me, I cannot now call now felt lief," he Bald. "is that if there a - Send for Tedl%
. me greatly, and set one wondering finding attached to his _
Ok- themselves as sure (if capturing their WaB that town on Friday last, after a few watch chain of P�...hlp. etc. W. P DYER, Princ pal. I 11
f to mind. but from the very firstj I to what amount of truth there could be Dante to write an artiBtio Inferno, its I . key -check number 5559 of The Ide I ',
� prey " uny One may reasonably feel days' illuess from blood poisoning n- - . I
�� od forward to it with loathing and ill&- at the bottom of it. sure about anytiling. They shouted to lowest circle would be tenanted by caused by cutting a corn on his toe , LificaLion. and Protective Company of Ii.it. It ..I,- It ii -I ; ,.
,� I- L U BY$ 8 G"a 't- 'if' to "I' ��
� oad restores the onto, CARD INDEX...
, rl. may. Many a ,time my father would What I was told was thlb: ']'hat of ' Canada, Limited, whose head office is Sol . a bat tie.
�7 the constables to hurry up, and rush- the tactics who dress themselves in the In a Belfast police court Kate Byrne, in the Temple Building, Montreal, The only porfecL system for kftV -1
- make me stand by him while he acoop- an evening after dark, espeCiaLly On ed holiter-skeltax through the passage b cycle skirt or in kulckerbookers." of Glasnevin, was charged with having Messrs. Macdonnell and Farrell, Bar-
, e btacid loamy I it iiudr,� &O I I
those aigbia when there was no moon, Into the court. Then they paused to I", . tray out fit ........ W-- �
I el soil, with the view, I suppose, of or when it did not rise tiLl late, the gather breath and look around. But Not content with heaping confusion ob caused the death 6f the child of her ristera of Kingston, BE once communi- During the Post fiscal year 1,429-ves- 8.41,11" In -1 ,
.1 1rhe Office specialty Mfg. Co., I
I I i . '. , teaching the lyoung idea how to dig. town was infested by a creature which what had becomis of the creatural the wheelwomen, Lord Salisbury de, daughter, Margaret Byrne, who iBat cated with The Identification and Balm of 320,876 tons, gross, were built in % Limit., :
, �, He was very proud of his handiwork. was Said to be balf-man and half- Three pairs of keen eyes scanned every Blared Lhat "every change which is. Present a patient in the North Union Protective Company of Canada, and the United States. CORONTO. Paotory: Newmarket; *�,
_____ --- � - ,
' , a a st Hospital. . their Manager, Mr. G. 1. Goddard, for- " �*,
� and would bid me observe the artistic monkey in appearance -the 'ins -Lip ' cor er of the court, but to no purpose. made in woman's (Ilress is a step in the !
� 1. 'r ' finish --- only those wt,rcu'l the words being the term applied to exclamation broke from one Mr. M. McGann, who has for the warded thorn the necessary certificate , . ,
�' r he used --- of all the details but Some- general acceptance. The aocoun ; of ugliness." In fact * to eatablish the identity able I'M )F MALT Ideal Leather Polish . t�.
0 u , the past three years been occupying the Invigotates and Str�u,gtloma. 1 ; �
P the on of it by those who profess a direction of his finger with their gaze, Premier Seems to have been deeply them to complete the chain of proofs W. LLOYD "VOOD. Toronto, GENERAL AGZNT Will keep your shoes soft as velvet � "i
th; W i� h .fiate -.a and tba others, following the direction and on u TLo
times his spade would ,
I . n ermor of Belfast for the collection of the Insurance in . .1 .
� I I , , . skull or ithigh-bone of Same previous have &can it varied in some of the de- could just make out a dusky figure concerned lately in several matters Prison, hue .been appointed by his the People's Life, of Toronto, in fav- I 11
, ,� tenant Of the space he was now get Ling falls; J,ut all agreed that its body was cUmbing ape -fashion up the iron wa- feminine. There was a bill up in MADE IN ALL COLORS. � "
Thexe is it district In Liverpool in- �1�
' ready for lanother, and then I would covered with Long coarse buir, that ter_spout which rtin from the roof to House of Lords not long ago requiring ornor of H.M. Prison for County Mayo, unitble to recover the amount until t he habited by 60,000 People, where intux- '. " �!
I , � . �be Excellency the Lord Lieutenant gov- or of the deceased Biaters who had been
_.. , turn away. disgusted and sick at its face resembled that of the ape the ground between twG Of the cOr� that Seats be provided for saleagirlm in SOLD EVERYWHERE. � �
. 11
I heart. while my father would laugh tribe in general, that its footatct`8 tier dioluses of the court. The crea- the Shops. The bill had paSsed. the in Castlebar. identity of the corpse wars established icatiW liquor cannot be bought. �i. I � I
4 lightly and say: "Its nowt, lad, now( were inaudible, that itm activity was lure was oLumbing slowly, hand a er House of Commons, but Lord Salisbury -Mr. Walter Armstrong, upon whom beyond a doubt. . 1;1
11 t, 1-1;_ i
,,_ ROYAL MAIL �: �11
,; at ts usod to it.' something Marvellous, and finally, hund and foot over foot, and waav Dominion Line STEAMSHIPS 1. '', .
, " �i - But whatever my secret thoughts and that (in the two or three a I 8 at- made it the subject of a violent at- a knighthood has been conferred, is THE WAY OF THE WORLD. How's This ? . 'I,
I ."
C.011810n -11 ready ithree parts of the way up. The tack, in the course of which he became a director of the National Gallery of We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for Montreal end Quebec toLlverpooll. i
�; , feelings might be on the question of which certain bolder spirits than com- young men were so struck that they facetious. Et%e did not think the Ireland. He was born in Roxburgh- She -Have you many poor relations? , .3
`I�wl my future, I auld no word to any one man had 1, ,-
I ty, ' ,as, of OaWrrh hat cannot be , ured 4 Laru and fast Steamers Vancouver, 1:4
m Catarrh C,,re.
� ventured to go in pursuit of could not Utter a word. Halt a houses of Parliament were concerned shire in 1850, and was educated at He -None that I know of. F. J. C If NN F,Y & CO., Props- Toledo. 0. onsinion, Scotsman, Carnbroman. _�,
11�R� . ...,
It - - , I about them. and certainly my father it, it wits seen to vault over the rail- minute later the creature had reach- With such matters, and he said thut Harrow and Oxford. He is the author She -Many rich ones? we. the uuder8 sued. have known F. .1. Hatoo of possage:-Firat Cabin S50upwards., Secondi I ;
I was the last person in the world to ings which crikwn the low wall that ad the roof of one of the houses; thou the Government might as well enact a of a number of works. He -None that know ine. Cheney for the last 15 year-. and believe hint SZ I
,� have any t,uspicion of the degenarvLoy Cabin, $35; steerage, ,50 and V3 50. 1
1 1'. encloses the abbey olituxeltyard, and it turned and reLieved itself by giving law providing chairs for housemaids Or.'e" 'yd haneroble in all buihicis iaunRuct- ]Per further Information apply toio,,,alogeuts. or - . ,,� �
; i. , of Ills only son. disappear nm(mg the tombs and grave- vent to a gibbering derisive Laugh. if At Limerick recently, Patrick 0'- - -- - I - ____ __ - Fee a'a finasscialtyablt,taca,ry outabyobli- DAN In TORRANCE a Co.. acneral AgenM . �t
� TORY. tion sn,�do by their Orin. 17 St. SACMUrML SL. U(NaMaL X .
I My father eked out his livelihood by Stories inside. At first Lbia sti unit cooks. The peers found Lhis re- Brien, farmer, was committed for trial, MONTREAL HOTEL DIRRO ITIEwr & raLIAX, Who e,a'(, Di r...
,. -a nge Laugh it could be called, and wramb- markable argument so convincing that :."I";
making and colibling mhoes. aa his creature seemed to conflue its prank" � - ,jggtrita. Toledo. - -
I Ling nimbly up th�e tiles of the roof the bill failed to pass. harged with firing at and wo 0. wALDING. ICINNA\ & MAM IN, Whole ate . ,�
fattier and grandfather had done lit W frightening wouien and elderly dlHappeard on thie other side. uud'ng The 11 Balmoral," Free BUS Am. III,- .1
1, By this him brother Christopher tit Paila8beg. $1 50& up. 1) I a, Tol ad v, 0. Hatal and Solvent in= cannot afford to ine I ..,
their time, so that the lapstone might lAv)ple. It soldoin of, never madth its the two conotablee, had come up, and _ _ _ 9 11 Catarrh Cure 1� Lzken a or wl!!� I 'i
I -_ - - - V .11.1 acl- . out tit$ Autom3tte Faucet Atssol�
be said to be us much an inheri I anoo t)f appoaritace before nine o'clock, The atictised, as the eldest son, claim- F,p,, VI.I, Swim, 1,, dir "'ev ..... . y ass forit"Ithingow4ekdraw. 4
�L " I cotly upon 1,110 biaod avi ' .ar VrIdill now"11. YOU Gulf need 41.
I � . I by they, an a mult,6r (if course, took the An English womair who has been 'in which had been am4igned Hatel Marslake, fr: .... Ili . d,y .11. OPP, f'oes of -y�ta,n. Prit�, 7 A nw.oti. ell I
;� " _L ion, M todrawboorert thoAutomattii
" the Holditell family am the churchyard vvhi0i thour nearly all the Shops were direction of thii affair into their own travelling lit Russia Seems to have by his mother to his brother. , on -r-1. Uw UtuolakeACo., lrol�!_, Sold by all drava sti, 'r-tirnoi . i.e. butLagwof�hlou"uholdglasmla I
bd a fak � the . Ile- p.[.' bottle. � S�_ 1'1�
� shut and the streets comparative ] hands. By Cho Gues they had succeed- O.T R. St.t k668E _,16 - - - - - I.J f �ux=d
�,, ; Itself. 1. however, had little more lik- ly do- --M, :,
11.1� .. F_,1,1, C-11es, Avem% H.11'. Fatally f1iLl. are Lho boat. sub hand, so the Antowattia im , ",
I'll 4, � Ing for thia. cobbler's awl than. for the Sorted. Tben it wouLd spring find- od In knocking up thia people in one of found it easior to got in than to get A child named Michael Johnson, AVENUE Hotel rat. $1. �,. A, -.1 - -_1 - ,��
____ -
. $�
. .61 , 4
,� -�Ii spade and pickaxe ; my thoughts and denly froin Some dark corner or cover- i of the Czar's, country, She sent aged eleven inintlus, feu o per day. =4-amf, _ if � �
I � � - the houses arid Ili getting leave to go Ou a Sunday - T _R_ n,,,ot. � Aniong the coachman or Florlin are is need for "A �. - . I , ,7
. . . . . . . t ..
. .: - -and Ili tour ol.d-fuWilonod i-hrougb into the garder, tit the ba,k, her passport to the authorities before from a window of the house in Dub- 8f-__JAMi61 NOTEL.-Oppo"'I'" theltindst,900.1 boarc. 1,
).J��V� V wishos we,ut out and citing to some ed entry , tiv. 41-kii frou. 1, "I
;:::::." " O. r seven retired army officers, (broopus- you witall.
'entries' were to be found the creature could easily have got starting in order to have it viaed, and till, where he resided with hit) par Is Railway, i"Ta"""m 4)"'u""aro"'I House, r4odem 'in tors and Sixteen nobles. refilideM..T.-M.-
. . � thing very different from either. lown sucill ,
" .. . provemeuu-Rates moderate, . ;
�. -, -�; From t -he itime when I was a child in every street -arid onolroling tbO away three or four times over. then blithely made for the into the area, a distance of thirtyl'eaot' I . _. - , 41
, .i I I tier. .. . too 1111goo..'raratito,
- I had a great fondness for flowers. lieck of the Passer-by, which, five fron He marvelloulaly escaped inatantaueOUS NORWEGIANS . L'i
LIVE LONGES Par Mentiv Paid Regularly an Investrrante. , .
' - T. ___ --------------- - 47o Bur ,:"�
or ilus over this reipon, dividend diKtrbulted
I It m..ntr-ms5o,pw,.d.,.c,,,,1tar I 111
. , %1. I
, �, , Compatil'. plau .n t. the ri,,pn__
,� "t nor why it came, but there It was. with one of its dreadful, hairy arms, it -".-- detained and taken iiofore the powers Jured, and his right thigh wao ac- is greater than In any other Country Carlsolic, DisinfectainLe. 5oatics. oint -tziof thousand. who sru .-ki.g ,, saf. %na pnflt� 111�
., � I , �, I know not whence the liking came, limen nut of six, was Chht of a woman, (To be Continued.) Arriving there, she was immediately death, thouLgh his head was savorell..in- In Norway the average length of life CALVERT'S ,_ =t.
. _ One day, when I was a,bout twelve would give utlerance to a Shrill gil*-
I .1111, - ars old. I was sent by it noigbbow, baring cry, which all who had heard that not Pnly be, but also do, at the tured. . on the Globe. ment. TOOLh Pcwdcra� etc., Ila- beun ublo invesunerit. anti is creating It widea I ,.�
...... .! Y43
;;;;; ,,,, pnvid interest .
I with a message to the head-gardenor It declared It be like not'lifing human, Nervou Dyspepsia, Russian frontier. Here she was in- e acres, hold by awdi- tod IOU medulH ittid diplonims for superior slownit Juveatormillo .11 ?art. or the Dominion. BOOK �;, "
9, , /
: 1, . exceIlonou. Tbq-ir regular use prove L Infooti. FREE, wivW in I part culan- shown h -,w 1100 may be. .���
, at. Ponigarth. Sir William Verinders and then releasing its victim an Hod- porb dbA not per- Mx- George Musgrave, at Cahernarry, CLEVELAND FOR THIRD TERM. 0 1. ten years by .U.wi..g ,m ,1 11
I I I untry-house, about foue itailes away. donly us It had grasped bar or him, it - us di8_-a.,ieo. A.9k )our denier to obLWn a wolu 41OU, 7 no profit. to,
I co a ply. LiStS1111LULdirceonapplicatioto compound in "to and wimervative specu ative in,exti, -
I mit her to leave the country awltbat in County Limerick, was a XA'a. menta. � L �
I " old on Satur- . sbington, D.C.— -The possibil- "I' � ; "I
11 To me, the poor sextons son, the wouLd beat ,its breast for a moment A YOUNG LADY IN TRENTON RE- She would be obliged to make his day, by Mr. Fitt, auctioneer, and roa- it), of his party uniting on Mr. Cleve- F. 0. CALVERT & CO., The Dominion Inv a w pany of Toronto, . � . . f I ,
� '00 I `e
. I m alation of beauty bounding nwny, vanished Ili the dark- . reelf lized a high figure. The price paid for land for third term attracts increas- MAMONEISTER, - - ENGLAND. . Canada Permat: Oil" ..b.rT 18 Toronto St. I .1
I gardens and iglass-houtioN at Petit- or two vitith one hand, and then LEASED FROM SUFFERING. I comfortable while the police found out the interest starting at Z51)1), went p(l attention here, � - .1z
I . Several. (if the women (hits as- -- -quit his nomination, , Mlohigan I and for SahL � '....,
undreamed of before, TThe gardener, Liege all she had done while In the country. by bids of X25 UP to X1,100, at which , I
I kindly Scatchuran, was evidently sailed fainted with fright, and were She NaMrrd Iflatold Agr,ny From Sloulnell despite its exceptional character, is ' !'It
� I a ill for some days after; while on old Trouble anti Sick 11ru.1a,licti-Dr. At first she was rather. pleased at the figure the farm wits sold to Mr. Thus. not an imp9sSibility. Reciprocal trade ING LANDII-ARENAOL �.,�
�. , pleased with ,my enthusiasm, and was thought of how she, would tell her Cortheady. I relations with Canada and the a RiFf losen, Otiontow and Crawford Countim k Titlep � I'll
, at the trouble to show me over the Miss Glendovy the effect was that she Willinna., Vink 11111K clort-41 Ill.r. ' dmis- On Michigan Central. De'relt & blue Itiao anti ,'I
� place, eliciting front me by the way s fits of nervous From the Courier, Trenton, Out. friends about it when she got home. A boy named John Galiney, an in- sion into the United States free of duty Brass Band 1!ln TAkc Ilailrosol.. .t prlce� ,angwi; fron. 89 to $3 . "IN
But when she found that she had to mato of the St. Vincent do Paul Or- of that celebrated Canadian product, rr wri, &I 0 1
oXr,�Jhase Land. are Close to Fn ,, rig No 11
.1 I 5, irchea, Scbo-ls I,t�. --it will b. -lit a. most t
, ' 11
!undry particulars of My history, treimbling, which she was unable to Sorne years ago wereport8d thocase pay not only for her room, ber meals, Putnarn g Painless Core Extractor, on 1?utrumewts, Drums, Uniforms, etc. tepv,imablel � � �11
1� Wool, laddic," ,he said to me tit part- control to the last day of her life. of Win. Pickoring, Trenton phartage, GlaBnevin, met with ashook- IL L.M.. Apply to I
being sex -vice, and all that sort of thing, but Recount of Its. painless n0lon and ceir M. PIERCE. A qent, W -t Bay CityNicis. .:,-,
own Or J. W. CURTIS. Whitteumn, Alicli, . ��
lug. "everybody to his I the men fare much better. cu.red of la�omotor ataxia. , a was also for long telegrams . which the the balusters of the top staLreas g b tainty, would IYo a plank in his plat- Lowest prims ever Luotc-4. Fineo:vtatogue 500111us '' - :�4
,,, Ikes; but. for Nor did H Ing death. H43 had been slidin it - Every town can have a band.
my part, I'd socrier tend my bit flovIrel'S Mr. Pybus, the tailor, was s not able to move and was confined to authoritibs were exchanging in regard f UHe Putuam a Corn Extractor. trationn,inalled 0. Write us for ythingin .;j
than howk graves." I need hardly that he took to bin bed, and was not his bed for weeks. UI-xi,ri advice . he to her case, her pleasure dw fell. He struck "o'n1vtoine "" Mijr M-1-1 InArmn-t, )
In indied as Sure I safe I painless I .",�
say that I was entirely of ills sa 0 own in his shop for a week to come; (tied Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and 'in- rapidly as her funds did. She finally balustrade of the floor below, and WHALEY A & CQ., - Toronto, Ga.. SUMMER SESSION .
'�' ,Wbile Mr. Wakeling, the otarn-oband- . thence rebounded to the flags, 20 feet - -.-- ,;f
" way of thinking., madiately obtained relief. He is mtiil got off, however, but without receiv- NIMMO & HARRISON. ."�
�,,�,, Frpm that boutr any heart was set Ler, the moment his tormentor re- free from the terrible excruciating ing any apology or any reimburse- lower down. I Music boxes for bicycles are �,
" 811811`111111111 AND SHORTHAND COLLICE, , �,;
F., Leased him, gave volvil, to a ye manufactured Ily a firm in Hatinbuorg' ONE NIGHTdomocmgicamarromriLAI'arki�y,uO', 1.00I.F. Buildhill,001-Youp and 15.
, ;_ oil becoming a gardener. Aly father, It which affection, and enjoys active, robust At Traloo District Cop, I
�, � brought half the people in the street Me n t. � neil a letter Conoco Sta., Taronto, .., i
Germany. _____ - `01:
�, fcc his position, in life. gave me what bealth. We have just learned of an- -- was received train Lord Salisbury's 0 To ref --it usin this dis- . � ..
�, ' 1, to their doors and windows' DOvO- otherpositive cure through using Dr, ' LADIES WANTE - oatf.-, "I".
fi,,,� I , was considered in those days a fairly ton, the butcher, pvho stood six feet Williams, pink pills. Tubbing is not so modern it custom secretary, statin, the Govern- .-tag&ML ple-_
41 �'." , I good education � but with my four- It is the case of .g that TOUMS fN TOE ROCKY MOUNTAINS ..tiosition. ITALIAN DRIUMio%.Otel ,11 set, ;.?
' ano Ice, . I., ,'A
,� I . 8 such meat' had no funds to buy Killarney - .. __ �.fji
in his atookings, was so terrified ,Mis, Cassie wily, who has been an after kill. Even eccentric bath . :
I'll tepinth birthday my schooling came to
,, ' for a national park. The Chief Sao- The "Sceinto Line of the World," the FOR BALE-DRUC111 COUNLY- . I -1
one night that it was said he never acute sufferer firc(rit that common foe as those of m!Lk und of flowers, are FARMS So- G A
11 . retary wrote, acknowledE D4,Aivw & Rio Grande 'Railroad, offers ,,reaLB.,k,J.s. Appl,toJAMES -��g
"I � had said no wo(fd to me a( his inten- w Dilation of Ra varia I be to tourists in Colorado, 11tah and l! !ol . STEAVA4tT, - ,vrer 16, Jno.rdt.. P O., Ont. ' �
� ��: an end. He was it reticent man, and want out after dark for weeks after- of humanity and Lbe fail not a novelty. Isabeau ,,ing receipt of
F'. RTds without being armed with one for the resolution, and stating tha . ��.
. tions; but I foreboded. only too surely many other ills, dyspepsia. Used to. have great decoctions of chick- . New Mexico,) The choicest resorts, and To 'Im ..it Dress. , i,�,?
� Of his own -formidable knive had- noted it. LD .
� t what they were. I was to be appren- ; while For nearly eight years Miss Way Galvanized Steel �..`d
ticed Ao a shoemaker in a 0 CUTTING SCHOOL-ma'lorii, send for -t- -
�t , . two of the' town constables fared no We d brewed daily, and in them to the trains -continental traveller the
, � suffered untold agonies with sick she An ;Id monument was desired by one. C. & 0. SCHOOL CO., Montreal. Windmills and I , _--,A
�!, the town' better than Ordinary mortali% but can- headache and -pains in the stomach. would take her tub. Diana. of Poitiers an elderly maiden lady who died a grandest scenery. Two Separate and 110 HAPLEY . I .'A
, in order that I might Learn the busi siderably worse in one respe took her morning plunge in a tub of distinct "utes through the Rocky � Towers. ,,.,. .r ;)j
I - ,.
. �,_
,I y �.
- .P,
�'. 0,11 , ness, thopughly, then, after I should ot, seeing She tried several doctors without tow weeks ago in Athlona. She left Mountains, all through ticket& avail- w, -,, cu- any forin of Ont -h. Priot, MUIR ,
1, 1�1 h bal their hats Material benefit. A year ago she caamne rainwater. Eighteenth century beau- Catarrh�iiocitsirbox. writa- for cirewar and Steel Flaff staffs,
t knocked completely over their eyes by to live with a friend in Trenton, Mrs. ties swore by baths mingledl with lin- a fortune to bespout In the cro,tlun able ,via altherr. "The direct line to tegion,w.i.. 110-6,14 J-4 SL.,Nl.ntre.i,i, Q.e. "'J'sl
�. be out or tny time, and as years cre P St J
. GOJJMI - � I ,�:,
I t I
I y to 'I'v
over my father, I wits graduall aTI." O.Zlld= 'mp4' BRANTFOROCAN. 7�, 1
I , their all but unseen tormentor, W. L. Derbyah'ire, and wasso reduced Beed distilled with Mexican balm, which at a church, provided that her body Oripplo Creek, the greatest gold camp -- -, mea supplies.
� work fisto the position of assistant- a KILLS Roaches.
! , 1. I -sextoin. with the view of ultimately It is no,t too much to say that be- that she could not sit up an hour. She was dissolved with the yolk of an egg. should be converted into ashes and on earth. Double daily train gervic Bed . I J
I Or they believed in preparations of Used is making the mortar for build- wUh through Pullman palace and C"SMUM61.M.23.1.4 Mice. Soldbyali Bond for New Conti true. Mention this paW. " �.,1�1
� � , succeeding to all the emoluments and fore Long a ware set in the like of feared hbr trouble would drive her DraWao. at OM Queen W. Toronto. = ,,,
� - ignities which so 1many of ray pre- which had never been known in crazy. She was advised to try Dr. almonds and melon juice the milk of ing the edifice. tourist Wepeping cars, between Dan- - ____ . I �_�,I-
. " seepsors had enjoyed before me. Westerfield. Hardly a female would Williams' Pink Pills. She replied t.ba-t green barley, veal bouill�n, aiLd water At Croons Petty Sessions, Constable ve r ' San Francisco, and Los Angeles, Books, flosaft.- rru- Boller Makers I !".
Hereupon ensued venture out of doors after eight able Iiad used a box before and �hoy distilled from the honey extracted and Doinver and Portland. The best Catholic Prayercfflxe�, Goat lars, . � -,i,,�
, 11 the only serious 0 Claxton, Adare, was prosecuted for line to Ulab, Idaho, Montana, Oregon Relivious Piouirep, Ststsuary. nod Chumb 01-11101AN - '�I�_'
1: , difference of opinion that ever divided O'clock unless escorted by one of the bad di)ue her no good. , It was urged from roses. Marie Antoinette was Faucational Work.. m.uo,,l.mnI,e1vevmpt't - Fitters 11 Lathe Hands I .P��
� L " my father and prayself even pposite sex, and not a child was to Chat she could not hope for relief addicted to tubbing, and she always neglect of duty in allowing a prisoner ial Washington. via the "Ogden Gate- tioo� 0. A J. SAOLIER & CO., M.mr.ar" . ��,
,, for it day' be seen abroad after dusk. Even the from One box arid sho commenced liked to have her bath flavored with named Michael Liston, residing at Bal- wa!Y:" Write S. K. Hooper, G. P. & ------ ,:� i
I I told him J)Iainly how utterly hateful 11 We can give good rn�cchnnics steady work. I I
I , to me, was the idea of becoming a,shoo- memberi of thlo Apollo Club, a can- them again, She ,continued using the wild thyme, laurel leaves, marjoram lingarry, to escape from custody. A T. A., DenvoT, Colorado, for illustrated w-&IT�r:111m)- . i ,��
. . ker. and how, my heart was set on vival gathering of well-to-do people .Pills throughout the year with the re- and a little Bea salt. On the other fine of 2s. Od. and coots was imposed, descriptive pamphlets. Aopm 9 -Either nei. to handle our sup, rior line ot good wages, uool,%vell li glit �d, weil -heat ed I I
r I I ins %v Crayon nod Water Wi.r Portrait-, Fromm, Lte. Solar ,hop, beqt inodern conven;encos. � � " ,
, Bi He twas "struck all - "it Eleario P,into supplied to isnlst� and tbo trade. Brantford is a bealthy, progressive city. -
I b lug a gardener. ho Imet two eveningn a week at the suit thAt She, has complete ly recover band, there was the Mrincess Eckmuhl, but this penalty was increased to per- � ,
'i 1 7 ,_
1, 1, � . 1
I I. .1, LUD .1
I V 4�1"
Tkorts"111 SM4 Praqued tostruotion in - all sucts
41ourcuZy t,iIietme-401
� M=,Ort for Inland P
T no 01 grn entire year day and sweet
S±"____W_1____ �Wloii�d
&MU PLiy
r I ;R
0 King's Head for thla promotion of ad b)Br health. [Her up i he at the age of 85 w4a renowned for mit of an appeal. In Manitoba there are 2,500,000 tier Allgoodit at whole"IMIT 031TH, Toronto, Ont. Living cheap. I �
I f a heap.^ as the saying is, and said petit v II?S POW is ;, �
�� I some hard things in the beat of his hermany and good fallow-shIp, we're she has gained flesh rapidle, "ang"ad h%ar beautiful eyes, her 'exquisite cam- At Skibbereen, during a wedding under crom of which 1,000,000 I is - 1% ��,_�
, -
" tomper. For a week or More he ra- reported to lie so far affected by the Ole to nAtend to all Wr Yhousehold plexion and her abundant halt, and feast at Kilclerry, a mile or two out- wheat. MIllet, Mille A Males. WATEROUS, Brantford, Canada. ,,J
�� � general iscare that when they broke up duties. She voluntairly offers this who never used anything but pure wa- Barrlswrs�ctc.. resnoveti , .,
, I ained in the "dumpa,' hardly speak- a �'11,1
, ql her face. aide of the town, a farmer narned to Wesle Bld Hit ,
JUttle before midnight they preter- testimony as a tribute of gratitude for ter on LAW . t,'!'
1;i- ng a dozen words to me all that time- red wending their way homeward by V Minihasse, of Collanuller, a married DISCOVERED AT LAST. Vs. I
� I 4,e hen came another explosion ; and this Ittenefit "he has dexi ad with the mond Bt. V.11 -8r;-, o'- Hobbs Hardware Co. I "I
I C11 I- OT thr6es to running the risk of hope that others Buffer" as she has, A New York girl who makeg a busi- man, and father of six children, got A wholesome, nourishing prepara- - I . ,�:�.-�
� �
I - ban, finding I was not to be moved . -%?%0%1%1..-%1,1W� LONDON.
I 1� 4roin my purpose, he gave away and being pounced upon singly by an ano- may I)e induced to tr3q this health re- nesa of washing cats gives the follow- such a terrible beating that his life lion which takes the placet of tea and '1`14, bmutArol I - ,, A
. I inalous bAiry being after a fashion storing remedy. Mrs. Derbyshire Is said to be in danger, and four coffee cures indigestion, and all cam- reil.dgid,ffig HIGHEST I 11"
r told we I might do as I liked, All which was enough to throw a lug as her way of doing it; "I use a EARN.t -;b ain. I
",,., this had reference only to be as I liked. n elderly adds her testimony to the 1-- +h young men have been arrested In can- plaints caused by tea and coffee which britUsnM by, BINDER GRADES. 11 " I -`il
vessel lar a enou 1, to .. .1 1. strien R
4o this bad reference only to the ahoe- a savlomen into a fit. All aorta of of jilte ava,tement of Miss Way. 6 0 6 0 nection with it. are poisonous. Rocko Health Drink " Mus d ". An - 1. I- �
'� ox - ,Jh
�' "`a'"�' n'
� r"t, nd
I&L t,
' "
stia ins at iotenta -h. Th.r � .;� i, .
2 _ �, 2 , - , I
11 heard stories and exaggerations got Allow Ana to add thiat for four or five ea I. There should be three waters. District Inspector Louis M. Lanygn, is absolutely pure and, is used at your, a- Itu'rritlistbl. pl.tty Ind LOWEST ��, ,� M�
�, it
making; not for a moment did he -11J.& Elt,lltb�m,�Wrntll- � � �'F.�k� �
71 a about as must inevitably be th)e c,-Ro years rheeditor ofthis paper has auf- all comfortably warm. I put a few meals instead of coffee. At 10c. pack- ...'r, end - send this -1-bl. I � �,�; � I
dre in that when the proper ho was in charge ae Dundrum. rin. ."_t.._ _ .I, _ PRICPS. TWIRE,
t'lit" whenever the - thousand tongues a; fared from mA itclAng rash that attack- (trope of ammonia in the first w of Lt age will make 75 Cape. Rokco also rimr irn itivirwi.ed �. bY ri, �� " �,' , ,,
"I should come. a j9olditch could be other to_ : sit � ,,�;
11 Ralmour' fire all set wagging at once. apron, and for .the headquarters district of the Irish Con- makes a doliciouB summer iced' drink. Ill walt.
an. 'Vel't
than a proud iman at Bucceeding to ad Bill his joints and all the ointments wear a rubber I _.. Rope, Lath Yarn, and L loycles.
Haven sivelal't
, grn.
. U y .... . C
D "... I �.
It was rOPOrted tbht sometimes the within reaeli (&iled to' ba-niah it. He first bath soap the cat well. The other stabitlary, County Dublin, for a num- For sale by grocers. AsIO for It. Dept. W. oron Can. Doa:eza, A# For Quotation*. . `�,�`, ,_.,
. what might with Teastra, be called the -8-ape had a Plaster in his hand, took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills last year two waters are clear. It she is strong bar of years past, has retired from � . i � ,
I - __ � V , � �.: �
family estate in the abbey churelf- which he tried.,to fix over the months and is nearly "ll. 40 1 rub her dry pet her a little and t-drn the force, after 28 years' service. Mr. A Syndicate is being formed in Cork to every boy andl �. � , I " , , .
yard, and I was careful not to und, FREE ,Iri who seri.d, .; FARM FOR, SALE. � ��-:�,�
I I calve him, One day I overheard him of b!A Victims, some who professed to Dyapepaino rheumatism, Sciatica, her loose. if she is delicate or young Lanyon was appointed third-class dis, ta insure quick and cheap transport full ueaw a.d a dren of fl, bry.th � �
. Inive seen him Would have it that he neuralgia, partial paralysis, locamotor I rob her dry, give her a Saucer of triet inspector December, 1871; Second- of Irish dniry produce to the English itirlai(over 14 yesm oldi anti their own add eta, 198 AORE8 SITUATED " 1. ,,, -, , ,, I
w. .0 award it fi.o, ...o bic
siky to his particular crany.Peter Philp: Jr.le waist so 10 Waterloo 00,, Wilmot Tp., Ont.; I mile north of I �� .
� was at the v6ry least seven faist high; ataxia, nervous , headache, nervous milk, put her in a basket and cover class. April, 1879, and obtained first- markets, We rt,quirb all who Are awarde thu wnist It �t' New Dundee and 6 miles mouth of arrabrial on - , ��': L �; 1�
"A.fter all. when one comes to can- w,bile *others averred that he was de- prostration, 1kidney trouble and dis- her up: Once in two weeks is often elass rank In May, 1887. to distribliti,25rikim ofour Lounnividellowdor G.Till. ; the 1.nd sloors iteatty towards south and �,,st : I ; �
. I
:" I .
nee . and r.olleot 5o per,��kg. Eachp.okago-nouris to a rich clay 1-m, in a good .tate,,r ,ultinijon; thas ; I " , �
� sider. there isn't such a vast diftere forimed and had � �niutgo, lump between eases deponld�* upon. hum,pra �n the enough to bathe a healthy @at.,, At Belfast tho case of McGuire v. Me- La TOSOVInftl loo. UPLIANCE CIGAR enou�i for tp,n g amtm Return the money *v 2 is" of omhar,l &%go rilen, at,out 28 "res of I I I
I atweeff is g"ve-digger and a garden- his ^boulders. 11thers of the more , . around ;� I ,
� ,blood, Isuch as acrofula, olirunio ory- FAUTORY,Morstre&L to p )y exprew. inoney order or po�vd note, to, 4 hardwood Limit, cc Itha �prjw� bedge , , '� �,, .
I er. They both get their living out of ignorant were firmly persuadW that sipplaii, ate., all disappear before a fair Upon a beautiful obelisk in a temple Cormack was listed for. hearing before -1 and we willo ve yufo Ili midition to WAL4t sst an U111d,it'r, and 200 ,, apt. tirve. bume,itil 'm f Irtu: AM 11 � I ,,
" . . the would. and "Iti have to be handy thora was a strong small Of treatment mith Dr. Williams' Pink at Karnak, Egypt, are Inscribed the Mr-Thatice Kenney and a common jury. Ovex a quarter of a million of peo- elegambr-blet. 1-rde,toindu .... 1, .ompt- a ... It water at house: b.rn butiflikid with alir �� 11 �
, 4 brimatunis c -A, to all whoni,ik,, ria,rus hishle twelve i6ya wowr by tirdrautic ron; power when on bito ; ,it In ,�, �, L .
' .3 1 :4� � ,
, I � L'�� ' with their shovels. Ana who knows. &botij tbe creature. Rrtd that his eyies Pills. frhaylgive, healthy glow to pale I The plaintiff is a barmaid living at pie have already perished in couse- 4 train r-ciptotgo'Aft"'. ivill fil'tho'give a love- GO fterca 0 wheiv, 45 meadow, balance spring orop I ." I I I I
. - it this new-fialigled uOtion of plant- glowed in big lie nama and &%rtouche of Queen Hat- tick pin. ]OOMINION SUVPL,V HOUSE ferin o in be i)mtgnt with ,,r withoot Lrop, For w,ma - , 11 � ,
� I and ad :ikb live coals. and "allow cornpitexiomq and build up allepsu, daughter of Thotmes I., B, C., Downpatrick, find formerly at Daily- clufInce of the famine in Russia. Al 10"t; 6t. -W., H"Milt... Oat. , add,ew I�RAEI, Ottb.S.AEAN, New ando., ont. . I., I . I . I 11,� 1 �,-
I I lug talks girlives with flowers At l6ngth mattera came to such a Bad worow theentire syfktom. Sold by money, County Antxim. The defend- 1. - ____ ------..---. -_ __ - ,,�, :�,,:,
, �,�� 11 :, � . shrubs caaws fiato tasMob, but what pas& that a numbar of the bolder all dealisrIs or sent post paid at 500 the woman who raised Egypt to �, 00.!3 Payne,.-Ictraeby Quo* %V%"%A&*,%AWW'%4h"&'*"&,%'%�� 15 I ,,, : �
Robe amy he "ng a good thing for spirits among tihis young men of &,,,box or six boxes $2 t Minnoole of its highest greatness arit is a licensed trader at Ballymoney. Pharaohl Cibis, manuf.ct�nr USE SOMITHINC COOD I : ,: "� t! I � � �
hisself by leaming all about em.' the town banded themselves t other drtesing the Dr. Williams' Medici and made Thebes as a capital More The action was brougb I to recover dam- FARMERS SAVE A PROFIT ON W -Ta 333 SEND . . 1� 11, '� I � � � �
f 09 'tie' ages for breach of Promise of marriage. � .. - .11,
. So, with- a Ifeal-beating heart4 I went with the aVowed intention o hunt- Co., Brockville, Ont. Do not be pot- gloriong than Babylon or Nineveh. H'er It is calculated that the Shareholders A611 I I , I � , , ) I
, ,� to Planigarth 'and m&ed for W. Ays- lug down We 11-8. Dividing auaded,�Loitake some substitute. reign lasted twenty-one years andwas When the case was called, iti wa tat- of the United Kingdom outnumber the Machl* ne Arim P CATALOCUE. I � .1 ,� ; I � . 'St
- '18 ,
- arrived 1; , � : �,�, ��
� , not themselves Itil , - > " ,,
I cough. The old Seotoliman had to a coupro of gangso ----.O--- memorable for the energy of her ad- Od that a Settlement bad been - railway employes by about 40,000. " .,.,�
. fbrgotten me; and a fortnigbit. )&ter. each imembor of which WAS armed with ministration and the prosperity of her It. the defendant agreeing to pay plain I GET (100D U, stiew"orit ANOE I ."
I I through his influence. I was offered a stout cudgel, thi&y tiff &100 . The consent wna made a we P. G 988 . �, , t I �, 3 I I
� , � , the "I of undet�gtkrdan6r a assistant the Flarambulated A CHARACTERISTIC OF GREAT MEN people. rule of the court. .. to ...... C (LiUrr... ) Co. - I - , -, � I , � I
- . I I
. --- , --- Oiltarlo Canoe Co , " � � � , �: I (;:,. ,
, , , at Linden Villa. the hou" of a rich elgb town might after night from ..So far ll, I have enotountered them," A rather serious riot amongst (be I � . - 09 ,
I , t O'clock till midnight, vowing Theic was a vegetarian banquet in " MERLE` " . , 1 � I ,�, I
- to the best are o lit h. Itardware, J. Z. ROGERS, Manager. , ,� �,� '4� 1
1 morcharit in the. outskirts of Wester- 160gatinot, tills moat dire ,n the, ch. said a eltiten of -the world, "a 04ars- London not long ago at which Miss Militia regiments stationed for train- I ,10 . I
. ,
,Ili retnt I
, I And , to Storo I R. ''
I : (laid. There I stayed for two yetirs. Joct at their hatred -it only they acteristic of great man is that they I � .. ,,, .. I : � ,�11' .
I W I i # 6 1 A - May Yates. one of t" "grass esiters," lug tit Blackrock, near Dundalk., is M lim"to PETERBOROUCH ONTARIO CANADA. I , I I 11 I I .
�, , I r -is us. ,,very ocrap, 0 new Is to
� . I could'lay hold of. at ille end bt which
cause, coratt across u. -japt, unfortu.
nattety, small as "'AD town wait, they
bAve time. They are not in n hutkry;
tetir ,ark d4tiesn't bow thtsm, but they
made a Speech against the *,blood lap-
that being
reported. It appears that there was
between Louth
' 11 time a berth was found for mt at
, -, Pealgarth it"If. Here stavoral years
wvbr itucceeded in doing� Th,h Ores.
Lure fteuned to derive a sort of ma,ij,
boso their ,work. They don't act as it
pers," the delicate way in
which she referred to people who eat
some old grudge arid
Down Militia Regiments, and the re-
-.1,4406o0ii., .
slipped away almost without my know-
ofollfl gle" from setting QMm at 'de�
every minute you Stayed was valuable
meat. She told of &'certain clargy-
ornItA of both fought the matter Cut
� I 149 how, so'bappy and full of content
was ' lot. Mr� Aym,tnutghs, who took
flanea. qlos, on morb timn, on Do-
caLsIon, tbA I vigliance, bo$m,1 am they
0 am, t y I, t
timit, I st to th , he ton' fret and
man who, "through the agency of
vegetarianism has a family of Haven
With their belta and other handy
weapons, The small forco of police
po"61M To
gre is
I I tit At rest i4 44% had advitted rap
NRA dubbed theniselves* on turaing a
ti t.
dg, Willat tiram they do devote to
daughters, each over all feet tell.-
were powarlem to cope with the diA-
to loarb it 16dst thb frudIttabuts of
ooftlibr Nvotild find a Iwom" In a hsW
,YOU appears to be time that theyean
turbance, and the rival parties held
. Latill, Without wbiell, ht mid, mo hoictl-
falkillng atatb, Wbb ,hkd boon wowfita
,aiiara, find tak* things easy in, alid be
The Princess Louise, Marchioness of
the Place in's atate of siogo for a
, I 4, ttiltdrilif tould b6 said to kn6W bin
bY ttw d"aturs ouj�r ta anialate or tWb
comitortifible. The work Beaman to be
Lorne. reached her fifty-firat birthday
ctingidaralilt time.
- ; so ,sL krimt pot-,
ortviouilly, It way b6ifUt tho *boyst
Ikeldental. and it seems as though
recently, whateupon thb belle of Wind.
From a retufm issued, it appeard
, tift Of," "ro hotirs wre, *er% to
� �
we" too Much, addWitiBd to thfiffirig
tb'6y could I.Ora to it when the time
mar were rung merrily End a royal
that during ten yeors the amount
I � t, th� Acquisition of! that grtadlOut dit-
. , i
I I I f(Cult likaghts h. �Almnitt as it mkt,�
ofti* blIttri to rattlinj thiElt btlekw all
pit*�meMt, and to sitting In tob de;,
hftnd Ith
ra I If 'a" I . "Bb I
oft 6 oy 4 46 I � �"l t w 'to h8v6
" lad t 1W �_*8 &m ..1d,o,,,
in It I,
salute was fifed in the Long Walk. It
must tie a t6rrlbl6 thing to be a w64
raised In -Ireland by local taration,hits
by halt tha
'. te� of .0ovit*3 hall fallvn Ila love by,
I :,
, thts ;twi�. T40 ab*t d my 1*8alion
mOnfitrativet a thiftint-ft 61160* In
0114 of their p6raxUlAtiotts, to
r,�th r , . nl-V 4
rt.1 that
't a� i
th fict.ri4t�q at t 4, aratit otaid
man and not b6 able to 811d6 ovbr one's
InCratised nearly a million,
fi -es being ;Usl],40.013. In 1887, and
� , I _
I I... I I � W*h I'fttt3t )4-t Lldfatd,� the ,ortl,$
�04=r MrVIC68 Of An$ fivAll, but
bit 6 time i�
fit ty-firat bitthday without baying
Publib attention talltiili to it,
g3^130 in 1907, the last sear In-
, 4�4114 Illf'beir Mott6t. *hb *6A h Widdw�
be HAL *6 It ima)" tm outtliges stk)]
dloda(l in the return. TMtvveen 18M
, I . Utta, )atd bothinki of �hor oWn to this
welit 60 U06totom Not,thilit tho 00-
Bud IM the inortiasis wits only X2441
1 , *
' � 'of" this *olrlds t6a. wbil Rt my
011rttd V06 n%ht to t0ftlIft"
. by
AIA t1�ZA_LL_Vk',3 11, I -0
ifivAd Abite 1994. when the total yi 61
140 ,
�� .1 1; 11 11 IrZion
4), I -
I 0 , ", ff I - I I I
11111111111,1111-1110, %1*11" 11V%AW% , � , 6-1 ... -,-,,�� " ,
- I
- ___._____..__ -I.--- ��.;, ', )�, 1
": 1"� �, ' I . �
. �, .1. I I I I
ALLAN LIKE .�."�': , I
. . , - '' 11
I - .
T. "WR91110111 t "I'll, L�ii I
MAR 4 ,1 .�, I "I � �
lto,.v,j� 14
The Natioq's Holiday I
I Sol$
, "outfir, I", � ,
" ��� I
1 ,
�1, �
-.1,4406o0ii., .
FYom Worpool. � From Mointroall. , . I �, I I : � , 1,'� I
I ,J,,,l ........ .... IIARTMANSC ......... 3 A1100i I L
lu : , ; ,. I .
.. .... .... I,AURVNTIA ......... 10 Auphi I I � I
- �
. - - 'A '. ,:�., I I
Augget ...... .. 0ALIFORfs
11 Aug- .. .. ....... TAINU n�...:::.ft`ap`1 �.,
Asig ...... ...... PARISIAN Al �,� , "I ,
.... � ....... 31 tl% � '. . .
Thit ne* TWIts Itemor 4. S. Befallen, IOjM0 tdno, I 11 � "I 11 I � I I
-Uh P A91A.nd'r-Mo*tn&IRei1%.7' I .. ��
po"61M To
I , ,. ;; ,
laqw-W. , .
"*"4 M -,"'Ll " r.Z.. Le.dond.r, 11 ��� I
.. AMP., .- . 1
EmMew " , " t - 11
1 e I
Aug. 28 to Sept. 90 199
I 4 I
Well 41104 , "I i , . T
'to"u"ho""'m 0 1
IL Mwtk 17 VaWo St., 'toronto, 1,
� , I
. , I , I , it" DO., - 4tkAt 111OU4014 to *660 1141" 8OXn6*11Af&'tOU*'8r t1*6 41 4 *61ifild ,,,ff$ft *J,r,.rJ,70. & mile a was &0,149,442. The valuation of tW1 L . ' - 1
I'' 1, , _ , Th6 lot of the cro,wii � ,._ �...111111 I-- ..... .. , ". -I L � � tw & 4 A� ALLAN, 114841trolkis I 11. -11 I
I I I -"'If, tIk*J*'r*66tW littlii )lk6I1h66& i& 7,ttO�#)Y'w�tbOUt,villYthb*b�6zi�boti,oi� Xrff.&ffiD* Prine6filli Of fibuihtt� hilti inorttamd from 914;1 1 1 �;��,
ftr %lisit Jiblis fd - *0ty 'for ,ftwitfill ,hUrd:61! thtift*kturbl - I ' . I . �.. of "MP'lle-No, It 8*604 1A kRA K bAIVY 6*6. tt" in- W to 414,947,148. . ALL uo,staf,dat* AYTMOVioNs - . ...W�_- � . :I- 11 �
I I .t L Idlawt,amu . � * , . ft00%us or za ctxftkv I I '', � I 11 �
, . W11 45'. 06 a to xhuch. Ib the sprintr diff604t hftlth oda*bls ber to aj*nd , 6 ".. . . TO11111) *fih*U$'M*dki"
4, , irmirtu i4iltit."",ftflut *til * V'ro". 'tifolirk*d, it *AYAW, t6lAviti A' r 1.0ih � I ", I ,
I If 1.11: . is a #rUd ordea dijtghis tO0tn, !__i. t ��t� t�s - __ . - ------ --t-4 t!'et!m.t, , - tt!!� , � t todstra 1A tho d's ItIT6011101lid-Wilre- HfALtH 49S 0 610ft" to UW - - � � . . .
a fxra Vill" 1`016001dam *1sa Ilium"u, TAK&
r6t wMelL did ,hat ltriliUble im grftt. dIAUlke fo b"JilifliLt '�4 .. half tht Y"r in the, bouttl Of nuft* , W � - I I I I .
� ,,� __ 'i , _Phr, . � I
�, *� we wevi,6 yftu throti iftigbAsi (oiI;7ti , '4 I'll . **Mt, the YOU'pit men who dtf �) low 4, Moose, filter. 131064, 1 �
- 'OftttlOft * **Ostl t6 bA" 06 bk of th6 Sir - 41% �
� 6': wo Tolv0d oitcki I L F. 26't' AW0 tr6kii h1br IfIIAMW� and her lib Is . Imp"Y4AX R&Y'N , IMAM.f4qi;BtgU&lU SUDDY
.� . � ,�� othor,,,alti W* btstld W&4 to *�ttllIlj 016 6 I �. . �
I .� I 11 a % ' U01 ~ et Worked *ety Well, Rodd6od by tho tbfttVt tb*t ii�lifttil h6 # ft","Wxty AN$ RAVas"Otaus 00 ftr 11 ' ' *WOS&M . , . , :�'
� .
.. I
-W 11&14^wk� wliaterVOTAV'Rys fal , sitt i tA toi &*660 66, throvttl Am wul, 1A 6f but , Is . - ,., LI "1101111 L4 401401", twlifooww- , ry a I . . ___ Ir 11' I � .
" , , ,
et _Irmtr, I I -68( ro lidy*t two dollA - , t. ft , I food, I I zz I
. .1 .ths tVAMI,W,"VA,� *Itli fi�rrot' Afid' t*#4v b4t It t ThOl I blid K olatt, Uttlq assittA666 tb, hIft 16 'his tifif* 6f , - , " " "A ft"004 M it ikoo. I
At- I W"t ft6lLtur,ifli L#r* wtftftoatsti I , pot", &*-, fto*& la� . . .L I
J : _ � . )IMifft164ttialtnittlit lolkw-tilk somelig".1iorMI& is k4ta", I
hard *111� .. I . I
� I ,
"d A,6014Mftt; �htpottirl�4 '86 fillitV �OW ou N*41 ' b66, Ah4 thlit w . ah.t q E�k n*1*0 kib�6*4 tha, Riagdo"'Of, Nottirty tilad I I � . , 0 ��� 0"Uraill."000011to %Salt. ft"TZ, fire=
-U,fell,titsid brom hit Aoii664, J�Vtitt I itilf A , _" ,4 1 Infiad,604eliAll athein *0 iAb*r : ... 11 I ,t� L
sotill" *",* 1*4 igitti; it tkiltilt'it,kAtIt L Of VaWblofs, i � V� do", ftiaelfi toothot'. muo 14 jiow bist I , '' ,& 4 , I,r , I `070= A 110444011116. I . �
� ,,, liki�by xottib il� 01 f t, - 4 " '24600 - , .11 I
. 4!. - W *** I Y, tit* flilLikobt "Witryl't &I wkidiih - - lut Viii rimitotAfinvol. mr,oh urlb. I L 'I Me 11*1100 I 11 � ,, I
�� -_ 1-1. -11, , _# bw*t oD67AIWIDA. 14PAO Id"d ta" 0I I . . I I
, ", .I " with '101, trk,liko ,atttibu , I.L I 11 � , I imilitt ase"allyk *I v . s �, �, �, �
I 61*4 .to I* I " *00Jt4l k-AII04,1a #6�*M* tht i 0-4. 'r . it"""" " "114 L100 *f Itillit"Il. I � , r", m q
� 1 'I *Ip 061" *6 lAtftl bb t0p'd td,tn * WW 0$"/& 0441�1 die ok"Wo 004t A0,11111; oth. ;. T
**** uttfok* Ixt w6uld b* *10( , A V., -0 * , '"
, I '0* 4 ILIN 16 I .,J bdiw
0* 'hft*)�,, *fttks� ,N- 4 ; but yqui6t folka *A41 r"a 04 tw 41,74 t �� r- 0 . . _ I
IS$, A rlftCoo ,4 , 4A Rott. -e loot, Wt*voliltl 0 � A 4'*�� " ."
0 fflft lullito *Oksk I k 1,.0v* *0 gwot gwiv" � a ,000 for'#"- , �� , / riw *tw 140% , Milli" "a *4 votllw == �
**fttk, td I , - i I 1 Deowalimid, ToRet., ,,,,
"d " MM42, MAIM101isc
1 t&ft%XJj th,&r **f&iIi1r* [A ,d1*14*t. *%A44*004 I I . I N-1, `0w i, .�,�Uft% �'="V I 12 '.
. �, X Wax *'At 14*U lbiltt 1160 , P"* I . "I--, 11 I �- � 'Iw"-"� , - . I 1_1 " :.. I - . 4 � I �
I " V"A, *OfA VJ611m; 1141111M saillift ftn" , . � . 1. . 41 4 � ,�
"I I A" Ad 'A" I 'It, I*Aftt L' X%WAX=VANlf"A#40* . � . � 11 , �� 11 I P i Ott 11 11 & r - tklifwk . .
. - - . I R-kaot . I
, ,, 1.*P*^ . I I 4 ,111A 06 U 'm RIA oxn* A, IWA I. � �,,`, . I "I'll o I I '11164
I lity *#fjJ**�.f 4 ,,I%,* Lji , j"t I ,!fj*, *R� I . .
, . *
1111it1w 1� - �j "'t 't, t*AI;,$04W ***1 4k*.,*# , I �# - ro �, � I
I 11 I f * flow. W WIN . lik" I I PA I I I to a# 04001004, k" .
IF Me , It 641 to ft 'An I *0 *0 Wittlit, *U' wa vfto. katfil 6%�", Ift1w , ' I ,� & I � , " - " - I 91�09 � _61"16VIetillblif"A I 1, � I .
A " "t t Apt* ji" , thAVA *btkf' .'. � - 'M - - -� , 4 ,� I . wils 104 ,� �
. , .t 4t# . 4. I - , I W� ".. , , , , , ,�
1114" 6*6 1011 - - 'L !O III�Jllf* 'I 1t*,6,* Llt jA tR ii t t vbu awt 20,.,�, ,j .
. tM6 1010 11 , I � 44* 140"ry till _ tD, 60 thit wa #Dt *O" 04* . '14 11 , 11 � - I . .
... A"O. I �t'trflk, - .. � ar , . . . . . a I .
who * jk� Oibi'4� 114bWtO kilt *0, . '. 1. I I , I 41 I " I �'O. "I o I I '.
Nft"" to UA 1110%ft'll � , , 0 , i 01-41 Ili oeo'eiol , �1 �,4 ", '
. . I
6 11 , .1 I I � 4 . I , P . -, � - . %
9" . � . . I
* ;, 1: 11 �i I . 1. . . � 1. � � �. - 1 ,4 1 1 1 � :.1 I
11 I ��' = r I I � I � I!, -.,. " . I , , 11 � ". I 1. . I . , * .1� I - , . 11 . : . I ". , I . .� . I � . I I .. : I
� I . . I I I . . , . � . . . . � .
. I I I I i� I . , . .1 I I . �.; I ., � �;, - I , '. . 1. I 1. t . I I I . I I '4 � I
I I I I 11 �, t. . �
k I - �, , . I 'k, o , ,. . 1. I . . . I
I 1, I , I \ . ,� .
�� 1_i11_-., -_.a,-1 � I 1� . 1� I '. � J, , , ,� 11 :,, I 1 . .. I � I - .. ,4,1 I .� � , � � 1�1 � X
II -1 .1 � I I. . I Q � L. _ 1. " I I 11 I I
P �1% "! I I I I 11 I I - 0 ) �, ��
I . 11 I ,, ,,,, 1> 11 I I I I I � , �, v, e, . 11 11 I I I . I L �11 . - I � I , k) I N� ,, - 11
I ,� I " , � I � 11 I - I ", I � ,? . � � 4., 1 1 . " I . I .� � r
9i L_%.- --- , , I q I . . . I J L 11 o (� .1 ::�,;& � . . - . � I I I I I I . � . 1.
sisw.i�, I A.Aaallma. .. r JLW J� � ii -4 � -I . . . 0 , - I - � I . .
I - I-1111"ie 1N0&W6__AAk*A_ . ".61. � - _1'1_qL,&, 1169, - - A" ort- ,. I , I I - I - I I I
I � �' ,