HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-18, Page 20• • • • . . . " .. . . . ..„ . . . . . •• • . , TIRE LUCKNOW $NTINEL, LUCKNoVi. ONTARIO I1VA1.i.i..EK, • . FOR 8 TO 18 GIRLS AND BOYS Wawa are Borg, Wool, Orlon and Nylon Quilted now Suits — 2 Pc. 1Z-24 month $12.95 to $15.95 2 3x, Fortrel/ (mitts to match) $16.95 Orlon• 'Pile — $14.95 ," 4 to 6k'/(mitisto. match) fortrel $18.95' • r • r Orlon pile115.95 to $19.95 ALL MACHINE WASHABLE, Fortrel it :Orlon elle. , • ( now avid Men's Wiar, • • . 1 Huron Township To Elect Council, School For Two Year Term HURON COUNCIL lvilNuT--' Huron Township Council met on October.2nd *ithsalrrneMbers• pre. ..sent;-,-Iviintiterof-last-regular and 'two special meetings were read and, confirmed. ' the fO,llowhig resolutions ere passed: That we accept the tender of • • • • Don Rock for Construction of "B" • . Branch Of the Nesbitt 'drain., • . ••.ThatTide ask the DepartMent of , Highways to take'crier Concession.' • "A" as a development road from Concession 4 to Concession 10. Thai *e pay the users of • • • 'systamatic warble fly material $1.00 per 'gallon or equivalent. . That we instruct the Road Super-, •• interident to advertise for tendert • for snow plowing for the winter • season. ., • • That tile 1968 council be elected for a two year term as *alias the • '0.1iliC‘”schodtboardmvlurii:Ahaltalt • be electedirr1968 'for two year • terms., ••• Road accounts amounting to • $11544.55 and township accounts of $5,828.54 were ordered paid. • Council. adjourned to meet on . • .." , • . , )" • V .• • • • • . ' • , • Noernber•Stli,. • 'lif f, • • P.Agt TOUT. : • , • . ' • • • • ' Honored By Friends On 85th Birthday Mrs. Margaret MacPherson of . R.R.1, HolyroOd observedl her 85th •• birthday on Thursday, October nth 09.6unday shewas honoured when her family gathered 'for a chicken dinner with birthday cake • well wishes and' gifts. •, on Wednesday friends called at her borne bringing a delicious luncheon, birthday cake, gifts and cards. Present for the occasion were', Mrsl.Morley Wall, Mrs. Ernie Hanna, Mrs. Rose Hodgins Mrs'. Cora Barr, Mrs. Hazel Hodg- ins /Mrs. Frank Maulden, Mrs. Dave Ros.s,Ivirs. Don.lvicCosh, .Edita Boyle, Lois Hanna and bougie Rosst Mrs. Barr conducted. a contest, Mrs. Maulden gave a *humorous reading, Mrs. Don McCosh, quotations from here and there. • • • PollOwing the ThanicOffering meet Ing Of KinloughW.M.B: Mrs. McPherson was,,again honoured "wixh a cake and well wishes and'some 101adies singing Hpy' Birthday. • , • •• • re4 ' *eliffarer, ler of R.R. 1, Dungannon nioved, last Friday to Godrich. They have built a new home there, whidh will be ready by the middle of Novertiber. Clifford sold his • fa,tm to*Albet 13ngertmanof the Seaforth District. • '• . • ' • . , ' • • . .. 044,44.114.44,4%.**•44~4~640.4.shiN4P' THAT' Bob :MacKenzie, Jack,Fisher. Donald. Blue and Francis Boyle.• all from Old Light Masonic Lodge; •Lucknow' attended 'a'Huron-Bruce night for Matons at the Masonic • Temple in Leaside last Thursday • night . About 100 from Bruce and' North Huron Districts made the trip • to Toronto by bus and cars. THAT Rae Watson, chairman of the ;Lucknow Lions Club 'rummage, sale on Friday and ‘Saturdardf last week, reports between. $.500. and $600. was raised for Lions 'welfare .work.. THAT Mrs. Gordon (Ruth)Mont-' gomery Of Lucknow underwent • Major surgery at. Victoria •Hcispit- • al in London late Monday of this week. Her many friends will be pleased to know that.,*Ord neon :was that she was mak- ing an excellent recOvery. . . THAT Harry:Hackett of Lucknow was admitted to Victoria Hospital • London on Sunday for eye surgery. THAT Mrs. Tom Hackett .of Luck, now was the winner Of a.*allcing • doll as the grand prize in the recent stock teduirig:sale at Siegrist's Market Store in Luck- nOW: Thedraw was made by • ,Cyril Brown', operatot-of the Luck; now Fruit Market. THAT it was our:intention to rrieti-7,. • tion in last week's writeup of the 'Rainy River stocker sale that a•• filrn of it, would appear on CBC' • TV on Sunday. we forgotto .make•Meniion-of this, Tbut ,many - •who were viewing noticed atict- •'ioneer Ailan ivlaCintyre and • rep. DairROse in the fi4n clip. • , . THAT night school will start to- ' night (Wednesday) and you would be wise to check the advertise- ment in-ihis issue. THAT anniversary se.rvices at .Luck• - now United -.Chureh, on' Sunday beard Dr. M.G. MacDonald of the board. Of home Missions • preach at both services: In the' absence of the choir leader,. Mrs.? Gordon Montgomery, who was • hOspitaliied• Elwin Hall filled —in-yery-capably'td_lead-the-musie As well as choirimmbers, two ,quartette numbers were sung. by ' Doug Campbell, Clarence Greer, Elwin Hall and Rick Pritchard., • THAT the,'Lucknow CGIT group I • WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18th 1N7 "'YOUR "LOWEST PRICES !-.* YOUR REQUEST HAS SEEN FULFILLED -- AGAIN WESTON'S APPLE AND RAISIN SAVE 47c Freshly Baked Pies 3 For $1 SUPREME 16 OZ. Peanut Butter, ' • ' • BEEHIVE 2 LB. Golden Corn Syrup • • • . • SAVE !lc 2 Jars 69c SAVE ic Oily 39c SMART'S FANCY 19 OZ. SAVE 7e Apple Sauce 2 Tins 39c (NORTHERN SPY) • •!....!••••••41!!•••••44...••••••• CANADA FANCY, 744 OL. SAVE slOc Red Sockeye Salmon Tin 59c 'STOCK MoNEY).... . 1 , .0•*••••*•10404.••••400 EXCLUSIVE! FRESHLY GROUND SAVE TO 20c Highland' Pride Coffee Pound 79c ••••••••••••••••••• WE SELL FOR LESS VALUES EFFECTIVE PHONE 520-3421 . OCTOBER 1, 20,21 . . • • •THAT the official, opening of the new BroOkside Public School in Ashfield Township is slated for• • Friday night of this week„eGuest speaker Vrill be John Allason of lucknow District• :High School. IndianHistory bobks, • compiled by students last spring • under .the direction of principal Angus 'MacLennan, will be on sale at the opening. The official opening of the new Kinloss TOwn- ship Garage at Holyrood will also be held this Friday night. • will/agan d'anvits in:support of UNICEFon October 24 and 25. The appe.al.hat become synony- mous with Halloive'en and the • goed work has been .carried on by the local giils forseveral years. THAT AM. "Sandy" Nicholson, a • native of this area and a freqUefif • iiisitor here... was defeated in the mem Provincial; election In • Saskatchewan: 'gaudy WAS CCF Member for Saskatoonelty Park- ilniv.ertity_up_untillast_w„eek!..1_ • election *hen:he was defeated by :'tfieAiberakvirididatwisttkdglldb erggovernment in that proyince was returned to office with an• increased Majority, Sandy Was a 'former Federal CCP Member of Poivriej4mnirriegt'4wit wihnpr1ot'yiheetCpiCOvini: c•gially in Saio.tchewanf,Tehe was 1:-.41inister •cf••••tocial . THAT the resignation has•been • ceived by LucknOt4 United Church of organitt Mr. Ross Curnrrting. •'Mr. and Mrs. Curritning plan to .• leave the:village to go into husin• essln Kinloss. Mrs. Cumming • • has Served faithfully as church Organist, not to mention other • cortanunfty activities where her musical talent and ability has -been.generously given. 'Rost, who has been sailing on the Great Lakes, pteviously Operated the • Supoteit Garage n•LUcknOw, ' . . • /T.'S. ;EASY To ;101111 THE CREDIT UNION,. YOU csi sign up. in just a few minutes. Stop in it • THE LUCKNOW„.• & DISTRICT CREDIT , UNION. Office (Kneditel • Bld.) Bei 30: or Phone '529-7136 NOTICE • ' 4-trirpreparettlut-44regbitered-and-aUthorized--agepLO tthle • • BanitALCanadartaaceeptg applictitionCaLmy.thonw at by, ap pontthent.'", up- until': November 14thfor thesale-4or.canada. Savings Bonds, Carrying on for 'J. M. Greer who has served in this capacity for a number of years,: r' MRS.• 4 . M. GREER • PHONE 5284208 • •