The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-12-20, Page 25• albs Ha 4.10177r5. 0.101.01^„....116,JIll0,,.."""m••Y „ • meow &mum) KINGSBRIDGE NEWS • A Combined unison* party and a grade eiert graduates' night .was held la St, Joseph's« school. Dec,, - ember I4th with wives and their linsbruids, the graduates, .„ grade seven and eight PPM Pre- sent.r. • 140115.*Carl Refiling was chairman for the evening. Father sPoke to the graduates awed than god IncAc. Anita Hogan gave a Sphimal reading for Christmas. ' -0 Come Let Us Adore Him, anis!, ihe Mrs, Ranh Reigling read an address to the graduates and grades seven and eight pupils sang. "Climb Every Monmairr.„ which was dedicaral ta the graduates., Mrs. Joe Moerbeek, former prin- ciPal presented the fifteen': graduates witipins, a gift of Leauge." assisted by Mrs. Res Milt educational convener. Mri Ormond Heffernan, social convener presented the newlyweds, Mr. and , • Mrs., Joe Moabeelc with sick -call Crucifix. Louise Dalton, Karla Reigling,'Faye Hogan favoured' with nip Chris Carols, then led in CoMMunity singing a Christmas Carols. • Mrs, Joe O'Keefe was the winner of the draw for the lady wearing • the longest ear;dngs---Mrw and -Mrs John Howard wail the prizrilfor the, 'closest wedding date to Christmas A sale of bake goods was auction- ed off by the cubs which was a great success.. Exchange a gifts fo.11owed, and a delicious'lunch Was sereed, ' • ' ,•• ,44,,,,,w, 4. )..", ./,... • "4" :0, ;'-': -,•":" .../;/), ..:3., , ... 74 •;,,, • «g . ,- • ,i _„- e. 2.. IP 342 .'' . , • • CfiHrisiluas is made of snowflakes , and church hells and:laughter anddream**. . . ". may all of yours come irue. Have a Mem Chriiinthat4. BRUSSELS ' MOTORS . • ..akri Servile& Dealer . ' . ' lilharra..173, Brasil* • • . Sentinel asto.,•0••••afireliffiirogratotroaamykto . . , . THAT. Mrs. Ronald. Blue of Ripley has been returnri for 1.168 as • president of Ole •Bincelei Haven AmaitarY of Walkerton.. T arena manager AI Hai:10ton vh respOnse tO Pre I skatini.frontli.to*3 To Spend Christmas n Bermuda DUNGANNON NEWS Helen McNee and Melba Stiles of Goderich will leave Malian on Dec- ember 24 to spend the Christmas • holidays in Berniuda.• ' , • . • • • We are sorry to report that Reg McWhinney, is 'a patient in Wing)4.aat bznpital as the result of an injury tO his hip,frOm a fall at '‘• home also -former residents, Foy, Maize is a patient in Goderich • hospital and •Mrs, Henry HOft011 is 10 sWingham hospital. •Mr. and Mr s Wilbur Brown leave' on Thursday for Chelmsford, Mass.. to spend:Christmas With their son Kermeth *his Wife and on Wednesday has been , ; .- • very Poor_ free„ and,any pre school child accompanied by an adult k•welcorne _ • e artiste in their annual appeal for • in'supporr of uniscular dystrophy; ratised 427%.115 and i• apprecia.te, the co7operaric' twof this Conumnsity." the fignre 4:op coniiderahly, fromliast year. ... THAT the lareknow Girl.Guides vis sited Ffneerest Manor. ig latoknow. last Stnday and presented.cor- sags and sa•,,, carols for tho residents.. •, THAT.e Lacknow tG.LT. ang • • i,, ca.rols'and presented iiftS to the residents of Finecrest Manor "in liAtick115*". eitI ‘Mirialla- Y. ., • HENRYS FRUIT MAIDcET IS OFFERING -THE •FOIULOWIIIG ,SUN RISE DAIRY SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEK DECEMBER is TO DECEMBER 23 • Mrs. Mel Orr, : Passes.At Chesley. LANdSIRE NEWS, • . , The 33rrnpathy of the.commtMity is extended to Mr.,and 11;63- Claude; Daie and, fagrily in the loss of ,N1rs. • Yore' s marl:ter, .14.ri.,/ Mel Oer of . asesky who pawed aWaY on Sun- day at Chesley liosprtai. • . • Little pawn MacLeod of -Toronto is spending a' few d."ayswith her • graridp.rents,, Mr. •and Mrs.. Dick M 4 IN. 1 • , • CULROSS CORNERS , Sunday visitors with Mr.. and Mrs, Tom SteWart and bays ere Atex Stewariand "girls of Kistcardine and Mr.. and Mrs, Ge.raid Stewarrats' ' • • • of Xincardine_ . , , anal Nes'. Thomas Hackett., and Doug uisi,ted oaSunday Ntr ...ands Mrs. Midord 1(411_ • t Weekend visitaits with M. aiipt bt-E, ifaideiaby and family were Mr_ and Mrs, Fred Friendorf oft.Citchener,ana Mr. and Mil. ' Ektss Irwin and family Cif Lucknow. 1 • eace gnd Pr , litapthe peqeeand trappines this holy • oeaso1r.6;-ing eeynthrispent the &airs ot our awry' /tends.; 11 'SINCERE THANK YOU . FOR YOUR PATRONAGE, DURING THE PAST YEAR KINTAIL'; GENERAL STORE 1• ' Vita Oitoh '• in.TV .5it1414 .14`1•.) 7+,:f1.,..ike4;Mo4 7.1.4,1,g:447; *' 4 .• • .• s• 1Wes'