HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-15, Page 2• THE LICKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Laurin. 4, , orrrson G NOS, The i UCKNOW SENtINEL, LUCKNOW, ON'1'ARIO! "The Sepoy Town" On the Huron -Eruct Boundary • Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, Established .1873—Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Su Member of the C.W.N.A. and; O.WN.A. Subscription Rate, . $4.00 a year. in .advance . to the. USA. $5,00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15th, 1967 'oble . ol.nsSin. Gets 25• -Year. Pin : Twelve First'World War veterans attending the Remembrance Night Banquet of Lucknow Branch of the' • Canadian Legion. NO. 309 were 'honoured and each was called on for a few .words, • The Lucknow • .Legion had &place of honour for the twelvemen and their ladies. Flowers: in the; lapels ;of the veter= • ans and .corsages ;for the ladies 'added to their 'pleasure. The twelve: men... who all spoke briefly, were W.B.• Anderson, .Dan : Nicholn, 1e so Noble Johnston.Robert . J e. Bud Thompson introduced the head 'table, Mr: and Mrs,, Charles Robinson:,,' Mr. arid Mrs. George. Joynt, „Mr. and. Mrs.. Ben Pentland, .' Mr. and Mrs. Irvine :Eedy; Mr. • and Mrs.: Bud Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arnold, Rev. and Mrs. Rod MacLeod',. John Loney 'and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gaunt Jack ;Sutton. thanked :Lucknow Women's -Institute for catering`to'. the banquet. and Mrs.: Ornar Brooks •responded Those called on for remarks were Fisher, Sid'Plowright, ,Gordon .Dar- Reye George Joynt: of Lucknow' by.__and.._Clarence--Bell,-_all of who paid-tribute-to-the-work-of-- Lucknow aid:trbut-a-to-the--work ofLucknow , Harry Brough of'Tees- the Legion.Branch in -;the •commu.n water, P.A. Muria?, and Allister ity for man,y y ears; John Loney Hughes of Kinloss: Kelso MacNaY member of.Priiament for Bruc,e rr.. , and�.Earl Cranston of�Ashfield The � Riding;' Mu ay Gaunt, provincial. men were introduced by+Kenneth member for Huron -Bruce 'Riding: Cameron, Ken',made reference. to Mr.. Loney presented` a Centennial the fact that Allister Hughes, flag to the;Lucknow 'Legion. Phonse Murray and Noble Johnston 'Walter Arnold, immediate' past were charter members when the . ` president of the Legion Branch, Legion Branch was formed in 1941. introduced the speaker .for the Allister. was the first president evening, Ben Pentland who is Phonse served as. president in 1943, associated with' the veterans' land 44 and'45. Ken also mentioned:' ' act. Mr. Pentland 'was born 'neat 'that' Earl Cranston is a past presi- Dungannon, attended Public. ' dent of the branch: School there and .High School in H. D ",Bud" `Thompson . acted as •Goderich :• He later attended master .of ceremonies for the ban teachers'. college in North. Bay. be . fore�with' the.: R.C,A .F.. as duet program:. Following Grace byserving , Rod -MacLeod r L-egion-eha o . na drop leader H took. up lain, a•toast.was.Pro posedto`the• With *the `department of veterans' P , Queen by` Harold Ritchie. Art,affairs following the wars and is :now.. Erneweire proposed a toast to fallen associatedwith the ‘veterans' land comrades: Mr'.'Pentland *spoke to the large The: -170, people at the banquet •g were welcomed , by' Legion'Presid•-' gatheringexplaining various phas- :ent .Irvine=Eed. of Dungannon whio.'' es of his. work with veterans, later presented a.25 year member- FIe was thanked by Bruce Wamsley shippinJohnston . to Noble J ohnsto of Luck- 2nd vice president. and presented. _,.. now. Noble was. a charter•mernber with a gift by Legion.: President of the Legion Branch and Irvine Eedy while•Auxiliary'Presi-•. has been a member since that time dent Mrs.: Charles Robinson present - Appreciation was expressed of the ed a remembrance to Mrs. work he had contributed towards • _Pentland•. the success of the .Lucknow Branch ' -The evening concluded with 'don-! IF • WEDNESDAY, NOV, 15th1 /aleci tory Address • Huron Co. Warden Donald MacKenzie Is Honoured As Term Draws To An' End' LaurineMorrison, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Gordon ,Morrison of West Wawanosh Townshipand a graduate grade12 � of at Lucknow. District High School,.delivered the valedictory .address at the High School Commencement Friday.: Shown, left to right ,.,are Tina MacKinnon and Nancy Bushell who presented the valedictory trophy Laurine,. 'holding:the trophy; John . Allason , principal- at, Luc know District High School who acted` as' chairman for the Commencement. program. Over 250•Huron'County, Council 'members, y emPto ees and their • wives;. attended the Warden's 'Banquet recently in the dining hall of North Street tjnited Church, Goderich. County Warden Donald McKen- zie and°:hi`swife Florence � were honoured with a handsome lounegg chair:, complements of 'fellow' county. councillors: Howick Township Reeve, Harold Robinson: and Win8 .ham Deputy Reeve Jack P Y Eanquet& Meeting:. Held In lucknow Alexander made theresentation a l? Mr: McKenzie's'term' as Huron Warden expires next month. . Don is.p y& :resentl. Reeve of Ashfield a Townshi•p . Also honoured was retiring: jail . • . governor of HuroniCounty, R.,W, Bell; he was presentedwith .a watch by Seaforth Reeve, `Carl Dalton. A roast beef dinner presented :by. ladies of North Street . United Church be`� an the evening's 'festi:v- festiv- ities. ; For the program which•followed immediate past warden of Huron County, Kenneth .Stewart', acted as chairman.: _Grace •unced b North • Street: United Church'minister,: Rev J „D„ Iviac Donald. g G eetin s from the town . c expressed by Mayor, Dr. G.F. Mills.; 'Head table guests Were.in trodue dby 'chairmanKenneth Stewart • Ha er . De ut =Reeve of .pulerr Hayter, P Y . StanleyTownship.,on;:behalf of Huron County Council, t.ex r ess. ed • appreciation to North Sreet United Church ladies for the; exc client meal .the: • , served Afterwards a period of 'commun> 309.. Helen Macintosh Honored By F'am l A dinner was held.recently at the Lucknow Legion Hall with the guest of honour being .Miss Helen • Macintosh of Vancouver. The, dinner was arranged by. Miss McIntosh's family., her sisters Mrs. •.Neil MacCallrurn of Lucknow,: Mrs: Albert McQuillin• of Whitechurch,',. her brother and his'wife,•Mr: and Mts., Jim Macintosh of•Wingham` •and rnembers of 'their families. In all about thirty --seven, MacIntosh, . relativeswere in attendance. A social afternoon and supper followed . ,Miss Maclntosh•and ;her friend .Miss Marion T,hompson',have•been • travelling since early February, • They visited Australia , New Zea ,� land, 'United States,' Expo and two and a. half 'Weeks in the Lucknow' . area, 1 Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home Professional Nursing Care 24 hours daily Dining . B. inn : and Tray Service •,Member:— Associated' Nursing Homes• -.Inc Ontario 'Associate Member: .Ontario..:Hosliital Association.. •. • Municipally Licensed Licensed by Ontario Department of. Health • • MARY R.: NEWBOLD, REG., N'. • GEORG.E A. NEWBOLD; ADMINISTRATOR' Drawer 220 Phone' 528.186 Y LUCKNOW', 'ONTARIO W ..Ay KSA.•e {Y+I......JCw ,-, ,,,, %.'.d 1 { I ST. 'HELENS NEWS The West ,Wawanoah Federation .— Annual meeting meeting and banquet was held in, Lucknow Legion. Hall on Tuesday, November..,7th :with -the, Blokes U. C:• W. ,catering to the meal: The resident.,' Murrayil- P Y• son, was chairman for the_ evening,.. Musical numbers were,.provideu by Mr.. and Mrs.;' Fred McQuillin and Joanne and Paul Laidlaw. Rob- ert Lyons, Stuart Jamieson and Murray Gaunt spoke briefly. The guest speaker, Constable• Ferris of-Goderich O.P.P.. was in troduced by Wm. Caesar and than- ked by Robert McAllister. He :spoke on "Safety" and showed slides. ,Constable Ferris closed his remarks with a "Question• and Answer""period At the concision ,. Robert Henry conducted the • election,of.officers and other business 1oca!Man, With Dyer Hunt Parry ' Fifteen hinters recently enjoyed their annual deer hunt at Steele's Camp on Bass Lake, Meldrum • Bay, Manitoulin: island,' The group comprised, Mr Justice. Campbell Grant, Messrs. Wilfred Crerar, Trimble Baillie, Clarence Schmalz Harry Doughty;, •all of Walkerton;. J.J.. Donnelly, Ernie Donnelly; and,,. Jim Pinkerton of Pinkerton; Frank • Chittick of Guelph;, Dr: Frank 'Brien. and Dr. Rarnsey Gunton, .both of London; Bill Baillie of Toronto, Dr. Herb.'Mos$er and sdn, Herb Mosser: Of Sarnia,andJaclk Treleaven of Lucknow , ^.ee, • E ity singing was e.. , . gnjoyed. The sing. along was: led by. Delbert Geiger;, James Kinkead,.and . Ed Stiles.. Cecil Johnston, .a past warden of Huron County, spoke on behalf of other ex -wardens of the•county; Murray daunt, new ly 're -elected u head'table guests brought ;greetings'frorn theQntario Legislat ive Assertibly, Queen's•ta. k— Toronto - ' The formal .program :ended With a speech by Warden Donald d McKerj- zie, who. conveyed his appreciation for the. gift which he and his wife had received from, officials and erinployees'of Huron County: The evening's festivities were climaxed•by a dance.in MacKay 'Hall. to the music of Boyds Orchestra. • WE ' HAVE A NEW STOCK OF POLE LAMPS' AND TABLE LAMPS ecia Prices SLE. LAYAWAY. . FOR CHRIST/1 acKenzie Furnhl ;t :LUCKNOW -: PwONE '5214 32 • tint;•: `•••• ��5