HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-08, Page 91967 WEDNESDAY, NOV, Rh, iK7. • RILIra:11.70PINtireetnx,Rwteviemve-,tw,74 el THE 1.-UCKNOW SENTINIK; LUCKNOW ONTARIO PAGE • FIRST RUN . COMFORT RE GODER1CH ON THE SQUARE CO DITIONEO 11 Our Business'• THURS.. F i.L,SAT. November. 9-1 0-1 1 aulawas LIIKEAWMP FROM NEIRE TO EXCITEMENT! KIRK ' 11.11$ RICHARD 1111111111 IIAROU1 NECNTS PANAVISIOr• COLOR by Kut S.HOW TIMES: -.7.30 and g.30 p.m.., IP • .1*.clAkk..CHOLDRE1411-.M.A7111NR. • pkTuRDA74.„,:.14.0vEmBER...,1:1-'.-...' ''.tokoHOOD• . •... • '14111."'' 7416* '/UST:1". 7. . n. • .• • • %•ii.”1.0, • • • OriginetSoUndirack Available on RCA CAlkiDEN Records Also Strikik _ / __ . ' ''•• LYDIA BRAill• ALBERJ0,11AIAGUATI -MISCHA AUER-SONY FOX Dirata b,,,R0551#0 BR/21.1 Book tricsaatIOnginal Savo W • Music Orthesiraboin ilium Pioduced te • 1 Oaf by PAutiRIPP• RAY CARIER • Deeded 4 BRUNO NICOIAI • BARRY B. YilLEN • A OilL01100D PRODUCTIONS !tense gari•oorl—PIus.SERIAL "Capt. Kidds!.---=Adrnissiori 50c . . • • •YOU e. ready en fie SNOV. . comes • Mrs; John Gardner,. Mrs... Gordon Kirkland and Nancy attended . shower on Saturday at •the'.home of ..Mrs. Charles 1-fodgins•of Wingham for their cousin Mary Helen • yr -of erton. • . Mrs, Grant Chisholm returned home on Sunday from. St Mary's . hospital: Kitchener. • Mr... -and. Mrs . A lek.leaver,:return ed to their home in Wingharti last week after visiting for some time with Mr.' and 'Mrs .DA. Hackett • Tom Hackett Sr..' returned from, Victoria hospital on Friday after. undergoing .eye surgery. Harry 'Hackett, is convalescing :tafter eye.surgery at the horne.of Mr. and Mrs.D..A.1-1-acket:. To Put Oil Furnace In St. Helens _the November :Meeting of the St.. Helens. WOMen's Institute was held- ifi the hall onThursday at 230 • ` The.r011 call was answered One of my grandmothers health f' remedies" • • • • N.. TUES.. WED.. THURS. November 13-14-15-16 RNERED! innocent girl is • firstprize in the dirtiest game ever played! ••• AN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURE 1oN11111111111.intitlilISSEIL.i SHOW TIMES: f.eurctAtict Rtsratcy•ro TommoNt 7.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. CULROSS. CORNERS Mr. and Mrs-. James Haldenby and girls visited On Sunday after. - noon with Mr., and Mrs. Art Camp- bell andfamily, • •,:...' • ' • UNDE*ENT SURGERY • . • We are sOrryto'keport that.N. E. (Ted) Haldenby is a patient in • RitChener WaterfOO Hospital where. he underwent surgery. We. wish him a ;speedy recovery. • • 'Weekend visitors With Mr1714;E:". Haldenby and family were Mr, and , Ms, Don Haldenby ,and. Sally Ann " of Tomtit°, Mr, and, Mrs . Douglas Haldenby and fan-illy/of Lualinow, Mr ,• andMrs. Delbert Hedley and family of Holyrood; Mr. and Mrs. toss Irwin and 'family' and 'Carrie LOCHALSH • Mrs, .S.. De Boer sang a sialo,, • accompanied by Mrs. 'F. MCQuillin on the Piano. " • • • The. Armistice service will be heidin the St, Helens Hall; Stn - day, November 12. Rev.. Stirling. of Lucknow .will be in charge of the service.' • -poem was given by..Mis; Fj Carrick, "The Flower of Rememb- rance", als° two Other poems by; 'Mrs'. E Rice and Mrs. E. Barbour, "An 014.Tirrie Arinisti°e'Day" and "Why Wear a Poppy" . The Motto, "Health is God's gift ; . let it be up to you to claim' it"..,. as given.by Mrs, B.' Green. The topic was given by Miss 1 Miller on, "The changing world of'Worn- en"• , • • , A discussion COncerning the furn- ace for the hall,was chsCussed and it Was decided to haVethe oil furn- ace put in. d , • . The card party contrhittee fOt • November are Mrs.R+ Mrs. H. Carrick, Mrs, E. •Jarriie-'' son and Mrs. Wm. Rutherford. • Ari invitation from. Luc know V.I. was read, to attend their tneeting-on4overnber40-at It was decided:to have the short couise: gaging .with Yeast", Nov-. emher 16 at 13 0 in the W.I. Hall. A .ouiz on "Safety" Was conduct- ed by ;Miss I, Miller. "The,meeting was,clOsed. with dOd Savethe Queen and Orace, :.. Hostesses were Mrs. H. Carrick atzdralar.saratemiataylor.' — Mrs. Eldon,Bradley is a patient in St. JOseph,is, Hospital, London. * She was admitted on Tuesday of • • this week for observation. ' e • Mrs. Donald R. MacKenzie is a patient in Wingharn and District ' Hospital.. . • 'Mr. and MI'S. Mactharles returned home the first of thii week from a two week motor trip that , tape -Cod , BOston 'Montreal. . •• ' Mr. ,and Mrs.' rank Iviattennan recently visited with -Mr. .and Mrs. Rod MacLennan and family of 'Detroit and Flint. • . • Mrs, Duncan Parrish an,d boys ... • Milne of Lucknow a,nd'N:rnd , . were recent visitors with relatives • 1 ''...1.4f:ii...P•410-iiistiii,,:lriritiiit.-H-nniiton . Att:Dettexit . ' ----;- ' ' • • • „ • ower H01.4; rs Douglas Fraser KINLOUGH NEWS A'pleasant social afternoon was spenf-itillte-i<fralough.:.sehool-:° Satiirday afternoon. Mrs. Ivan Mc- Farlan was in the chair for the prOgrarn which.begaii with a sing.:••,' song led by Edna and. May BOyle. • ".Mri•: Donald MCFarlarie. Mrs. ,Don is4cc•shr, Mrs. Frank Maulden and Mrs. Catherine Collins. each.gave humorous readings '; Mrs Jack Heir* favoured with a piano solo:: Mrs.; Lyman Suttiiii and Mrs. Ivan McFartan conducted contests. Mary Helen .MacDonald got the prize for a lucky chair; Mrs. Kerry 'Hogan • read an address. �f. best wishes to. Mrs. Douglas Fraser (forrnerly ,Kathryn Bushell) who received some lovely and practical gifts: Assisting with the gifts were Diane Hogan, - a-ther--liew4tt4nd-roath, while Irene Schuler read the attach ed verses? •Kathryn thanked every- one-and;delicious refreshnients- were Served. r " • • • • "Sortie from here 'attended Opert_, House :it the Kinlost, Central School at Holyrood on Thursday evening: On:Sunday, NOverriber 12th the' • Anglican. Servicewill beheld at .2 o clock • ' ' Midford Wall will be hostess at her home for the meeting of •the on 'Thursday afternoon This will be,the'bale packing and .beiides the bale 'articles..., Members' are 'askedto bring a. wrapped Christmas gift There will be the, election of officers,, On'Saturday November- llth a Remembrance Service will be. held . lfl! the Holyrockl hall at l0;4'a 'Mr; and Mrs. Dan Tollefson arid • Bradley of Port Credit, Sharon , Stanley of Stratford spent the week: end with Mrand Mrs. 'Ezra Stan- ley• / • . • , .„ Mr, and Mr t: Ezra :Stanley spent. Friday evening with Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Shantz, Ripley. Mr. and .Mrs.• Wallace HeWitt of Waterford visited with relatives here. Sympathy:is extended to Mr, and Mrs. Blair' Allen and 'family Listowel in the 'passing �fhis mother. Mr .•and Mrs. Russell' • • Hewitt were in Listowel on Sunday with the Allen fimily. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson an Lois visited on Saturday evening with Mr,. and Mrs. Harold Sless. at Glamis , • • Mr: and Mrs. Alt Haldenby are • visiting with their family and Other relatives and friends in Toronto UNDERWENT SURGERY Friends of Norman E. (Ted) • Haldenby are pleased to know that he is improving following surgery which he underwent last Friday at •Kitche ner- Waterloo hospital .% . OLIVET Mrs. W,R. Hamilton returned,' • home from ,...kincardine hospital on Saturday,. • . „ Misses Margaret and.Elizabeth Mc Kiy visited ott-Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sandy MacCharleS and , 'girls. ',•' . 1 • W. T; Roulston a patient in • JneLptta1 at present 1.04A111111,4**44 4,4114 ifaiew.iftvg•ii* g am • PHONE 357,1630 ••, STARTING TIMES • • Moisday, to Thursday -8 pm Corneas late .,as 8:30; to, see.. • complete Oho* .. • • ridgy, andSatwdey, -, • 2 Shows 7,- 7:15, and Saturday Math*? 2: p.m.: :Unless otherwlie noted • ' , THU1L, FR14; NOV. 11, 9, 10 •"• 4dult Entertaizment • " . , . .:.s*TuabAv mATINEE., SPECIAL Noy., , . "THE r CHRIstMAs THAT:ALMOST WASN'T" • • . Colour -. CineMascope Starring: Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk, Elaine May • Want. some lightweight fun? Don't miss the comic antics of , four people in "Luv" most of •the time. , • , COlour, • •This: is the story about the year that Santa almost never came to millions of homes around the world. One show at . 2:00 p.m, . All seats 50c• ********** , • • Skt., MON., TUES., ' NOV. )11, 13; 4 • Adult ' Entertainmen "Tyvo FOR THE ROAD"' Colour - Cinemascope Starring: Audrey Hepburn,-• Albert Finney Take ttus road for fun + rom- ance and ,dventure.. . , . •