HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-25, Page 11110,
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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25th, 1,67'•
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The October,tneeting of Hacketts
U.C. W. was held at the borne'of '
Mrs George Henry'. The President;
Mrs. Bert, Alton opened, the meet
ing with a verse with• "Faith".
Hymn "My faithlooks up to Thee'
was sung, folloWed by the repeat- •
ing of The Lord's Prayer. Mrs.':
Blake Alton -took the Devotions. and
'Read ,thesiCripture and a .prayer;
Mrs.. Alex Hackett tookthe ,Study
1lOok. Mrs. Marvin Scott read
Chapter 7 from "The Church is
.Where the Action -Is". Mrs. Donald
•Hackett read two poems "Log' ••
House Speaks" and "Hens Then:.and
.Now". Hymn "The King of Love
'my Shephetd.Js7 was.sung.s• . . •
13 adults and6 children were
,present and the roll Call was answer
ed With a verse of "Faith': . Minutes
of -the last meeting were read,by ,
•MrS. 'Barry Hackett. ColleCtiori,was
then received., The'rneeting-closed.
•'with a prayer....
Lunch was served by the' hostess.
and Mrs., Allan Hackett. . •
Panel Discussion
At U.C.W. Meeting
Calvin -Brick United Church.. •
Women held their Thanksgiving
meeting �nOctober18 at the home
• of Mrs. Sidney Thompson. Mrs..
Gordon McBurney gave the call to
Worship..: •
.Thescripture was read tesponsiv-
ely with Mrs. John Jamieson leader
who also led in prayer...
The Offering was received by
Lori Thompson and dedicated by
•Mrs . Roy Pattison Mrs/.. Gordon
McButney gave the Meditation and
Bible Study, comparing the Nation
lsraelin Amos' .• time with the
world of today. •
A Panel' Discussion with•Mrs..:Tom
Metcalfe leader and panelists Mrs.
Elgin Johnston, Mrs: Mabel
Goldrich ,• Miss Jackie.Goldrich and
Church Groups
The Anglican, Church Wotnen''s
afternoon.and evening groups met
on Monday afternoon at the hone
of Mrs. Roy Schneller -who 'also
presided for the ACW meeting. • Mrs
Mrs. Art Haldenby read the script-
ure and Mrs. George Graham gaVe •
the Meditation on 'home" • Prayer •
followed The word for the roll.
�a11 was "thanks", Fourteen ladies
were present. Business was dealt
with and Miss Edna Boyle took
charge of the' E. W.' group and Mrs.
Ronald Thacker read the Minutes.
The afternoon. was spent in quilting
e'fancy quilt,. Prayer closed the
meeting and a delicious' lunch was
served by Mrs.. Howard T.hornpson;
Mrs. -R. Thacker and Mrs J.
Hewitt who were co -hostesses at
•Mts: Schneller's horne. • ,
, . . . . .
Fall Thankoffering
• ' '•
Chalmers Presbyterian Thank -
offering W.M.S. meeting was held:
Wednesday, October18th at 2:39.
in. the 'Sunday School:teoin Of the .4
•Otlich! :The. president , .Mrs . Victor
Emerson:presided and welcomed
the guests, rriernbets of Whitechurch
U C. W. , Dungannon W M. S.
me Mbers end Ashaeld W.M.S. She
gave the call to worship Qod's
. Responsiye reading of Psalm 103-,
was led ,by• Mrs . -Simpson .
Mrs.. Bill.-Rintoul gave the Meditat-
ion The minutes were read and
the R011. called by the secretary i;
Mrs. Russel Ross. Mrs. Ezra Scholtz
sang a sold accoippanied by:pianist
Mes. Johnston Conn MO. Russel
Ross led iriptayer.,- Mrs: Einerson •
introduced the guest speaker., Mrs.
.Robert. Campbell.of Wingham Who
tsPoke of: the faith of our ancestors
as shown,by the 'Jesuit priests who
Diana MOreland discussed "What do came to Fort St. Marie at Midland
our Young People Want", Shp asked - How do we stand Up
• Mri. John Jamieson gave the read-
ing...A Woman Counts her Blessings.
•Mrs: John L. Currie gave the.
Study Book lesson. Mrs. Alex
Robertson presided for. the,busingst.i
•Miss Sadie Johnson was hostess
for the Women's MissionarySociet
meeting, which isvas'opened by
prayer by Mrs. Ewan MacLean Who
was in charge of the program. Mrs.
R. wOst, Mrs.flettrY MacKenzie
• and Mrs. Donald Simpson gave
readings and poems on Thanks-
giving and Mrs'. E. MacLean on
means of showing onels thankful...
Mrs: R, West gave the offering
,prayeeand then took charge of the
• business: Mrs. MacMurchy
a. • •
reported the quilt for the bale was
completed. Eighteen mernbers and.
four visitors answered roll call
• with a verse of thanks and there
were.2 children present. • •
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e a • T an o ng.o t e
W.M.S. of the'Presbyterian Church
met in the evening of October 18th
at 8 o'clock, with thirty-four
ladies present. Mrs .• M Henderson
presided. She opened' the meeting.
with, all singing a Hymn which was
followed with'prayer by Mrs:fiend=
erion.• Mrs .. N . Johnston gave. the'
MeditatiOn. She spoke of life. being
a warfare, not only against flesh
and blood, 'but also spiritual.enern-
ies,, taking her, topic from theEpi
stl&of Paul the Apostle to. the
Ephesians, The Epistle to the 'Phili-
ppians and also Paul's Epistle to the
Colassians: •The -Apostle Paul .spoke
to his fellow ChristianS, that if
they spoke fcir Christ, they must •
• pray with boldness, they must be
Mature arid ask 'not anything for -
themselves only, but for
their fellow Christians, also . How
to spend our time and money is our.
own choice,' but the more import-
ant thing of our lives is to take
ad vanta ge to pra y for others,,bold7.
• ly and maturely.- Nothing can satis!
freitt heartS..like the assurance
that we are doing the will of God.
Mrs-. Johnston .closed with prayer.
A pleasing duet, .narriely "Take. '
up Thy Cross and follow .Me". was
.given by Mt:. and Mrs. Austin
• LOtee, and followed with the sink-
• ing.of 'a Hymn: Maly E: Hend-- -
•erson gaye a piano.solo. namely
"Cradle Song" which also was well
rendered. The Offering WasioreCeiv•
eda,nd Mrs. -R. Reid gaVe the pray
er. •••
The GuestSpeaker ,*Miss Yyonne.
Ballagh o Eelmore ; spoke. on
'-' Being .Thankful' . She saidthat
• too .tnany,offers of love go ' •,
unacknewledged, We must give
that others might receive, Mrs J
Little expressed thanks to all who
took part and these who, attended.
A Hytrur ande prayer byMrs. P.
'Stewart brought the meeting to a
close'. Tea was served and a
friendly chat was enjoyedby all.
• 'Mr, and Mrs.' Walter Olsen and:
son Donald of'Regina, Saskatchew-
an; visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Dickie on Monday and
also called:on other friends'. Walter'
was employed by the late Mr', Rod
MacDougall during. the. thirties..
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard MatInnes
-enjoyed a bus trip t� Expo last
week:.• •
_Barbara and Janet Farrish spent' ,
.Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd MacDougall and 'Grace who ,
was,horne frOrn London for .the
Week -end..
Jeanette, Susan, and Murray Barr
of KinlOugh•spent the week -end
with their grandparents, Mr. and
•Mrs: Gilbert Hamilton.,
- .
Week -end and Sunday visitors •
with Mt. and Mrs. Harvey Houston
were Mr. and Mrs: J.J. HOuston,,.
Guelph and Mr,, and Mrs, Nelson
Howe, Paisley
Wallace Houston returned to his
employment atthe London airport
after:a week's holiday with his
parents. Mr. and Mri:.Hatv•ey •
Huston • . •
.en did Niagarai
into the
• The Minutes were read by the ••
secretary, Mrs. .Sidney ThOmpSOn.
• Reports Of the workshop held, at:
Birk Were given by Mrs. Gordon •
• McBurney and Mrs. Kenneth:Mason
Thank you notes were reCeived. •
from Mr. arieMit'.15onald DO and
Stephen andlvirs". Harry Cook,
• Delegates:to the Regional Meeting
at St. Helens on October
Mrs. Lawerence Taylor, Mrs. John„,
Crittie, Mrs. Roy DaWson, Mri.
Mason Robinson and Mrs, George
McGee. ' ••
crokinOle party and auction sale
are•to be held November 3 in the •
evening in Belgrave United Church
Basement family is to bring
articles for sale'to the value of $?..
;The committee to setow tables.
for ctOkinole'party are Alex.R.Obert-
son, Gordon McBurney and,Muitay
Schiell. Nextmonth the meeting
begins at 241.M. The Meeting
clOse0' witil prayer. ..A birthday, tea
was held and lunch served"to 20'
members and 5 visitors. All the
group, Bazaar articles were sold ,
to the measurements of our Fathers?
• Expo .q7 ;shows the power .and will .,
of man. In another 100 years, what.
will We stand for. In the temple
was found the scrolls. from Whichl •
the I3ible was made. We,never-look
at God's'word Without,spirittial'•
reaction. God's word, to7.day is the
same as in King Josiah's time...We'
talk about everything to -day but
we forget to talk,•abont the things.
• God has thine for us:, Actions' speak
• louder than words so we must watch
that our actionsare dedicated to• •
the. service of God. • ,:
• Mrs. Bill Evans thanked Mrs. •
Ca rtipbell and presentednerwith a
• Mrs. Lulti Jories and Mrs. Wallace
Wilson Of Dungannon W.M.S sang,• .
"Looking in, the face of Jesps"with
Mrs., W„J. Reid:pianist.
• The Offeting was received by Mill
Wm.. Purdon an,
Mrs. Archie
F'urdon and dedicated by Mrs..
Wallace Conn, Mrs,. Don Ross • .
gave a piano solo "Beydnd the Sun-
set": • •.`
Silent", Prayer w,aS•held for the • ••
sick folks. '
• The closing prayer was given by
Mrs • Emerson. After grace -Was
sung, lunch was served, •,
•• A medical bip. A clothing bill A carrepair
•bill. They all seemed to come at °floe. Jack •
' needed money in a hurry.: • .. , •
Answer: A Niagara Loan: Jack talked it oder
with the Manager of the nearestNiagara , •
Officeofiesides getting the'mohey, he gota ,•
• "
, lot of good advice on budgeting. With a
•Niagara Loan, JaCk, was able to pay all his
• bills at one time. And repay the loan on easy
• ferMs,to suit his budget:, • , .
• you. peed,extra,,Moneyler arty •
• .
reason, you can expect the same 60etteousi:;;;I;;-..,
..quick service at any one 01 300 Niagara offices.
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