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Iox `Town" On *it Reren-Bruce.BourWa l
Authorized assecond class mail, Post Offiite Department, Ottawa`.
Established 1873; Published. Each: Wednesday Afternoon
Member of the C.W.N.A. and 0.W.N,A. .•
Subscription Rate, $4,00 'a yearin advance=to the U.S,A., Ss.Q0
, Donald C. Thompson, • Publisher'`
WEDNESDAY, OCT; 18th, 1917,
acRae Is
armed At Batavia
Mr. and Mrs. Bill; Farrish were in
Batavia, where theyattended the
wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mac;-:
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie
spent the week end in Barrie and
Toronto. •f .
' Mrs. Donald Hamilton has been
under the Doctor's care lately havin
having had a,bad case of the "flu",
Many from thecommunity atten-
ded the reception on Friday evenin
in Kincardine pavilion in honor of
Mr. and Mrs Doug Martyn.
Mrs. Eldon; Bradley hasn't been as
well -as her many friends:. would like
to see her.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacLean and
family of 'Collingwood'.spent the
Week . end with Mr. Dan. MacLean.
Mrs: Con Hogan is spending • the ' ,
week, in Montreal and :'Ego.
Jim and Neil MacKenzie were
among those ;from: the community,
who attended the" ploughing match
at Barrie during, the week. •.
Rod•. Finlayson'of Sarnia spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs.: tor -
,don Finlayson.
or•don.Finlayson. •
George MacDonald returned' home
from British:. Columbia where he has
been for the past number 'of weeks
local and Genera.
Mrs. ' Barbara MacLennan of
Vancouver, .who has• been a visitor
with her brother and his wife, .Mr.
and Mrs. James Culbert.of
Lucknow, returned to the' Culbert
home last week from Wingham
Hospital, where, she had been 'a
patient for three weeks... Mrs. Mac-,
Lennan's daughter Mrs. Margaret
Gilmore, of Burnaby, British Col-
umbia arrived
olumbiaarrived in•Lucknow last
Friday Mrs.` MacLennan and Mrs.
Gilmore will frr e.,turn this. .coming
Friday to their "homes in British
Patricia Connors;' daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter .Connon.of Lucknow,.
unde'rwent a . tonsilectomy last
week .in Wingharn District Hospital.
Mrs. Cliff Crawford and Mrs.
Lloyd; Ashton - of town are spending
a. few days at EXPO this week.
F73 sj
BARRELL in Grace Hospital, ;•
Toronto, on Friday, October 6, to
Mr. and Mrs. George Barell.
(Donna Haldenby) a son,George'
forget that xtght s�iod m
e'Ludceow; District Ngh' School,
starts TOIIIGIR'
NESDAY, 0(iOBER 18th
1. ADVANCED SEWING: (Mrs. J. Nelson)
2. E LEMENTARY 'SEWING '(Mrs: '0. Richards)
3 TYPING =' .(Mrs..R. MacKenzie):
4. OIL. PAINTING — (Mrs R,: Sh ells )
.5. IJPHOLSTERING (Mrs . J. O'Donnell: Students.
for this class please bring objects to be upholstered
:. — toioight I) .
6. BEGINNING GERMAN.— (Mrs. J. Allason)
one cliss or the other:will be given on demand:)
8.: BRIDGE — . •(Mr. E . Hall Thirteen persons
preferred) ' • .
9. BASIC PSYCHOLOGY — (Mr. J. Mason)
10: SHOP WORK' - (Mr: A. Mygland)'
All classes, need a minimum of 15 students reg-
istered in a course if that course is to ix offered.
Registrations will be acce ted at the :e 'school:.,..
office: between:::? and 8. o'clock...:,_
WEDNESDAY,' OCT: lith, 11
ntennial Cake Marks 100th Birthday Of. Lodge
of Hamilton, Grid Secretary;
J.M. Ritchie of London, Grand
Senior Warden; CD. MacKenzie
of Rexdale. Grand Junior Warden;
William C. Frank of Hyde Park,
District Deputy London West. Rob-
ert. C. Davies •of Mt. ;Forest, a
member of the board of general
purposes; Donald, N. Aitchison of
Harriston, District. Deputy of
Bruce; .Ross C. Fuller of London,.
board of general purposes; Stewart
MacKenzie of Walkerton, •board of
general'purposes;' Rod. Connor of
James McClure,.Chesley; year '
book editor,. Mrs. Earl. Ferris,,:
Glamis. • /fr
District direct ors elected'include:
North Bruce, Mrs.' Earl Whither,
Colpoy Bay;' .East. Bruce, Miss Beu
lah ' Ruthv en, R. R. 2, Chesley;•
•West Bruce, Miss Margaret McKen-
cKen-zie,Itiverh'uroirand South 'Bruce,
Archie. McKinnon,• Greenock.. •
riexct tears will be'Alex Duff;' Tiara'%
Finance; Mrs. Blair 'Robertson ,
IPort Elgin, folklore and
biographies; ,•Mrs.".Gordon !epburn
(of W'iarton.,
Music, songs and a Bountiful
idinner completed the•well.attend-y •
ed ,event .
Toronto, director of ceremonies;
Norval Richards of Guelph, 'board
of general purposes; 14. Tatman ; of
London, boardof general purposes;
Neville Keefe ;of Midland, District
Deputy of°Georgian District.
Ken MacDonald, Junior Warden
of Old Light Lodge, .thankedthe
ladies of St .Peters Anglican
Church for the banquet; and this was
replied to by Mrs •Cliff Roulston of
Wallace C. Conn of Whitechurch,
who:is acting as secretary to Robert
Mackenzie' during his term . of
District Deputy Grand Master of
North Huron, introduced .the .Wor-
shipful Masters present from Lodges
in the; district .:.They were Donald'
MacDonald from St .,,Johns, Brus-
els William Felker from; Fordwich;
Donald MacKay from Northern
Light Kincardine; Francis Boyle
from. Old,Light. Lucknow; Gordon
Cuyler. from Blair.: Palmerston;' .
-Harvey Galliher from Bruce,; Tiver
ton;' Eldred` Gathers firom Forest , .
Musi,cai nu tnbeis were provided
'by,'a Goderich Quartette.
Thomas.. I. Salkeld., secretary of
Old Light Lodge and District :De .
puny In 1949, introduced 'the. Grand
Master of Ontario Donald' 1 Gunn
and Masi ns present drank a, toast to
the Grand Master and Grand Lodge.
mt. Salkeld said that 17 years
previous,.while he was serving in
the District Deputy office, a
similar banquet:bad been held in
Lucknow observing the 83rd. '
birthday of the Lodge. He. explain
ed that members of Old Light •
Lodge are now• entitled to wear •a f
gold braid°on their regalia signify
ing the.100 active years of the
The Grand Master'spoketo those
present on various aspects of lodge
Work and impressed them with his
sincerity and keen interest in ,
Masonry. He and Thomas Salkeld
together cut the. 100th anniversary
cake of Old Light, Mr. Salkeld
being .one of the oldest members
• •
',The cutting; of ,the ,Centennial;
cake iias„one of'the highlights Of,
the banquetlast week marking the
100th birthday of Old Light Lodge,
Lucknow Shown, cutting the cake
are Donald J;' Gunn; GrandMaster
of the Grand Lodge .of,Canada in
the Province ::of Ontario, on the
left, and Thornas J.' Salkeld,• one
of the oldest members of Old, Light
Lodge, a Past Master and, Past
District Deputy and presently sec:
retary of the Lodge.
3f the Lodge.
Harvey Linklater of :Kincardine
proposed a toast to. Old Light .
Lodge, recalling -some of the early
officers: and meeting places This
was replied to by W.I... *,
MacKenzie. of Old Light.
Francis, Boyle,' AS ;Master of Old
Light Lodge,. expressed the •apprec-
iation Of the gathering to Donald:
Gunn 'for honouring'the District •
and Old Light with his presence.
W. B. Anderson -Proposed a‘ toast to-
the visitors at the' banquet.
Tbis:was replied to by Donald
Aitchison of Harriston,. District
Deputy of Bruce District and a
Lucknow native. Don was' born in,
Lucknow, his father was a member
of Old Light Lodge and, his "uncle
Geordie” Aitchison. was. District
Deputyin 1931 while a .member of
the Lucknow Lodge;.
Most Nor. Brother R.W. Trelea"
ven also 'responded Mt.. Treleaven'
is a past Grand Master of •Ontario,
He is a'former chief justice of Onto
aria. Mr. Treleaven.was born in
the Dungannon area on the family
farm and spent many of his summer
holidays there as a youth, .
Other GrandLodge' officers• called.
on Were Norval R: Richards pf
Gtteipt i .. st pf :n. k
Stewart MacKenzie of Walltertor°
also a'Lucknow` native who.said
that Old Light. was the Lodgeof his
father and brother anrrhat he is a
descendant of charter.metribets of
the lodge. ' '
The Junior Wardenes toasts by keg
Donald ended the 'ba ngnet,