The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-15, Page 7WEDNESDAY, 'NOV.. 1$th,
Notice is Hereby Given To The Municipal Electors Of The
lFbwflShip of West Wawanosh
That, the aiomioatioes gt 8t
Reeve,; tour• Councillors and.
School Area for the
year will take place at the,
and . ' persona ' to serve' as;
Rood 'rtutees for the Township
of 'Wawanosh for the =miaE
Hall, West Wawanosh, oa .
At one o'clock in the afternoon, for One hope, at which time
and ,place all electors 'of said township are hereby notified
to attend, and that : should a poll be. required,' polling will
open. on
Monday,- December 4t
From' '10'00
.n3. , to 6:00 ,p.m. at 'the various. polling • subdiv
No 2,, Public °Library,,, Manchester.
No. 3, ,Township Hall
No. 4, . W.I... Hall,, St. Helens
No. 5, ` Residence of James Curran
No. 6, ' Parish Hall, St. Augustine
When a proposed candidate is not presentat the nomination
meeting his nomination paper will not be valid unless there
is attached thereto evidence satisfactoryy to the. Returning
Officer /hat the 'proposed; candidate, . consents to be so nom-
. JOAN, ARMSTRONG, •'Clerk..
Hofl�r:Fishers On 35th Anniversa
•. On Saturday evening in White
church Community Iviemorial•Hall;
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisherenter-
tained theirfriends, and "relative's to
celebrate with them their 35th
;lnledding:Anniversary. Carruthers
".orchestra furnished: tnusie for den
• ting which was enjoyed' by a large
,crowd Df well wishers. Just before
• lunch was served Mr and Mrs
Fisher were called to the.platform,
given seats of honor while :Bill_.:.
Evans dead an address and Mrs.. .Ira'
Wall on behalf of the community
presented. them with a gift •of mon-
ey.. Although completely takenby
surprise, they thanked all 'for rem -
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and enjoy them%
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embering -them. in this way. Present
for the occasion was'their family,
Mr., and Mrs. Arnold 'l;ougheed; •and
family of Fort Erie, Mr. and Mrs.
Rill Fisher of Toronto, Mr. and:Mrs,
Bob Dawson and family of `
.Campbellford".; Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don'Fisher and family. of Guelph, a•
Mr..and Mrs. Bill Gibson .and
family of Lucknow and Sandra -and
Doris ,
A few from this locality, attended
the Benefi`t`d orrM `a i d"Mrs .
Bregrnan who this fall had .themis.
fortune to,have their'.barn;burn
while they were attending , Expo'.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Casemore of
Brantford visited on: Saturday with.
her brother: Torn Morrison', Mrs..
•Morrison and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tffili .and
Russel Ritchie were Sunday visitors �.
with Mr. and :Mrs. Fred Tiffin •
Rev Horace •Braden of'London
was a dinner ' guest on Sunday with
Mr • and Mrs. Wallace Conn and
family. ;•
Mr: and Mrs, Dave MacDonald.
Mr, and .Mrs: Pete MacDonald: of
Lucknow andJack Aitchison attend
ed. the Royal Winter Fait. on .Satur
day. • .
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn,
George. Muriel and Alma, Mr;; . and Mrs . 'Douglas Conley of
Wingham were dinner guests '
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Johnstone Conn: to celebrate Johnst-
ohnst-on's birthday. `
,Russel ,Ritchie left on Tuesday to I
visit a .few days with Mr..andMrs
:Fred Fells and'•family of Toronto
and attend the Royal Winter Fair
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin,
Mrs. Victor Emerson and Mrs. Ezra.
Scholtz were in London on Saturday
The former visited with patients at.
St. Joseph's hospital' and Mrs.
•Scholtz'visited with her sister; ,Mrs.".
Cam.eron Simmons '
Mr,, and Mrs. John. Gaunt , Mr.
-and Mrs. Jim Gaunt and Janet of
Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. George.
Gaunt of Lucknow spent Saturday, at
at the Royal Winter Fair Toronto.
Mrs; Ed Walker is visit'i'ng in
Ottawa with her, son, George Walk-
er, Mrs.:, 'Walker and faintly.
Helen Currie of London spent the
week end with, her parents, Mr.
When you turn 21
-you- are- :nolonger
covered by your
parents' Hospital.
Insurance, You must
take out, individual
membership within 30
days, .Get your ap-
plication form at a
bank, a hospital, or
the Commission.'
To keep insured fol-
low the instructions
on the. Hospital In-
surance "Certificate
,of Payment—Form.
104" :thal your,
present employer is';,
required .togive'you
on leaving.
The;•",'family" .Hospital
must now be paid to
cover husband and
wife. Notify 'your
group . without de-
lay or
elayor if you both pay
premiums direct no-
tify the Commission.
Notice; Is Bereby Given To The .Municipal Electors Of The
T�wnshipof As field
And .Ratepayers in . Fortner Union School Section 8 in the
Township of West Wawanosh, 11 in the . Township of Colborne,
and 4 in .the Township of Huron, that the nomination of Fit
and Proper Persons to serve:.>as Reeve, Deputy .Reeve, Three
Councillors and two Trustees; for' Huron County School Area
No. 2, • for . the years 1968 and 1969,.will take place at the
At One O'clock In The Afternoon,. For, One Hour,, At Which
Time And Place All Electors Of Said Township Are Hereby
Notified. To :Attend, And That Should A Poll : Be ° Required
Polling Will Open On
Monday, December 4th,
From, .9. a.m. to 6 p.m, at, the various Polling Subd'visions
Ratepayers ` in', : The Above. Mentioned Former Union School_.'
Sections Are Eligible To : Stand For Trustee And Are
Entitled To Vote On Trustees
Sub Divisions D.R.O.
No 1, Dungannon Ben Mole
John Curran
No.' 3, Orange Hall Al Irwin • '
No. 4, Port 'Albert :. Melvin Dicksort
No: 5, Kingsbridge , Michael' O'Neil
No. 6,' Farrish %Home William Farrish
No: 7, Laurier , Alvin Robb : ,
Poll' Clerk
Allan Petrie
Bert Alton
Wilfred. Hackett
Harold Adams
Earl Drennan
Gordon Barger •'
Henry. MacKenzie
DONALD M 'SIMPSON, Returning Officer
Mrs. Donald C MacIntyre w:as
hostess for a lovely bridal shower
for`Miss Judy Reid in the •Kairsliea
Hall on Saturdayafternoon. Mrs..
Evan:Keith was chairman for the
Eileen and Donna Burt were home'
from London :for the week -end.
Mr: and .Mrs.. Fraser MacKinnon,.
Murray and •Mary visited on the
week -end with Mr. and .Mrs. 'Jack
programme W
Readings were given by Mrsilson.; Frankof:, MacKenzie; enjoyed, a
Mrs. ,Currie Colwell and Mrs. Jack 4-H1e iertrHxo amilton ibeJ jai Winter
Forster, Brenda Ritchie contributed
a piano instrumental. ` Contests were
conducted by Mrs Allan MacIntyre
and Mrs. Ira Dickie and •riddles,,
given , by, Mrs. Jim Gibson.
Miss Connie .'MacKenzie and Miss
Rosalie. MacIntyre assisted Judy:•
open and .display many beautiful
and useful gifts : Judy thanked every
one and a delicious lunch was
served by the neighbours..
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. Graham
attended the Royal Winter Fair in
Toronto.• ..
Misses Grace MacDougall and
Fair the first of the week.
- Mrs Allan • MacIntyre will be
hostess for the. November meeting
of Kairshea• W.I. on November
16th, The Roll Call is "Name the •'
first owner of your 'property.. and'.the ,'
year your house was. built" ..Each
member is asked to bring her baby
picture for a'""Guess Who" contest.
' Mi. and Mrs.: Harvey Houston
spent Sunday at Guelph with Mr.:.
and Mrs. J.J. Houston. On Monday
they attended the `Royal Winter
Fair at Toronto.
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