The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-12-20, Page 3•
IC. 20th,
hank you, dear friends and customers, for
the generous measure of partonage you extended to us
throughout the the past year. You have made it our most,
successful ever, and it is with sincere gratitude and
pleasure that we wish you the finest ofeverthing,
always. Merry. Christmas!
Because this', is Centennial Year,
With.. Christmas drawing very near;
ce-more must greetings kind' be
rfisCmas t'raye,
"With all the •happypeacefulness of a child's
prayer, we greet you during this holy season. ,
May the bless-
.ings of Christmas
b� yours during
this holy season
and .may 'they
ContinVe long
:: at►t9‘ the: future.
•James . O'Donnell.'
one He said he felt the Robarts
government would find .out next
election time that people can:.
change their minds about politics
and he felt this matter could have
been brought to the.fdie,, before
the election just past. instead of.
after it was over.
DR. BISSONNETTE. agreed and
said perhaps we should take a look •
inside the schools we already have
and correct some of the multitude
of sins• before. we aim for bigger
schools farther away.
MR AARNOLD felt perhaps. we .-
should come up with. a practical
solution and take measures to let.
the government know out feelings,
and ask ",them to quit' giving build-.
ing, permits' until something con-
crete can be done in .the line of
schools and .education ..
MR. GAUNT agreed we should
from this meeting be ableto ,let ..
the •o overnrnent know our feelings.
was right that *Separate Schools
were exempt from this situation:..
MR.,. GAUNT ,replied that only el
•ementary and secondary schools
were to be affected and that Sep-
arate Schools would continue with
their own school boards•.as '
previously. •
PERRIN LOWRY wanted to know if
ail our. schools, would be closed `.•
when the county• basis' was setup..
MR.• GAUNT.. felt they
Would ;or at least:a number of thein •
but of course • no mention had been •
made in the speech by Mr . Robarts.
J. C. MacDONALD. asked that
committee be .formednow. to.draw
up a..resolution
WM..McCREATH: suggested .the
representatives'of the various
'school boards represented.
MR. GAUNT felt, thatthis
wouldbe a good idea and he would
be glad to'help if and when he
could in his department:
MRS.. W.R. LOWRY asked if any
other;areas; had taken any; steps:'
• .MR, GAUNT; knew of .at creast
two_ .
MR. MacLEAN asked.for a
reselu ion-c-ommnitt
HUGH MASON moved: that Wm.
time for this; to go into. action,:'
MAC MacKENZIE,said he thought.
we should fust think about out
children and maybe the ,move Was. •
a wise one.
WM. HARRIS said the children.
have: been and are considered and
are=getting' the very best
in Ripley and Huron Tow.nship,:
MAC MacKENZIE; argued that the
competition for school teachers.
would be better in the larger -area
and we'd.:be able to have the best.
WM. HARRIS. Maybe; Kincardine
has a gamble and might be a
chosen area, but Ripley might •
loose their schools as.•did Lucknow
and this we don't want.
MAC MacKENZIE still maintain
ed we hadn't projected far enough.
ahead to learn much.._
'MR. MCFADDEN YeS he said;
we like to keep our are and felt
that the medium size schools we
have now are fine,; but if we had
an opinion;we should•feel free to
voice it and now:was'the time be-
fore the'count school board Caine
into effect.
MR. BUSHELL felt he had learned
a lot by coming to the.'meeting and
would be interested in any further ..
Meetings. . .
ERNIE GREER.said h -e knew long
ago of proposed larger•.areas and.
knew at County Council:they had
been promised ,representatives from-
all areas on, board when it would be ;
•ORN P--€DERS-said=hie felt there
To farand near with •wise intent
That one; more link in friendship's •
chain Y
May bind our hearts in love again
At this blest season' of the year
The:folk ,whowandcred=-far from :=
here .
Will find their thoughts go running
• back;.
And memories, kind they will,not.
Some.'read' the good old Sentinel
To learn of friends that once they.
:knew;: • •
They,wonder what the: times have
And if the Townhas changed or .not
If many .ihere to Expo went.
And how ,Centennial: 'Year''was spent
If to folk here a• thrill was brought
Recounting what the years. have
wrought .
With man's achrevernents truly•
greaf t °
Our Country raised to proud estate.
But somehow now 'at Christmas
Our minds 'are turned to thoughts
We're thinking not of human power
But of a• day and of an hour
When God's Great Gift to. man
came down
Our lives with'hope and,'joy •to •
Forgetting differences of'rank
We humbly come to Heaven's bank
Alid ask,for grace to carry on .
With every new day that will dawn.
Though, severed by the miles of •"
Here's greetings from' the Old Home
Place, w
And many wishes warm and true
Sent by the•Sentinelttto you.
Harris, Sandy McCharles, Pete •
Bissonnette, Perrin Lowry and Aurel
Ar strong be the committee
WM. HARRIS felt now was the
time :for all organizations to take
steps-and•.ta work together
MAC MacKENZIE of Kincardine.
felt that we weren't well enough,
J.C' MacDQNALD felt we could
couldn't`delav as it was almost
should be. action now. •
Thresolution c
returned with following: •
On. behalf of the 'Citizens assemb-
led here be it' resolved that we
oppose the formation of proposed
'county school board in that
" 1. ,The manner in which the Ch-
ange has been proposed is contrary
to all.dernocratic: principals.
2.• Costs would be considerably
higher. for administration.
3. There would: be no forseeable•..
improvement in education of
pupils. :
4. ° Weather conditions in this,'area
are such that larger areas are not'.
feasable for bussing long distances::
propos d-rlai e
`.from this community as an altern-
ative when and if definite plans •
are presented by the Department,
of . Education: •:
The Resolution was - heard and'.
passed: �_:_ _1�.+
Hugh Mason moved a vote of.
thanks to. Mr ; • Gaunt for .
information provided and moved
W ..,. ,.... It's hustle anti bustle
'til all is . done .:. when it's
/finished we enjoy the fun.' Happy liohdays!