HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-11, Page 18PAGE • EIGHTEEN • 74, r,! it tit r, • • • • ••• • ,.THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKIVOW; ONTARIO SUGAR. AND SPICE by Bill Smiley Trials and tribulations •• There's an old .superstition • that things,good .or bad, run in •sequences of three. • •I'm. in- , ,clined to respect it.• • a ,During .the war, casualties • on my squadrowialways seemed to follow the ilpattern. We'd lose a pilot today, perhaps two . , 'the"nekt Alay, then none for .a. week. week. Then, three more. " It happened to me, One day was 'shot to ribbons by flak; • Had to land at.//1140 'miles an hour. No flaps no brakes - Fortunately, I remembereda ;movie. Jammed on throttle, jumpedon the .rudder,. and groundlooped .Just • short of a nasty ditch. ' ' Two days later, I had'a bomb E WILL 41 • ' • Po: You At A SmalI Cost irfle Replace Cracked And Broken Windows BICOARRV A. COMPLETE •:: STOCK:. . • ' „ 1 SIZES • .4**11••••••49.4..4*' fi .•GIVESAT.C(YKPLETELY... WEATHERPtIO6F.. JOB. ' - LENGTHS IN STOCK , • 6 TO 14 FEET • ' • •"_, .• • * 4"$TR*P.P•I/IP * * : • ••SP IR 4L. LEAD HE AO' NAILS • ARDOR NAILS • • ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT PORTLAND and IVIASONRY IN STOCK . , 445481r4Mint,AE*,.4 W.Henders�n !Amber tt PHONE. 5211-31111, Li*ktiOW ••• * hang.41P, and had td• land Wilk a•500 -lb. • botrib,,‘ fused and ready to gO,dangling from my • left wing. That was. the smoothest landing ever inade in World. War II. The only thing that was a bit disconcert- . in 'lag was that •the control tower Made me land,' not on the land- ing strip, but on the grass• be- side it, so that I wouldn't ruin • their runway when I blew up. • •'The ,very next •day I was. • Shot down,: • •This business of things hap- • pening in threes is still. going •on,' Monday •the furnace goes •, on the blink.. Tuesday: your • Wife gets ugly about the gar- bage :or• soniething, Wednes day, some jerk crases ypti.r- • , car in the Parking lot. • Even the good things come ' in threes. And that's what hap: pened to me this week. Three delightful opportunities '. for the weekend, and•I can take in only one of thent.Sickening- First•of .all, I signed up to help supervise a trip to ,Expo from our, school,' This in itself . should prove a' fairly hairy ex- . perienee. Can't you see me .marching up and down the halls ...of a monastery in .the middleof the night, in InY • pyjamas and raincoat,, trying to• . prevent boys from being boys; and .girla, from being girls? just committed myself •to this when old 'Australian. bud- dy, “Dutch,7phoned to remind me thatthis: was. -the Weekend • of. that ancient and honorable bash 'known as. the Canadian: Fighter' Pilots' reunion. Sanie place,' Montreal. And he had booked Me on, a flight .to. and j. efrtn., ,, flesh-potthat s of at fairi was sorely tempted to with- draw from the • kiddies' excur- sion, go to .the wing -ding, and take t*o weeks to get over it, as. usual. :But my • wife said. • "You're not going. you always .coine. home looking like, a '(skeleton." And'that Was that. 'Resigned, and feeling'. quite - noble, I was. packing •my. stuff for the Expo trip, and ,pattirig • myself ,on the back for doing. . my duty rather 'than nay pleas- ure, when number 'three :came up. An invitation •to be a judge in a, beauty contest on -Safur- • This is one I've been waiting 'for for years. I?ve judged:essay • Contests, public speaking con-. • tests, apple pie. contests at the . fall fair, and, for three years • • hay& been, a judge for the Lea- cock Award for humor': •• • But I've never had a chance: to just sit: there. and gawp; at • those cute kida, leering:inside • and pretending .I'chose the: winnerbecause of her. talent, rather than the way She parts .• her che,st. : • , All I can say is,.."StiiickS!” And all X need now is 'for Mike Pearson' to call up and say nie, been appOinted to the' Senate, • provided I• caitlie• there Satirs_- • day tnorning to be sworn In. 1..haven't given up en- tirely.:I could gO with the kids to Expo, slide over to the fight,- • • er pilot? party, . skip the •bus' ------ride-homeand-leatch4-plane-to„ the beauty contest. .• ut I think they'd prObably- . bury me the: text day. On the • other hand, that might not he. , a bad idea. „Dm not long for • 'Allis world anyway.. :Not unless . my wife cools it out a hit .4bout going to college. • Last Friday night She:came , •home alt fired tip 'about her cOurse, At 4. a.•im. Saturday, I was reading the part of 'Socra- • tes in Plato's Dialogues. And • had to rise at seven to get Kiri ' to her bus for music lesson..• • • 1 SOLD. IT • THROUGH THE WANT ADS WEDNESDAY, OCT. lith 1967 KINLOS$ TOWSHIF . • . . '• • •' THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE KINLOSS TOWNSHIP GARAGE WILL BE HELD October 20th at 7:30 p.m. All ratepayers. and anyone else interested are invited to attend:. " Following the • oiseningiherewill be a social -time tusd free .thince in the LuCknow Legion: Hall. PURPLE GROVE Many of the ladies turned out for the quilting bee on Wednesday at the COmmiinity.Centre, The ladies, quilted their centennial quilt which will be raffled later on' in the • month. • • • ' • Bryan Boyle and Allan McKay spent last Weekend With Bryan's • . cousin Terry Martindale near Kirk - lad :Lake, Ontario, • . • Ruth' McCosh and Sheila' Easson of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Visited • Ontario for the first time last week- end: -The ladies had dinner on M011 day with Mr. and Mrs. Don M6- Cosh and were Sunday dinner • guests along with the Mccoshes . and Edgar Watson, of Mr. and Mrs: William; Arnold of Ripley. Misses Mccosh and Easson are reported to have.enjoyed their visit and , :,•.• carried back to the West coloured ,maple leaves and some Pine River• Cheese. • Nancy Elliott Of Niagara Falls spent the holiday, weekend at her',. home here and Was an overnight •• . . , guest on S unday of Mr and. Mrs . Jack Elliott of :Kincardine. : Mr. and Mrs. • Cecil Sutton, Robbie and Rodney were guests on Sunday with Mr', and Mrs. Wilbert. Hodgins of Wingham. • Mac McDonald of Kitclienerwas a dinner guest' of Mr. and Mrs, ' Gordon McDonald and girls on. •• Monday. ". • • Friends Willbe sorry to hear that, • Ralph Hill is 1. Wingham hosital; however reports are that he's • feeling fine now . . • '• Mrs. Harvey Needham. was heist ' psi in herhente to the Silver Lake W.I. on Wednesday evening. . Mr. and Mrs . Earl Elliott and: family were dinner,guests,.on Fri- day with.Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stan- ley of Kinlough and.with Mr. . and :Mrs: Ray Stanley Of Kinloss on •Saturday evening.• • 'Mr: and Mrs, Fred Fowler of. Kitchener were dinner guests on .Monday of Mr. and Mrs. ,Francis • Boyle and family.. • *Jini Quigley: of London spent the - holiday ' weekend with his aunt Mr's'. Mph Hill. . • ." Mr and Mrs •O'Ordon' McDonald •and girls visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, Claymn Watke and. famil of Carlsruhe • : 'Mr. and Mrs'. William Arnold; Kenney Jamie and Sandy McEwan • Were Sunday dinnetiuests.of Mr. and Mrs Don McCosii , Am; Cathy ;. Vicki.and Frankie ' Dore spent Friday with Mr: and .• Mrs.. Claude ,pore Sr Of Bervie. Mrs,: Claude Dore Jr .•-• of Teeswat er and boys Visited on Sunday with Mr and' Mrs .. Don' Dore and family Mr. and Mrs; A , Elliott Of Kin- cardine were dinner guests on San - day of Mr and Mrs . 'Earl Elliott ..• and family. DON'T FORGET ThE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER-13--and-14 11 a member of 'the LucknOur Lions Club does not` Call to pick up your iteln, pleat* contact a Lion or bring your - donations to the former Knechtel Building next to Finlay Decorators on Thursday or Friday. ' . • The Lions Club will gratefully accept any don,,,„ ation from bakingfor the bake sale to a. kitchen •*ink. • " I ' ,‘Zaetiif • 10APE tioNATEli ANVONE HAS LIVESTOCK TO DONATE t PLEASE CON- . TAer, BROCK .CLELAND;. PHONE' 826-3431. • • . LuckNOW PHONE sm.**