HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-08, Page 11h4, )nven- min and The e who 1st one e r.the y and 1 is a iy.. new crtbe lect- at .k inch WEDNESDAY,. NOV. Ilth, 1947 ..11411 LUCKNOW SENTINEL LI/C.1010W ONITARIO North, IgloOs Are Now OnIy In Fairy Tules • The Autumn thankoffering or the to 1000 miles away: They live in Lucknow United ChurCh Women the Roman Catholic and the Angli was held Sunday evening, Novem- can hostels for ten months of be ber 5th in the Fellowship room Of year and are sent° home for the • the church with :a good attendance remaining two months. Most of the of,U..d.. W. members, their Inn- students are either Eskimo or Indian. 'bands, families and visitors: The The far north is rich in mineral .• 'meeting Opened,with,the president, and they are drilling for oil 300 • Mrs. Harvey Houston presiding and Miles from the northpole. Because welcoming all Present. 'Mts. Rat- of the short summer, 'which:is from old Treleaven and Mrs Ken • the middig'oflUne `to the middle of Murdie were •in charge of the devo- September, ,plant -growth is rapid. ions. During the program 'Musical • The temperature rarely goes to 70 • . selections by the France sisters of Wor 80 degrees and is Usually arciund inghartr,, Bob Hall and 'Ricky' • 50 degrees.• Fall season lasts from-, Pritchard were much, enjoyed by ; 3 to 5 days. Homes outiide1nuVik • all. • are'mostly log . chinked with mud. Mrs.: Campbell Thompson Igloos do not exist The only chur- • introduced.the 'guest speaker, Drthis are - Roman Catholic, • •• Kenneth MacNay of Wiarton, son.. 'Pentecostal and Anglican,•which of -Mr-. and Mrs Alex MacNay of embranees-41-1 Protestants LucknoW MacNay gave an Mrs. George Jardine very capably. illustrated,talk on the two years • thanked, Dr ."MacNay for his •;verY, from 1864 to 1966 that he and Mis. interesting and enlightening/address MacNay spent at Intivik,, North, West Territories which is 1500 air Miles north of Edmonton. .The '• buildings there are modern•,:with central heating and modern con-. Veniences and'are built on.stilts •The all -frame hosPital'hat 100 • 'beds with 35'of them for T B patients,It is equipped for major, .. surgery, providing there isa' qual- ified staff. Theyalso service Clinics within a 60 mile radius, • travelling by plane •• The school accommodates 1000 „ students., who are flown in from up • • • • „ ! whitc'horch.UC. WHITECHURCH NEWS , • On Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m.. Whitechurch 0,C.),#;1., held their.November .rneeting ar the '• home of WS: ElwOod.Groikorth: While the ladies were. gathering, Mrs. Garnet Farrier played piano, • Mrs', Carl Weber ga.ve7the call to • 'worship and led in. prayer. All en, joyed singing I `am so glad Jesus 'Loves Me. Mrs, Weber gave the, Meditation and lead the. poern.. .Alphabetical Advice: .Mrs. Garnet Farrier led in a' sing- song ,of choruses. 'Mrs. Weber gave a' reading:, Members of One Body. • Mrs. Ezra Scholtz intodirced the • new•Study Book onJapin. She the:story of the author's background and told of Chapters to be studied.. ' • •Mrs. 'Michael Ross, the studerirminister's wife,, gave a talk,On 'What a Bundle of Contra-, diction is Man" and also conducted a Bible Quiz.on Bible quotations. Mts. ,Ross closed this part of•the. Meeting with a prayer fOr ReMem-,, hrance Day. • , Mrs: Ezra Scholtz, president, • presided for the business., ' • Thelroll call was answ.eredby.a Verse•with the word Friend and all were to bring a friend. There were 19 present. ' The secretary, Mrs. Carl Weber, read the minutes. Mrs. George Thompson receivedthe offering rs. Scholtz gave. the cOuttes,y re - arks and closed the meeting with rayer, ' The travelling basket then made ts rounds'. ' • All are reminded that dilations for the bale Must be rought to the DeeernberAlegigg4 Mrs.' Houston, thankedall !who took part and announced the gener- al and annual meeting of the W. to he held Tuesday, Dece- mber igth. / The meeting closed' with a hymn and Rev. Laird Stirling pronounced the •benediction. , • A -social hour followed and artic- , les from Inuvik were on display. . • • , H�ldthurchTSbckilff • '• . • .• " WHITECHURCH NEWS Calvin -Brick 'II. C. W. held a social evening in the Belgrave Un- ited Church basement on. Friday evening. Twelve tables of crokin- ole players enjoyed the evening. High Lady..was Brian Jamieson, ' • . taking a lady's place. High gent was Grant Coultes., Girl• winning high score Was•Joyce Taylor. Boy Winning .high score was Dennis. Thompson. The lucky draw prize winner was Gilbert Beecroft. The young fry were entertained with: ' games supervised by Mrs. Dick, Moore and Mrs. Gordon McBurney,. After the erokinole party, an auction sale of aprons, , embroidered articles., knitted , articles, cakes, cookies,, • apPles° candy,. vegetablesand flower slips was auctioned off with . . Lawerence Taylor wielding the ' hammer .,There were around 75 present.. ,• , „ • • MacKenzie Speaks To W.M.S. ' Mrs. Ted Collyer was,hostess to South KinlossW.M.S. at her horrie on Wednesday., November 1. In the absenee, Of the. Vesident Mrs . Gib Hanhilton,.Mts. Evan Kekthpre Sided and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall read the minutes and dorrespond ence., Mrs,. Allitter. Hughes goo the Treasurer's teport and hOrri, inating committee consisting of Mrs. Douglai Graham Mrt.' Hatity Lavis and Mrt. A Hughes were appointed to prepare a slate df zOffic.ea_los ,theley_aar4:'A.AtgL alt Graduate as R.N. Degree DUNGANNON NEWS 'Karen DawsOn, daughter.of Mt. and Mxs; K.K. Dawson, was successful, in passing her Registered Nurses examinations'. She is a graduate of Galt Hospital. Karen spent last week -end at her home. • "A number from here attended the Warden's banquet, on Wednesday of last week in ,Goderich, as , guests of Warden Donald and Mrs, MacKenzie.', UNDERWENT SURGERY' Wilber Brown undervierarsurgery at.,Kitchener - Waterloo Hospital,' last Friday., Mrs. Wilber Brown. and -Mrs. Lorne Ivers spent, last week-end,in WaterlOo. Mrs. Brown visited with her husband at the hospital and stayed at thetorne of Mr'. and, •• Mrs. Harvey Webster. ,Mrs. Ivers visited'with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Congram. • Born -"to Mr and Mrs. J. C. Durnin of London on Thursday, • October.•26,,A daughter. • • Extends Sympathy To Bereaved Family ,,, • WHITECHURCH NEWS • This community extends their Sincerest sympathy to Mrs. / Hugh Hand in the loss of her hus- 'band and to the family in the loss Of their father On Tuesday evening 'When he Was in an accident on, .11ighviray 86 which caused his. death Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison and 'Mrs. iiictor'Etnerson,were dOn On Friday Tom was at West- • minster Hospital for a Check-up , and Mrs. Emerson visited with " Victor who had 'undergone surgery • on Thursday for removal of. , • •:'gall stones, Mrs. John L. Currie of E.ast WawanOth 'and Mrs. ingliarn-visited-on Thursday, • with their mother Mrs. WM. Orr of tangside.:•• • : • ,• Joyce' CoUltet 1.4as..arnortg_the Wingham High School group Who we,nt by bus to Toronto on Saturday • Mr. and Mrs, Ewart MacPherson. of Luc lalow were'Sunday 'visitors With Mr . and, Uri. Johnston Conn.. '48TH ANNIVERSARY . Mr. ,and Mrs .' Dan •Tiffin and family of .TeesWater on'Stiriday. ntertained his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin in honour of,. their 4.8th wedding,anniversary: • Mr, ;and Mrs. Albert. COuites on' Saturday night attended a present- ation party at Paisley for her brother, Nelson Kerry. And Mrs. Kerry:who have sold their farm: , • Friends And neighbours presented thertiwith a portable televition sets. '.8i11 Evans is this week.Attending 'County Council at Walkerton. Mr. and 'Mit Bowie of. Waterloo are spending a few days With Mr. and Mrs: ELnlerSieight- holm. - .• 1 Mrs.. Robert Ross Visited last •,,week With Mr: and Mrs, George • Ross of Owen Sound and returned .home on Friday with Mrs. Don lloSs and •Douglas who. also visited there. . • •• Sunday visitors with Mt. and, • Mrs john Gaunt were, Mr and Mrs: Jim Gaunt of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. George Gaunt -of. Lucknow arid Mr. and Mrs. ,Hariey.Gannt and family of Wingharn... • • •• , • . report Of the Sectional.),Aeeting at Dungannon wdgiven by Mrs. Douglas Grahain'. Prayer Circle was conducted by Mrs. W;P..MacDon- ald , 'Mrs. .Annie Macintyre and • Mrs, Ross MacMillan. The Bible Study was is/fAiAchi Chapter prophetic Study. With the roll call PAGE ELEVEN. 1967 1967 .1967 196i MODELS Chevrolet Impalas 2 door and 4 door h,rdtops Ford. Galaxie 500 V-8, power equiPPed 967 Chevrolet Bel Airs various cob., v.vs with power • • • • 6 cylinder, automatic , 1966 MODELS Pontiac Parisienne 4 door hardtop, 396 engine, fully power equipped bontiacParisienne • . • 11.4. • • ,,•'. , • / •: hev Bel Air. an , V-8 , power steering . • . • , , •.. 1965 MODELS • Mercu 2 door l!ardtop • lumber of .1964 and 1965 Chevroleta, Fords arid Pontiacs in hardtops and. sedans, • • V-8 automat* • . . 1964 MODELS ercury 2 door hardtop • :number of Oars, different 'makes and model's' • :.,front p59.77..1963 TRUCKS :hevrolet 1 Ton Pickup STATIONWAGONg 1965 Chev Impala 9 passenger V4, fully equipped 1965 Ford Stationwagort , 8 cylinde,r Cifles Service Dodo- • : 'Phinie 113; 'Belinda . answered by a Verse with "Blessed4.1 Mrs, Collyer.introduced the guest. Speaker, her uncle -Mr MacKenzie, who gave a delightful' talk on South Kinlost and his recent trip to the Scouish High- lands, the'hoMeof the forefathers '.Oirnany of the Members.. Miss Dean MacLeod Closed the meeting with 'prate!' and' the Directors, Mrs Lloyd -MSc DOugail alidMm; Jim *• Burt served a d.eliciou's lunch,• " ^•W"ttir:•' • • • . • .•' • . , •