The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-08, Page 4Oen pool, . 1.HU. -:LIJCI MOW.:SIM*INoL.:- L.NCKMO_ NTA1.tO WOOMII$D*Y", Now , FOR SALE FOR 'SALE used . dryer A-1 shape. Greer T,V: and E1 ctric, phone 528-3112 Lucknow. WOOD FOR •• SALE ,-•' soft maple' and: elnt slabs hi ' 10 cord `truck load lots: We deliver. Borden Litt, phone Teeswater 392-6895, CABBAGE AND TURNIPS. For ti : Sale by the bushel, Tony Schlosser, 4th of Huron, phone:395-2871. BARN EQUIPMENT - Acorn semi-automatic :, Cable Cleaners ..I , 4 • unbeaten for hog barns; chain cleaner, bunk feelers, silo . unload- ers, hog equipment, layer . quip- ment, fans, bulk tanks, Lynn Lowry, Amberley, phone. • Ripley 395-5286. FOR SALE •-.- new dryer, discon- tinued model. WILL SACRIFICE, ! Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112 Lucknow KEYS Have your ' keys' cut at your local Co-op. Lucknow District .Coop FOR SALE -- 'tric-trac- set ' with cars. Phone ' 528.2341. FOR SALE=- used; oil furnace; 1957; 1,42 ton truck with rack and tarp, m good • condition John Crow-. ston, Lucknow, .:phone 528-2397:,; FOR SALE - Mixmills and Ran%- mermills. Contact . Robert;:. E Ir- vin Dungannon, phone 529-7911, FOR SALE - dry hardwood, Alex McIntosh, : Lucknow, phone 528- 3105.. ASPHALT SHINGLES Standard, self seal and lock, 15 lb felt paper, roof coatings, caulk iiig wrollasidings. MORRISON BROS. R.R. 2 Lucknow Phone S20-2%6 GOOSE: GIFTS' in leat lercra, purses, wallets, belts,. mocassins, etc. Order from Mrs.'. Eunice Duns- muir, Lucknow, phone 528.2589 FLOOR SANDING; .REFINISHNG, Both oldfloors and, new Free estiinate Professional " Fabul ` Floor Finish PAUL RINTOUL, WINGHAM • Phone 357-3172 FOR S. FOR SALE =- 2 oil Space Heaters, brown wall models, : with fans and pipes to match, in good. ;working order. Owner changingto oil furance. Alex MacTavish, Con. 2, Huron, phone 395.5091, FOR SALE-- the ' Agromatic line of barn : equipment by ..:ung, silo unloaders, auger and . chain feeders, stable cleaners, stanch- ions and water bowls, liquid man- ureip compressors equipment, con ressors and alternators, ; 'Phone. Frank Alton 529-7218,.. FOR SALE -- 300 Red Sussex pullets, have started •laying, will sell any.. amount; . 125 year. -old. hens, suitable for freezer. Marvin Scott, R.R.. 7 Lucknow phone 529-7604. CUSTOM BUTCHERING ' . Beef and pork sold in any quan i,,y.. Cstom butchering in. Govern- ment -li ensed---abbattoir: every Tuesday. Beef from Monday through Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT, MARKET .FOR SALE Ten Ton Wagons Limited' .SupplY . Of Gravity 185 Bu. Boxes. Post Hole ,Diggers; Comfort ` Queen Cow Stalls and Stabling Farrowing' Crates. SNOWBLOWERS` Now is the time to plate your order for snowblowers for oncoming season: ART HELM WELDING AND MACHINE SHOP R.R. 3.:LuckneW FOR 'SALE oat -roller with 3 h.p. motor; wanted six kitchen chairs.. Eldert Geertsma, R.R. 6. Lucknow, phone 395 -2733 - FOR SALE young man's . top coat, in A-1 condition; young man's dark suit; phone . 529.7984 or 529- 7,341- FARMERS.- 29-7941. FARMERS.— Need a shed? • One shed 40 'x 80 for the taking . down and cleaning. up. Contact Jack. Scott, Ripley :395-2992. FOR SALE — 2 steers, 2 heifers, Holstein. x Hereford, about ' 450 to 500 pounds." Henry. Jurjens, R.R. 7 Lucknow phone 529-7509. FOR ' SALE -- McClary: electric stove with annex for wood or coal. Grant Farris)), R.R. 3 Lucknow phone Ripley 395-2892. FOR SALE used 22" Frigidaire range, A-1 condition, PRICED:. RIGHT-!-used-Westinghouse-refrig- erator, Ii ! ouse refrig=erator PRICED TO SELL! Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112 Lucknow. i ROTO CHRISTMAS 'CARDS are' a: very much , appreciated. Christmas greeting. We would be pleased to : handle your order. How about that picture of the, baby, the. family,,. the :new. .house; ' the new pet,' etc., etc. These are just the kind of a picture your friends and relatives like to see on . a • Christ-' mas. ,card. Order , early from • The Lucknow :Sentinel, phone' 528-3134., AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION' SALE .of Antiques and .. Household., .Effects at.• McINTYRE. RESIDENCE. DUNGANNON• •on THURSDAY, ` NOVEMBER 16 at 1:30 p.m Frigidaire : Refrigerator; glass kitchen cupboard; dining . room suite; : chesterfield; . couches rock- ,ing chairs;. setee and platform rocker; round parlour table; 4 commodes; ; 3 washstands; 2 ° large antique ` chest of • drawers; side- board; captains ; chair, trunks; large picture 'frames; oil lamps; dressers; spool bed; .. toilet sets;. clocks;: dishes;'2 oil stoves; wheel- barrow; garden tools, etc. etc. ' TERMS CASH MIKE : CUMMINGS, Auctioneer p ey• FARM ' FOR `. SALE - 100 . atmos, NY2 Lott 15, Concession 12 West Wawanosh. good clay loam farm, large L-shaped barn and cement veneer . house, Lloyd Hunter, R.R. 1 Lucknow, phone .58-5355. A WEDDING inthe family? Let ins supply the•• invitations, thank-- you hankyou cards, special napkins .and match . covers. Call The Lucknow Sentinel, Phone 528-3134. VACUUM CLEANER , SALES • and SERVICE For. all ` makes Filter Sales* '. Zurich, phone , .: Hensall 2'62-5350 • PLAYING CARDS Double and >tingle decks, euchre decks .at the Sentinel Office. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping of. septic 'tanks,. • Ronald Forster, Lucknow, phone . • 528-6 ' maniut facturer of cennient: septic tanks and well tile. FAMILY HERALD Subscription taken at The Luck- now Seiatnnel, : phone 528.313.4. EAVES 1'itOtJGH ..G aind metal flashing, material' and labour,' for free estimate `call • Morrison Bros. at Murdie's • Hardware, Lucknow phone 4528-2906. CENTENNIAL . Napkins -- Coasters Pens Pencils 'at ' Li1Ct(NQW '.SENTINEL YOUR OLD VACUUM`.: CLEANER IS WORTH X20. WHEN YOU TRADEUP• TO A; SUNBEAM COURIER VACUUM CLEANER `GREER• T1f AND , ELE:CTRIC Lucknow • ATTENTION FARMERS FARMWAY 'BARN CLEANERS Have your barn measured now for. Spring installation. rdereN : SILOS -= - Place or- der early. For the best in silo unloaders and bunk feeders, see Van Dale. VERSATILE • SWATHERS AND I: RAIN AUGERS. Wehave a good supply • of. grass. seed and Pfister corn:, GEORGE WRAITH I% miles south of Goderich Highway 8 Telephone 5244511 CHIN'L�FEYS built and repaired by Claude Guay. . ' :for; Morrison 2. Lucknow, , booking orders .now'; phone 528-2906, 1940.SKI-DOO'S v' Several models on, display, al- so some used machines. Order now and .' be ready for winter.:. -*BLUEVALE TRAILERS cJo Danny's Restaurant •Wingham 357-3114 CO-OP WARBLE KILLER (Contains • Ruelene Insecticide) A pour -on, Spray -on Cattle insect- icide, Ki1is grubs, controls 'lice. May • be applied, during , October and November. .. • r LAJCICI•dCya►'!' `+ O; P .e r COMING EVENT$ NEW CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, Thurs- day, 8:45 p.m, 15 regular games, $10.00. each: 4 Share The Wealth games with jackpot included in each Pane. Jackpot this week $95 on 59 ,calls, MEETING 'AND' BANQUET The Lucknow Horticultural Soc- iety's Annual Meeting and banquet. will be held, November 21, at 7 p.m. in the Legion Hall. BENEFIT DANCE A benefit ' dance will : be held on Friday evening,, November ' 1.Oth in Teeswater Town Hall . for Mr. and .Mrs. ,Robert. Bregman who had the misfortune to lose their barn by fire. Tiffin's Orchestra ,will supply music. Ladies please bring lunch. RECEPTION AND DANCE LOST uommensok LOST all ;black. cat . wearing.; a flea:' . collar, . long haired, i six .months old, Reward. Mary Eliz.. abeth Henderson, phone 528-3209. LOST -- wheel disc for 1961 Chev, Finder please phone John Frook, Holyrood, • 395-S062. • TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED HURON COUNTY SCHOOL AREA NO.2 TENDERS FOR'SNOW' REMOVAL Tenders, sealed & plainly mark- ed, will be received by the : under- signed until 6 p.m. Monday, Nov: ember 13th for snow removal at Brookside Public School.` The low- est" or any tender not necessarily accepted: Howard C. Blake, A •Reception and "Dance wall be R.R. 7 Lucknow held.: in Honor. of; Mr. and ;Mrs Johnston tGla rs--Gaw' Hallo da NOTICE. at. Holyrood n Friday, NovNov ember 10th. Boyd's orchestra. Lad- ies please bring, lunch. Everyone welcome. . ATTENTION : FARMERS Dr. Jack Tanner, plant physiol- ogist, University hysiol-ogist,University of Guelph, will be speaking -on November 29th at the Mayfair Restaurant, : Lucknow, at 8 p.m.. sharp. His topic will be on Modern Corn Production. ` The even- ing 'is sponsored' by • the United SeedServices of. Chatham• COIN EXHIBITION The Sixth Annual Coin' E2hibition will be ' held at the Elm Haven Motor Hotel, Clinton, Ontario on Sunday, November `12th. Open from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Sponsored Huron County_ Numismatic,- ety. DUCK. 'DINNER . • Tiger Dunlop ' Inn, Highway 21 2 miles north of Goderich, will " be serving their Duck Dinner ' •- Sunday, November 12th and. Sun- day, .. November 19th from 4' to 7 p.m. Make reservations .early. Mrs. G. Knitting,: phone 524-8601. CHRISTMAS COUNTRY FAIR Last day of "Christmas Country Fair" craft, display,: sale; Carlow Hall: crafts, baking, art show:, .Saturday,: November. 11; 2-9 p.m. Tea served AUCTION. SALE AUCTION SALE of household, furniture and some antiques "'`.will be held for the estate of the late Mrs. James, .Johnstone, Ingles St., in the village of Lucknow. on Sat- urday, November i•8' at 1:30. Offer- ing includes 3 steel -beds and mat- tresses, dressers,' chesterfield and: chair, . rocking chair, dining room table and six chairs, end tables, kitchen cook stove, rangette, wash- ing machine, Fess ' oil burner, chest of drawers, antique corrode Stand,' • 2 ' .cane bottom chairs, trunks, butter print, antique rec- ord player and records, wicker, chair, w ' ,-radio, elec- tric skill' saw, fl toilet unit,. numerous small articles. • TERMS CASH -- Sale und.r cover ALLAN ' MacINTYRE, Auctioneer :NOTKE •'* ANYONE • REQU!IRING SAND,: GRAVEL,' CRUSHED •STONE, CEMENT GRAVEL OR FILL. ' Contact JOE MacINTYRE .KINT"AIL' ,FHON E 5294675 CANCELLATION NOTICE The Child Health Clinic of the Bruce : County Health ' Unit, sched- uled. for November 21st in the Lucknow Legion. Hall ' 'has been CANCELLED. The next •clinic : for pre'' school children and infants will be• held on Tuesday, Decem ber. 19th from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. a • .NOTICE. Ratepayers. ':of '; the Township : of ;.Huron Take notice . that a` By-law for. the raising of : ;$200,000 under the provisions of the Tile Drainage , Actwill be taken into'` consider ' ation' by the Council of the Town - •ship sof Huron at the Township hall on the first day' of December, -1967 at the ho' of -1 -1. -30 -04 -el in the afternoon. Earl Tout, Clerk CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING. OF VOTERS' LIST .: Voters' List, 196/, Village of Lucknow,'County of Bruce Notice is. hereby given that I` have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List . Act, ..1960, and that1 have posted . up . at my of fire. at Lucknow the 28th day of October, 1967, the ' list of all per sornsentitled to vote in: the said. Municipality at municipal elec •tions and that such list remains: , there ' for inspection. And I herebycall upon all 'vo FRIENDS• AND RELATIVES ters to take 'immediate proceed Come out to Whitechurch 'Com- ' ' ings " to have 'any omissions or. munity Hall on Saturday, ':Novem- errors corrected according, to law,: ber 11, at .9 p.m. and help Mr. and 'the last. day . for ; appeal being the Mrs. ; George ' Fisher cesarylebrat,toe' llth day of November,'1967. • heir 35th wedding anniver: Dated : this 28th day of October muse by Carruthers Orchestra. 11967 Please, no gifts' REMEMBRANCE SERVICE A Remembrance Day :Service, will be held on Sunday, November 12 in 't the ' St. ' Helens Hall at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Laird Stirling of . Luck- now in urge of E. H., Agnew, Clerk of Village of Lucknow: CLERK'S 'NOTICE • OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List,• 1967,.Township of Kinloss; County of Bruce Notice is hereby . given that I. will be e: ser- ' have complied with :Section 9 of vice A special invitations extend- and that. 1. ed `to, all West Wawanosh• Town...1 ha a Voters ' L • at my office in Kin ship' residents. ; • loss', onthe Posted' 4 h 'day-ofy: November; • 1967; the list of all persons yentit- CHURCH SERVICE led to vote in the .municipality at .. Don't, .forget the Lucknow Pres- gnunici al elections and . that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call • upon all voters to take immediate proceed-, ings to have any omissions or errors corrected- according to law, the last day for appeal . being the i$th day of November; 1967. 1Dated this4th day of November, 967+..' Fraser MacKinnon, . .. Clerk of Twp. of Kinloss, R.R. 6, Lucknow,. Ontario (The. Salt Shakers) are bolding aa' Church Service o'n ' Sunday, Nov- ember 12th at 7:30 p.m in the. Lucknow Presbyterian Church. Please accept this as your invit- ation'.to attend., Everyone welcome. RUMMAGE SALE -..--. The Lucknow Lions Clean-up Rummage Sale will be •heldFri day, November 10th from w 10 'a.m. to 6 p.m. at the former Knechtel Building next to Finlay Decorators. Wo r aft iii traffic court," 1 w,as •driving down Main Street with .my 'hush nd.at.ttiie wheel... 4'..