HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-08, Page 8T: „. ;f war Onee.aga%n. the, Luc• know -Dungan, ilon tears come, to "strike or spare'; • Marion MacKinnon cabbaged the week's honours, with a,' 666 triple .7' and a 272 single. • Shewas only one point off the season's triple which.. is, held by Shirley Hawthorne with a 667 flat. , All the women ,improved this week and' gaining mention are Joanne Searle, 234, Arnetta Thom pson and'Marion MacKinnon. 228 and Mary Lou.Priestap and Marie. Stewart•tied`°with. a 226.. Nice; .to •see the girls'n the'spotlight again. For the -men, Don•Aubin chalked up a . 88 triple, but he'has' to, share the Medal with:Ernest Button who also bowled,688..However the single honours'go to ,Don, with a 276 flat.. Men's high for this 'week are Jack. Caesar.269, Colin Trivers 260,` Ernest Button 265, 'cord Brooks '255, <Bill Searle tying Gord with another 255.• The team standing is as Follows, Zebras .30.. Wolverines 27',..Cubs .26' Tigers ,,Bea ers 22, Polecats 18; Goph ' rs and Lio i 17, 'Kangaroos 16 and the "Squirrels' n• i , • p their • 'ta: . . We omitted .the ;Chipmunks .ho .last w,e.ek had •19 points andyth Coons who had 16 last -,week ti c • u- se of.,a tie in the total pin fall. his week;' so will .put them'back in their proper places next week;. Next week, , let's go. bowling Ladies.' pstn.. Maudie ' Fisher topped the scoring Monday. night with a 218 'game while another Hound • rte• Elliott , .had High Triple 618. • on het first night of the season in: this league:. No doubt Merle will . be 1n demand as a, spare from now :on. he=Set-ter-s-might not -be -to team, .but theirplayers,' are ducky. on the monthly: hidden ' score Miry Lou' Priestap P, - had one g .p oor aine'-- _of 121':;.' but.;it_paid_off_.when Mr.,.. Campbell chose. that figure for the lucky game.., Mary -Lou won a Centennial Rose cupand' saucer. Games over 200; Maudie Fisher 278, Merle Elliott 248, Marie Stewart 230, Kathy Gibson 216, • Anna Johnstone 214 and 201; Mary. Lou:Priestap<201, 'Eileen'Lavis..226., Kay Crawford 205, Trudy Nelson 229, Barb Sanderson •226,. Team, Scores: Maudie Fisher's Hounds 39, :Shirley Hackett's " • ,Spaniels 37, 'Maxine.;Maize's '••T.err- iers 25 , Joy Dennis' Brill ' .Dogs 25, Eileen.Lavis' Setters • 21, 'Shirley Cooke's Coll ies 21. l; Ladies 7 0.m. Arnetta Thompson was top bowler' of the week, with -•a High Single'Game of .231 flat and •a -High, .' Triple of 615 flat. ' Arnetta Thompson's Elrrs 5 points, F'erne MacDonald' s' Pines 2 points;.. »Ivlarion MkKinnon's Oaks 7 'points Jessie Joynt's Willows 0 points;, Mil- dred Cameron's Poplars 4 points, ShirleyHawthorn's Maples,3 poi Games of 200 and over; Arnetta . Thompson 231 and' 211, Norma ' McDonagh .202, Ferne Ma.cDonald 2'19, J esiie Joynt..265 , H'azel Web- ster'209 and 200 IreneNelson 213;, Marion .MacKinnon' 225, -Helen. Stothers 202, :Shirley + Hawthorne 200, {-l'elen Hall 209 ,. Mildred Cameron :208 ' Team Standings Maples 38 points Poplars 31 points,. Oaks 29 points, Pines 26 points, .Elms 25 points • :.WN L1 t. ,5494oirn.s . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL;;'LUCKNOW.: ONTARIO FC.I.R.'SALE SO. acre grass. farrn,; all till, .on Concassioq 7, Huron, fiowlnship •.100 acre grass -fern's on. Concos=ion 6, Huron Township., 100'• acre grass farm on Coi cession. 14. East 'Wawanosh * . 100 acre ,farm.'. on •Cone^son ' 9, Kinloss. Very good buildings: ASKING PRICE $12,750: *, * ' * " HOME 7 room .home on: Clyde, St.,: Lucknow * '* SEE US,FOR NEW LISTINGS' FOR SPRING POSSESSION' FOR INFORMATION -CONTACT van ESL BOX 193, LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3618 D -0F THANKS I wish to sincerely' thank ail my friends' for cards, letters, fruit and flowers during . my. stay ' of four weeks, when I ';was a patient .in, Kincardine Hospital. . Mrs.: W. R. Hamilton Many thanks • to those who re- membered mewith_ lovely cards, fruits :and. in various other ways, while I was ' a patient in Victoria Hospital; 'London. Thomas. •Hackett I would • like to 'thank my . friends and relatives whoremembered me with cards. and., treats while I was a patient_ in Victoria Hospital. Har tHackett- We.' .,would . ' like ..to extend `'our heartfelt ".thanks` and ; appreciation to relatives,friends and neighbours for their. many, kindnesses, , floral . • tributes .,;arid ` donations . -following, the : loss of a' beloved • wife and mother.' . Our , thanks ::to . Mr. and•' Mrs... Newbold and . the staff of PinecrestManor. Walter Alton. and Family' I .•wish .to express sincere thanks to'' all who 'remembered me with - cards,. gifts, flowers and , 'visits - while in Wingbam Hospital Special thanks to Doctors Corrin and Mcg Kim 'and nursing staff. ;My sincere thanks to the Luck - now Legion and all those . who re- membered me with ' treats, cards and visits while I was .:a • patient in Wingham and District IlospitaL, Special thanks to 'Drs. -Corrin', Mc- Kim and Stephens and the nurs- ing staff. • Herb McQuillin. - Mrs. Russell' Phillips Lucknow ' Boy. Scout Group ' Com- mittee wish to thank , all those .who saved .their paper`' for last; week's paper drive: Thanks to the 'men /who assisted and for the use of the ' trucks, : Lucknow Co-op, Hen- derson's Lumber, 'G and E' Sales,, Andrew Dairy, Vernon Hunter,' C . and M Transport, Listowel Transport for advertising. I wish to'' thank' everyone' who , sent cards and visited' me while.. was a patient in. Wingham & Dis- trict Hospital. Special thanks to the neighbours who ' helped •' out at home and also to Drsy Corrin. and - ,Mrs, Morley Johnston • We wish to express a . sincere thank you to our friends, neigh- bours and relatives, who held , a presentation and social evening 'for us on our moving from Kin, lough, also for remembering our 25th anniversary. Harold,W. and Madeline ifaldenby_: '�:�;.ksa ax.*w'1-; fdsr--M`Jw»?:.•nu;�"w"�"bµ�.++"+µ^"�'k`i.��,ti�l NOTICE :RE' MINOR HOCKEY REGISTRATICH to be held at the MUNICIPAL OFFICE LucknOW turday,, Nov.. 2.00,to 400p.m.. FLEES-- 6 to.d . Registration • Fee $2.00 SQUIRTS S: •to 10 "- ' Registration Fee $2.00 PEE. WEES -'10 to 12: Registration Fee ;2.00 BANTAMS 12. to, 14 Registration 'Fee $3.00 . MIDGETS 14 to 16 ,Registration. Fee' 53.00 JUVENILE -='16tofit Registration, Fee $3.00 Playors must :be specified age; by •June:•1st. • Pie. Wees, Bantams, Midgets, 'Bring, Birth Certificates At'cept.-P�sitio'ns.' At London Life KINLOSS NEWS Eileen and .Donna : Burt have acce- pted •positionsin :the London Life In- surance Office in London Mrs. Jelle 'de Jong is a patient in Wingham' and District •Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery'. Robert Kelly of'Goderich visited Saturday at the home of Mr. and -IciTs. •ra ickie ,. Mrs: Duncan'.MacConnell of Waik- erton`ipent a week's holidaywith Mr.. and Mrs. Herbert Buckton, Mr... and Mrs. 'Harvey Ballagh and,'. family of Belmore were dinner • WEbNESDAY,, NOV. 0th, 1967 DAIRY COOP 36%.DART-FLO SUPPLEMENT BEEF 4 .r CO.OP '36% AND. 40% BEEF GAINER SUPPLEMENT .0 a guests Saturday e�vektng rith_M and Mrs `Allan Graham and family,, Members:of the Ladies Auxiliar Y_ to Kinloss Scouts' had. a cleaning bee:. at the Scout.Hall on Tlursdaay afternoon,. • ur Pu' lie, .libraries are one of Canada's.., great national resources. Support your local librarY by be • coming a member.duting• YOUNG" CANADA'S BOOK .WEEK Novem ber.15 .- 22:• v'" . fit TIME,TO:PI ate New 1N`. U FAT ,Permanent Press: Dryer BIG 'WRINKLE.=FREE DRYER CYLINDER , Big 6 cu. ft. capac*dryer cylinder; plus the :right heat and 10. ,mi'ntite cool':down, needed for new permanent press fabrics. Lots of400n,io.tumble` the wrinkles out. ',Automatic dry regular cycle' Automatic dry permanent press cycle • 5, drying cycles • • Large'easy to clean lint screen Many other features., ' �AQyskjio tut o tt olt_o: '2 -YEAR 'PARTS WARRANTY. Labour charges covered ror, one year; 10 ti YERS FROM .<d eeY aarwiliaarl i.s+ e3rwsi sY 4111, .- .a C stews+ ie wY0r a.sso« oe m..