HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-22, Page 22AGE' • TWENT'1f`,TWO.
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,n. %090ii05i,:wwWwww014*
Seals The Wood Pores, Safeguards Against Moisture,
Provides A Smooth -Grained, UniformBase On Hrd
Soft Woods For Lasting Decoration.
For Blond: Or Tinted Effects: With The :Natural .Beauty Of
• • 'i �, `•
vides An Enduring, Clear, Lustrous;. Protective Fish..
Bring New ` Beauty And Lasting Protection To . Wood
NONRY In Poly .Bags PORTLAND and .NAS ;
In. Stock
Joendeirson- Lumber Ltd.
PHONE• 52$.3111
Lions workng for:AreaBetterment
Contributed by Lions Executive.
The Lucknow Lions have held four
meetings this Fall and have had
visitations from, District Governor,,.
John Taylor. of Alliston and District
Deputy Governor John Campbell of
Blyth,, We always enjoy having our
Governor and Distri?t; Governor
visit us as we get valuable'inform
ation and assistance from thetri.: '
During the year ending June 30th,
1961'we assisted our youth of the
community as follows,: Boys and
`Girls Activities $802.80,. High
School Band and Year Book $10000
' Lake St.' Joseph Camp $100,.00,
Retarded Children $30:00, 'Corn
Club, Etc. $34:15. .
We are also very pleased with the
help we received from the Lucknow
Legion who gave us $168.00 to • •
assist in the swimming instruction.
experise:w ? :::"
Our Bank Loan was also reduced
by . an .amount: of $1,400..00.. We
still are in debt to the bank but we..
hope this will be reduced substant -
ialiy again this year,
Since. July "1st';' we have held our
earn"iva1. inthe arena and also a
, rummage sale :which.. again were
quite successful.
1.ast year w'ehad:'representatives
at ,both• conventions in the Sault
and Chicago but wish to 'advise
that no money raised from,, .
rummage sales, etc ever' goes into
convention funds. All money
raised .in this'manner is used en-
tirely for welfare work, Convent-
onvent ion funds are, all .raised from mem-
bers and the amount each candid-
ate is allowed to•attend• convent
ions is very small. The ones who •
so to conventions pay practically
all theirown expenses.
The club also collects for the •
Crippled Children Society but all
the moneys that are raised are
turned over to.the above society.,.:.
Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie., and Kenn.
eth spent the ,week end in Toronto.
Mr.. and Mrs. Earl Howes attend-
ed the Howes - Snowewedding at
:Metz on Saturday,
Visiting with Wm. Johnson were
his sisters Mrs.:MacKeith of B.C.,
and Mrs. D. Finish of Sashatch-
Kenewypws �►� u
MtCarmel Church
-Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker,,
William St. , Exeter, renewed
their wedding vows --of 50 years ago •
at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Chureh
Saturday morning October, 28 •
with Rev. 'A, P. Jansen:.officiating.
They returned to the Exeter .
•Legion Hall for their anniversary
dinner served by the Exeter Legion
Auxiliary. Later in the afternoon •
and evening, the celebrants held
.open house for relatives and friends
concluding the day with' a�dance.
Mr, .and Mrs. Tucker were, marr-
arr ied • in St. ;Helen's' Church , Toronto
:50 years ago• and Lived in Toronto
,until 1953 when. Mr. Tucker retired
from service With the Bell T eleph-
one . They moved to Lucknow for
ten years and in January.196.4 inov-.
ed to Exeter. They are active ` •
meinbers of the Senior • Citizens
Club. • '
The groom's gift to his bride: of 5'0
years was a mink stole,and she' pres
ented him with a gold watch. •Many,
other gifts were received'.
Out of town guestsincluded Mr.
Tucker's sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs:. P. Gorman of Port Perry..!
Mrs. Tucker's, brother, L . I;aurn
and .two -nieces from Toronto,
nephews' and': nieces. from Flesherton
,. d-��ortdii11—Mr . ared Mr-sr--Joe.-�-
MacMillan, Mr. and ,Mrs. Pat
MacMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Jim'`
O'Donnell, all of „Lucknow, • Mrs. D
Sanderson, Weston and Mrs. G.
Crou• h''. Toronto. ••
Qt Brussels Sta#inn.
An agent will be returned to. the.
CNR station at Brussels, Robert
_McKinley (PC- ,Huron) said last
week:. in order is being made by
the' new, :Canadian:Transport Board
russ.e s .station as •.een operate
for :some months under 'the .naster_ :.
agency plan' and •.business conduct
ed through'''the Stratford office..
A member.of the board of rail
way commissioners attended a
protest Meeting in Brussels. last
summer ••
"At That time, ;Ivlr . McKinley said
it was shown that Brussels had: in
creasing revenues from'cattle .Ship-
•rents and annual station revenue
'was more than $147.',000.
WEDNESDAY NOV. 22nd, 1941.
Locals Hardt Teeswater Citizens On Edge
Toured:With `Leo's Mate''AAs They . •
The following article appeared
in'iast week's-Teeswater News and
should appeal to•readers in. The
$epoy Town.
Once again.Teeswater and
community escaped .HallOWe' en
Without damage of any extent
but there. did .happen to, be a..
good laugh'or two,
• Teeswater's famous "Leo" ,, `the.
Lions drinking feluntain, again. put
Mrs. Vic. Casenore of Brantford
was a Saturday evening caller at
the home of Mr'. and Mrs. Orville
Tiffin and; on Friday evening Mr. •
and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin were visit-
ors at the same home. •'
Mr. and Mrs: Jack Coultes, Debb-
ie, Kevin and Blaine of"Dresden
spent the week end with his. parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes ,and .
her paren Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn
Pipe of Bruss On Saturday Jack
and his father joined. a hunting
party and .were at Tobermory where
they were successful in getting a
On ThursdayMrs. Victor'
<Ernerson accompanied Mrs. Alvin
Mundel Mrs 1.1%,„ English and
Mrs. D. W. Campbell to the home
of Mrs. George Sutherland, Ripley
R.'R.4 for ,a sub executivemeeting
of Maitland Presbyterial W.M.S
the community n.the lirnelight
but this time thee real Leo was not
involved . .
About 10 p, m, a pick up; "truck
from 'Lucknow appeared, in
Teeswater, boldly displaying "Lee',
for all to see as :it drove around; f `'
tow, n, It.wonly natural thatome;
persons becameas alarmed that sonnei
one from: the S,epoy town was ,
absconding with our famous: fibre •
glass pet'. A quick check, however,
revealed that the real "Leo" :was
safely 'under lock and: key inan
isolated hide -away.; to•which he
had beep removed 'o• avoid 'antici-
pated Hallowe'en pranks..The
"Leo" thus riding the truck must be
a giri friend of the true copy, seek-
ing 'the whereabouts of her elusive
love:.. '
, After• enjoying their public.
displaying of the "Leo Copy" , the
lads from:Lucknow deposited the
master -piece on the. fountain pedes
tar .from.•which the genuine article
had been removed . No. sooner, had
this been done. when some. local
7 boys"' 'snatched it up and traits
ferred. it .to -the 'roof of t:he, A. H.
McTavish Law office.
" It turned out to be.a real work.of
art ,;made of ptyw*:.and
cardboard and,painted ' in identical-
colours.to,theoriginal; Rut noun`
has:. it that it took the craftsman'
responsible two whole days of hard
work to complete it .
W .j... STUBBS
• Tho' Royal Bonk of .Canada 'has
announced thb appointment of W.
J "dilly Stubbs as 'inanag r. of
'the Royal Bank branch in who
to succeed .Walter Lock who re-
tired ' it the end Of the month.
Mr. Stubbsjoinid the/ bank In
MSS •in Guelph and has 'since h.fd
positions with the Royal in' Chip -
anand Hanover whore ho was
*Oka • mambos of the Hanover.
KInSMois Club. ' Mt. and Mrs;,Lock
iaatik irc`iiaiad a-hame'in, Ripley
Have that special toy. laid
away now.
LUCKNOW - PHONE'. 5204.00