HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-11-01, Page 7'07• WEDNESDAY, NOV. lat. 1967.. • • -4111r.PIF•17.18WW.111h7Irigi..raravimme,...1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINIEX., i40.0040.V1, ONTARIO Honour Haiden ys At Social Evening • KINLOUPil NEWS • , Mr. and Mrs.. Harald Haldenby were honoured witlfa farewell party held in the Kinlough School on • Saturday evening. Euchre was play- ed. while friends gathered, . Mr. Frank Maulden as chairman , • welcomed everyone. Those taking part in the program w•ere: 'Wally , • ; Breckle, OloWing pictures taken on . his recent Moose hunt and also Of the •DeirOit'zoo. Heather Hewitt • favoured with a Solo accompanied . by Mrs.Jack.Hewitt. Readings.' were given by Mks,•: Torn MacDon.;.. ald , Mrs, *Jack'ilari, Miss May: Boyle' and Mrs...Bert Nicholson, • Mr. andMrs Harold Haldettby • were escorted to the platform and ten Nicholson, read an address • expressing egret in lOsingihese ,• . • good :neighbours from the commun- ity and wished them ' the best. At this' time Fred.Guest made the pres- , entation of a gift of Money. from • the Community and church families4 and as their Silver Anniversary • • comes later in the fall, Doi •lespiepresentedthem with a -Silver tray, A Centennial rose cup and 'saucer was presented frOrn the . - Evening Workers group.: Harold* • ;thanked everyone for this very kindly gesture and -invited everyone visit them at 941 Colborne Road, Sarnia ..Madeleine•also expressed • her .thanks and said that their' romance began in.thii same school:. All joined in singing "For they are - jolly good fellOws". Lunch was • served and asOci/al time was enjOy, • Address for Harold' and Madeleine • '•Haldenby..• • • PAGE S.EVEN , Kinlough, October 28/67 , Dear friends - • It was with regret that we learned of your leaving otir littleburg/to take up residence where the bright lights of Sarnia beckoned, . We could not let you leave our conununity, without the neighbours ''anci,church families joining together to spend a social tittle in your honour. • • We shall miss you on Sundays as • well as week days; for you were • ready and willing to use your talent • and your ability whenever called, 'upon, We realize that our loss is ' another's gain,. May youfind new friends, in thechnrch as;well as , the neighbourhood where you have made your new home. ••• Friendship as a golden chain That binds us all together • And if -we neverbreak that chain • We sha11 be friends forever. • , 'We rust,that.you will return to Kinlough as often as possible, and we Wish God's blessing upon All in the days that lie ahead... • Please accept this, gift 'as'a.token of our esteem for you and may it • remind you bt happy days spent in • this community: , • ' , Silver Wedding 'Address . • •'. We heard 'of your Silver Wedding •Which comes late in:Deeember • -„ And perhaps with the snow and • • , ' miles between All we could do, %•ias remember. • So: to -night when We have you here with us • We thoUght we'd do it this way And give you an anniversary gift .And wish you many happy days •From - The Kinlough • folks. ••• DON'T *Ma T-1115 OPPORT.UNITY., an OF •let Sa pmiTED (EST. 1894) PHONE BLYTH 523-9373 Hwy: 4, Between Clinton and Wingham CONTINUES TILL NOVEMBER 18th • . Check Ihe•Advertisement In Last Week's Edition Of This Paper For Details .9.00 A.M. TO 600 P.M. WEEK DAYS, INCLUDING WEDNESDAY SATURDAYS 900 A.M. TO 1000 P.M. CARD OF THANKS We wish, to express sincere thanks for telegrams, cards and best wishes on the occasion of our 50th wedding,' anniversary. • Special thrurks to . the United Church Women and the Village of Lucknow.'• Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips For kindness to me. while at .. Whigham Ilo.spital,for fruit, let-. ters, cards and visits, to nurses and Doctors — Thanks to all. •. Mrs. Daisy McCharles The family of the late/ .Horace Aitchison are very appreciative of the ldndness of friends and rel- • atives at this time. Sincere thanks to thOse who.called at .the Walker, Funeral Home and for the many card.s of sympathy which we have. • • Jean, Aylmer ,and Doug • • room Suites From acKenzie Furniture t 1• "irarrm • iL .;.• • ,ro• • ;., <-••ox • r..` • . . • • . ... . .... IllUIPPOWIll RPM!, .1 'The perfect choice' for the. • • ' homemaker whO apPre- BEAUTIFUL WOODSeiates ood tiesigni gdoa FINE DETAILING FOR workmanship and a look BEDROOM; – of elegance in terms of YuilltOday. ' MacKENZIE'S HAVE .BEDROOM FURNITURE 'p VAkpous STYLES MADE BY LEADING MANUFACTURERS, *********-kii*********4rir*******'• •'supiaL,E• DREsSER' Starting Ai' • $.1:29 • CHEST AND BED •Di:m8LE DRESSER • CHEST AND' BED • 'Storting. At, REMEMBER , THE SOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE THURSDAY, NovEmBER 2. nzle Furniture LUCKNOW— !HONE 28-3432 • fr • Vie wish to express our sincere thanks to neighbours and friends who presented us with a pole lamp on our departure from their. communty. Their thoughtfulness was deeply appreciated •' Clifford, Ea and Bill Crozier and Roy Maize •'Therifmily of the late Mrs. Edna Ftobinsdn wish to express heart- felt thanks to all the kind friends, • neighbours and relatives for many kindne.sss, floral tributes, baking and donations at the time of the• , loss of a dearinother,. • Thanks also to McKenzie Mem- orial Chapel, Rev. L. Stirling, Drs. Corrin. and McKim, nursing staff of Wingliam, District Hospital and the ladies who served the lunch at the Pirish Hall. All was deeply appreciated. .• '• Robinson Family 1 would like to express my sin- cere thanks to my relatives and friends who remembered me'with letters :and cards while a patient • in the Humber Memorial Hospital, • Mrs. J. M. Bain • Weston, Ontario We wish to thank our friends and „neighbours for . the social evening held in our honour Friday at s North Ashfield School and for the lovely gifts. This thoughtful- ness is very much apreciated. • Lloyd,. Margaret and Anita Cline . , • THE OLD PRIDGE':, BY REV. DUNCAN fAcTAVISH The Eighteen Mile River followed, along the•northside of •the hill in a westerly direction, then turned sharply to the south, crossed over ' the concession, proceeded' westward a few tOds and•then back to the••north side of the road. This was in the days before the concess- ion road had been opened up. This left ,a narrow neck 'of lancithrougif which access could' be'gained to the old homestead but necessitated • building two •bridgefa few rods- . .• apart. • .• • _ • The ninniCipal fathers were quick t6 note this and without consulting anyone, dug a narrow Cut ' through this neck on my grandfather7s prop 0; the river and a bridge to build between Itirpand• l• the road when it was finally opened up. -othing' was thought of the act for .some timeas the early settlers'. idthe trailthat ranat the baCk, of the farms. Blitthe day came .; when a bridge had to bebtigt and maintained' by our family:. It was ofsirnple construction,con sisting of four large. Cedar trees • . strung across the river. Each rested on abutment; of large cedarsplaced behindthe trees that lined the bank andhgh enough from the riverbed, to sayd the bridge in times of high. water. Stones were piled around the, bank to prevent er.Osion and approaches were filled with gravel: The Covering consisted of three inch hemlock plank, sawn from hemlocks •that were quite, plentiful' in thoedays. The writer renembers quite well when a Seeond.cvering replaced the or- iginal one, helpingdrive six inch spike into theplank; For half a century it served the McTavish '• family and als6 bore evidence Of an injustice done an early settler in a day when many things were overlooked that in our day would call for redress of one kind Or another. , Noone haslivedOn that farm since1919. The riverbed hischang• ed its course and very little water flows that way. But relics of the old bridge may still be found by those who knew of its existence in those pioneer titnese I imagine couldstill find some of ,the stdneS i.helped father place ardlind the'. abutments to stop erosion at flood Utile and the two cedar gateposts that in days long gOtte guarded the way to the brdge; . LANGSIDE • • • Rev. John Honeyman of Toronto; • • , • was in charge of church service on •• inciday at 2 o'clock. Next Sunday the sacraments Of Communionand• Baptiim,Will 'be condUctedby Rev lohrl.:Honeyman..with joint prepara- tory service at B:30 on Friday evening in charge of Rev Gordon Fish•.•,• • . . • • - Visitors on Sundaywith Mrs, Wm... Orr and Bob .Were Mi. and Mrs. /vIel , • . Orrof Chesley and Mr...and Mrs.', • : Bill Lapp and Olive of-Witigharri: '• -,; Mr. and Mrs Gordon Wall and Brian visited with Mrs. John Arthur at • Huronview Clinton on Sunday • UNDERWENT SURGERY Little Sharon Rutter underwent surgery. at London on Thursday. We hope to hear 6f an improvement In her condition. •• • Marion Wall of Wingham spent the week7end'at the home of her • parents, Mr. aril Mrs. Gordon Wall win r can be n this year Jump aboard the rugged. SNI0i-HAWK .and see what fun really means. Designed with many new features for your comfort. Your choice of povibr plants. See them today and enjoYthem tomorrow. • • • TRACTOR N IVISIO: Phone 28300. lArekirOW. • , . , , . .• . , :14 , . . . . . . I. .. . , . ' • . iiiiitikillililitiiiiitaiii' 4aillie•AIOV:ItliW'1410: -5,Ftairiiiiiimomummourommorfromho . •