The Goderich Star, 1899-07-21, Page 6lwf�yx y iligigg par t AT f tile, #)0- ANOW98 106 .64" 0,11, wo *at 4"q Sol* TJ1# Ooma* Jor Tax nowsa os, bilit been * hu Pw# or,1411 Itgras Y "� 1, A" W_ YA A 0, It", dU =""04 Cut D1*W0nd,,..o.,smfsik treat" a W40 U04"o D -1 lip *Poow 111 oo, .iitoly forgotten, M044 M 04 a*WA Ila W bOATA About A Man who no _4011110 a pea 11110 The Ink. And thon - 41s Wr" W. WSK&w coptabu had been twA triond. 0% haill 4J#W 1$ -A SOON FOR THE ]LAM93 to' C40it �, IlebsIt noand b sXW_ jr014 wig *that you Will A" 0400 an VXWXlt AD 41111 0"ll"Malt- off ad one LKIII43 tonill, I IVILY PATgNlr WORSIM 4800 -,quite mitil. although c t eye r er Ihie fate, War,oldMileal am gains Winer 14.11, probe! Joreft W* %d_"d I Are,you. Apt ry xt—W avy"s. 1 bove you you see it Iii tut h0aw lutlo Wo Witt T11% 90911,04 Iggitimilitts fixta"o wl glasrowswa sare4h" hat who boa 4.040 IW, VAlcia, aLIT ixotty. *no. twilys with ply* _V* methlus to marry upon. in sneak Trk. A living I'A%T ZAAM 4M, POW 1.172 plot- tL nOn ga SPA(l. O.Aft 40 OWL"t .4 four hundred a year wall *;Lying, ',they wanted sue — thoss. IRlstte(l. dgpre t witp are —to in rry win 6 of mifry that% two silly old idiotal al sad i4 a mo antlor say -a' "Von KIKI*t It -relago sothilifneut, and which, *11 I he was jealous of Wipe, %Ad tbon-flit ETHICIVegikl; IQU flat Joe have a lie would got Ilium out of We W I-Vedo ity I* to, receive 4 - - - - - - in% VA, A win at Age. I suppose I shall is 0, try *ied w w you a" finch a layouritis your of JAM146,W%tt tlw Scotch la� t is Lre tb* .124 ery,a I wgro lout rlight to. of course I am, awt. t tTT WU4 411 my aftht sad. Is very little, and no I hope you trisCle. Geoff, that I am sure If 0 veilitOr Ot the steam. ongine,1(rom ths, k 0* tkAbotter �i kindly make Come flarther PrOvi- you could get things put rialta to", One brewing t k3to W. FUctuird WalawjrighL waiii 240 ita, W.1 !Qtuor womila. Win Geoffrey elan for me. I have thought it all Over him ried Geoffrey. sr ii1t, 44i t%'o 'taftl words of a for Come thus, and have quite made up "And so I will tryl" a 10.0199 00illifitrUated for Llyr 'I will go o London to -morrow OrPW *tr",t filtNtion In Londo. The Wig 414,tk Ai and show Is my mind to marry nobody else on earth NXWI TOWORR illup -to 1) Miles, *0 it Is too late to maks about it. Albert Trichot starts for 'A" 'aWrier of It* OW Wold allow 470 t PC tUA3; nag IV ermination, but not South America thin very night, and t a "Pt 3" . iial in this very 64W to -am v *%rx of IQ be day, M dear I" no chAnge my dat PUZZ1.2 300111ims tQ1 dials comfortably. palalefis com J4tXipctor awn r 091jUC Dilicle vol too late. Lay dear father, to give me when he is safe out of the way JAY mela4ry of Q)e Post COWPDX a DSW g'Vell cTL4 of your t your blessin and your help. I fear I ucle Is far more likely to listen to Find alod, air. X4, of It, Angel, Think wha - may be "alvoluting some of Y4 Don't you worry our- Napoleon's =0%, museum, library and town bell is tQ cajma� gek rid oC tbonx withoixt c)Vr am- anything I say. in 1W"o di* be erto ptber. Tho %W404 polill 10 C# 0 - �p It is to be Rota -:good a ta- self, Dulcle. Write and ask old Miles picture 4117 i X"As *iA. ob. It yots try hard b Ci be at Olupy, in Duckin rid promise ther to gee 4, litit-TOrr" r;tbut you axe too that happiness and at- down here for a day or two—,' peaknou In order that our goods way not W Into the hands of Uplagoni #vs U Shire. at a colst of about X3,Q(X),' The ylouxlsihwe $on will supceed, I qk we roq at In fection a things "I have telegraphed to him to is ag roe bilLked. bati- u WOO J -V re, after all, the best you to collect from eocb person =Avg s, sample witil, 6 cents, hot the A Price Or Aft"" It to calculated that during the Lort- anas. weighing. one pouVA, is at to d, 'Uscau "Ufa Urely. A to make a marriage successful.—Your come already," said Dulcie, dem tzibutief Lho2�rWk4w?Oq rc UStoomoncy. WoWill then gitV6YOUfOt service, her face itpon, her "That's right. I'll he oft by the 8.10 abilislia and a womoss to the proc", whleh was awarded ru In tho 6* don season tho average amount Of that of twenty-six powado of bE 0 0. taif,, 14140r. affectionate child, Dulcie. We Ily 4ngmv4 and to ell w O return 1. P.S. a& Gold libel' Uwu- $$he - 1thbZ days from When Seen Arst, we will send with money spent daily in flowers is —By the way, I hear Miles is In the morning, Angel. I'll get that PLw ell W"In 0, whispersiL "I have & For Over Fifty Years his will put right for you somehow, Dulcie-, ra.l."Zo free, a splendid 41mmalatting Ruby. Ximatruld or* moist of which gee* to foreign flower- Hua. urned out of the business. T Anxilornsichiri, - you know that Wmsjbw,& Sofyratzid SYRUP has beg. ell*D4 volkat �hjtst L MS* a wonderful discovery I make not the Slightest difference to the House shall not leave the dear old pk to Gessallso 111filmay Style stick rig, To man and atmosallAakes .1, inItsoothos WAY seem Ira I'L To all owl' we say It Is cortain y worth growers. L 0 h 4 wi V a know, that I me. as It would be a mean thing, as you bay out in the cold it I can help it." Trbkots nothing, Am Zask norle of your monrigy. W d the tho" a M' a b.t, 'Me Basik of England none, is 5 14 by W -Al by all druN will agree, to throw a man over because He was full of a new imthagiasm and "I Ityl:% orfical X.001tef-I did once, you L bW— In Tomato for * years, sad have never falled gists Orougho"tbo.oAd, 13. lfulM away proqA.0 rell1li" Our tigiassa Is a legitimate -2 inches in dinibusions, and If, print- at= ead ask for Urs. WhisloWs 800thws Sys -, enterprise, &Mcd go upon the broadelprin '" 'woo t4filrof6re I thought that I he 18 In trouble. I suppos It is a energy -already work for others. that y. 8 1 grand HARRIS— RAs 09uW litever love &7 panacea for prrv�ta trouble, lay eanduoIedbysionotexporlonceand busitiou ability. W*%rsf&rsWnW=t0K;�; ed In black ink on Irish lifien water. LOA, VO A body elm. When I trick of that detestable little cad, Trials elplas of O"peratWu j�#* *iLrVW I Cal to myself that I at. I always hated the little beast I under his very hand. There fire oth- that t=ht and we wboweals only, a He a more like a monkey than a man, er things In life to live for," Rome maid ,us U enough in am vlowe to offer Inducements to stimulate our loduatrise which WILLIAM ST., TO, . a offer the qtik*w out goods will become I tr wetucement w have adlymbsom, MaTked Paper, plain white, and with Street cari ran by liquid air are a Id b* fl�j�W and dutiful wife, but isucceas in Zurich. :�tunpfad raigg lt)%it X- * -!be nothing more -but since I think I" -hen she badoe him turn his back upon b.Zgp=hosI by any drallarcompany. Out business Is conduct#dthro4hQuton the I . ould Bitter love for ever. Was she Dot always W of anlizout responsibility, we rotor you to Vy mercantile alroncy. & 01-14Y ask YOU to th very hour that Dulcle felt proud of this cOMPO lutorprut our Picture Pu 9 and "ad as your address. he Bracohit " on, having JA Iwo , k the and more particularly of the postscript. rightf postslfspold, the 96 ot LAme, Fruit Powder. D bu = &COO X 1, first formed societies for the prevaii- ,be Mar n4i4 he loved me, t A Toonal . for MOP 0 %ill award Britain holilm the honor of That will prevent the chance of any "Order breakfast for me at seven to- and we *01 a you =4 to Shall Ring and Pin. Could any LU BY`$ 444 1�0 stay disperaging things of Yourself of offer W of you have the ty, Of someone 01" cut out Picture tion of cruelty to animals, and of bay- $34. 4 morrow.'$ he said to his wife. as they SOldbyalldrug&ts. Soc-abottle. 07-4pinething time suddenly come misunderstanding on that &core Is, she U�4 is w1WU a sly Appear Asp% It was the horror I said to herself, as she folded and ad- went Into the house. "and I'll have the 4.4.8 tlkt at big Insolence, or dreimed the letter. ' 'It will show papa dog station," IrISDALL SUPPLY GO- 9J Adeldde St, Tamlig. out lug first legislated for punishment of -cart to take me to The offenders. In the United. States there are 279 -It Is Geoffrey's coldness that that I consider Miles' dismireal Its ft Then. turning to Dulcie, he added with Attempts am beirig, made In the professional female detective- u WFU pain in' liatine away put any little dreaum he may have Monday t L1.0 of exposure, made their way along the County Of ]Cent to exterminate the of Z The Moor. You see, i J and buger as well an tram the 61 Le 1911 t 0% find this horrible jealousy mattar of minor importance, and also a am Is A I will have to; wait till AT 11 my heart -I don't o rf L T OF THE 8 Ide ! my becoming Mrs. she has nobody now to pact bar but DISCOVERED AT LAST. or why it hil,but I have die- had on the subject ol cliff for several miles to the hope of sparrow- Sparrow clubs have been mis V4111*t his calculations Mel-, finding either a,human being orsome Will lim Albert Trichat out of vmnll k yo '' A wholesome. nouishing prepera- yo, 04 4,11 at once that I am in love formed, and money Prison are given to Oh, but desperately, dread- No woman who describes a suitor for So Angel had bar reward too. THE SHORES OF QUEENSLAND water. ftilure added to their bodily tb— producing the largest number of tiou which. takes the place of tea and him I a monkey, could, by any ORS. To be Continued. STREWN WITH CORPSES. torture. They had not th coffee ourea indigestion, and all com- Ily W love 11, ber hand as a strength to bends. MADE 17, t the Angel I Angel 11, and Dulcie oov- possibility, be expected to retrac return to their companions, and spent plaints caulictil by tea and coffee which marry him, under any The HMO Secretary has are poisonous. " Aooko Health Drink,, HERE. 90-4 -tub blushing face with kiasels of expression and the night under some bushes. appointed f ­�So you gee you pressure of circumstances whateverl Wallace "Weia From the Mimesis TOP of Im. absolutely pure aa4 Is used at your 4000*4ift'dollatit. The next day Mitchell and McMil- Lord Stalbridge, Sir R. Glyn Bart - to wi It,4 just as well papa should time ex- the Sleanniblis Luck Sloy In the Gwent- IWAt MAIL 441,6ve al well to help you "ured of Epilepsy. Ian weak, but not yet bopidesa, set out Colonel Brymer, M.P.; General meals instead of coffee. i Al 10c. paok aotly how matters stand I- amil mouth Sea Hurricane 81 cc the Tida. Ton- ill make 75 cups. Rokoc, also nX lattte for water. McMillan came back to tell age w Lay felt as ave at damon 9'ej T�ftrg nilint and Mr. Montague Guest to be �Vor INOMO minutes neither sister After that, Mine Hallid Ago. the good &vva that a spring had been makes a delicious summer iced drink. lverpool. which ICHE STORY OF A ST. CATHARJNES A handful of sick, starved sailors. found and to get a can to fill with It. members of the new visiting Botird of v as a bird -a happiness Large rs Vancouver Vokp; they remained silent, fast look- happ? For sale by grocers. Askl for Lt. no way diminished by the sight LADY WHO IS RESTORED now being slowly nursed back to The others never heard from him again Portland Convict Prison, ambr ad It% each othera arras. was In Do� Pillan. Theavery verlouldy Angel rallied her of Geoffrey find Angel coming to- TO HEALTH. health at Victoria. D.C., have told nor found the water that he had die- Ais the result, of his trip to Khar- People who sleep with their months list 0�, upwardif; saw.d from the shot live longest. Catini' face 4104 looked anxiously into Dul- wards the house together covered. They believed that weakness to the Duke of Connaught, has Ulu, stables. theirrescuers thestory ofthe destruo- overeame him and that he fell from ym — * MI P461fi I po Dulcle saw thatGeoffroy looked pale else Suffered Severely, m"'ei'men ifftving tion, of a brave ship and of more than the cliff. secured whdt will probably prove to dait t:pparontly 41 11 OEEF am Hussy no Four Spisnass in a week - and ill, but that he was E'S MALT twoscare lives. THREE WEEKS Or- TORTURE. be an unrivalled collection of the Inv his wife; vIlhoul d Strenathans. 1, Walt t= me a great fool, but making an effort to talk several Dortars vomoulle4l Polls of Omdurman. It includes some W. LLOV MYD-!Vouto. GENERALkainIT. There was small chance for any For three weeks the surviving men DW in, -4 Ireme0t. very fine native armor. Y&uwl Altakh. but don't you honestly think that and presently, am sho watched the Geoffrey is a very handsome man ?'I she saw Angel half shyly, and with a path of the led an existence of increasing torture. From the Star, St. Catharines. boat that mailed into the draw. an Adoials. in Mrs. S. B. Wright, of St. Catharines, fearful hurricane that for weeks had The only wonder is that they did no' The Queen thinks of creating a lych A full-grown Greenland whale turn- with it touch he Apollo and face. slip her hand through his rosby"som 4 rloss"la arm of die. Occasional rain gave 1hem their gate at Dovervourt churchyard, In ishea about a text of Whalebones. hamlosaus"s, li,dear, a very quick, nervous glance at hor husband's has for a autuber of years been at sov- they grow so thin -Z swept ravenously across the South8ea only relief and who r-4. 1101.11ing of. it Cupid P- her own accord. ere sufferer from epilepsy, from which memory of the British soldiers rid coast. The from lack of food that they were lit- IA12 th.d. he -a . from her Geoffrey was evidently surprised I and along the Quesnala MINERAL WOOL1) v to hie Orman cinemas see is now uapplly fir a. orally masses of bones. On were burited there at the beginning "--% son, and a little oolour mounted May 27 # ("Neff _-'ear -agib W Position and laughed merrily and he to a reporter who recently called upon watera had seethed and roared and of this century, as the result of the his material beingg fire. tr rfton 4I they found a gully of water, and the ft I I �, brbw but after a minute her to ancertuits the manner of her tossed, and finally a good boat was burl- next day, somewhat revived. Mitchell ill_fated Waloharen expedition. vermin proof Is now being very I But 411 this time she bad said not laid his other hand upon his `R Word abolu wife's, find looked pleased. care, she said:— It is to Dr. Willitlibs, ad under them by a single blast of andShapison started out to makethei With a population of 5,500,000, Lou- used as a tion -conductor of hen f e c. Pink Pills I owe my release. It In and sound in cold storage, public U4thA* efly, Dulcle, was a coward. Perhaps coining straight from that the pitiless wind. way along the coast, leaving Kirkpat- don harbours every day 120,000 som years since I had my first attack. ings private residences. eta., that She was about to fling upon the Downs, Geof- arick, too helpless to move from sick- strangers. Some may remain a week, covering steam' hot water, sad interview At the Lime I did not know what. the Two of the stoutest ships afloat war new and exhaustion. In a day or two 4 �Oxillowve machine down into the trey Dane might reasonably have, car- trouble was, but the doctor who was the freight sbip Loeb Sloy and Her 0014?_� a luouth, but all the Your rouxid. and cold wat;� pipe. The E 110100M of her family, and ohs was a ad for a little interval of solitude and the two tve scouts came upon Cape N called -in to attend me at once said it Majesty's warship Pylades. But these Berda Jig thouite. There was no one there is am average of 120,OGO visitors Mineral Wool and Asbestos a, bit afraid of the storm and con- thought ere he was called upon to beg w epilops , and that the disease was who are within the metropolitan boun- in Toronto. will be pleased to San' Y to help them here, but they had no fulittiWaba. w inourals . After this I had the spasms scriptive pamphlet as certain to bring upon to tread the path which his lost love two now lie wrecked on reefs off the if you ar 11satV of Trade Ilkilidinfev 144461f. Tbat Dulcis, the practical, the had pointed out to him. But life as often as two, three and fou'r times Australian shore. Of the fight which 'strength to go further. So they slept should be to fling sometimes hurries us on in an unac- within Ito shelter and subaisted up- An interesting old lady has just torested. TORONTO, ONT. the one a week. I had no premonitory the' Loeb Sloy bravely made and lost on such food as they could find until passed away in the person of the Tnox" FLYNN Joan L CoFiFZJL bovielf away in a reckless and Improvi- countable fashion, and when, as be Grand Rapids, Mich., gives employ - symptoms, but would fall no matter there are three surlvors to tell. they were rescued by chance last it. Countess de Sommry, who has died at f9shlon a a man SO poor, that turned into the stableyard and (lung where I was. I always slept heavily wee Per Month Palo singularly an invortments. -four live were loot with the The tough, dry grass that grew here ment, to 4,600 man in the manufacture 47. surplus over this regular dividend, distribUt" e himself off his foam -flecked horse, he after an attack. Finding that tho Twenty Bath in her 95th year. She was ?u&ner1y,,. A amount Imm VD upwArds reogived for Witli6ut: bar 7.0therle assistance, the of furniture. , and there in little clumps near the owes In Is company'* plau Meals the r WOU14 Ootataly be unable to ke:p bar wall met by Angel. coming out hatless local treatment was not helping me Loch Sloy, whose wreck was one of the lighthouse was devoured eagerly by daughter of this Marquis de Sommery, Mentz of thousa _"Ulm. I'l litaiLd, and, eVe was to say ill least frosi the house to greet him on his my husband took me to a doctor in moat ahookin�g disasters that havoever the famiahed men. Horrible as It seems who, a the time of the reign of ter- ads -he are making a Woontl profit - Roams able Investment, and is treating a widoorread tnwret t) ';IC-,NUMOWbAt agalling to her vanity. return, somethin In her timid smile Hamilton. He also said that he could 'e' ror, fled to Englaind. Hotel Carelakem amono investors [a 841 part. of the Dom niou. BOOK NI't, too. thut really there was no made him remelater Rose do Brefour's been known in the Southern seas. The they were glad to seize for food th opp� ME, givo full par4cularo-showk h�w $100 may be- not cure me, but thfit be could give me dead penguins which they found there W;arwiok Castle, which is to come Q XJL Station. Montreal. 1, "d, U� tloo.Carslaek o., rop!o. tan fear@ tat* 4110141 ieaWn to show to the world's words: "It Is always possible for a medicine that would prolong the boat herself was shattered into bits. washed compouo3 in ufe sud or the bits of shailfish, long into the hands of a syndica to, is a mag- Expre 0Yft:14r her folly. It it had been Goof- ingis to make a young wife love him." a OW- as care reseratibling U. S. mail moutiL period between the spasms. This he The only men aboard her who di not sailors. This wretched sustenance, It nificent' old baronial place, with a cars. are now run on the street -car The Dominion investment Compank of Tcron* a Pure hen none, and Canada Permanent Chambers, Is Toronto t bectfray had all the needful he had natide up his mind that he would rather than for relief, and I finally foundtition attributed to Ethi4freda, tracks of Pittsburg. tr6y"'DW there would have been some Waq itt he wondered. At any rate, accomplished, but I longed for parish endured such an ordeal of But- ever, wus almost worse t look and manner wherewith try. consulted a specialist, who told me faring and starvation as has rarely the man could barely have lived an- close upon a thousand years ago. Eu- "'10 Aitorm outicensfully the citadel Of A certain surprise came upon him, that I been described. Women who hadbeen other day had they not been found and Mlehigan Land for Sale. that he could cure me, but ared for. Orations sums have in past times been La Tosoann, 10o. RELIANOR CIGAR ACRES 0000 FARMI 0�li& heart*; there was BOMOthing too, at the muniaor in whibb Angel must have patience. I asked him how burled shrieking from the c STORM'S GHASTLY TROPHIES iosoo 0 Title par, NO LAK08-ARENA masts expanded on this residence. FACTORY.Montreal. ismaw, and Crawford Counties. I i contral. Do'Zolt is mockluse, SU4 sely greeted him; there was a shade of am- long e thought it would require to where they clung suffered violent ul ling tb: %Ybole at priods sensing from 92 to 01 i0tipill and poetical, and inten "-,u 0 *01ba shout Gooffre but what pressement in bar welcome, and a sense offewit, a euxe, and he replied at least The annual meeting of the trustees Nine -tenths of the human family use 6 Rail ads. in �.n deaths in the wakar. length of the Queens!and eoa t for of Shakespeare's birthplace was hold the left side of the mouth for the re. Thes do Close to Enterprising Now On. ant h poutil there be met Mil0a of being met half -way in her manner, six moattits. He gave me medicine d will be sold on most V1l*?_;464 that a girl like Dulcie Hat- that lie had not noticed in her before. and I took it faithfully, but instead of With the superstition of all sea- dead bodles. More than one hundred the other day at Stratford -on -Avon. mastication of their food. I hu 00 8, CIA. an App to thould throw herself away upon He spoke to her at once about -hearted British sail asbore The committee reported that during tile getting better I was siarely growing, men, these at -out. bodies have already been washed R. 31. PIEROZA19t. West 1347 01% Mich. Ia(der the world well lost for horse, and told her that he would worse. After following this treat- Or& declare that the Loch Sloy's ru i and decently buried. Organized parties I Pharaoh I Oo.11 P*ln% Of 0 -by- Que" OrJ.W.0 8, Whittemore. f0h. the, year more than 24,000 persons had =1 94M arather she waited a day or two before roont for some months without avail, f settlers, with native guides are d, 1 46' 'Verily believe It Is 90 SwOullt riding him to hounds. I falt,thnit I could not hope for a cure was duer to hor evil star. No good en searching the land along the cQit for pad for admission to Shakespeare En SUMMER SESSION of U14 Dulcle would Say. with "Take him out for six hour along and was about resigning myself to my they say, could befall a ship to whom more bodies of the wraLchod victims. house. reprsenting thiny-ilve clifiter- In the farming districts of Russia it A ti appalling of all, more than four cut nationalities, and more tban 40,0 ( costs 88 cents to hire a horse for one NIMMO A HARRISON'­ to herself. "They say the roada if you like. he Is very fresh, fate. My sister, however, urged me the ocean fates had shown themselves Most BVSINILU AND hundred widows a4d childrew are left had visited Ann Hathaway's co,tage at dey, and, 84 cents to Wire a man. I.O.O.P. Bvillillug, One. You" IWAP�'7�- fttf� 21ownto. i4vieds ai0 Impressed by brute force and wants exercise. and wait to hunt ttv give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for plainly hstile since the voyage when 110400 StfitUrs-It 15 thlair Only himi till next week." Pale PeoVe a trial and reluctantly I destitute. Shottery. o&I instruction In all sub nifirfaigh said,priat, At heart, there She. agreed, with all hen accustomed decideld fly take bar advice. For a she first " found herself." Two years James Clark, President of the Clark London coroners are aticklers for Beware of Ointments single or shorthand for Catarr). towing to a doffibumb IN Pearl Fishery, mm, 0 ro oil for law noverms A843 MD"= 46ftt-of It I must be an OjIbs- gentleness. yet pleaded that alle'raight time fter beginning to use the pills I ago bar sister ship, the Loch Maree, Company, alone has their rights. A box hold at a railroad that Contain Mercury vtm ea I I act sail from Sydney and was never it &W= at least hunt on the following Mon- continued to have the spasms. bu. '111tried thirty-eight victims of the station recently. owing to the rail- y the sense of repent day. "The mare will not be right felt, that gradually they were leas se- heard of again. road officials having lost the way bill Im"ll and corritiletely derango' the whole Dlele did not storm, end this is the Finessage he as mercury will surely dent pf�iitkitlon, 'Cad had not the for a week. Gibson says, and Weldon vere and my strength, to bear them &`R- FAEtMOR SALE, vern when entering it through the mucotre our. '14) t 1464ition of drawing back Gorge in such a good most, Geoff. and greater, And I persisted in the treat- ILLLUCK PURSUED SHIP. Wreckage and death mark the -was opened, though it was consigned face. Such articles should erver be need ax. capt an prodor.litions from reoutAble phystai- in Waterloo On., Wilmot Tp., Ont.: I mile n,rth at' if you will be so good as to look after merit until the time came when the It was in January that the Loch Sloy 198 iCRE14 KITUATM altei way all along the seaboard fromCa tiol a Hambuirg museum, and the body I a Pa ..., .. he elsinage they WIh do in ton told to N e,, Dundee d 5 miles �uth of Pet, r4burg. on me a bit--" Worms ceased and I was as wait and Melville, to the bottom of Bathurst of, a young woman and two skulls were sr tO ailed from Glasgow in command of thef, oil you can possibly derive from there, G.T R.; tho k nd slopes gently towardi; -outh and eist.- MCI little talk with agal ohs "There is Captain Lassiter to do strong as ever I had been. I took in Bay. fouind inside. The young woman was by F. J. a, rid, cl�, lo,m, ,,, goodan. ow cury, Capt. Nicltol,.with a crew of five ap- " The only vessel saved of forty that Cheney & Cc , Toledo 0., contains no mar a e'l "res of orcharl and gartlen, alxjut 28 acres of df6ami I a out 1AW I 0140 thoughtful y along and Is taken intornall directly upon -4 bwdwoud bush, codar and bpruce bed4o amund. . . a the syst am. shortt making not a question but an llama' Pink Pills, and alth UIF h prentices, twelve able seamen, two wer0i anchored for safety aloriff this builtlipp,tvnd2OOwavlet�Aborderitflont��rm; , "rdL the blood d inuffoug . f. got nd wit W.t.r at bmise; bwo upr ed with Prw of the remark. several years have elapsed since attil-makers, a cook, a carpenter and a h bil' Xt. a doubt die- stretch of Queensland coast had drag- prob In buyIn "EntalleCistarrh Cure be sure Pu get leIthat is there nod" he said, a little twelve or, fouxteen boxes of Dr. m I d to could no to - b I uf rig god into deeper water by skeereat so- Fh goo z, vr,wr by h1draullo rem: power whet, on burl.: ubo "Captain Lassiter has gone away,- continued their.uae, I have not In that P. It to taken internally, an made 50 acres o wh� - 45 Meadow, buiance %wing emp t Toledo efesaid Angel quietly. time had any return. of the malady. boy. Mrs. Nichol accompanied her hus- cident. We recovered but ton of fifty- museum people have them removed. finals jr0hio by F. J. Cheney Co. Testi. must be in farm cAn be boug t with or without crop. Fof terms inIt and Angel and Geoffrey addrem liftlkgf, URESSMAN, New Dundee, out. Indeedi" He looked at -her inquir- IrOwO- this happy release to Dr. Wil- band, and the other passengers were two vessels loat,by our company, these lid Snid by Druggists, price, 76o. per bottle. Ingly, and a oartain dim perception of llama' Pink Pills, and will always have Mrs. Cartridge, Capt. and Mrs. Lei- minus sails, masts and gear, and the WORLD BECOMING CROWDED. Hall's ralpily Pius are the best. things he had never yet thought about 4 hat Oils with a certain I mind twenty pounds a good word to say for them. castor, John Lamb, Walter Logan and men who three Official figures show that the popu- The largest insect known is thesis- < L)"dro had manned them. came Into his mind, when he saw the The experience of years has proved "We found the others under trim' fintutointrat. It, James Kirkpatrick. a hot colour rise like a flamel in his , - .1inost ��X- that thi re is absolutely no disease due fathoms of water, broken beyond re lation of every European country goes phant beetle of Venesnela. It some- HOT OR 00�0 WitAT"M It wife's fair face. Ill -luck pursued the ship from the pair; others were on the rocky beach, times attains a weight of halfet pound. MAXIIS NO DIFFIRSHOE I to a 41ated condition of the blood or on increaefing rapidly,and that during it; ell "the measure of ro- "Captain Lassiter will not come ldhitittered nerves, that Dr. Williams' start. Stoorms alternated with ap- aground and splintered into kind- lit back, Geoffrey," she went on with an Pink Pills will notproptly cure, and bings." I - a **dERL Otto, it Issat be post- the past text years this increase has re Marco seasons of fog and were fol- been at the rate of nearly 10 per cent. P E. ESS effort, "he -he has offended me mortal- thb98 Who fire suffering from such palling ty. I shall never speak to him again." trchlb,108 woruldavoid much misery and lowed by leakages and a train of miB- The means of maintaining the n before the had a people CALVERT'S MAO"INE OIL Does its Work Welt ........ 0, It coat her a great deal to say this. save money by promptly resorting to haps. When Kangaroo Island was ITEMS OF INTEREST. are not increasing in like ratio. At eferballe Disinfectants. Soupis, oint. AWflardware, Drug and Goner their best Oil - Sells ateap &BUM other. On tt. oftestlitir hisrals- at Stores, all the beginning of the present century ment, Tooth Povvd*M afto., have been this treatment. Get the genui sighted the .thip's people set up a P.- it hikil mIt anIved. and Geoffrey was looking at her curiously tie Pink awardod 100 medals and dtplernaa to Pius every time and do not be per the population of Europe was put by I .' thing became suddenly revealed auad- r uperior *10,00i aiii. iiiia 'bro shout of joy. Had the Island been sight- A Few ftradnble Alaragraplin rmni Here, excellence. Thoirregulvtruee-preA,eutinfecti- light her -some Levaaseur at 175,000,000. In 1880 it ons diae Ask your dealer to Obtain a to him; she was not then Cold, as he ad to take an imitation or some other E I TrOm MlIes, and the ThIpre and Everywhere. be had always believed her to be. only, as remedy from a dealer, wh�D for the ed a few hours sooner the wreck covild was 220,000,000. In 1860 I was 290r supply. "Letain mailtd free on application. asserted that India -rubber is No, 4to' %V0 " Showed It to alre, Of this extra profit to himself have been avoided. The lack of a light- 000,000, nad im 1890 it was 350,000,000. au-nna upon oisji "llaidonfad 4tevity. With with himself. things had gone wrong, in" F. 0. CALVERT & CO., y is ;'lust as g"." Dr. Wiiil.V house wait the chief cause of the dis- heels on shoes 'decrease the fatigue of It is now 3W,OOW,000, and the continu- Ito lillorta MANCHR&TEP iago, she Ilia infinite tact and sympathy saved k P1118 cure wNan other medicines marching. They are to be worn by ana6 of the present rate of icrease KNOLAND. him from the fatal error which nine Pin dime, 11 piyififf auttrr. French soldiers. wil I make It 385,000,000 in 1900, 10 per Igoe Ab DOW* 11 must be ruen out of tan would have fallen into fall- in the circumstances. as refrained It was in the middle of the mate's A Philadelphia Optician has this sign cent. increase over what it wta in 1890. Wrlioand *Issad ro'"m be# ovefrom asking her a single question, or tell on the morning of May 5. tot EFFECT OF SMOKELESS POWDER. wa displayed in his window: "If you don't aDane has from demanding the slightest explanQ,- 'Land he I" shouted the lookout. see what you want, you need glasses' FISH LINES EIGHT MILES LONG. thb bdidn"s I do Uon from her, Only he said very Let me Supply them." Drass but thirikit. to Albert Some of the cod lines used in the fish- Instruments, Drums, Uniffe,mg, etc. qLqietly and simply. just as it he know me Firing Said to be More Tvgrifying In The crew were sunning therniselves Over fifty district secret socle _4 XX ties 1104tv.410111 Of 404TO .this puts - W, p or itit about It- Kalb en alit] Iformes. under the ice rail. enjoying a on flourish in the United States, and they Ing industry measure 7,000 fathoms r dwara 0 Mt of t1i's (itibitioll *1th me Every town oan havo a band. NOW39 NA lot Thank you. my dear. I am quite he four-liegged coffee after the bard work o long, or about eighty ordinary miles, Ilauper, bless re represented by 5,000.000,membera L,owbst prices evorqooted. Fineouslope f the a having 4 680 books, the wifum -costing, n sure you have done right," tdoollia. t*'h1t 'witii more. I fool a bit recruits are drawn up In a ring round storm. The ship was going like a race- and 70,000 lodges. tration led free. Write us, for *,,r Ing In ell- ALEV ROYCE& CO., - Toronto, Can. sAdAtt vfta, I'd AAd then It was that Angel. ton in aornia cages, or Munical Thstrumen aan instructor who fires a pistol. Some horse. Breakers loomed up ahead Glass door& are placed In some of the H16 r9alty, slip- WR ad by his trust and his gene g stisvem.to enable the cook 'r , amidst the eddying seas. new cookin ADIM I her hand, In a sky, caressing fash- take thb flash and report very quietly B En a I si ted the captain to watch' the food in the, oven without Man In Distress. -lot this letter. fcs�. under his arm." and these are very soon passed on to 8 TheTallenten (111112!�Itln B Lows' dtbot� 4 Otto 0 ve a Geoffrey had never felt so drawn to howis U Ili ST "Perhaps, after all, she severer tria a, while the others have les- The helm was thrown hard sport, but Straw, premed into blacks and made -the 0 b3d 0 PRICBS 1 her before. aching of nerve or muscle. or td all hands jumped for the halyards Opening the door- A whole family saffering. A dfull F Of Beauty how -E Thani son after lesson until they* ar quite It was too late. The ship bumped hard enough to use as pavement. to in toothache, A A he said to neuter pangs of neuralgia.. Ito a sit to Atfiffe the Will grow to love me a bit. the Rope, Lath Yarno ipiold k alegi **rfu thlit-;N Ofo*XY ektid dollb. himself. as he laid his hand softly up- Zonvijineed that there Is no danger to heavily, ripped open, and before a boat age fbr this purpose in soma of or lubago maes, life a misery. Ault U vety sit an I uI IIcan obtal on Ion. Dealers, Ask For Qualailwas, Id be cast loose she was strong the streets of,Warsaw, Poland. in ou're-will re- T sent applioist the little timid fingers upon hie them and before long you might fire colt breakera atldsw6pt clean by the wick- Baseball is one of the Sundoy amuse- i1eve a thee erviline a ponve IJ THE TALISMAN 0,0. re IS '4 Y* pIllit bat re- arm; "and I may at least be able to a saven-pounder within a yard of them 11 e N I rfu y 77 V101011A &T., TORORM. - make her It ed waters a�ery moment. ments In Havana. instead of bull- penetrating, and offectuat 1 "## 1'. Ily ANY. and they would hardly took around. She had &trunk against a treacherous fights, Lager flows freely. and the '4_ *.LJ)n , And so 111cle met them on the lawn too" Of dUt$s thd W Poll an falle carps out of the long French After thiii they are taught to face fire- reef. city is rapidly becoming Ameri@anized. Jeremiah Snavely, of Spring Mills, PETER88FIOUG rat, tytq ONE NIQHTdtr9: tistifftary wind of the di'siviring-room, with all that is to say to gallop fearlessly up WOMEN CLIMBED RIGGING. in Holland. wheire sand in plentiful Pa., while digging a well 9truck a big thie, iftibli.. 'AOrt& 0 2111ilit purpoeas in her deter- to a line or square of Infantry. blaz- e a OQ , a p The knowledge that the ship was and Inexpensive, it is user](Jimstead of v in of h rd c I at d th of twenty- falaed little f4W6. Ing away with their TWM and to doomed and tat all lives %veto in dan- bay or straw &a bads for cows. It five feet. The 11 balmitimle" Ftee BUS A -.PIM. $1 flob, Up pntal ...... '146k 'hate. Angel and Go charge 6atterirs. of quick -firing guns. ger aprotid over the ship with mys- keeps the animals perfecitly clean. __ ItA 0. off." ithe Ilk somal r" 111"111-111tuft COUNTY- 14 MIA b6gillit PItInglult after bar habit right Of course, only blank cartridges are terious swiftness. Passengers avid crew An electric gun, invented - by a we Pa III 981 , Ontario catioco r t�t��-t FARM ., a. Into thir Very middle of bar theme. 111 used. and so to a trained horse going silent and white-faced, struggled to gentleman in Portland, ilgland, Is save themselves by climbing the rig- rows an explosivo projecittle five and Molt. STAWAuf i 0 . ont. J. Z. ROGERS,'Nittialger. t I!, I t6 YOU. I don't Iran* whati you will mism ging. -something 'very startling to M'r Sot no difference between IllhAlf miles in twol seconds. The guty DATARRO Of The t, X Stomach and Iffild, Into battle for the flt,4 timo there ,0 It toy ab6ut Lt, although I may as well (builder of the ataftell4ra and the The woMea, trembling,with the hor" is noisele FAT1111111110101111mij OHTANI I CANADA, A Ju We* tilll YOU fit once a% find smokeless powder is der pe anentlyoured. IndthaOstarrh that it doean*t matter Jeoll-dealln Storm Which' aweepti over POT of it all, climbed to the ml2zen- Whaused. rieGIs" pavement has been success� me A li'14 iwialfi 011it oobit quite defiantly at theta both, t- and the three pationgers followed testfid on one of the,thorough- se rAW416 "b6-maeb I have quite made up My of Lyrons. France. Its darabil. ip, U" Nos 101.& 0. saffool. ats to" what Y. say." here she TO thib battlefle (L The poor brute bal top. The inat", etiven of the craw, failifas whit difference really in by bi erriance. when they could. Others clambered t6 LLAN 6 . ilittokolifliat powder name tatic the milialuluilt and foroirififit. too aw lilt. &I to that of ston% ice dows ld* UOTAI, MAIL "GoO4 gratelan Dulatel ourinarad 9*11661 use :It Was found ill t I In th"s minute$ tbb raitininist, fall witit, lo? byollt�, ber 'letter b4* 'to 6,01 'Wrillat a Ittle We (at this cli"A 110066 which %you ;I au qualle, STIgAM" MONTO ALT6 dirt does boti filing to It, J y form on it. and it Is aaall� worat., , not he' w t fail as ITA1109 preamble. WbIlUt Goffroy smoke of', Ida faamstabY6 With aar"ll **or the weather aide. d6 C ' Otealle Ah ithe gags MAUS 11140k w ith- Thom who had bith clinging t6 it were _111141toparteft rw Ibellit his briaws eyes V*Ty Atten. out filuohing, tilachad Mel at A lkitky find t"m to W. A. 106rsay. it" #*0604 30111t, 0 04"aft plunged Into the see, Wave after ka"Lont. bet. I - a i 4 tt"Iy fur the flash, and mr unaccompanied wave ate away toyed by Urs. _41141ilk" 41111910 irubmill, bit 0604 ahloPe atteugh (araiihiiind elft .......... bAl , 7ftNIA14., INVI July. koh-M. '(1516giam" to ac that -4 400fiftelIfid loplilloU is saide. WhV6 46 iwflY It b 9ftlit ShIlVA strength Rovantan, noar mullerland. Md. Whilil di*id& t1k W it A., %Via o*t 111166,61r,* ,I), the ffAilt, ot Mor _" a -W1- an jr flIr Mo wetor on man and 'd x -mint. ii 114% bfbWtfi1e*1y. but horstis, W&JI. TI: .1 "LAt t d lid "falzla. AW #.'$tilt to WArr$--:-MIIps Paulkootl" he to ned U 'an Irbilk "d kfta;@� the wor4a in a f4k8b blit, the no how Twin Womor & M. BiltRi", A 5". tlw it ftgeftl 001ft0ldlAOI)i 1161slag to V IaW Xnj Ut I 11 in 04 the treasure was tiole ell III ifut bt, th lazift want, emitro, riivertio I son ima U" b they - �jjlf. �btjj.Jt M that i 4131light it Lt lot more tbr� 000169 all With Itv an thib 10A tboVe 0*6r libity yeartl ago. iIV VORK60* o4r uFal ho k 016 burning ftalbe, and ngthel tblp� alftlahoiL Nr 2168 Thr" fivaou" FOAtle J% * *640C10 �tbblk fityllig thift Aftk Powder. 41thougli. of on agreed t6 Illist Up Witt "&'hold t4ft to 06 k0li Amid.tfiri" 49 -till a. for k vall ft "d ill tell JA OWM"011 4wt GUN* 1*0%s end a "k 0 10* Ing b*u Rind %%lbold there "bm- SWIM a 4liartat 61 a 14 Al"001h room Nit V00 -kV, ftft 060 W the' 6 ft 0 itt0k ftftby� A IDA IbI Onoy jed d6stit abetil. Thiii toga wom Imt. In lafth 111**rk� t 6n, wili Ts 11111"t t*64 IG *# _ ' Ask �',N6** WbAt IIA" Ift —01 I,* r. I guit'st"Wilis . .17 ft"Ply :OfW it A0*" 4100tori _�,60 �S= sor O Zy to; ilitililly OM N#&MOt 46 04A And Ifitlid WO lilliftilb trow 9 , .11 _ __ 0) twu but 00w It at �ftillkbt M A put)k afird'dill. Ov t Did *'I' oltoli A if"t '"lli b'" 1,00 ro 4kna To 006 t0figil a619, the#, that, of. t WiL-470 '4 140 4* WAIWIlk ILA *14d, 0" 9419, Old. "I &o AM It" �Wb WIA tilt -]I ftfilijil . . W, . - 1, ow AM$ t Or OU V00W)d bY 0410kiss firft itt"iNt thet )A0'#I f i. .. ­­�,,,,.­ Th AGE ;eoc isi* get Vin - b# neft f4jJ'6-ftJ* M # blet J*r 404 "Outlkv. 1404f of 0 Iftro 4, :r it fdoind :%m TA& f6ar w#IN yAtlaw- ut ml I f # obowww" * .0 *01 libb W 041f Ion * MI) lilub **t*t,e"#J0*W* "'t 'I lat,tho Acittlift, Ott V" Wb 1 014 A OAVO ota 14 th& tZ161101d, 'tbAt 106611ttr6uAblo -aw"Vol ot *Ift, ft W46' 04, *Avt "" lvii* iWiWiam Z" ot %ftd; JWIAI 14 A04 *44, Y' 7 1 J " '' L "*V, f � � 2! , cad be �lj to *tid. AJ`%1rw Urut �41# iO4 lk "t I tb* 9**I#O* 11116 top imy 00y to t*6 $11, Ilit 101. '01f, IK '10 1J I '61 memo lseek1 Al