HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-25, Page 1f
$4.1110 A Yoiii In AcIvaneo $1.00 Extra To USA; .
This Saturday ; October 28th, is
a very special day for Lucknow and
surrounding districtand a particul-
arly special day for Miss Jessie
MacKay Of the village who will
observe her 100th birthday:. Jessie
resides in her home on Gough .
Street and her friend and compan
ion, Mrs. William (Annie) Mac-
Intyre resides with her and assists
her in her household duties.
.Jessie enjoys comparatively good
health and is about each day,. She
is keenly interested in .community
and church affairs 'and, in the wel-
fare •Of her many friends in Luck-
' now and surrounding district.
lessie.ls one of nine children born
to Hugh MacKay and Catherine
Kerr. She was born in 'what was
known to many as the Graham •
home. which was located just west
of the, Supertest garage, and which
has been dismantled. Across the
road, on the United Church
.grounds, her. father operated the
first blacksmith shop He was a
native of Glasgow and. came to
Lucknow after thefounding.of the •
village. • .
. . •
'Six of the MacKay ,,family were
born in Lucknow, Maggie, Donald,
Angus, Jessie, Johnnie and Hughie.
In 1673, the family moved to the
farm. atop the hill on the Second
of Kinloss, just west of the Luck -
now -Holyrood road. The same •
year the railway was built and the
Sentinel was founded, and the
paper has continued to come into
the MacKay homes since then. •
The three others in the farnily,
• -
Annie,.David-and AleX ere.born
at the second concession . -Jessie
is the sole survivor of the family:
The parents and all other members
Of the family have been laid to rest
at South Kinloss Cemetery.
The MacKay family have long
been devoted servants of South
Kinloss Presbyterian Church.
When the family moved to Kinloss
Jessie was six years of age and,
ready for school. She attended pub-
lic school at the second of Kinlos$
Jessie trained in the United '
States as a practical nurse and
spent about fifteen years in
Chicago practicing her profession
and doing charity work with needy
families. As a nurse, she special-.
Ized in obstetrics. •
WEDNESDAY, OCT, 25th, 1N1'
and recall's a, Miss Morrison, as her,
first teacher She later attended •
LueknOw High School.
• As a young Woman, doctors red-
ornrnended that Jessie go to the
"frosty clitriate", of Duluth for .
health reasons and this was the °
start of about 35 years which she •
spent in the United States. It was
in 1890 that Jessie left for Duluth
and it the next fe‘f years she lived
and worked in various places in the.
United States. On the way home
for a visit in 1897, she attended the
Chicago World's Fair.
, She trained'as,a practical nurse at
Milwaukee, ,specializing in 'obster
ries, and later spent about fifteen
'years in Chicago serving as a .
nurse and doing charity work with
needy people. She studied at the ,.
Delaware Water CIO Sanitarium
and became proficient as a masseur
in giving the Water treatment for
various sicknestes. , -, •
Jessie went to Europe in 1904,
again on the advice of doctors for
health reasons.
In 1922 she returned to the home
farm in Kinloss upon the death of
one of her siSters. In 1949 the •
MacKays sold their, firm to Herb
NicQuillin and Jessie, Annie and
Angus moved to Lucknow where
Angus died a year later. Annie"
.died in 1964 at the age of 90. •
/ Jessie's mother died about 1897
and*.herfather about 1907.
Only one Member of the.Mackay
family ever" married Be was Alex
who resided in Edmonton His , •
wife.is living and still•resides there.
It's tea time.at.the.MacKay
house, and Jessie, always a
gracious hostess, pours a cup for
Mrs William (Annie) Macintyre
whe has assisted het for the past five
yeatS. The •cup is one depicting •
Saskatchewan and the area around .•
gastend where Mrs. iviacIntyre,
'sided a number of yeam:ago2lt was
given 'to her as a gift, The tea
service is one given to Jessie on her
100th birthday which we described
elsewhere in this article,
Ripley Aron Accident •• • kw•P'',""'r, sc,
'W-41 et )00 ItutS jittriVe5i. fotkoor.0.
total To Joe Scott Own,' wetk ,„
Six Years Older Than.:.Sentinel
The Lucknow Sentinel was estab-
lished in 1873, when Jessie
MacKay was six years old. The
paper has continued to corne into
the MaCKay,homes•since then and
Jessie is always interested in the
news of,I)ucknow and dietrict.
. „
'Jessie has A niece Mrs.. John (Dor-
othy) Lammie and a nephew
Donald MacKay, all of EdrnOntOrt.
There are six great nieces and •
nephews• ,. • ; ;
The Sentinel reporter spenta Very
pleasant couple of.honisSatUrday'
With Miss MacKay and Mrs. Mac-
Intyre who has been a real friend •
to Jessie for the past five years, •
•When asked what she credited for.
her longevity Miss MafKay.rePlied
in very certain terms, 7Content-
Miss MacKay will .be ,at• home to'
her friends On her,birthday, this;
Saturday, ,'October 28th from 2 to •
4 p.m . 'in the afternoon. and•1 io
9 p:m. in the evening... . • •
• • .
The Sentinel joinswith others in
the Cominunity in extending birth-
day and Centennial greetings to a
(ine lady who has spent the greater
part of her life in the service Of'
others. Happy birthday Iessie.,• may
you continue to enjoy life Luck -
now in your second century... • •
eekend: Breakin.
Montgomery Motors in Lucknow
was the victim ofancither break-in
eriii the weekendilte'fietilktarTi
discovered Monday morning.;, and
Provincial Constable Andy, Burgess '
of kiticardifielniiestigated.
8nrry..was*gained to the.bialding
trough a rear east side back win-
dow About $8. •rin schange was
tolen along with tonit 'cigarettes.
Hallowe'en Party
In Arena Tuesday
Next Tuesday night, October 31st
is, the night of ghosts and goblin's
and such, and, Lucknow Lions Club
hiVe cooked ..up a.Hallowe'en
Party for the children in the Luck -
now Arena-, , , • •
A parade of Spooks, led by the. ,.
Lucknow District High School Band
will leave -the -Public ScIrOul at •
,7:00 p.'m. and ,parade to the arena, .
Cash prizes, will be given, fbr
costumes for pre-School`uP to grade
eight, -There will'be a peanut • .
scramble and treats for the kids.
It's a night for the whole.family,
make sure you're there with them,
111011141110111111111011111111.1111111ini11I111111, .
Daylight saving time officially ,
ends at 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning
so standard time will be in effect
on Sunday,' . • •
This week -end provides the
tunity' to pick-vp that extra.hout
sleep you "lost" last spring,
ddiff fofget- to • him
back an hour upon retiring Saturday
night. It.will be dark at supper
time thereafter but it will bright-.
en'up the mornings, for' the early -
birds •
. •
, . •
.. •