HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-12-04, Page 19IN
0h..1fE7 .!
d with
t 'ate •
id Donna
INi,.. lION
• Steve'•Stothers was appointed
chairman of the ratepayers meeting
• which- followed the nomination
period at the town hall in Lucknow
on Monday of last week..
Nominations were received from
7;30-to.-$..344m..:by clerk E-.11. •
Agnew followed by the meeting.
Reeve, George Joynt, was the first'
to` speakand commented .on the
'improved: attendance at the:meet•-
ing, At least the back` rows. are
.full" , said the Reeve who was
quick to praise the: excellent work'
beingcarried on by the village
works department. "Cliff is''on the
job.' nearly 24 hour's a day" ,• coma''-
oma''-•' tinted the, Reeve., " an s -r g
on his'tail" . Reeve Joynt was ,ref-
erring to,the work of Cliff Craw'
ford, town'forernan and: his assist-:
ant Bili Ross..
The Reeve said: that thefinances
of the village are .in A -1 shape:.1i
said that two particular items'had.
put the:mill rate up this Year. ,.Two
:mills were ,spent onambulance
costs for Wingham Hospital and
m-il lto=finatee-th e -intermit.
charges ,on the connecting HO'
agreement which handled the work ,
' ,thissummer on main street. 'He
went. on to explain that while the
main street' work was practically
100%0 paid for.;. by go. ernment, it
was the municipal responsibility,
to carry'and pay for the interest
'charges on the project•during:the
• time it was in, progress, and until
.thetiine thegrant was:paid.
Mr., Joynt said that he. felt that
next year about 7 mills could be
removed from the tax statement.,
the five. mentioned . and •about two
Mere.41e spoke of a light debent-.
. ure debt in.. the municipality of
about •R'.25paid-interest_and--T
'principal.. He said that a ,contin-
•uous road and public works improve
Ment prograrn.over the past ten
:years had been carried out. and that
300 'Lob€IS
Put Your printed. personal
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• f inns• • •
items such as 'stationer.y,
cheques, catnieras, toy',
You'll find a thousand uses _
for .these pumn.d labels
praserws •
packed in a handy plastic
''rausaabli box. •
1968. would see the start of
debentures retiring. Many of these'
debentures are for work carried out:
during these. 10 years, •
commented the Reeve.
"We have been working on peak
loads" , sa1d Mr; J:oynt-F-a ut-I-see
a. great deal of relief in the near
future He said that within five
or Six 'years', . 6 or 7' mills of deben-
tures should retire
Reeve Joynt,' listed a group of com
pleted or .partially completed) .
projects during the past year, an!
arenaproject .with•a net cost of. '
about $10,000, the -bulk of the road
work a.n ctnrm. eimr•...wOr , cOr
pleted, contract for six foot
flourescent lights let for Stauffer.
and . Ross Streets,, ,north and south,:
a new well at •the High School''
which has a .'527' gallon per minute
pumping capacity and which will
be developed this winter.- The
Reeve said that„4000 people' could
be served from the new well 'and.
the well earlier installed' by this
same council on Havelock Street at
the Bowling Green..:.` '
Mr. Joynt..saidthat 'property valu-
ation had tripled in. the past ten
years' in the village -and -that. many
of thevillage imptoVement pro-:
jects have contributed. towards this..
He spoke of a complete overhaul
of the hydro system since he took•
office as. ;Reeve,, with $2500 being
spent on.pruningthe first• year he
took office. ;The .hydro, system
showed. a. profit, of $15,000 this past
'year:. The, Reeve also spoke of
soaring welfare and Indigent patient
Speaking of his work in county
council , : Mr. Joy*. said that he had
served as chairman of the. County.'
hcme conpmittee'at the time of •
the' construction of .Brucelea. Haven
in. Walkerton:. He said that':the first,
stage of construction had called,
for 92 beds with an additional: 60
beds When needed The original
building had all the facilities for.,
expansion, but when approval for
the addition was sought from county
council, it was:turned down. "I
have never, been'so•embarassed. in
my life as when county.council
turned down this expansion. program
with 40 people waiting; for acconi
• Now they are building a:100: bed
home at `Wiarton which there is no
need of,commented. the Reeve,
and: proposing to move Brucelea
residents .:to . Wia rton. He felt the
new home would be a burden to the •
county ,for some time.
Reeve Joynt then dropped a •bit of.
a bombslrell•on-the meeting. He
announced his' retirement from 'off-
ice, after thirteen years serVice, twc
as councillor and eleven as ,Reeve.
He said there'comes a time when
you have to decide whether to'
make.'a full. time career' of munic-
ipal service or get out, in consider-
'atiori of your family. He said that-
some of his friends and best support
ers had urged him to continue in
'office., but that he had made the
decision which would be final, Mr.
Joynt thanked his fellow councillors
numerous village organizations, the
,press, and all who had worked'with
him . and 6o -operated in Various
_.ways during his time in office. He,
said•that having. been born and,
raised in Lucknow, he had a keen
interest in the. betterment of the
village and hoped, that he had con
tribu*ed in sorne'way. He pled$ed
his support td th rncortt-rrigy-Reev
Councillor Omar Brooks stated
that he 'had. sat on council. for'eight
years='with very few changes of
council members. He said that he
had considered the Reeveship for
two or three' years but had decided
'to wait until.several projects had
beencompleted ,before .announcing
his. candidacy. Mr. Brooks was not
-nominated-for-council-this time”
and said he had decided to; contest,
the Reeveship this year. ,Speaking.
of Reeve Joynt's retirement,, he
said "I'll have large shoes to fill
but will do the best I can".
Mr. Brooks spoke of various road
projects which, hadbeen carried. on.
and of the. Ludgard and Gough
Street bridges', Councillor Brooks
is chairman of roads and bridges
He spoke of the busy agenda
ahead for 196.8, the arena project,:`
the new. w ell to be completed.,
bridge approaches, a traffic bylaw,
traffic signs and parking facilities
as .soon, as possible.
He congratulated Reeve George
Joynt on his past work as, did all •
councillors speaking. •
Councillor Eldon 'Wraith `spoke of •
the experienceyea
ained'in. a r as;.
g year'
a council member, Eldon is;;chair-,
man of sanitation and he Outlined'
briefly some of the work done. in
this department.: As well as.
thanking the outgoing . Reeve, he
extended best wisherto Omar.
Brooks who would be. filling the
Councillor'Harvey Webster, chair-
man of hydro, spoke. of`the new i
lighting contract which had been
let for Ross and Stauffer Streets. He
also told' of the strides the hydro
system,had •rnade in the past few.
years:'; He said he had enjoyed his:
years as •councillor under : Reeve •
Councillor W'. A. •"Bud" ,Hamilton,
_spoke as chairman of the water
system and:commendedthe works
department for their help and -
interest. He apologized for several.
water interruptions which were
necessary when construction was'in'
progress on the :main street .this '
summer. He said that he had •
served on councilfor about '10• years
and did not intend'' to stand again. •
He:paid'tribute for the service of
Reeve Joynt.. . •
Others nominated for, council
were asked to speak 'briefly, Harold'
Ritchie, Roy Havens,. MurVirt
Solomon and Harold Austin.: ,
James Henderson; who was
elected• by 'acclamation to ,the.,
Township School Area of Kinloss .
and Lucknow:,. said the. had come'to •
the meeting 'prepared to step ,down,:
but' in .view • of the single nomin,-
ation , he would continue in office
He spoke of the' change . in the
future in education 'recently
announced with disclosure that
county boards would takeover the
governing oteducation ' •
. Donald.MacKinnon, chairman of
the Township School Area of Kin -
lois and 'Lucknow, spoke of the
rapidly changing' education picture
He said that a •couple of years ago,.
six trustees from Lucknow
sat on the Lucknow Public +
School Board. Presently two Luck
now. representatives are parr of
five which govern Lucknow, Kin-
loss and part of.Greenock and he
said that, in the future'it would
appear that Lucknow would be.
ato hive even one° re
fortunate. Y p
resentative on 'a county school
board He felt this was makilg• it
increasingly difficult to secure
trustees who would be willing to
P! set •• Mr 'MacKinnon. sard.that__,
in the past year the board had
closed No, 1 Kinloss but that they
had not disposed of itas the comm.
sincere thanit you. for returning; me to the :.office; •of Reeve
of Huron, As before, I' will continue to work for'thebetterment
of the townshipat all times. Season's greetings to all.
1Ky tlianks' for the support given ,me 'at the polls " on Monday.
Congratulations tothe successful Reeve and Councillors and:
best wishes for -the future. in: Huron.
My sincere thanks and appreciation for '.yoursuport. I shall'
endeavour to fulfill the** you haveplaced in me. • '
I wish to express my thanks to 'the residents. of Huron Town-
for the fine support given, me at the polls (will endeavour.
`to. serve ,you well. Season's Greetings to 'all.
Many: thanks' to those who supported.me in Monday's election..'
Best wishes to the successful. "candidates and all the best for .' .
Huron : in the future:
Lady (to neighbor's four-year-old)
"Johnny, •I've seen you walk'
around .the block at least' ten times
.Why are you doing that?" a
Johnny: "I'm running away :from
home and I'm not allowed to cross
the `street." '
,unity had'shown' interest in the est
`ablishment of a community centre
there. The original deed., which
left the property for education
purposes only, p po o ly, ma;ny years ago; ,has
'created. some pt!ob1erris.
• He. said. that with the moving td
the high ,school building in the near
future, it would not seem'
feasible to establish shop and home..
economies.classes for Kinloss and
Lucknow alone,. and that, accord-
ing to the inspector,"'Teeswater and
Ripley school might be: interested..
in buying this type of education
from therri. Mr. MacKinnon said
the area had a good staff of fifteen
teat>hers and Should have one ' ore
Not' a single question 'was asked
frorn' the audience at this quiet'
nomination meeting.. W
Mrs. Joe Kurtz
Died,A# Galt °'
Mrs.'Joe•Kurtz of •Galt passed
away on Tuesday; November 28.
in Galt Hospital. She was. forrnerly
Hilda May, Boyle , . daughter of the •
late Jarnes Boyle and' Mary Jane , ''
Redmond of 9th Concession West
Wawanosh She washer79th
year. ..•
She leaves to mourn her loss, her
husband and two daughters: Mrs.
Roy Montgor'nery (Helen) and Mrs.
.George Egoss (Luella') both of Galt
and three grandchildren; also two;
brothers John and Gus of Wingham
and four' sisters' Mrs. 'Eleanor. Kelly,
Mrs; Michael .Cummings (Irene)
Of ,Wingham , Mrs, Walter Lettmer"
(Eva): Scarboro and Mrs. Gus •
Devereau (Mary) .6 fSt. Augustine,
' funeral held at St.
All attended the
,Ambrose church Galt on Friday ' .