HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-15, Page 8NONI,IPIATION MEEIPING Notice ' Ts Hereby 011(en T1'o.. The Municipal Electors Of The 111 Township0Kinloss t the nominations, of . fit and proper peraons to serve as Reeve and Councillors 'for .the Township of. ,Kinloss for the years 1968 and 1969,. will take place at the TOWNSHIP HALL, HOLYROOD,, on t IDAY.:;H:NQVEMBE And also, nominations of two member's the ThWnship_ School Area of "Kinloss: year . term.. At 1:001 o'clock in the afternoon for 'one hour, at which time. and place all electors,. of said township are hereby notified., toattend, and that should: a, poll be required, polling: will open on. ; h, 1967 the .School Board or Lucknow' for a tero. onday, December .4th, `From ` 9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the °following "places in ,the Polling -Subdivisions; No. 1, Ate the Orange Hall, Durham Road No. 2, At . the Orange Hall,Kiniough. No. 3, At the Township Hall, Holyrood.., / No. 4, At House of Mrs: Ford Cunningham, Lot 11, Con. 2 No 5, At William . Scott's House, Langside No. 6, At the Community Hall, Whitechurch FRASER MacKINNON, Returning Officer: 1;1 t 1. �.t r.: r.' } • Passed Away In 93rd. Yea KINGSBRIDGE,NEWS We extend our s,m sympathy to he �y P Y family. of the late Mrs. Mary Foley who passed awayat her home on • friday .in her ninety-third year Anne Heffernan and::Mary. Lee Hunstein of St: 'Joseph's School of Nursing,. Guelph,, spent; the week end with Mr: and Mrs,. Ormond Heffernan.' Also visiting at the Baine home were Blanche Biladeau, Guelph and Ray Heffernan of W allacebur S Father Edwin Garvey C.S.B. of,. Toronto and Mrs. Marie Garvey, o -of -Toronto-are_apending-a_ fe days, at the Garvey homestead.' MrsBlase Martin isspending this week in Toronto with her OttraWanOhi Twp.. R keno ;tion, ay The regular November session of Council, of West' Wawanosh Township was held in the Hall on November. 7th with all members in attendance, and Reeve Lyons presid- ing. / . The minutes'. of the' October meet - ing-and -a special meeting held September 19th w.ere read: and adopted on motion of,Councillors Aitchison. and Chisholm By -Law # 15, 1967. the Murray Drainage: Works" By-law. was given, third reading and finally passed em motion of'Councillors. Chisholm and Foran, ' • ,Motion by Councillors Chisholm, and Aitchison."That the Motion passed on SepMember 12, 1966, agreeing to pay a one-quarter share of _the renovations to the Lucknow ; arena be rescinded, and to.move that the''Township of, West: Wawan- osh agrees to pay up to, a maxi- • muni of .$4�, 000..00 towards the 'ren- ovation of the Lucknow. Arena" :. Motion by Councillors. Foian and' Aitchison "That the tender of• Not - man McDonald ; to provide snow ,plow for the winterat`•$9.00 pet;, •hour; and the application of Ambrose Redmond as wing man for., the grader . at • $1.50' per hour be accepted." . Sullivan, Ditching Con- jn Ori�inal 000Maximum Hugh Todd, 1 fox bounty $4,00; James A. Howes, Superintendence, Todd Drain $300.00; Robert Nicholson. Construction; ,Todd • Drain final payment •$2,.000:00;. Fianna and Hamilton,. Gaunt Drain,. total payment less 2OTf , holdback . $2,;288,, 00; Hanna and'`Hamilton, Foran Drain, 1st payment,$1,647..20; Joan Armstrong, preparing tax state- ments $96.00, ' ROAD ACCOUNTS: Harvey Cuib err ,salary. $114.32 .G . Humphrey. Operator, $240.77 N, D, McDonald Hauling clay and gravel $155.00;..' WEDNESDAY, NOV.13th,,1967 Lucknow Sentinel, snow. tenders. $8, OQ;, Signal Star; snow tenders^ $15.40; imperial Oil. Lirnited.yluel and tax, $178,92; Radford's Garage,,, anti -freeze $14,44; •D'. R. M. Co:. Ltd. bolts and nuts .$6.30;3. Ruth erford, mowing .streets $.10,00; Huron County; :Calcium chloride $105.00; Greer • T. V. , flasher batt- eries $3.90; Receiver General, audit balance $9,72;Receiver Gener al; U.I. stamps $6,88; Bank of Commerce, C. P. P, and income. tax $33.641 J.M. Andrews, Auburn gravel $48,30; Huron, Cdunty,. Auburn dragging streets $8.00. . • Counciladjourned to meet Decemn; ber •15th.. JOAN ARMSTRONG CLERK, • Mr. Doherty and family. Visitors with Mrs. Jim Doherty were Mr.. and Mrs. Clarence Doherty andfamily of Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Sandy McPherson of Oshawa the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.' Earl Drennan. Mr'. and Mrs: Art Bowler of Torre :onto spent the weekend with•Mr. and Mrs. , Fred Vassella. • Mr.; and Mrs. Tony Middegaa'1 and family of Blyth spent Sunday.: with Mr, and Mrs. Anton VanOsch and.. Brent Mr.d M k Bove!' and r . an Mrs.. Han Shea-o£..Ainta,-Michigan-spent_the_ weekend with Mr. and Mrs,. Vincent'A tin ' us , Thomas - Wallace isnow residing daughter, Mrs. Clarence Doherty at Huronview, 'Clinton. Vi!Iage of Lucknow OMINATION MEETING NOTICE is hereby. given to the MUNICIPAL ELECTORS '*of THE VILLAGE, ' OF ' LUCKNOW .thatin compliance with . the Statutes: in ,, that behalf, I require the presence of the said •• electors at the Village Hall in the said Village of Lucknow, at the hour of ;Seven O'clock and Thirty' minutes in the after- :MONDAY,.NOVEMBER2 967 tier One Hour, For the, purpose of . •the Offices Reeve, our' nominating Proper ounc.brs andone Public School.' Trustee' for the Board of the 'Township School Area of Kinloss and, Lucknow, for the years 1968 and 1969, of which all Electors are hereby required ,to take • notice, and govern themselves , accordingly, and if a greater number of Candidates, than re- q ed declaration: f - `e9�' • cared to fill' the said 'offices, are :nominated • make the Poll No... 1, Town Hall; Poll No 2, St. Peter's Parish Hall;.• Poll. NO. 3, Noble .Johnstone Residence will be opened in the said Village of Lucknow, on :Monday, December t 67 and willopen from Nine O'clock am.,, untl Sa O'clock .p.m. and no longer Given under my hand this 13th 'day of November, &D., 1967 AGNEW,. H E. E ' • ' Returning Officer tractor of Wroxeter, submitted -a' ; tender for the construction•of the :"McQuillir Drainage Works" A " motion to accept the Sullivan tender•of `.$3,600.00.• subject to the. approval of the assessed owners was made by Councillors Chisholm and; Foran. The road ,accounts were Ordered paid on,a motion by Councillors:' .. Errington and Aitchison The followingg 'eneral accounts were passed for.•payment' on a motion by Councillors Chis- holm and Foran: Hanna and Handl ton' Con struction,: Gaunt Drain pay ment, $4,144;00; Lucknow. Sentin=., el, ,printing account . $46..56; 'Rec- eiver ec-eiver General, stamped envelopes;, 980; Ontario Hydro, hall power '. $9.75; .Amos C. Martin, tile Gaunt and' Foran Drains`, $233.86; Township of East, Wawanosh, plaque at Park, insurance $131.00; Cprrugated•;Pipe Co Gaunt Drain. catch basins $253.86; Roger Panna, becker. . 1. fox bounty $4;.00; ;Char- les .McDonald, 1 fox'bounty $4, 00• t. NOMINATION MEF A Meeting Of The Municipal Electors Of me Township : of, HUroi. .In 'the County of Bruce shall.: take place. in •the T�Wijthip.:Hc*1I,.Ripiey..; At. The Hour Ofne 'Clock In The AfLej=QlLFF L the nomination of Candidates for the office of REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE. and COUNCILLORS In: The Said Township of lICron For The•. Year' 1968 & : '1969 (two year terms) / : O Thee. Candidates for the Huron Township School Board •::to be elected for two year term (The Retiring Members Are Eligiblefor rte -Election): When if more than'. the required number of Candidates.: red For. Respective Offices: Are Nominated THE ELECTION BY • BALLOT Will Be Held In: The :: , Several. Polling' limb ' Places Hereinafter Mentioned: ., .. Mndoy, December 4th, Commencing10• forenoon and at o'clock yin the renob closing at 6 o'clock in.. the afternoon • LIST OF POLL'ING PLACES Subdivision :NReids. . 1 -- o Corners 'Community Hall Subdivision No. 2 ' Orange Hall. Bethel, Lot 36, Concession 8 • Subdivision No: 3 - Purple. Grove Community Hall, (Con.;:9) Subdivision No...4 Township Hall, Ripley Subdivision ,No.. 5 Herbert Clayton's House, Concession 2 Dated • at Ripley This 13th Day of N vember, 1967 EARL TOUT, CLERK. PHONE BLYTH 523.937.3 LIMITED (EST. 1894) n Hwy. 4, Between Clinton ,and ;Wsngham ttory utlet. OF WOOL, and LEATHER - G'OODS CONTINUES TILL NOVEMBER 18th • —• ALL PRICES: ARE LOWER THAN LAST YEAR - Here are: four reasons why you should do your shopping :at the Oid..Mili`' We are giving, you the. opportunity, of buying'the finest genuine leather and wool products at the lowest. pos- • - sible factory outlet prices. • We ltndw there is no other factory, outlet•in Canada such a this in which > . the public can shop. HOURS '9::00 A.M TO 6:00 P.M. WEEK We have the 'largest stork' to choose from in Abe history of our firm:, Shop now While our selection Is best. 'We • carry a •line of products which include. many .items not • available at any ;other outlet., DAYS, INCLUDING"WEDNESDAY SATURDAYS 9:00 A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. WO ..ch tai :.Ce. •Wi ci cr lu oil Ev ;pry ey sur