HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-12-04, Page 10•
►s�i�i�ld DelegaleS. Attend The
0:0nciut Farmers' U0onConvention
Two • new faces are on the Provin-
tial E(ecuti a of the Ontario Farm
er''s Union, as a result of the annual
convention held in Chatham
November 27, 28 and ' 29 this year
and they are Peter }4eyers .of Flet-
cher. 1st: Vice President, and. Neil
,Cook of Tilbury; Junior President.
Walter` Miller of Tara threw his ha
into the election and won over John
Dolmer,: President for the past
three .years. Others on the execut
jve, board are Second Vice-Presl-.
dent' 'Delmer'•Bennett; Ladies Pres-
idem Mrs. Veronica Opsitnik, Lad-
ies 1st -Vice -President Mrs. Helen'.
'Thompson, and Ladies. Second' Vice
President. Mrs. Gloria Sequin.
The convention lasted for three
daysand an average of five hundre
farmers attended each day to dis-
cuss the'buusiness•on the agenda.
Gordon Hill of Varna chaired the
meeting.' When the convention.
wasn't .busy discussing. resolutions,
sent in by each ;local, the delegates
.were;:noroinating :officers .for: the
Provincial. Executive and voting,
listening to oneof the man inter-;
esting and: popular speakers,'Of
studying the reports' of the 1967
ecutive ;
Garnet Newkirk, Mayor of
Chatham officially welcomed the
0. E. U;. ele ates T guests and -
members. Everett .Biggs, Ontario
deputy agriculture: minister who is
also chairman of the farm•income.`'
committee appointed. bx,the Ontar-
io Agriculture Minister William
Stewartat last year's Vineland Con=
Terence said that his six -member
committee will continue to collect
'facts and . meet with various farm
groups ou _ ' and when the final report -
is prepared a conference will be
called next July to discuss its re-
time for Christmas" he .said .
Monday evening over nine-hund•.
red guests enjoyed a banquet,
talent:show', 'beauty contest and
guest .speaker, President of the -
Alberta Farmer's Union, Mr/.; .Paul; . .
Babeyc;. "There is nothing wrong,
with the agricuiture:.industry that'
fair prices wouldn't cure. We have
been poor businessmen" Mr;
Babey said,.. "Look. at .any other.
segment of are economy. We have.
a surplus Of automobiles and yet it'
is impossible to buy, one any cheap-
er.- We
heap-er.-'We don't need legislation" he
continued "Why 'can't we apply
the ;techniques of collective`
bargaining on a national. level► •
The very, well known, high;
stepping Storey Sisters of Seaforth
took first prize in the Province
wide talent contest. and a petite, •
20, year old Essex '.County girl; a
pursing assistant. Miss Jeanette
Sylvester'. of R;R. 1, St. Joachim,
was crowned •Miss: Ontario Farmer..,
Union Queen ; '
"Press" reporters,, radio and two
well knowntelevisionstationswere
on hand the second daffy to witness
Honourable• Wm;'<'A :. Stewart,' Min--
ister of Agriculture, Mr. Morden `.
.La-zarus;. f wm-the=Fara er$
Committee and Mr. , Oren Lee
Staley, President of the, National
Farm Organization, U.S,A. It
wasthe latter who carried his
audience so .that not a 'foot shuffled
as he spoke: Mr: Staley, who rais-
es hogs s and Shorthorns on his 400
acre farm. near.. Rea Missouri said
"It's vitally important it.
portant.'for farmers
to be organized and to make.
decisionsto-ether SO often some'.
of the farriers in the don't. .
a ree with what; is beingdone and
gg n . .
o home .from a meeting without
expressing their opinion: There are.
two sides-of'th'e'coi of de � rac
ur mor y,
one side is to make your decidon
and the .other side to abide by the:
ecision that was made' by the
majority';, ...Stanley was heard
to say. -"It's more,irnportant'to
raise Hell than to raise' corn" and •
that undoubtedly was the spirit of.
his, address. The day ended nicely
with a dance and .music by• Otto
Prues and: his band front the Walk-
Honourable J.J. ' Greene, °Canada'
Agriculture Minister, officially
ounced_::a_Christrnag gift for:
Ontario beet growers. durin&the
opening: session. Eighty-three cents
per standard ton on the, 1966: crop
'will be mailed to 'growers. about
December 10. "So that wives of
,, beet growers can get the cheques in
66 ' ° DODGE Polara, 4 door, 8 automatic with
66 DODGE, power; equipped, with radio
'65° DODGE 2 . door hardtop, 8 automatic with
65 CHRYSLER, 4 door hardtop, power equip-
quip-ped with radio
64 DODGE, 4 door, 6 automatic
64 CHEVROLET, 4 door,6 standard
62 DODGE, 4 door, 6 standard with. radio '
�,. TORS
rYoUrt Dodge *• Plymouth Chryskr Valiant Deafer
Ask about convenient'departure
and return times
For information,; phone tha lout
CN Passangsr Sale. Office
erton area. A Y
. 'Dr. Helen Abell from the Univer-
sity of Waterloo greeted the meet-
ing of its; final da . She said .that
"Ards" (Agricultural Rehabilitation
and Development Act, June 1961):
is not as effective, as it was origin-
ally designed to be and stated that
her disappointment was shared by
others in the agriculture •'' '
The one resolution that received
a great deal of discussion read as.
follows: "Therefore be it . resolved •
that the Ontario Farmers' Union
Board of Directorsrrecommend to°
this convention that . the Board 'of,
Directors be :given authority to
pro ovincia1
farm unions, and other'farm organ-.
izations into one National Farmer's
Organization with a -view _towards. •
international affiliations." The
resolution carried unanimously. The
Past ,President John Pointer said
his opening speech "After 1O0 years',
of Confederation we have one
national marketing board the
National Dairy Commission".; He
said 'It's time responsible farmers
put .away childish things and
become businessmen in a'business-
man's' world because we cannot ,
afford to wait another 100ears.for.
y .
.the : next national UrganIzation.organization
Delegates to the provincial
convention 'from. Ashfield Loci' 342'
Mere-Mrnd-Mrs ; Lome=-luther
and Mr. and:.:Mrs. Jim Martin,'
Many inflie' community are busy
with practices for the second
Community Chriscrnas Concert to.`
be held this Saturday ,, December ,
9 at 9 15,.m'. in the Cominunity
Hall. Christmas music will precede.
the programme,.
Addin Daw4on, isa patient. in
Wingham and District Hospital. We
wish him a• speedy' recovery
Mr. and. Mrs. Larry Henderson
'and. Laurie Ann spent the week -end
with her.parents, Mr. and Mrs. •
Bloss Koyle and' Gary.:Mrs. Koyle
returned •to f;angside.•;with then,,
after spending a :few days .With: ..
them. in London .. ' • .
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wall visited,
wit , Mrs. • ,
h'Mr:- and rs. A. Borhorin .'
Teeswater on'S,aturda'y. evening.
Mr, and: Mrs. Allen: Miller of
Toronto spent the week -end at
thea farm' home at Latigside,
Mr,. and', Mrs.Jim:Riss and:•Miss
Margaret Moffat of Toronto spent
the week -end with Graham Moffat,
and. Missnma Richardson. Mr..
arid Mrs, Eric Evans of
Hyde' Park visited at'the same
• home on Siuiday. They also visited
with the latter's mother Mrs. Bill'
Evans who' is' in. Wingham and Dist-
rict Hospital.. -
.Barbara McQiiillin of Toronto;
'Sharon'and Steven McNay of
Arnberley 'spent the week'end .with
Mr and Mrs. Dick McQuill n and
David and Janice Wall visited on
Stuiday with Mr. and Mrs, Ira
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*INEDNII$DAY DEC. nth; 1%7,
(By Cheryl Hackett)
The 1st.Lucknow Brownie Pack
met in the basement of the Town
Hall on Wednesday,. November
29th. The meeting opened with
two games. Then we had fairy ring,
Cheryl Hackett was fairy. . queen.
Brown Owl helped the tweenies ,
and the other Brownies shone their
pinsor worked on Semaphore.
Then we had Pott -Wow. Cheryl '
Hackett showed us hertoysfor the
toy -makers badge and also her ' '
a`ature etur fihreeting--closed
with chimes:.
We‘had some games and. then
had fairy ring with'Joanne Ritchie
fairy queen; • Pi we
the ' ..'ctures ; "` re
taken of the Brownies Audre
Jean Ritchie` received her: second
year pin.
The tweenies learned how to •sew'
on buttons while the Brownies work-
ed ontheir semaphore.' We then
worked on the,Christmas presents
We bad:' the 'squeeze and closed
with chimes:
Move: To
Mr".' and 'Mrs, Jas Wilson have
moved oto their hew home in , ..
'Goderich :..
held. their 'first 'card
party of ,the .season.on November
:29 with eight tables of euchre.. •
Mrs., Bert Badman was high for•the
ladies and Mit.... Lorne lvers. Tow
Art Young -had high score for th'
men and Gregory Park low . ' The
next card'party•will he DeCembe
Miss Nora Creyke of Whitby visit-
ed . at the week end, with her friend
Flora `Durno. .
• .
W ayne Brown of ;Montrealapenc:a
few days list ,Week with fiis_parents
.Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown:
rs '
(Rev) G.,P.
.Wri ht spent a fefewg.
da i.last.W,eek 'visiting with her
sister in. Winnipeg..
The Ang1isa
n•Guild held. ,a euchre
in the .parish hall on . Friday,
.:P X►
November 24 With. nine. tables. The
ladies rizes- going 'to Lynda Young
P . y.. g
and Mrs. Tom Young.: The men
winners. were -Stuart Reid and Lorne.
Ivers. There will be another•
party.,on December 8. ,