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,eside On Holyrood ArecJ:.c.rrnArea
The marriage of Margaret Eliz-
abeth MacMillan and David Stew,
art Lane- was solemnized' on Sat r-
-.day, September 9th at ;St. Ann's,
Church, 'Riversdale. ;The bride Is
'the'daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Pat-
rick MacMillan of R.R. 1, Luck,
• now . The groom is. the son of Mr, ,
,,,and Mrs. Malcolm Lane ,of R. R, 2,
lHolyrood..Rev. Father L N, Berry
of Riversdale officiated. at the
double ring ceremony..
Given in marriage by her father,
the• bride chose a .gown of peau de'
soie with ;Em 'ire waistline and a
jacket and, train of embroidered •"
lace. H:er shoulder.'length ;veil was
of nylon tulle and she wore her
grandmother's .headdress. of •
• orange blossoms and carried red
roses and 'white cair'nations •
• ' Matron•of honour was. Mrs Alfred.
(Joanne) Grubb of T..eesw.ater
cousin of'the bride.. 'Mrs.. Campbell
(Kathileen) Brown of Strathro :Y,
' Sister 'Of the groom,' waa bridesmaid
They .were similarl Y''dressed in . • •
green crepe 'gowns with. Empire
waistline and .trimmed .with gui
-pre lace. They; wore: headdresses;
to match and carried, yellow, shasta
mums and pink carnations.
Eleanore Brown, of Strathroy was
flower girl. ilei dress,, was white
dacron-trimmed with embroidered
lace and bad` :all Empire waistline..
She Wore a matching headpiece.
and carried a basket of -yellow
shasta mums andpink carnations.
• Gordon Brown of Strathroy was
ringbearer,. •
-Cecil•Sutton of R,, R. 3,;.'Ripley
was groomsman.' Ushers were
• Eugene MacMillan and Robert.
MacMillan, brothers of the bride,
and. John. Lane of Port .Elgin, broth-
er of the. groom : .
Terry Lane of Chatham as soloist
sang "Wedding Prayer" : Mary •
Weiss of Greenoch, was organist.
A reception followed --at the
Lucknow Legion. Hall. •The bride's.
mother wore, a Kelly green dress
'• with brown accessories and corsage.
of yellow mums. The groom's .:
nother wore a dress of brick red'.•
with black,. accessories and corsage.
of white mums.
Following.' a wedding trip to
Northern Ontario, the couple will
reside on the groom's farm,
R.R. .1,; 'Holyrood . •
Mr. andMrs. Ross Gammie and
Loree and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon.
Struthers and Lois spent a few days
at Expo.
Elmer Woods has undergone eye
surgery'this past week in London.
at Victoria Hospital.,
Mr. and Mrs, Allan Miller and.
family spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Corrigan in
Irvin McCabe' of Windsor,is visit;
ing this week with Mr, and Mrs:,
Frank McQuillin. ..
Mrs; ' M. G. Newton of Merlin
was a Sunday visitor with Mrs.
W.I.; Miller and Isobel. '
Next Sunday is Anniversary
Services at St. Helen's'Church at
11 o'clock and 7:30 p.m. Speakers
are -Mr. John Miller of -Guelph ;and
Re.• Donald McDonald of Goderich
Robert Durnin. was aspatient
: a in
Victoria Hospital, London for a few
days:where'. a had eye surgery.;
. Mr.. and Mrs. Orwell•Johnston:of
Acton were week -end visitors with
Mrs.. Don Pannabecker and family.
Mrs. Howard Thompson, Mrs. ,
George. Emerson.. Mrs. Don Robert-.
• son and. Mrs. Don McCosh spent
Wednesday evening at the home
'of Mrs; Burton Collins where the
ladies planned • the on coming
bridal shower in honor,of Miss
Gladys. Gawley. It was decided
that the shower be held on Friday
evening. October 20th: at 8:30 at
thecommunity centre.:
Mrs. Ralph "fill spent' Sunday
afternoon in Wingham where she:,
visited Mr. Hill '.in hospital • there..
• Mrs.. Earl Elliott, Joyce and Ian
are spending. this week in Detroit
with friendsand. relatives..
Carl Collins spent a few days
last week in Montreal, enjoying
Little Vicki Young of Kinloss
spent the: week end with the Burton
Collins'. while her parents are at.
Expo. •
,Many of the folks: from this: •area ,
attended .the dances for Mr, and
Mrs. Dou .Mart n in Kincardine
$ y.
and: for Mr. and, Mrs ; Charles
Osbourne in ,Ripley on Fridayd
Leonard McFarlan;of .Kitchener
• spent the week end with his
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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18th, 197
parents here, .Mrs. McFarian's .
mother, Mrs. Jones of Wingham
also visited the McFarlans.
Nancy. Dore of Kitchener, visited
on Saturday with. Gladys Gawley •.
while Dianne Dore spent the after
noon with: Margie Collins,; •
Presbytery To
Me�tAt;.St. Helens
The October; meeting of St.
Helen's U.C. W. was'heldat the
home. of Mrs. T J. Todd. Mrs, ,
Allan Miller'convener', opened the
meeting with a hymn, .followed by
"A General Thanksgiving" in. uni
son Roll •call clippings from the '
Observer was answered by .13 ,nem--
. Mrs. B.F. Green gave two read-
Wings "Gratitude"' and "'Autumn is
here" and:Miss Isobel :Miller one
on "Thanksgiving" . • Mrs.. Frank
1vlcQuillin had as her't.opic "
"Thanksgiving and What is'it"
A.poem entitled:. "I thank Thee" by
Miss W.D. Rutherford; a
Thanksgiving Hymn and• Prayer, by
Mrs;. John:Oarrieron closed • this part
of the meeting,. .�
' Mrs. T;,J: Todd, President Rook.
•the ,chair'. for business.. Mrs.Frank
.McQuiliin::read :the minutes of last
meeting `The North Huron
Presbytery: meets in•St . Helens
Church on Wednesday, October
25th, diseussion.on.,program and.
dinner 'or which followed
Discussion was held and committ- •
ees named:for`the .bazaar to be
held in the Legion. Hall ori;
November••4th. •It was'iiecid:ed, to
purchase :"a floral arrangement for'',,
the church.. • °
• The meeting, closed ; with •a,i lymn
The hostesses Mrs B: F,. Green, and
Mrs . Charles MacDonald served
Pine :River UCVV
•Mrs'. Robert:' Rutledge' was coMen''
erfor the joint meeting of Units.
1 and 2 of Pine River United
Church Womenfor their -October
Thanksgiving meeting : • Mrs . ' •
Robert Courtney presided for the
business•period and the secretary,'
Mrs. Mervin.Funston-read. minutes,
and.correspondance "*
It was decided to hold the
annual congregational supper Nov•'.
,ember 10. ,Mrs.. Leonard Irwin •
Was appointed to the nominating •
comniittee.. Mrs. Donald
Courtney gave the' treasurers .
•report. .
Mrs. "Robert Rutledge opened the
d'evotiina1 sc vice.with x--TIra rrks:-
giving poem followed'. by prayer.
Mrs.' S . Snobelen read an account
of the workshop at Waterloo
which Mts.. Duncan Thorburn
•attended but she was not present
for the meeting.. The subject"for
discussion was'on Stewardship
which is the responsibility 'of the
church. A poem- by Mrs. R.° Rut=
ledge was' followed, with the
scripture reading in,dia:.logue fern
by Mrs. W.' 'Danforth and 'Mrs. John
Mrs". Walter Farrell of Clark
u. C. W. gave an interesting talk on
Christian Stewardship, stressing the
need of using talents. ,One grows
by attempting, she 'said, "Take.my •
Life And let it be" was,sung::..
Mrs Cecil. Hurnphrey thanked Mrs•
gift. After a Thanksgiving poem;
"We thank Thee Lord", by Mrs.
Murdock. McDonald, Mrs, Rutledge.
closed the Meeting with prayer,. A•.:
dainty lunch was se'rved'' to the Sun:"
day School Room and :a sacral time