HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-01, Page 151967 otion QUnd tte • krts, t . ich ida such 1"•. le' lay • Fran. 'orh. ed age- ! land e" the.' 0 WEDNESDAY, NOV. THE WOCKNOW, •SENTINEL, LUCKNOWS ONTARto,. • .. Letter To The Editor October 22.. 1967 • TO rthe EditOr, , • A LucfsnoW Sentinel, • Dear Sin . • "Born - To Mr.. and Mrs, George Washington 'Berry, on October 14,. a daughter , Clara Elizabeth 'Arabella", That news item may • have appeared in the Sentinel - if there was.a Sentinel in those days October 1867. The important.thing is, that baby.is,still living and I called, on hertoday. • • ;TWO weeks agoyou-had a.small notice that Mrs..'Lalla (Berry) •Sritith, formerly ofLuCknow., • would celebrate her ipoth birthday • the folloWing week.'Sol sent her a birthday. Card, not out of 'curiosity . but,beCause,she was my father's • first:cousin. Her:father: was the: • great uncle I had-nsually 2 , heard spoken Of as Uncle Yank (for. ••:ohvibus reasons); Her name Lal •always'interested Me too . I learned to-day•that a small child had first Called. her Lal because she couldn't. sayClara.2and•that name stuck all :these years.. • . I•found:,COusin Lal at the home..• of her: nephew Ernest 4rrristrong da very happy, .alert, spry little' lady she is too Her hearing Is a bit dull but otherwise,she seems .no more than 75 Truly she is 100: .years young I.S:he reads..goes to church -every Sunday, and receives •and entertains all her 'Caller's; sitting in.an arm chair in a sunny : south window.. She told. me about. one caller on her birthd •who told her: that the air of Huron and Bruce must have some special • quality to, induce such longevity She was tired and hOarie after *•! 11 H BIRTHDAY chatting•with about 100 callers on her birthday, but ihe'loved every minute of it. • ' . She told me about greetings, received from Queen Elizabeth, the second, Prftne,Minister•Pearson and Premier Robarts. It was a • • thrilling and happy day for a fine • and charming old lady. yours sincerely, • The, Country Mouse'. • ToStage etopci. Christ.m0s. Fair . ., • . .• • These past couple of years, the Departinent of Education; through its Cominunity Programs Braneh, has done pinch to encourage the. local crafisnien' both fromthe learn ing level; the teaching level And frorri'the,Selling level'. New'. craft, Schools are springing up, Craft'. groupi-•are formed (an; active one is in,God,erich) where 'different mein:- •' bers take turns in teaching the rest their cra.ft. Skilled.teacheiS are hired to come to instinct the group and craft classes are organized. Teacher. training .courSes are availa ble. and local groups are sponsoring their Own craft shows'and sales to encourage thebuying of, locally . Made handcrafts 7 the true Canad-7 . • LiSt year a group of Colborne Township artists and craftsmen' 49.itiediagethent On.their .firit such display and called it the., ,"ChriStrnas,Conntry ,Fair" and held it 2 days in:NOverriber when people • were beginning to think Of Christr, piece Davenport Suite Special $139.60 . .....$0.8•••••••x!owee•i.4•••••1 • IMJETTE SETS-- 4 AND,6 CHAIR SETS% . . PRICED. TO;CLEAR. 7 • • • 0.0....iii....;•«•.....:4400.4.1..eekispioi • • Piece Dining Room, Suite 4 CHAlltS–r BUFFET — HUTCH •,'Reguiar; $25q 'At '$199 • , . • • kimemBeit THE BOY SCOUT PAPER.DRIVE • THURSDAY, tioligmBER ) • " gss F1..RMS. FOR SALE 50 acre grass farm, all tiled on Concession If, Koron Township:- * ‘*. 100 are Vraas-farm—ftVC•owetstt•OA'' • • . 6, Huron Township , ,•. 100 acre grass farm on Concession 14, East Wawanosh. * * • 100 acre farm, good' buildings, on Concession 10, Kinlost. • ASKING 'PRICE $16,0(10' Moderate down payment will buy 4. this 100. acre workable * *: 100 acre farm on Concession 9, Kinloit:- Very good buildings. ASKING. PRICE. $12;750 * * * • ' . . 4. HOME 7 roil') home on Clyde St., Lucknow. , FOR INFORMATION CONTACT F. C. van Elfi, • BOX. 193, LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3618 rrias,gifts,' Nearly one thousand people came to the show and tie. results of the venture showed that ,•it :was _what the.public wanted This year this sarne''group; known asr et sh:n. tC tohueni jr a C4 or ar f td S. PC thcor si)t mas Country Fair" in early:November:1, Lucknow Resident ied In Hospital MRS. TYNDALL ROBINSON • • • • • • Mrs.•Tyndall,RObinson of Luck - now' passed away in Winghain District Hospital on Saturday, October 21st from complications following surgery She was in her .82nd. year. . _• • • • Mr's. Robinson Was the fOrmer, Edna ,Phoerne, Fraser , daughter of I raser'• and Johann'Munrd. She.wai born, iri• Kinloss Township on July1St ' , . l'On January 4th, 1904 she married: Tyndall -,Robinson Of Kinloss. When they'were first married they lived on the '5th concession , Kinloss, later moving tolter old home •• farm onthefith concession. Robinson passed away in Deeernh7 er; 1936. MrSr. •RObinsOn moved. to Lucknow in 1944... • She is Survived:by two daughters,. Lena' of Goclerich, and Elizabeth •• at. home, two. sons Charles Of Luck. nowand George :of Trenton; a sis- 'ter Mrs. LahrettaFreed ; Detroit; five grandchildren and one great grandChild% •. , Besides- her. ithiband she was • predeceased by a son Howard 'iri January 1961', fotir.brothers Alex, . GeOrge; Charlie, John andfive Sisters, Betsy,Annie e 'Mary, , 'Hairinah. Lena: • • i.trieral service was.'Conducted-Or• i Tuesday* October 24 fromMac- Kenzie Memorial Chapel.. Lucknow With interment at South Cemetery. Rei. Laird. „Stirling had charge of the servide;,..• Mrs. Tom Pritchard was. organist, Pallbearers were Ross MacMillan; Alex :MaCtlitosh 13en, Ruttle ; Elm- er JohnSton„ Al Wraight i-lossack Bain. •• , A nurnber of:nieces and nephews attended the funeral service Irani.. EtrihrO, Detroit, Uniondale and . Ldndon. Costume Winners At Fall Fair The Sentinel turns back the calendar a few weeks in publishing this picture, one of the many we took on Fall Fair day in Lucknow. Unfortunately, space and cost pre- vents us from using all thepictures • Mrs. Mary 'Claremont of Goderich. • winner in the original centennial costume class worn by a 'visitor to •• the Fair. On the right is Mrs. Wu_ . . fred Mack of Aurora. Mrs. Black'. won first in the copied centennial -we take'. Shown ' • on tne left is costumeclass. •[ • •• • •• • • • , • • LOCKNOW MAN ON EXECUTIVE 11 Present Retiring. out COin. •-• • .L.t,Johnston 'of recommended for the position of Distriet Commissioner for Saugeen, ony, o one:. ...Sunday Speaker: ST... HELENS rnornin Service Helens Church was conducted by Tony Johnstone of Lucknow • . , • Distriet.Boy.Seopts by the annual Just a reminder of the W. 1 on • , . fall' meeting of the District •Cotincil ,TP,ursday afternoon at .2:3u inh .the held at Walkerton lastWednesday hall• . , • night.. The appointment of a ongratulatioris to Mr.' and Mrs District Commissioner is made by Roy Gardner on the arrival of 'a ...•. the ProvipcialiCPutiPti for Ontario. son on October 25th in London on. the recommendation of the .Disr" Mrs. Gardner is the former Nancy -; • triCt Council concerned ' 'utran'of this community., . • • • . • . • Jack Aitchisoh of Whitechurch . 'For several years 'Oast, the was a Sunday, evening ;Visitor with position of District Commissioner mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherton. - 'haS been capably filled by Archie '' The P.C.W. are holding' their annual bazaar, bake sale. and tea., on Saturday in the Lucknow•'.Legion Hall at 2:30. GoWanlOck of Walkerton, whose retir'ciMent is necesSitated this year clue to ill health.. At the annual Meeting Mr. Gowanlock was Nes- '. ented with a Scout 'Clock desk set in recognition of his twentyrsix years • of service 'to Scouring in Saugen• District,. Retiring president, Roy Hamer of 1-ianOver in making the presentation, paid tribute to Mr.' ,GOwanlock's long and faithful ser - 'vice in the interests'of Scouting. . - Officers electedte the Saugeen District Executive Were: Mel Hart, :Walkerton, president; Ross Johnson. Hanover, .1st vice president; Nor-: man Taylor. . Lucknow, 2nd vice president and Bill Ross. Durham, secretary' -:treasurer. Highlighting the a ttintal* meeting were an address by AlexiThoinpsori, of Meaford, ProvinCial•Pield Exec- utive for Bluewater Region, who spOketm the New, Scout Prograin, which will be adopted in • its . • entirety' by September:. 1965, and a film by George lohnston-Of the•Sau- geen District Centennial Scout - , our ofthe Eastern Provinces duringjhe •pastsurnmer, • • , , ' Sorrie.75 scoutand cub leader's and groupcdtrunittee, personnel. ' fron throughout Sattgeen District attended.the meeting held in Knox ,Presbyterian Church..,Walkerton, tiff zmaJorrtfritipoirtneir.„.440A4igi: Mrp And Mrs. Relison Falconer and' farnily of Sarnia spent the. weekend, with his mother, Mrs. Cecil Falconer and ort.Sunday Hugh Poole and family visited At • , the 'same home. Last Tuesday evening,Mrs. Beryl Davidson of Stratford, Secretary - Treasurer for the Tuberculosis Ass- ociation in Huron and Perth and •., Mrs., &Ansi Huron' County Health Nurse were at Whitechurch Comm-. Unity Memorial Hall. The audience was few in numbers but they show- ed their Slidet-and told of work - being, dime: • • • oyes 10 LUCKnow. -• • Williarn Ket.;..ha aw sold his Par-. amount' farm lastspring to •Beverle} MacNay Of -that area and moved:to Lucknow in early October. ' He purchased the foriner,I0e. Johnston house in th'ei surritner, ., • whieh'has been tenanted by Mr: 'and !qrs.. David Kirkland.. The first Of October the ,Kirklands moVed • the Greer house in West Wawanosh, south east of•Lucknow „, • •'.` •