The Goderich Star, 1899-07-07, Page 7JW 7W 4
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oom Iagdor. fi* 04 thO 4, t leIilkit,44 I ga *a . t f_ F flshv� on, 40 paJXA4 - a" 4041'yj (�v Xe ;_ - - -, - f :44Z ug We ant 0 1104turA of 1#31 * eallod'a L s Ad 4�0," she WAN 44 AgdArloogg, girl* xiinio%l X140 0 Wwufor usirt'it"Nod .81 he it 4A Opoo! 4TO C 91111. t get d, vis 1400r froc o.t the "A �- r9muoil, to- The Ists 34r, IUQ)*rd 944bar IA titifficlootl Church, 91 C4rUt; 10 44 streir witary 14 4 444,49w . white 1) woo oil* 44VAnoo'r 444:�I, say Ad eit' Is' at this 44 ox -the, 1sokipatt.1h, I have to lilt VAO Just 40 toln -4 -
HeOsgid. Mew" boris .y. T�A ,A, * law Ilw. 1* the an ho Q#Aorxt 1541 when t ire a IA4410 moto,1114 Parentage was ro.0"WAS. but Rho Won 1-4 In oeQX wtwo fqxr YW dopol 4%u tlo� and to goo4 OAK
'Ir flyl 6., tb Igs' In th b a w Air strpath, Was poor. To -oks out tbeftaillY Income Wet amrsilagu W AtIrx&I ca the al9voix pflagi, ethLiw wilyai how* b '4*4 1%, W140419111 Th Ili 'tile trouble witli the And 4rNo_4 street churob of 104! =1111h gallwealawlimi; thi, first tho. removal at 4uperfluoup hair Is a. OQ W To 96 I— XIIA0 SAAW 14 the X%r%
rn-do,. It "W40T 6"l, it has Oat got to ty 4* ipok WIAllim qyl",c, church tq -in marten
W'. , tin to bar native city, a "rio oot A*to* that tb.* , n*w to' nd the beauty of the m. tits of us;patter. and van only he T it* girl, bar rich. go" veto*, And the gsn� ob 911444 successfully by the use of the oto# W seldom it IS that Careful estimates show that PON* $4 sujeceatIoness of bar man nors. won her xtionds A; ku, thq tipt We I A(Vo vu 4" a MRA taking hill' position in O!IUT BOB= RAW. te eleotrto usedle. Where much half Is lamp-tuatio, 4o Well to tax year there are Interred within of t444 wQlr1LA 7r in pulpit or in a rJ0118IqUIS Among the church talk, Who got chigall a to.tol, bay* ft'*
6 an '0 SAA060tait IA, limits at the county of.Loadon about on the gritiml it is impossible to ro,- ty, and I 'that Position "Oh, dearl- sigbi.ed little Ek�tb, apulf in T C; purse And sent her to Europe for sauA- 130,OW human bodies,
o%es,6 Isroalite4, wox� to- ad no I:110� Wont Over Move. all of it In thla way, 04 010 cue *0004 I ' ' I a sition and all trial Arid she gloomily looked odt of the nursery v T 7 $4. J6, gAtii;1 all qWQ Ur 0,49 utioln, and all criticis to ,Us, 0 m. The window onia rainy day, " therels that Italy, returned for an engagement I in it 44 allwIredlum of St. ftul'a Crath- hair VY puttiug 04 paroxido of hydro- � It IN.* * t b* Qoo call training. She studied In Paris and Thee arO = ;#JIWaY NW10110 With '403;t iQW4L thing to d4p IS to blU40h,tbe 190 I .4 ,u loon, to sit xmorwo .14 to t1bol r go4dia And C4uxOh Of God to -day wants more horrid aid rain coming down as fast as odral, London. While Within 0 twelve- ou. Th light colol"d hair Is r defiance. backbone. More Now York, wad then to Surae for Up about $0, P a #01V peu4,�d., The' Biblo very 0 0 ''tt a a. KOBE CONSECRATED IQ,% t�o, so 'a text which I house Into L *t her f4st wppearanoo In Europe, In Mont to 4101mott" Whose 1wr 14 4 4 4904, Z
room metal. How often you we a beve to $toy right bore in the If, It can i I know it won't stop alld I'll continental tour. Mr. H. U. Stanley Ia trying to rain Much IQ" acUpeable. HRA"R milo radius there, are, nearly " a Iand t 644 only' One :At for a broplo Moan. ftim" okutalx �p ot at 108trulne am start out In egos good eats2VrIa% when, t wanted, so much to go to Aunt; tbaBoyal Opera House at Lisboa, King It. 14 flie" of newspapbrdoi.q Emug,U;, it,s too-magu for Anything ill Odor Aplar "Goo its very careful #ever to thf; 140 tknd tha Wo, X , _rL x this work, And ead At the first erected on the site of the troo 041440t Of 00 49 t Fordlasudeaw tus girl which LIVIngstonaN heart 4 bar 04. #At anything in OK nature at a oleach 0. will p"mill, AL. be farme baair4, linvin ad right when. they weat a bad Callapsoll saLud all his courage dear ill sighed the white -hair- ris ghi� the x
atth�4�jarr to the, PhIllatillea to use their gone, forgetful of the foot that it Vears ad 4)y her beauty. Ho bad b led his The British dockyards At lie= Ia- ln�o tg share water, though live tea studilog 44 It ti oil the riewspal My friando. 10 It pot A, -be r1gli pers of ad grandma, f torn the depche of her easy aMAI first wife, Dcq& Marle, "teen Yes" glude, Ckstboxat Sboaraloss, IPortsmoutli, coats, woXth malus at tartar It 14 pip,_4:90l �Ayo 441 0 ploy the world's 0 1 the lowthr, (w I Aloixadbr� 10040140ii. thoL As* IV
column$ chair, ",what 4 p Waht for 40 11.11 all their Ity the thunder 61ouds I a the Kaybam, Dovo%gr, Pa I art, It there prsviouply, a's ragaaaY Orin mbrok, 11mul- I 1A delightft tot bloado. & It
evelt and. wotX, 41tIud$tcrW8 t It thar be pouOdiA4 9.1way t III.m. cannot do him I i I Ayidl.&L *rf'og- there be bnj wig creep insidol0l minority of uns son bod and"4 Bad bqwIiu% Wont a Books and ]?or%- wl I give it a, 4ligbtly Ilg4tsr Oat. �bft bOM, in 014100 Inteso faculty It to odly 0,40 tot (Us a b1stobt *104 it Gen. x0bu Jk4 aany peManelit damage. rag er6'ovar and There wore tic many things outailto not 4 u4niWatl1w whom' a mau Is wrong that be cap be Was an the thronek TUG W-4 teOhgoing to vla- just pining for that lovely abowetl magried. nd had two egam. a After. augh. t.Qux *#i no NIS Hit WOW Haunt a
j1St?jrgako, Thp fact y,
t tj Lged Wh _04 is ty; go I we WoV W wl to� dull wovons, And djoato His truth, and He to gomlg to rifet comis Mr. Du*. wli$ W much thor tour, Wh 'his. us 10 t0q, R. 4o, Val 0 Itt., too 4 vievagato, Wo 40 Im 44.134- WIW st... _yjes V elillelat
Stan(% by yous f , Ads ilk every 0, on hill. foot, , a for billiards. oV1q1;*t,or Aal to the I10 4 * 9 fewer amu"mants, thm
'You �aaga 1 u., '04 funny little, oll rubber. pugh to r VOTIS -0 00 o1XIftIr0X4W0A!A �Uiai# U04, -wry 1144 t -h )I' isbu
we,mqttl when lv4 baso kat to alto 0 avou, Usaut a -tho baArt, an �0�op�, of. is ver he walked, they made A I tlin , 0 tQ uto. VA 0a k"" ts*gd over the ovation af men.. %Otlf "WiLto Ith 99 the Kelp, Out .t wilis om.tr4r, �zetiodl TAQ colt it somotiraos coy and whone to oil go1. gg arp Imsineft Wool .1 eacur itioU, the bogilItt" �Ad among to My wife. "There Is 00maithing cunning thrwtood track in the 401ts 44 =1 istrodlu Amirlom. , V11 I Xmxd ry, IL Olt has entered on, %lbollaod, to f*11 out it should not be 6tel 10 WZ14 in gXeN # Ifterory mojj� and find amt what have not as hAd"fainu ninauliliktumind and.404111foot Of XVIdt bU Sftd year, having been barn Ia wor ot Ar, or the newspapers threat was full of dust. and ow cauddy around. He had been so hot all much until thin trouble to to I have not I rushed t id. then transfer it me for fit% weeks I I I I "t -,as of rosorcine, one Woo Au-rms to unddubt- London, on BW 7th, 1847. The Earl's bt gra QW; t*640 Of Christ- U they - hove so- done my duty against public iniquitieso day, bits as her personal cha good recipe for this is. to rub he could not eat a bite, for it@' WILD silly great. He asked M.7 hand, -and be W owgied rot M".T land art it will do, us good it I.will stir them up next Sunday ord Dalmony, wax 17 fourth ounce �Df glycerine and DIrchol gsin Bon and hair, L Which alwaya toy to' bw I. other word-; lot us Thlap I stir them up, and all the fol- of food he picked up tasted as it they not morganatic him ally. Acloopting reduced! ileii �Ctw 'I piti mpi?,y the world's grim4stonem. We lowing week the devil howls And howls she was made by the greelotionean of on January 8th. sufficient to fill a two-oitice bottle. 'while the author as -ten to their music. and we will bad just CMV 11kona ths Oven. Rub into the scalp ulubt, and m9roink. Hotfues, were not will no. and howls, showing that I ;,have hit the King's omoln. Duke Ernest of SAXo- Pineapples from the Cape are likely Gov. Garr, of Ore 99 WInt, out, he saw the storm OlOudD gath- Besides, tit, hair should be abampooeo Most Aealouil sports to In 'West. 0764er to . kor their heal on the neck watch. theitr acunima, and we will use, him very hard. Go forth in the ser� When Coburg and Gotha, Countess of EdIs. to be sent to the United Kingdom in nuee a week. using pure casttlo Soap. On a bunting trip r that ke. 0a's, their griudstones; and we will borrowTvioe of Christ and do your whole duty. aring in the sky he said, " Qu"k. King Ferdinand iinnouneed tobla rela- large quantities In the near future. sr- Here is another excellent tOniO: One brings down an much if G ., Jonathan, on hie thrair philosophical apparatus to Make: you have one sphere. I have another quack I how glad I am Ill and quickly, tAvea that hewas to marry andwhom lits to this effect being now as sit this iap And kAeps, climbs UP a great our exporLmauts, and we will borrow he "T rd of o t I wi he was to marry. The farall saw no rangente pint of water, twenty grains of qui- rest of the party put together. ap he Lo a a th at to work to oil big clothes so that unde consideratit-n. i s to publish our Or re- reason hy this quiet -1019 king n trial one tablespoonful eastor oil, one At Carmel. Ind:, recently, a Yoving 'OFIX be honorable retire- The library of J. T. Delano, who was teaspoonful borax. one, and a half 'Youd, yblob w0d the PblUsta and the God of Jacob is -bbare- "on his heads and' IlLbles, and we wLU borrow their- raH-' Us, Selah." We want of the he might be ready to run about and should notenjoy his woman wag married on ilia silver an- ind his grxiia r, - 1 fuge. ajoy the rain. Splash I splash I h tincture of eatitharides. three table- , trains to GJ h: ment an he chose, and, in June. of 1869. editor Of the London Timeafer nearly p the same rook, and carry our Christian liters, determination, of Jonathan. I do not t spoonfuls of witch bazel two table- ittiversary of the ma flags of bar KAeas, 41mbs u, I tore, aDi we will borrow their ships s�ppose he was I very wonderful man; went into the puddles, throwing an American, who" tornal seat was , quarter of a century. has just beon parents, and the golden anniversary, ;b:gile t men, with their two swards, to tr--noport- out missionaries. 1 water in tiny sprays all over him. brick house C New England, sold at auction. Moot ut tko books spoonfuls Of alcohol' of the marriage of bar grantiper- but he his knees and clambered t hat made Paul such a man- 1.1.01 k7 pretty yellow buttercups out in &b little Of course, the presence of dandruff isvir'O" , cas the Philistines, the Lor(I The was upthe ad with the help Of his The i ads on- oeame the mistress of royal palaces. ware found to balunout. of oats. �brow ly got armor 'the bowed dawn the Phil- the field were h For aLiteen years Ferdinand and his indicates an unhealthful condition ter, In his day, , He not on anging their he has just $rest terror upon them. SO bearer 1* Ohl A F,Ikstone undertaker and a consequent impairment W. B. StIratton, who ban just sold all the learning he could get of Doctor, lotings; and a man of very ordinary der the sun's scorching rays. wife lived in happiness, mostly at the the scalp
*,aliel, but afterward. standing on, dear I,' they cried, " our roots are 4ry- Meoriah castle At Cintra owned by Far- oar it Wilm, tile so it is now. Two men G ried a little child's coffin to the to the hair. A oure can be had by the famous Independence gold sildise, intellectual attainments, on his knees, I an English ayudl- A God OIL kapex, mighter than a Hill; and in crowded thorough- an storm anything for God and for Ing up, and the tiny baby buds wil dLuand. ThsKingworked inhis garden g-raveon his cycle. He wore the one- meana of the followlag: Alcohol, two for $10,000,000 to if a shower does not amonghts flowersand among hisbooks tomalry uit of woo, and strapped his ounces; witch litizel, two ounces; re- natal was once so poor Oat he locateA last. quoted their poetry andi grasped he surely wither Philistine their logic and wielded their eloquence the truth. We want Something Of t 001111S." In his library, with big wife always by an to the handle -bar suroln, fifteen grains. This thor- under "grub stakea" the mime that how . determination of the general who went daisies that melancholy burd 0 I ism f irat from th subjeot, until The frilled oal.,ql of the his side, She oung to him and to his oughly oleansem the scalp and makes slow produced $4,5DO,00 and employed their mythology. into the war, and as he entpred hie hit. of his machine.
langerous It 12 for the ChUTlh*Of God DionySitig, the Areoplaigite, learned in as IN the hair soft and silky. It should be Philip D. Armour'o annual European first battle, his knees knocked togeth- should a snow, friends, he pla her accompani- I h _ yLng The Earl of Crowe owes his wealt-13 applied each morning by rubbing well trip will this Summer take him to be allow ite weapons stay In the'the schools of Athens and Behopol'slear, his physical courage not quite up were art fly b wu color. Monte. After his death, twelve years h k ,:�u arnal unelat into the scalp with the tips of the tin- Carlsbad. He has been greatly a a an
hands of its enemies. 1%esz Israelites went down under his tremendous pow- to his moral- courage; and he looked The d ty Ink goblets that Mr. ago, the Countess, olung to her retire- and rank largely to his met That was what "Ali, if Clover took a oil pride in keeping full ment, but in bar palace she was visited the late Lord,lCiews, from whom he im- gers. by the death, of his brother pad the might a!aln -and again ll�ve obtained a ers. gave Thomas down at his knees and said: the hair grow an cattily He of the riches honey were almost QII1P- on a perfect equality by members of From his To make attack of tb rip, which kept him I his power in his day. 0 a year. bed for Tva.1 weeks last winter. Supply swordo and weapons, as forlobaliners I you knew wheliv I wan going to take harited 440 ded lotion in made by using insitances when they, took the spoils of conquered the world's as than ty, and poo Clover himself hung Ii1nP the royal family. And now, after a the wisdom YOU, you would shake worse father, Lor Houghton, he inhuited comPitan
compelled it to ring ou� tilat I" There is only one question for and weak, eaning against a ragweed dozen yearsof 16nouness Itia said that I one pint of bay rum son one ounce of title beyond a name. the Ainuto:riltes; but these Israelites GIN the death of James 14olbrail and greatness of the Lord, until for you to apk"and for me to ask. What on t. this American -born queen, uncrowned, The cantor c4l. Shake well together. Its& an a as. of Charleston, S. O., that Seemed otinteat to have no swords, no Ninoty-oni pictures for AE66,,8551 ub on title swilil. residuary legatee under the no grindstones, ilia second time, the morning stars does God want me to do I Where is the own 11116 a big raindrop right in but none the 1855 highly honored, to r OA apears,'nD'Illacksmittia, mug together and all the song of God utte uWa heart; eagerly it drank at the podat of death. paintings of the late Skr John orwloi. of Ur. Gibbes' father, will r"ti4ye no aqtty6 iron,miaes until it was too fieldl Where is the work? Where late fW'faM to MZ shouted for joy. That was what gave I is the anvil F Where Ia the prayer- t a liquid. Faster and faster tall of Forth Bridge celebrity, were sold FOR STOUT WOMEN. $ICO,000. bequeathed to found 41'"t pay resi*ance. to.jonathan Edwards his influence in How lovely 1*1 cried the school and a wominn's library with, meeting? Where Ia the pulpit I And, the r i . on the 6th last., and realized this enor- While general exercise in valuable, I set he farmers tail Ing along a world's GIUEF-STRICKEW ANIMALS. mous sum. A Robbeena landscape k in not alone sufficient to si, k plologba, and I say: his day. He conititenced th finding out wbkt God wants us to do, parc d flowers, as they raised their d those Statisticia show that UM 404000. with those Metaphysics and forced it into the ear- go ahead and do it—all the'snergy dro Ing heads And felt the moisture fatcheci the record price -9,1 guineas. 6,000 lives and 4150009,00 woro 0 WhQr0.AX0L.y0u going t,ila: old Ing into their . green leaves. 00 who are 't those ky: 0, we ar6 gIn:7 vice of God, until not Only of oar body, mind, and soul en- si Two Iraliketto Storlle* ,which 9how Ike Af- Deptford Ia one of the poorest dia oo stout, particularly property ia the Unived thingAl" They al e a tha the 00 flu" 'at re� si meeting -house at NorLhampk�on, Massa- 0 Tyl bre- Pour pour I wish it would pour Ill rection of Dumb Anintalls rar one As- It contains some nnoyed by embGripoint, but specific yeox. This show t listed in the undertaking. led evor to the garrison of the Philiatinab chuseLts, but all Christendom felt lob oaked � tat little tree frog, who b txicts in London. on is still a long motions arc necessary. Here Ili a sim, colant-ructi to got these things sharponed.11 I say: thren, we have but little time In which dreadful slums, and is shockingly over- Lon. why don't you thrill,.d by his Christian at. Well. to fight for God. You will- be dead on hiding under the shadow of a. have ling from 400 to OW Postage Stamps "You f6olith al W Lovers of sport tools of "MY coat is so dry crowded. A distance from what it should be, , whose guns number of Danford arti- ple exercise which works woudera. It riends. we alk very big leaf all day. �haxpeu them at home P they say, now, my f soon. Put in the Christian cause 6, unless there brought down many a swift -winged th tits corsets a. Do not lot them 8 "What 1m afraid it will burst sane have recently held a meeting and must be performed wi A now machine capable of cancel- the blacksmith's shops are all storn Chi istian usefulnes rusty nergy that God ives You. -footed animal, may por- formulated a nobamo for remedying & down, arid we have nothing left u but lose their edge. We want no thy hand findeth to do, do it with all Ia a good heavy shower bird or fleet ad long skirts off. Assume a per it minute Is now being tried in Chi- blades in this fight. We want no coul- thy might, for there is neither wisdom The sparkling brook sang a happy he following the existing at -ate of things. fectly upright position—that is, put cago post -offices. It has four food end over the white rob- hope he able to match t Christ ter that cannot rip up the glebe. We SO it nor device in the grave whither we are song as it dan Ow I it the rain stori�o by memories of their own. Tho British Adml.ralty will shortly the heels together, the artut by the Pockets, in which the letters may be of Jeatis ive, up Want no axe that cannot fall the trees. ail hastening." I see now the plumes bles: " How fast I gr placed either singly or in bunches. to-dmy.�. k I will ao6n be A mnmbex of a shooting -party kill- make a series Of experiments, with side and the head high, and the spine Wre t6o willing to 9 our "ap;bps to the onemy. We want no goad ths.4 dannot start of the Lord a cavalrymen tossing in will only keep falling. I Representatie D. B. Henderson, Of I thre lazy team. Let nit get. the nir. The archangel before the a river, and ships with white �alla will ad a lVinale monkey, and carried it to a view of learning to what extent. the curved to throw the cheat out and the I has announced his candidacy for THE WORLD BOAST0 vERY BEST GRINDSTONES Thtone has already burnished his gli'de over my shiny. breast I" wireless system of telegraphy (an hips back. Then touch the floor in owa' t. The tent was soon Burround- 11 HE his ten the Spookership of the National House that it -has gobl)led up the schools and I compel- trumpet. and then he will put itagold- Ah I the rain had. given everything A I the colliB(roh,aad tha'arte and the Sol- possession of the Philistines, ( he will blow the outside - a- now lease on life. ad by forty or fifty monkeys, who made supersede the present system of '0111- front of the toot vvdLh the finger tips, of Representatives t Washington. In we can find, though they be in the. an lips to his own, and. tiling by flags, semaphore or flag s e Iowa delel- space and. the literature still the print- ittle Beth must have soon a great holes, and seemed disposed to at without bending the knees. Raise to ling, thein to turn the, crank while we, long, loud blast that will' We think I lamp. .The wireless sYstam is also to tion is united in favor of his cals- ing-preels;_ -'Infl how glad the fl the standing position, and repeat fit- aelity is making a FREE. owers were, for the attack the aggressor. be tried between the lightships and mighty attempt O'get. all our weap- bear down witil all ouA might on thf; MAKE: ALL THE NATIONS away from :swift revolving wheel until all- car r hands all ye, peoplel HarkI thunder olouds had relied They retreated when he presented his lighthouses of tbo United Kingdom. . teen times. if there is much tatigue, ons In,its haInd, and then to keep them. U !Nailing. Henry Probase�k, 'of Cincinnati, was energies and faculties shQI be brought Clap yo her face; it wan bright and fowling -piece, the terrible effect of Englishmen, according to ilia Critic, raise the arms over the hood before d6- a millionaire a few years ago. But You kfidw IV Ia making this boast all, up to a bright, keen, sharpA glittering I bear the falting thrones, and the "Grandma, dear," she Sold, I'm so the time; amillitfter a while when t116 demolished iniq bad their which they hod witnessed and appear- now insue. at Lloyds against adverse sconding, to soothe and stimulate the he adopted Mr. Carnegle's views of dge- dashing down of ul- glad the pretty flowers have great battld between sin and right- 'a I ties. 1jalieluja4l the Lord God Om- f Cas washed I The grass omens so ad quite to tinderstand, but the head judgment In law suits. Oil appeals nerves of the back. This simple ex- wealth, and gave away his fortune in ecatoness hag oponed; if We do not look Again: my subject teach ult . OP millotent reignoth. Hallolujahl the fa d the birds are stood his ground chat- the rate of )perernium varies according Or"ise ham been known to reduce the hanevolences. To -day. at seventy-nino I :1 11 allowancle Philiesstine ini- kingdom of this world are become the yeah and sweet, an ad, of the troop, weight twonLy puuudz in three months, yetirg, he fLad8 himself iMPOV61181118d, out �ve will be as badly off as these what. a Sin singing. I was sorry wboan it rain fight I quity puts a man. Yea; thesat Philis- w ho, to the judge from whom the OPPeal is the greatest effect being ever tile ab- and lives in a little rented house, sup. Kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ, but now 1m eel happy an I can be-,' taxing furiously. The sportsman it as, an ad hav- taken. The preswuni on Lord Chief doulan. ported by a small Salary as am, Officer h without any sharpening in-, Lines shut up the min "the go pehaps felt some compunction for Russell's cases is 10 per At filet there Will be difficulty in of a cemetery association. nd without any swords to (I then they Yes," replied grandma, J notice I call n the i3pariAtAnd-; took the speaxa and the swords, then ve need, and struments. Lord knows beat what 1 I killed one of the family, did not on those of one judgie, whose decisions hing the floor without beading the Six of the tbirty-four State Senators took the blacksmiths, then they HUMBLE MILLIONAIRE. a too, will All rac ants of literary and they took for sunshine sad rain we, like to fire at the creature, and noth- are frequently reversed, it is 90, per it that -the men who go into the class took the grindLitones, give thanks." knees, but this can be overcome by of Missouri are over six toot tall. "The roomis to stand lipslidd the Leyden jars, 'everything bdt a file. 0, that in the ti,wrlqus Ltro of a Great Anstrallas CAP"a- Ing short of firing would suffice to obilit. persigtent effort, whiob adds intereat big four," as they are known, arm 1w what might seem monotonous and Chas. Sollwalchatdt, 0 feet, 2 1-2 fin- and the electric batteries, and the mio- - ay ain works; it grabs everything. It list and Slackmas. drive him off. The Duchess of St. Albans owns to what be ehil-'bogina with robbery and it ends with CONUNDRUMS. roseopea and the telescopes Mr. Jam" TYBG11, the Australian At length the monkey came to the isprobably the limost interesting colleo- meaningless. Drop the arms, and by *beg, 210 pounds; Buell L. Matthew. 6 dren of God anti not Philistines. The I i ob bery. It despoils this facility and I vent to France and stopped there. f up and down 11110001115, like test 2 inches, 210 pounds,, E. B. Fields., psi om until the millionaire, rose from the position of p inping, the tense muscles of bacit 0 fea 2 inches, 225 pounds, and T. IIL Carlylian Emersonian, and Tindallean that faculty, and kee there because I did not door of the tent, and finding threats tion of Victorian alitograpim in the & series 0 Wavi the man, L plowman. - world. Besides the royal fanuly and the u le nature is gone. His commenced,life an a I did not stay of no avail, began a lamentable moan the hands Rollins. 6 feet 8 1-4 inches, 1145 thinkers of this day, are try ag to get, who away from there and Lhigh will relent. and this'eloquont before, it generally thickens $3 a week, and died worth go there. I came give gas- nobility riVreseated, there are words tual weapons of we on ing, and by the most ImPres got n rer to the floor. At the end pounds. all the Intallec, contributed by ennyson, century in Chalk, own grasp. What we his Longue. Was he final in personal 1310 a, because I did not go there at all. An- tursis seemed t? beg that tile slaugh- ook the diffioulty should ba,over- d i I Schley delights IA telling visage. Was g25,000,000. All through his life he r Browning, Gladstone, John Bright and Of a w Mira want Ia ecileatifio Christians to cap- appearance%, it mars his —A watch. teed animal might be given back. The Chamberlain, and verse written ex- come, and suppleness gained. w aa amateur aeronaut. to he affluent, it Bends thei sheriff to sell niaine,d an industrious plowman. Poor ewer . . , he visited a country fair ka or rich, he worked all day an The man that made it did not want dead body was accordingly given 0 Wken it comes to dieting for obasi tore the scienaej and scholistic Chris Insivoly for the Duchess b all the 6 a p, and him out. Was he influent i 1, it dea- 11, ty, the rules are so much like those . I
,tin to capture the aciliclarsh'ir, 8 did not him- He took it sorrowfully Ia is beat -known verse makers I the day. ent up in a balloon which ascandea p theitroy-. his Popularity. Was he placidl hirt, it. The man that bought it
Isophic chriathins, to Capin, day, he. never puFt on a white arms, and bore it away to his waiting. for dyspepsia and gout, that invalidism 80 feet in the air, was wrecked., and ph rind lecturing Ch makes him sinest use it. The man that used it did not Conspicuous among the many new a Primarily the ban goes let its occupants fall into an apple hilog.ph7. riatians to'and genial and loving, it wore tiny but the pl companions, 'a tuggested.
We'spleriptic and cross; and so utterly is never —A Those who witnessed the extraordin- buildings that have &risen On the Rit" gainat that wicked trio of sweets, tree. All were more or Ima hurt. ex- on & take back the, lecturing platform see lie is clothes, never owned a pair of gloves. know it. Answer. ary scene resolved never again to fire of many old "landmarks" in London fats and starches. Air are (&booed, oept Schley, who ascaped with a few want to send put against Schenkel and he changed that you can rse , hy is a hill Us a treat Answer. a t one of the monkey race. so luonotan- Strauss and Rattan, a Theodore Christ- RaroasLic and rasping, and that the and never ate anything but the coa at to the top in the handsome structure named Re- and' that means a diet Oontusions. days Because if you want to g liab of 116U4, and against the infidel Philistines have left him nothing but plain' food to which in hit; poor A case equally pathetic occurred at which occups the alto of ougly simple that many a one lapses Edouard Rod. the French aritio sad soWntiets of the day, A God-worabip- a file. - He never you have got to olimb. Chalk Farm, near Hampton, in Eng- gent House Lnto her former "to of indulgence, . Ile had been accustomed atch a field of that ancient church which for so long from weariness and impatience. There author, has signally failed in his aji,- pin 'Silliman and Hitchcock and Ag- 0 "the way of the transgressor to What preserve would An egg name land. A main set to IN tion of one of Cilicago's pot avefl. W43 want to capture all t he h His night read, enjoyed no amusement, and eared entirely out of place nur- can be no oandy, no enticing drinks Preo'3 ar4." His cup is bitter. uld speak. Answer.—Ma—me— peas, which had been much preyed up- app philosophical apparatus, and swing is dark. Hie pang are deep. His sought as little intercourse with his It it cO on by pigeons, shot an old male pigeon rounded by fine shops. The now pre- from the sodA-water fountain, no sugar shows. While be was witnessing the laid, Marmalade, mines are located in Regent street, in Goffee or tsa, although saccharine killinflof bogain thestock do there
h r r
around the telesopes on the swivel, un- end is teriffic. P Matins iniquity fellow creaturen as business permitted. to that had long been an inhabitant. of he fainted at the.sight o1yablood abd we can see the morn- says to the man: "Now, surrender to He, thought little about mon Which is the most difficult train he farm. Its mate Immediately set- 01056 to Oxford- Circus* and are Occu- oan be used, no dessert ; neither can ill through thorn and with me and I will give you all you want— By, did 0 tab? Answer.—The 12.50. because it is t pied by Salviati Jewaram & Co., Ltd. there be anything triad, nor mayon- slaughter. When be was resuscitated Ing star of the Redeemer, any away, and did not seek to tied upon therfro"d by its aide, and - they wanted to go on with the Per- minerslogiciti, harnmer diRCOIVer tbA music for the dance, swift steeds for not give an to one if you do catch it. of in the most expres- British methods in India are Illus- lawse, nor creamy things, nor farinace , bat he cirlail. "No inore. no 11 Rook of &M, and audd the flora Of the race, imperial coach to slumber on, greatly to add to his store, and he What nation does a criminal dread B�howed bar a low formancie a one ideal w a t most? Answer.—Condemn—nal ion Siva manner. r ce of Lyalipur. in One- Vegetables that grow be more... MKI the ,Ross of Sharon and you shall be refreshed with a 0 grotind—plebeian vegetables, like 110- all realM enever marrie& Hi why is a dog biting his own tail The laborer took up the dead bird tbe Punjab. Four years ago Lyalipur tatoes and beets—must be left out of and thq Illy of the vallay." We want a rarest fruits, in baakc,ta of golden it I- ra.,ks, water flow where no water like a good managert Answer, — Be- and tied it to a short stake, thinki ng r jungle, without a single this tipartan diet, and butter in for- clergy learned enough to discourse of agree." He lies. The musio turns out was, to cover arid soil with grass, and cause he makes both ends meet. the eight of It would drive away oth- 1,(M,000 acres h&ve bidden. What in there left? Why, - HELP ONE ANOTHER. the human eye, obowing It to be a taic- to be & groan. The fruits burst the fill the land with good stock. Hav- Why are stars the beat astronom- er dApredators. The bereaved bird, how- inhabitant. Now Let us help one another. Thla� A— - rind wit to ever, did not forsake her mate. but been brought under cultivailon at an this: A cup of hot w roseope and telescope in one InstrQ h rank poison. The filagree Ig his whole force concentrated an arst Answer�Becauss they have stud- WTI to ery Mont, with elght hundred wonderful Is made up of twisted snakes. The the continued day after day walking slow- expense of $7,500.009. and the province fore meals, none with food, fresh tie sentence aholuld be t a one* that business, he succeeded marvel- tied, studle& the heavens since ,,be net aliesta.-except pork—and pulled broad. b rt, stamped an every Memory- It oontrivainceN and lido closing 30,000 or couch is airigrave, Small allowance log and of rest; 1%ly, and bought, fenced, watered, and ly round the stick. hag a population of 200,000. at of pence; 11 creation. The kind-hearted wife of the bailiff vegetables 40l000 timled a day; all Its musiol ,Ows.caallowance over d Hill were to give revenue last year was 7 1-2 per cent. on with some indulgence to should be the golden rule practiced not nerves dAd bones showing the infinite %mail a of comfort. Cold. stocked estate after estate all if Xr. Rowlan an a gold dollar Why of the farm at last heard of the cir- the investment. 'rhe value of a single and fruit. This, of course. in severe, every housshoK but through- I wind- hard, r0l2gh,—nothing but a file. So it Australia, took leases of thousands of each of his childir y for only a short only in
skill, of Am infinite God, and ther quare. miles, and. when he died, vv"a would be be like the rising sun "instance, and immediately went to year's crop is equal to the total cost but it is necraxwr time, and surely will lower the weight. out the world. Ry helping one an- a peroration: " fie that was with Voltaire, the most applaud -d t stock owner In 'the world, Answer�Because he Lips the littl�l afford what relief she could to the of the !Improvement. log up with tb not ties V And man of big dayt Lho. greaten poor bird. After a sufficient number of pounds other, wenotonly removethorna from formed the eye, Shall he kvith half It million acres In freehold, Hills with gold. have nished Into thin air, a more
then wd wt�pt t be able to disnou'll "The Scriptures wag his jest -book nnd acres In leasehold almost beyond what is the difference between a On arriving at the spot she found PAPERS. erova be gradually the pathway, and anxiety Email the about the butuan ear, its wonderful whence he drew counting. schoolmaster and an engine drivert xhausted. It hnd AESTHETIC CURL mind, lint we feel a sense Of P1611191111J15 O&MOAtit, membranoes 'find vibr- Ban mots to gall the ChriaLiao and the Answer.—One trains the min the I made a cirrular beaten trnek, around Woman ban at last found a way out adopted. &And its chain of small bonan and Jew. other minds the train. the dnad pigeon. giving now and then of the difficulty of making fright In Our bearts, knowing that will SLfG HEIGHTS OF MODERN QUEENS. a little spring toward him. On tb"TA- of herself With curl papers. "Doing tip SUBSTITUTF FOR FEATHERS. doing a duty to a follow -creature. A Its ftU(fit0ry%tke&Vc, 010dinj with 'he An infidei when well, but what when What trees flourish boat upon the h At plan ea the ear moval of the dead bird the en re one's hair on retiring has always been Fpathers and down are expensive, helping hand or an encouraging word Bick? (lueen wiiiialmina takes serious ex- hearthl Answer —Asbas. turned to the dove -cot. a perplexing problem to those who want some 0, than a text would touch him to the ce five letters from ity of isolation one does not like io feel nat-tall grows you can have down I to others 0ound the first chapter ption to being mentioned in foreign What word has but if you know a bank where the IA no Inat, to as. yet It Is a benefit x quick." Who has not felt the Dow- of Gensais, boringing to It the 960109Y ,,gfl papers as "the little qticcll." though which it you take away, two will leave asobow hot lions, lor even in the annot- mail the attroomy of the ntil Ssized with hemorrhage of the or likes "the young queen." onal Answer.—Stone. or of title liflie sentAncel Who has had gone to be she ratb When a bad boy is wbipppd what FIf;H PRODUCE SILK. herself a fright. 0. pillows KAIOM for the more making. e ugement 4 mtod" the 8=1.uf tb� in Parts, where he, ledge of femin, as Ab aun crowned in the theatre an the idol of Shp. seems to believe that foreigners color In beg Answer.—Yell Ohl A shell -fish known as (,a pianna In With a due ku no you mnal know Lbat the fluff Of the re of a kind friondf How 800011%, a in league Ith the caprice, some enierptising manufac- field 'Shall all -1rance, he Sends a messenger I met a man driving sheep. Said di to are thus giving their estimate Of the the Nediterrnne,ii has the curious pow- rat-lail, which may be gathere truth, and tho staris In t1h, wm�se paper which r LIM when perplexed with Some task that get a priest, that he may be reconciled r of Spinning, a viscid alik, which in curl with a in J;ily or August. makes a Pill is mysterious and burdensome. to feel A great importonee of her kingdom, "for." she "Good morningl How are you Find your turor ban sent out a curl I lWall tweniy sheellf" Said be: "I have not tion around the desired it gentle hand on your shoulder alad to the Church before he dies. twenty sheep, but if I bad its in It.,ly into a regular fabric dainty bow of ribbon. so that when 1 he pqo, ea only by down Ltself. .90 tWift A0ALIOT 8189RA- terror falls upon him, ilia makes the hag remarked, "it cannot justly apply many. nind,i ibel ),m live nPir a take or ad secure a hear A voice whispring; 'Do not feal a b;ing or pompadour in arranged for Future uso� It, dia-lournged—I nee your trouble --let me ocharoh.0f6w, clouta"yetiallittira place all round aboi* him so dismal to My slaturs." And she Is right, for again and half as many and two and The silk is spun by (lie aboll fish il ll,rv"t f rmi-Laills for t it R1101,11 I be ynur (ate to live In a �heip You." What strength Is In- 6t the m§n of God that the nuilse deoliLreii that she would the queen, who measures five feet a halt I would have twenty Aftill" the first place for the purpose of at- by a buin of pretty ribbon% and otakot1toWS8161ft of this PlAt- hot for all the wealth of Europe see one-half Inches. is the tallest How many sheep did he havel Ana-er. iteelf to the rocks. It is 11131 ad Iopetinn of country where eat-talls do' apired—wbat hope created — *bat Let thi d , Ahuhad printing- �abothar Infidel tile. Philistine ini- live and —Seven. floating ends. aril not grow, then subsiltuto the milklawpet gratitude is felt and the great tilled for quity bad prorair to guide the delicate filamenla to ihA If he horrors Of a fire In
bf thiis ecklOtry,bb riatin h d, hi all the world's of women rulers. I I ;Ikwred pods. Gather the pods � difficulty Is dissolved as dew beneath 'Atill the . d T - garlatidg, �E proper place i�nd illan glue them fast, Rpirtme, bouge are than done away, fr,lin na hAm the sunshinal Lot as help one NO. irl , itfttg at the ut In the lost hddr of big BEFORE YOU STRIK . repro- , p.- � in the tall of the year, hang I 61 11$06 b The Queen of Spain is onlyi five feet THINK and it they are cut away it can with, the harrowing sign, of onrl pl, by endeavoring to stTeXiNtboill slittevii sad the it thro"olLud pub 18116VOI life, when he needed solaoing. sent five aind twc_fifthe inches; the Em- dure them. The material when gather- Pr4 has nlwny,4 added in lb. nih-ra iFir- I n Ay im paper Wigs tr) dry. and they I other weav 010i t� Ke the walk and IRking 6. , 11hWA 16 thb tearinit alcross his conscience and his as of Russia five featl t -a and one- Think before you strike any creature ed—which is done at law tide --in w,,gh- torn in no smail degree; sleep walking' will burst o n and nan he made up; and oneJoural ckidi of tri Oil I , � Melillo tiarvaill 1, 06, a file. So It was with prb into pillows r. The early spring. The burden of ears from t6 wearyand ww OMWI: 4tclfik and It eat to 4 )3 to# half Inches; the Empress of Germany that cannot speak. The followinalit- ed in somp end wilter, dried and win now be an graceful an a scene oppremed ; that Ufa may IffidS Smooth- Ili$ an le6blieso in Eflig- vicithria still Smilillor- tie story Is quite true. When I wa straightened, one. pound of the cqqrgp tram "Machoth," in RAY nothing Of I Of m2on ri d
I;V4 by his %kifioleflafless and Qua- ly on. and the fount of bittairMe" 1al g8,,64;l Young Dutch nit I worked for a farmer, and filtim-ut yielding three ounces of the one's own feeling in being well dressed one W"ll 6601 t 6 tftM k in Vn m Wh 96inst bp td obd his As 99
ide from her height the LONOWSIT BEARD IN TUC WORLD. swef t witters, and he wb '61t thik dotull, 9 ail build nor Yell plow fine thread. which. when spun, is Of —in curl pnperr—vvbicb Is gold to give , K. "I A Also at tte bee to brillillInt MI.Wry tit b(Melonot fret- qUeen I ire ft6l and a hal inches' Waist Was given A Span Of hortleR a lovely burniahed golden -brown col- ,he otowntna toaob to womana aelf-, Probably the longest board in the hand in ever ready to aid no Will tin - gmab Ploitthisr, trotting at twent"no Id Rr in ward our hnmble 0111,1105TOr. alld every 6* Us 04 AWAYIN9 , � g at his r -two inch bust gives with, one of which was it four -year -o 0� 6* .( 4C00a- bl*-Wit, ift-ttIng *t thti world� measure and fort: or p"stiession Tiuly, the manufacturer I world in tbit of a metal worki gond deed will be an `h"ad cut upon kh" tit Her powers eel t. The colt after walking a few �bn average oomt of ibe stork of the of ribboripfl curl papers allonid hA enn- ldir,4pillps. The man is 74 years r-ld. in admirable proportion. t he wttprs. to fetUrn after many b P�STTWO AT 60ty, re, well tested On cor- steps would lie down in the farrow. Metropolitn 81 rept RailwaY Corn onized if th,-re in any STatitUdA In th Wel love. ItAIA154 ATO a Whi,ra, I I yen r-4 of ago he had heard f endurance we JgM days," if not to us to them when for six long hours The farmer was provoked and told me inlay, of New YnTk, to tbe original feminine breast. ix It grew from ear to go caromoulat Mantle of red was not roore than $90 year. and now his hirsute attachment, he Whix qhft 46 'thd ftrld "Chfide 7 M'11' sitid 11$6rdtitavalur' itta T to sit on the colt's bead to keep him stockholders 6L leffillon!, 1&,Ud 1:01"Warterhamed lotimine. a weight of Lmsj week that slork was GOOD. when unrolled, reachan the respectable MODERN MANNA. Le 61f 'it CRF
from rising while he whipped him, to a 11bare. ft k -DIT
it In Arabia, eel t"d to aotbloJ4 bift not thirty pounds, and open market at 6251 length of 10 feel 10 inches. W ben I & so* go a writer 13a L tit, break him of the notion, as he said. quoted in I he During Queen Victoria's sojourn In Somotlineii ft4 IN fAti- got just then a neighbor eame, by. a allnirs. Here it' 0171 added to the this man gcwtR out walking be carries tore
'4 W910411lit Iftolilty ot k,, showed no marked 8YM1ptbM8 Of the Arabs 0 J*Xq*t the r� #1' I ,d L irinity of IA"b Vannactlar some n nn- Xt'holl jftst $tqa "There's something wrong value of every share of stock, find the the vi his beard rMlod up In a big skei Sandy deserts a kind of M116118-wbiels felt., %fi*uiti Oft 1 Ile said years agn the Prineass Louis@ had cic- der the stroll. Since he I.,4 rather small apparently reastimblas tho ralsibba d# 04 �jg- , here, let him get up and let as find comillmny his $40,090.060 Of Klock Out- lander to match
t � �XL , canton to drive Into Gal ng but five toot three Ad to, At i In else, monguri
'Wj4�,Uict t IN 19 tit "i* 06ft I%V or A 140S. out what is the Matter." fie patted the f1tainding- tile Bible. and whIdb Natt" as few( 1116 W *%k6d' 0#6'r I# 10t4,dfA*11 nd then game valvat. On rising to leave the Inntilla. the beard in more than twice to, both men and cassel* *beio ong, WA iio� *ill tip iiie X�Ja colL looked at the hisree shop She was annoyd to Bad she had t CA #' W6 gTISO % A (011-gto"a I filitif N"," %*I'll, 6, I red jM for. *&I&* '%ook xt this collar;* in an long the mna*s heiallf. tar Is to be had. It %#Oaaft &*ft 416, A" "t 91#6 ht bMAN Or- 811S. net her purse with bier; she begged lb A* t "*lad Y%t "It. *t $0 Atto ad narrow, 612 little haNIVS. II the, V an At portion, and told him sand after every ftioll astillAille"', .14'' ORO kbmtlh4ii� YA tW,b Tt ist dt V
, tfo!V)*y
d eapidethelhariliess so h.1 THE EXTREME VARIETY. ISh that wheu would Send him the money Olext aY of t b0m ,� he fitarta to pull it Youn Wit I had nothing alme to dfaVor.8 d 'it 114" � Ii �6 itigilk Jhs Itch jJe* sl VS book and obakes him, so that coking. bat Is on extreme aptimistl I and the f6y that ghlohlof at 11 ft idle hands to count bar%. wits, "Loop at 2 lLft Wad two 10*08 elin't btdath." -'Dtnna fmab larval' Mam."' mid tbL1 Ioft he do, go I did finds t ft&0lgrltk guAblind—It I 7031 Sstab tradparns n has an so. P-� 1. be fancies he'll find Me big as tMas. k U
'01wro o"log 5v &64 06 it WAk ana but 6" Is *6316 SO by 1 -7
ftod 4 X iA.& a