HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-25, Page 21e
-wopposwort OCT. 25Th,it67 7..
Piles,(1p Majorityof.319I • •
Murray. Gaunt, •32 -year -Old Lib-
eral -incumbent in the .Ontario Leg-
islature,- won a decisive 'Victory in
the riding. Of Huron-Bnice *bat
week as he Was returned tO .office
by .a majority of 3191 votes. over
'Roger West, COnsOrVative. The
r.other candidate .in the racewas
Jack Pyin .of Kincardine, NDP
candidate, who polled 905 votes.
Gaunt polled 9168 votes and West
.5877 votes. Both .Gaunt and Weat
. reside in Wingham.
• it• was a Sweepingvictory for,
Murray 'Gaunt, 'who has served
Buren -Bruce for the past five
years., He was first elected to the
Legislature in 1962 in a by-election
• when he • had a majority., of .about
700, A year later,. in a 1963 general
election, his majority was cut :to
about 25 in a real "squeaker” that
. ended with a judge's reconnt.
•Bucking the provincial tide of very.
• little "gain-, for the Liberals, he
coasted into./ office • last week . on
his record of service and popu-
larity in the riding.' • • • •
Mrs. .Andrew.Gaunt of 'West Vtraw-•
anosh.• .West-Wawanoah increased.
• • its majority for Gaunt from -22- in
. 1963 to 175 this thne.The increased
majority was general in • the . old
Huron -Bruce •boundaries.. Lucknow.
' increased its majority for Gaunt
from 27 in. 1963 to ,143 this' time..
• •KinloSs did a switehratound.'. Last.
• 'eleetion they gave a Conservative
'majority of. 6 and this time a Lib,
eral• majority of 142., Ashfield had
a big change in their voting habits.
Last election - the' • Conservatives
•had a majority. of 31 while this time
Gaunt took 'Ashfield by 139.. votes.
• Ripley. gave.,a Conservative, ma-
jority of 14' last time with a Lib-
eral majority of 48' this trip. Huron
Township, • which has. strong :C0n-
. servative habits, gave' a PC ma-,
jeritY. of 118 last, election as com-
pared .with' a Liberal majority, of
38 this election. . . •
While Gaunt had .a large lead
within the old boundaries of Huron -
Bruce, he had only a slight lead in
total votes polled in the five new
'municipalities' added to iltiron-
'Bruce after redistrtbution. 'The
town of Kincardine, townships -of
Bruce t Kincardine and . Greenock,
and the village .of • Tiverton were
all . added to. Ifuron-Bruce at
distribution, Gaunt' polled a total
of• 1571 in the 'five 'municipalities
while West polled a total of .1501.
".13ym, •NDP candidate, polled well,
against the `old' line parties in his
home town of Kincardine. He had
363 supporters there. •
It, is interesting to note the
Blackhorse poll: iir Kinloss which
did not give a Liberal:Majority in*
'',,e0inmon with 91 of the '122 poll8 in
,the riding.'.. Blackhorse .voted Vest,
32 and Gaunt 13. 'One Blackhorse
resident stated that this is a large
Liberal vote for this poll which
• usually leans heavily towards the
PC'S. . • •
Well over 80% , Of the voters
turned out despite an all ,day rain.
.*The- final picture across k Ontario,
gave. progressive conservatives
69 seats, again forming the govern.'
nicht; Liberals 28 seats and NDP
20 seats,
Gaunt Pym: West
No. 1 ,,, 136 4 49
No, 2. 97 • 3' 64
• No, 3 „.„„ , ,, 129 1 ', 406
Total. '362 219
No,1. •Town Hall; . NO. '2
Peters; No. 3 Mayfak, ••
• •Gaunt Pym. West
No. 1 ,, ,,, 75.• 4' • 61'
No. 2 ,, . ,, ,59 2 52
No, 3 ,, . 74 . .1 .48
No. 4 41 • " 0 49
No. 5 .. : .... .52. 1 15
No. 6 58 ; 5 16.
No. 7 . SO . .2 32 ,
Total . .. • .... 412 15 :'273
• No.' 1 ,JOnes'; No. 2 Township
Hall; No. 3 Orange Hall, Con: 10;
No. 4 Mrs. Myrtle Hodge's; No. 5'
,Earl , Drennan's; No. "6 Gordon
•Barger's ; .No. 7. Frank 'Hamilton's.
• I)
K I Nt.OSS •
. • •
• • • • Gaunt Oym West.
No. :1 . • .. 13 1 : • 32
No 2. - ; 6 28
.83 3 • 36'
No. 4 . ...,..., . . 79 3 59
No. 5 . . .... . .47 1. •18
No. 6 . . 73 • *I 17 •
Total. 332 15 190
No. 1 Blackhorse; No. 2 Kin-,
lough; No. 3 Holyrood; No. 4 Cun-
ninghams; No. 5 Wm. Scott's, No.
6 VVhitechurch:
• '• RIPLEY ,
Gaunt Pym West
No. '1 73 11 . 54.
. .... .
No. 2 • s , 61 5; 32
Total 134 i$1 86
No. 1 !Ars. Sadie Stanley; No. 2
• Mrs. Bessie Osborne.
• •
o. . ... . ...... .
'sr I1'66
No 2 ' 58 • 1 •44
No....3 ', 42 0.7
No. -4 • ••••-. 69' : .3 -7-10
No 5 .., .. .. . 78 .1 .. 17
•No. 6 .,. .. 36. - 0 • 13.
• Total .. . .
• '
.... . .344 - 1,6 -171.
„ .
No. 1 : Bere'Si- No; 2
• AnbUrn;.. No. 3 TownShip Hall;'o..
4 St .Helens; No 5.• Jim Curran's;
,No.. 6 St. Augustine. .
, .
,Gaunt .Pym • ,West
No. '1
No • .•
No. 3
No 4
No. 5 .69 • 0 • 48' •in its.first stages. • .
Whatichange% will be made in..
education in the neketwenty
years?" ..was the question in the •
Minds and knouthS of many at the .:
opening Of Brookiirle- Public School
'on Friday evening, •• •• • '
The $456,000, Brookside School
IS located on the 9th of Ashfield,
just west Of the LuCknow -Dinigann-, •
on road; Itserves' close to 400
pupils from the Townships of Ash-.
.69. 5 ' 70 '
.• 78 ' 8 61 ,
ra In
_ . Rural..Education..
field and West Wawanosh„ The'
school has twelve. Classroom plus'
a library and anditorium-playroom
which was used to seat the -large,
crowd at Friday's opening. An est-
imated 1000 people. attended fill-
ing the andftorium, with the over-,
flow. crowd Sitting in ihe.halls and
in.classrooms where the prograln
was heard over the public address
system. • . •
The new school has been in use
since last Easter and Friday's open-
ing officially set the wheels of the
modem new structure in motion.
A choir of Brookside school
children opene.d the'eltening's prog-.
ramme by singing the Centennial .
Hymn. The Invocation was given
. by Rev. Rod H. MacLeod of Luck-
Lucknow High Principal Is Guest Speaker At Opening
• '
Wallace WilsOn;•chairtrian for the•
evening. is is .also chairman of the
Huron County School Area NO.
School Board Which governs Brook
side and North Ashfield'SchoOls. ' •
Mr Wilson welcomed, everyone •
and spoke of the building. and plan,,
'fling Of Bro'oks.ide School as a
great. undertaking with Many :prob-
lems. It was a Centennial project "
for both Ashfield And Weft . :
Wawanosh'Townships; .
introduced the • present' Board:.mem-
•bars.Russellirvin; vice-chairman,
Webster ,,Samuei Gibson
Robert.HelM; Charles McDonald'
and. Howard Blake, Secretary-Ttea,
surer. He acknowledged the'asSist-;
ance giVen by.fortner board trierri:7
.b-ers, Edward Mills', Mrs. Warren
42 8, 6,3 Zinn , 'Harry Girvin and Ross Eedy
48 5 26 when the plans for the •School Were
Total ••306 26 268
No. 1 Reids Corners; No. 2
Bethel; No. 3 Wallace Pollock's;
NO. 4 Township Hall; No. 5 Herb
Gaunt Pym West
A§hfield 412. • 15 , 273
Blyth • , 213 ' 5 .180
Culross ... . . 461 • 22 229
Kincarine 491' 363 666
Carrick • 649 - 28 237
:Colborne .. .. 254 35 210
Huron ... „.„,;., ..... 306 26 '268
Bruee ...... . . ., 294 • 32 • 209
Grey •455 18 287
Kincird Twp. 278 74 299
Ripley .. . .. 134 16 • 86
Tiverton , 53 48 82
• Mildmay . ... 303 16 • 122
Greenock • •,455 16 . 245
Brussels 294 10 178
E. VVawanoSh .„. 308 12 167
'Howick 692 35 426
ICInloss .... 332 15 .• 190
W Wawanosh 35916 184
Wingham .,„.„, .. 985 49 606
LucknoW 362 8 '219
Morris 437 , 12' 236
TUrnberry 367 28 207
Teeswater .. ... 268 11 . • 171
Total ... 9168. 905 5977
Malority for . Gaunt 3191'
Greetings were 1ieard from Don- .
ald MacKenzie, Reeve of Ashfield;
Rbbert Lyons. Reeve of West
W awa nosh; 'Murray. Gaunt, Member
.of the Legislative Assembly for
Huron Bruce. Robert McKinley,
Member of Parliament for Huron
wasunable to be present, .but sent'
his greetings. •' • •• h
Choral numbers •were given by a •
boys' .choir „accompanied ,by tea-
cher Arthur" Finlaysen On an
electric guitar; a girls' choir and
a mixed choir. Teacher Don Cam-
eron directed•fhe choirs.
'The key of alb school, "the sym-
bol of final completion" ,as Peter
Maaten.of the Maaten Construct-.
'ion CO. Ltd. 'called it', was presen
ted by Mr. Maaten to Howard
Falls of Riddle, Connor, Falls and
Irvine, the architects. Charles
MacDonald, representing the
School Board accepted the, key
from Mr. Falls and in turn passed
Gaunt Pynn, West
Wingham ..... 97 4.- 51
Dungannon 15 0' 7
Brussels. . .. 26 • .0 3
Mildmay' , 16 2 • 7
Kincardine °.18 45
. •
Guest speaker at the official
opening of the new, Brookside Pub-
lic School. on Friday was John Alla -
son, principal of Lucknow District
High School. Mr. Allason. is shown
MacLennan, principal of Huron •
County School Area No; 2 and. on
the right is Wallace .Wilson „--Ctiai -
man of the area: board. • •
• •
ofriMr. dMr
n..11a:vkiettHadc4kueghtt Hackett,
R. R. 3 , Lu'olcnoW carried the
seissors.• •
Rev.. Glen Wright of Dungannon
t c oot.
Robert Helm introduced Angus • .
MacLennan of Wingham, principal
\Of the sdhool.I.Mr.-MacLentiah-Tori
behalf of he and his present-
ed a Flag of Ontario to; be _used at
the school., It wasr accepted by
board member William Webster..
Mr. MacLennan acknowledged. the .
donatiori of two flags' by Lucknow
Legion"309, one of which had been
flying at' North Ashfield School and.
the other at Brookside since it 'open
ed .last Spring; • . •
it on to Angus MacLennan, the:',
school principal. • •
Frank 'Alton, Master of Dungann-
on LoD,. L. 324; ,on behalf of the'
Lodge, presented a. ;plaque and . ,
trophy to Howard Blake of the
School Board: The award.for Pub-
lic 'Speaking. will be presented • .
Annually.. A similar trophy Will be
given to the winning pupil each.
,year and his or her name will be
enicribed. on the plaque which will•
remain in the. School.. Howard .
Blakethanked the Lodge for their
interest. '•
J.H. 1<inkead; Area Superintend-
ent of Schools, commenting on the
new School. said., "I have waited po
years to make this speech". He '
"felt that educatiOn is needed today
•because,today Huron 6unty's
greatest export is not cattle,. etc.,
'bur young people.
Mr. Kinkead introduced the
guest speaker of theevening, fohn.
W. Allason, principal of Lucknow
District High.School. With the help
•Of the imaginary Casper, the
Friendly Ghost of CartoOns,.
• Alla suggested Some of the ,
changes thatimight be made in
educatiOn, in the next ten, twenty
,or thirty years. RussellIrvin thank -
'ed Mr', Allason.
The ribbon,cutting, to officially
open Brookside School, Was done,
by.Donald Mackenzie, Warden of '
Huron County. He Was assisted by
Sam Gibson and Angus' MacLennan.
Pupils Dayle MacDonald, daughter
of Mr. :and'Mrs . Angus 'MacDonald,
St. Helene and Jerry Logtenbeig,
son of Mr. and Mrs: Derk LOgten-,
berg, F2,11. I, Dungannon' held the„
MacLennan introduced the
school Staff; Mrs., Dell Durnin. of. .•
Dtmgannon, Grade 1; Mrs. Elsie •
Irvin Of Dungannon, " Grade 1 and 2:':
3‘,1rs. Mary Bere of Dungannon,
,Grades• 2 and 3; Mrs Rena 'Fisher;
:Wingharn„, Grade 3; Mrs. Margaret
Cline. Goderich,' Grade 4; Ross
Errington, S. Helens, Grades..4
and 5; Mrs; Gwen CaeSar, Dungana• ,
on, Grade 5 and. 6; Mrs.
Kennedy, ‘R.R.11;ncknow; Grade 6;
Arthur Finlayson, Seaforth, Grade 7
and Science,and Bbys Health On..ihe
rotary; Mrs. Wanda Jefferson ;.West
Wawanosh, Grades 7 and Art, Girls' -
Physical Education and Health op.
the rotary; bon Cameron, Lucknow
Grade 8 and Social StUdiesand , •
Music onthe'r.otary; Mrs. Helen
Blake, Ashfield. Township,
Studiei and Library
the..rotary and she has•Mr. MacLean
an's Grade 8 class while he attends
to his principal'duties. Mr. Mac-
l..ennan teaches his Grade 8 class.
'and Boys' Physical Education on' the-'
rotary. Music Supervisors are Mrs.
Donalda Scott and Mrs.. 'Phyllis.
Rodger. Keith Cranston is Custod-*
iari at. the School. Mr. MacLennan
mentioned that•many *Of the teach:-
ers are taking courses at Wingham ,
and 13rucefield this year, •