HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-01, Page 12F:. •B PAGE, 'TWELVE' THE :L' UCKNOW SENTINE1 ..LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . •n, SEE IaUR New �xe�u#ivy Tractonline A Top Value. Tire At. Reg. Price #*.**:*#*** MacBEE" .. ENTERPRISES Bt4L HUNTER, LUCKNO.W• • Seven ladies from; here attended the. Stratford Deanery, meeting held 'at' St. Peter's Church Hall, Goder ich , last Wednesday. • 'Mr., and Mrs. Maurice Dalton and'family spent the•weekend with Mrs. Dennis. Dalton and Maria. Mr. and. Mrs, jack Van Osch.. spent theweek enc, visiting friends in Ridgetown. • Mr. and •Mrs:, Jinn Martin and family are spending a few days.' visiting. friends., in Royal Oak, Mr. and Mrs.'•Bruce Hansford and Ray, of Galt visited at the Ray Dalton home. on Sunday. • RETURNS: FRAM; HOSPITAL .; Mrs' Ray Dalton returned•horne from the Winghani and District' Hospital on Sunday: Ray Heffernan of Wallaceburg, spent the weekend with his: parents. Mr; and Mrs. Ormond, Heffernan. '. Husband; "I've been, thinking it over and 1've•decided; to. agree with you'. Wife: "That won't do you any good.. I've .changed my mind." . . SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley Give cops ' a break As .'Gilbert and Sullivan gang rumbles; car , crashes;' tunefully pointedouta good.. many years ago, "A : police- man's , lot 'is, seldom a, happy one." Andit certainly -hasn't: grownany happier,in the,inter- iin as' even a.. casual' g:ance' through. the •newspapers will tell "• you.: 'Everywhere, police 'nen are unhappy:In the:cities, they. talk of. strike • action. In small towns, they resignright. and left,'usurally in •a• cloud. of recrimination. • Why are they fed ''up? For a whole: lot of reasons. It's only surprising • so • many: '.of thein. stay at it. • First of ,a11, they are poorly: paid. This fine, .61d tradition, probably:: dates back to the. -days when a , cop was a 'dumb flatfoot", ;lucky to get a: job with.' some security. involved.: During The Depression, the town cop, was envied because .he got a pay check, be it ever so humble,,every week. Secondly, they must cope ccith'•. ' continued' interference from 'elected officials,' or local ..big, , shots, It might be the Chairman of. the 'Police Com- mission, more concerned with.• paring. his,more budget • than with the quality of the, police- ' man, Or it • rnight be the 'fellow who belongs 'to the same: Sep, - ice . club as the • mayor, and . expects . • special' treatment, 'whether .it's a parking ticket or drunk driving, charge. This is ,.hard to take, Another thing that bugs them, :even ,;those who like .the work, is' the •hours working holidays; special details; calls in the middle of the night. .. And,of course, there's the. job itself. Much of :it is rou- tine, even boring Everything in triplicate. But a Saturday night. can he a nightmare..How would you like to cope .With a drunken fight at a dance? Or 'a stolen car, driven by a kid at 100. miles "an hour? Or •a cou- • ple of plastered, .prostitutes belting you` about the head and; :ears with their handbags, 4cheered.on by the mob?' Or a call from delighted n"eighbors,, at 2 .a.m., telling you that Joe Scheiss• is, beating the "brains out of his wife? •Andthat's on 'top df the ordinary' stuff:: petty thefts, • street ' beatings; jeering; , bood- • lums, But I 'think, all:; these things.. are secondary. There's .some- thing some -thing else that hasturned the ';placid, policeman'of even 20 yearsago into a mean,, cop. And- :. that's the attitude of the 'peo- ple. It's fairly new and • very • :nasty;.:' :1 • rio, tice it,, with: 'dismay, among teen-agers: Even the de= gent onpc '¢iepr. at "The Fu77",. as . they term: our.. `stalwart; " „guardians of „the law. I don't.. know where they got it per- haps . from' movies and -televi- sion,— but th'ey•,seem.to. think '.• • the policeman, is tomesort of brutalized . .Gestapo type- look- ing for trouble. :' few policemen, of •:course, foster this attitude: There are always a few ''bullies in 'uni form. who release ;:their own'. psychological Perversions,''But ,they are a tiny :.• minority, usual, .. ly curbed ;by their peers. 'Even more disturbing; per- haps, is the 'number of adults „ Who . will stand around and watch a policeman •'being beat en.up,: and enjoy it.' There's. always, ' , of " course, been war between : the .police and the populace. But it .Used., .to ,be a good-natured, fun,war. You. tried to circumvent the.' law, whether it was swiping apples. or . beating the speed limit..If .you *were caught, you • grumble d a 'bit, lied like a ' trooper, .and ; probably got . off with• a 'warning, And, everybody was happy. Now it's open and blatant battle. It's vicious and ugly. It .is faniled'b3 newsmen and,tele- vision. They always seem to be 'here • when the cops ar'e man- • .andling. some screaming, punk, but are never, present', when. 'some•constable is .being kicked into jelly. • I've, met .a Iot of tops in my days some' in the .Title .of my, ,dirty,, and, I: hasten to add, some in the ' line of theirs.' A• few of ;them .Were' realhoods, but the vast ariajority were de- cent: ordinary . chaps who would go out of their way to' • be• helpful, it's a retten'job, but r mem ber, men, somebody loves you, • nnual In Walkerton ee#ung KINLOSS NEWS; Several' Group Committee mem= bers and' leaders from •1st Kinloss Scouts: attended the annual dinner. meeting` for Sa ugeen'District held. in Knox Presbyterian Church , Walk erton, Oetober 25th. Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey MacDougall of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Farrish of Kitchener'i, Mr. and Mrs: Wilfred Farrish of'Lucknow and • Clair-MacDo.ngall of Petrolia • visited Sunday at the home of Mr." and••Mrs, -Lloyd MacDougall Iari,MacKenzie, who is attending' Radio . College in Toronto., was home, for.the week -end,` . :. 'Directors of the Kairshea W.I. are _planning .for the annual "At Home" to be held in Kairshea ;Hall.. Saturday, November 4th. • Mrs Gilbert' Hamilton, Mrs: Ira Dickie,' Mrs. Douglas Graham : and Mrs. ,W. F. MacDoriald •from South Kinloss W.1vl. S, attended' the Sectional meeting in,Dungannon Presbyterian Church on Friday.. Mrs. ClarkeNeedham, Mrs. Allan Macintyre, Paul and Helen visited..last week with friends and. relatives in:Srantford; Harn.ilton and St. Catharines, • Second•: Concession neighbours of Miss Jessie MacKay: assisted Mrs: Wm . Macintyre at the 100th birth ..day .party. on. Saturday,. It was a• • wonderful . and memorable day , , Our heartiest congratulations. to ' , this grand lady. DouglasDickie o f University of'•, Guelphwas' home for the. week -end. Mr, and Mrs'. Fraser MacKinnon attended the Road,Superiht•endent's Banquet held'in Formosa.: on Thurs- day evening • Mrs .Harvey Houston,. Mrs. • Lloyd MacDougall and ..Mrs:'.Harry :. Laois from Kairshea W.I.:.attend ed, the •Area.•Convention in.;Mark:= •. dale' on Thursday and Friday WEDNESDAY, Nov. 14.t,; 1967 e CO.OP ':soppIenieo DAIRY ,C0 -0P/36% DARI-FLO SUPPLEMENT BEEF CO=OP 36% AND .48%;'BEEF GAINER SUPPLEMENT' n all 0-0P dairy and beef supplements (THIS OFFER EXPIRES,; DEC.EMB ER 2nd) One 528-.212! WE.HAVE:'A:±NEW STOCKO BOXED STATIONERY PRIDED FROM 65c. UP �ame � ..now while the;.: selection' is good! Phone 528-3134 '•