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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1967-10-11, Page 17
1 WEDNESDAY, OCT:, 11th 1967 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVENTEEN . RATE PAID ON..1 TO S ,YEARS MINIMUM, $100 THE. ONTARIO' LOAN • AND;DEBENTyRE, COMPANY' . established 1470 ASSETS .OVER 880 000;000 .CAPITAL4t RESERVE $8,750,000;. Yes° I am interested ih',your attractive rates of iNerest offered on debentures.' I 1 0 Please, tell me more about this system.of saving.: 1'. 0 Enclosed is my cheque for $ . fora :• year debenture,' .1" . Mr./Mrs./Miss h ‘6 I. Addr ess...,.....,.,.......... 'I .Tel.. r Complete and mail this coupon, to: ONTARIO .O•ANAND DEB;ENTUR.E :COMPANY 137' Dundas Street at 'Market Lane, London Ont: Or. call:432-415.8 525 Talbot Street, St : Thomas, Ont,. Or call: 633= 0950 ; 1: f 453' Dundas Street, Woodstock; Ont. Or call: 539=2051 ' 1.-15. j . Member: Canada Deposit Insurance': Corporation. 1.. 1' • KINGSBRIDGE Mr, and, Mrs.- Joe: O'Keefe, Mar- iaine.and Joe; attended a wedding 'Toronto on Monday. Mr. and: Mrs. 'Ormond Heffernan, Jerry and Anne', . Mr: and Mr". Jack Van Osch•, Mr:. and Mrs John - Van Osch. and Michael of St Aga, to were dinner guests on .Sunday of : Mr. and Mrs Antone Van Osch : and Brent: Mrs:' Bill Hogan, .and Miss Blan= the Bilodeau'of, Guelph are spend- ing pending, a few days at Expo Mr..and Mrs, Jirn Martin yisited' with friends, and relatives :in Lon- don on Sunday.' ' Visitors' at the Garvey homestead • were JvIr.. and 'Mrs .A A. Egan of Port Credit, Mr and Mrs. Mike Garvey and boys and Mrs Joe Garvey ,of Toronto. Weekend visitors with Mrs Blaise Martin were Mr, and Mrs. Joe Martin and Patricia Ann of Hamil ton and Peter Martin•ofToronto.. ` Weekend visitors with Mrs 'Mary Doherty., were Mr. and Mrs. Bills Berry and boys. of Downsview,. ° Mr. and' Mrs . Nick.Perry Of Detroit; are holidaying with Mr ° and Mrs. Earl Drennan. w Mr. and Mrs : Maurice Dalton, ..' Mr. .and Mrs. 'Arnold Marsmafn and their families. were weekend visitors with Mrs. Irene Dalton, .: SALE Save your money by buying ' bargains. at Lions Club RUMMAGE SALE Fri. and Sat October 13 &„ 14 LUCKNOW Girls Welcorned'To ...... ... Rangers & Guides GUIDE NEWS Three branches of the Guide' movement gathered in the town ' hall on October 6th as Brownies "flew up" to. Guides, and Guide s ',were accepted: into'Rangers, The meeting opened With the 1st Lucky now Guide: Cornpa ny conducting ; y opening exercises,. raising the flag and singing. 0 Canada. The colour party 'c'onsisted of Lorraine Boyle. • Barbara.Stanley, and Linda,-, Hamilton's'. In horseshoe:'• formation; the following. badges • were,p esented: Mary Henderson, Fire Brigade and First .Aid;Joanne • Greer ,- Religion and Life Embiem, Fire Brigadeand pioneer; Char, lene'Anderson, Pat Hamilton and Elizabeth Newbold Cook., Pion- eer and Fire Brigade badges. The Land Rangers ,and. ;Ranger. • • Captain Mrs: Don Dennis' then formed a friendship ladder and.. welcomed four senior guides into their company. , Joanne Greer, Charlene Anderson; Pat ,Hamilton and Elizabeth Newbold. Gathered around the toadstool,' the°Brownies said good-bye to'' • Barbara Hawthorneand Connie• Stevenson.Brown ©wl, Mrs. John Pritchard presented the 'twa ,Brown- ies with ,their"wings" and .they flew up to Guiding land ; where they were 'met by. P.L: Lorraine Boyle. Nancy Chisholm "walked. up" to' the `Guide Company severaf•weeks ago. Guide Captain Mrs. Jack McKim read •A Thanksgiving prayer to icon- elude this part,;of the'prograrn. Land Ranger Beverley; MacDonald conducted a fivelycampfire which concluded with Taps, Chocolate •milk was served by. Lieutenant •Mrs. Jim Boyle.A "sit-up" contest was judged by. Mrs : Don Dennis and Land Ranger Eleanor Whitby. Marg- True Chequing, 'personalized cheques go here. True Savings 'passbook goes here The new True way Here it is! ' Everything you need for your com bination of True Chequing and True Savings, accounts :'in a neat complimentary Wallet, Including personalized cheques. This new Trueway keeps your True ' Chequing account separate from True Savings.;: You leave enough . in. a True Chequing Account to pay your. bills. You put' the rest into 41%2 % True Savings.. (If you, already have a 3:% Savings Account, you can convert it to True Savings.) See how .this simplifies.your money planning. . Come in .and ask about .the news True:way to bank -- and,' get your new True-blue wallet free. ink sof Morttreai Canada's First Bank LUCKNOW 'BRANCH. W .D., ROSS, MANAGER a ret Montgomery'was the winner, and. was presented .with a •small: pz ize. ' Mrs. Frank Hawthorne; Mrs. • George Joynt and Mrs. Jessie Stev-: enson.wereguests at the cerernony. The."!ED CROSS is': PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU „ x- ",'"`" True - nd ustry eans Your C�mmunif overnmenorn. ustry (n Your Communi sure You: Keep Your Date r OCTOBER 17 IN HURON'LBRUC • eans Sponsoredby the ,Huron -Bruce Progressive, Conservative. .Association 441.