HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-22, Page 55ih, 1fi1
rs •
The new officers of Huron Chapter
No. 89 of the Order. of the Eastern.
Star, Wing
ham, . Win harp .were installed at a
special .ceremony'. Th officers
include many .Luckn ,ow 'area resid
ents. Seated are:. Mrs. Gwendolyn.
Adams.; treasurer; Lloyd Henderson;
Associate Patron; Mrs. Lloyd 'I3end-.
erson, Associate.;Matron; Mrs. Will
lam. Wharry, .Wforthy :Matron•. Will
iam Wharry, Worthy', Patron; Mrs:..
Farish Moffat, se .rem t ;M .
Kenneth Leitch ,; Chaplain,; .. ,•
standing; 'Mrs. Lawrence Vannan,.
'organist; Mrs.-A11a i MacIntyre., •
Wben t ie party'sover.
. a cascade 40
electric 'water heater ..
-can havesfinest hour
Seven—year—old socialites havea way
pf leaving rose than a gift at a. party:
ever been stuck with a tutti-frutti
topped .tablecloth? '
These are the times ,Cascade 40 can
really, win you over. It, provides all the'
hot water. you need to suds up a • ,
strawberry -specked party dress, its ' '
chocolate-cheeked, owner, and ;the
'pile'.of party paraphernalia• you'll be
A Cascade 40. electric' Water heater
may' riot make : the. party. . but` it.
could save the day. For more inform
• ' ,tion, ask your :Hydro. •
your hydro'
64 6
Associate Conductress; Mrs. James
l Inbar, Ele-ot ;• kirs-,4r-u -
Chambers4 A'dah;' Mrs,. Harold.gram, Conductress;' Mrs: Murray:
Taylor', Esther; Mrs.John Gnay ;
Across the lane from the 'Slippery,.•
Elm' trees and in the 'corner of •the.
back field, stood an old Beech tree;
Its -branches spread out widely :inas-
much as there was plenty of open
space. In its shade the cattle lay.
on a hot summer's day waiting the
time when• someone would .come to
take them to the barn for milking
ted of nice .straight grained timber.
that split very easily. The 'beech.
was ofa different type and.was'
tough and hard ' to manufacture:. But
this tree was not noted for its tim-
ber but .rather ' for the romantic role
it played`. in the community. Before
my day, in school; there.was a
Reader with a :poem entitled."Just
Twenty Years Ago." It recounted
!many things that had happened in
;the past' and.some of the lines re-.
ferred to an 'old tree on which some
lovers had.+ut their names ''Twenty
Years Ago.:" `
Ruth; Mrs Jack Fisher' , Martha; .
Mrs.Robert Ahara' '.0 •rsha •
Harold Congramm; Warder: Walter.
Conn, Sentinel', • was .absent.'
-Advance-Times Photo.
This beech . tree served • a
purpose: More than ' one shy youth..
had ckrved';on that tree his, own
initials and underneath the initials ..
of sortie .young girl, who in his
boyish mind he fancied to be the..
"greatest'. The. tree has',long since.
disappeared as,.the gravel pit reach-
ed out for new areas but some of
its memories still' linger on.
In. that. .same field farther 'to the
back, was;a fairly good -Sized
beech grove..Here in the Fall of
the ' year •we gathered, beech nuts.
which w ' toted for th'e winter•.
It was not only good fun to "go a
nutting"., as we spread some
blankets, under. the bees and then
proceeded. to' shake ;the nuts upon
them, but it was.profitable in a
day.when we -didn't have nut shops
to tempt' u's with their �merchan
dise. Those:were days which '
called for'self-reliance..''Do it
yourself",had. not as yet become
tine slogan it is today ,The fact is,
We did do it ourselves,:'to our: own`
satisfaction and to the satisfaction .
of others. That tree and the grove,
are gentle reminders- that there
were, "Some, good old days".
:B�.Melen Courtney
Students Collect $32Q For tNIB
school Sa4dened At Teacher's Death: �y
Fashion Show
Simplicity 'fashion show came to
L. D H. S. and those modelling
were: Annie Van Diepenbeek;• •
Kathy, lHogan,. Helen Courtney,
Janice Hodgins; Pat Hamilton;
Nancy Irwin, Wanda Hunter, Carol
Campbell, Marion Reid'; Ann Bets--
bergen ,. Bev. MacDonald, Donna
Ritchie; 'Eleanor. Whitby, Marilyn
Mclntyre, Donna Wylds, Jane Mon-
crief , . Brenda Bushel, Pat Connon,•
Nancy Corrin.- Rosalea PhiXlips,,
Nancy Bushel `
CN IBCampaign ..
• The Student's Council would like
to thank all those of the community
who •gave, generously to our choco
late bar canipaign and to the
canvassers for the Co N I. B; Thank
you. The' results of C. N. I. B., were
$320.00.. '
School Saddened
The school, was sadly bereaved to
hear of Mit, Tont MacKKenzie's ,
death last .Tuesday and•would lite
to express heartfelt syrnpathy.to
, the family, r