HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-18, Page 111th, 1967
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14.40 A Year, In Advanco $1.N Extra . To OSA.
WEDNESDAY, OCT:, 111th,. 1917
Single 'Copy 1oe 2. pag;
Barry riienary, driver for the
• Anderson.Flax Products Mobile
Feed Service, escaped with ;a
.broken: nose as the feed truck roll-
in the ditch just north of
Holyrood about 7:30 Monday even
Barry, was returning to Lucknow
from, a jobin the country. He was
following Carman Hamilton of
Lucknow, another Anderson empl-
oyee, who was driving a lightpick;
up truck.
Just north of the swamp, Carman
,was confronted with a cattle beast
on the road which he attempted to
miss. The small truck struck the
cattle beast owned by Cliff Johnston
of Holyrood.doing damage to the
vehicle. Barry . who was following,'
attempted .to . avoid a collision with
the truck and cattle beast and his
large feedmobile left the road and
rolled in the ditch. He walked
away from the accident With .only,
a broken nose.
Damage was heavy to the feed -
mobile. The accident was invest-
igated by. Constable Jim Poland of •
the Kincardine Ontario Provincial
.Montgomery Motors. wrecker and':•
the.Kinloss,Township grader were
necessary to right the vehicle.
Nomunatuons Every
Two Years In
Ashfield Township
At the regular October 3rd meet-
ingof Ashfield Township Council,
a by-law was passed providing' for
biennialelectionsIn• which case
nominations and, election will be
.held every'two years .
The assessor presented the 1967
•assessment roll which was accepted
showing an increase of $52;000 ,:
An application was made to
Department of Highways for
interim subsidy on Road expendit
ures.:Made from'January ist to 'Sept-
e . .
nA r 3 Oth. 1g67
Road accounts of . $24,.989.16 "and
general accounts of $14,233,'47 for
the "month' were paid
Council adjourned tomeet Nov-
ember lth• at '8 p.m.
Interested Group:
Hear Politicians
Over 70 interested Lucknow and,
area .people, filled the:Lucknow
Town Hall last Thursday to heat...
the Huron -Bruce political candid-
ates. speak: Carl Govier, .Goderich
Chaired `• the meeting assisted'b.
Jim Martin
Daniel Webster an agricultural, . .
':teacher. from Wingham spoke',for.
'the 0..D.P. 'candidate Jack Pym,
who was unable to come. • Roger
West, Progressive: Conservative
and Murray; Gaunt, beral, were
present. . •
Lich :s P otwentyke for ,minutes,
':presenting their party's :policies
::follo . ed by a question andanswer
period lasting over.': an hour; Farm
Union•.Director' of District ' 1; (Grey-:
. Bruce) Otto Prues gave: the summ-
ati'on to the meeting arranged ;.by
• the Ashfield Local of the Ontario
Farmer's Union.
onral R. Richards Receives Honorai
Doctorate From Laval University
N.R. *Richards', Dean of the Ontar-
io' Agricultural 'College, University
of Guelph, has been honored by
Laval University.
An Honorary Doctor of Science
degree was conferred on Dean Rich
• ards during the Fall Convocation of
the •Universi
The Convocation was part of week
long :program to officially open the
• Faculty of Agriculture's new build -
;rigs on Laval catrpus.
Tvfgr.,L A. Vachon, Director of
Laval University, inhis invitation
to Dean Richards to accept the hon-
or stated .,"We
on-or:stated,,."We wish•to honor you
because we want to underline the
merits of your career and ,recognize'
the valuable service that you have••
rendered to higher education, in
Born iri'ths area,. Dr; Rich
.received his early:education in
"Lucknow and graduated front thea
Ontario Agricultural. College in
• 1938. He 'received .his Master •of
Science degree from Michigan
tate ni els ttyrai .4 e
eininglhenfac rlty�f-thh'e. AC'"tI&
was with the Canada ,Department of
Agriculture in the • Experim•ental
Farms Service, '
Dr. Richards is a past president
of the. Canadian Society of. Soil
Science and a "Fellow of the Soil •
Conservation Society of Arrierica•;
Ontario . Grand Mcaster ;Pa;
fficial Visit:
.Old Light Lode in:Luck•
,g g.•
now observed' its Centennial' ban
quet .ir.''thee Legion Hall'on'
Wednesday f ' t Week, e
ay o las we kA the I:odge.
bei e
ng formed 00 years ars .ago. In rec-
ognition'of this, and the fact that
one of its Members Robert C. "Mac
Kenzie" of. Lucknow was this year
elected District` Deputy Grand Mas -
,ter of Notth HuronDistrict, the
Grand Master •of Ontario honoured
a u.
thed e With. re c
Lo g wx . his presence at the
banquet. 1 ctured , left to right,
are R. W. Treleaven, a past.Grand.
Master of.Ontario and native of:.
Dungannon; .Robert MacKe zie,
District 'Deputy; ' Donald J. Gunn, ;.
Grand Master of .Ontario;J.. •
Dixon • Grand Secretary; Francis,
Boyle:of Huron Township; Master of
Oid Light Lodge.
Pharis M�thers Heads Bruce Historical
Society,Hear Lewis Settlers Hs#ory
The trek of.Lewi'smen from the.
Hebredies, Scotland, to Ripley in
Bruce County, Was vividly retold
• last Tuesday .atthe'-annual meet-
ing of the Bruce' County Historical
Held' at Reid's Corners Common=
ity Centre, the event attracted'; ...
some 125 , members from all parts
of the 'county.
Through color' photo slides and a
panel quiz group, the journey of
109 'Scot. families from the Isle of
Lewis to Canada *was ably'described
stressing . their' economic , recreation
al and . spiritual life.
Spiced with: true• and doubtful
anecdotes; the'•well-organized skit
.brought life to legends of much'.
importance to• Bruce county .M
A new slate of 'officers will handle
the affairs of the society for the • • •
-next two years. Past president Ha'r-
vey Linklater of Kincardine told, the
audience he had received the ut- ,
most of co-operation in•his two CONTINUED. ON PAGE 2
years. of -office, and;
tally. , ,
commended secretary Mrs George
Downey for' her untiring efforts.
He termed the last. year'a busy
one, and expressed confidence
that the new president, Pharis .Math
ers of Lucknow, would .continue.
the importaid and .progressii'e work
of the society.
". We have much to do," he stated
"and I am convinced that all mem-
bers will give Mr. Mathers the best
of co-operation."
Other officers elected were: first
vice-president,' Mrs. James Mc-
Clure, Chesley; second .vice-pres-
ident (new office) Mrs, Brian Craig
Lion's Head secretary; Mrs:
George: Downey (re-elected),
Tiverton; treasurer, Mrs. .
Jamieson Hunter:.. Tiverton; social
secretary ,. Mrs., Fraser Farrell,..
Tiverton; honorary advisor, •Dr..
JF' Morton, Southampton; •
bulletin editor, Mr, and Mrs.'
•Sale Has Gross>
.Sales Of $$5,040
The second Fall stocker cattle.
sale at the Lucknow ,Community
Sale on Monday grossed $85,000
470 cattle went down under,• the
auctioneer's hammer.
Twenty-one yearling steers aver-
750 lbs, were sold by Lloyd
MacDougall of Kinloss to Russell
Adams of Gorrie-for 28.60. The
same consignor and buyer also had
'the top, priced lot at the sale held •
earlier in the 'Fall
Thirteen two-year-old steers
averaging 1030 lbs. were so14.by
Earl MacDonald of Ashfield to
Morley McMichael of R. R, 2,
Wroxeter. foci 28.10.
Three calves averaging 370 lbs.
were sold by Hugh Simpson of
Whitechurch; to Bert Elliott of.
Ripleyfor. 31.75-. -_. .
Sale manager is Robert'Mclntosh,`
Emile MacLennan and Allan Mac-
Intyre were `auctioneers.
T MARKS 100th'
He.is closely associated with The
Agricultural Institute of C
and currently the resident' of The'
Ontario Institute of .Agrologists and
a memberof the Grand River Con-
servation Authority .
The Faculty of Agriculture at
EUS 3 ty ez L r
some five yeatssago'as' at consolid-
ra s�. leading to
atio"n of grog m
.agricultural degrees given in
French in the province. At that
time, pr. Richards was co stilted.'
On the many aspects of•. the''
ofg a.nization of an a ri ' ural :
•A •Centennial•'banquet was held im
the Lucknow Legion Hall on Wed- •
nesday night of last week. The
word "Centennial" would lead
readers to believe that Canada's
100th birthday was being'.observed.
that Old Light Lodge, . No. 184,
A. F,. and A,. M.. was observing its
Centennial Year having been organ
ized in Lucknow 100 years ago.
Lucknow's Masonic Lodge is'
privileged this year to have one of
its brethren, Robert c, MacKenzie
of Luknow; elected to the office
a :at AwsuL aim ;y; err r16 4.0w 1al;•
of District Deputy Grand Master of
North Huron District: The honour
which has been shown MrMacKen
zie, alongGwith the fact that Old
Light Was observing its Centennial,
was instrumental.. in having.tiae: a .
rshr app u.,Brotherr.on
J �
Gunn'of Toronto Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge'of Canada in the
Province of .Ontario,Y
pa. an offic
ial visit to.the lodge last week.
Officers of Grand Lodge and head
table...guests were piped totheir
seat of honour byarray Macpot1.-
aid,. a ;member of Old Light. After
a toast to. the Queen and the Craft,
race was said by Rev H,'�1i` "
Strapp, district Chaplain. About .3.
150 sat down to the banquet.
Bob MacKenzie acted as chair -
Dr. James" El -Little, who had held .
the District Deputy office in 1960, .
to introduce the head table meth
bets of.Grard Lodge, They were
R.,W. Treleaven of Hamilton,.
Past Grand Master of Ontario and
native •af Dungannon,. E.J. Dixon